Post-Competency 13
Post-Competency 13
Post-Competency 13
a) Stamen
b) Carpel
c) Calyx
a) Sepals
b) Petals
c) Stamens
a) Reproduction
c) Insect attraction
a) Inflorescences
b) Placentation
c) Symmetry
d) Ovary
5) What is a modified stem or leaves adapted for reproduction?
a) Roots
b) Flowers
c) Stem
d) Leaves
7) Orchidaceous is a type of irregular flower that has three petals, one of which is
8) Fusion of flower parts when dissimilar parts like sepals and petals are fused is called
9) When the placentae are found in the central axis of a compound ovary, the
10) Type of inflorescence that pedicellate or opening all the same time is called Raceme