Cambridge Exam Functions: Absolute Cell Referencing
Cambridge Exam Functions: Absolute Cell Referencing
Cambridge Exam Functions: Absolute Cell Referencing
bridge Exam Functions
Click on any of the topics below to revise
Absolute Cell Referencing
Item ID Item Type Number Sold Cost Per Item Sale Discount Sale Price Total Income
DF456 Shoe 3 £ 19.99 £ 19.99 £ 59.97
Mobile Phones
Phone (Ex Price Sale Sale
Model VAT) VAT (inc VAT) discount Price
BlackBerr £169.00 £33.80 £202.80 £20.28 £182.52
HTC Wildf £88.00 £17.60 £105.60 £10.56 £95.04
Sony Eric £35.00 £7.00 £42.00 £4.20 £37.80
Rio Black £30.00 £6.00 £36.00 £3.60 £32.40
LG GS290 £40.00 £8.00 £48.00 £4.80 £43.20
Samsung £89.00 £17.80 £106.80 £10.68 £96.12
Nokia E5 £90.00 £18.00 £108.00 £10.80 £97.20
Ice Creams
1. In cell L11, write a formula
to calculate the cost of vanilla
Number Cost of ice creams sold.
of ice Price of
Ice Cream Students creams ice cream 2. Drag the formula down to
Vanilla 5 6.25 £1.25 cells L11:L18
Strawberry 9 11.25
3. Make sure that the formula
Chocolate 5 6.25 is working correctly in all cells
Banana 2 2.5
Coffee 4 5 4. in cell L19, write a forumula
to calculate the total cost of
Rum and Raisin 1 1.25 ice cream sales
Black cherry 6 7.5
total cost 40
1. In cell D26 calculate the VAT to be paid on the Blackberry Curve
VAT 20.0%
You MUST include an absolute cell reference in your formula. Replicate this
formula for the other phones
Sale 2. In cell E26 calculate the price including VAT. Replicate this formula.
discount 10%
3. The Summer Sale is about to begin. In cell J25 calculate the discount to be
given on the Blackberry Curve.
Replicate this formula
a down to
he formula
y in all cells
a forumula
al cost of
berry Curve
mula. Replicate this
te this formula.
one models.
VLOOKUP Function
Exercise 1
Number Cost Per Total
Item ID Item Type Sold Item Income Item ID Item Type
Exercise 2
Road Tax Rate Tax Rate £
Car Emissions (per year)
Exercise 3
Exercise 1 Exercise 2
Order ID Subtotal Region Shipping Total Student Name
1 £ 100.00 West £ 100.00 Marks in Science
2 £ 100.00 North £ 100.00 Marks in Maths
3 £ 100.00 South £ 100.00 Marks in English
4 £ 100.00 West £ 100.00
5 £ 100.00 South £ 100.00
Shipping Rates
Zone North South East West
Rate 5% 4% 2% 3%
Microsoft Excel lookup is a Microsoft Excel
P Function function that searches for values in a column or
row of a spreadsheet list or table. The V in
VLOOKUP stands for vertical (column) while the
H in HLOOKUP stands for horizontal (row).
Look Up the marks for Science
Andy Dough Steve Glen Mark Symon Tim Jack
64 75 82 65 65 42 56 78
Click here for
87 52 68 32 72 60 61 49 help on
79 40 61 46 66 71 56 89 exercise 2
Description Product
Although LOOKUP was one of the first functions in a spreadsheet, the VLOOKUP can
do almost everything that the LOOKUP does and more. The one thing that the
LOOKUP can do that the VLOOKUP (or HLOOKUP) can't do is retrieve a value to the
left or above a lookup_value column or row; it can also have a column and a row
area. LOOKUP function must have the lookup_vector sorted in ascending order.
LOOKUP looks up the greatest value that does not exceed a specified value anywhere
in a table or range.
If and nested If Function
Exercise 1
Item ID Item Type Number Sold Click on the shape for help
DF456 Shoe 3 with exercise two
JK876 Shoe 5
RE911 Boot 2
CF665 Sandal 6
DT789 Slipper 7
WE321 Shoe 2
UJ383 Boot 5
RE245 Shoe 1
MK682 Slipper 3
JS944 Shoe 6
KK446 Boot 2
Shoe Total
Exercise 2
Sales of the month Qty Total
Date Product QTY Price Total Pen
8/1/2011 Pen 75 £ 1.50 £ 112.50 Post-it
8/3/2011 Post-it 15 £ 4.00 £ 60.00 Paper
8/5/2011 Paper 200 £ 10.00 £ 2,000.00 Glue
8/7/2011 Pen 50 £ 1.50 £ 75.00
8/9/2011 Glue 30 £ 3.00 £ 90.00
8/11/2011 Pen 100 £ 1.50 £ 150.00 Want to practise an exam
8/13/2011 Post-it 30 £ 4.00 £ 120.00 task?
Click on this shape
8/15/2011 Glue 40 £ 3.00 £ 120.00
8/17/2011 Paper 50 £ 10.00 £ 500.00
8/19/2011 Pen 20 £ 1.50 £ 30.00
Webpage Code Total This is the J9Code.CSV sheet Data
Beginners holidays BH Code Webpage
Contact us C A Accomodation
Dolphin experience D BH Beginners holidays
Experienced holidays EH C Contact us
Family packages FP D Dolphin experience
Homepage H DD Drift diving
Holidays HOL EH Experienced holidays
FP Family packages
Date PageCode Minutes H Homepage
1/7/2009 H 12 HOL Holidays
1/7/2009 BH 17 L Liveaboard
1/7/2009 EH 11 W Wreck diving
1/7/2009 C 16
1/7/2009 D 13
1/7/2009 D 5
1/7/2009 EH 16
1/7/2009 C 14
1/8/2009 FP 18
1/8/2009 FP 18
1/8/2009 HOL 11
1/8/2009 D 11
1/8/2009 BH 14
1/8/2009 HOL 23
1/8/2009 H 6
1/8/2009 HOL 11
1/8/2009 BH 30
1/8/2009 HOL 4
1/8/2009 BH 25
1/8/2009 FP 34
1/8/2009 HOL 16
1/8/2009 D 14
1/8/2009 BH 10
1/9/2009 EH 11
1/9/2009 FP 17
1/9/2009 BH 9
1/9/2009 FP 25
1/9/2009 C 10
1/9/2009 HOL 19
1/9/2009 BH 10
1/9/2009 BH 32
1/9/2009 FP 14
1/9/2009 C 4
1/9/2009 FP 15
1/9/2009 FP 24
1/9/2009 C 7
1/9/2009 BH 7
1/9/2009 BH 4
1/9/2009 BH 7
1/9/2009 HOL 7
1/9/2009 D 29
1/10/2009 FP 12
1/10/2009 EH 25
1/10/2009 FP 6
1/10/2009 FP 16
1/10/2009 EH 10
1/10/2009 D 3
1/10/2009 C 11
1/10/2009 H 4
1/10/2009 D 9
1/10/2009 C 11
1/10/2009 HOL 10
1/10/2009 FP 24
1/10/2009 FP 8
1/10/2009 HOL 3
1/10/2009 HOL 11
1/10/2009 C 3
1/10/2009 D 7
1/10/2009 BH 4
1/10/2009 EH 17
1/10/2009 H 7
1/11/2009 FP 15
1/11/2009 C 34
1/11/2009 HOL 12
1/11/2009 EH 6
1/11/2009 H 19
1/11/2009 FP 16
1/11/2009 C 33
1/11/2009 FP 7
1/14/2009 BH 10
1/14/2009 BH 16
1/14/2009 FP 20
1/14/2009 HOL 11
1/14/2009 H 36
Average, Max and Min Function