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The document outlines requirements and recommendations for ship ventilation systems, including definitions, applicable rules and standards, and documentation required for approval.

The main sections covered include definitions, other applicable rules, international standards, documents required for submission, and tables outlining ventilation requirements for different ship types and spaces.

International standards ISO 7547, ISO 8861, ISO 8862, ISO 8864, ISO 9785, and ISO 9943 are recommended for guidance on ventilation system design.

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GL 2005 Page 1–1

Section 1


A. General 3. International standards

For design and construction of ventilation systems the
1. Application following international standards are recommended as
guidance. The last edition of each standard should be
1.1 These Rules apply to ships to be classed for applied.
unrestricted service. – ISO 7547, Shipbuilding – Air-conditioning and
For ships classed for restricted service or ships which ventilation of accommodation spaces on board
are intended to trade within specified limits as well as ships – Design conditions and basis of calcula-
for tugs (< 500 GT), small fishing vessels, pontoons tions
without propulsion, barges and dredgers without pro- – ISO 8861, Shipbuilding – Engine room ventila-
pulsion and pleasure craft (yachts, etc.) exemptions tion in diesel-engined ships – Design require-
from the requirements of these Rules may be permit- ments and basis of calculations
– ISO 8862, Air-conditioning and ventilation of
1.2 Designs which deviate from these Rules may machinery control rooms on board ships – De-
be approved provided that such designs have been sign conditions and basis of calculations
examined by GL for suitability and have been recog- – ISO 8864, Shipbuilding – Air conditioning and
nized as equivalent. ventilation of wheelhouse on board ships - De-
sign conditions and basis of calculations
1.3 National rules or regulations outside GL
Rules remain unaffected. – ISO 9785, Ships and marine technology – Venti-
lation of cargo spaces where vehicles with inter-
nal combustion are driven
1.4 Annex A contains recommendations which
are not a matter of Classification. – ISO 9943, Shipbuilding – Ventilation and air-
treatment of galleys and pantries with cooking
2. Other applicable Rules
In addition to the requirements of these Rules:
– Tankers for the carriage of flammable liquids B. Documents to be Submitted
are subject to the provisions of Chapter 2 – Ma-
chinery Installations, Section 15 – Special Re- The following drawings and documents are to be sub-
quirements for Tankers. mitted, at least in triplicate for approval. GL reserve
its right to ask for supplementary copies, if deemed
– Tankers for the carriage of liquefied gases in necessary:
bulk are subject to the provisions of Chapter 6 –
Liquefied Gas Tankers. – ventilation and air condition scheme – accom-
modation and service spaces
– Tankers for the carriage of hazardous chemicals
in bulk are subject to the provisions of – ventilation System engine room and machinery
Chapter 7 – Chemical Tankers. spaces
– ventilation system cargo holds
– Seagoing and inland waterway steel vessels with
or without their own means of propulsion which – details of fire flaps and weather tight closures
are intended for service in the event of acciden-
tal oil spills are subject to the provisions of – details of duct penetrations
Chapter 9 – Oil Recovery Vessels.
– approval information (flexible ducts, fire damp-
– Ships intended for the carriage of dangerous ers, duct penetrations)
goods are subject to the provisions of Chapter 2 – principal electrical supply, control and monitor-
– Machinery Installations, Section 12, P. and ing
Chapter 3 – Electrical Installations, Section 17,
D. – emergency stops of fans
Chapter 21 Section 1 C Ventilation I - Part 1
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C. Definitions 11. Machinery spaces

For the purposes of these Regulations the following All machinery spaces of category A and all other
definitions shall apply: spaces containing propulsion machinery, boilers, oil
fuel units, steam and internal combustion engines,
1. Accommodation spaces generators and major electrical machinery, oil filling
stations, refrigerating, stabilizing, ventilation and air-
Spaces used for public spaces, corridors, lavatories, conditioning machinery, and similar spaces, and
cabins, offices, hospitals, cinemas, games and hobbies trunks to such spaces.
rooms, barber shops, pantries containing no cooking
appliances and similar spaces.
12. Machinery spaces of category A

2. Air ducts Those spaces and trunks to such spaces which contain:

Thin-walled piping or ducting (circular or rectangular) – internal combustion machinery used for main
used exclusively to conduct air. propulsion

– internal combustion machinery used for pur-

3. Air pipes poses other than main propulsion where such
Parts of tank pressure-equalizing systems not dealt machinery has in the aggregate a total power
with in these Regulations, see Chapter 1 – Hull Struc- output of not less than 375 kW
tures, Section 21, E. – any oil-fired boiler or oil fuel unit

4. Air trunks
13. Mechanical ventilation systems
Parts of the hull which may either themselves be used
to conduct air or which contain air ducts as well as Systems through which air is passed by ventilators
other lines (pipes, cables). driven hydraulically, pneumatically or by electric

5. Approved type Mechanical ventilation may also be called power ven-

tilation or forced ventilation.
The term "Approved" relates to a material or construc-
tion, for which GL has issued an Approval Certificate.
14. Natural ventilation systems
6. Cargo spaces Systems in which the air movement is caused solely
by temperature differences, natural wind or head wind.
All spaces used for cargo, cargo oil tanks, tanks for
other liquid cargo and trunks to such spaces.
15. Non-combustible material
7. Closed ro-ro cargo spaces
Is a material which neither burns nor gives off flam-
All ro-ro cargo spaces which are neither open ro-ro mable vapours in sufficient quantity for self-ignition
cargo spaces nor weather decks. when heated to approximately 750 °C, this being de-
termined in accordance with Fire Test Procedure
8. Control stations
Those spaces in which the ship's radio or main navi- 16. Non-sparking fans
gating equipment or the emergency source of power is
located or where the fire recording or fire control A fan is considered as non-sparking if in either normal
equipment is centralized. or abnormal conditions it is unlikely to produce
9. Free sectional area
17. Open ro-ro spaces
Means, even in the case of a pre-insulated duct, the
area calculated on the basis of the inner diameter of Those ro-ro spaces which are either open at both ends
the duct. or have an opening at one end, and are provided with
adequate natural ventilation effective over their entire
10. LLC 1966 length through permanent openings distributed in the
side plating or deckhead or from above, having a total
International Load Line Convention 1966, as area of at least 10 % of the total area of the space
amended. sides.
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18. Public spaces Exceptions are the galley ventilation systems on cargo
ships of less than 4 000 gross tonnage and in passen-
Those portions of the accommodation which are used ger ships carrying not more than 36 passengers, which
for halls, dining rooms, lounges and similar perma- need not be completely separated, but may be served
nently enclosed spaces. by separate ducts from a ventilation unit serving other
spaces. In this case, an automatic fire damper shall be
19. Ro-ro cargo spaces fitted in the galley ventilation ducts near the ventila-
tion unit.
Spaces not normally subdivided in any way and nor-
mally extending to either a substantial length or the
1.2 Balance openings or ducts between two en-
entire length of the ship in which motor vehicles with
closed spaces are prohibited except for openings in or
fuel in their tanks for their own propulsion and/or
under "B" class doors. Such openings shall be pro-
goods (packaged or in bulk, in or on rail or road cars,
vided only in the lower half of the door. Where such
vehicles (including road or rail tankers), trailers, con-
an opening is in or under a door, the total net area of
tainers, pallets, demountable tanks or in or on similar
any such opening or openings shall not exceed
stowage units or other receptacles) can be loaded and
unloaded normally in a horizontal direction. 0,05 m2. Alternatively, a non-combustible air balance
duct routed between the cabin and the corridor, and
located below the sanitary unit, is permitted where the
20. Service spaces cross-sectional area of the duct does not exceed
0,05 m2. Ventilation openings, except those under the
Those spaces used for galleys, pantries containing
door, shall be fitted with a grill made of non-
cooking appliances, lockers, mail and specie rooms,
combustible material.
store-rooms, workshops other than those forming part
of the machinery spaces, and similar spaces and trunks
to such spaces. 1.3 Where necessary, main intakes and outlets
are to be fitted with gratings to prevent fouling and the
entry of rats and other large vermin.
21. Special category spaces
Enclosed spaces above or below the bulkhead deck 1.4 Where a fixed gas fire-extinguishing system
intended for the carriage of motor vehicles with fuel in is fitted, ventilation openings of these spaces shall be
their tanks for their own propulsion, into and from capable of being closed from outside the protected
which such vehicles can be driven and to which pas- space. If the closures are not fitted directly at the ex-
sengers have access. ternal bulkhead the duct between bulkhead, and clos-
ing device shall be constructed of steel having a thick-
ness of at least 3 mm and flange joints are to be sealed
22. Vehicle spaces by non-combustible material.
Cargo spaces intended for carriage of motor vehicles
with fuel in their tanks for their own propulsion. 1.5 Where individual rooms have separate ar-
rangements for flooding with CO2, the ventilating
23. Ventilator coamings system must also be separate. Provision is to be made
to remove CO2, after flooding of these spaces.
Those thick-walled portions of air ducts which extend
above a weather deck and are welded to it (cf. Regula- 1.6 Electrical machinery and installations (switch
tion 19, LLC 1966). cabinets, etc.) are to be protected such that water par-
ticles penetrating into the air ducts will not cause dis-
24. Weather deck turbances. Risks of this kind are to be minimized by
appropriate arrangement (water traps) of ducts and air
Is a deck which is completely exposed to the weather in/outlets.
from above and from at least two sides.
2. Ventilator coamings

D. General Requirements 2.1 General requirements

2.1.1 The height of the ventilator coamings on the

1. General arrangements exposed freeboard deck, quarter deck and on exposed
superstructure decks in the range 0,25 L from F.P. is
1.1 The ventilation systems for machinery spaces to be at least 900 mm, see Fig. 1.1.
of category A, vehicle spaces, ro-ro spaces, galleys,
special category spaces and cargo spaces shall, in 2.1.2 On exposed superstructure decks abaft 0,25 L
general, be separated from each other and from the from F.P. the coaming height is not to be less than
ventilation systems serving other spaces. 760 mm.
Chapter 21 Section 1 D Ventilation I - Part 1
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RQD Poop
Raised Quarter

Position I II I II I I I
Ventilators 4500 2300 4500 2300 4500 4500 4500
without closures
with closures 900 760 900 760 900 900 900

Poop Bridge


Fig. 1.1 Minimum coaming height [mm] for ventilators according to LLC 66 as amended

2.1.3 Ventilators of cargo holds are not to have any 2.1.9 Coamings of a height exceeding 900 mm are
connection with other spaces. to be specially strengthened.

2.1.4 The thickness of the coaming plates is to be 2.1.10 Where the thickness of the deck plating is
7,5 mm where the clear opening sectional area of the less than 10 mm, a doubling plate or insert plate of
ventilator coamings is 300 cm2 or less, and 10 mm 10 mm thickness is to be fitted. Their side lengths are
where the clear opening sectional area exceeds to be equal to twice the length or breadth of the coam-
1 600 cm2. Intermediate values are to be determined ing.
by direct interpolation. A thickness of 6 mm will gen- 2.1.11 Where beams are pierced by ventilator coam-
erally be sufficient within not permanently closed ings, carlings of adequate scantlings are to be fitted
superstructures. between the beams in order to maintain the strength of
the deck.
2.1.5 The thickness of ventilator posts shall be at
least equal to the thickness of coaming as per 2.1.4. 2.2 Special strength requirements for fore
deck fittings
2.1.6 The wall thickness of ventilator posts of a
clear sectional area exceeding 1 600 cm2 is to be in- 2.2.1 General
creased according to the expected loads.
The following strength requirements are to be ob-
2.1.7 Generally, the coamings and posts shall pass served to resist green sea forces acting on ventilator
through the deck and shall be welded to the deck plat- pipes and their closing devices located within the
ing from above and below. Where coamings or posts forward quarter length.
are welded onto the deck plating, fillet welds subject
2.2.2 Application
of Chapter 1 – Hull Structures, Section 19, B.3.3 shall
be adopted for welding inside and outside. These Rules apply to all ship types of seagoing service
of length 80 m or more, where the height of the ex-
2.1.8 Coamings and posts particularly exposed to posed deck, within the forward 0,25 L, in way of the
wash of sea are to be efficiently connected with the item is less than 0,1 L or 22 m above the summer load
ship's structure. waterline, whichever is the lesser.
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2.2.3 Applied loading for ventilator pipes and 2.2.4 Strength requirements for ventilator pipes
their closing devices and their closing devices The pressures p [kN/m2] acting on ventilator Bending moments and stresses in ventilator
pipes and their closing devices may be calculated pipes are to be calculated at critical positions: at pene-
from: tration pieces, at weld or flange connections, at toes of
supporting brackets. Bending stresses in the net sec-
p = 0,5 ⋅ ρ ⋅ V 2 ⋅ Cd ⋅ Cs ⋅ Cp tion are not to exceed 0,8 ⋅ σy, where σy is the speci-
fied minimum yield stress or 0,2 % proof stress of the
steel at room temperature. Irrespective of corrosion
ρ = density of sea water (1,025 t/m3)
protection, a corrosion addition to the net section of
V = velocity of water over the fore deck 2,0 mm is then to be applied.
(13,5 m/sec) For standard ventilators of 900 mm height
Cd = shape coefficient (0,5 for pipes and 1,3 for air closed by heads of not more than the tabulated pro-
pipe or ventilator head) jected area, pipe thicknesses and bracket heights are
specified in Table 1.1. Where brackets are required,
Cs = slamming coefficient (3,2) three or more radial brackets are to be fitted.

Brackets are to be of gross thickness 8 mm or more, of

Cp = protection coefficient
minimum length 100 mm, and height according to
= 0,7 for pipes and ventilator heads located Table 1.1 but need not extend over the joint flange for
immediately behind a breakwater or the head. Bracket toes at the deck are to be suitably
forecastle supported.

= 1,0 elsewhere and immediately behind a For ventilators of height greater than
bulwark 900 mm, brackets or alternative means of support are
to be specially considered. Forces acting in the horizontal direction on
the pipe and its closing device may be calculated from All component parts and connections of the using the largest projected area of each com- air pipe or ventilator are to be capable of withstanding
ponent. the loads defined in 2.2.3.

Table 1.1 900 mm ventilator pipe thickness and bracket standards

Minimum fitted Maximum projected area Height

Nominal pipe diameter
gross thickness of head of brackets
[mm] [cm2] [mm]

80A 6,3 –– 460

100A 7,0 –– 380
150A 8,5 –– 300
200A 8,5 550 ––
250A 8,5 880 ––
300A 8,5 1200 ––
350A 8,5 2000 ––
400A 8,5 2700 ––
450A 8,5 3300 ––
500A 8,5 4000 ––

For other ventilator heights, the relevant requirements of 2.2.4 are to be applied.
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3. Weathertight closing appliances combustible material capable of being closed from

outside the respective spaces in the event of a fire.
3.1 Inlet and exhaust openings of ventilation
systems are to be provided with easily accessible clos-
4.1.2 Fire closures at ventilation inlets and outlets
ing appliances, which can be closed weathertight
located at outside boundaries need not be of approved
against wash of the sea. In ships of less than 100 m in
length, the closing appliances are to be permanently
attached. In ships exceeding 100 m in length, they
may be conveniently stowed near the openings to 4.1.3 Fire closures are to comply with the follow-
which they belong. ing requirements:
3.2 For ventilator posts which exceed 4,5 m in
– The thickness of steel fire closures, which are
height above the freeboard deck or raised quarterdeck
not of an approved type (in ducts and coam-
and above exposed superstructure decks forward of
ings), is shown in the following Table 1.2.
0,25 L from F.P. and for ventilator posts exceeding
2,3 m in height above exposed superstructure decks If measures to increase the strength are taken, the
abaft 0,25 L from F.P. closing appliances are required thickness may be reduced with agreement of GL. The
in special cases only. construction of approved closures shall comply with
the tested ones.
3.3 For the case of fire draught-tight fire dampers
are to be fitted.
– The means of control is to be capable of being
3.4 Weathertight closing appliances for all venti- locked in open and closed position.
lators are to be of steel or other equivalent materials.
Wood plugs and canvas covers are not acceptable in – When shut, the fire closures shall have close
these positions. contact with a steel strip throughout their cir-
cumference. All closures shall be easily accessi-
3.5 Closing appliances are to be examined and ble and capable of being operated easily and
tested for weathertightness by water jet (from a safely.
12,5 mm dia. nozzle and a minimum hydrostatic pres-
sure of 2,0 bar from a distance of 1,5 m). – Hinges and bearings of the fire closures are to be
largely maintenance-free and easily accessible
3.6 For special strength requirements for fore for inspections and repairs.
deck fittings, see 2.2.
– The controls and the "open" and "closed2 posi-
3.7 Rotating type mushroom ventilator heads are tion of the fire closures are to be clearly and
unsuitable for application in the areas defined in 2.2.2. permanently marked.

4. Fire closures/dampers – Power-driven controls and remote operated

controls for fire closures must be provided with
4.1 Fire closures at main inlets and outlets a second, independent power-operating system
or manual control operable from a safe position
4.1.1 The main inlets and outlets of all ventilation outside the space to be protected or the closures
systems shall be fitted with fire closures of non- are to be of fail safe type.

Table 1.2 Thickness of fire closures

Diameter of duct Cross-section of duct min. thickness of fire closures

[mm] [mm] [mm]

up to 200 up to 0,03 3
over 200 up to 400 over 0,03 up to 0,13 4
over 400 up to 600 over 0,13 up to 0,28 6
over 600 up to 800 over 0,28 up to 0,50 7
over 800 over 0,50 8
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4.1.4 Fire closures of multi-blade design may be 5. Ventilation ducts

accepted provided they meet at least the following
design criteria: 5.1 Ventilation ducts shall be of non-combustible
material. Short flexible ducts, however, not generally
– The fire closure shall consist of not more than 5
exceeding 2 m in length and with a cross-section not
single plates, whereas the clear height of each
plate should be at least 20 % of the total clear exceeding 0,02 m2 need not be non-combustible, sub-
height of the damper but not less than 200 mm. ject to the following conditions:

– Each damper plate should have an overlap of at 5.1.1 These ducts shall be of a material having low
least 5 % of its height. flame spread characteristics which is type approved 2.
– A circumferential resting bar should be pro- 5.1.2 They may only be used at the end of the ven-
vided. tilation device.
– Each damper plate should have a thickness de- 5.1.3 They shall not be situated less than 600 mm,
pending on its area as specified in Table 1.2. measured along the duct, from an opening in an "A" or
– The construction should be of robust design to "B" class division including continuous "B" class
avoid vibrations. ceilings.
Prior to installation, drawings showing construction
details of the multi blade fire closure have to be sub- 5.2 Flexible bellows of combustible material may
mitted for approval. The construction is to be tested to be used for connecting fans to the ducting in air condi-
the satisfaction of a GL Surveyor. tioning or fan rooms.
Special attention shall be paid to a regular service of 5.3 Ducts provided for the ventilation of machin-
the multi-blade fire closures. ery spaces of category A, galleys, vehicle spaces, ro-ro
cargo spaces or special category spaces shall not pass
4.1.5 Weather tight closures of a recognized stan- through accommodation spaces, service spaces or
dard are accepted as fire closures. In that case control stations unless the ducts are either:
weathertight closures are to be permanently attached
irrespective of the length of the ship. 5.3.1 constructed of steel having a thickness of at
least 3 mm and 5 mm for ducts the widths or diame-
4.2 Fire dampers within the duct system ters of which are up to and including 300 mm and
760 mm and over respectively and, in the case of such
4.2.1 Approval ducts, the widths or diameters of which are between
Fire dampers, including relevant means of operation, 300 mm and 760 mm having a thickness to be ob-
tained by interpolation,
are to be of approved type 1.
5.3.2 suitably supported and stiffened,
4.2.2 Accessibility and indication
5.3.3 fitted with automatic fire dampers close to the
Fire dampers shall be easily accessible. Each damper
boundaries penetrated and
shall be clearly marked by an identification number or
letters. Where they are placed behind ceilings or lin- 5.3.4 insulated to "A-60" standard from the ma-
ings, inspection doors shall be provided. These inspec- chinery spaces, galleys, vehicle spaces, ro-ro cargo
tion doors shall be clearly marked with the relevant spaces or special category spaces to a point at least
identification marks. The identification mark shall be 5 m beyond each fire damper; or
placed also on any remote control. The status (open/
closed) of each fire damper shall be clearly indicated 5.3.5 constructed of steel suitable supported and
at the damper and each remote control. stiffened (see 5.3.1) and insulated to "A-60" standard
throughout the accommodation spaces, service spaces
4.2.3 Type of means of manual closing of fire or control stations.
Manual closing may be achieved by mechanical 5.4 Ducts provided for the ventilation to accom-
means of release or by remote operation of the fire modation spaces, service spaces or control stations
damper by means of a fail-safe electrical switch or shall not pass through machinery spaces of category
pneumatic release (spring-loaded, etc.) on both sides A, galleys, vehicle spaces, ro-ro cargo spaces or spe-
of the division. cial category spaces unless either:
5.4.1 the ducts where they pass through a machin-
ery space of category A, galley, vehicle space, ro-ro

–––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––
1 Reference is made to the Fire Test Procedure Code, Annex 1, 2 Reference is made to the Fire Test Procedure Code, Annex 1,
Part 3, adopted by IMO by Resolution MSC.61 (67). Part 5, adopted by IMO by Resolution MSC.61 (67).
Chapter 21 Section 1 D Ventilation I - Part 1
Page 1–8 GL 2005

cargo space or special category space are constructed These ducts, or sleeves lining such ducts, shall be
of steel, suitable supported and stiffened (see 5.3.1), provided with fire insulation. The insulation shall have
at least the same fire integrity as the bulkhead or deck
5.4.2 automatic fire dampers are fitted close to the through which the duct passes.
boundaries penetrated and
5.7.5 Ducts with a free cross-sectional area exceed-
5.4.3 the integrity of the machinery space, galley, ing 0,075 m2 shall be fitted with fire dampers in addi-
vehicle space, ro-ro cargo space or special category tion to the requirements of 5.7.4. The fire damper shall
space boundaries is maintained at the penetrations or also be capable of being closed manually from both
sides of the bulkhead or deck. The damper shall be
5.4.4 The ducts where they pass through a machin- provided with an indicator which shows whether the
ery space of category A, galley, vehicle space, ro-ro damper is open or closed. Fire dampers are not re-
cargo space or special category space are constructed quired, however, where ducts pass through spaces
of steel, suitable supported and stiffened (see 5.3.1) surrounded by "A" class divisions, without serving
and those spaces, provided those ducts have the same fire
integrity as the divisions which they pierce.
5.4.5 Such ducts are insulated to "A-60" standard
throughout the accommodation spaces, service spaces 5.7.6 Ventilation ducts with a free cross-sectional
or control stations. area exceeding 0,02 m2 passing through "B" class
bulkheads shall be lined with steel sheet sleeves of
5.5 Ducts are to be routed in such a way that 900 mm in length divided preferably into 450 mm on
neither machinery nor switchgear can be endangered each side of the bulkheads unless the duct is of steel
by condensation or spray water. Where necessary, for this length.
water traps, baffles and similar devices are to be fitted.
Effective water traps are to be provided with appo- 5.8 Insulation of duct penetrations
sitely directed baffle plates. The lowermost baffle of
the water trap is to be provided with a drainage pipe. The fire protection insulation of air ducts and sleeves
is to be in accordance with the space group pairings
5.6 Natural ventilating systems shall not employ indicated in tables, see Chapter 1 – Hull Structures,
a branched ducting system. Section 22, Tables 22.1 to 22.8.
The tables relating to the bulkhead are likewise appli-
5.7 Duct penetrations cable to ducts routed through decks.
5.7.1 Duct penetrations through "A" class divisions A space pairing refers to the spaces separated by a
shall be of an approved type 3. Where steel sleeves are bulkhead or deck, irrespective of any other spaces
directly joined to ventilation ducts by means of riveted served by the duct in question.
or screwed flanges or by welding, the approval is not
required. 6. Non-sparking fans

5.7.2 Where a thin plated duct with a free cross- 6.1 Ventilation duct in- and outlets are to be
sectional area equal to, or less than, 0,02 m2 passes fitted with protective screens with a mesh size not
through "A" class bulkheads or decks, the opening exceeding 13 mm.
shall be lined with a steel sheet sleeve having a thick-
ness of at least 3 mm and a length of at least 200 mm, 6.2 Overheating of the mechanical components
divided preferably into 100 mm on each side of the of fans and the creation of sparks is to be avoided by
bulkhead or, in the case of the deck, wholly laid on the appropriate design and by the choice of suitable mate-
lower side of the decks pierced. rials. The safety clearance between the fan housing
and the impeller shall not be less than 1/10 of the inner
5.7.3 Where ventilation ducts with a free cross- impeller bearing diameter, limited to a minimum of
sectional area exceeding 0,02 m2 pass through 2 mm and is to be such as to preclude any contact
"A" class bulkheads or decks, the opening shall be between the housing and the rotor. The maximum
lined with a steel sheet sleeve. However, where such clearance need not be more than 13 mm. The above
ducts are of steel construction and pass through a deck requirement also applies to portable fans.
or bulkhead, the ducts and sleeves shall comply with
the following: 6.3 Following materials or combinations of mate-
rials for impeller/housing may be used:
5.7.4 The sleeves shall have a thickness of at least
– non-metallic materials (plastic material having
3 mm and a length of at least 900 mm. When passing
sufficient electric conductivity) with each other
through bulkheads, this length shall be divided pref-
or with steel (incl. galvanized, stainless). The
erably into 450 mm on each side of the bulkhead.
electrical resistance of non-metallic materials
–––––––––––––– must not exceed 106 Ohm unless special meas-
3 Reference is made to the Fire Test Procedure Code, Annex 1, ures are taken to prevent electrostatic charges at
Part 3, adopted by IMO by Resolution MSC.61 (67). the surface of the material.
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– non-ferrous materials having good heat conduc- 7.3 Control of smoke spread
tivity (bronze, brass, copper, not aluminium)
with each other or with steel (incl. galvanized, 7.3.1 Purpose
The purpose of this requirement is to control the
– steel (incl. galvanized, stainless) with each other spread of smoke in order to minimize the hazards from
if a ring of adequate size made of above non- smoke. For this purpose, means for controlling smoke
metallic/non-ferrous material is fitted in way of in atriums, control stations, machinery spaces and
the impeller, or if a safety clearance of 13 mm is concealed spaces shall be provided.
7.3.2 Prevention of spread of smoke over several
– aluminium or magnesium alloys with each other decks
or with steel (incl. galvanized, stainless) only, if Ventilation ducts serving more than one deck level
a non-ferrous ring having a good heat conduc- shall be provided with readily accessible means of
tivity, i.e. copper, brass, of adequate size is fit- closure at each deck level.
ted in way of the impeller
7.3.3 Release of smoke from machinery spaces
7. Additional fire safety arrangements The provisions of to shall
apply to machinery spaces of category A, and where
7.1 Stopping devices of ventilation considered desirable to other machinery spaces.
Forced ventilation of accommodation spaces, service Suitable arrangements shall be made to per-
spaces, cargo spaces, control stations and machinery mit the release of smoke in the event of fire, from the
spaces shall be capable of being stopped from an eas- space to be protected. The normal ventilation systems
ily accessible position outside the spaces being served. may be acceptable for this purpose, subject to the
This position shall not be readily cut off in the event provisions in E.5.9.
of a fire in the spaces served and could be on the navi- Means of control shall be provided for per-
gation bridge for accommodation and cargo spaces mitting the release of smoke and such controls shall be
ventilation or near the engine room exit for ventilation located outside the space concerned so that they will
of all other spaces. not be cut off in the event of fire in the space they
7.2 Means of control for machinery space
ventilation arrangements The controls shall be easily accessible as well
as prominently and permanently marked and shall
indicate whether the shutoff is open or closed.
7.2.1 Means of control shall be provided for open-
ing and closure of skylights, closure of openings in
funnels which normally allow for exhaust air ventila-
tion and closure of ventilator dampers.
E. Requirements for Particular Spaces
7.2.2 Means of control shall be provided for stop-
ping fans. Controls provided for the power ventilation 1. Accommodation spaces
serving machinery spaces shall be grouped so as to be
As far as applicable, national requirements should be
operable from two positions, one of which shall be
observed concerning primary data of air condition
outside such spaces. The means provided for stopping
system and air change rates.
the power ventilation of the machinery spaces shall be
entirely separate from the means provided for stopping
ventilation of other spaces. 2. Galleys

7.2.3 Means of control shall be provided for stop- 2.1 Where they pass through accommodation
ping forced and induced draught boiler fans. spaces or spaces containing combustible materials, the
exhaust ducts from galley ranges shall be constructed
7.2.4 The controls required in 7.2.1 to 7.2.3 shall of insulated "A" class divisions. Each exhaust duct
be located outside the space concerned so they will not shall be fitted with:
be cut off in the event of fire in the space they serve. – a grease trap readily removable for cleaning
– a fire damper located in the lower end of the
7.2.5 Concerning control of smoke spread for ma- duct
chinery spaces, see 7.3.3.
– arrangements, operable from within the galley
7.2.6 Automatic stopping of ventilation fans when near exit, for shutting off the exhaust fan
releasing the CO2-System is not permitted. Separate – fixed means for extinguishing a fire within the
manual stopping of ventilation fans is to be carried out duct, see Chapter 2 – Machinery Installations,
before releasing the CO2- System. Section 12, M.
Chapter 21 Section 1 E Ventilation I - Part 1
Page 1–10 GL 2005

3. Control stations 5.2 Machinery spaces of category A shall be so

ventilated to ensure that an adequate supply of air is
3.1 Such measures as are practicable shall be maintained for the safety and comfort of personnel
taken in respect of control stations outside machinery and to all machinery and boilers required for safe
spaces in order to ensure that ventilation, visibility and operation of the vessel in all weather conditions. Any
freedom from smoke are maintained, so that in the other machinery space shall be adequately ventilated
event of fire the machinery and equipment contained appropriate for the purpose of that machinery space.
therein may be supervised and continue to function
effectively. 5.3 In general, ventilators necessary to continu-
In case a control station is served by a common venti- ously supply the machinery space must have coamings
lation system, which serves also other spaces, effec- which comply with regulation 19(3) of LLC 1966,
tive local closing arrangements shall be provided. without having to fit weather tight closing appliances
(see also D.3.2). However, where due to vessel size
Effective local closing arrangements mean that the and arrangement this is not practicable, lesser heights
provided ventilation systems shall be fitted with fire for machinery space ventilator coamings may be ac-
dampers or smoke dampers which could be closed cepted with provision of weather tight closing appli-
easily within the control station in order to maintain ances in accordance with regulation 19(4) of
the absence of smoke in the event of fire. LLC 1966 in combination with other suitable ar-
rangements to ensure an uninterrupted, adequate sup-
3.2 Alternative and separate means of air supply ply of ventilation to these spaces.
shall be provided; air inlets of the two sources of sup-
ply shall be so disposed that the risk of both inlets 5.4 The positions of air inlets and air outlets are
drawing in smoke simultaneously is minimized. Such to be such as to prevent short-circuiting of air.
requirements need not be applied to control stations
situated on, and opening on to, an open deck and 5.5 In general the shipboard machinery, equip-
where local closing arrangements would be equally ment and appliances in machinery spaces are to be
effective. designed for continuous operation at maximum engine
Alternative and separate means of air supply may be room air temperature as required in Chapter 2 –
provided also by combination of a mechanical supply Machinery Installations, Section 1, C.
duct and a natural exhaust duct or vice versa provided
that the fan is reversible. 5.6 For the determination of the ventilation ca-
pacity the heat radiation of the equipment in the space
and the required combustion air are to be considered.
4. Paint stores and flammable liquid lockers
5.7 The capacity and arrangement of ventilation
4.1 Paint stores and flammable liquid lockers are systems/ducts is to ensure that accumulation of oil
to be provided with ventilation arrangements which vapour is avoided under normal conditions.
are separate from other ventilation systems.
4.2 The ventilation system shall be capable of
effecting at least 10 changes of air per hour. The ducts The capacity requirements mentioned in 5.5, 5.6 and
are to be arranged such that both vapours lighter than 5.7 are in general deemed to be met by using the cal-
air and vapours heavier than air can be removed. culations as per ISO Standard 8861 in the latest ver-
4.3 Ventilation outlets or their duct openings
shall lead to the open deck area. 5.8 The number of ventilation inlets, ventilators
and exhaust openings in funnels shall be kept to a
4.4 The drives of mechanical ventilators shall be minimum, consistent with the needs of ventilation and
installed outside the rooms and air flow. Otherwise the proper and safe working of the ship.
certified safe type drive motors with an explosion
protection of at least IIB T3 are to be used. 5.9 Suitable arrangements shall be made to per-
mit the release of smoke in the event of fire (see
4.5 The ventilator design shall comply with regu- D.7.3.3).
lation D.6.
5.10 Further requirements for control of fans and
fire closures are stipulated in D.7.2 and D.7.3.3. For
5. Machinery space ventilation application and design of fire closures see D.4.1.3 and
5.1 The ventilation systems for machinery spaces
shall be separate from the ventilation systems serving 5.11 Air ducts close to electrical switchboards
other spaces and shall be in general of the supply type. must be so installed and fitted with drains, where
Other modes of operation may be applied upon special necessary, that condensed water cannot enter the elec-
approval. trical installation.
I - Part 1 Section 1 E Ventilation Chapter 21
GL 2005 Page 1–11

6. Electrical machines – For refrigerating machinery spaces in with

group 2 refrigerants, e.g. ammonia, the mini-
6.1 If external forced ventilation for electrical mum capacity of the fan shall be determined by
machines is fitted with air ducts leading to the upper the formula:
deck, the motors driving these ventilators shall be
provided with an emergency disconnecting switch  = 60 ⋅
outside the engine room.
In the above formula:
6.2 A failure of external forced ventilation shall
cause an alarm. 
V = capacity of fan [m3/h]

6.3 Ventilation ducts shall comply with regula- m = charge of refrigerant in system [kg]
tion D.5.7. However, the number of air changes per hour
shall not be less than 40.
7. CO2 rooms Where refrigeration systems using ammonia are
installed in rooms equipped with an effective
7.1 Cylinder rooms are to be provided with ade- sprinkler system, the minimum required capac-
quate ventilation. ity of the fans indicated above may be reduced
by 20 %.
7.2 Spaces where access from the open deck is
not provided or which are located below the open deck
are to be fitted with mechanical exhaust ventilation of 9. Spaces containing batteries
not less than 6 air changes per hour.
9.1 General requirements
7.3 The exhaust duct is to be led to the bottom of All battery-installations, except for gastight batteries,
the space. in rooms, cabinets and containers shall be constructed
and ventilated in such a way as to prevent the accumu-
7.4 Other spaces are not to be connected to this lation of ignitable gas mixtures.
ventilation system.
Gastight NiCd-, NiMH- or Li- batteries need not be
8. Refrigerating machinery rooms
9.2 Batteries installed in switchboards with
8.1 Refrigerating machinery spaces shall be pro- charging power up to 0,2 kW
vided with a suitably arranged forced ventilation sys-
tem. In case of group 1 refrigerants, at least the ex- Lead batteries with a charging power up to 0,2 kW
haust air is to be conveyed into the open air independ- may be installed in switchboards without separation to
ently of other space ventilation ducting. The inlet switchgear and without any additional ventilation, if:
ducting shall not be connected to the ventilation sys- – the batteries are valve regulated (VRLA), pro-
tem serving the accommodation spaces. vided with solid electrolyte

8.2 In case of group 2 refrigerants, e.g. ammonia, – the battery cases are not closed completely
the ventilation of refrigerating machinery spaces shall (IP 2X is suitable)
be independent from ventilation systems of other ship – the charger is regulated automatically by an IU-
spaces. The ventilation system is to be of exhaust type. controller with a maximum continuous charging
voltage of 2,3 V/ cell and rated power of the
8.3 Within the ship, the exhaust air ducts of fans charger is limited to 0,2 kW
serving refrigerating machinery spaces are to be gas-
tight. The exhaust air shall be conveyed in such a way 9.3 Ventilated spaces with battery charging
as to prevent gas ingress into other ship spaces. power up to 2 kW

8.4 Provision shall be made for starting and stop- Batteries may be installed in ventilated cabinets and
ping the fans of refrigerating machinery spaces from containers arranged in ventilated spaces (excepted
outside the spaces in question. The switches are to be rooms mentioned in Chapter 3 – Electrical Installa-
clearly marked. tions, Section 2, C.1.2)
The unenclosed installation (IP 12) in well ventilated
8.5 The rating of forced ventilation systems is positions in machinery spaces is permitted.
subject to the following rules: Otherwise batteries shall be installed in ventilated
– For refrigerating machinery spaces with group 1 battery cabinets or containers.
refrigerants, forced ventilation shall ensure at The charging power P [W] for automatic IU-charging
least 30 air changes per hour. shall be calculated as follows:
Chapter 21 Section 1 E Ventilation I - Part 1
Page 1–12 GL 2005

P = U ⋅ I 9.5 Ventilation requirements

U = rated battery voltage [V] Ventilation inlet and outlet openings shall be so ar-
ranged to ensure that fresh air flows over the surface
I = charging current [A] of the storage battery.
8 ⋅ K The air inlet openings shall be arranged below and air
= for Pb-batteries outlet openings shall be arranged above.
If batteries are installed in several floors, the free
16 ⋅ K distance between them shall be at least 5 mm.
= for NiCd-batteries
Devices which obstruct the free passage of air, e.g.
K = battery capacity [Ah] fire dampers and safety screens, shall not be mounted
in the ventilation inlet and outlet ducts of battery-
The gassing voltage shall not be exceeded. If several rooms. If necessary, weathertight closures shall be
battery sets would be used, the sum of charging power carried out otherwise.
has to be calculated.
Air ducts for natural ventilation shall lead to the open
The room free air volume V [m3] and the air quantity Q deck directly. Openings shall be at least 0,9 m above
[m3/h] shall be calculated depending on battery size as the cupboard/ boxes. The inclination of air ducts shall
follows: not exceed 45° from vertical.
V = 2,5 ⋅ Q 9.6 Forced ventilation
Q = f ⋅ ⋅ n If natural ventilation is not sufficient or required
4 cross- sections of ducts according to Table 1.3 are to
n = number of battery- cells in series connection big, forced ventilation shall be provided.
f = 0,03 for lead batteries with solid electrolyte The air quantity Q shall be calculated according to 9.3.
= 0,11 for batteries with fluid electrolyte The air speed shall not exceed 4 m/s.
Where storage batteries are charged automatically,
If several battery sets would be installed in one room, with automatic start of the fan at the beginning of the
the sum of air quantity shall be calculated. charging, arrangements must be made for the ventila-
Where the room volume or the ventilation is not suffi- tion to continue for at least 1 h after completion of
cient, enclosed battery cabinets or containers with charging.
natural ventilation into suitable rooms or areas shall be Wherever possible, forced ventilation exhaust fans
used. shall be used. The fan motors must be either certified
The air ducts for natural ventilation shall have a cross- safe type with a degree of protection IIC T1 and resis-
section A [cm3] as follows, assuming an air speed of tant to electrolyte or, preferably, located outside of the
0,5 m/s: endangered area.
Fans are to be of non-sparking construction according
A = 5, 6 ⋅ Q to D.6.
The required minimum cross-sections of ventilation The ventilation systems shall be independent of the
ducts are shown in Table 1.3. ventilation systems serving other rooms.
Small air ducts and dimensions of air inlet and outlet Air ducts for forced ventilation shall be resistant to
openings shall be calculated based on an air speed electrolyte and shall lead to the open deck.
lower than 0,5 m/s.
10. Separator spaces
9.4 Ventilated rooms with battery charging
power more than 2 kW 10.1 Where fuel oil purifiers for heated fuel oil are
Batteries exceeding charging power of 2 kW shall be installed in a separate enclosed space an independent
installed in closed cabinets, containers or battery mechanical exhaust ventilation system is to be pro-
rooms forced ventilated to open deck area. Lead bat- vided. This ventilation system shall be so arranged
teries up to 3 kW may be ventilated by natural means. that gas/air mixtures or vapours cannot enter into other
parts of the engine room and shall be capable of being
Battery Rooms shall be arranged according to Chapter isolated by locally controlled fire flaps from the ma-
3 – Electrical Installations, Section 2, C.2. chinery space ventilation.
I - Part 1 Section 1 E Ventilation Chapter 21
GL 2005 Page 1–13

Table 1.3 Cross-section of ventilation ducts

Calculation based on battery charging power (automatic IU- charging)

Cross-section [cm2]
Battery charging power
[W] Lead battery Lead battery Nickel-
solid electrolyte fluid Cadmium
VRLA electrolyte battery
< 500 40 60 80
500 < 1 000 60 80 120
1 000 < 1 500 80 120 180
1 500 < 2 000 80 160 240
2 000 < 3 000 80 240 forced-ventilation
> 3 000 forced ventilation

10.2 Where fuel oil purifiers for heated fuel oil are 11.3 The ventilation openings need not be fitted
installed in a space open to the engine room a me- with fire closures, unless a fixed gas fire fighting sys-
chanical exhaust ventilation system is to be provided tem for the emergency generator space is fitted.
ensuring that gas/air mixtures or vapours cannot enter
into other parts of the engine room. 11.4 If the emergency generator starts automati-
cally it is to be ensured that the fire closures are open.
10.3 For the separator spaces under 10.1 and 10.2 In case the fire closures do not open automatically, a
a specific capacity rate of 30 air changes per hour is warning plate is to be provided stating that they are to
deemed to be sufficient. Higher air rates may be re- be kept open all the time.
quired due to heat generation within the space.
12. Emergency fire pump room
11. Emergency generator rooms
The ventilation system of the space in which the
emergency fire pump respectively the fire pump out-
11.1 The ventilation system serving the emergency side engine room is installed shall be so designed that
generator room has to ensure a sufficient supply of smoke cannot enter the room in the event of a fire in
combustion and cooling air for the equipment in- the engine room.

11.2 In general, ventilators necessary to immedi- 13. Pipe Tunnels

ately supply the emergency generator room must have
coamings which comply with regulation 19(3) of 13.1 Pipe tunnels are to be at least naturally venti-
LLC 1966, without weathertight closing appliances, lated.
see also D.3.2. However, where due to vessels size
and arrangement this is not practicable, lesser heights 13.2 If the pipe tunnels are to be entered via doors
for emergency generator room ventilator coamings or hatches for operating (e.g. for normal operation of
may be accepted. In this case weathertight closing valves or reading of measuring instruments) a me-
appliances in accordance with regulation 19(4) of chanical ventilation shall be provided.
LLC 1966 in combination with other suitable ar-
rangements have to be provided to ensure an uninter- 13.3 If the pipe tunnels are entered from the en-
rupted, adequate supply of ventilation to these gine room the engine room ventilation system may be
accepted as sufficient means of mechanical ventila-
spaces 4.
4 Reference is made to Amendments to the Protocol of 1988
13.4 Pipe ducts with components such as flanges,
Relating to the ICCL 1966 adopted by IMO by Resolution valves, pumps etc., which come into contact with
MSC.143 (77). dangerous goods requiring explosion proof equipment,
Chapter 21 Section 1 F Ventilation I - Part 1
Page 1–14 GL 2005

see Tables 1.4 and 1.5, belonging to the extended – enclosed or semi-enclosed rooms with non-
hazardous areas (zone 2), see F.2. These areas are closable direct openings to zone 1 areas
considered safe if they are ventilated with at least 6
changes of air per hour (exhaust air). Should the venti- – ventilation ducts for zone 1-areas
lation fail, this shall be announced optically and audi- – areas on open deck or semi-enclosed spaces on
bly and the equipment not permitted for the extended open deck within 1,5 m around ventilation open-
hazardous area shall be switched off. ings of ventilation ducts for zone 1-areas.

14. Thruster rooms 1.3 The requirements for explosion protection

Thruster rooms are to be provided with suitable venti- within this zone are mentioned in Table 1.4 and 1.5.
lation so as to allow simultaneously crew attendance
and thruster machinery operation at rated power for 1.4 Concerning further details and installation of
the intended period of time. electrical equipment and cables see Chapter 3 –
Electrical Installations, Section 17.
15. Oxygen-acetylene storage rooms
2. Zone 2 (Extended hazardous area)
15.1 Gas cylinder storage rooms are to be fitted
with ventilation systems capable of providing at least 2.1 Areas in which a dangerous gas/air mixture,
six air changes per hour based on the gross volume of dangerous vapours or a dangerous quantity and con-
the room. The ventilation system is to be independent centration of dust are liable to occur only rarely, and
of ventilation systems of other spaces. The fans are to then only for a brief period, are defined to be Zone 2.
be of certified safe type IIC T2 and of the non-
sparking construction, see D.6. 2.2 Zone 2-areas are:
15.2 It is to be observed that a room temperature – areas which can be separated by gastight doors
of 40 °C will not be exceeded. from zone 1-areas
– bilge pump rooms and pipe ducts with compo-
15.3 If gas cylinders are stored in cabinets, open- nents such as flanges, valves, pumps etc., which
ings for natural ventilation are to be provided in the come into contact with dangerous goods if they
upper and the lower part. are ventilated less than 6 changes per hour

16. Storage places of gas bottles for domestic – spaces having a direct opening to zone 1-areas
purposes mentioned in 1.2, items 1 to 4 and areas of 1,5 m
surrounding zone 1-areas mentioned in 1.2, last
The requirements as per 15. apply. item.

2.3 Concerning further details and installation of

electrical equipment and cables see Chapter 3 –
F. Ventilation Requirements for the Carriage Electrical Installations, Section 17.
of Dangerous Goods
3. Cargo holds
1. Zone 1 (Hazardous area)
3.1 General
1.1 Areas in which a dangerous gas/air mixture,
dangerous vapours or a dangerous quantity and con- 3.1.1 Cargo hold ventilating systems are to be
centration of dust are liable to occur from time to time separated from the ventilation systems serving other
are defined to be areas subject to explosion hazard and spaces.
are defined to be Zone 1.
3.1.2 If cargo holds are subdivided for reasons of
1.2 Zone 1-areas are: stability, freeboard or fire protection (e.g. separate
– closed cargo spaces intended for carriage of flooding with CO2) this has to be taken into account
solid goods in bulk which may develop danger- for the design of the ventilation systems.
ous dust
3.1.3 Air ducts and components of ventilation
– closed cargo spaces and closed or open ro-ro systems are to be so installed that they are protected
cargo spaces, intended for carriage of explosive from damage.
substances in packaged form, flammable liquids
with a flash point ≤ 23 °C in packaged form, 3.1.4 For the types of protection generally to be
flammable gases and highly dangerous bulk car- applied for ventilating systems and the associated
goes which under certain conditions develop a electrical equipment, see the Chapter 3 – Electrical
potentially explosive gaseous atmosphere, Installations, Section 1, Table 1.9.
I - Part 1 Section 1 F Ventilation Chapter 21
GL 2005 Page 1–15

Table 1.4 Requirements on ventilation for dangerous goods in packaged form acc. to SOLAS II-2, Reg. 19

Mechanical ventilation Mechanical

(air changes per hour) design
Container cargo space Explosion Degree of sparking,
IMO class
Other protection protection see 4.4
Closed 13 mm
Freight spaces
freight mesh size,
containers containers see 4.3
1.1 – 1.6 –– –– –– IIA T5 IP 65 ––
1.4S –– –– –– –– IP 55 ––
2.1 2 6 6 IIC T4 IP 55 required
2.1 1 2 6 6 IIB T4 IP 55 required
2.2 –– –– –– –– IP 55 ––
2.3 2 6 6 –– IP 55 ––
3.1, 3.2 2 6 6 IIB T4 IP 55 required
3.3 –– –– –– –– IP 55 ––
4.1 2 –– –– –– –– IP 55 ––
4.1 –– 6 6 –– IP 55 ––
4.2 2 –– –– --- –– IP 55 ––
4.2 –– 6 6 –– IP 55 ––
4.3 –– 6 6 –– IP 55 ––
5.1 2 –– –– –– –– IP 55 ––
5.1 –– 6 6 –– IP 55 ––
5.2 NA NA NA NA IP 55 NA
6.1 liquid –– –– –– –– IP 55 ––
6.1 liquid (f.p. ≤ 23 °C) 2 6 6 IIB T4 IP 55 required
6.1 liquid (f.p. > 23 °C; ≤ 61 °C) 2 6 6 –– IP 55 required
6.1solid 2 –– –– –– –– IP 55 ––
6.1solid 2 6 6 –– IP 55 ––
8 liquid –– –– –– –– IP 55 ––
8 liquid (f.p. ≤ 23 °C) 2 6 6 IIB T4 IP 55 required
8 liquid (f.p. > 23 °C; ≤ 61 °C) 2 6 6 –– IP 55 required
8 solid –– –– –– –– IP 55 ––
92 –– –– –– –– IP 55 ––
9 2 6 6 –– IP 55 ––
1 Except hydrogen and mixtures of hydrogen
2 Except IMDG Code requires stowage in a mechanically ventilated room
NA = not applicable
–– = not required
f.p. = flash point
Chapter 21 Section 1 F Ventilation I - Part 1
Page 1–16 GL 2005

Table 1.5 Requirements on ventilation for dangerous goods as solid bulk acc. to SOLAS II-2, Reg. 19

Mechanical openings to
IMO ventilation Explosion Degree of Mesh size, see Non-sparking, terminate
class (air changes protection protection 6.5.5 see 6.5.6 4,50 resp.
per hour) 2,30 m above
deck see 5.4

4.1 nv T4 IP 55 required –– ––
4.2 1 nv –– IP 55 –– –– ––
4.2 6 IIA T3 IP 55 required required required
4.3 2 6 IIC T1 IP 55 required required ––
4.3 3 66 IIC T1 IP 55 required required required
4.3 4 66 IIC T2 IP 55 required required required
4.3 66 IIC T2 IP 55 required required required
5.1 5 nv –– IP 55 –– –– ––
5.1 nv T3 IP 55 required –– ––
6.1solid nv –– IP 55 –– –– ––
8 solid nv –– IP 55 –– –– ––
95 nv –– IP 55 –– –– ––
9 nv T3 IP 55 required –– ––
1 except Seedcake (b) UN-No. 1386, Seedcake (c) UN-No. 2217
2 except 3 und 4
3 only Ferrosilicon UN-No. 1408
4 only Aluminiumferrosilicon UN-No. 1395, Aluminiumsilicon UN-No. 1398, Zinc ashes UN-No. 1435
5 except Ammonium Nitrate UN-No. 1942, Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizers UN-Nos. 2067 – 2071
6 If on fan is shut down at least 50 % of the required total ventilation capacity must be available. The ventilation arrangement must be
such that escaping gases cannot reach accommodation spaces on or under deck.

–– = not required
nv = natural ventilation

4. Dangerous goods in packaged form arranged such that approximately 1/3 of the air vol-
ume is removed from the upper part and 2/3 from the
lower part.
4.1 The requirements on the capacity of the ven-
tilation system, the certified safe type of electrical
explosion protection, the electrical protection and 4.3 The fan openings on deck are to be fitted with
mechanical design are summarised in Table 1.4 and fixed protective screens with mesh size not exceeding
are related to the requirements indicated in SOLAS II- 13 mm for packaged goods as per Table 1.4.
2, Reg. 19.
4.4 The fans of electrical explosion protection
4.2 If mechanical ventilation is required as per type must be of non-sparking design, see D.6., for
Table 1.4, independent exhaust ventilation is to be packaged goods as per Table 1.4.
provided for the removal of gases and vapours from
the upper and lower part of the cargo space. This re- 4.5 For the area around ventilation openings of
quirement is considered to be met if the ducting is fans requiring explosion protection, see 1. and 2.
I - Part 1 Section 1 H Ventilation Chapter 21
GL 2005 Page 1–17

5. Solid dangerous goods in bulk H. Cargo Spaces for the Carriage of Vehicles
with Fuel in their Tanks and Cargo Spaces
of Ro-Ro Ships
5.1 The requirements on the capacity of the ven-
tilation system, the certified safe type of electrical 1. Capacity of ventilation system
explosion protection, the electrical protection and
mechanical design are summarised in Table 1.5 and 1.1 The cargo spaces of cargo ships for the car-
are related to the requirements indicated in SOLAS II- riage of vehicles with fuel in their tanks and cargo
2, Reg. 19. spaces of ro-ro ships are to be provided with forced
ventilation capable of at least 6 or 10 air changes per
hour depending on the arrangement of the electrical
5.2 If mechanical ventilation is required accord- equipment, see Chapter 3 – Electrical Installations,
ing to Table 1.5 the arrangement shall be such as to Section 16.
provide for at least 6 air changes per hour in the cargo
space, based on an empty cargo space, and for re- 1.2 During periods of loading and unloading an
moval of vapours from the upper or lower parts of the increased air change rate of 20 air changes per hour is
cargo space, as appropriate. to be provided 5.

5.3 Alternatively portable ventilating fans of 2. Performance and design of ventilation

same total capacity may be used instead of perma-
nently installed units. Suitable arrangements for secur-
ing the fans safely are to be provided. Details are to be 2.1 In cargo ships, ventilation fans shall normally
submitted to GL for approval. be run continuously whenever vehicles are on board.
Where this is impracticable, they are to be operated
for a limited period daily as weather permits and in
any case for a reasonable period prior to discharge,
5.4 The in- and outlet ventilation openings are to
after which period the ro-ro space is to be proved gas-
be arranged such that they meet the requirements of
free. One or more portable combustible gas detecting
the International Convention on Load Lines (LLC 66)
instruments are to be carried on board for this purpose.
for openings without weather tight closures if ventila-
tion openings are to terminate 4,50 m resp. 2,30 m
2.2 The system shall be entirely separate from
above deck acc. to Table 1.5.
other ventilating systems. Ventilation ducts serving ro-
ro or vehicle spaces shall be capable of being effec-
tively sealed for each cargo space. The system shall be
5.5 The fan openings on deck are to be fitted with capable of being controlled from a position outside
fixed protective screens with mesh size not exceeding such spaces.
13 mm acc. to Table 1.5.
2.3 The ventilation system shall be such as to
prevent air stratification and the formation of air
5.6 The fans of electrical explosion protection pockets.
type must be of non-sparking design, see 4.6, accord-
ing to Table 1.5. 2.4 Mechanical exhaust ventilation is to be pro-
vided. 2/3 of the quantity of air is to be drawn from
the lower, 1/3 from the upper part of the space. Supply
5.7 For the area around ventilation openings of ventilation may be natural and be introduced into the
fans requiring explosion protection as per Table 1.5, cargo spaces at the top of these spaces.
see 2.2 and 2.3.
2.5 The design of mechanical exhaust ventilators
has to comply with D.6.

2.6 A fan failure (monitoring of motor fan

switching devices is sufficient) shall be alarmed on the
G. Refrigerated Containers bridge.

2.7 Inlets for exhaust ducts are to be located

1. Refer to Annex A, G. within 450 mm above the vehicle deck. Outlets are to

5 Alternatively the required air changes can be calculated ac-
2. Vessels for which the Class Notation RCP is
applied for, the requirements of Chapter 19 – cording to MSC/Circ.729 – (Design guidelines and operational
recommendations for ventilation systems in ro-ro cargo
Guidelines for the Carriage of Refrigerated Containers spaces)
on Board Ships are to be complied with.
Chapter 21 Section 1 I Ventilation I - Part 1
Page 1–18 GL 2005

be located in a safe position, having regard to sources trated division. The damper shall be fitted on at least
of ignition near the outlets. one side of the division with a visible indicator show-
ing whether the damper is in the open position.
2.8 For the areas around ventilation openings see
F.1. and F.2. 1.4 Smoke extraction systems in atriums of
passenger ships
3. Closing appliances and ducts Public spaces within a single main vertical zone span-
ning three or more open decks (Atriums) shall be
3.1 Arrangements shall be provided to permit a equipped with a smoke extraction system. The smoke
rapid shutdown and effective closure of the ventilation extraction system shall be activated by the required
system from outside of the space in case of fire, taking smoke detection system and be capable of manual
into account the weather and sea conditions. control. The fans shall be sized such that the entire
volume within the space can be exhausted in 10 min
3.2 Ventilation ducts, including dampers, shall be or less 6.
made of steel. Ventilation ducts shall not pass through
machinery spaces of category A unless fire insulated
to A-60 standard. 2. Additional rules for passenger vessels car-
rying not more than 36 passengers
4. Permanent openings
2.1 Cargo spaces for the carriage of vehicles
Permanent openings in the side plating, the ends or with fuel in their tanks and cargo spaces of
deckhead of the space shall be so situated that a fire in ro-ro ships
the cargo space does not endanger stowage areas and
embarkation stations for survival craft and accommo- 2.1.1 Capacity of ventilation system
dation spaces, service spaces and control stations in
superstructures and deckhouses above the cargo The closed ro-ro and vehicle spaces of pas-
spaces. senger ships carrying not more than 36 passengers are
to be provided with forced ventilation capable of ef-
5. Electrical equipment and cable installation fecting at least 6 air changes per hour. Depending on
the arrangement and the type of electrical equipment
Concerning installation of electrical equipment and in closed ro-ro and vehicle spaces below the bulkhead
cables see Chapter 3 – Electrical Installation, Section deck continuous ventilation at the rate of at least 10 air
16. changes per hour is to be provided whenever vehicles
are on board, see Chapter 3 – Electrical Installations,
Section 16.
I. Additional Rules for Passenger Vessels Special category spaces are to be equipped
with forced ventilation capable of effecting at least 10
1. General air changes per hour. Special category spaces are
closed vehicle decks on passenger ships to which the
1.1 Arrangement passengers have access.

Each main vertical zone shall be served by a separate During loading and unloading periods an
ventilation system. increased air change rate of 20 air changes per hour is
to be provided 7.
1.2 Means of control
2.1.2 Performance and design of ventilation
All controls indicated in D.7.2 as well as means of control
for permitting release of smoke from machinery spaces are
to be located at one control position or grouped in as In passenger ships, the power ventilation
few positions as possible. Such positions are to have a system of the space shall be separate from other venti-
safe access from the open deck. lation systems and shall be in operation at all times
when vehicles are in such spaces. Ventilation ducts
1.3 Ventilation ducts serving such cargo spaces capable of being effectively
Where in a passenger ship it is necessary that a venti- sealed shall be separated for each such space. The
lation duct passes through a main vertical zone divi- system shall be capable of being controlled from a
sion, a fail-safe automatic closing fire damper shall be position outside such spaces.
fitted adjacent to the division. The damper shall also
be capable of being manually closed from each side of
the division. The operating position shall be readily ––––––––––––––
accessible and be marked in red light-reflecting col- 6 See MSC/Circ.1034
our. The duct between the division and the damper 7 Alternatively, the air changes can be calculated according to
shall be of steel or other equivalent material and, if MSC/Circ.729 (Design guidelines and operational recommen-
necessary, insulated to the same standard as the pene- dations for ventilation systems in ro-ro cargo spaces)
I - Part 1 Section 1 I Ventilation Chapter 21
GL 2005 Page 1–19 On passenger ships, a fan failure - monitoring whereby the control panels shall be capable of indicat-
of motor fan switching devices is sufficient - or failure ing closed or off status of fans.
a faulty capacity reduction of the fans specified for
vehicle decks and holds shall be alarmed on the
3.3 Ventilation ducts

2.1.3 Closing appliances and ducts 3.3.1 Except in cargo spaces, ventilation ducts shall
be constructed of the following materials:
Ventilation ducts, including dampers shall be made of
steel. In passenger ships, ventilation ducts that pass Ducts not less than 0,075 m2 in sectional area
through other horizontal zones or machinery spaces and all vertical ducts serving more than a single tween
shall be "A-60" class steel ducts constructed in accor- deck space shall be constructed of steel or other
dance with D.5.3. equivalent material.

2.2 Ro-ro cargo spaces in passenger ships not Ducts less than 0,075 m2 in sectional area
intended for the carriage of vehicles with other than vertical ducts referred to in shall
fuel in their tanks beconstructed of non-combustible materials. Where
such ducts penetrate "A" or "B" Class divisions due
2.2.1 For closed ro-ro cargo spaces which are not regard shall be given to ensuring the fire integrity of
intended for the carriage of vehicles with fuel in their the division.
tanks nor are special category spaces the requirements
as per H. and 2.1, with the exception of H.2.7 and H.5.
3.3.2 Exhaust ducts from galley ranges in which
grease or fat is likely to accumulate shall meet the
requirements as mentioned in D.4.2.2 and shall be
2.2.2 For open ro-ro cargo spaces which are not
fitted with:
intended for the carriage of vehicles with fuel in their
tanks nor are special category spaces the requirements – a grease trap readily removable for cleaning
applicable to a conventional cargo space shall be ob- unless an alternative approved grease removal
served with the exception that a sample extraction system is fitted
smoke detection system is not permitted.
– a fire damper located in the lower end of the
3. Rules for passenger vessels carrying more duct which is automatically and remotely oper-
than 36 passengers ated, and in addition a remotely operated fire
damper located in the upper end of the duct
3.1 In general, the ventilation fans shall be so
disposed that the ducts reaching the various spaces – a fixed means for extinguishing a fire within the
remain within the main vertical zone. duct, see also Chapter 2 – Machinery Installa-
tions, Section 12
3.1.1 Where ventilation systems penetrate decks,
– remote control arrangements for shutting off the
precautions shall be taken, in addition to those relating
to the fire integrity of the deck, see D.5.7 to reduce the exhaust fans and supply fans, for operating the
likelihood of smoke and hot gases passing from one fire dampers mentioned in 3.2.2, item 2 and for
operating the fire-extinguishing system, which
between deck space to another through the system. In
shall be placed in a position close to the en-
addition to insulation requirements contained in D.5.
vertical ducts shall, if necessary, be insulated as re- trance to the galley. Where a multi-branch sys-
tem is installed, means shall be provided to
quired by the appropriate tables.
close all branches exhausting through the same
main duct before an extinguishing medium is re-
3.2 Means of control leased into the system
3.2.1 All power ventilation, except machinery and – suitably located hatches for inspection and
cargo spaces ventilation and any alternative system cleaning
which may be required under D.7.3.2, shall be fitted
with controls so grouped that all fans may be stopped
from either of two positions which shall be situated as 3.3.3 Exhaust ducts shall be provided with suitably
far apart as practicable. Fans serving power ventilation located hatches for inspection and cleaning. The
systems to cargo spaces shall be capable of being hatches shall be located near the fire damper.
stopped from a safe position outside such spaces.
3.4 Stairway
3.2.2 Controls for shutting down the ventilation
fans shall be centralized in a continuously manned Stairway enclosures shall be ventilated by an inde-
central control station. The ventilation fans shall be pendent fan and duct system which shall not serve any
capable of reactivation by the crew at this location, other spaces in the ventilation system.
Chapter 21 Section 1 J Ventilation I - Part 1
Page 1–20 GL 2005

3.5 Cargo spaces for the carriage of vehicles J. Special Class Notation AHTS
with fuel in their tanks and cargo spaces of
ro-ro ships
1. General
3.5.1 Capacity of ventilation system The Class Notation AHTS (Advanced Hatch Tight-
ness System) stands for a system which provides addi- The closed ro-ro, vehicle and special category tional tightness of cargo hold hatch covers by means
spaces of passenger ships carrying more than of sealing air while pressurising the cargo hold. Pref-
36 passengers are to be provided with forced ventila- erably the system should be used in connection with a
tion capable of effecting at least 10 air changes per cargo hold air drying system.
2. Documents to be submitted: During loading and unloading periods an
increased air change rate of 20 air changes per hour is – general arrangement
to be provided. Alternatively, the air changes can be
calculated according to MSC/Circ. 729 – Design – ventilation arrangement of cargo holds including
guidelines and operational recommendations for venti- AHTS
lation systems in ro-ro cargo spaces.
– details of weather tight closures of hatch covers

3.5.2 Performance and design of ventilation – details of fire flaps and demister (mist elimina-
systems tors)
– details of fan layout In passenger ships, the power ventilation
system of the space shall be separate from other venti- – details of fan control and pressure alarm system
lation systems and shall be in operation at all times
when vehicles are in such spaces. Ventilation ducts
serving such cargo spaces capable of being effectively 3. Requirements
sealed shall be separated for each such space. The
system shall be capable of being controlled from a 3.1 The cargo hold hatch cover sealing system
position outside such spaces. must be of weather tight design. On passenger ships, a fan failure (monitoring 3.2 If one fan is shut-down, the number of fans is
of motor fan switching devices is sufficient) or failure to be selected such that the required air capacity may
related to the number of air changes specified for still be supplied to the cargo hold (e.g. 2 ⋅ 100 % or
vehicle decks and holds shall be alarmed on the
3 ⋅ 50 %).
3.3 The cargo holds are to be pressurised by a
3.5.3 Closing appliances and ducts system separate of other cargo hold ventilation sys-
Ventilation ducts, including dampers shall be made of
steel. In passenger ships, ventilation ducts that pass
through other horizontal zones or machinery spaces 3.4 The system must be capable of generating an
shall be "A-60" class steel ducts constructed in accor- overpressure in the cargo holds of not less than 0,04
dance with D.5.3. bar.

3.5 Each cargo hold is to be provided with an

3.6 Ro-ro cargo spaces in passenger ships not excess flow valve/flap designed for continuous opera-
intended for the carriage of vehicles with tion. The opening shall be arranged at a height of not
fuel in their tanks less than 4,50 metre above freeboard deck. The excess
flow devices are to incorporate fire closures and pres-
3.6.1 For closed ro-ro cargo spaces which are not sure control facilities operable from outside. The
intended for the carriage of vehicles with fuel in their maximum release pressure of the excess flow
tanks nor are special category spaces the requirements valves/flaps is not to exceed the set pressure by more
as per H. and 2.1, with the exception of H.2.7 and H.5. than 10 %.

3.6.2 For open ro-ro cargo spaces which are not 3.6 The maximum excess flow valve/flap and fan
intended for the carriage of vehicles with fuel in their air capacities are to be based on the expected maxi-
tanks nor are special category spaces the requirements mum amount of leakage air which may flow through
applicable to a conventional cargo space shall be ob- the weathertight hatch cover sealings and other cargo
served with the exception that a sample extraction hold sealings taking into account sealing maintenance
smoke detection system is not permitted. and the overflow device set pressure.
I - Part 1 Section 1 L Ventilation Chapter 21
GL 2005 Page 1–21

3.7 The fans are to be controlled from the naviga- 4. Testing

tion bridge. The operating pressure of each cargo hold
equipped with AHTS and the operating current of the Following the plan approval a successful functional
fans are to be indicated on the navigation bridge. test in the presence of a GL-Surveyor has to be carried

3.8 A visual and audible individual high pressure

and low pressure alarm for each cargo hold equipped
with AHTS is to be provided on the navigation bridge. K. Additional Rules for Tankers
For the design and construction of ventilation system
3.9 The lower edge of the suction air openings of for tankers the following Rules are to be observed in
the over pressure fans must end at a height of not less addition:
than 4,50 metre above the freeboard deck. The suction
air openings are to be provided with fire closures and Tankers Chapter 2 – Machinery
effective demisters. Installations, Section 15 –
Special Requirements for
3.10 Doors and hatches to and from the cargo
spaces under pressure are to be provided with warning Oil Recovery Vessels Chapter 9 – Oil Recovery
labels stating that the overpressure fans are to be shut- Vessels
down before opening.
Liquefied Gas Tankers Chapter 6 – Liquefied Gas
Tankers, Section 12 – Me-
3.11 Doors and hatches to the cargo spaces when chanical Ventilation in the
under pressure must be provided with locking ar- Cargo Area
rangements which shall be under the control of the
responsible ship's officer. Chemical Tankers Chapter 7 – Chemical
Tankers, Section 12 – Me-
chanical Ventilation in the
3.12 Emergency stop of the overpressure fans at Cargo Area
the doors/hatches of cargo spaces under pressure is to
be provided which gives audible alarm on the naviga- Chemical Recovery Chapter 12 – Chemical
tion bridge. Vessels Recovery Vessels

3.13 A written statement of the manufacturer of

the hatch covers is be available before granting the L. Air Changes per Hour
Class Notation AHTS confirming that the higher loads
during operation under pressure as per 3.4, consider- In the following Tables 1.6 to 1.10 the requirements in
ing as well the pressure tolerance mentioned under terms of air changes per hour are listed for various
3.5, had been considered. types of ship.
Chapter 21 Section 1 L Ventilation I - Part 1
Page 1–22 GL 2005

Table 1.6 General requirements for all ships

Air changes/hour Air changes/hour Requirement

Ventilated space Remarks
Supply air Exhaust air No.
Paint stores and
flammable liquid 10 E.4.
as per combustion air and
heat radiation requirement,
Engine room E.5.
see also ISO 8861 as

CO2-room 6 E.7. Below open deck

30/40 E.8. formula
machinery room
Spaces containing
E.9. formula
increase due to heat
Separator space 30 E.10.
radiation possible
Emergency generator as per combustion air and
room heat radiation requirement
Dangerous goods in 6 2 air changes/hour for
packaged form (for certain cargoes) container cargo spaces
Soild dangerous
(for special F.5.
goods in bulk
bulk cargoes)
Reefer cargo holds G.7. Class Notation RCP

increased ventilation
Cargo ships: 10 or 6 capacity (at least 20 air
(acc. to the changes/hour) during
Closed vehicle provided grade of H. vehicle roll on/roll off
spaces, closed ro-ro explosion required. Optional proof
spaces protection) acc. to IMO MSC/Circ. 729

Livestock spaces 20 – 30 Annex A, H.

Location emergency
E.12. clear of smoke
fire pump
extended dangerous area
Pipe tunnel E.13.
(zone 2) to be observed
intended time span to
Thruster room E.14.
6 E.15.
storage room
Storage place of gas
bottles for domestic 6 E.16.
I - Part 1 Section 1 L Ventilation Chapter 21
GL 2005 Page 1–23

Table 1.7 Special requirements for passenger ships

Air changes/hour Air changes/hour Requirement

Ventilated space Remarks
Supply air Exhaust air No.

Passenger ships Increased ventilation

10 or 6 air
(≤ 36 passengers): capacity (at least 20 air
changes/hour acc.
changes/hour) during vehicle
Closed vehicle to the provided I.2.1
roll on/roll off required.
spaces, closed ro-ro grade of explosion
Optional proof acc. to IMO
spaces protection
MSC/Circ. 729 possible.
Increased ventilation
Passenger ships capacity (at least 20 air
(≥ 36 passengers): changes/hour) during
Closed vehicle 10 I.3.5 vehicle roll on/roll off
spaces, closed ro-ro required. Optional proof
spaces acc. to IMO MSC/Circ. 729

Increased ventilation
capacity (at least 20 air
Passenger ships: changes/hour) during
Special category 10 I.3.6 vehicle roll on/roll off
space: required. Optional proof
acc. to IMO MSC/Circ. 729

Table 1.8 Special requirements for oil tankers

Air changes/hour Air changes/hour Requirement

Ventilated space Remarks
Supply air Exhaust air No.

Cargo, ballast pump

rooms, spaces 20
normally entered K.
Spaces not normally
8 portable ventilation
Chapter 21 Section 1 L Ventilation I - Part 1
Page 1–24 GL 2005

Table 1.9 Special requirements for chemical tankers

Air changes/hour Air changes/hour Requirement

Ventilated space Remarks
Supply air Exhaust air No.

Cargo pump rooms,

spaces normally
30/45* * toxic products
entered, containing
cargo handling gear

Ballast pump rooms,

space normally
20 K.
entered, containing
No cargo gear

Ballast pump rooms,

space normally
8/16* * portable fans
entered, containing
No cargo gear

Table 1.10 Special requirements for gas tankers

Air changes/hour Air changes/hour Requirement

Ventilated space Remarks
Supply air Exhaust air No.
overpressure to be
Electric motor room 30

room, spaces
normally entered, 30
containing cargo
handling gear
portable ventilation, ducts
Spaces not normally
8 to be provided, where

Gas-safe cargo
control room in 8
the cargo area

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