Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming: Min Soo KIM

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Optimal Design of Energy Systems (M2794.


Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

Min Soo KIM

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Seoul National University
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

10.1 Uniqueness of Dynamic Programming Problems

- One of optimization method, applicable either to
1. Staged processes
2. Continuous function, approximated by staged processes.
- “Dynamic” : No connection with the frequent use of the word (e.g. “동적인”)
- Related with the calculus of variations, whose result is an optimal function
- Finite-step of dynamic programming = Approximation of the calculus of variation
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

10.1 Uniqueness of Dynamic Programming Problems

- For example, when determining the trajectory of a spacecraft in minimum fuel cost
in terms of dynamic programming
1. Divide the total path into a number of segments
2. Then, consider the continuous function as a series of stages.
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

10.2 Symbolic Description of Dynamic Programming

- The result is optimized summation, denoted as σ𝑛𝑖=1 𝑟𝑖 , while the result of
the calculus of variation is expressed in an integral.
S : Input to each stage r : Return from a stage
S’ : Output from each stage d : Decision variable

Fig. Pictorial representation of problem that can be solved by

dynamic programming.
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

10.3 Characteristics of The Dynamic Programming Solution

- Establishing optimal plans for subsections of the problem is the trademark
of dynamic programming.
- The mechanics (or feature) is illustrated by the optimal route problem as in
Example 10.1
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

Example 10.1 : Minimize the Cost using Dynamic Programming

- A pipeline is to be built between A and E, passing through one node of each
B, C, and D. Find the optimal route in the minimum total cost.

Fig. Dynamic programming used to minimize the cost between points A and E.
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

Example 10.1 : Minimize the Cost using Dynamic Programming

- The costs of A - B and D - E are given in figure
- The costs of B – C and C - D are given in table

Table Costs from B to C and C to D in Fig.

1 2 3 4

1 12 15 21 28
2 15 16 17 24
3 21 17 16 15
4 28 24 15 12
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

Example 10.1 : Minimize the Cost using Dynamic Programming

- We start at the right end to left, that is, from point E to A.
- So, the last table takes the totally optimized cost of the entire system.

The solving direction

Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

Example 10.1 : Minimize the Cost using Dynamic Programming

Table Example 10.1, C to E Table Example 10.1, B to E
Cost Cost
From Through From Through
C to D D to E Total Optimum B to C C to E Total Optimum
C4 D4 12 20 32 B4 C4 12 31 43 √

D3 15 16 31 √ C3 15 32 47
D2 24 15 39 C2 24 31 55

D1 28 20 48 C1 28 30 58

C3 D4 15 20 35 B3 C4 15 31 46 √

D3 16 16 32 √ C3 16 32 48
D2 17 15 32 √ C2 17 31 48

D1 21 20 41 C1 21 30 51

C2 D4 24 20 44 B2 C4 24 31 55

D3 17 16 33 C3 17 32 49

D2 16 15 31 √ C2 16 31 47

D1 15 20 35 C1 15 30 45 √

C1 D4 28 20 48 B1 C4 28 31 59
D3 21 16 37 C3 21 32 53

D2 15 15 30 √ C2 15 31 46

D1 12 20 32 C1 12 30 42 √
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

Example 10.1 : Minimize the Cost using Dynamic Programming

- The optimum route : A2 → B2 → C1 → D2 → E2

Table Example 10.1, A to E

To E from Through
A to B B to E Total Optimum
A2 B4 20 43 63
B3 17 46 63
B2 16 45 61 √
B1 20 42 62
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

10.3 Characteristics of The Dynamic Programming Solution

- Key feature :
After an optimal way is determined from intermediate to final state,
future calculations, passing through that state, use only the optimal way.
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

10.4 Efficiency of Dynamic Programming

- Dynamic programming is efficient, particularly in large problems.
- For example, consider previous an exercise problem Ex. 10.1,
if one more stage is added to the problem.

Dynamic Programming : 40 routes (# of the presented in table)

Exhaustive examination : 64 routes (1×4×4×4, A-B2-C-D-E)

Dynamic Programming : 56 routes (+16, one table added )

Exhaustive examination : 256 routes (×4)
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

Example 10.2 : Find the Concentrations in Minimum Cost

- A series of ultrafilters separate the protein and lactose. Use dynamic programming
to solve for the concentrations leaving each stage in the minimum total cost.

Fig. Chain of ultrafilters to separate protein from lactose in whey.

Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

Example 10.2 : Find the Concentrations Leaving in Minimum Cost

Table Operating cost of one stage in a protein-lactose separator, dollars
Entering Leaving protein concentration, %
tration 0.9 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4.8 5.4 6.0

0.6 5.53 10.77 20.24 28.38 35.20 40.70 44.88 47.74 49.28 49.50

0.9 3.73 10.77 17.23 23.10 28.38 33.07 37.18 40.70 43.63

1.2 5.54 10.78 15.67 20.24 24.47 28.38 31.95 35.20

1.8 3.74 7.33 10.79 14.00 17.23 20.24 23.10

2.4 2.82 5.55 8.21 10.80 13.27 15.67

3.0 2.26 4.47 6.63 8.73 10.81

3.6 1.89 3.75 5.56 7.33

4.2 1.62 3.21 4.78

4.8 1.42 2.82

5.4 1.26

Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

Example 10.2 : Find the Concentrations Leaving in Minimum Cost

- The calculations start at the stage Ⅳ, and proceed back until the final table.
- The minimum concentration entered in stage Ⅳ is 1.8%, because at least
0.3% of protein is added each stage. That is, 0.6 → 0.9 → 1.2 → 1.8 (%)

Table Example 10.2, stage Ⅳ

stage Ⅳ (%) Through Cost ($)
1.8 - 23.10
2.4 - 15.67
3.0 - 10.81
3.6 - 7.33
4.2 - 4.78
The solving direction 4.8 - 2.82
5.4 - 1.26
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

Example 10.2 : Find the Concentrations Leaving in Minimum Cost

Table Example 10.2, stage Ⅲ and Ⅳ
Concentration Concentration
entering Ⅲ (%) Through Cost ($) entering Ⅲ (%) Through Cost ($)
1.2 1.8 5.54+23.10=28.64 2.4 3.0 2.82+10.81=13.63
2.4 10.78+15.67=26.45* 3.6 5.55+7.33=12.88*
3.0 15.67+10.81=26.48 4.2 8.21+4.78=12.99
3.6 20.24+7.33=27.57 4.8 10.80+2.82=13.62
4.2 24.47+4.78=29.25 5.4 13.27+1.26=14.53
4.8 28.38+2.82=31.20 3.0 3.6 2.26+7.33=9.59
5.4 31.95+1.26=33.21 4.2 4.47+4.78=9.25*
1.8 2.4 3.74+15.67=19.41 4.8 6.63+2.82=9.45
3.0 7.33+10.81=18.14 5.4 8.73+1.26=9.99
3.6 10.79+7.33=18.12* 3.6 4.2 1.89+4.78=6.67
4.2 14.00+4.78=18.78 4.8 3.75+2.82=6.57*
4.8 17.23+2.82=20.05 5.4 5.56+1.26=6.82
5.4 20.24+1.26=21.50 4.2 4.8 1.62+2.82=4.44*
5.4 3.21+1.26=4.47
4.8 5.4 1.42+1.26=2.68
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

Example 10.2 : Find the Concentrations Leaving in Minimum Cost

Table Example 10.2, stage Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ
Concentration Concentration
entering Ⅱ (%) Through Cost ($) entering Ⅱ (%) Through Cost ($)
0.9 1.2 3.73+26.45=30.18 1.8 2.4 3.74+12.88=16.62
1.8 10.77+18.12=28.89* 3.0 7.33+9.25=16.58*
2.4 17.23+12.88=30.11 3.6 10.79+6.57=17.36
3.0 23.10+9.25=32.35 4.2 14.00+4.44=18.44
3.6 28.38+6.57=34.95 4.8 17.23+2.68=19.91
4.2 33.07+4.44=37.51 2.4 3.0 2.82+9.25=12.07*
4.8 37.18+2.68=39.86 3.6 5.55+6.57=12.12
1.2 2.4 5.57+18.12=23.66* 4.2 8.21+4.44=12.65
3.0 10.78+12.88=23.66* 4.8 10.80+2.68=13.48
3.6 15.67+9.25=24.92 3.0 3.6 2.26+6.57=8.83*
4.2 20.24+6.57=26.81 4.2 4.47+4.44=8.91
4.8 24.47+4.44=28.91 4.8 6.63+2.68=9.31
5.4 28.38+2.68=31.06 3.6 4.2 1.89+4.44=6.33*
4.8 3.75+2.68=6.43
4.2 4.8 1.62+2.68=4.30*
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

Example 10.2 : Find the Concentrations Leaving in Minimum Cost

- The system has the minimum cost at 0.6 → 0.9 → 1.8 → 3.6 → 6 (%)

Table Example 10.2, stage Ⅰ and Ⅳ

entering Ⅰ (%) Through Cost ($)
0.6 0.9 5.53+28.89=34.42*

1.2 10.77+23.66=34.43

1.8 20.24+16.58=36.82

2.4 28.38+12.07=40.45

3.0 35.20+8.83=44.03

3.6 40.70+6.33=47.03

4.2 44.88+4.30=49.18
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

10.6 Apparently Constrained Problems

- Constrained optimization : Optimization problem + Constrained condition
- Constrained problem can be converted to unconstrained case, that will be
covered in Example 10.3.

σ ℎ 𝑦, 𝑥 = 𝐻
find 𝑦(𝑥) that
minimize σ 𝑔(𝑦, 𝑥)
Given Function 𝑔, ℎ
Numerical term 𝐻
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

Example 10.3 : Decide the distribution of tubes to minimize pressure drop

- An evaporator which boils liquid inside tubes consists of 4 banks of tubes.
Determine the distribution of the 40 tubes so that the total pressure drop in the
evaporator is minimum using dynamic programming.

Fig. Evaporator in Example 10.3.

Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

Example 10.3 : Decide the distribution of tubes to minimize pressure drop

- The flow rate : 𝑚ሶ 𝑖𝑛 = 0.5 𝑘𝑔/𝑠 , 𝑚ሶ 𝑣𝑎𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑧𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 0.01 𝑘𝑔/𝑠 (each tube)
- A fraction of vapor : 𝑥𝑖𝑛 = 0.2 , 𝑥𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 1
increasing 𝑥 by 0.02
- The pressure drop : ∆ 𝑝 = 720 ( 𝑛𝑖)2 [kPa]

𝑛 : number of tubes in bank, 𝑥𝑖 : vapor fraction entering bank

Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

Example 10.3 : Decide the distribution of tubes to minimize pressure drop

- Choose the state variable cumulative(누적량) tubes as shown in figure below.
- Before stage Ⅰ, no tubes have been committed, and following stage Ⅳ, all of
tubes, 40, have been committed.
- Entering stage Ⅰ, vapor fraction : 𝑥 = 0.2, pressure drop : ∆ 𝑝 = 720 ( 𝑛𝑖)2 [kPa]

Table Example 10.3, stage Ⅰ

Total tubes Tubes in Total ∆𝒑
committed Stage Ⅰ(n) (kPa)
2 2 7.20
3 3 3.20
4 4 1.80
5 5 1.15
6 6 0.80
Fig. State variables of cumulative number
of tubes committed in Example 10.3.
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

Example 10.3 : Decide the distribution of tubes to minimize pressure drop

- Entering stage Ⅱ, vapor fraction : 𝑥𝑖 = 0.2 + 0.02 × (𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑒𝑠 𝑖𝑛 Ⅰ)

Table Example 10.3, stage Ⅰ and Ⅱ

Total tubes Tubes in Total tubes Tubes in
committed StageⅡ (n) Total ∆𝒑 (kPa) committed StageⅡ (n) Total ∆𝒑 (kPa)
11 5 0.80+2.95=3.75 13 7 0.80+1.50=2.30
6 1.15+1.80=2.95* 8 1.15+1.01=2.16*
7 1.80+1.15=2.95* 9 1.80+0.73=2.53
8 3.20+0.76=3.96 10 3.20+0.49=3.69
9 7.20+0.51=7.70 14 7 0.59+1.70=2.29
12 6 0.80+2.05=2.85 8 0.80+1.15=1.95*
7 1.15+1.32=2.47* 9 1.15+0.80=1.95*
8 1.80+0.88=2.68 10 1.80+0.56=2.36
9 3.20+0.60=3.68 15 8 0.59+1.30=1.89
9 1.15+0.80=1.71*
10 1.15+0.65=1.80
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

Example 10.3 : Decide the distribution of tubes to minimize pressure drop

- Entering stage Ⅲ, vapor fraction : 𝑥𝑖 = 0.2 + 0.02 × (𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑒𝑠 𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑)

Table Example 10.3, stage Ⅰ and Ⅲ

Total tubes Tubes in Total tubes Tubes in
committed StageⅢ (n) Total ∆𝒑 (kPa) committed StageⅢ (n) Total ∆𝒑 (kPa)
22 9 2.16+1.88=4.04 25 10 1.71+1.80=3.51
10 2.47+1.39=3.86* 11 1.95+1.37=3.32
11 2.95+1.05=4.00 12 2.16+1.06=3.22*
23 9 1.95+2.05=4.00 13 2.47+0.82=3.29
10 2.16+1.52=3.68 26 11 1.71+1.49=3.20
11 2.47+1.15=3.62* 12 1.95+1.15=3.00*
12 2.95+0.88=3.83 13 2.16+0.90=3.06
24 10 1.95+1.66=3.61
11 2.16+1.26=3.42*
12 2.49+0.97=3.44
13 2.95+0.75=3.70
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

Example 10.3 : Decide the distribution of tubes to minimize pressure drop

- The optimal distribution of tubes is 5, 7, 11, 17 at stage Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, respectively.
- The total pressure drop is 4.71 kPa

Table Example 10.3, stage Ⅰ to Ⅳ

Total tubes Tubes in
committed Stage Ⅳ(n) Total ∆𝒑 (kPa)
40 13 2.93+2.33=5.26
14 3.00+1.90=4.90
15 3.22+1.57=4.79
16 3.42+1.30=4.72
17 3.62+1.09=4.71*
18 3.86+0.91=4.77
Chapter 10. Dynamic Programming

10.7 Summary
- It is suitable to optimize a system that consists of a chain of components
where the output, from a unit, forms the input to next.
- It can be more efficient when calculating in large systems.
- Challenge appears in setting up tables and identifying the state variables.

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