N039-N040 Rejano Nursing Care Plan
N039-N040 Rejano Nursing Care Plan
N039-N040 Rejano Nursing Care Plan
Subjective: Problem, Etiology, Short Term Goal: Independent: Short Term Goal
The patient Signs S.M.A.R.T. + Assessment Evaluation
complained of (P.E.S.) format Evidence
suprapubic pain Assessed the patient This information will help Goal met, within 3 hrs
after urination, Urinary Tract After 3 hours of description of pain such in determining the choice of nursing intervention
rated 5 out of Infection as nursing intervention as quality and severity of of intervention. the clients report
10. evidenced by uterine, the patient’s upper pain. satisfactory pain
and mild upper abdominal cramping Assessed for risk factors To avoid having kidney control less than 2 on
She presented abdominal cramping. when urinating of UTI. stones. a scale of 0-10.
with painless, decreased.
dark red vaginal
spotting. Therapeutic