A Future Without Plastic Waste-Through Sustainability and Circularity
A Future Without Plastic Waste-Through Sustainability and Circularity
A Future Without Plastic Waste-Through Sustainability and Circularity
Nature is a beautiful thing, but, unfortunately, it has been and is still being polluted by millions of
tons of plastic waste dumped by us. We use plastic in every shape and form in our daily lives. It
carries our drinks, our shampoos and keeps our veggies fresh. We love plastic just because it is
waterproof, cheap, durable, versatile convenient and " easily disposable ".
But, unlike other materials, plastic never goes away; it is non-biodegradable. It is made from toxic
materials like benzene, vinyl hydrochloride. These chemicals cause cancer and their by-products
contaminate air and soil.
It is pertinent that plastic pollution must be stopped and effective solutions must be considered to
halt this man-made calamity.
The first step should be not to create plastic in the first place-reduce and refuse. The second step
should be to reuse it once it comes into your possession. Reusing plastic can hereby reduce the
need for creating plastic. The plastic can also be recycled, hence saving other resources.
And schools can play a major role in creating awareness among the masses.
By getting the whole school, be it staff, students, administrations, helpers on board and
enlightening them about the effects of plastic pollution one can make a huge difference. Raising
awareness by visual content sharing, organising fest, putting up posters and sharing solutions.
Decreasing the amount of plastic used in school premises can be the first step towards it.
Single-use plastic can be very convenient, but the price of convenience piles up quickly. Reducing
your plastic pollution by replacing your single-use plastic items with alternatives that last longer and
can be the solution. As the piles of litter continue to grow, so does the awareness of the damages is
causing and reformed consumers everywhere are turning to greener alternatives. These proactive
customers are eliminating plastics from their homes and daily lives to better help the environment
and reduce the toll single-use plastics have.
There are many alternatives like stainless steel, glass, platinum silicone, beeswax coated cloth,
natural fibre cloth, wood, bamboo, pottery, ceramics and paper. These materials can be used in
place of plastic to create any items that we use today in plastic form. Plastic straws, plastic cups,
coffee cups, forks spoons, all can be replaced with the above materials. It is silly to use plastic cups
for a few minutes when they will last for hundreds of years before breaking down.
There are many alternatives to packaging that big industries should vouch for. Banana leaves and
bamboo packing pressed hay, seaweed-based packaging and mushroom packaging(to replace
styrofoam packaging).
Now, cut down your plastic use significantly. Ditch the use of plastic bags, use canvas cloth bags,
carry them to the mart. Use plastic-free beverage containers, carry your own stainless steel cup to
the cafe.
Switch to non-liquid soaps, liquid soaps, detergents, shampoos have added an enormous amount of
waste to our environment.
As you eliminate plastic from your life you are not only cutting your own contribution to the waste
stream, you are modelling more sustainable living for those around you.
As demand for more sustainable practice grows, companies will continue to respond and the
massive increase in plastics use can reverse course-
-Aaditya Jain
Grade 9-A