Quantum Computing: Exercise Sheet 1: Steven Herbert and Anuj Dawar
Quantum Computing: Exercise Sheet 1: Steven Herbert and Anuj Dawar
Quantum Computing: Exercise Sheet 1: Steven Herbert and Anuj Dawar
For each valid state among the above, give the probabilities of observing |0i and |1i when the
system is measured in the standard computational basis.
What are the probabilities of the two outcomes when the state is measured in the basis
√1 (|0i + |1i), √1 (|0i − |1i)?
2 2
6. Show that the Hadamard matrix and the three Pauli matrices are unitary.
7. If I is the 2-dimensional identity matrix and H is the Hadamard operator, give matrix rep-
resentations of the operators I ⊗ H and H ⊗ I.
8. Let |ψi = α0 + β|1i, if |ψi is measured using measurement operators M0 = |0ih0| and
M1 = |1ih1| verify that p(M0 ) = |α|2 and p(M1 ) = |β|2 .
9. Show that unitary operations are norm preserving. That is, if U is unitary, then the norm of
U |ψi equals the norm of |ψi, for all |ψi.
11. Suppose a two-qubit system is in the state 0.8|00i + 0.6|11i. A Pauli X gate (i.e. a NOT
gate) is applied to the second qubit and a measurement performed (on each qubit) in the
computational basis. What are the probabilities of the possible measurement outcomes?
12. Show that the entangled state √1 (|00i + |11i) cannot be expressed as a tensor product of two
single qubit states.
Hint: start with a general expression of a tensor product of two single qubit states, (α|0i +
β|1i)(γ|0i + δ|1i) and multiply out.
Which of these cases do you expect to be able to distinguish with higher probability. Verify
your answer using the Helstrom-Holevo bound.
14. Describe (qualitatively) how, if cloning were possible, then the no-signalling principle could
be violated.