Budi Setiyawan XII OTKP 1
Budi Setiyawan XII OTKP 1
Budi Setiyawan XII OTKP 1
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Praise and gratitude to God Almighty for the completion of the preparation of the Dual
System Education (PSG) report at PT CEMINDO GEMILANG Muara Jawa for the
2021/2022 academic year.
This report was prepared and completed as a requirement to take the School
Examination (US) and the Expertise Competency Examination (UKK) at the Muara Jawa
National Vocational School. In the preparation of this report, the authors received a lot
of direction and guidance from various parties. For that, the authors would like to thank:
1. Mr. Hendro Sujarwo, S.T., as Chairman of the Muara Jawa National Education
2. Mr. Syahran, S.H.I., M.S.I., as the Head of Muara Jawa National Vocational School.
3. Mr. Ridwan S., S.Pd., as the school supervisor who has provided guidance to the
4. Mr. Dwi Aji Kristianto, as Plant Head of PT Cemindo Gemilang Tbk Muara Jawa Plant,
who is willing to accept and provide guidance to the authors.
5. Mr. Muhammad Adha Ahmad, ST., as the HR Section Head who is willing to accept
and provide guidance in implementing Field Work Education to the compiler.
6. Mrs. Nidya Puspita Hardiningsih, as HR and GA Admin who provided guidance both in
carrying out Field Work Education and in preparing this Field Work Practice report.
7. All employees of PT Cemindo Gemilang Tbk, especially the HRGA and Warehouse
Departments who provide guidance both in carrying out Field Work Education and in
preparing this Field Work Practice report.
8. Both parents who always support the compiler’s activities.
9. Muara Jawa National Vocational School students in general and class XI students of
Office Governance Automation, Accounting and Institutional Finance batch 2021/2022 in
10. All parties that I cannot mention one by one.
Muara Jawa, 12 August 2021
Budi Setiyawan
July 2021
• Introduction
• 5R Activities (Neat, Clean, Concise, Take Care, Diligent)
Agustus 2021
• 5R Activities (Clean, Clean, Concise, Take Care, Diligent)
• Receipt of goods with GI and GR (Good Issue and Good Receipt) systems
• Falling Data Safety ( Toolbox Meeting )
3.1 Conclusion
4.1 Conclusion With the implementation of the Dual System Education (PSG), it has provided
various kinds of knowledge that authors do not usually get at school. Through Dual System
Education (PSG), the authors get several conclusions, including the following: 4.1.1 Dual
System Education Activities (PSG) are very useful activities for students to get to know more
about how to work in the field according to their respective expertise, so that students can see
a picture of future activities when entering the world work, and students know the basic
competencies that will be used as job opportunities and opportunities. 4.1.2 Dual System
Education Activities (PSG) can train students to be more disciplined, skilled, and responsible,
and can foster self-confidence and practice communication skills in the general public. 4.1.3
With the Dual System Education (PSG) students can gain positive knowledge so that they can
apply it again when they return to school. Therefore, the holding of the Dual System Education
(PSG) means that schools have introduced in advance how the world of work is and of course it
is very beneficial for students, especially before they enter the world of work.ox