S Ebbels 2013 Coordinadas
S Ebbels 2013 Coordinadas
S Ebbels 2013 Coordinadas
Research Report
Improving comprehension in adolescents with severe receptive language
impairments: a randomized control trial of intervention for coordinating
Susan H. Ebbels†‡, Nataša Marić†, Aoife Murphy∗ † and Gail Turner†
†Moor House School, Oxted, UK
‡Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, University College London, London, UK
(Received October 2012; accepted June 2013)
Background: Little evidence exists for the effectiveness of therapy for children with receptive language difficulties,
particularly those whose difficulties are severe and persistent.
Aims: To establish the effectiveness of explicit speech and language therapy with visual support for secondary
school-aged children with language impairments focusing on comprehension of coordinating conjunctions in a
randomized control trial with an assessor blind to group status.
Methods & Procedures: Fourteen participants (aged 11;3–16;1) with severe RELI (mean standard scores: CELF4
ELS = 48, CELF4 RLS = 53 and TROG-2 = 57), but higher non-verbal (Matrices = 83) and visual perceptual
skills (Test of Visual Perceptual Skills (TVPS) = 86) were randomly assigned to two groups: therapy versus waiting
controls. In Phase 1, the therapy group received eight 30-min individual sessions of explicit teaching with visual
support (Shape Coding) with their usual SLT. In Phase 2, the waiting controls received the same therapy. The
participants’ comprehension was tested pre-, post-Phase 1 and post-Phase 2 therapy on (1) a specific test of the
targeted conjunctions, (2) the TROG-2 and (3) a test of passives.
Outcomes & Results: After Phase 1, the therapy group showed significantly more progress than the waiting controls
on the targeted conjunctions (d = 1.6) and overall TROG-2 standard score (d = 1.4). The two groups did not
differ on the passives test. After Phase 2, the waiting controls made similar progress to those in the original therapy
group, who maintained their previous progress. Neither group showed progress on passives. When the two groups
were combined, significant progress was found on the specific conjunctions (d = 1.3) and TROG-2 raw (d = 1.1)
and standard scores (d = 0.9). Correlations showed no measures taken (including Matrices and TVPS) correlated
significantly with progress on the targeted conjunctions or the TROG-2.
Conclusions & Implications: Four hours of Shape Coding therapy led to significant gains on comprehension of
coordinating conjunctions which were maintained after 4 months. Given the significant progress at a group level and
the lack of reliable predictors of progress, this approach could be offered to other children with similar difficulties
to the participants. However, the intervention was delivered one-to-one by speech and language therapists, thus
the effectiveness of this therapy method with other methods of delivery remains to be evaluated.
Keywords: intervention, randomized control trial, language impairment, language disorder, receptive language, Shape
Coding, adolescents.
Address correspondence to: Susan Ebbels, Moor House School, Mill Lane, Hurst Green, Oxted RH8 9AQ, UK; e-mail:
Present address: University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders
ISSN 1368-2822 print/ISSN 1460-6984 online C 2013 Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
DOI: 10.1111/1460-6984.12047
Improving comprehension in adolescents with severe receptive language impairments 31
poor ok poor ok
conjuncƟons conjuncƟons conjuncƟons conjuncƟons
13 6 0 3
13 +1 older pupil
Therapy WaiƟng
group controls
7 7
completed therapy did not complete completed therapy did not complete
as planned therapy as planned as planned therapy as planned
6 1 6 1
two groups (Therapy versus Waiting Control) by the first age, but grammatical comprehension was not targeted.
author using the random number function in Excel to Therefore both groups received their normal amount of
sort the participants into a random sequence which was speech and language therapy at all times, thus avoiding
then split into two groups. The therapy group received a potential Hawthorne effect. The study was approved
the study therapy in the Spring Term (Phase 1) and by the Moor House School Ethics Forum.
the waiting controls in the Summer Term (Phase 2). Analyses of the pre-therapy scores for the two groups
All participants were assessed pre-therapy (in January), showed no differences between the two groups in gender
immediately after Phase 1 (in April) and immediately distribution, χ 2 (1) = 1.4, p = 0.24, age, t(12) = 0.4,
after Phase 2 (in July). All testing was carried out by an p = 0.67, d = 0.19, TROG-2 raw score, t(12) = 0.36,
SLT assistant blind to group status, but trained in using p = 0.28, d = 0.73, standard scores on the CELF-4
the tests. Expressive Language,1 U = 14.5, n1 = 7, n2 = 7, p =
When the participants were not receiving the study 0.21, CELF-4 Receptive Language, t(12) < 0.001, p =
therapy (Phase 1 for waiting controls (WC) and Phase 1.0, d = 0.0, TROG-2, U = 15.0, n1 = 7, n2 = 7,
2 for the original therapy group (T)), they continued p = 0.30, Matrices, t(12) = 0.02, p = 0.99, d = 0.01,
with their normal speech and language therapy pack- or TVPS, t(10) < 0.001, p = 1.0, d = 0.0 or prior
Improving comprehension in adolescents with severe receptive language impairments 35
knowledge of Shape Coding, U = 12.5, n1 = 7, n2 = r Active (e.g. the car hits the lorry).
7, p = 0.10. r Adjectival passive (e.g. the teddy is mended).
r Long passive (e.g. the girl is washed by the boy).
r Short passive (e.g. the fish is being eaten).
Test of Reception of Grammar—2 (TROG-2) (Bishop We analysed only the proportion of passives cor-
2003) rect (adjectival, long and short combined) as the active
sentences were at ceiling pre-therapy.
All participants were tested on the TROG-2 (a picture-
pointing comprehension test) at all testing points (pre-
therapy, post-Phase 1 therapy and post-Phase 2 therapy). Therapy method
The stimuli are presented in blocks of four targeting the This study used the Shape Coding therapy approach
same construction. Three blocks target the conjunc- (Ebbels 2007) to teach the participants in an explicit
tions receiving intervention in this study. The number way the targeted coordinating conjunctions and their
of correct answers in each of these blocks was recorded meaning in a variety of sentence structures, using visual
separately and combined with the specific test described templates and cues.
below. We also recorded the raw score (in terms of num- We aimed for the participants’ usual SLT to deliver
ber of blocks passed; where all answers in the block were the therapy for 30 min, once a week for 8 weeks (4 h
correct) and standard score. in total), on an individual basis in their usual therapy
setting. Six different SLTs were involved, each seeing be-
Specific test of comprehension of conjunctions tween one and five participants. The SLT who worked
with each participant is shown in appendices A and B.
We constructed a specific picture-pointing test to assess The therapy programme was devised by the first au-
the participants’ comprehension of the targeted coordi- thor and consisted of a sequence of 14 steps, which
nating conjunctions further. The items were presented were provided to the SLTs (reproduced in appendix C).
in a random order, mixed in with the control items The SLTs also received a pack of materials (blank Shape
(passives; discussed below). The position on the page of Coding templates, target conjunctions with visual cues
the correct picture was also randomized. Each targeted underneath, black and white line drawings for colour-
conjunction (but not, neither nor and not only but also) ing activities and small animal objects). The first author
had four items, with different grammatical construc- was available to answer queries throughout the study.
tions (four items using and were also included but not The SLTs worked through the therapy sequence at the
analysed as they were at ceiling pre-therapy): participants’ own pace, and stopped after eight sessions,
regardless of the step reached.
r Noun phrase + conjunction + noun phrase + In the first session, the participants were introduced
adjective (e.g. the ladder and the snake are long). to the approach. The conjunctions were then intro-
r Noun phrase + conjunction + noun phrase + duced, one at a time, in a variety of sentence con-
verb (e.g. the horse but not the sheep is eating). structions. Each step built on the previous steps and
r Noun phrase + adjective + conjunction + adjec- contrasted new conjunctions with those previously in-
tive (e.g. the pencil is neither long nor blue). troduced. The SLTs did not move onto the next step
r Noun phrase + verb + conjunction + verb (e.g. until they judged the participant had understood the
the lady is not only standing, but also waving). current step, to ensure good comprehension of each
taught conjunction and a solid foundation for the next
Specific test of control construction (passives)
Each conjunction was introduced with a spoken ex-
We tested the participants’ understanding of passive sen- planation of its meaning and a corresponding visual
tences to act as a within-subject control and to ascertain cue (see appendix C). Some SLTs also reinforced each
whether any improvement in the comprehension of con- question word with its Makaton sign and head nod-
junctions generalized to another area of grammar. We ding/shaking, but this was reduced during the therapy.
selected items from the Test of Active and Passive Sen- But not was introduced first, then neither nor, then
tences (van der Lely 1996b), which tests three different not only but also. Therapy activities consisted of the
forms of the passive and active constructions using a SLTs taking turns with the participants to generate and
picture pointing task. We tested four items for each act out sentences using the shape templates as an aid
construction to ensure similarity with the specific con- (these sentences did not match exactly those used in the
junctions test. The four constructions were (for a full specific test or the TROG-2). When the SLT judged
description of these, see van der Lely 1996a): that a participant’s understanding of a conjunction was
36 Susan H. Ebbels et al.
accurate, the templates were removed and the activities two phases of the study, we carried out t-tests compar-
repeated. ing the amount of individual, group and total speech
and language therapy received by the two groups in
each phase. None of these analyses showed any signifi-
Attendance and treatment fidelity
cant differences between the groups (Phase 1: individual
Attendance and treatment fidelity were assessed indi- therapy, t(11) = 0.5, p = 0.60, d = 0.34; group therapy,
rectly by the first author after each phase by sending t(11) = 0.7, p = 0.52, d = 0.42; total therapy t(11) =
questionnaires to the SLTs and checking their case notes. 0.8, p = 0.43, d = 0.53; Phase 2: individual therapy,
Two participants did not receive the full 4 h of therapy. t(11) = 2.1, p = 0.06, d = 1.42; group therapy, t(11) =
One (WC4) withdrew from the study during Phase 2 0.5, p = 0.65, d = 0.30; total therapy t(11) = 1.7, p =
(his therapy phase). The other (T2) attended eight ther- 0.12, d = 1.12). The difference between the two groups
apy sessions, but due to listening and attention diffi- almost reached significance and showed a large effect size
culties had shorter sessions than the others, so in total during Phase 2 for individual therapy. This is because
received 2 h and 40 min of therapy. His results were three of the study authors completed the study therapy
excluded from all analyses, but the results of WC4 were with the absent SLT’s caseload, but the other children
included during Phase 1, when he was acting as a con- on her caseload from the original therapy group did not
trol, but excluded from Phase 2 (his therapy phases). receive cover for their individual therapy. The group
Thus, the results analyse whether those who received therapy they received was unaffected.
the full amount of therapy made progress.
The therapy was usually provided by the partici-
pants’ own SLT as part of their normal therapy package Results
(see appendices A and B for which SLTs saw which par-
ticipants). The exceptions to this were three participants We analysed the study in two phases. Phase 1, which
(WC2, WC3 and WC7) whose SLT was absent at the takes the form of a typical RCT with a therapy group and
end of Phase 2, so their final two or three sessions were a control group, was analysed separately from Phase 2 to
carried out by one or two of the study authors (see enable comparison with other RCTs. In Phase 2, we then
appendix B). provided the same therapy to the waiting controls. The
Because the therapy programme was delivered at Phase 2 analyses consider whether the waiting controls
the participants’ own pace, not all participants com- made a similar amount of progress to the original therapy
pleted the programme and some were not introduced to group with therapy and whether the original therapy
all the targeted conjunctions. Six participants completed group maintained their progress. Complete data were
the whole therapy programme (T1, T6, T7, WC1, available for 12 participants, six in each group.
WC5, WC7), four completed but not and neither nor
(T4, WC2, WC3, WC6), one only completed but not
(T3), and two did not complete any conjunction (T2, Phase 1 results
T5), but T2 was excluded from the analyses (see above).
Targeted coordinating conjunctions
The study therapy was provided as part of the par-
ticipants’ normal speech and language therapy package, To increase power, we combined the results from the
which includes joint planning and teaching of English specific test with the responses to those blocks on the
lessons, at least two speech and language therapy groups TROG-2 which test the targeted conjunctions. This
per week and individual speech and language therapy gave a score out of eight for each targeted conjunction
sessions. The focus of the groups attended by the par- (four items from the relevant TROG-2 block and four
ticipants during the study period included: vocabulary, items from the specific test) and an overall score of 24.
narrative, reading comprehension, use of signing, social Table 2 shows mean scores on the targeted conjunc-
skills and life skills. Individual therapy while in the con- tions at each time point for the two groups (individual
trol phase of the study focused on: articulation, vocab- scores are shown in appendices A and B). Table 2 shows
ulary, past tense, phonological awareness, conversation that overall, from pre-therapy to post-Phase 1 therapy,
ability, signing, narrative and voice, but not compre- the therapy group improved, while the waiting con-
hension of grammar. Some participants also received trols got worse. A comparison of the change in targeted
other individual speech and language therapy during conjunctions over Phase 1 (post-Phase 1 therapy minus
their study therapy phase in addition to the study ther- pre-therapy) between the two groups using a two-tailed
apy; this focused on articulation, vocabulary, inferenc- t-test revealed a significant difference between the two
ing, narrative, idioms and use of signing. groups, t(11) = 2.7, p = 0.02, d = 1.64, where the
To test whether the amount of speech and language therapy group showed more progress than the waiting
therapy differed between the two groups in either of the controls.
Improving comprehension in adolescents with severe receptive language impairments 37
Table 2. Means (standard deviations) at each testing point
Table 3. Pearson’s r-values for correlations between progress and all other measures taken
Overall Overall
conjunctions TROG-2 conjunctions TROG-2 SS Prior knowledge
progress SS progress pre-therapy pre-therapy Matrices TVPS of Shape Coding
TROG-2 SS progress 0.51
Overall conjunctions pre-therapy −0.29 0.27
TROG-2 SS pre-therapy 0.34 0.17 0.35
Matrices 0.35 −0.36 −0.53 0.23
TVPS 0.20 −0.14 −0.11 0.47 0.89∗∗
Prior knowledge of Shape Codinga 0.48 0.24 −0.32 −0.12 −0.36 −0.32
Step reached with therapya 0.39 0.79∗∗ 0.07 0.11 0.07 0.09 0.13
Note: Spearman’s r.
p-values (two-tailed): p < 0.05∗ , p < 0.01∗∗ and p < 0.001∗∗∗ .
To test whether progress made by either group was not analyse the progress of the waiting controls as their
significantly better than zero, we analysed their change scores decreased.
in score over Phase 1. One-tailed,2 one-sample t-tests
showed that overall the therapy group made progress
which was significantly greater than zero, t(5) = 2.1, Control structure (passives)
p = 0.04, d = 0.86. We did not analyse the change for Table 2 also shows the scores out of 12 on the specific
the waiting controls as this was negative. passives test. This shows a small positive change in the
therapy group and a small negative change in the waiting
controls over Phase 1. A two-tailed t-test revealed no
significant difference between the progress of the two
Generalization of progress (TROG) groups over Phase 1, t(11) = 1.68, p = 0.12, d =
Table 2 also shows the mean scores at each testing point 1.01, despite a large effect size. One-tailed, one-sample
on the TROG-2 (Raw and Standard Scores). This shows t-tests showed that the progress made by the therapy
that over Phase 1, the therapy group improved on the group was not significantly greater than zero, t(5) =
TROG-2, while the waiting control group did not. A 1.2, p = 0.14, d = 0.49. The waiting controls’ scores
two-tailed t-test showed the progress of the two groups decreased.
over Phase 1 differed significantly on standard scores,
t(11) = 2.5, p = 0.03, d = 1.48. The difference on
Summary of Phase 1 results
raw score just failed to reach significance despite a large
effect size, t(11) = 2.1, p = 0.06, d = 1.24. The therapy group made significantly more progress
One-tailed, one-sample t-tests on the change in raw than the waiting controls on the targeted conjunctions
and standard scores showed that the therapy group made and TROG-2 standard score. The therapy group also
progress which was significantly greater than zero on made progress which was significantly greater than zero
the raw, t(5) = 3.1, p = 0.01, d = 1.26, but not the on the targeted conjunctions and TROG-2 raw score.
standard score, t(5) = 1.6, p = 0.09, d = 0.64. We did We found no obvious generalization to passives.
38 Susan H. Ebbels et al.
Phase 2 results ing Phase 2. Therefore, no statistical analyses of progress
were carried out.
Targeted coordinating conjunctions
Table 2 also shows the post-Phase 2 therapy scores and Summary of Phase 2 results
the change in scores over Phase 2. To analyse whether
The waiting controls also made progress on the targeted
the waiting controls made similar progress with therapy
conjunctions when they received therapy. The scores
to the original therapy group, we compared the changes
for the original therapy group remained stable; thus
during the specific period when each group received
progress was maintained. When the two groups were
therapy (over Phase 1 for the original therapy group and
combined, they showed significant progress over their
over Phase 2 for the waiting controls) and found no
therapy period.
significant difference, t(10) = 1.6, p = 0.13, d = 1.04.
On the TROG-2, the waiting controls made similar
A one-tailed t-test confirmed that the waiting controls
progress to the original therapy group, who maintained
also made progress with therapy which was significantly
their previous progress. When the groups were com-
greater than zero overall, t(5) = 5.2, p = 0.002, d = 2.1.
bined, both the raw and standard score of the TROG-2
To get an overall effect size for progress made by
showed significant progress with therapy.
all participants for just the period when enrolled in the
On the passives, the scores for both groups declined.
therapy (progress over Phase 1 for the original therapy
Thus, the waiting controls did not replicate the small,
group and over Phase 2 for the original waiting con-
non-significant progress made by the original therapy
trols), we combined the two groups and compared their
group in Phase 1 and the original therapy group did not
progress to zero and found a significant effect, t(11) =
appear to maintain their original progress.
4.6, p < 0.001, d = 1.33.
To analyse whether the original therapy group main-
Possible factors influencing progress
tained the progress they had made in Phase 1 during
Phase 2, we compared their change in score over Phase 2 To investigate the factors which could have influenced
to zero using a two-tailed t-test.3 This showed that their progress, we carried out two-tailed correlations between
scores remained stable, t(5) = 0.3, p = 0.76, d = 0.13. the progress scores with therapy (on overall conjunctions
and TROG-2 standard scores) and the other measures
Generalization of progress (TROG) taken. The correlations are shown in table 4. Progress
Table 2 also shows the post-Phase 2 therapy scores and was not significantly correlated with any test measure.
changes on the TROG-2 during Phase 2. To analyse We also considered variables more directly related to
whether the waiting controls made similar progress with the therapy itself: the SLT’s rating of the participants’
therapy to the original therapy group, we compared prior knowledge of Shape Coding and step of the pro-
change during the specific period when each group re- gramme reached by the end of therapy, using Spearman’s
ceived therapy and found no significant difference on r. We found a significant correlation between progress on
either raw, t(10) = 0.3, p = 0.80, d = 0.17, or stan- the TROG-2 SS and the step of therapy reached, but not
dard scores, t(10) = 1.3, p = 0.21, d = 0.85. One- between either measure of progress and the SLTs’ ratings
tailed t-tests confirmed that the waiting controls made of the participants’ prior knowledge of Shape Coding.
progress with therapy (over Phase 2) which was signif- The two non-language tests (Matrices and TVPS) were
icantly greater than zero on both the raw, t(5) = 2.4, significantly correlated with each other, but not with
p = 0.03, d = 0.97, and standard scores, t(5) = 2.8, any other measure.
p = 0.02, d = 1.13. When we combined the two groups We included participants with a wide range of dif-
(thus increasing power) and compared their progress ficulties in addition to their RELI. Thus, the majority
over the period when enrolled in the therapy to zero, we do not fit the strict exclusionary criteria for SLI. Taking
found a significant effect for both the raw, t(11) = 3.8, the strict criteria for SLI of non-verbal IQ needing to
p = 0.001, d = 1.11 and standard scores, t(11) = 3.1, be equal to or greater than 85 and excluding partici-
p = 0.005, d = 0.88. pants with any other diagnosis, only two participants
A two-tailed t-test showed that the change in score met these strict criteria (one of whom also has a diag-
over Phase 2 for the original therapy group was not nosis of dyslexia). A statistical comparison of the overall
significant for either the raw, t(5) = 1.6, p = 0.18, d = progress on the conjunctions made by these participants
0.65, or standard scores, t(5) = 2.0, p = 0.10, d = 0.82, and the others was not possible due to small numbers,
i.e. they maintained their progress. however their progress on targeted conjunctions with
therapy (7 and 5) was very similar to the rest of the par-
ticipants (mean = 5). If the non-verbal exclusionary cri-
Control structure (passives)
terion is relaxed to 70, five participants meet the criteria
Table 2 shows change in scores on passives over Phase 2. for SLI. The progress of this group was not significantly
This shows that the scores declined for both groups dur- different from those not meeting criteria, t(10) = 0.45,
Improving comprehension in adolescents with severe receptive language impairments 39
p = 0.66, d = 0.31. Four participants had diagnosed are not key indicators of the ability to make progress with
medical syndromes, but did not differ from the others this kind of therapy, even though the therapy involves
in their progress, t(10) = 0.31, p = 0.76, d = 0.22 and meta-linguistic explanations and uses visual cues.
neither did the three with hearing impairments, t(10) = Analyses of whether participants meeting certain di-
0.88, p = 0.40, d = 0.64, although the numbers are too agnostic criteria (e.g. those meeting strict criteria for
small to draw any strong conclusions. SLI) differed from the others in their response to in-
tervention revealed no significant differences. Therefore
Discussion we cannot, from our data, make any predictions regard-
ing which children make the most progress with this
Four hours of explicit therapy with visual support, fo-
cused on comprehension of coordinating conjunctions,
The significant correlation between progress on the
one-to-one with an SLT significantly improved compre-
TROG-2 and the step of therapy reached indicates that
hension of the targets among adolescents with severe
if the participants who did not complete the therapy in
RELI. The waiting controls made little progress dur-
the eight weeks had been able to continue and finish
ing their baseline period, even getting slightly worse
the programme, they might have made more progress.
(Phase 1) but made progress when they too received
Thus, a future project could measure the effectiveness
the therapy (after Phase 2). At the end of Phase 1, af-
of completion of the therapy programme, regardless of
ter only one group had received the study therapy, the
the time taken, rather than the model used here of a
progress of the two groups differed significantly (d =
restricted amount of time dictating when the therapy
1.64). Progress could not have been due to a placebo or
should stop.
Hawthorne effect as both groups received their normal
therapy package with their usual SLT at all times, but
during their study therapy phase, this included therapy Implications for theories of SLI
targeted at comprehension of coordinating conjunctions
The therapy approach in this study used explicit teach-
for 30 min per week. Given this and the fact that the
ing with visual cues. This could be argued to increase the
participants were randomly assigned to the two groups,
processing demands on the participants. If the main rea-
it is most likely that the content of the therapy was re-
son for failing comprehension tasks was processing lim-
sponsible for progress, rather than any other factors. The
itations, then it is unlikely that this therapy approach
effect size for progress with therapy of the two groups
would improve their performance on these tests. The
combined (relative to zero change) was d = 1.33.
success of the therapy approach therefore makes it less
The original therapy group maintained their
likely that impaired processing was the cause of their
progress for 4 months after their therapy had ceased.
Progress generalized to the TROG-2 raw and standard
More likely, however, is that the therapy worked by
scores such that on average, over the whole study, the
allowing the participants to use their relative strengths
participants closed the gap with their typically devel-
to compensate for their weaknesses. Within the frame-
oping peers by eight standard score points. This could
work of the PDH, it could be that the explicit therapy
be partly due to progress on the blocks containing the
enabled them to use their better declarative memory
targeted conjunctions, however, the progress on these
system to compensate for their more impaired procedu-
blocks was often insufficient for a block to be passed
ral memory system. The visual support could also have
(e.g. progress from one to three out of four in a block
enabled them to enlist their better visuo-spatial skills to
would not be registered in the TROG-2 raw score).
compensate for their weaker verbal working memory.
Also, several participants made progress on blocks other
However, this study was not specifically designed to ex-
than those containing the targeted conjunctions. How-
amine the underlying processes, thus these hypotheses
ever, the data do not indicate that the effects of therapy
remain speculative.
generalized to comprehension of passives.
Participant code T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7
Gender Male Male Male Female Female Male Female
Age at the start of the study 14;11 11;3 12;11 12;2 13;1 13;4 15;8
Medical diagnoses/exclusionary criteriaa NV < 85 ASD, NV < 70 none synd, NV < 85 NV < 85 synd NV < 85
SLT(s) delivering therapy A L M E M S N
Pre-Phase 1 Test of Visual 95 86 97 n.a. 64 90 85
therapy Perceptual Skills SS
Matrices SS 81 69 94 84 70 88 83
CELF-4 UK receptive 45 58 58 58 50 55 50
language SS
CELF-4 UK expressive 47 47 53 49 47 45 47
language SS
BPVS SS 47 73 78 70 61 64 68
TROG-2 RS 6 3 10 5 4 5 8
TROG-2 SS 55 55 69 55 55 55 55
Prior knowledge of 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
Shape Coding
Targeted conjunctions 4 10 11 11 14 13 9
Passives (/12) 4 5 9 9 8 6 11
Post-Phase 1 TROG-2 RS 9 4 10 7 5 10 10
therapy TROG-2 SS 58 55 69 55 55 74 62
Targeted conjunctions 14 9 16 14 13 15 10
Passives (/12) 7 7 7 10 8 8 12
Post-Phase 2 TROG-2 RS 10 2 11 6 5 11 12
therapy TROG-2 SS 62 55 74 55 55 74 71
Targeted conjunctions 8 8 16 17 18 14 12
Passives (/12) 7 3 7 9 7 8 10
Step of the therapy programme reached 13 3 7 11 4 14 14
Note: a Exlusionary criteria: synd = diagnosed medical syndrome; and NV = non-verbal skills as measured on Matrices.
42 Susan H. Ebbels et al.
Appendix B. Individual data for participants in original waiting control group (receiving therapy in Phase 2)
Introduce the following (but only for those pupils (b) Relate the coordinated VP to the question word
who do not already know them) “What doing” – discuss how ‘and’ means the subject
is doing both verbs (or Verb Phrases).
(c) Take turns to produce sentences using ‘and’ while
(a) ‘Who’ subject the other one acts out the sentence
(b) aux ‘is’ and ‘are’ (but gloss over the plural/singular (d) Introduce template with ‘but not’
The cow is jumping (over the fence) but not running (round the field)
(e) Relate coordinated VP to the question word “What
(c) Verb phrase (only use single verbs here)
doing” – discuss how ‘but not’ means subject does
only the first, not the second verb phrase (shown by
(d) Adjective phrase the cross).
The last shape (Adj P) could be introduced just (f ) Take turns to produce sentences using ‘but not’
before step 4 or here (before step 2), at the discretion of while the other one acts out the sentence
the SLT. (g) take turns to create a sentence matching one of the
two templates (‘and’ or ‘but not’) and the other one
2. ‘And’ vs ‘but not’ (Subject NP + Verb) acts out the sentence
(h) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to
(a) Introduce the templates showing coordi- check responses
nation of NPs in subject position, e.g., (i) take turns to create sentences matching one of four
templates from sections 2 and 3, other acts out
The cow and the dog are jumping sentence
(j) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to
(b) Relate the coordinated subject to the question word check responses
“Who” – discuss how ‘and’ means both NPs are
carrying out the action. (k) Make combinations of the templates using coordi-
nated subjects and/or verbs e.g.,
(c) Take turns to produce sentences using ‘and’ while
the other one acts out the sentence r the cow and the cat are jumping but not running
(d) Introduce template with ‘but not’ r the cow but not the cat is lying down and sliding
r the cow and the cat are standing and jumping
The cow but not the dog is jumping r the cow but not the cat is lying down but not
(e) Relate the coordinated subject to the question word
“Who” – discuss how ‘but not’ means only the first,
(l) take turns to create sentences matching these com-
not the second NP (shown by the cross) is carrying
bined templates, other one acts out sentence
out the action.
(m) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to
(f ) Take turns to produce sentences using ‘but not’
check responses
while the other one acts out the sentence
(g) take turns to create a sentence matching one of the
two templates (‘and’ or ‘but not’) and the other acts 4. ‘And’ vs ‘but not’ (Subject NP + Adjective)
out, using template as a guide
(h) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to (a) Revise the templates showing coordination of
check responses NPs in subject position with verb. Show sim-
ilarity with template showing coordination of
3. ‘And’ vs ‘but not’ (Verb Phrase) NPs in subject position with adjectives, e.g.,
(a) Revise the templates showing coordination of NPs The ball and the hat are red
in subject position with verb. Show similarity
44 Susan H. Ebbels et al.
(b) Relate the coordinated subject to the question word (i) take turns to create sentences matching one of
“Who” – discuss how ‘and’ means both NPs have four templates from sections 4 and 5, other
the feature of the adjective. draws/colours in
(c) Take turns to produce sentences using ‘and’ while (j) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to
the other one draws/colours in the sentence check responses
(d) Introduce template with ‘but not’ (k) Make combinations of the templates using coordi-
nated subjects and/or adjectives e.g.,
The ball but not the hat is red r the hat and the ball are big but not blue
r the hat but not the ball is yellow and stripy
r the hat and the ball are small and black
(e) Relate the coordinated subject to the question word r the hat but not the ball is red but not spotty
“Who” – discuss how ‘but not’ means only the first,
not the second NP (shown by the cross) has the
feature of the adjective. (l) take turns to create sentences matching these com-
bined templates, other one draws/colours in
(f ) Take turns to produce sentences using ‘but not’
while the other one draws/colours in the sentence (m) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to
check responses
(g) take turns to create a sentence matching one of the
two templates (‘and’ or ‘but not’) and the other 6. Neither nor (Subject NP + Verb)
draws/colours in, using template as a guide
(h) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to (a) Revise the templates showing coordination of
check responses NPs in subject position with VP. Use ‘neither
nor’ as coordinator and discuss how ‘neither
nor’ means that not the first and not the sec-
5. ‘And’ vs ‘but not’ (Adjective Phrase)
ond NP are doing the action (shown by crosses)
(a) Revise the templates showing coordination of NPs Neither the cow nor the cat is jumping (around)
in subject position with adjective. Show similarity
with template showing coordination of APs, e.g., (b) Take turns to produce sentences using ‘neither nor’
while the other one acts out the sentence
The cow is big and black
(c) take turns to create a sentence matching one of the
three templates (‘neither nor’, ‘and’ or ‘but not’) and
(b) Relate the coordinated AP to the question word the other acts out, using template as a guide
“What like” – discuss how ‘and’ means the subject (d) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to
has the feature of both adjectives. check responses
(c) Take turns to produce sentences using ‘and’ while
the other one draws/colours in the sentence 7. Neither nor (VP)
(d) Introduce template with ‘but not’
(a) Introduce template with ‘neither nor’
The cow is big but not black
The cow is neither jumping nor running
(e) Relate coordinated AP to the question word “What (b) Relate coordinated VP to the question word “What
like” – discuss how ‘but not’ means subject only has doing” – discuss how ‘neither nor’ means subject
features of the first, not the second adjective (shown does not do the first, and not the second verb (shown
by the cross). by the crosses).
(f ) Take turns to produce sentences using ‘but not’ (c) Take turns to produce sentences using ‘neither nor’
while the other one one acts out the sentence while the other one acts out the sentence
(g) take turns to create a sentence matching one of the (d) take turns to create a sentence matching one of the
two templates (‘and’ or ‘but not’) and the other one three templates (‘neither nor’, ‘and’ or ‘but not’) and
draws/colours in the other one acts out the sentence
(h) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to (e) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to
check responses check responses
Improving comprehension in adolescents with severe receptive language impairments 45
(f ) take turns to create sentences matching one of six (f ) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to
templates from sections 2, 3, 6 and 7 other acts out check responses
sentence (g) Make combinations of the templates using coordi-
(g) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to nated subjects and/or adjectives e.g.,
check responses r Neither the hat nor the ball is big and blue
(h) Make combinations of the templates using coordi- r the hat but not the ball is neither yellow nor stripy
nated subjects and/or verbs e.g., r the hat and the ball are neither small nor black
r Neither the cow nor the cat is jumping and run- (h) take turns to create sentences matching these com-
ning bined templates, other one draws/colours in
r the cow and the cat are neither standing nor jump-
(i) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to
r the cow but not the cat is neither lying down nor check responses
10. Not only, but also (Subject NP + Verb)
(i) take turns to create sentences matching these com-
bined templates, other one acts out sentence (a) Revise the templates showing coordination of NPs
in subject position with VP. Use ‘not only, but
(j) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to also’ as coordinator and discuss how ‘not only,
check responses but also’ means that both the first and the second
NP are doing the action (no crosses, like ‘and’)
8. Neither nor (Subject NP + Adjective)
Not only the cow but also the cat is jumping
(a) Introduce template with ‘neither nor’
Neither the cow nor the cat is black (b) Take turns to produce sentences using ‘not only, but
also’ while the other one acts out the sentence
(c) take turns to create a sentence matching one of
(b) Take turns to produce sentences using ‘neither nor’ the four templates (‘not only, but also’, ‘and’, ‘but
while the other one colours in/draws not’, or ‘neither nor’) and the other acts out, using
(c) take turns to create a sentence matching one of the template as a guide
three templates (‘neither nor’, ‘and’ or ‘but not’) and (d) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to
the other one colours in/draws check responses
(d) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to
check responses 11. Not only, but also (VP)
9. Neither nor (Adjective Phrase) (a) Introduce template with ‘not only, but also’
The cow is not only jumping but also running
(a) Introduce template with ‘neither nor’
(b) Relate coordinated VP to the question word “What
The cow is neither big nor black doing” – discuss how ‘not only, but also’ means sub-
ject does both the first and the second verb (shown
by no crosses).
(b) Take turns to produce sentences using ‘neither nor’ (c) Take turns to produce sentences using ‘not only, but
while the other one acts out the sentence also’ while the other one acts out the sentence
(c) take turns to create a sentence matching one of the (d) take turns to create a sentence matching one of the
three templates (‘neither nor’, ‘and’ or ‘but not’) and four templates (‘not only, but also’, ‘and’, ‘but not’,
the other one draws/colours in ‘neither nor’) and the other one acts out the sentence
(d) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to (e) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to
check responses check responses
(e) take turns to create sentences matching one of (f ) take turns to create sentences matching one of eight
six templates from sections 4, 5, and 8, other templates from sections 2, 3, 6, 7, 10 & 11, other
draws/colours in acts out sentence
46 Susan H. Ebbels et al.
(g) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to r Not only the hat but also the ball is neither big
check responses nor blue
(h) Make combinations of the templates using coordi-
r the hat but not the ball is not only yellow but also
nated subjects and/or verbs e.g., stripy
r the hat and the ball are not only small but also
r Not only the cow but also the cat is jumping and black
r the cow and the cat are not only standing but also (h) take turns to create sentences matching these com-
jumping bined templates, other one draws/colours in
r the cow but not the cat is not only lying down but
(i) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to
also sliding check responses
(i) take turns to create sentences matching these com-
bined templates, other one acts out sentence 14. Everything together
(j) when accurate, remove templates, bring back to
check responses (a) take turns to create sentences using any of the coor-
dinators in any of the positions introduced in any
12. Not only, but also (Subject NP + Adjective) combination, other one act out
(b) use templates to check any disagreements
(a) Introduce template with ‘not only, but also’