Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information
Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information
Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information
I IS 10204:2001 h.
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( WF77 gT%w7 )
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Indian Standard
(First Revision)
ICS 13.220.10
0 BIS 2001
This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the drafl finalized
by the Fire Fighting Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
Portable fire extinguisher, mechanical foam type, is one of the types of the first-aid fire fighting appliance. In
these extinguisher foam is produced by expelling foam solution by stored air/gas cartridge and mechanical
aeration at the foam making nozzle. This type of extinguisher is suitable for fighting fire in water non-miscible
liquid, that is non-polar flammable liquids, that is Class B fires such as hydrocarbon fuels.
This standard was first published in 1982. In this revision, all the four amendments issued so far have been
incorporated. The principal modifications made in this revision are in respect of (a) Providing additional
materials for some of the components of fire extinguisher which are lighter and economical and all these are
given in tabular form; (b) For anti-corrosive treatment, epoxy powder coating, Rubber/plastic lining incorporated;
(c) Sampling clause modified; and (d) Updating the various clauses based on the use ofthis type of fire extinguisher
in past 15 years. The details in regard to the maintenance of this appliance in efficient condition are given in
IS 2190:1992 ‘Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of portable first-aid fire extinguishers
( second revision )’.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded
off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. —
IS 10204:2001
Indian Standard
(First Revision )
1 SCOPE the body shall be dished outwards ( convex ) without
reverse curvature to a radius not exceeding the maximum
1.1 This standard lays down requirements regarding
outside diameter of the body to which they are to be
material, shape, construction, charge, anti-corrosive
fixed or of which one or both forms a part in case of
treatment and tests of fire extinguisher of mechanical
solid-drawn construction.
foam type, having nominal capacity of 91.
7.1.1 Non-ferrous metal parts shall be welded or soldered
to the body.
2.1 The Indian Standards listed in Annex A contain
provisions which, through references in text, constitute 7.1.2 Wherecarryinghandleand/or supporting fittings
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, are fitted to the body, these shall be welded. The carrying
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are handle shall be made of mild steel rod not less than
subject to revision and parties to agreements based 6 mm in diameter or fabricated out of mild steel sheets
on this standard are encouraged to investigate the of the same thickness as the body. The clamp shall
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the be of mild steel sheet of same thickness as the body.
standards given at Annex A. 7.1.3 The circumferential joint and the longitudinal
3 CAPACITY joint, of the body should be welded construction as
given in 7.2.1.
3.1 The total liquid capacity of the extinguishers when
filled with the charge, that is foam concentrate liquid 7.2 Body
and water up to the specified level shall be 9 + 0.5 1.
The construction of the body shall be of welded type
4 PRINCIPLE and thickness of the mild steel sheet shall be not less
than 1.6 mm.
4.1 The extinguisher shall be operated by holding the
extinguisher upright and piercing the seal of the gas NOTE— The minimum thickness of sheet, takes into
container by applying pressure on the knob of the account the minimum thickness required based on bursting
cartridge-piercing mechanism, or by pressing the formulae, that is, not less than d/1 15 where dis the intemaI
diameter of the body.
squeeze grip whereby the compressed gas shall be
released from the gas cartridge into the container and 7.2.1 The welded construction shall be one of the types
shall expel the foam-water solution by exerting a given below, and shall conform to relevant Indian
pressure on it. Standard:
5 MATERIAL a) Oxy-acetylene welding of fittings only shaIl
5.1 The material for construction of various parts of conform to the requirements specified in
the extinguisher shall be as given in Table 1. IS 1323.
6.1 The shape of the body shall be cylindrical with an 1) Spot welding ( for attachment of fittings
outside diameter of 175+ 5 mm. only ) shall conflm to IS 819.
IS 10204:2001
c) Metal arcwelding shallconform to IS9595. 8 mm and a length of not less than 600 mm.
7.3 Neck Ring 7.8.2 Nozzle
The neck ring shall have internal diameter not less than The design of the area of orifice shall be such that
57mrn(G2%) forbangontypeand63 rnm(G2%)for when extinguisher is set into the operation under.normal
squeez grip type, be firmly secwed by welding. A parallel temperature conditions of 27 * 5“C, the foam solution
screw thread for the attachment of cap shall be not shall be expelled in the form of a jet which will maintain
less than 16 mm in effective length and the threads a throw of not less than 6 m for the minimum period of
shall be in accordance with IS 2463 ( Part 1 ) with 25s. The maximum period for discharge of minimum
Class A tolerance. 90 percent of the liquid content shall be 90s. The test
7.4 Cap shall be carried out so that the stream is discharged
in horizontal direction in still air condition. The film
The cap shall be screwed for fixing to the neck on the of foam expelled shall cover an area of 1mz at the depth
body for not less than 16 mm in effective length and of5 cm.
the parallel threads shall be in accordance with
IS 2463( Part 1 ). At least three holes of not less than In case of squeeze grip type, squeeze lever
2.5 mm diameter shall be drilled through the threaded and wait for 10s to build pressure in the cylinder, squeeze
portion of the cap to form vents. The centres of the lever again for the complete discharge of extinguishant.
vent holes shall be 6.5 ~~:~mmfrom the exposed face
7.8.3 Syphon Tube
of the cap joint washer. A recess shall be made in the
cap to retain the cap joint washer. A syphon tube shall be fitted to the inner end of the
union or body to which the discharge hose nozzle is
7.5 Cartridge Holder
Where the gas cartridge is fitted inside the extinguisher,
a cartridge holder shall be provided and fitted inside 7.9 Gas Cartridge
the cap in such a way that the cartridge seal-piercing
Gas cartridge shall conform to IS 4947. The COZgas
mechanism passes through its centre and shall puncture
cartridge shall be of minimum 60 g. ,.
seal of the cartridge clean when the cartridge is fitted
to this holder. Female left handed threads shall be 7.10 Liquid Level Indicator
provided in the holder and these shall correspond to
those on the gas cartridge. Port holes shall also be The specified level of charge in the body shall be
provided in the cartridge holder. indicated on the exterior of the body and shall also be
permanently indicated in the interior or means shall .
7.6 Piercing Mechanism be provided to demonstrate that the level is correct.
A spring loaded piercing device shall be provided in 8 CHARGE
the cap for piercing the seal of the gas cartridge when
fitted to the cartridge holder. The puncturing end of 8.1 The charge shall consist of foam concentrate
the piercer shall be designed so as to ensure a clear confiming to IS 4989 ( Part 2 ) and quantity not less
opening in the cartridge seal when piercer is operated. than 540 ml if foam concentration is 6 percent and
A safety cIip will be provided to prevent accidental 270 ml, if foam concentrate is 3 percent and balance
operation of the piercing mechanism. quantity of water.
The Cap joint washer, either rubber shall be finished 9.1 All internal surface of the body shall be completely
smooth and retained in a recess in the cap. coated with plastic or rubber lining by centrifuge and
7.7.1 Snt~ter Valve (Breather Device) curing by heat process to a minimum thickness of
0.5 mm. This internal lining shall be subjected to the
A snifter valve shall be fitted to extinguishers or cap. following test:
The design of the snitler valve shall be such that when
the variation in atmospheric temperature is within a) Type Test for Adhesion of Lining – Subject
* ]()”C,there shall not be any spouting of liquid through the unfilled extinguisher to a pressure of 15
the nozzle. kg/cm2 and store for 120 ‘~ hat 27 ● 5“C.
Release the pressure and examine the
7.8 Discharge Fitting extinguisher internally for cracking, separa-
7.8.1 Hose tion tlom the wall of the body or lifting of the
lining and bubbles between the lining and the
The discharge hose shall have a bore of not less than body.
IS 10204:2001
viii) Foam making branch pipe a) Aluminium alloy Grade 4450 or 4425 of IS 617
b) Leaded-tin-bronze Grade LTB2ofIS318
c) Plastic IS 7328
NOTE — When a piece of 2.5 cm cut from any portion is dipped in 20 percent sulphuric acid 15 percent sodium hydroxide
solution for 10 rein, there shall be no sign of corrosion or damage.
IS 10204:2001
b) Test for Continuity of Plastic Lining-Fill 11.2 Fire Test ( Type Test)
the extinguisher body to 10 mm of the top of
Extinguisher should be capable of extinguishing
the lining with a lpercent m/m solution of
sodium chloride in water containing sufficient 2.32 m2 size tire with251 high speed diesel, within its
hydrocarbon surfactant to reduce the surface discharge time of 60s.
tension of the solution to less than 40 N/mm. 11.3 Hydraulic Pressure Test
Check the lining for continuity by the
application of 500 + 50 M$2 insulation The extinguisher shall be capable of withstanding an
resistance test across the lining through internal hydraulic pressure of 3 MN/m2 ( 30 kgf/cm2)
connections made to the metal body and to for a period of 2 min without leakage or visible distortion.
an electrode imroduced into the solution in This test shall be carried out before the extinguisher
the extinguisher body. is painted.
9.1.1 Phosphating in accordance with the provision 11.4 Burst Pressure Test
of IS 3618 may be applied on the external surface of
the body as an alternative. The extinguisher fitted with cap and hose without
nozzle shall be subjected to a hydraulic pressure of
9.1.2 Both the surfaces of components that is syphon 4.5 MN/m2 ( 45 kgf/cm2 ). This pressure shall be
tube etc, should be either lead-tin alloy coated or plastic maintained for 30s. Mechanical failure shall not occur.
or rubber lined.
11.5 Fire extinguisher after subjected to the performance
10 PAINTING tests laid down in 7.8.2,11.4 shall be thoroughly cleaned
with water free from chemical solutions, water shall
10.1 Each extinguisher shall be painted ‘FIRE RED’,
then be completely drained off and the extinguisher
conforming to shade No. 537 of IS 5. The paint
retained in this condition for 24 h. At the end of this
shall conform to IS 2932 or epoxy powder coating
period, the interior shall be tlee t?om all traces of rust.
conforming to IS 13871.
10.2 A large size picture showing a man operating the
extinguisher in correct manner shall be shown on the 12.1 All the components of the extinguisher shall have
body of the extinguisher. a smooth finish and shall be free born burrs, sharp edges
and other visual defects that may cause injury to users.
10.3 The extinguisher shall be marked with letter ‘B’
indicating the suitability for Class ‘B’ tire as laid down 13 MARKING
inIS2190. The letter ‘B’ shall be of 2.5 cm size printed
in black colour centrally contained in a square of 4 cm 13.1 Each extinguisher constructed and tested in
size. The square shalt be coloured cream (lemon yellow) conformity with this standard shall be clearly and
conforming to shade No. 355 of IS 5. The paint shall permanently marked with the following information :
conform to IS 2932.
a) Method of operation in prominent letters;
b) The word ‘MECHANICAL FOAM’ in
11.1 Discharge Performance Test prominent letters;
The design of foam making nozzle, capacity of gas c) The nominal charge of the liquid in litres;
cartridge and the design ofextinguisher shall be such
that when extinguisher is set into operation under normal d) Capacity of the C02 gas cartridge to be used;
ambient temperature conditions of 27 + 5°C and still
e) Manufacturer’s name or trade-mark, if any;
air conditions. Keeping the foam making branch pipe
horizontal the expanded foam shall be expelled out in o The liquid level to which the extinguisher is
the form of a jet which will maintain a throw, that is, to be charged;
projection range of not less than 6 m for the minimum
period of 25s. The maximum period for discharge of g) The words ‘after discharge the extinguisher
minimum 90 percent of the liquid content shall be must be washed out carefilly with fresh water
60s. The entire quantity of the foam shall be made to using at least two changes’ in prominent
fall and collect in a leak proof mild steel tray having letters;
an area of 1 m2. The foam layer so collected in the h) A declaration to the ei%ct that the extinguisher
tray shall have a thickness of not less than 50 mm or has been tested to a pressure of 2.5 MN/m*
alternately the expansion ratio then measured as per (25 kgt7cm2); and
the test method given in IS 4989 ( Part 2 ) shall be
minimum6. .ii Year of manufacture.
lS 10204:2001
( Clause 2.1 )
5:1994 Colours for ready mixed paints and 2124:1974 Sodium hi-carbonate ( first
enamels (fourth revision ) revision )
IS 10204:2001
B-1 PHYSICAL TESTS There shall be no mechanical failure of cap and cap
B-1.l From a sample of cap, requirements of following
properties shall be checked: B-3 AGEING TEST
B-3.OIf the sample passes the requirement mentioned
S1 Property Method of Test Requirement
in B-1, the following tests shall be done on the third
sample in the order as indicated below, and the sample
1. Specific IS 8543 1.25+ 0.02 shall pass all the tests.
gravity ‘( Part l/See 2 ) B-3. 1 Acid Resistance Test
2. Melting point IS 5762 215°C -225°C The sample shall be submerged in 10 percent dilute
hydrochloric acid (see IS 265) for72 h at the temperature
3. Ash content IS 7180 15* 1 percent of 27 * 5°C. It shall be then removed, rinsed with potable
water and dried. The sample shall not show any sign
of discoloration, distortion or deterioration of any
B-2.O If the sample passes the requirement mentioned kind.
in B-1, the following burst pressure test shall be done B-3.2 Alkali Resistance Test
on the second sample.
The sample shall be submerged in 10 percent sodium
B-2.1 The sample of cap shall be subjected to internal bicarbonate solution ( see IS 2124 ) for 72 h at the
hydraulic pressure of50 kgflcmz after blocking plunger temperature of 27 * 5°C and then shall be removed,
hole, if any. The pressure shall be built up gradually rinsed with potable water and dried. The sample shall
over a period of 30 s and maintained for 1 min. not show any sign of discoloration, distortion or
IS 10204:2001
/ ( Clause 14.1)
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Zndian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part ofthese publication maybe reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises onthebasis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffhmed when such review indicates’that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue
of <BIS Catalogue’ and’ Standards: Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. CED 22 ( 5747 ).
( Second cover page, Foreword ) — Insert the following before last para
‘A scheme for label]ing environment friendly products known as ECO-Mark has
been introduced at the instance of the Ministry of Environment and Forests
(MEF), Government of India. The ECO-Mark would be administered by the
Bureau of I~dian Standards (BIS) under the BLS Act, 1986 as per the Resolution .
No. 71 dated 21 February 1991 and No. 425 dated 28 October 1992 published in
the Gazette of the Government of India. For a product to be eligible for marking
with ECO logo, it shall also carry the 1S1Mark of BIS besides meeting additional
optional environment friendIy requirements. For this purpose, the Standard
Mark of BIS would be a single mark being a combination of the 1S1Mark and
the ECO logo. Requirements to be satisfied for a product to qualify for the BIS :
Standard Mark for ECO friendliness behg included in the relevant published :,,..
standards through an amendment. These requirements are optional; .,,
manufacturing units are free to opt for the 1S1 Mark alone also.
The amendment is based on the Gazette Notification No. 160 dated 1 April 1999 ,
for fire extinguishers as environment friendly products published in the Gszette
of the Government of India.’
( Page 4, clause 11.5 ) — Insert the following new clauses after 11.5 and
renumber the subsequent clauses:
12.1 General Requirements
12.1.1 Any fire extinguisher having BIS Standard Mark qualifies for
consideration of ECO-Mark.
12.1.2 The products manufacturer must produce the consent clearance as per
provision of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977 and Air (Prevention &
Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 respectively, alongwith authorization if required
Amend No. 1 to 1S 10204:2001”
under Envirrxtmenf (Projection) Acr, 1986, and the Rules made thereunder to the
Bureau of Indian S[andards while applying for ECO-Mark
12.1.3 The products may display in brief the criteria based on which the product
has Men awarded ECO-Mark.
12.1.4 The product may carry alongwith instructions for proper use so as to
maximize product performance with statutory warning, if any, minimize waste
and method of safe disposal.
12.1.5 The material used for product packaging (excluding refills) shall be
recyclable, reusable or biodegradable.
12.1,6 The product must display a list of critical ingredients in descending order
of qvantity present in percent by weight. The list of such critical ingredients
shall be identified by the Bureau of Indian Standards.
12.2 Specific Requirements
12.2,1 The fire extinguisher shall not contain any Ozone Depleting Substance
(ODS) relevant (o fire extinguishers industry as identified under the Montreal
Protocol ( see Annex D ).
12.2.2 Gas based extinguishing media once discharged in the atmosphere should
not have atmospheric life time of more than a year ( see Annex E ).
12.2.3 Chemical used should not have global waxming potential ( see Annex F ).
12.2.4 The metallic body and other metal parts of the fire extinguishers shall be
free of lead or lead alloys.
12.2.5 The coating used for the metallic part shall not be formulated with
mercury and mercury compounds or be tinted with pigments of lead, cadmium,
chromium VI and their oxides. Excluded are natural impurities entailed by the
production process up to the amount 0.1 percent by weight which are contained
in the raw material.
NOTE — C02 extinguishersmaybe permittedtill suitablesubstimtesme available.
Amend No. 1 to IS 10204:2001 .: ——
( Clause 12.2.1 )
Trade Name ODP
( Clause 12.2.2)
Trade Name Designation Atmospheric
Life Time (Year)
( Clause 12.2.3)
Trade Name
{ First Revision)
t = minimum thickness, in mm; and
D = external diameter of the body, in mm.
( Page 2, clause 7.7) — Substitute the following for the existing
‘7.7 The cap joint washer shall be made of rubber and shall be finished smooth
and retained in the recess made in the cap.’
( Page 2, clause 7.7.1) — Substitute the following for the existing:
7.7.1 Sn@er Valve (Breather Device)
A snifter valve shall be fitted on the siphon tube or cap of the extinguisher. The
design of the snifter valve shall be such that when the variation in atmospheric
temperature is within tlO°C, there shall not be any spouting of liquid through
the foam making nozzle.’
( Page 2, clause 7.8.2, Title) — Substitute the following for the existing:
‘7.8.2 Foam Making Nozzle’
( Page 2, clause 7.8.2, line 7 ) — Substitute ’60 s’ $or ’90 S’.
( Page 4, clause 10.3) — Substitute the following for the existing clause:
‘10.3 The extinguisher shall be marked with the letter ‘A’ and ‘B’ indicating the
suitability for class ‘A’ as well as class ‘B’ fires as laid down in IS 2190. The
alphabet ‘A’, shall be of 25 mm size printed in biack colour centrally contained
in an equilateral triangle of 50 mm side. The triangle shall be coloured golden
yellow conforming to shade 356 of IS 5. The alphabet ‘B’ shall be of 25 mm
size printed in black colour centrally contained in a square of 40 mm size. The
square shall be coloured cream (Iemon yellow) conforming to shade No. 355 of
IS 5. The paint shall conform to IS 2932.’
( Page 4, clause 11.1, line 15 ) — Substitute ‘ratio when’ for ‘ratio then’.
( Page 4, clause 11.2) — Substitute the following for the existing clause:
11.2 Fire Test (Type Test)
A square tray having area 2.32 mz ( that is, each side 152.3 cm ) made out of
6 mm thick mild steel sheet shall be taken. The tray shall be all welded and of
water leak proof joint construction. The height of the sides shall be 200 mm.
All the upper edges of the tray shall be reinforced from outside with 5 mm thick
angle iron welded continuously around the perimeter. The angle iron shall form
a turned out edge flush with the top edge of the tray. The lower leg of the angle
Amend No. 2 to IS 10204:2001
may be welded. The tray shall be kept on flat ground. Water shall be poured to
form 20 mm thick layer. The extinguisher shall be charged and kept ready at a
distance of approximately 8 m from the nearest edge of the tray.
25 litres of high speed diesel shall be poured into the tray and lit with the help of
a burning torch. A preburn period of 30 s shall be allowed. The operator shall
hold the foam making branch and hit the knob of the cap with hand or some hard
object or operate the extinguisher as per The operator shall apply the jet
of foam on the opposite free board/wall of the tray taking care not to splash the
fuel out of tray by hitting the surface of fuel by foam jet. The operator shall
apply the foam as gently as possible and making effort that entire quantity of
foam falls into the tray. Initially the operator shall be at a distance of about 6 m
and may gradually advance towards the tray as fire comes under control and the
throw diminishes.
The extinguisher shall be declared to meet the requirement of fire test if fire is
extinguished within its discharge time of 60s.
The test shall be performed in still air condition in open field.
( Page 4, clause 11.3, line 1 ) — Insert ‘fitted with cap and hose but without
foam making nozzle’ after ‘extinguisher’.
( Page 4, clause 11.4, line 2 ) — Insert ‘foam making’ before ‘nozzle’.
[ Page 4, clause 13.l(h) ] — Substitute ‘3.0’ for ‘2.5’ and ’30’ for ‘25’.
( Page 6, Annex B ) — Delete.
( CED 22 )
Release the pressure and examine the extinguisher internally for cracking,
separation from the wall of the body or lifting of the lining, and bubbles between
the lining and the body. ‘
( Page 4, clause 9.1.1 ) — Renumber as 9.2
( Page 4, clause 9.1.2 ) — Renumber as 9.3 and delete ‘either lead-tin alloy
coated or’.
( Page 4, clause 10.1) — Insert ‘or P.O. Red’ after ‘FIRE RED’ and
substitute ’536 or 538’ for ‘537’
( Page 4, claltse 11.5, line 2 ) — Substitute ‘11.1’
for ‘11.4’
(CED 22 )
Reprography [Jnit, BIS. New [)elhi. Irrda
(First Revision )
(CEJ3 22)
Unit,BIS, New Delhi, India