Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming: Min Soo KIM
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming: Min Soo KIM
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming: Min Soo KIM
Fig. Dynamic programming used to minimize the cost between points A and E.
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming
1 2 3 4
1 12 15 21 28
2 15 16 17 24
3 21 17 16 15
4 28 24 15 12
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming
D3 15 16 31 √ C3 15 32 47
D2 24 15 39 C2 24 31 55
D1 28 20 48 C1 28 30 58
C3 D4 15 20 35 B3 C4 15 31 46 √
D3 16 16 32 √ C3 16 32 48
D2 17 15 32 √ C2 17 31 48
D1 21 20 41 C1 21 30 51
C2 D4 24 20 44 B2 C4 24 31 55
D3 17 16 33 C3 17 32 49
D2 16 15 31 √ C2 16 31 47
D1 15 20 35 C1 15 30 45 √
C1 D4 28 20 48 B1 C4 28 31 59
D3 21 16 37 C3 21 32 53
D2 15 15 30 √ C2 15 31 46
D1 12 20 32 C1 12 30 42 √
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming
To E from Through
A to B B to E Total Optimum
A2 B4 20 43 63
B3 17 46 63
B2 16 45 61 √
B1 20 42 62
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming
0.6 5.53 10.77 20.24 28.38 35.20 40.70 44.88 47.74 49.28 49.50
0.9 3.73 10.77 17.23 23.10 28.38 33.07 37.18 40.70 43.63
5.4 1.26
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming
1.2 10.77+23.66=34.43
1.8 20.24+16.58=36.82
2.4 28.38+12.07=40.45
3.0 35.20+8.83=44.03
3.6 40.70+6.33=47.03
4.2 44.88+4.30=49.18
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming
σ ℎ 𝑦, 𝑥 = 𝐻
find 𝑦(𝑥) that
minimize σ 𝑔(𝑦, 𝑥)
Given Function 𝑔, ℎ
Numerical term 𝐻
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming
10.7 Summary
- It is suitable to optimize a system that consists of a chain of components
where the output, from a unit, forms the input to next.
- It can be more efficient when calculating in large systems.
- Challenge appears in setting up tables and identifying the state variables.