36 Year Female 53821503338: Patient Name
36 Year Female 53821503338: Patient Name
36 Year Female 53821503338: Patient Name
Other Cells
Mild leucocytosis.
Absolute lymphocytosis.
Follow up is recommended.
Dr.Hala Sheba
Professor of clinical pathology,
Faculty of medicine, Cairo university 1-1
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Vitamins Assessment
Test Name Result Unit Reference Range
Urine Analysis
Colour Yellow Yellow
Aspect Slightly Turbid Clear
Volume 10.0 ml
Reaction 5.0 4-8
Specific Gravity in urine 1.030 1.005 - 1.025
Nitrite Negative Negative
Albumin Negative Negative
Sugar Negative Negative
Acetone Negative Negative
Bile Salts Negative Negative
Bile Pigments Negative Negative
Urobilinogen Normal Trace Normal Trace
Leukocyte esterase Negative Negative
RBCs 1-3 /H.P.F 0-1
Pus Cells 8-10 /H.P.F. 0-1
Epithelial Cells Some Nil
Casts Nil Nil
Ova Nil Nil
Crystals Nil Nil
Mucus Many Nil
Yeast Cells Nil Nil
Trichomonas vaginalis Nil Nil
Dr.Azza EL Adawy, MD
Professor of Parasitology,
Faculty of medicine, Cairo University 1-1