About Bamboo
About Bamboo
About Bamboo
Tropical OnlyMoso
Life cycle of 80 - Bamboo
100 years with 80 Bamboo Families (120°F to 25°F)
relative flowering 1,200 sub-species
production (seeds)
Phyllostachys Pubescens Species selected for its high
(Moso, ‘Giant Bamboo’) quality, high productivity and
adaptable nature.
This Bamboo species grows only at 3-4 inches below the soil surface and will continuously
generate new roots. Up to 9 shoots per trunk are produced in the spring when 2/3 of available
shoots are harvested. In the Fall 1/3 of the trunks are harvested allowing for a continues cycle
that yields over 7 tons of shoots and 1,200 culms. Life expectancy of a Bamboo plantation is 80 to
120 years, but there is documentation of 600 year old plantations in China.
The renewal of leaves, is for the OnlyMoso forest, a true method of generating mulch
and natural fertilizer. When leaves are on the ground they naturally break down to
produce humus and at the same time protect the root system from cold and drought.
Planting Phase
In the planting phase, the use of good quality mulch is highly recommended as this
keeps the ground cool and damp, protects the root system of the young mother plants
and helps the rootstocks to develop.
The shoots, which become fully grown to trunks in only 40 to 60 days can weigh up to
10 pounds. They are a precious food which is rich in minerals and vitamins, commonly
used in both western and Asian cooking.
Winter Shoots
Winter shoots can be harvested allowing farmers to reap an additional yield without affecting
the productivity of the springtime harvest. Winter shoots also command a higher price per
pound because they are more tender and flavorful.
Shoot Harvesting and Pruning
The shoot harvesting process serves as a healthy pruning process for the OnlyMoso
forest. If all the shoots were left to grow, only some of them would become adult trunks
as the root base regulates itself based on its ability to nourish new canes.
Annual Trunk Harvest
The average harvest per acre varies depending on the type of soil, if care was given to
provide ample water and fertilizer and the type of intensity of cultivation. Annually 25-
33% of the adult trunks will be cut between September and February.
Market Demand for the Product: Bamboo SHOOTS
• ➢Weight per Shoot 3lbs. - 10 lbs.
• ➢Sustainable food with very high nutritional values
• ➢Delicious- Popular in the Far East. US market only available canned or
frozen and common with Asian Cuisine
• ➢Vegetarian / Vegan (estimated by 2035: 50 % of the world population
will be vegan)
• ➢Trend- Currently the US imports over 44,000 tons of bamboo shoots from
China every year. To fill this need OnlyMoso needs to plant 14,000 acres of
Anti-Bacterial and repels parasites
OnlyMoso plants naturally contain anti-bacterial and mycotic inhibitor substances which
block the development of damaging parasites and do not require the use of pesticides
which sets it apart from other crops such as cotton.
Market Demand for Bamboo CULMS/CANES
• ➢Valuable raw material
• ➢Renewable and Sustainable eco-resource
• ➢Constantly growing, Harvest Annually
• ➢Multiple Applications: textiles, fabric, construction
Over 1,500 Uses for Bamboo Trunks
According to the type of end use, production of flooring, paper, construction material or
cloths and clothing, the cutting of trunks will occur after a certain number of years.
For example, for the production of timber the trunks are cut after 3 -4 years.
The average harvest per acre varies depending on the type of soil, if care was given to
provide ample water and fertilizer and the type of intensity of cultivation. Annually 25-
33% of the adult trunks will be cut between September and February.
Irrigation and Fertilizer
The need to irrigate the plants is considerably reduced if a good quality mulch is used. For the
first 2 years 1.5 gallons of water per day should be applied to the base of the plant to insure
success. The use of fertilizer, especially organic, is always beneficial for those wishing to achieve
good production results.
The renewal of leaves, is for the OnlyMoso forest, a true method of generating mulch
and natural fertilizer. When leaves are on the ground they naturally break down to
produce humus and at the same time protect the root system from cold and drought
➢ Ideal time to plant: Spring or Autumn
& Planting
➢ Prepare the Soil : mowing + plowing
➢ Fertilization
➢ Contain Weeds: sow alfalfa or dwarf clover
➢ Sowing spacing / Density : planting pattern
➢ Irrigation : drip style irrigation system
➢ Installation of the Plantation : Review Planting
➢ Mulch with straw or grass cuttings with a
radius of 3-4 feet
➢ Create a containment barrier of 2 FT ditches
and/or compacted dirt-roads around the
➢ Barrier distance of 30 feet from neighboring
Qualified and Professional Consulting
➢ We provide giant bamboo plants with OnlyMOSO
Quality certification and 6 month guarantee.
➢ Guarantee that the OnlyMoso bamboo products
(Shoots and Trunks) will always be purchased at
the best possible market price.
➢ Promote and market national bamboo in the
various sales channels (Timber, food, bio-energy,
textile, construction ect…)
➢ Perform educational, scientific and research
activities to benefit OnlyMoso customers relative
to the cultivation of bamboo for industrial and
commercial use.
➢ Procure special rates with credit institutes to
finance the realization of OnlyMoso plantations.
➢ Establish procedures for correctly managing
OnlyMoso plantations.
Crop Comparison Chart
An OnlyMoso forest reaches maturity between 5 and 10 years after planting depending
on the weather conditions, soil and type of cultivation adopted. Our plants are grown
from plant division and this can guarantee a long life for the OnlyMoso plantation
200D 10 Year Gross Income Chart
Conservative Projections $1.00 Per Pound Spring/Fall Shoots $12.00 Per Trunk Acre
Growing Period
Growing Period
$4,380 $10,950 $4,380 $10,950 $6,570
36 Month Partial 588 1,470 1,764 4,410 120 300
$6,276 $15,690 $10,656 $26,640 $15,984
48 Month Partial 823 2,058 2,470 6,174 180 450
$10,524 $26,310 $21,180 $52,950 $31,770
5 1,529 3,822 4,586 11,466 240 600
$14,346 $26,310 $35,526 $79,260 $43,734
6 2,293 3,822 6,880 11,466 240 600
$21,990 $26,310 $57,516 $105,570 $48,054
7 3,822 3,822 11,466 11,466 240 600
$23,478 $26,310 $80,994 $131,880 $50,886
8 3,822 3,822 11,466 11,466 364 600
$25,590 $26,310 $106,584 $158,190 $51,606
9 3,822 3,822 11,466 11,466 540 600
$26,310 $26,310 $132,894 $184,500 $51,606
10 3,822 3,822 11,466 11,466 600 600
$26,310 $26,310 $159,204 $210,810 $51,606
11 3,822 3,822 11,466 11,466 600 600
$26,310 $26,310 $185,514 $237,120 $51,606
- All numbers and projections based on ACRE per YEAR
- We have used examples of D200 ( 200 mother plants per acre ) and
D500 ( 500 mother plants per acre ) as illustrations. D300 and D400
- The more plants we put in the GROUND per acre, the faster the
harvest WILL REACH full STAGE production. D500 reaches full
production in 5-6 years ; D200 will reach FULL PRODUCTION in 7-9
years. Land management procedures can vary results.
- There are 2 PARTIAL HARVEST years. This means that the plantation
will produce SPROUTs and CANES in the beginning and then will reach
full production during the following years.
- For example-D500: The first partial harvest is usually in YEAR 3 ; and
the second partial harvest year is usually in year 4 Year 5 onwards is
- In D200 those PARTIAL HARVEST YEARS usually happen in YEAR 7 and
8 from THE DAY those MOTHER-PLANTs were PLANTED in the ground.
Giant Moso Bamboo the MIRACLE PLANT
- Absorbs up to 5 times more CARBON DIOXIDE than any other plant
- RELEASES 35% more OXYGEN than any other PLANT
Eco Renewable and SUSTAINABLE
- Reduces Soil Erosion on River Banks and shore lines
- Considered a HARDWOOD not to be compared to Soft Woods/Pine
but rathen to TEAK, and MAHOGANY.
- NO PESTCIDES or Herbicides required
- Minimal Maintenance
- ANTI BACTERIAL and Anti-Fungal properties
Use of HEAVY and EXPENSIVE MACHINERY not required
OnlyMoso plant warranty
ONLYMOSO® plants are of the highest quality and completely guaranteed by ONLYMOSO® Corp.
The ONLYMOSO® warranty is valid from delivery of the plants and will last for six (6) months.
Replacement of plants that do not take will be covered by a single shipment. After the warranty term,
the client may in any case request replacement plants, but these will be subject to a charge.
ONLYMOSO USA CORP will forward the replacement request to our Nursery. Replacement plants to be shipped within
fifteen (15) days*.
ONLYMOSO USA CORP reserves the right to send its own technical engineer to the plantation in order to check the
actual coverage of plants being replaced.
30% deposit due at the time of placing an order, and remaining balance due at delivery.
Sub-total $
Payments methods: Transportation $
i) Non-transferable check made payable to OnlyMoso U.S.A. Corp. or Tax (where applicable) $
ii) Wire transfer with the following bank details: TOTAL $
Wire transfer to the same company to: Account no. 0000245160720 Date Deposit
BB&T Bank (Branch Banking & Trust Company) Miami branch _____________ ___% $
Date Deposit
Check one of the following:
_____________ ___% $
☐ Direct payment ☐ Loan from your own bank Balance $
Buy Back Agreement
Onlymoso D-200
$7,600 / Acre
Onlymoso D-300
$10,800 / Acre
Onlymoso D-400
$13,600 / Acre
Onlymoso D-500
$16,000 / Acre
➢30% Deposit
➢Balance due at planting
Explaining the Deferral Program
➢ The Deferral program allows our partner the ability
to finance 50% of their purchase over a 5 year time
span at zero percent interest.
➢ Final payment is taken out of the first full harvest.
➢ This option is available for large plantations of 5 Acres or
➢Plantations must sign buyback agreement.
➢Plantations must plant 500 plants per Acre.
Acre Mother plants
Description Value per Acre Total
Q.ty tot. Q.ty
Sub-total $100,000
30% deposit due at the time of placing an order, and remaining balance due at delivery.
Payments methods:
Transportation $
i) Non-transferable check made payable to OnlyMoso U.S.A. Corp. or Tax (where applicable) $
ii) Wire transfer with the following bank details: TOTAL $100,000
Wire transfer to the same company to: Account no. 0000245160720 Deposit
BB&T Bank (Branch Banking & Trust Company) Miami branch
__________ $30,000
Check one of the following: Deposit ___% $
1000 farmers-partners
4000 acres
Chris Kaiser