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The best expression to complete

2. The best
following dialogue...
to complete
Text for questions
the following
// 3. work
The writer’s
pays off.”
5. Mazaya
to writestudies
... toeveryday
...6. Ferdian
... be
for permission
at her
7. Halimah
to his teacher
: I will give
to leave
visit his
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Fia :...
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11. To
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15. “Each
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16. How50
mg "contains"
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. . Based on the instruction,
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. the
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26. Thethe
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27. Thethe
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28. Thethe
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29. The
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30. Thethe
to complete the dialogue is...
29/11/2020 13:34:02 95 / 100 UJI COBA 9H-000 9.H Thank you I hope so wish on Mikala’s hard working
a serious work will bring a in
to so that I disagree with you A drug store medicine kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
the product
of medicineconsist of 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thick a cutter hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to make mango juice steps juicer is riding Should be was practicing sport prepares will be watching
03/12/2020 20:37:24 28 / 100 Sintia desi lestari 9g-252 9,G I hope so I hope so prove Mikala’s success a hard working needs a lotso
of money so I agree A shop medicine over tea one bag per cup after six august two thousand
to advertise
and eighteen
the product the use of medicine consist of 50 g The way to make a paper mask
thin a pair of scissors cut the holes for the eyes shadow how to write a procedure text
steps refrigerator is riding will be practices sport prepares is watching
04/12/2020 2:57:21 43 / 100 ROBI APRIAN 9G-247 9,G Thank you thank you show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
a serious work will bring a so
thatresult so I disagree with you A shop caplet kraton tea three bags per cup after six august two thousand
to advertise
and nineteen
the product the use of medicine described 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
soft a pair of scissors hook the rubber bands on line
your ears how to make mango juice steps juicer is riding will be practices sport prepares is watching
04/12/2020 6:23:34 31 / 100 MuhammadIrvanSuryana 236 9,G Thank you Good luck show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
a serious work will bring a in
to so I disagree with you A supermarket tablet cup tea two bags per cup after six august two thousand
to tell
and thenineteen
value of the drinkthe side effect of medicineconsist of 45 g The steps of using a paperthick
mask a sharp knife cut the holes for the eyes hole how to make mango juice equipment refrigerator rides will be Practiced sport is preparing will be watching
04/12/2020 7:13:53 35 / 100 Muhamad Ridwan 9G240 9,G Thank you thank you wish on Mikala’s hard working
a hard worker will be paid a
solot so that I disagree with you A drug store tablet kraton tea one bag per cup after six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the ingredients of medicineconsist of 50 g How to cut the paper usinghand
scissors a sharp knife cut a big hole for the mouthshadow how to make mango juice steps refrigerator ride Should be is practicing glass prepared was watching
04/12/2020 7:35:24 18 / 100 M rafiyudin 166 9.E Good luck Good luck wish on Mikala’s hard working
a serious work will bring a so
thatresult be I agree A supermarket syrup remove tea four bags per cup after six august two thousand
to tell
and theeighteen
value of the drinkthe side effect of medicinedescribed 45 g How to cut the paper usingthick
scissors a trowel tie a rubber band on your nose
shadow how to blend mango equipment juicer is riding to be Practiced build prepared will be watching
04/12/2020 7:37:05 29 / 100 Juliana putri herawan 9G-233 9,G Thank you thank you prove Mikala’s success a serious work will bring a in
to so I completely understand A drug store medicine kraton tea three bags per cup before six august two thousand
to tell and
the value
of the drinkthe use of medicine described 45 mg The steps of using a papersoft
mask a sharp knife tie a rubber band on your nose
hole how to cook a nice dish utensils refrigerator to ride Should be Practiced cup prepared will be watching
04/12/2020 7:38:09 33 / 100 Theo mahesa 9A-036 9.A I hope so well done say that Mikala is the best all people should work veryinhard
order to so that I agree A supermarket medicine remove tea three bags per cup after six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the ingredients of medicineconsist of 50 mg How to cut the paper usingsoft
scissors a cutter cut a big hole for the mouthshadow how to make mango juice equipment juicer is riding don’t be Practiced glass prepared is watching
04/12/2020 7:38:10 27 / 100 MUHAMAD ARUL AZKAL 9A-022 9.A Thank you thank you wish on Mikala’s hard working
all people should work verybehard so I don’t know A drug store syrup remove tea four bags per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
the product
of medicinedescribed 50 mg How to cut the paper usinghand
scissors a trowel hook the rubber bands on Option
your ears
3 how to cook a nice dish equipment stove to ride don’t be was practicing glass was preparing was watching
04/12/2020 7:40:13 33 / 100 Sifa Septiayani 9A-032 9.A Good luck thank you show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
a serious work will bring a in
to in order to I completely understand A supermarket tablet kraton tea two bags per cup after six august two thousand
to describe
and nineteen
the drink product
the side effect of medicinedescribed 45 g How to cut the paper usingthick
scissors a trowel tie a rubber band on your nose
hole how to make mango juice equipment juicer rides Should be is practicing build is preparing will be watching
04/12/2020 7:41:43 25 / 100 Bambang mawardi 9a-007 9.A Good luck thank you say that Mikala is the best all people should work veryinhard
order to so that I disagree with you A shop tablet cup tea two bags per cup after six august two thousand
to tell
and thenineteen
value of the drinkthe ingredients of medicinedescribed 45 g The steps of using a paperhand
mask a pair of scissors tie a rubber band on your nose
shadow how to make mango juice ingredients juicer rides Should be practices build was preparing will be watching
04/12/2020 7:44:07 16 / 100 Rizik Jamalulael 174 9.E Good luck well done prove Mikala’s success a serious work will bring a so
thatresult be I completely understand A shop syrup cup tea four bags per cup after six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the way to take the medicine
described 50 g How to cut the paper usingsoft
scissors a trowel hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to blend mango steps iron to ride will be practices cup is preparing has been watching
04/12/2020 7:45:20 61 / 100 Sahrul Ramadano 9G-249 9,G Thank you I hope so wish on Mikala’s hard working
all people should work verysohard so that I disagree with you A drug store tablet kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
the product
of medicineoffers 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
soft a cutter cut the holes for the eyes pattern how to make mango juice steps juicer rides Should be practices cup prepares was watching
04/12/2020 7:47:40 25 / 100 Ibnu jaki 9c-087 9.C Good luck well done wish on Mikala’s hard working
all people should work verysohard
that so that I agree A supermarket tablet cup tea three bags per cup before six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the ingredients of medicinedescribed 45 g How to cut the paper usinghand
scissors a trowel tie a rubber band on your nose
pattern how to make mango juice utensils stove rides Should be Practiced build prepared will be watching
04/12/2020 7:49:00 26 / 100 Siswara 178 9.E Thank you Good luck wish on Mikala’s hard working
all people should work veryinhard
order to in order to I agree A supermarket syrup remove tea one bag per cup after six august two thousand
to tell
and thenineteen
value of the drinkthe way to take the medicine
obtain 50 g The materials needed to make
thick a mask a trowel hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to make mango juice utensils stove to ride don’t be is practicing build is preparing was watching
04/12/2020 7:49:42 37 / 100 Desy novianti 9f-189 9.F I hope so thank you wish on Mikala’s hard working
a hard worker will be paid a
in lot
order to in order to I don’t know A shop tablet over tea two bags per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
the product
of medicinedescribed 50 mg The steps of using a paperhand
mask a pair of scissors cut a big hole for the mouthpattern how to cook a nice dish steps juicer is riding will be was practicing sport is preparing has been watching
04/12/2020 7:49:57 28 / 100 Resti maulida 9A-029 9.A Thank you thank you say that Mikala is the best all people should work verysohard
that in order to I completely understand A drug store tablet kraton tea four bags per cup before six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the use of medicine consist of 50 g How to cut the paper usingthick
scissors a trowel cut the holes for the eyes shadow how to make mango juice equipment refrigerator to ride Should be practices build prepares is watching
04/12/2020 7:50:38 30 / 100 Muhammad Fikri Saputra 9H-277 9.H Well done I hope so prove Mikala’s success a hard worker will be paid a
solot be I don’t know A drug store tablet kraton tea one bag per cup after six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the side effect of medicineconsist of 50 mg The steps of using a papersoft
mask a pair of scissors cut the holes for the eyes hole how to make mango juice steps refrigerator rides will be practices sport prepares is watching
04/12/2020 7:51:28 22 / 100 Alferizaldi wildana 003 9.A Good luck well done prove Mikala’s success a hard worker will be paid a
that so I completely understand A grocery tablet over tea two bags per cup after six august two thousand
to give
detailed information
the about
use ofthe
product consist of 50 mg How to cut the paper usingthin
scissors a trowel cut the holes for the eyes Option 3 how to cook a nice dish steps stove is riding don’t be was practicing build prepares is watching
04/12/2020 7:53:31 9 / 100 Muhamad Khaerul Bhakti 9f-201 9.F Good luck well done prove Mikala’s success a hard worker will be paid a
that so that I completely understand A grocery syrup over tea two bags per cup after six august two thousand
to describe
and nineteen
the drink product
the use of medicine described 50 g The materials needed to make
handa mask a pair of scissors cut the holes for the eyes line how to cook a nice dish ingredients refrigerator ride don’t be is practicing sport prepared will be watching
04/12/2020 7:54:12 30 / 100 M Fakih Islamuddin 9D-130 9.D Thank you I hope so say that Mikala is the best all people should work verybehard so that I don’t know A drug store medicine cup tea three bags per cup after six august two thousand
to advertise
and nineteen
the product the way to take the medicine
described 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thick a trowel cut the holes for the eyes shadow how to write a procedure text
equipment stove ride Should be practices cup is preparing is watching
04/12/2020 7:55:22 95 / 100 JULIAN LUTHFI PURNAMA
AGUSTINA 9.B Thank you I hope so show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
a serious work will bring a in
to so I disagree with you A drug store medicine kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
the product
of medicineconsist of 50 g The way to make a paper mask
thick a cutter hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to make mango juice steps juicer is riding Should be was practicing sport is preparing will be watching
04/12/2020 7:56:57 31 / 100 Andrian Syahputra 221 9,G Thank you I hope so prove Mikala’s success a serious work will bring a so
good result be I completely understand A shop tablet kraton tea one bag per cup after six august two thousand
to give
detailed information
the about
the product
of medicinedescribed 50 mg The steps of using a paperhand
mask a pair of scissors cut a big hole for the mouthhole how to blend mango equipment stove ride don’t be practices sport prepared will be watching
04/12/2020 7:57:38 56 / 100 Deffita Dwi Eka Mulyana 9C-082 9.C I hope so thank you say that Mikala is the best a hard worker will be paid a
solot be I agree A drug store tablet kraton tea one bag per cup after six august two thousand
to give
detailed information
the about
use ofthe
product consist of 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thick a cutter hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to make mango juice ingredients juicer to ride will be was practicing sport prepared has been watching
04/12/2020 7:57:52 39 / 100 Bunga rifdah jelita 9G-226 9,G Thank you thank you wish on Mikala’s hard working
a hard working needs a lotso
of money in order to I don’t know A drug store tablet kraton tea one bag per cup after six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the use of medicine obtain 50 mg The steps of using a paperthin
mask a cutter cut the holes for the eyes pattern how to make mango juice steps refrigerator is riding to be is practicing sport prepared is watching
04/12/2020 7:58:34 60 / 100 Rinda febrian 103 9.C Thank you I hope so wish on Mikala’s hard working
a serious work will bring a in
to so I disagree with you A drug store medicine kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
use ofthe
product described 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thick a pair of scissors cut the holes for the eyes pattern how to make mango juice steps juicer to ride don’t be is practicing build prepared is watching
04/12/2020 7:58:41 17 / 100 Deni kurniawan 9B-045 9.B I hope so Good luck say that Mikala is the best a hard working needs a lotso
of money so I don’t know A shop syrup cup tea three bags per cup before six august two thousand
to tell and
the value
of the drinkthe way to take the medicine
described 50 mg The steps of using a paperthin
mask a sharp knife tie a rubber band on your nose
shadow how to make mango juice equipment refrigerator ride Should be is practicing build is preparing is watching
04/12/2020 7:59:57 35 / 100 Muhamad Adif 9A-021 9.A I hope so Good luck wish on Mikala’s hard working
all people should work veryinhard
order to so I disagree with you A grocery medicine over tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to describe
and nineteen
the drink product
the ingredients of medicineobtain 50 g The steps of using a paperhand
mask a cutter cut a big hole for the mouthhole how to make mango juice equipment juicer is riding don’t be was practicing cup prepares is watching
04/12/2020 8:01:08 27 / 100 Muhammad Tegar Rizky Ramadhan
9A-023 9.A Well done thank you say that Mikala is the best a hard working needs a lotso
of that
money so I completely understand A drug store medicine over tea one bag per cup after six august two thousand
to tell
and theeighteen
value of the drinkthe use of medicine described 50 g The way to make a paper mask
soft a pair of scissors tie a rubber band on your nose
shadow how to make mango juice steps stove is riding to be is practicing build prepares has been watching
04/12/2020 8:01:18 53 / 100 Indah lestari 9A-016 9.A Good luck well done prove Mikala’s success all people should work verysohard in order to I agree A drug store tablet kraton tea three bags per cup after six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the side effect of medicineoffers 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thick a cutter hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to make mango juice steps juicer is riding don’t be was practicing sport prepares was watching
04/12/2020 8:03:12 29 / 100 Rahma amelia 9E 171 9.E I hope so thank you wish on Mikala’s hard working
a hard working needs a lotso
of money in order to I don’t know A drug store tablet kraton tea three bags per cup after six august two thousand
to give
detailed information
the about
way tothe
the medicine
described 45 g The steps of using a paperthin
mask a sharp knife hook the rubber bands on shadow
your ears how to write a procedure text
steps juicer to ride will be is practicing build is preparing will be watching
04/12/2020 8:03:28 12 / 100 Ahmad raffi 9B-040 9.B Well done Good luck show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
a serious work will bring a so
thatresult so I completely understand A supermarket syrup cup tea three bags per cup before six august two thousand
to advertise
and nineteen
the product the side effect of medicinedescribed 50 mg The steps of using a papersoft
mask a sharp knife cut a big hole for the mouthline how to make mango juice utensils stove to ride will be is practicing cup was preparing was watching
04/12/2020 8:05:30 34 / 100 Olivia Putri 9D-134 9.D Good luck well done show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
a hard working needs a lotso
of that
money in order to I disagree with you A supermarket syrup over tea two bags per cup before six august two thousand
to advertise
and eighteen
the product the side effect of medicineoffers 45 g The way to make a paper mask
hand a cutter hook the rubber bands on Option
your ears
3 how to make mango juice steps iron to ride don’t be practices sport is preparing has been watching
04/12/2020 8:06:18 34 / 100 Kholipatun Nisa 9f-198 9.F Good luck well done wish on Mikala’s hard working
a hard working needs a lotbe
of money so I disagree with you A shop medicine over tea four bags per cup after six august two thousand
to tell
and theeighteen
value of the drinkthe ingredients of medicinedescribed 45 g The way to make a paper mask
thick a cutter cut the holes for the eyes shadow how to make mango juice steps iron to ride will be is practicing sport is preparing is watching
04/12/2020 8:07:40 25 / 100 M Ega Ardiansyah 162 9.E Good luck well done say that Mikala is the best a serious work will bring a so
good result in order to I completely understand A drug store tablet kraton tea one bag per cup after six august two thousand
to advertise
and eighteen
the product the side effect of medicinedescribed 45 g The steps of using a paperhand
mask a trowel cut a big hole for the mouthshadow how to make mango juice steps refrigerator is riding don’t be is practicing cup prepares was watching
04/12/2020 8:07:42 27 / 100 Agus Miftah 9-f 184 9.F Good luck thank you wish on Mikala’s hard working
a hard worker will be paid a
that so I don’t know A supermarket medicine kraton tea three bags per cup after six august two thousand
to give
detailed information
the about
side effect
the product
of medicineoffers 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
hand a sharp knife cut the holes for the eyes shadow how to cook a nice dish ingredients refrigerator to ride Should be practices cup prepared will be watching
04/12/2020 8:08:28 19 / 100 Yodi abdul mutolib 9H-291 9.H Thank you I hope so say that Mikala is the best all people should work verysohard
that be I agree A grocery tablet kraton tea four bags per cup after six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the use of medicine offers 45 g How to cut the paper usingsoft
scissors a sharp knife tie a rubber band on your nose
shadow how to make mango juice utensils iron ride Should be practices sport was preparing has been watching
04/12/2020 8:08:47 36 / 100 Nuraida 9B - 061 9.B I hope so well done wish on Mikala’s hard working
all people should work verysohard
that so I completely understand A grocery tablet cup tea three bags per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
the product
of medicineconsist of 50 mg How to cut the paper usinghand
scissors a pair of scissors hook the rubber bands on line
your ears how to write a procedure text
steps iron is riding Should be practices sport prepares will be watching
04/12/2020 8:09:10 14 / 100 Rizky Surya syahputra meidiwan 285 9.H Thank you I hope so prove Mikala’s success all people should work verysohard be I completely understand A supermarket syrup kraton tea three bags per cup after six august two thousand
to describe
and nineteen
the drink product
the way to take the medicine
offers 50 g How to cut the paper usingthin
scissors a sharp knife tie a rubber band on your nose
line how to cook a nice dish equipment refrigerator to ride will be practices glass is preparing will be watching
04/12/2020 8:09:44 94 / 100 FAJAR AGUS SULISTIONO
9A012 9.A Thank you I hope so show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
a serious work will bring a in
to so I disagree with you A drug store medicine kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the ingredients of medicineconsist of 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thick a cutter hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to make mango juice steps juicer is riding Should be was practicing sport is preparing will be watching
04/12/2020 8:11:27 23 / 100 Anwar fauzi 9h-259 9.H Good luck I hope so wish on Mikala’s hard working
all people should work veryinhard
order to in order to I disagree with you A drug store medicine over tea three bags per cup before six august two thousand
to describe
and nineteen
the drink product
the use of medicine consist of 50 mg The steps of using a paperhand
mask a trowel cut the holes for the eyes hole how to write a procedure text
utensils refrigerator rides Should be practices build prepared is watching
04/12/2020 8:12:41 40 / 100 Nur rafli 9H-280 9.H Good luck thank you say that Mikala is the best all people should work verysohard so that I don’t know A drug store medicine kraton tea one bag per cup after six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the side effect of medicineoffers 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thin a pair of scissors cut the holes for the eyes shadow how to make mango juice ingredients juicer to ride Should be is practicing cup prepares will be watching
04/12/2020 8:12:42 27 / 100 Sri mulyani 9D_114 9.D Good luck thank you show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
all people should work verysohard in order to I disagree with you A shop tablet over tea two bags per cup after six august two thousand
to advertise
and nineteen
the product the way to take the medicine
consist of 50 g The materials needed to make
thick a mask a pair of scissors cut a big hole for the mouthshadow how to make mango juice steps juicer ride will be practices sport prepares was watching
04/12/2020 8:13:13 29 / 100 Nuryanti 9B-062 9.B I hope so I hope so wish on Mikala’s hard working
a hard working needs a lotso
of that
money so that I completely understand A shop caplet over tea four bags per cup before six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the side effect of medicineoffers 50 mg The steps of using a paperhand
mask a trowel tie a rubber band on your nose
pattern how to make mango juice equipment juicer is riding don’t be is practicing build is preparing was watching
04/12/2020 8:14:20 27 / 100 Davi ramadhan 9A-009 9.A Thank you well done show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
all people should work veryinhard
order to so I completely understand A shop tablet kraton tea three bags per cup after six august two thousand
to give
detailed information
the about
the product
of medicineobtain 50 mg How to cut the paper usinghand
scissors a trowel tie a rubber band on your nose
line how to cook a nice dish equipment stove rides don’t be Practiced glass is preparing will be watching
04/12/2020 8:14:39 67 / 100 Pirda sari 9,00E-169 9.E Thank you I hope so show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
a serious work will bring a in
to so I disagree with you A supermarket medicine kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to advertise
and eighteen
the product the use of medicine obtain 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thick a pair of scissors hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to write a procedure text
steps juicer is riding Should be practices sport prepares is watching
04/12/2020 8:14:58 76 / 100 SELVI MAHARLIKA 9H-286 9.H Thank you I hope so prove Mikala’s success a serious work will bring a so
thatresult in order to I disagree with you A drug store tablet kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
the product
of medicineconsist of 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thick a pair of scissors hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to make mango juice steps juicer is riding Should be practices cup prepares will be watching
04/12/2020 8:15:19 50 / 100 Dimas 9B-046 9.B Good luck I hope so say that Mikala is the best a hard working needs a lotbe
of money so that I completely understand A drug store tablet kraton tea one bag per cup after six august two thousand
to advertise
and eighteen
the product the ingredients of medicineconsist of 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thin a sharp knife cut a big hole for the mouthshadow how to cook a nice dish equipment juicer is riding Should be was practicing cup is preparing will be watching
04/12/2020 8:15:20 33 / 100 Taufik Hidayat 217 9.F Good luck well done say that Mikala is the best all people should work verysohard
that so that I disagree with you A supermarket syrup over tea three bags per cup before six august two thousand
to advertise
and eighteen
the product the way to take the medicine
consist of 45 mg The materials needed to make
thick a mask a sharp knife hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to write a procedure text
steps juicer to ride will be practices build is preparing was watching
04/12/2020 8:15:46 71 / 100 Revaulhusna 9B-067 9.B Thank you well done wish on Mikala’s hard working
a serious work will bring a so
good result in order to I agree A drug store tablet kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
the product
of medicineconsist of 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thick a pair of scissors hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to make mango juice steps juicer is riding Should be is practicing sport prepared was watching
04/12/2020 8:15:48 22 / 100 fikri agustian 121 9.D Well done well done prove Mikala’s success all people should work veryinhard
order to so that I agree A grocery tablet remove tea three bags per cup before six august two thousand
to tell and
the value
of the drinkthe side effect of medicineoffers 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thin a pair of scissors cut a big hole for the mouthline how to blend mango equipment iron to ride will be is practicing sport prepared will be watching
04/12/2020 8:15:48 33 / 100 M Samsul bahri 9c 096 9.C I hope so thank you prove Mikala’s success all people should work verysohard
that be I agree A supermarket medicine kraton tea two bags per cup after six august two thousand
to give
detailed information
the about
use ofthe
product consist of 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
soft a sharp knife cut the holes for the eyes shadow how to write a procedure text
steps iron is riding to be practices sport prepares was watching
04/12/2020 8:17:46 18 / 100 Muhammad awal Bintang 9f-203 9.F Thank you I hope so wish on Mikala’s hard working
all people should work verysohard
that in order to I disagree with you A supermarket tablet cup tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to tell and
the value
of the drinkthe use of medicine described 45 g The steps of using a paperhand
mask a sharp knife cut a big hole for the mouthhole how to write a procedure text
utensils refrigerator to ride Should be Practiced glass prepared was watching
04/12/2020 8:18:42 19 / 100 Fahmi najarudin 120 9.D I hope so thank you say that Mikala is the best all people should work verysohard in order to I agree A supermarket tablet cup tea one bag per cup after six august two thousand
to describe
and nineteen
the drink product
the use of medicine consist of 45 g The steps of using a paperhand
mask a pair of scissors cut the holes for the eyes pattern how to make mango juice equipment stove to ride Should be practices build prepared is watching
04/12/2020 8:18:47 33 / 100 Muhammd Reza 9B-059 9.B Well done thank you show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
a serious work will bring a in
to so I don’t know A grocery tablet kraton tea three bags per cup before six august two thousand
to advertise
and eighteen
the product the way to take the medicine
offers 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
soft a pair of scissors cut the holes for the eyes line how to make mango juice ingredients juicer to ride to be is practicing sport prepares is watching
04/12/2020 8:18:54 15 / 100 Amri 96-178 9.F Good luck Good luck show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
a hard worker will be paid a
solot be I don’t know A grocery syrup remove tea four bags per cup before six august two thousand
to tell and
the value
of the drinkthe way to take the medicine
described 45 g How to cut the paper usinghand
scissors a cutter hook the rubber bands on shadow
your ears how to cook a nice dish equipment stove is riding to be is practicing glass was preparing was watching
04/12/2020 8:19:22 29 / 100 Raka putra satria 9,00E+172 9.E I hope so well done wish on Mikala’s hard working
a serious work will bring a so
thatresult in order to I don’t know A drug store medicine kraton tea three bags per cup before six august two thousand
to tell and
the value
of the drinkthe way to take the medicine
consist of 50 mg The steps of using a paperhand
mask a cutter cut a big hole for the mouthhole how to write a procedure text
equipment iron to ride don’t be is practicing build is preparing is watching
04/12/2020 8:19:36 56 / 100 Dini Yanti Ramadhani 9,00E+156 9.E Thank you I hope so wish on Mikala’s hard working
all people should work veryinhard
order to so I disagree with you A supermarket medicine kraton tea four bags per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
the product
of medicineconsist of 45 mg The way to make a paper mask
thick a pair of scissors hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to write a procedure text
steps refrigerator is riding to be is practicing cup is preparing is watching
04/12/2020 8:20:03 43 / 100 Muhamad Aripudin 9,00E-165 9.E Good luck well done prove Mikala’s success a serious work will bring a in
to so that I disagree with you A supermarket syrup kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to advertise
and eighteen
the product the side effect of medicineconsist of 50 g How to cut the paper usingthick
scissors a pair of scissors cut a big hole for the mouthshadow how to make mango juice equipment refrigerator is riding Should be is practicing cup prepares will be watching
04/12/2020 8:20:27 36 / 100 RIO FEBRIAN 9H-284 9.H Thank you Good luck wish on Mikala’s hard working
a hard working needs a lotso
of money be I completely understand A drug store tablet kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the use of medicine described 45 g The steps of using a paperhand
mask a sharp knife cut a big hole for the mouthshadow how to make mango juice steps refrigerator is riding Should be practices sport prepared is watching
04/12/2020 8:20:30 33 / 100 Perdiansyah 135 9.D Good luck well done say that Mikala is the best all people should work verysohard
that so that I disagree with you A supermarket syrup over tea three bags per cup before six august two thousand
to advertise
and eighteen
the product the way to take the medicine
consist of 45 mg The materials needed to make
thick a mask a sharp knife hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to write a procedure text
steps juicer to ride will be practices build is preparing was watching
04/12/2020 8:20:47 41 / 100 Anggini larasati 043 9.B Thank you Good luck say that Mikala is the best all people should work verysohard in order to I disagree with you A drug store medicine kraton tea one bag per cup after six august two thousand
to advertise
and eighteen
the product the side effect of medicineconsist of 50 g The way to make a paper mask
thin a pair of scissors cut the holes for the eyes shadow how to make mango juice steps juicer ride will be is practicing sport prepares is watching
04/12/2020 8:21:39 12 / 100 Siti Nurul Aprilianti 9,00E-179 9.E Thank you Good luck wish on Mikala’s hard working
all people should work verysohard
that in order to I don’t know A drug store syrup over tea two bags per cup before six august two thousand
to describe
and nineteen
the drink product
the use of medicine described 45 g The steps of using a paperthin
mask a trowel cut a big hole for the mouthOption 3 how to write a procedure text
utensils juicer ride don’t be Practiced sport prepared was watching
04/12/2020 8:21:44 50 / 100 Wildan wildiyansyah 9C-110 9.C Thank you thank you wish on Mikala’s hard working
all people should work verysohard so that I agree A drug store medicine kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
way tothe
the medicine
described 45 g The steps of using a paperthin
mask a pair of scissors hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to make mango juice ingredients refrigerator is riding Should be practices sport prepared will be watching
04/12/2020 8:22:07 37 / 100 Fahmi najarudin 120 9.D Good luck thank you say that Mikala is the best all people should work verysohard in order to I completely understand A supermarket medicine cup tea two bags per cup before six august two thousand
to tell and
the value
of the drinkthe ingredients of medicinedescribed 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thick a sharp knife tie a rubber band on your nose
shadow how to cook a nice dish equipment juicer is riding Should be is practicing sport prepared was watching
04/12/2020 8:22:08 46 / 100 fachri maulana 9C-084 9.C Thank you I hope so show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
all people should work verysohard so that I disagree with you A supermarket caplet kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
the product
of medicineobtain 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thick a pair of scissors cut the holes for the eyes hole how to write a procedure text
ingredients refrigerator to ride to be practices sport is preparing is watching
04/12/2020 8:22:11 42 / 100 Asya nursabila 9G-222 9,G Thank you thank you wish on Mikala’s hard working
all people should work veryinhard
order to so that I disagree with you A shop tablet kraton tea one bag per cup after six august two thousand
to give
detailed information
the about
the product
of medicineobtain 50 g The steps of using a paperthick
mask a pair of scissors cut a big hole for the mouthpattern how to make mango juice steps refrigerator to ride don’t be practices sport prepared is watching
04/12/2020 8:22:30 49 / 100 Ipan 9-G 231 9,G I hope so thank you say that Mikala is the best all people should work veryinhard
order to so that I agree A drug store tablet kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to advertise
and nineteen
the product the side effect of medicineconsist of 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thin a sharp knife hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to make mango juice steps juicer to ride Should be practices build prepares has been watching
04/12/2020 8:23:31 60 / 100 Parhan paddlul anam 9A-027 9.A Thank you I hope so prove Mikala’s success a serious work will bring a in
to in order to I agree A drug store tablet cup tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the ingredients of medicineconsist of 50 g The way to make a paper mask
thick a pair of scissors hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to make mango juice steps juicer to ride Should be practices sport prepares is watching
04/12/2020 8:23:35 11 / 100 Meylani Maryam 9B-056 9.B Thank you thank you prove Mikala’s success all people should work verysohard so I disagree with you A supermarket syrup cup tea three bags per cup after six august two thousand
to give
detailed information
the about
use ofthe
product described 50 mg The steps of using a paperhand
mask a sharp knife cut a big hole for the mouthOption 3 how to write a procedure text
utensils stove to ride will be is practicing build prepared has been watching
04/12/2020 8:26:12 42 / 100 Siti nur hijriyani 072 9.B Thank you thank you wish on Mikala’s hard working
a hard worker will be paid a
that so I agree A drug store tablet kraton tea one bag per cup after six august two thousand
to advertise
and nineteen
the product the use of medicine consist of 50 g The way to make a paper mask
thick a trowel cut the holes for the eyes shadow how to make mango juice steps juicer is riding to be Practiced cup is preparing is watching
04/12/2020 8:26:23 56 / 100 adam pratama putra nugraha
9B-038 9.B Thank you Good luck prove Mikala’s success a serious work will bring a so
good result in order to I agree A drug store medicine kraton tea one bag per cup after six august two thousand
to give
detailed information
the about
the product
of medicineoffers 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thick a pair of scissors hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to make mango juice ingredients juicer rides will be Practiced sport prepares is watching
04/12/2020 8:27:07 64 / 100 Ahmad Raihan Arifin 9C-077 9.C Thank you I hope so prove Mikala’s success a hard worker will be paid a
solot in order to I agree A drug store medicine kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
use ofthe
product consist of 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thin a pair of scissors cut the holes for the eyes shadow how to make mango juice steps juicer is riding Should be is practicing sport was preparing will be watching
04/12/2020 8:27:08 26 / 100 Robin marzuki 175 9.E Thank you Good luck wish on Mikala’s hard working
a hard working needs a lotso
of money so that I disagree with you A shop tablet kraton tea four bags per cup after six august two thousand
to tell
and thenineteen
value of the drinkthe use of medicine obtain 45 mg How to cut the paper usingthick
scissors a trowel hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to cook a nice dish utensils stove to ride don’t be Practiced glass prepares will be watching
04/12/2020 8:27:13 43 / 100 Rafa Aulia 9H-282 9.H Thank you Good luck prove Mikala’s success all people should work veryinhard
order to so that I completely understand A shop syrup kraton tea two bags per cup before six august two thousand
to tell and
the value
of the drinkthe ingredients of medicineobtain 50 mg The materials needed to make
thin a mask a pair of scissors hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to cook a nice dish steps juicer is riding don’t be is practicing sport prepared was watching
04/12/2020 8:27:42 53 / 100 Azizah Ramdania 9G-224 9,G Thank you well done wish on Mikala’s hard working
a hard worker will be paid a
belot in order to I disagree with you A drug store medicine kraton tea one bag per cup after six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the ingredients of medicineconsist of 50 g The way to make a paper mask
thick a cutter cut the holes for the eyes line how to make mango juice steps juicer is riding will be practices cup was preparing has been watching
04/12/2020 8:28:20 22 / 100 A.zulfikkar 9c-075 9.C Thank you thank you say that Mikala is the best a hard worker will be paid a
solot in order to I agree A shop tablet cup tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the ingredients of medicinedescribed 50 g The materials needed to make
handa mask a pair of scissors hook the rubber bands on shadow
your ears how to blend mango equipment refrigerator to ride don’t be practices sport is preparing was watching
04/12/2020 8:28:59 40 / 100 Meinisa nabila panji 274 9.H Thank you I hope so show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
a serious work will bring a in
to so I disagree with you A drug store medicine cup tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to tell and
the value
of the drinkthe use of medicine offers 45 g The steps of using a paperhand
mask a sharp knife cut a big hole for the mouthpattern how to make mango juice ingredients juicer ride to be Practiced cup prepares is watching
04/12/2020 8:29:02 34 / 100 SADAN ARZQON 9G-248 9,G I hope so I hope so wish on Mikala’s hard working
all people should work veryinhard
order to so I disagree with you A drug store tablet kraton tea two bags per cup after six august two thousand
to give
detailed information
the about
side effect
the product
of medicineconsist of 45 g The steps of using a paperhand
mask a sharp knife hook the rubber bands on Option
your ears
3 how to make mango juice utensils stove is riding don’t be Practiced glass is preparing is watching
04/12/2020 8:30:12 23 / 100 RENA 066 9.B I hope so thank you prove Mikala’s success all people should work verysohard
that be I don’t know A drug store caplet remove tea two bags per cup before six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the side effect of medicinedescribed 50 mg How to cut the paper usingsoft
scissors a pair of scissors cut a big hole for the mouthpattern how to make mango juice equipment refrigerator ride to be is practicing sport is preparing is watching
04/12/2020 8:30:56 38 / 100 Azmi Cahya Ramadhan 9G - 225 9,G I hope so thank you wish on Mikala’s hard working
a serious work will bring a in
to so I disagree with you A supermarket medicine cup tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to describe
and nineteen
the drink product
the side effect of medicineobtain 50 mg The steps of using a papersoft
mask a pair of scissors tie a rubber band on your nose
shadow how to write a procedure text
steps juicer is riding Should be Practiced sport is preparing is watching
04/12/2020 8:31:01 27 / 100 Nabila Rohmatun 205 9.F Good luck thank you wish on Mikala’s hard working
a serious work will bring a in
to be I completely understand A supermarket medicine remove tea three bags per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
side effect
the product
of medicinedescribed 50 mg The steps of using a papersoft
mask a sharp knife cut a big hole for the mouthshadow how to write a procedure text
utensils refrigerator is riding Should be Practiced cup prepared will be watching
04/12/2020 8:31:13 49 / 100 Anisa Sukma Ayu 005 9.A Thank you thank you show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
a serious work will bring a be
good result in order to I disagree with you A drug store tablet cup tea four bags per cup before six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the use of medicine offers 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thin a sharp knife hook the rubber bands on Option
your ears
3 how to make mango juice steps juicer is riding Should be is practicing cup is preparing is watching
04/12/2020 8:32:00 71 / 100 Riyan Darmawangsa 9A-031 9.A Thank you thank you show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
a serious work will bring a be
good result so I disagree with you A supermarket medicine kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
use ofthe
product offers 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
soft a cutter hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to make mango juice steps juicer ride Should be Practiced sport prepares will be watching
04/12/2020 8:32:51 66 / 100 Galang galuh aditya 9A-014 9.A Thank you I hope so say that Mikala is the best all people should work verysohard
that so I disagree with you A drug store tablet kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the ingredients of medicinedescribed 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thick a cutter hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to make mango juice steps refrigerator is riding Should be practices sport prepares was watching
04/12/2020 8:33:08 58 / 100 Muhammad Dhaffa Raihan9F-204
Aqil 9.F Thank you well done show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
a serious work will bring a in
to so that I don’t know A drug store medicine kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to describe
and nineteen
the drink product
the side effect of medicineobtain 50 mg The steps of using a paperthick
mask a pair of scissors cut the holes for the eyes line how to make mango juice steps juicer is riding Should be Practiced sport is preparing was watching
04/12/2020 8:34:21 30 / 100 Danisa lestarii 081 9.C Good luck Good luck wish on Mikala’s hard working
all people should work verysohard
that so I completely understand A supermarket medicine kraton tea three bags per cup after six august two thousand
to tell
and theeighteen
value of the drinkthe ingredients of medicineobtain 50 mg The steps of using a paperthick
mask a pair of scissors cut the holes for the eyes hole how to make mango juice equipment juicer ride to be was practicing glass prepares is watching
04/12/2020 8:34:28 67 / 100 Aulia Ramadhani 9D-115 9.D Thank you I hope so wish on Mikala’s hard working
all people should work veryinhard
order to so that I disagree with you A drug store tablet kraton tea four bags per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
the product
of medicineconsist of 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thick a trowel hook the rubber bands on shadow
your ears how to make mango juice steps juicer rides Should be practices sport is preparing has been watching
04/12/2020 8:34:59 17 / 100 M.zaenal aripin 9A-020 9.A I hope so thank you say that Mikala is the best all people should work verysohard
that so I disagree with you A shop syrup over tea three bags per cup after six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the use of medicine described 45 g The steps of using a paperthin
mask a trowel cut a big hole for the mouthshadow how to make mango juice equipment juicer ride Should be practices sport prepared was watching
04/12/2020 8:35:08 19 / 100 Nesa nabila salsabila 9,00E-168 9.E Well done thank you prove Mikala’s success a hard working needs a lotinoforder
moneyto so I completely understand A shop tablet cup tea one bag per cup after six august two thousand
to give
detailed information
the about
the product
of medicineobtain 50 g The materials needed to make
soft a mask a sharp knife cut a big hole for the mouthOption 3 how to blend mango steps refrigerator rides to be practices cup is preparing was watching
04/12/2020 8:35:52 47 / 100 Muhammad Nur Iqbal 278 9.H I hope so Good luck wish on Mikala’s hard working
all people should work veryinhard
order to be I disagree with you A drug store syrup kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the side effect of medicinedescribed 50 mg The steps of using a paperhand
mask a pair of scissors hook the rubber bands on pattern
your ears how to write a procedure text
equipment juicer is riding will be is practicing sport is preparing will be watching
04/12/2020 8:35:57 42 / 100 Andini 9A-004 9.A Thank you well done wish on Mikala’s hard working
a hard working needs a lotso
of that
money in order to I agree A grocery tablet cup tea one bag per cup after six august two thousand
to give
detailed information
the about
the product
of medicinedescribed 50 g How to cut the paper usingthick
scissors a pair of scissors hook the rubber bands on shadow
your ears how to make mango juice steps juicer is riding don’t be is practicing sport is preparing has been watching
04/12/2020 8:37:03 83 / 100 Hana Restu 9E - 158 9.E Good luck thank you show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
a serious work will bring a in
to in order to I disagree with you A drug store tablet kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
side effect
the product
of medicineconsist of 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thick a cutter hook the rubber bands on shadow
your ears how to make mango juice steps juicer is riding Should be was practicing sport is preparing will be watching
04/12/2020 8:37:45 21 / 100 Nevil wahyu adrian 9c-099 9.C Thank you thank you show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
a hard worker will be paid a
belot be I don’t know A grocery caplet remove tea four bags per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
way tothe
the medicine
offers 45 mg The materials needed to make
soft a mask a cutter hook the rubber bands on Option
your ears
3 how to blend mango ingredients iron ride to be was practicing cup was preparing has been watching
04/12/2020 8:38:08 49 / 100 Isna tri lestari 9c-089 9.C Thank you Good luck show Tiara’s pride to Mikala
all people should work verysohard
that in order to I disagree with you A drug store medicine kraton tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to describe
and eighteen
the drink product
the ingredients of medicineconsist of 50 g The steps of using a paperhand
mask a pair of scissors cut the holes for the eyes pattern how to make mango juice steps refrigerator to ride will be practices sport is preparing is watching
04/12/2020 8:38:42 37 / 100 Maulana Wildan 9D-127 9.D Thank you thank you say that Mikala is the best a hard working needs a lotso
of that
money in order to I agree A supermarket medicine remove tea one bag per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
use ofthe
product consist of 50 mg The steps of using a paperthin
mask a cutter cut the holes for the eyes shadow how to make mango juice equipment stove is riding don’t be practices sport is preparing is watching
04/12/2020 8:38:44 65 / 100 Suci nuraeni 290 9.H Thank you I hope so wish on Mikala’s hard working
all people should work veryinhard
order to so that I disagree with you A drug store tablet kraton tea four bags per cup before six august two thousand
to giveand
a detailed
the about
the product
of medicineconsist of 50 mg The way to make a paper mask
thick a trowel hook the rubber bands on shadow
your ears how to make mango juice steps juicer rides Should be practices sport prepares has been watching
04/12/2020 8:39:53 26 / 100 Muhamad Riyan Juliansyah
092 9.C Well done I hope so prove Mikala’s success all people should work veryinhard
order to so that I disagree with you A drug store tablet cup tea three bags per cup before six august two thousand
to advertise
and nineteen
the product the way to take the medicine
described 50 mg How to cut the paper
03/12/2020 20:37:24 28 / 100 Sintia desi lestari 9g-252 9,G
04/12/2020 2:57:21 43 / 100 ROBI APRIAN 9G-247 9,G
04/12/2020 6:23:34 31 / 100 MuhammadIrvanSuryana 236 9,G
04/12/2020 7:13:53 35 / 100 Muhamad Ridwan9G240 9,G
04/12/2020 7:35:24 18 / 100 M rafiyudin 166 9.E
04/12/2020 7:37:05 29 / 100 Juliana putri herawan
9G-233 9,G
04/12/2020 7:38:09 33 / 100 Theo mahesa 9A-036 9.A
04/12/2020 7:38:10 27 / 100 MUHAMAD ARUL9A-022
04/12/2020 7:40:13 33 / 100 Sifa Septiayani 9A-032 9.A
04/12/2020 7:41:43 25 / 100 Bambang mawardi
9a-007 9.A
04/12/2020 7:44:07 16 / 100 Rizik Jamalulael 174 9.E
04/12/2020 7:45:20 61 / 100 Sahrul Ramadano9G-249 9,G
04/12/2020 7:47:40 25 / 100 Ibnu jaki 9c-087 9.C
04/12/2020 7:49:00 26 / 100 Siswara 178 9.E
04/12/2020 7:49:42 37 / 100 Desy novianti 9f-189 9.F
04/12/2020 7:49:57 28 / 100 Resti maulida 9A-029 9.A
04/12/2020 7:50:38 30 / 100 Muhammad Fikri Saputra
9H-277 9.H
04/12/2020 7:51:28 22 / 100 Alferizaldi wildana003 9.A
04/12/2020 7:53:31 9 / 100 Muhamad Khaerul9f-201
Bhakti 9.F
04/12/2020 7:54:12 30 / 100 M Fakih Islamuddin
9D-130 9.D
04/12/2020 7:55:22 95 / 100 JULIAN LUTHFI PURNAMA
04/12/2020 7:56:57 31 / 100 Andrian Syahputra 221 9,G
04/12/2020 7:57:38 56 / 100 Deffita Dwi Eka Mulyana
9C-082 9.C
04/12/2020 7:57:52 39 / 100 Bunga rifdah jelita9G-226 9,G
04/12/2020 7:58:34 60 / 100 Rinda febrian 103 9.C
04/12/2020 7:58:41 17 / 100 Deni kurniawan 9B-045 9.B
04/12/2020 7:59:57 35 / 100 Muhamad Adif 9A-021 9.A
04/12/2020 8:01:08 27 / 100 Muhammad Tegar9A-023
Rizky Ramadhan9.A
04/12/2020 8:01:18 53 / 100 Indah lestari 9A-016 9.A
04/12/2020 8:03:12 29 / 100 Rahma amelia 9E 171 9.E
04/12/2020 8:03:28 12 / 100 Ahmad raffi 9B-040 9.B
04/12/2020 8:05:30 34 / 100 Olivia Putri 9D-134 9.D
04/12/2020 8:06:18 34 / 100 Kholipatun Nisa 9f-198 9.F
04/12/2020 8:07:40 25 / 100 M Ega Ardiansyah 162 9.E
04/12/2020 8:07:42 27 / 100 Agus Miftah 9-f 184 9.F
04/12/2020 8:08:28 19 / 100 Yodi abdul mutolib9H-291 9.H
04/12/2020 8:08:47 36 / 100 Nuraida 9B - 061 9.B
04/12/2020 8:09:10 14 / 100 Rizky Surya syahputra meidiwan
285 9.H
04/12/2020 8:09:44 94 / 100 FAJAR AGUS SULISTIONO
9A012 9.A
04/12/2020 8:11:27 23 / 100 Anwar fauzi 9h-259 9.H
04/12/2020 8:12:41 40 / 100 Nur rafli 9H-280 9.H
04/12/2020 8:12:42 27 / 100 Sri mulyani 9D_114 9.D
04/12/2020 8:13:13 29 / 100 Nuryanti 9B-062 9.B
04/12/2020 8:14:20 27 / 100 Davi ramadhan 9A-009 9.A
04/12/2020 8:14:39 67 / 100 Pirda sari 9,00E-169 9.E
04/12/2020 8:14:58 76 / 100 SELVI MAHARLIKA
9H-286 9.H
04/12/2020 8:15:19 50 / 100 Dimas 9B-046 9.B
04/12/2020 8:15:20 33 / 100 Taufik Hidayat 217 9.F
04/12/2020 8:15:46 71 / 100 Revaulhusna 9B-067 9.B
04/12/2020 8:15:48 22 / 100 fikri agustian 121 9.D
04/12/2020 8:15:48 33 / 100 M Samsul bahri 9c 096 9.C
04/12/2020 8:17:46 18 / 100 Muhammad awal 9f-203
Bintang 9.F
04/12/2020 8:18:42 19 / 100 Fahmi najarudin 120 9.D
04/12/2020 8:18:47 33 / 100 Muhammd Reza 9B-059 9.B
04/12/2020 8:18:54 15 / 100 Amri 96-178 9.F
04/12/2020 8:19:22 29 / 100 Raka putra satria 9,00E+172 9.E
04/12/2020 8:19:36 56 / 100 Dini Yanti Ramadhani 9,00E+156 9.E
04/12/2020 8:20:03 43 / 100 Muhamad Aripudin 9,00E-165 9.E
04/12/2020 8:20:27 36 / 100 RIO FEBRIAN 9H-284 9.H
04/12/2020 8:20:30 33 / 100 Perdiansyah 135 9.D
04/12/2020 8:20:47 41 / 100 Anggini larasati 043 9.B
04/12/2020 8:21:39 12 / 100 Siti Nurul Aprilianti 9,00E-179 9.E
04/12/2020 8:21:44 50 / 100 Wildan wildiyansyah
9C-110 9.C
04/12/2020 8:22:07 37 / 100 Fahmi najarudin 120 9.D
04/12/2020 8:22:08 46 / 100 fachri maulana 9C-084 9.C
04/12/2020 8:22:11 42 / 100 Asya nursabila 9G-222 9,G
04/12/2020 8:22:30 49 / 100 Ipan 9-G 231 9,G
04/12/2020 8:23:31 60 / 100 Parhan paddlul anam
9A-027 9.A
04/12/2020 8:23:35 11 / 100 Meylani Maryam 9B-056 9.B
04/12/2020 8:26:12 42 / 100 Siti nur hijriyani 072 9.B
04/12/2020 8:26:23 56 / 100 adam pratama putra
nugraha 9.B
04/12/2020 8:27:07 64 / 100 Ahmad Raihan Arifin
9C-077 9.C
04/12/2020 8:27:08 26 / 100 Robin marzuki 175 9.E
04/12/2020 8:27:13 43 / 100 Rafa Aulia 9H-282 9.H
04/12/2020 8:27:42 53 / 100 Azizah Ramdania9G-224 9,G
04/12/2020 8:28:20 22 / 100 A.zulfikkar 9c-075 9.C
04/12/2020 8:28:59 40 / 100 Meinisa nabila panji 274 9.H
04/12/2020 8:29:02 34 / 100 SADAN ARZQON9G-248 9,G
04/12/2020 8:30:12 23 / 100 RENA 066 9.B
04/12/2020 8:30:56 38 / 100 Azmi Cahya Ramadhan
9G - 225 9,G
04/12/2020 8:31:01 27 / 100 Nabila Rohmatun 205 9.F
04/12/2020 8:31:13 49 / 100 Anisa Sukma Ayu005 9.A
04/12/2020 8:32:00 71 / 100 Riyan Darmawangsa
9A-031 9.A
04/12/2020 8:32:51 66 / 100 Galang galuh aditya
9A-014 9.A
04/12/2020 8:33:08 58 / 100 Muhammad Dhaffa
Raihan Aqil 9.F
04/12/2020 8:34:21 30 / 100 Danisa lestarii 081 9.C
04/12/2020 8:34:28 67 / 100 Aulia Ramadhani 9D-115 9.D
04/12/2020 8:34:59 17 / 100 M.zaenal aripin 9A-020 9.A
04/12/2020 8:35:08 19 / 100 Nesa nabila salsabila 9,00E-168 9.E
04/12/2020 8:35:52 47 / 100 Muhammad Nur Iqbal 278 9.H
04/12/2020 8:35:57 42 / 100 Andini 9A-004 9.A
04/12/2020 8:37:03 83 / 100 Hana Restu 9E - 158 9.E
04/12/2020 8:37:45 21 / 100 Nevil wahyu adrian
9c-099 9.C
04/12/2020 8:38:08 49 / 100 Isna tri lestari 9c-089 9.C
04/12/2020 8:38:42 37 / 100 Maulana Wildan 9D-127 9.D
04/12/2020 8:38:44 65 / 100 Suci nuraeni 290 9.H
04/12/2020 8:39:53 26 / 100 Muhamad Riyan Juliansyah
092 9.C
04/12/2020 8:40:22 41 / 100 Ibrohim kholil 195 9.E
04/12/2020 8:40:57 86 / 100 Reisya Rizkia Ramadani
9D-140 9.D
04/12/2020 8:41:14 85 / 100 Evi Susanti Nadeak
9G-229 9,G
04/12/2020 8:41:46 25 / 100 Anggih Rahmawati
9D-113 9.D
04/12/2020 8:41:56 67 / 100 Nur safitriyani 9A_026 9.A
04/12/2020 8:42:50 19 / 100 Ramdan akbar 9A028 9.A
04/12/2020 8:43:35 19 / 100 M sidik 9D-126 9.D
04/12/2020 8:43:45 45 / 100 Astri livia 9,00E-153 9.E
04/12/2020 8:43:58 33 / 100 Muhamad Rizki Zikrilah 275 9.H
04/12/2020 8:44:22 61 / 100 Muhamad Insan Kamil
9C-094 9.C
04/12/2020 8:44:44 27 / 100 Apriliyani 9-H260 9.H
04/12/2020 8:45:19 29 / 100 Rahmawati 138 9.D
04/12/2020 8:45:19 21 / 100 Saepudin 9G-629 9,G
04/12/2020 8:45:43 26 / 100 M.Nasrudin 024 9.A
04/12/2020 8:46:44 69 / 100 idamaryani 088 9.C
04/12/2020 8:47:25 52 / 100 Faraz m haidert 9f-192 9.F
04/12/2020 8:47:27 60 / 100 Meilika Rahayu 273 9.H
04/12/2020 8:47:31 32 / 100 IRWAN MAULANA
9D-124 9.D
04/12/2020 8:48:59 43 / 100 Dude ramziansysh 118 9.D
04/12/2020 8:49:34 80 / 100 ANISA AMALIA PUTRI
9H-258 9.H
04/12/2020 8:49:36 79 / 100 Lusi Novaliana 9G-235 9,G
04/12/2020 8:49:43 49 / 100 Aurellia Meila Putri
006Utami 9.A
04/12/2020 8:49:48 34 / 100 Sindy Aryani 9B-070 9.B
04/12/2020 8:49:53 62 / 100 Intan Nuraeni 9F-195 9.F
04/12/2020 8:50:11 57 / 100 Fifi lovita setyaningrum 267 9.H
04/12/2020 8:50:14 55 / 100 Cantika nida faujiah 262 9.H
04/12/2020 8:50:39 53 / 100 Silvi Handayani 9F-214 9.F
04/12/2020 8:50:44 20 / 100 muhamad rizki 167 9.E
04/12/2020 8:51:07 16 / 100 Halimatul syadiah9f-194 9.F
04/12/2020 8:51:09 66 / 100 Saepul hadi 9D-142 9.D
04/12/2020 8:51:38 64 / 100 Sigit Herdiyanto 9G-251 9,G
04/12/2020 8:51:55 60 / 100 Akmal mulana 002 9.A
04/12/2020 8:51:57 49 / 100 Ajil Mustofa 256 9.H
04/12/2020 8:51:58 58 / 100 Sheren Puspayani9C-107 9.C
04/12/2020 8:52:07 32 / 100 YUSRIL hifni IRAWAN
9f-218 9.F
04/12/2020 8:52:28 78 / 100 Nikita Nirmala 9A-025 9.A
04/12/2020 8:53:06 24 / 100 Sriwulandari 9H-289 9.H
04/12/2020 8:53:22 53 / 100 Tegar aji prabowo9B-073 9.B
04/12/2020 8:53:49 72 / 100 Nabil Brata wijaya9C_098 9.C
04/12/2020 8:54:08 77 / 100 Rizky Nurmaulana9F-211 9.F
04/12/2020 8:54:08 77 / 100 Mahmudin 9A-019 9.A
04/12/2020 8:54:42 64 / 100 Ingrit Yolanda 9,00E-160 9.E
04/12/2020 8:55:58 61 / 100 Suci Novianti Soni9A-035 9.A
04/12/2020 8:57:07 77 / 100 Putri Ayu Lestari 9G-243 9,G
04/12/2020 8:57:16 58 / 100 IRPAN MAULANA9H-271 9.H
04/12/2020 8:57:25 29 / 100 Achrizan akbar 9,00E-147 9.E
04/12/2020 8:57:55 27 / 100 Farhan nazmasyakur
085 9.C
04/12/2020 8:58:42 54 / 100 Anastasya muslimah
9B-042 9.B
04/12/2020 9:00:07 75 / 100 Nabila Sari 9D-132 9.D
04/12/2020 9:01:37 62 / 100 Esa ayu mawarni 9F-191 9.F
04/12/2020 9:02:30 19 / 100 Sopia 9F-216 9.F
04/12/2020 9:03:18 45 / 100 Zahra yusrillah 9A-037 9.A
04/12/2020 9:03:22 31 / 100 Fikri yandi 9F-193 9.F
04/12/2020 9:04:56 86 / 100 Adela Efrilia Agustin 9,00E-148 9.E
04/12/2020 9:04:59 61 / 100 Rio Ramadhan 9B-068 9.B
04/12/2020 9:05:34 26 / 100 Ipan suparman 9H-27 9.H
04/12/2020 9:05:35 20 / 100 Deni suherdi 9H-263 9.H
04/12/2020 9:05:51 50 / 100 M.Rispi imanulhak9C-095 9.C
04/12/2020 9:06:37 54 / 100 Hafidz Suryansyah
9D-122 9.D
04/12/2020 9:06:40 51 / 100 Sarmilah 9F-212 9.F
04/12/2020 9:06:49 24 / 100 Depi 9H-264 9.H
04/12/2020 9:07:06 33 / 100 Silva Putri Andini 9B-069 9.B
04/12/2020 9:08:21 56 / 100 Ardian Dzulfakor 9D-114 9.D
04/12/2020 9:08:36 27 / 100 Hana restu faroj 9D-123 9.D
04/12/2020 9:08:51 76 / 100 Fitri Ardiyalti Nabila
9A-013 9.A
04/12/2020 9:09:30 61 / 100 Cici Elyana 044 9.B
04/12/2020 9:09:36 28 / 100 M rafi pratama 9B-055 9.B
04/12/2020 9:09:51 68 / 100 WidiaNingsih 9G-253 9,G
04/12/2020 9:10:43 57 / 100 Nurmala 9c_100 9.C
04/12/2020 9:10:52 65 / 100 Jihan Risnawati 9h 272 9.H
04/12/2020 9:10:53 69 / 100 SITI SAPUROH 288 9.H
04/12/2020 9:11:01 43 / 100 Siti Nurparidah 109 9.C
04/12/2020 9:11:01 42 / 100 M pahrul rozi 9f/199 9.F
04/12/2020 9:12:01 18 / 100 Rafli maulana 137 9.D
04/12/2020 9:12:36 29 / 100 LunaChairunnisa 091 9.C
04/12/2020 9:12:41 57 / 100 Siti damayanti 9A-034 9.A
04/12/2020 9:13:57 30 / 100 Widiyatul Mahdi 9,00E-181 9.E
04/12/2020 9:14:05 45 / 100 Isnaeni 9F-196 9.F
04/12/2020 9:14:15 64 / 100 Aril Apriansah 9H-261 9.H
04/12/2020 9:14:27 12 / 100 muhamad haikal 9D-131 9.D
04/12/2020 9:14:34 37 / 100 Silva putri andini 9B-069 9.B
04/12/2020 9:15:00 23 / 100 irman firmanayah050 9.B
04/12/2020 9:15:16 50 / 100 pebi sakinah 9B-063 9.B
04/12/2020 9:16:19 59 / 100 Irni Rahmadani 9B-051 9.B
04/12/2020 9:18:11 31 / 100 irman fjrmansyah 050 9.B
04/12/2020 9:18:59 61 / 100 Muhamad Rafly 9G-239 9,G
04/12/2020 9:19:15 32 / 100 Izni Aniah 9B 052 9.B
04/12/2020 9:19:15 26 / 100 Surya 10 9.E
04/12/2020 9:19:37 82 / 100 Rini Juniawati 9D-141 9.D
04/12/2020 9:19:37 82 / 100 Silvika Rahmi 9,00E-177 9.E
04/12/2020 9:19:41 42 / 100 Gustijab faizal subhan
049 9.B
04/12/2020 9:20:04 42 / 100 Gustijab faizal subhan
049 9.B
04/12/2020 9:20:11 57 / 100 Egi Maulana 9B-047 9.B
04/12/2020 9:20:30 66 / 100 Desriyani 9A-010 9.A
04/12/2020 9:20:42 67 / 100 Nurjanah 9G-241 9,G
04/12/2020 9:21:00 91 / 100 Putri Previanti Anwar 9,00E-170 9.E
04/12/2020 9:21:22 39 / 100 Pahma kamelia 9H-281 9.H
04/12/2020 9:22:04 46 / 100 Siti wulandari 9f-215 9.F
04/12/2020 9:22:39 42 / 100 Alya Miranti 9B-041 9.B
04/12/2020 9:23:56 59 / 100 Yudiansyah 9B-074 9.B
04/12/2020 9:24:57 22 / 100 Agil Pratama 9B-039 9.B
04/12/2020 9:25:39 53 / 100 Bela 9,00E-154 9.E
04/12/2020 9:25:45 42 / 100 Abidin 9G- 219 9,G
04/12/2020 9:26:44 58 / 100 Bintang Dwi sapitri
9A-008 9.A
04/12/2020 9:28:15 29 / 100 Lutfiatunnisa 9A-018 9.A
04/12/2020 9:28:57 31 / 100 Dina alya fortuna 9f-190 9.F
04/12/2020 9:29:13 29 / 100 Nazwa Ariyanda 9H_279 9.H
04/12/2020 9:31:29 81 / 100 Siti Nuraini 9D-143 9.D
04/12/2020 9:32:05 15 / 100 Nuryanti 9B - 062 9.B
04/12/2020 9:32:47 50 / 100 Kenisa Dwi Ramandhani
9D-125 9.D
04/12/2020 9:32:59 49 / 100 Masa dewa jona prasma 163 9.E
04/12/2020 9:35:38 76 / 100 Fera Feriska Azzahra
9H-266 9.H
04/12/2020 9:36:18 19 / 100 MUHAMMAD AZKA NAZHAN 129 9.D
04/12/2020 9:40:05 57 / 100 Rahmat Ramdani9G-244 9,G
04/12/2020 9:41:11 77 / 100 Elsa Fadilatul Khoeriah 9,00E-157 9.E
04/12/2020 9:44:10 68 / 100 Desri rizkia 9G-228 9,G
04/12/2020 9:44:27 72 / 100 Siti Holipah 9C-108 9.C
04/12/2020 9:44:29 72 / 100 Siti Holipah 9C-108 9.C
04/12/2020 9:44:54 54 / 100 Andika Herdiansyah
9D-112 9.D
04/12/2020 9:47:36 44 / 100 FIRDAN Firdaus 230 9,G
04/12/2020 9:49:28 26 / 100 MOCH.SHANDY.PRATAMA
9B-057 9.B
04/12/2020 9:53:26 26 / 100 IADDUL SOLIHIN9H-269 9.H
04/12/2020 9:54:09 50 / 100 ADIRA ROBIATUL9F-183
04/12/2020 9:54:20 52 / 100 Silfa Ailina 213 9.F
04/12/2020 9:55:38 22 / 100 Cabdra Saputra 9D-117 9.D
04/12/2020 9:57:10 39 / 100 Rini Andini 9,00E-173 9.E
04/12/2020 9:57:13 62 / 100 Aulia putri cahyanti
9G-223 9,G
04/12/2020 9:58:20 31 / 100 Candra Saputra 9D-117 9.D
04/12/2020 9:59:36 39 / 100 Amel mulida aprilian 186 9.F
04/12/2020 9:59:38 39 / 100 Aliah putri 185 9.F
04/12/2020 10:00:35 88 / 100 Raffli 9C-102 9.C
04/12/2020 10:00:50 25 / 100 HURIYAH ALYA MUKHLISAH 268 9.H
04/12/2020 10:00:50 45 / 100 Irfan firdaus 9G-232 9,G
04/12/2020 10:02:30 22 / 100 Nasrul mutaqi 206 9.F
04/12/2020 10:02:37 40 / 100 Alfirarosa 9,00E-150 9.E
04/12/2020 10:03:05 30 / 100 RIHAN SETIAWAN
9H-283 9.H
04/12/2020 10:07:26 38 / 100 Nurul Ramadani 133 9.D
04/12/2020 10:07:48 53 / 100 Rizki maulana arta
9c-104 9.C
04/12/2020 10:09:12 37 / 100 Viona Aulia Putri 9G-242 9,G
04/12/2020 10:09:24 37 / 100 DENI RAMDANI 9,00E-155 9.E
04/12/2020 10:12:24 41 / 100 Juliansyah dwi putra
9E 161 9.E
04/12/2020 10:13:11 68 / 100 PUTRI ISTIQOMATUL
04/12/2020 10:16:10 41 / 100 amelia giska puspita
9d-111 9.D
04/12/2020 10:18:50 24 / 100 Anwar fauzi 9H-265 9.H
04/12/2020 10:19:35 60 / 100 Eva yuliana 9A-011 9.A
04/12/2020 10:19:44 60 / 100 Sindi salbiah 9A-033 9.A
04/12/2020 10:19:48 29 / 100 Dede parid 9G227 9,G
04/12/2020 10:21:25 36 / 100 Muhamad Sandi Prayoga 276 9.H
04/12/2020 10:22:27 72 / 100 Albar aurelly setiawan
9H-257 9.H
04/12/2020 10:24:14 47 / 100 Erwan Ramdhan Oktora
9H-256 9.H
04/12/2020 10:27:07 27 / 100 rafli maulana 137 9.D
04/12/2020 10:27:26 62 / 100 Jona julian 9f-197 9.F
04/12/2020 10:32:27 70 / 100 Refina aulia 9D-139 9.D
04/12/2020 10:33:54 27 / 100 Rapli Maulana 137 9.D
04/12/2020 10:34:13 13 / 100 Muhammad Abdul9B-058
kahfi 9.B
04/12/2020 10:34:35 29 / 100 Anggi pratama 9C-080 9.C
04/12/2020 10:36:26 47 / 100 Adinda tri maulidiani
9c-076 9.C
04/12/2020 10:38:39 43 / 100 REDY AHMED ADHITYA
9F-209 9.F
04/12/2020 10:39:02 41 / 100 julian maulana kusumah
9A-017 9.A
04/12/2020 10:40:07 47 / 100 Amanda dwi maulidianti
9C-079 9.C
04/12/2020 10:45:12 29 / 100 haerul insan saputra
9c_086 9.C
04/12/2020 10:45:59 73 / 100 Komalasari 9C.090 9.C
04/12/2020 10:53:08 36 / 100 aryanti 9F-188 9.F
04/12/2020 11:01:32 24 / 100 Abdul Jabar 9A-001 9.A
04/12/2020 11:09:24 36 / 100 Miraj abdan Sakila9f-200 9.F
04/12/2020 11:10:39 30 / 100 vera januarti 146 9.D
04/12/2020 11:16:20 36 / 100 Ripki Silahudin 38 9,G
04/12/2020 11:27:11 66 / 100 Emil 9D-119 9.D
04/12/2020 11:36:24 36 / 100 Restu saputra 9A-030 9.A
04/12/2020 11:43:12 64 / 100 Erlangga saputra 9C-0830 9.C
04/12/2020 11:46:01 41 / 100 Meli pika andani 9C-093 9.C
04/12/2020 11:47:25 42 / 100 Putri Asri Ramadhani 136 9.D
04/12/2020 12:18:35 26 / 100 Putra padilah 9F 9.F
04/12/2020 12:21:23 19 / 100 Putra padilah 9F–208 9.F
04/12/2020 12:22:35 65 / 100 Sarah Alfiyah 106 9.C
04/12/2020 12:42:13 31 / 100 Karina ayustin Apriyani
9B-054 9.B
04/12/2020 12:47:41 30 / 100 Azkal azkia 9D_116 9.D
04/12/2020 12:56:18 24 / 100 Muhammad imron060
fadil 9.B
04/12/2020 12:57:24 34 / 100 M Firman Syahrul a 238 9,G
04/12/2020 13:14:50 25 / 100 Paisal 9f-207 9.F
04/12/2020 13:40:26 29 / 100 Aril Julian Saputra 9,00E-152 9.E
04/12/2020 14:11:44 36 / 100 Anggi putri ayu 151 9.E
04/12/2020 14:26:14 85 / 100 Rizkia Fujiyani 9c-105 9.C
04/12/2020 15:14:25 22 / 100 mochamad rizwan 164 9.E
04/12/2020 17:32:21 47 / 100 Muhamad asparil 9D 9.D
04/12/2020 22:53:50 28 / 100 Sintia desi lestari 9g-252 9,G
04/12/2020 23:16:59 28 / 100 Sintia desi lestari 9g-252 9,G

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