Quantum Computing: Exercise Sheet 4: Steven Herbert
Quantum Computing: Exercise Sheet 4: Steven Herbert
Quantum Computing: Exercise Sheet 4: Steven Herbert
Steven Herbert
1. If a repetition code is used to encode a single bit, which is then sent through a binary
symmetric channel with error probability pe , following which a majority vote is used for
correction, what is the probability of error after this correction when:
(a) A five-bit repetition code is used.
(b) A seven-bit repetition code is used.
(c) A n-bit repetition code is used (for some odd n).
2. If a qubit experiences a bit-flip and a phase-flip, then show that the order in which these
occur doesn’t matter by showing that the Pauli-X (bit-flip) and Pauli-Z (phase-flip) matrices
commute (up to a global phase difference).
3. For the circuit shown below, what are the possible post-measurement states, and with what
probability does each occur?
𝑎 0 +𝑏 1
𝑐 0 +𝑑 1
4. Let a three-qubit system be prepared in the state α|000i + β|111i. Suppose all three qubits
experience a bit-flip in the noisy channel of circuit shown on Slide 7 of lecture 13, which aims
to detect and correct a single bit-flip:
(a) What is the final state?
(b) What is the final state if only the first two qubits experience a bit-flip?
5. (a) Show that the (7, 4) Hamming code parity-check matrix (shown on Slide 21 of lecture 13)
outputs 000 when applied to any valid codeword.
(b) Show that if the (7, 4) Hamming code parity-check is applied to a corrupted codeword
that differs from a valid codeword by a single bit, then the output of the parity-check is not
000. For each of the seven possible single bit-flips give the output of the parity-check, and
comment on your result.
6. Noting that the Shor code encodes an arbitrary qubit α|0i + β|1i in 9 qubits as:
√ α(|000i + |111i)(|000i + |111i)(|000i + |111i)
2 2
+ β(|000i − |111i)(|000i − |111i)(|000i − |111i)
show that the circuit on Slide 13 of lecture 13 can detect and correct a phase flip on the first
7. Show that, if a transversal implementation of the T gate for the Steane code is attempted by
applying n T gates to each of the seven qubits in the code, then no value of n will correctly
implement the gate.
8. Shown below is a line of a surface code which performs bit-flip checks. The four black circles
represent data-qubits, which encode the state α|0000i + β|1111i, and the three white circles
represent parity-check ancillas, which check for bit-flips (i.e., by the parity-check circuit also
Give: the post-error state; parity check bits; the detected error; and corrected state (if
correction is possible) in the following scenarios:
(a) The top qubit experiences a bit-flip?
(b) The top two qubits experience bit-flips?
(c) The top and bottom qubits experience bit-flips?
(d) All four qubits experience bit-flips?
9. One of the criticisms of D-Wave is that its qubits have very poor coherence. Is this likely to
be a major problem for the typical applications of D-Wave?
10. Which physical realisation of a qubit do you think will come to dominate quantum computing
in the future?