Media and Information Literacy Las 2nd Quarter Edited

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Name of Learner: ___________________ Grade Level: _____

Section: _____________________________ Date: ____________

The Power of Media and Information

Background Information for Learners

Media and information literacy are vital for every citizen to realize his rights to
freedom of information. These also aim to enable individuals to think critically
about the media and the information they consume by engaging in a process of
inquiry. Media nowadays, is one of the most powerful tools that could effectively
transfer information and effect change in today’s modern world. The fast
development of media in our country has resulted to positive as well as negative

Thus, in this lesson, you are expected to accomplish the following learning

1. Identify opportunities and challenges in media and information in the

economic, educational, social, and political dimensions.

2. Realize opportunities and challenges in media and information.

3. Discuss and evaluate how media and information affect change; and 4. Cite
recent examples of the power of media and information to affect change.

Learning Competency with code

Cite an example of an issue showing the power of media and information to affect
change (MELC10 –Q2/Week1)

Exercise 1: PAPERWORK

List down at least five of what you think are the opportunities (positive effects) or
challenges (threats or negative effects) brought by media (new and traditional) and




• Faster and “free” • Fake news in social media.

communication via Messenger

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Answer here




Select one among the following options for you to show what you consider as the
biggest challenge and the best opportunity offered by the new media.

1. Draw a poster-slogan showing the biggest challenge and the best

opportunity offered by the new media.

2. Using any blogging platform, write a simple blog about the biggest challenge
and the best opportunity offered by the new media.

3. Create a three-minute video blog about the biggest challenge and the best
opportunity offered by the new media.

Exercise 3: WRITTEN WORK

Research a news article (2015 - up to present) on the internet about an event that
shows the power of media and information to affect change or an event where
media and information were instrumental in making a change.

Copy and paste the article on a short bond paper. (Note: You can cut article from a
newspaper and paste it on the next page) Cite the source of the news using APA

Write a summary and a reaction about the article.

Format and Points

• Copy of the news (2 points)

• Citation (2 points)
• Summary of event (4-6 sentences) (5 points)
• Reaction (5-7 sentences) (7 points)

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


Complete this statement:

In this activity, I learned that…

Rubric for scoring

Rubric for Poster-Slogan

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Rubric for Creating Blog

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Rubric for Creating Vlog

Rubric for Creating Infographics

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

References for learners

• Media and Information Literacy Curriculum Guide by DepEd

• Media and Information Literacy by Boots C. Liquigan, Diwa Learning
Systems Inc.
• calonge.p
Prepared by:




Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


Name of Learner: ___________________ Grade Level: _____

Section: _____________________________ Date: ____________


Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

Background information for learners

From the development of the printing press to the advent

of the internet, the world has encountered small and big
changes, composed of both good and bad, which affected
almost every aspect of human experience. How we
access information, entertain ourselves, communicate,
do business, and learn are some crucial areas where the
internet, as a dominant and powerful instrument
nowadays, is significantly making a difference. One of
the major trends today in the field of education that resulted from the
introduction of this new technology is about online learning, specifically
called MOOC.

What is MOOC?
MOOC is an acronym coined by Dave Cormier in 2008 which he based on
the course introduced online by Stephen Downes and George Siemens in
the same year. However, it was only in 2012 where this development hit the
roof because of the three free courses offered online by Stanford University
in 2011 which attracted over 160,000 enrollees worldwide.

MOOC is the short form for Massive Open Online Course or Massive Open
Online Content. It refers to the flexible approach of delivering quality
educational experience and content to any person at any preferred place and
time through online platforms. Participants of MOOCs are high school or higher
education students, professionals, unemployed, retirees and homemakers who
do it for varied reasons like skill and career advancement, college preparation,
supplemental learning, and training. Some participants get involved just out of
curiosity or for the benefit and pleasure of learning.

MASSIVE – It can accommodate many interested participants or enrollees

that can reach up to hundreds of thousands.
OPEN – It means anyone can enroll because there are no enrollment
prerequisites and courses are mostly free.
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
ONLINE – It can be accessed only via the internet-connected devices.
COURSE – It is intended to teach a specific skill, concept, or subject.


Learning can happen at the comfort and convenience of the participant. The
participant can track his/her progress and can learn at his/her own pace.
MOOC has discussion forums where participant can learn and work
collaboratively with others.
The participant gets information from networks of websites,
pages, and other platforms for a more dynamic and interactive
learning. MOOCs are comprised of varied learning activities like
videos, worksheets, projects, assignments, and quizzes to gauge
learning. The participant can get credit that can be of use in
school (course credit), work (promotion) and profession (CPD


There is no real time communication between the participant and

the instructor.
There is no genuine human interaction.
The process of grading and evaluation is not as real and reliable as it should be.
Learning can be slowed down by poor internet connection or
absence of needed devices.
MOOC courses are simplified versions of college courses so it
cannot match the level of the actual thing.
There is higher chance of dropping out because of language
problem, structure of the course, lack of meaningful interaction
and motivation and sometimes bullying that results from peer

Today, millions of people are already familiar and have accessed with
MOOCs provided by many universities and organizations around the
world. Thousands of courses as well, have already become available
through varied international MOOC platforms like Coursera, Edx, Khan
Academy and Udacity, among others. In the Philippines, the University
of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) has become the pioneer
institution to provide free varied online courses to Filipinos like
technopreneurship, business process management, Philippine arts and
culture, oral communication, and interlocal government cooperation,
among others.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

There are varying opinions about this new paradigm. Whether it will
continue to serve as answer to overcrowding, distance learning and
augmenting formal learning or it will cease and be replaced by another
model in the future. Nothing is certain but the fact remains that it has
already transformed traditions on education and access to information
and has established that there are no limitations for anyone willing to
Learning Competency with code

Describe the impact of massive open online (MELC11 –



Match the descriptions in Column A with the correct word in
column B.

Column A Column B
1. MOOCs have varying arrangement, style, a. Open
and framework. b. Structured
c. Insufficient
2. MOOCs have no enrollment requirements. d. Flexible
3. MOOCs are designed to fit participant’s e. Free
f. Collaborative
g. Massive
4. MOOCs contents are simplified and h. Self-paced
i. One-directional
lacking in depth.
j. Online
5. MOOCs build networks of learning among k. Reliable
l. New
m. Cheap
6. MOOCs can be accessed without cost. o. Universal
p. Offline
7. MOOCs allow their participants to track
their progress.

8. MOOCs allows large-scale and

unlimited participation.

9. MOOCs only works when there is internet


10. MOOCs have little to no student-teacher

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


Take a look at the article published by Inside Higher Ed in January,

2019 titled “Why MOOCs Didn’t Work, in 3 Data Points.” (Source:
study-offers-data-show-moocs-didnt-achieve their-goals). After reading,
please answer the following guide questions.

1. What information is contained in the article? Provide a short

2. What are the three presented factors that contributed to the
supposed failure of Massive Open Online Course?
3. What purpose of the Massive Open Online Course was not
realized based on the findings that through the years most
enrolled students in the program came from highly developed
4. What could have contributed to the large number of MOOC
enrollees not completing their courses or dropping out from

5. Do you think the Philippines should adapt to this trend or

innovation? Explain your answer.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

6. Based on the issues raised in the article regarding MOOC, what
are the potential challenges Philippines may face in implementing
this new paradigm?

Why MOOCs Didn't Work, in 3 Data Points

By Doug Lederman / January 16, 2019
MIT researchers document low retention rates, enrollment declines and
general affluence of students to explain why massive open online course
providers have largely ditched their original model.

It has become a platitude by now to say that massive open online

courses largely failed to achieve the promise many advocates saw to
expand access to high-quality education democratically throughout the

But now two researchers have provided the analysis and data to prove

In an article in Science entitled "The MOOC Pivot" (subscription

required for full article), Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Justin
Reich and José A. Ruipérez-Valiente strive to explain why MOOCs
largely fell short of their purported mission of transforming education
worldwide, leading the top providers of the courses -- including
Coursera and edX, which MIT co-founded with Harvard University -- to
focus instead on the more traditional role of helping colleges take their
academic programs online.

That trend has been well documented in the pages of Inside Higher Ed
and "Inside Digital Learning," as evidenced in articles such as this, this,
and this.

What Reich and Ruipérez-Valiente -- director and a postdoctoral

associate, respectively, in MIT's Teaching Systems Lab -- add to our
understanding of the MOOC landscape are an analysis of data from all
courses taught on edX by MIT and Harvard from 2012 to 2018, which
quantitatively back up what a lot of people have suspected. The data
cover 5.63 million learners in 12.67 million course registrations.

First, one of the big knocks against MOOCs since their beginning was
the low rate at which students completed the courses, even as
defenders pointed out that many students took MOOCs for knowledge
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
or edification, rather than for a credential. The critique stuck,
nonetheless. And Reich and RuipérezValiente show that completion
rates in MIT and Harvard MOOCs did not increase -- and in fact fell, for
all participants, those with a stated intention to complete and those
who paid to take "verified" courses -- from 2013-14 to 2017-18, as
shown in the graph below.

Among all MOOC participants, 3.13 percent completed their courses in

201718, down from about 4 percent the two previous years and nearly
6 percent in 2014-15. And among the "verified" students, 46 percent
completed in 201718, compared to 56 percent in 2016-17 and about 50
percent the two previous years.

The fact that course completion rates "barely budged" despite "six years
of investment in course development and learning research" is
problematic, the researchers argue. "A strategy that depends on
bringing new learners into higher education cannot succeed if
educational institutions cannot support learners in converting their
time and financial investment into completing a

course to earn a credential with labor market value," they write.

The edX data released by the MIT researchers also reinforces another
critique often leveled against the MOOCs -- that they did not, despite
highfalutin rhetoric about democratizing access to higher education,
bring high-quality education to all corners of the world.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Data on the geographic dispersion of students in the MIT and Harvard
MOOCs show that they overwhelmingly live in highly developed
countries. In 201718, the latest year for which statistics were available,
more than two-thirds of enrolled students (68.7 percent, or 954,426
people) came from those countries categorized as having "very high"
human development, and roughly another third combined (15.9 and 14
percent, respectively) for those in the high and medium categories.
About 55,000 students, or 1.43 percent of the total, came from
countries in the "low" category.
Certainly 55,000 people got access to education they might not
otherwise have had. But "rather than creating new pathways at the
margins of global higher education," the authors write, "MOOCs are
primarily a complementary asset for learners within existing systems."

The third and last major point the study makes is the one on which
they most add to our understanding of MOOCs. The data above on the
extent to which MOOC students stick with individual courses largely
affirms what we already knew -- that most students do not complete.

But Reich and Ruipérez-Valiente also share data showing how

irregularly students stick with MOOCs in general. While 1.1 million
students took their first massive open course in 2015-16, only 12
percent took a MOOC in the 2016-17 academic year.

And that proportion -- of first-time MOOC users who also enrolled in a

MOOC the following year -- has fallen every year since 2012-13, from a
high of 38 percent that year to 7 percent in 2016-17.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Reprinted with permission from J Reich et al., Science 383:6423 (2018)

The rest of the paper focuses on how the MOOC providers -- having
failed, in the authors' view, to pull off a dramatic transformation of
higher education through democratizing access -- are trying new
business models in which they resemble more traditional forms of
change within higher education.

"The 6-year saga of MOOCs provides a cautionary tale for education

policy makers facing whatever will be the next promoted innovation in
education technology, be it artificial intelligence or virtual reality or
some unexpected new entrant," they write. "New education technologies
are rarely disruptive but instead are domesticated by existing cultures
and systems. Dramatic expansion of educational opportunities to
underserved populations will require political movements that change
the focus, funding, and purpose of higher education; they will not be
achieved through new technologies alone."

Activity 3: MOOC-UP!

Pretend you are to enroll for a Massive Open Online Course. If you have
internet connection, go to the web, and explore for a possible MOOC
that suits your choice and fill out the Application Form-A below. If you
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
do not have access, fill out the Application Form-B. (Adopted from the
MIL Teaching Guide published by the Commission on Higher Education
and Philippine Normal University.)


Enrollee’s Name
Grade Level
Email Address
MOOC Platform
(ex: Edx,
Coursera, UPOU
Description of
the MOOC
Course Title


Name of the
Teacher/s or
Reason/s for
enrolling in the



Enrollee’s Name
Grade Level
Email Address
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
interested to
take online

Reason/s for
wanting to take
the course/s


Student’s notes:
3 things I have learned about Massive Open Online Course
• ________________________________________________________________
• ________________________________________________________________
• ________________________________________________________________

3 things I did not understand about Massive Open Online Course

• ________________________________________________________________
• ________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________
3 essential values about life or human relationship that I have acquired
from learning about Massive Open Online Course
• ________________________________________________________________
• ________________________________________________________________
• ________________________________________________________________


Short-Answer Essay
The content The content is The content is
accurate and slightly accurate inaccurate with
well-explained. and somewhat little to no
explained. explanation.
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
OF IDEAS The ideas presented are The ideas presented have no
logically arranged. coherence.

Graphic Organizer
Criteria 5 4 3 2
Labels The graphic Most parts of Few parts of There are no
organizer is the graphic the graphic proper labels
properly organizer are organizer are or titles at
labeled. properly properly all.
labeled. labeled.
Organization It is It is It lacks It is not
extremely organized in organization organized
organized, a way that on some and
and the flow makes it easy parts that is difficult to
of to result to understand.
information understand. confusion.
is easy to
Text and Content is Content is Content is Content is
Content easy to read easy to read hard to read hard to read
and contains and contains and presents and presents
most most of the least no essential
essential essential essential information
information information information

Content 5 4 2
The reflection The reflection The reflection
contains personal contains personal does not contain
insights of the insights of the personal insights
learner and learner and an of the learner and
indepth analysis analysis of the lacks analysis of
of the information information the information
derived from the derived from the derived from the
activity. activity. activity.
Organization of The ideas are The ideas are The ideas are not
Ideas presented in a presented in arranged logically.
very logical and logical and
coherent manner. coherent manner.

MOOC Application Form

Criteria 5 3 2

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Accuracy Information are Most information Many information
all correct and are correct and are incorrect and
accurate. accurate. inaccurate.
Completeness All parts are filled 2-3 parts are not 4 or more parts
out properly. filled out. are not filled out.

 edX. (2019). About MOOCs. Retrieved from
 EDUCAUSE. (2020). Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).
Retrieved from
 Newton, D. (2020). The Depressing and Disheartening News
about MOOCs. Retrieved from
on/2 020/06/21/the-depressing-and-disheartening-news-
 Bowden, P. (2019). Beginners Guide to Massive Open Online
Courses. Retrieved from
 Inside Higher Ed. (2019). Why MOOCs Didn’t Work, in 3 Data
Points. Retrieved from
 BCcampus. What is a MOOC. Retrieved from
1/  Ignite Engineers. (2020). MOOC Advantages and
Disadvantages. Retrieved from
 What is a MOOC and How Can It Help Me in My
Career? Retrieved from
 Romualdo, A. (2017). UPOU: Pioneering MOOCs in the country.
Retrieved from
 CHED. (2016) Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and
Information Literacy (PDF File). Retrieved from
 Cormier, D. (2010). What is a MOOC?. Retrieved from


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


Prepared by:


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


Name of Learner: ___________________ Grade Level: _____

Section: _____________________________ Date: ____________


Implication of Media and Information to an Individual and the Society

Background Information for Learners:

Media and information have an overall impact to individual (personal,

professional, educational) and to the society (economic, social, political, and

It helps every individual and the society to cope up in the fast changing and
challenging world. Every individual needs to be media and information literate
for him to engage in a digital society. One needs to be able to understand,
inquire, create, communicate, and think critically. It is important to effectively
access, organize, analyze, evaluate, and create messages in a variety of forms.

A media literate person can decode, evaluate, analyze, and produce both print
and electronic media. Emphases in media training range widely, including
informed citizenship, aesthetic appreciation and expression, social advocacy,
self-esteem, and consumer competence. (Aufderheide,1992 as cited in

Everywhere you go, you see all forms of media.

From the films that you watch to the books that you read, you see different
images and messaging being relayed to you. Even the Google articles and
Facebook posts that you browse each day continue to dominate people’s lives
around the world.

The same is especially true for Filipinos.

With the advent of social media, Filipinos have also become drawn to the
platform, especially in a day and age where Facebook, Twitter, and other social
media platforms have taken over people’s lives. According to We Are Social,
Filipinos hold the record for spending the most time on social media in 2018.
Along with the constant reliance on social media comes the risk of
misinformation, fake news, and disinformation.

This is where the need for media literacy comes in.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Learning Competency with Code:

Discuss the implication of media and information to an individual and the

society (MELC12 –Q2/Week3)

Activity 1. Read the news feature below taken from the Philippine Star-
Lola Techie urges senior citizens to be IT Savvy

MANILA, Philippines-Local television personality Tessie “Lola Techie” Moreno is

urging senior citizens to use information technology to spread their “elderly wisdom”
especially among the young.

The information and Communications Technology Office of the DOST (DOSTICTO)

has tapped Moreno to give talks to senior citizens in various barangays in Quezon
City as part of the celebration of the national ICT Month 2013 with the theme
“Inclusive ICT for a Smarter Philippines”.

As part of its program, the DOST – ICTO through the National Computer Institute
(NCI) is conducting basic computer literacy courses specifically designed for senior
citizens. The program focused on communication tools particularly social media,
such as Facebook, Twitter, and Skype.

Moreno, a 71-year-old grandmother, known for her role as a computer-savvy lola in

a series of television commercials and viral videos with local telecom operator
Bayantel, told the elderly on how they can improve their lives using IT as she shared
her real-life experiences in learning how to use technology, and how it has made her
to be more productive despite learning how to use it at an advance age.

In her talk, Moreno said that there is a next generation of the elderly who are
catching up in the use of ICT.

ÏCT can open up opportunities to enable us to use our collective elderly wisdom to
contribute once more to society,” Moreno said. “Through ICT, we can warn the new
generation not to commit the same mistakes again as we did in our time, offer some
solutions by actually showing them how, through our loving example, and advocate
for reforms through social media, blogging and email campaigns.”

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

For Lola Techie. The availability of “Skype” breaks the barrier of distance in
talking face-to-face with her children and grandchildren.

Yet Google helps her in doing important research. While Facebook and other
social networking services like Twitter, Plurk and Multiply keep her
connected with the digital world.

According to DOST-ICTO Undersecretary Louis Napoleon Casambre, by

empowering the members of the society, ICT as a true enabler has given
Filipinos the tools to realize their dreams and has helped them achieve
financial independence.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the strategy of the government to help the senior citizens

more media and information literate?

2. How did Lola Techie use technology and the internet in her daily

3. What is the importance of being tech-savvy according to Lola


4. Based on the news article, how would media and information

literacy help our society especially in the educational and
economic aspects?

5. In your own opinion, is it right to urge seniors to become tech-

savvy? Explain.

Activity 2. Think of 3 social media networks that you usually visit/use.

Try to reminisce on your purpose of visiting the network. List down at
least 5 benefits you gained, and the issues/problems encountered.

Social Media Benefits Issues/Problems


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Activity 3. Imagine that you are the editorial cartoonist of your
school organ. Make an editorial cartoon emphasizing the effect of
media and information to the education.

Rubrics in Scoring the Editorial Cartooning


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


Media and Information Literacy by Boots Liquigan, Diwa

Prepared by:

Ruth Ann B. Tuddao


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


Name of Learner: ___________________ Grade Level: _____

Section: _____________________________ Date: ____________


Different Dimensions of Information and Media

Background Information for Learners

In the previous lesson, you have learned that media is the main means
of mass communication and its implication to every individual and the
society. It is said that he primary goal of media is to have an easier access to
information and share reliable information to the audience. Moreover, there
are lots of ways to deliver information. These are the tools used to transmit

In this module, you will describe the different dimensions of

Information in Media and how information is being used, produced, and
disseminated through media. The table below shows the different types of
information in Media and its dimension.

Types of Definition Example Features

Information in
Text Information -disseminate -newspaper, Types of Text
and Media/ Text information flyers, books, 1. Hypertext- serves to
Media through media magazines, link different electronic
products posters, and documents.
-text is a simple banners 2. Unformatted Text -fixed
and flexible size characters.
format of 3. Formatted Text
presenting -appearance can be
information or changed (italic, bold, font
conveying ideas size, font style).
whether hand-
written printed or Design Principles and
displayed on Elements
screen 1. Emphasis – highlights
a part of the text.
2. Appropriateness- the
text is suitable to the

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

3. Proximity- how near or
far the text elements.
4. Alignment – how the
text is positioned.
5. Organization –
conscious effort to
organize the text elements
in a page.
6. Contrast – creates
visual interest.

Visual -sources of data -photography, Purpose of Visual Media

Information and or information in video, 1. gain attention
Media/ Visual the form of visual screenshots, 2. create meaning
Media presentation. infographics, 3. facilitate retention
data Elements of Visual
visualizations Design
(charts and 1. Line- describes a shape
graphs), comic or outline.
strips/cartoons, 2. Shape – a geometric or
memes, and organic area that stands
visual out from the space next to
notetaking or around it.
3. Value- the degree of
light and dark in a design.
4. Texture- way a surface
feels or is perceived to
5. Color- determined by
its hue (color), intensity
and value.
Audio Information -media -radio Purposes of Audio Media
and Media/ Audio communication broadcast, 1. give instruction or
Media that uses audio music, sound information
or recordings to recording, 2. provides feedback
deliver and phonograph 3. to personalize or
transfer record, CD’s, customize
information and audio card. Elements of Sound
through the Design
means of sound. 1. Dialogue- speech
-Audio refers to a conversation, voice-over.
sound, especially 2. Sound Effects – any
when recorded, sound other than music
transmitted, or or dialogue.
produced. 3. Music – vocal or
instrumental sound.
Principles of Sound
1. Mixing – the

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

combination, balance,
and control of multiple
sound elements.
2. Pace- time control,
3. Transition- how you get
from one segment to
Motion -A form of media -film and Design Principle and
Information and that has the cinema, Elements
Media/Motion appearance of television, 1. Speed – A fast
Media moving text and online videos, movement and slow
graphics on a phone gaming movement.
display. It is 2. Direction – Indicates a
combined with movement from one
audio, text, direction to another.
and/or 3. Timing – It can be
interactive objective or subjective.
content to create Objective in minutes and
multimedia. subjective in emotions.
4. Transition – It is used
to switch between scenes.
5. Sound and Color –
Adds meaning to the
Sources of Motion
1. personal Media
3. media Companies
Manipulative -loosely defined - Types of Manipulative
Information in as any material, advertisements/ Information
Media/ program, or commercial 1. Consumer Confusion-
Manipulative application Consumer cannot decide
Media -use to formulate which product to buy due
new information to varied offers.
to aid learning 2. Crowd Manipulation –
through the use, Manipulate the public by
analysis, making them believe that
evaluation, and there is a great demand
production of for the product.
interactive and 3. Propaganda –
hands-on media. Advertising firm can
release a commercial paid
by political candidate.
4. Hoax- Use to deceive
the public.
Multimedia -computer -text, graphics, Evaluating and Rating
Information and information can images, audio, Multimedia Information
Media/Multimedi be represented video, 1. Content- The

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

a through audio, PowerPoint presentation varies
video, and presentation depending on its content.
animation 2. Purpose or application-
Multimedia presentation
can be used in many
3. Manner of Presentation
– It can be presented
based on the following
- Topic
Characteristics of
1. Electronic or digital –
Multimedia is delivered
electronically using
various computer
applications and online
2. Interactive – Because it
responds to the
audience’s visual and
auditory senses.
3. Dynamic – Because it
can be projected, played,
recorded, and accessed
using technology and
computer applications.

Advantages and Limitations

Types of Information Advantages Limitations
in Media
Text Information and -Text information covers a -The book must be updated
Media/ Text Media wide range of topics. regularly for accuracy and
-It is easy to access. timeliness.
-It should be well- -Text information can be
researched and discussed lengthy and hard or tiresome
comprehensively. to read.
-Finding information can
mean browsing over several
materials which can be
Visual Information and -It catches the attention of -It can be distracting. The
Media/ Visual Media the audience because audience might lose sight of
of its artistic presentation. the message in the process
-It teaches the audience to of deciphering or
be more analytical to interpreting the visual
visually process the presentation.
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
message. -Its meaning could be
-It allows the artist to interpreted differently
present the information and because of its artistic
express the message in a presentation.
creative manner. -It takes time and effort to
produce visual information,
which can be costly, too.
Audio Information and -It is easier to process since -Retention of information
Media/ Audio Media the information is already could be difficult since the
communicated verbally. details were relayed orally.
-The audience pays more -The audience can become
attention to the information, easily distracted if the sound
making it easier for them to is not audible.
absorb such content.
-Audio information is much
faster to relay since it can
be said orally.
Motion Information -Motion media is an effective -Motion media could be
and Media/Motion form of communication subjected to different
Media because it is both visual interpretation from the
and auditory. audience.
-The information is easier to -It takes a lot of effort and
understand because the time to produce, which
presentation is dynamic. could delay information
-Motion media gives the dissemination and learning.
audience the opportunity to
learn and enjoy at the same
Manipulative -It boosts the image of a -It can be biased and
Information and person or a product. subjective to protect a
Media/Manipulative -It filters the information to person’s image.
Media be disseminated to the -It distorts the facts and
public. covers up sensitive issues.
-It provides a sense of -It hides the truth that the
control and order when it public must know.
comes to the kind of
information to be shared.
Multimedia -The information is -There is too much
Information and presented in a more information to absorb which
Media/Multimedia interesting and organized overwhelms the audience.
manner. -The speaker becomes too
-It complements and dependent on technology,
empowers the speaker to which he has mastered
make his lecture more operating.
dynamic and interactive.
-It makes the information
easier to understand since
the presentation is
presented in a creative

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Learning Competency with Code:

Describe the different dimensions of text information and media, visual

information and media, audio information and media, motion information and
media, manipulative information and media and multimedia information and
media. (MELC13 –Q2/Week4)

Activity 1: AD ANALYZER
Directions: In this exercise, you are tasked to choose an ad of your choice from a
commercial, the internet, a magazine, billboard, poster, or radio. Complete the
following chart of your ad. Paste the picture of the ad on the space below.
Complete the chart by writing your answers in the box.

Describe the Product or Service Where Did You See the Ad? Was
and Who Are the Target Audience? This an Effective Place to Put the
Ad? Why or Why Not

What is the Purpose of the Ad? Did it make use of Appropriate

What is the Message? Design elements and Principles?
What would you Change or
Include to this Ad? Why?

Activity 2: STEP UP!

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Directions: Use the information you have learned from the lesson in real
Perform a task based on the role assigned to you.

Goal Make a creative infomercial calling for the prevention of the

spread of the Covid19. It should capture the attention of
the audience to apply necessary precaution.

Role You are a well-respected TV actor/Endorser

Audience Your show/vlog is always a hit and you have large
Situation A casting manager invited you to do a short public service
infomercial to prevent/stop the spread of Covid19.
Performance Do a two-minute infomercial to convince the public to
become more responsible in their action and promote
proper hygiene. The infomercial should be presented
creatively with a powerful message and clear information.

Standards The most effective infomercial will be assessed based on the

criteria and rubrics for infomercial presentation.


Criteria 4- Expert 3- Advanced 2- 1-Beginner

Content and The The The The
infomercial is infomercial is infomercial information
Quality of
informative relevant and gives some and idea of
Information and relevant. provides new the
and Idea sufficient information infomercial
information. and is show very
relevant to little or no
some extent. new
little or no

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

The The The The
information information information information
and ideas and ideas and ideas and ideas
presented are presented presented presented
well look good and show some need
organized. interesting. potential but improvement.

There are no There are few There are There are

grammatical grammatical number of numerous
errors. errors. grammatical grammatical
errors. errors.

Presentation, The The The The

presenter’s presenter’s presenter’s presenter’s
Style, and
voice is very voice is voice is
Creativity voice is too
audible. The audible. The somewhat
diction is diction is soft and a bit soft, almost
perfectly clear clear and audible. inaudible,
and understandab There are
which makes
understandab le. some
le. mispronounc it difficult to
ed words. understand
what is said.

There are
ed words.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

The presenter The presenter The The presenter
delivers an delivers the presenter has delivers the
outstanding performance some performance
performance using the problems which have
and uses appropriate with the trouble in
appropriate gestures and acting style portraying
gestures and acting style, and the role.
acting style, which shows appropriate
which show confidence use of
great and gestures,
confidence preparedness which show
and applying some lack of
preparedness knowledge confidence
applying the learned in and
knowledge information preparedness
learned in and media. .
and media.


What is the important role of the different types of Information

and Media in our daily lives? How about in the society? Give examples.
• Media and Information Literacy Curriculum Guided by DepEd

• Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and Information

Literacy by CHED

• Media and Information Literacy by Boots C. Liquigan, Diwa

Learning Systems Inc.

• Media and Information Literacy by Christine Marie Magpile, The

Intelligente Publishing Inc.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


Prepared by:



Name of Learner: ___________________ Grade Level: _____

Section: _____________________________ Date: ____________

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

The different dimensions and how are they formally and informally
produced, organized, and disseminated

Background Information for Learners

In the previous lesson, you have learned to describe the different types
of information in different media presentations and how each of them
interconnects and differs from one another. As you go on in this
module, you will understand how these various forms of media and
information are formally and informally produced, organized, and

Information communication can either be formal or informal. Formal

information is when the media/information is socially disseminated,
and its objective is official and driven by facts and actual events. It is
backed by organizational procedure, and it is necessary to fulfill its
goals. On the other hand, the media/information is informal when it is
basically unsocial or is highly opinionated and subjective. The primary
goal of this media is to preserve and establish relationships. Moreover,
since it is not defined by any channels, messaging moves a lot faster,
but it is without any paper trail or official documentation.

Anyone can be a creator of media and information, but here are the
topmost people involved in producing them.
Text Media Visual Audio Motion Manipulative Multimedia
Media Media Media Media
Author Painter Commentator Actor Ad agency or Teachers
Writer Photographer Emcee Director marketing Students
Contributor Graphic Disk jockey Scriptwriter firm Motivational or
Columnist Artist or (DJ) or Radio Make-up Public public speakers
Blogger Data designer Announcer Artist Relations Salespeople
Encoder Sculptor Narrator Production (PR) firm
Lay-out and Cartoonist Voice-over design
Graphic Music Artist team
Artist Musician Music and
Editor Audio
Publisher Team

The information created by these producers are disseminated

through the most appropriate channel or medium either informally or
formally. These channels are may be in the form of web-based

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

communication, emails, letters, social media, presentations, conference
calls, forums, face-to-face meetings, etc.

Learning Competency with Code

analyze how the different dimensions (*text information and media, *visual
information and media, *audio information and media, *motion information and
media, manipulative information and media, and multimedia information and
media) are formally and informally produced, organized, and disseminated. (MELC
14-Q2/Week 5)


Directions: Evaluate the visual below by filling up the media and
information design framework worksheet. (30 points)


Component Guide Questions Answers

Target Who is/are the intended
Audience audience?
Sender/Author Who is the producer?
Purpose What is the purpose of the
Key Content What are the facts relevant
to this visual? What
message does it want to
Form/Style Did it make use of
appropriate design elements
and principles? Was it
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
presented formal or
informal? How?
Medium/ Is this the best platform to
Format use? Why?


Directions: Use the information you have learned from the lesson in real
life. With your teacher’s guidance, perform a task based on the role
assigned to you. (15 pts)

Goal Create an artistic oil poster painting that focuses on how

influential media and information technology to people in the 21 st
Role You are a well-known visual artist.
Audience Your drawing will be displayed in the art gallery exhibit.
Situation The art curator invited you to participate in their exhibit. The
theme is about raising awareness on the power and influence of
visual information and media.
Performance Make an oil pastel poster on a ½ illustration board. It should
show your interpretation of the powerful influence of media and
information technology on people’s mindset. There should be an
appropriate title for the artwork.
Standards The best poster will be assessed based on the criteria and rubrics
shown below.

Rubrics for Scoring:

Exceeds (5pts) Meets (4pts) Approachi Beginning Unaccepta
ng (3pts) (2pts) ble (1pt)

Instruction The artwork is The artwork is The The artwork The student
& Concepts planned planned artwork shows little did the
carefully; an carefully; a is understand ing minimum
advanced basic satisfactory of the concepts or the
understand ing understand ing and instruction
; artwork
of all concepts of all concepts s is clearly
and instruction understand was never
and instruction demonstrat ed.
ing of some fully
s is clearly s is clearly
concepts completed.
demonstrat ed. demonstrat ed. and
s is clearly

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Craftmans The artwork The artwork The The
The artwork
hip & demonstra demonstra artwork artwork
demonstra tes
Originalit tes original tes some demonstra lacks
y personal personal tes an personal evidence
expression expression amount of of
expression or
and logical average on personal
and problemsolvin
personal expressio
outstandin g problemsolvin g skills.
problemsolvin g skills. n or and
g skills. an absence
Effort The student The student’s The The student The
puts forth completed student put forth little student
extraordin ary work is puts forth effort to finish did not
effort the the
above finish
beyond the project;
requireme average, effort their work
yet more could required class time was in a
nts to
have been to finish not used well. satisfactor
complete the
done; used the y manner;
project; used
class time project, class time
class time
but it was not
extremely well. well. lacks used well.
; used
class time

Directions: In the first column, answer the question with four new or
interesting information you have learned and give four practical
applications where you can use the information in the second column.
What new and interesting How can I use and apply this
information have I information?
1. 1.
2. 2.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

3. 3.
4. 4.

• Media and Information Literacy Curriculum Guide by DepEd
• Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media And Information Literacy
• Media and Information Literacy by Boots C. Liquigan, Diwa Learning
Systems Inc.
• Media and Information Literacy by Christine Marie Magpile, The
Intelligente Publishing, Inc
rmat ion_literacy.pdf

Answer Key

Activity 4: Assessing Media Value (Possible Answers)

Component Guide Questions Answers

Target Who is/are the intended This mural is intended for the
Audience audience? healthcare who help us fight
against the coronavirus disease
2019 and for everyone.
Sender/Author Who is the producer? The pandemic art was done by
AG Saño and his group “Art
Purpose What is the purpose of This visual aim to pay tribute to
the visual? the healthcare workers in the
Covid-19 frontlines. It inspires
Key Content What are the facts This artwork depicts healthcare
relevant to this visual? workers as Pinoy super heroine
What message does it “Darna” wearing scrubs and face
mask can be found on the side
want to convey?
of a building located in Teacher’s
Village, Quezon City. It
symbolizes how we give value to
their role in preventing the
spread of virus and that they are
the real superheroes during this
time of crisis we are facing.
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Form/Style Did it make use of Yes, the painting was
appropriate wellbalanced with a unique focal
design elements point highlighting “Darna” who
and principles? is well-known Pinoy superhero
as a symbol of our frontliners. It
was creatively done in a friendly
atmosphere by using design
elements (size, colors, shapes,
and contrast) suited for all ages
and levels of people.
Medium/ Is this the best platform Yes, it is! For a purpose of giving
Format to use? Why? gratitude to the healthcare
workers and make their efforts
known to the world, a
permanent fixture in a 7-storey
building is really one of the best

Activity 5: Poster Outputs may differ.

Prepared by




Creative text-based, visual-based, audio-based, motion-based,

and manipulative-based presentation using design principle
and element


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Media products are designed and produced in a wide variety of forms
and each form is used depending on the intended audience of the media

Media Forms refer to a technological means and channels by which

media is created, produced, distributed, consumed, and read. It may be
in the form of print, moving images, audio, video or combination of all
forms. (

Studying deeply on the different media forms will help learner in

obtaining timely, relevant, and quality information that will help them
in the aspect of decision making.

This module will provide learner an overview on the different media

forms, file formats and basic elements of a creative text-based, visual
based, motion- based and manipulative-based presentation.

Finally, it will help learner in producing a quality media presentation

anchored on the different design principles and elements on the forms
of media and information.


Produce Creative Text-Based, Visual-Based, Audio-Based, Motion-

Based and Manipulative-Based Presentation Using Design Principle and
Element (MELC 16-Q2/Week 6)

Activity 1: LOOK INTO ME!

Research on the fatality rate of the novel-Corona Virus and create an

informative visual based presentation (infographic) using the different
elements and arrange them basing on the different visual design and
principle. Show your creativity and innovation in doing the presentation
by using any available mobile or desktop publishing application or any
of the following online application tools:
• Piktochart (
• Canva (
• Picasa (
• Smore (

Activity 2: SURF and DISCUSS!

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Cite 3 examples in each interactive media platform and discuss how a
user can interact with them.

Interactive Media Platform Interactive Action

Social Media



Online Game



Online Shopping




Visual-Based Presentation Rubric

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 TOTAL/COM
Content Content Content Content Content is Content
is is is questionab is
accurat accurate accurat le. inaccurat
e and but e but Informatio e.
some some n is not
all Informati
required required presented
require on is not
informati informat in a logical
d presented
on is ion is order,
informa in a
missing missing making it logical
tion is and/or and/or difficult to order
present not not follow. making
ed in a presente presente
d in a it
logical d in a
logical logical difficult
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
order but
order, to follow.
is still
easy to
Visual Present Presenta Presenta Presentatio Presentati
Present ation t ion tion n is on has no
a tion flows flows flows unorganiz flow.
well well. well. e d. Tools Insufficie
and Tools are Some are not
used nt
logically tools are used in a
correctly. used to informati
. relevant
.. show on
Present manner
ation acceptab
reflects le
extensiv underst
e use of anding.
tools in
Use of Use of Use of Most Visual No visual
Visual visual visual visual elements design
Design design design design are elements
Element element elements elements inappropri used
s is is are ate, or
appropr appropri appropri layout is
iate. ate.
ate. messy
Layout Layout is
is cluttered
pleasing .
to the
Use of Use of Use of Some Many No effort
Visual visual visual visual visual was made
Design design design design design to employ
principl principle correct
Principle principle principles
es are is visual
used s are were used
violated. violated design
appropr inappropri principles
iately ately. .
Rubric adapted from Teacher Planet via
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Teaching Guide for Senior High School “Media and Information

Literacy” CHED to DepEd.
Prepared by:


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


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