Constellation Families
The Ursa Major Family
The constellation Ursa Major (Great Bear)is certainly one of the most famous constellations; it
includes the familiar asterism Big Dipper (the Britsh call it the Plow, the Wain or the Wagon; in
German it is known as the "Große Wagen"). Ursa Major is an excellant staring point to explore
the night sky.
The group of stars, which form the Ursa Minor, the Little Bear is often called Little Dipper for
its form strongly reminds one on an oldfashioned cream ladle or gravy spoon.
One of the very few constellation, who really resembles the figure it was named after, is
Draco, the dragon.
The constellation of the Canes Venatici , the Hunting Dogs, consists of two bright stars. A
modern view is, that these two "dogs" are hunting the Great Bear.
The Bear Driver Boötes is sometimes called the Herdman. It lies south and east of the Great
The constellation Coma Berenice has it name after the beautiful Egyptian Queen Berenice,
i.e. after the shorn locks.
A wonderful circlet is being formed by Corona Borealis , lying between Boötes and Hercules.
In a region where stars are few the constellation of Camelopardalis (the Giraffe) can be found.
Lynx (the Lynx), likewise in a barren region, forms a sort of fence in front of the Great Bear.
North of the constellation Leo lies the Leo Minor, the Smaller Lion.
The last three constellations are modern astronomical images providing identification for a few
fainter stars unattacged to the older groups.