Semester Project - Section A: Problem Statement
Semester Project - Section A: Problem Statement
Semester Project - Section A: Problem Statement
A local pizzeria has acquired the services of your software house to help them with optimal use
of their resources. The pizzeria sells slices of pizza, which are of course triangles. They require
you to provide them with a MATLAB code that will take surface area of the triangular box as
input and provide maximum volume as output. One additional requirement is that the base of
the prism (triangular box) is a right isosceles triangle. To test your code the company has asked
you to use 182𝑐𝑚2 as the surface area.
Sometimes the company knows their volume requirement and thus would want to know the
surface area that will result in the desired volume. For this scenario, the company wants you to
use the volume obtained from first case as input, the program should thus provide the
dimensions and surface area that will result in the required volume; the answer of surface area
should be equal to 182𝑐𝑚2. Your MATLAB code should be able to accommodate both type
of queries. Furthermore, if the material cost is $5 per unit length, and the budget of the company
is $2 million, how many triangular boxes will the company be able to make?
Program requirements
1. On (every) first run, the program must display name of your software house, and your
programming team along with student ids.
2. At this stage, a message should be displayed to press any key to continue.
3. The program should ask the user whether they want to input the surface area, or the
volume. Accordingly, the program should then ask the user to input the value.
4. The program should apply the optimization technique learnt in class to find the solution.
Relevant MATLAB commands should be used to find derivative and solution of the
problem. Using the final equations obtained through by-hand solution will not result in
any marks.
5. The dimensions of the triangular box and the maximum volume or the surface area
should be displayed as output. The total number of triangular boxes that the company
will be able to make in its budget should also be displayed.
6. At this stage, the program must ask the user if they wish to run another query or
terminate the program. Based on user input, program must act accordingly.
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Semester Project – Section A
MT – 1003 Calculus and Analytical Geometry BSCS A Fall 2021
Report Requirements
Students are required to submit a complete report of the project prepared in MS Word in their
own words, including:
Each report element should be documented under a separate heading. Report must not exceed
12 A4 size pages including table of contents as well as a single title page with project title,
student names, ids, section, and name of the course. 3 marks will be deducted from obtained
marks for every extra page. Each page should be numbered. The report should be written in
Calibri or Times New Roman typeface only. The size of the font should be 12. The size of first
and second level of headings should be 14 bold, and 12 bold, respectively. The alignment of
the report should be justified, while pictures and tables should be center aligned with relevant
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Semester Project – Section A
MT – 1003 Calculus and Analytical Geometry BSCS A Fall 2021
captions. The option to align the text left, right, center, and justify can be found under paragraph
options on Home tab. Line and paragraph spacing should be set as 1.5.
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Semester Project – Section A