Sage Publications, Inc. Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University
Sage Publications, Inc. Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University
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it less than employees in smaller groups estimate of the probability that his behavior
(Hemphill, 1950; Mass, 19,50; Vroom and will indeed result in the outcomes. Vroom
Mann, 1960). And, Oaklander and Fleish- (1964) formalized one perspective of expec-
man (1964) found initiating structure to be tancy motivation theory mathematically, and
negatively correlated with intergroup con- Galbraith and Cummings (1967) extended
flict. Recent studies have shown that among his formulation by pointing out that some
high-level employees, initiating structure is of the valences associated with a specific be-
positively related to satisfaction (House et havior are intrinsic to the behavior itself and
al., 1971a, 1971b), performance (House et some are the extrinsic consequences of that
al., 1971b), and perceptions of organizational behavior. To the extent that behavior is
effectiveness, but negatively related to role intrinsically valent it is also intrinsically
conflict and ambiguity (Rizzo et al., 1970). motivational because the behavior is highly
This paper presents a theory of leader instrumental to the outcome of satisfaction.
behavior that attempts to reconcile and in- A person will be motivated to engage in such
tegrate the conflicting results of previous behavior because his expectancy that satis-
studies under a set of general propositions faction will follow is nearly unity. That is, if
from which they could have been deduced, the outcomes were contingent on an external
and reports three studies designed to test rewarder-any significant other-the expec-
eight hypotheses derived from the theory.' tancy would be less that unity because the
behavior might not be observed or recog-
THEORETICAL BACKGROUND nized by the rewarder. However, when the
The theory advanced here is derived from reward is essentially self-administering, ex-
the path-goal hypothesis advanced by Geor- pectancy approaches unity.
gopoulos et al. (1957), and from previous The theory may be further extended and
research supporting the broad class of ex- broken down into parts that have specific
pectancy theory of motivation (Atkinson, relevance for leadership using the concept
1958; Vroom, 1964; Porter and Lawler, of path instrumentality advanced by Evans
1967; Galbraith and Cummings, 1967; Graen, (1968: 14): "This is the cognition of the
1969; Lawler, 1968). The central concept of degree to which following a particular path
expectancy theories is that the force on an (behavior) will lead to a particular outcome,
individual to engage in a specific behavior is it is akin to (but not identical to) the con-
a function of (1) his expectations that the cept of 'expectancy' introduced by Vroom."
behavior will result in a specific outcome; Evans (1968) has also advanced an extension
and (2) the sum of the valences, that is, of Vroom's (1964) theory and a path-goal
personal utilities or satisfactions, that he de- theory of leadership. His theory is different
rives from the outcome. The research find- from the one presented here in that its pre-
ings indicate that the function is a nonlinear, dictions are not contingent on situational
monotonically increasing product of expec- variables, and it is not an attempt to account
tations and valences. Thus, according to this for the conflicting findings just reviewed.
theory of motivation, an individual chooses According to the formulation advanced
the behaviors he engages in on the basis of here, the individual makes probability esti-
(1) the valences he perceives to be asso- mates with respect to two linking points
ciated with the outcomes of the behavior connecting behavior with its outcomes, and
under consideration; and (2) his subjective subjectively places values on the outcomes.
The magnitude of these probability estimates
1 This paper is based on a presentationmade at indicates the degree of path instrumentality
the SouthernIllinoisUniversitySymposiumon Con- of his behavior for work-goal accomplish-
temporaryDevelopmentin the Study of Leader- ment and valence. This formulation can be
ship in Carbondaleon April 30, 1971. The author expressed in the following formula:
is indebtedto LarryL. Cummingsfor his critical
commentsand suggestionswhich resultedin signifi-
cantimprovement of an earlierversionof this paper,
andto ThomasH. Stonefor his editorialsuggestions M = IVb + P[IVa + (P2iEVj)
whichhelped clarifythe discussionof the probabili-
ties associatedwith intrinsicallymotivatedbehavior. i= 1,..., n,
performance; and the contingency is clearly The more satisfying the task, the less posi-
perceived by the subordinates. Whether per- tive the relationship between consideration
formance motivated by external controls is and subordinate satisfaction and perfor-
satisfying to the subordinate, depends on his mance (Fleishman, 1971: 13-14). These cor-
unconscious needs, conscious values, and relations will vary from insignificant to
perceptions of equity in the exchange of ef- positive, depending on task satisfaction. For
fort for rewards. unsatisfying tasks, consideration will tend to
3. Where leader attempts to clarify path- offset dissatisfaction associated with the task;
goal relationships are redundant with existing for satisfying tasks, consideration will be less
conditions, that is, where path-goal relation- important.
ships are apparent because of the routine of The less satisfying the task the more nega-
the tasks or objective system-fixed controls, tive will be the relationship between struc-
attempts by the leader to clarify path-goal ture and satisfaction and the more positive
relationships will result in increased exter- will be the relationship between structure
nally imposed control and will be seen by and performance (Fleishman, 1971: 19-20).
subordinates as redundant. Although such For unsatisfying tasks, structure will be
control may increase performance, it will also viewed as an imposition of external control
result in decreased satisfaction. and, therefore dissatisfying, but will also be
4. Leader behavior directed at need satis- required to motivate subordinate effort to-
ward goal achievement (Fleishman, 1971: fluence, consideration will be positively re-
19-20). lated to satisfaction and performance of
The more ambiguous the task the more subordinates (Pelz, 1952). Among indepen-
positive the relationship between leader ini- dent employees, or under leaders with low
tiating structure and subordinate satisfaction upward influence, consideration will have a
and performance. Structure serves to reduce lower positive relationship to subordinate
role ambiguity and clarify path-goal relation- satisfaction and performance (Wager, 1965;
ships for ambiguous tasks but is viewed as House et al., 1971a; 1971b). Leader influence
unnecessary and redundant for nonambigu- permits the leader to have more control over
ous tasks. rewards for subordinates and thereby per-
When task demands are self-evident due mits the leader to make subordinate valences
to a high degree of routinization, or where contingent on performance and to make the
roles are clearly defined by such factors as outcomes of work-goal attainment more val-
mechanization, legal constraints, contracts, ent or less valent.
professional ethics, or group norms, initiating 9. Under conditions of authoritarian or
structure will not result in role clarification punitive leadership, both leader initiating
and will be unsatisfying to subordinates. structure and leader hierarchical influence
4. Where the follower's tasks are varied will be negatively related to subordinate
and interdependent and where teamwork satisfaction. Under such conditions, both
norms are not developed within the group, structure and influence will be seen as bases
initiating structure and close supervision will of authoritarian power by subordinates.
regulate and clarify path-goal relationships.
Therefore, structure and close supervision
will result in increased coordination, satis- FINDINGS
faction, and performance (Patchen, 1962; The usefulness of the theory can be illus-
Mass, 1950; Hemphill, 1950; Fleishman, trated by showing how it can be applied to
1971: 26). reconcile what appear to be conflicting re-
5. Where tasks are interdependent, sults of prior research cited earlier.
varied, and ambiguous, consideration will Fleishman and Harris (1962) found that
result in social support, friendliness among when the leader's consideration toward sub-
group members, increased cohesiveness, and ordinates' needs was used as a moderating
team effort. These social outcomes will be variable-that is, when separate correlations
positively valent to the members and thus are computed for high-considerate, medium-
increase the net sum of the positive valences considerate, and low-considerate leaders-
associated with interdependent jobs requir- the relationship between leader structure and
ing cooperation and team spirit (Oaklander grievances and turnover varied. Specifically
and Fleishman, 1964; Fleishman, 1971: 13- they found that there was no relationship
14). between structure and grievances or turn-
6. Where tasks and/or environment are over for highly considerate leaders; but for
frustrating and stress inducing, considera- leaders with low consideration, the relation-
tion wlll result in increased social support ship was positive and significant.
for followers and thus reduce negative val- House et al. (1971b) attempted to conduct
ence associated with task-oriented behavior a replication of the findings of Fleishman
(Fiedler, 1967; Rim, 1965; Fleishman, 1971; and Harris (1962), using the same scales
12-13. for the predictor and moderator variables
7. Where stress is from sources external and eight measures of satisfaction with sub-
to the work unit and tasks are ambiguous, ordinate role expectations as criterion vari-
structure will result in increased ego pro- ables. The populations studied were salaried
tection, security, and satisfaction (Oaklander engineers, scientists, and technicians in three
and Fleishman, 1964). In this instance, struc- large research, design and development or-
ture serves as an umbrella which protects ganizations. Unexpectedly, the data not only
followers from externally imposed stress. failed to replicate Fleishman and Harris'
8. Among hierarchically dependent em- (1962) findings but suggested their opposite.
ployees under leaders with high upward in- Specifically it was found that leader initiating
Three studies were conducted in which the larger research project from which these
eight hypotheses specifically derived from the data were taken.
theory were tested, and three of these hy- In the satisfaction and role-ambiguity
potheses were retested. scales, the respondents were asked to indi-
cate the degree to which descriptive state-
STUDY NUMBER 1 ments were true or false on a 7-point scale
Method ranging from 1, very false, to 7, very true.
One sample item for each of the satisfaction
The first study was based on an analysis of scales follows:
data collected as part of a larger ongoing
research project. The scale means, standard Satisfaction category
deviations, and intercorrelations were re- Advancement opportunity
ported by Rizzo et al. (1970). Job autonomy
Sample. The sample for the study consisted Intrinsic job rewards
of 199 office employees of a heavy equipment Job security
manufacturing company. All respondents Pay
were salaried and performed either profes- Recognition
Social environment
sional, administrative, or somewhat admin-
istrative-clerical tasks. The sample was Sample item
randomly selected and constituted 35 percent
Chances for advancing at a reasonable rate
of the total population of salaried employees The opportunity for independent thought
at the corporate offices and main plant of The feeling of worthwhile accomplishment at
the company, excluding first-level produc- work
tion foremen. Chances of keeping this job as long as I want it
Hypotheses. The following hypotheses The pay I receive for my work
were tested: The awareness that others have of my perfor-
Hypothesis 1. Leader initiating structure mance when I perform well
will be positively related to subordinate sat- The dignity with which I am treated
isfaction. The items in the role ambiguity scales
Hypothesis 2. Leader initiating structure were:
will be negatively related to subordinate role
ambiguity. I feel certain about how much authorityI have.
Hypothesis 3. The variance in role am- Clear, planned goals and objectives for my job.
biguity will account for the relationship I know that I have divided my time properly.
I know what my responsibilitiesare.
between leader initiating structure and sub- I know exactly what is expected of me.
ordinate satisfaction. Explanationis clear of what has to be done.
The rationale for these hypotheses is as
follows. Since the sample consisted primarily Scale validities. The leader initiating struc-
of employees doing quasi-professional or ture scale was shown by Halpin (1957) to
quasi-administrative work, it seemed likely have concurrent criteria validity and by
that much of their time would be devoted to Stogdill (1969) to have experimental criteria
ambiguously defined tasks, for which the validity. The role ambiguity measure has
path to goal achievement was not clear; been construct validated (Rizzo et al., 1970)
consequently, initiating structure by the against measures of organization practices,
leader would be expected to reduce am- leader behavior, and satisfaction. Although
biguity and therefore increase the clarity of not validated, the reliabilities of the satisfac-
path-goal relationships and increase satis- tion measure are moderately high and ade-
faction. quate for research purposes. The reliabilities
Measures. The scales used were the leader- for all measures are reported in Table 1.
initiating-structure scale taken from the Ohio Statistical procedure. Hypotheses 1 and 2
State Leader Behavior Description Ques- were tested by simple product-moment cor-
tionnaire (Stogdill, 1965a) and measures of relations; hypothesis 3 by comparing the
satisfaction and role ambiguity derived by zero-order correlations between structure
factor analysis and developed specifically for and satisfaction with partial correlations be-
Study Number 2
Job autonomy Differences in
Low Medium High low versus
Variables (N = 61) (N = 68) (N = 62) high group Reliabilities
Company and management 3544 4504 4744 .90
Intrinsic job rewards 30 16 20 .64
Extrinsic job rewards 11 26* 5144 .01 .72
Family attitude
toward job -9 14 15* .72
Security 14 17 25* .61
Job freedom 3744 7 3644 .70
Average satisfaction 19 21 33
Performance ratings
Quality 33** 22 6
Ability 34** 8 12
Effort 43** 20 20
Initiative 4644 13 27*
Ability without
guidance 36** 27* 23
Quantity 55** 17 18 .05
Average performance 47 18 18
p .05.
pV .01.
correlation between any one rating of that vergent validity and the third test of dis-
trait and any other trait rated by the same criminant validity. Four of the six ratings
rater. meet the first requirement of discriminant
4. There should be the same pattern of validity and two were marginally significant
trait interrelationships in all the multitrait (p = .055), but none of the ratings meet the
triangles of the multirater-multitrait correla- second. Sign tests were used for the first two
tion matrix. tests of discriminant validity, and the W
The validity tests, using Spearman rank- coefficient of concordance for the third.
order correlations, are summarized in Ta- These tests were first used for this purpose
ble 3. by Evans (1969) and are explained by Siegel
The sample used to test the validity of the (1956). There is also indicated a high level
performance ratings consisted of a subsam- of halo. The W test of concordance indicated
ple of 172 subjects of the 192 used to test that this halo was common among all four
the hypotheses. The subsample of 172 con- multitrait triangles of the multitrait-multi-
sists of all subjects for whom self-, superior, rater matrix, thus indicating not only inter-
and peer ratings were obtained. As can be rater agreement on individual scales but
seen from Table 3, for study number 2, the also a similarity of rater response sets, that
superior-peer correlations indicated substan- is, halo. These findings suggest that any tests
tially higher convergent and discriminant of the hypotheses based on these perfor-
validity than the self-superior or the self- mance scales are susceptible to a type one
peer correlations. For this reason the self- error; that is, an error in which data might
ratings were discarded and the superior and result in rejecting a true hypothesis because
peer ratings for each subject were averaged the measure of the dependent variable, per-
to arrive at a measure of performance for formance, included a large halo and had only
this study. moderate-to-low discriminant validity. Thus,
All ratings meet the requirement of con- use of the average of peer-superior ratings
correlations, are only clearly and strongly between leader consideration and perfor-
supportive, that is, differences in correlations mance is rather profound. The average cor-
are large and significant for hypothesis 1, relation decreases from .52 for the low job-
with respect to extrinsic satisfaction. scope group to .02 and .09 for the medium
Table 2 also presents the findings relevant and high job-scope groups respectively. Five
to hypothesis 2. Again, the average of the of the six correlations between leader con-
correlations between leader initiating struc- sideration and performance in the low job-
ture and subordinate performance decrease scope group are significantly higher than
in the predicted direction from .47 for the their respective correlations in the medium
low-autonomy group to .18 for the medium- or high job-scope groups. Finally, all of the
and high-autonomy groups. Three of the correlations in the low job-scope group are
correlations decrease monotonically in the significant while none in either the medium
predicted direction and all 6 of the correla- or high job-scope groups are.
tions in the low-autonomy group are signifi-
cant at the .01 level, whereas only one in the Conclusion
high-autonomy group is significant. Finally, Although the tests were conservative be-
the correlation between initiating structure cause of measurement error in the perfor-
and quantity of subordinate performance is mance ratings, that is halo, the findings from
significantly higher for the low-autonomy this study provide rather strong support for
group than for either the medium- or high- the hypotheses derived from the theory.
autonomy group.
Table 4 presents the findings relevant to STUDY NUMBER 3
hypotheses 3 and 4. For hypothesis 3, while
none of the correlations between leader con-
sideration and subordinate satisfaction in the This study consisted of replications of hy-
group with low job autonomy are signifi- potheses 3, 4 and 5 of study number 2. The
cantly higher than those in the groups with data for this study were collected as part of
medium or high autonomy, both the average a larger study. Unfortunately, the leader-
correlations and three of the individual cor- initiating-structure scale was not included
relations decrease monotonically in the pre- in the larger study, thus precluding the pos-
dicted direction. sibility of replicating hypotheses 6 and 7.
For hypothesis 4, four of the correlations Sample. The sample for this study con-
between leader consideration and subordi- sisted of 122 employees, that is, 97 percent
nate performance are significantly higher for of the employees of a chemical manufactur-
the low-autonomy group than for the med- ing plant. Those not included were absent on
ium- or the high-autonomy group. All six the day the questionnaire was administered,
correlations in the low-autonomy group are so that the final sample consisted of 13 man-
significant at the .01 level, while none are agers, 8 technicians, 2 secretaries, and 99
significant in the medium- or high-autonomy hourly production workers. The sample was
groups, and the average of the correlations not divided by occupational level because
decreases monotonically from .42 to .11 to this would have restricted the vaiiance in
.08 with increases in job autonomy. task autonomy and job scope and would have
Table 4 also presents the findings relevant precluded a test of the hypotheses.
to hypothesis 5. The differences in the corre- Scale validity and reliability. The scales
lations between leader consideration and used in this study are the same as those used
subordinate satisfaction are neither signifi- in study number 2, with the exclusion of the
cant nor consistently in the hypothesized initiating-structure scale.
direction. Evidently, consideration has a per- The performance measures were based on
vasive effect and when not controlled for multitrait-multirater scales completed by the
subordinate autonomy the relationship be- subject's peers and immediate superiors, with
tween leader consideration and subordinate tests of discriminant and convergent validity
satisfaction remains constant, regardless of based on those subjects for whom peer and
subordinate job scope. However, the mod- superior ratings were available. The same
erating effect of job scope on the relationship statistical tests were applied to these data
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as were applied to the performance data in significantly higher than their correlations
the second study. As shown in Table 3, the with the groups with high job scope.
results of these tests are very similar to those
of Lawler (1966) and the results of the sec-
ond study. Specifically, all of the peer-supe- The findings about the moderating effect
rior correlations met the requirement of con- of job scope replicated the findings of the
vergent validity. Four of the correlations met second study and thus provide rather strong
the second test of discriminant validity and support for the hypothesis. However, the
the overall pattern of concordance was sig- findings about the moderating effect of job
nificant at the .01 level. As in the second autonomy only partially replicated those of
study, the ratings had a large amount of halo, the second study, possibly because the popu-
which accounted for the failure to pass the lation for the third study consisted primarily
first test of discriminant validity. The relia- of blue-collar workers who were probably
bilities for the job-scope, job-autonomy, and quite dependent on their superiors, even
consideration scales were .64, .88, and .87 when they scored in the upper third of the
respectively. job-autonomy scale. The job-autonomy scale
Statistical procedure. The sample was di- means for the sample in the second study
vided into approximately equal thirds on the were 2.9, 3.4, and 4.0 for the low, medium,
basis of scores on job scope and job auton- and high groups and 2.6, 3.3, and 3.8, respec-
omy, using the same procedure as described tively, for the third study. The finding that
in study number 2. The medium group was consideration has a significant and positive
slightly larger because boarderline ties were relationship to satisfaction for groups with
placed in this group. For each group, cor- both low and high job autonomy is consis-
relations were computed for the relation- tent with the interpretation that all respon-
ships between leader consideration and sub- dents were probably dependent on their su-
ordinate satisfaction and performance. periors for satisfaction, regardless of their
response to the job-autonomy scale. Thus,
Findings this study provides moderate support for the
hypothesis with respect to the influence of
From Table 5 it can be seen that the cor- job scope and ambiguous results with respect
relations between consideration and satis- to the influence of job autonomy.
faction with intrinsic job rewards decreases
from .61 to .24 to .10 for those in jobs with CONCLUSION
low, medium, and high autonomy, and that The theory advanced here has been shown
the correlation for the low-autonomy group to reconcile apparently conflicting findings
is significantly less than for the high-auton- from previous research. It has also been
omy group. Other differences between shown to provide an integrated explanation
groups appear to be negligible. Thus, hy- of the results of findings about authoritarian-
potheses 3 is replicated only with respect to ism in leader hierarchical influence, closeness
intrinsic job satisfaction, and hypothesis 4 of supervision, initiating structure, and con-
is not supported. sideration.
Table 5 also presents the data relevant to The theory was tested by correlational tests
hypothesis 5. The average correlations be- of 8 hypotheses derived from general propo-
tween consideration and satisfaction de- sitions. The tests are somewhat weak in that
crease from .38 to .24 to .18 for the groups the theoretical constructs, such as intrinsic
with low, medium and high job scope. Two task satisfaction and ambiguity of task-role
of the correlations for low job scope are demands, were inferred from situational mea-
significantly higher than their respective cor- sures of task autonomy and job scope and
relations for the groups with medium or high from occupational characteristics of the pop-
job scope. ulations studied. These inferences make the
The average correlations between leader tests susceptible to the error of rejecting a
consideration and performance decrease valid hypothesis, so that the tests are con-
from .33 to .18 to -.04 as predicted. Two servative ones. A further limitation is inher-
of the correlations with low job scope are ent in cross-sectional survey research, which
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