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A. Republic Act 8291 (GSIS Act of 1997) effective June 24, 1997.

ØYou must have rendered at least 15 years of service and must be at least 60 years old upon
retirement; and
ØYou must not be a permanent total disability pensioner
B. Presidential Decree 1146 (Pension or Cash Payment) effective May 31, 1977
ØYou must have rendered at least 15 years of service and must at least be 60 years old upon
retirement; and
ØYour date of retirement or separation is prior to June 24, 1997.
C. Republic Act 1616 (Gratuity Benefit) effective May 31, 1957
Among the five retirement laws, this is the only mode, dubbed “Take All,” that does not
provide pension benefit to retirees.
1.You must have entered government service before June 1, 1977;
2.You must have rendered at least 20 years of service regardless of age and employment
status; and
3.Your last 3 years of service prior to retirement must be continuous, except in cases of death,
disability, abolition, or phase-out of position due to reorganization.
D. Republic Act 660 (Magic 87) effective June 16, 1951
1. You must have entered government service before June 1, 1977;
2. Your appointment status must be permanent;
3. Your last 3 years of service prior to retirement must be continuous, except in cases of death,
disability, abolition, or phase-out of position due to reorganization; and
4. You must be at least 52 years old and meet the corresponding years of service (YOS)
required for eligibility. Under this law, your age when you retired (from age 52 to 57) and YOS
should be equal to 87, hence, the “Magic 87”

E. Republic Act 7699 (The Portability Law) effective May 1, 199

RA 7699 is another retirement law that you can apply for only if:
1.You are not entitled for pension benefit from either or both the GSIS or Social Security System
(SSS) because you are unable to meet the required periods of service or number of
contributions; and
2.You have less than 120 months of SSS contributions or less than 180 months of creditable
government service (GSIS) at the time of retirement. (In computing, there should be no
overlapping of periods of service or contributions under the GSIS and SSS.)
List of Service
1. Retirement and Separation Claim Compulsory or Optional Retirement/ Permanent Total
Disability Retirement/Separation Benefits (RA8291, RA 660, PD 1146, RA 1616 and RA 7699)
- Who may avail:
1. Active members who opted to resign, retire or separate under RA 8291, RA 660, RA
1616 and RA 7699; and
2. Inactive members who were separated from the service but did not avail of the
benefits, provided the claim is filed within the prescriptive period (for those who were
separated with less than 15 years of service)

2. Maturity/Cash Surrender Value (CSV)/Termination Value (TV) Claim Compulsory and

Optional Life Insurance Benefits (Maturity and CSV/TV)– Benefit under Life Insurance Coverage
- Who may avail:
1. For Maturity Benefit
1.1 Active members with matured compulsory Life Endowment Policy (LEP) and/or
Optional Life Insurance (OLI) policy; and
1.2 Inactive members with matured compulsory LEP and/or OLI policy with unclaimed
2. For CSV/TV Benefit
2.1Active members with compulsory LEP, Enhanced Life Policy (ELP) and/or Optional
policy who opted to resign, retire and separate;
2.2Active members with Optional policy who opted to terminate his/her policy before
separation from service or maturity of the policy; and
2.3 Inactive members with compulsory LEP and/or Optional policy with unclaimed

3. Death and Accidental Death Benefits Claim Compulsory and Optional Life Insurance Benefits
[Death and Accidental Death Benefits (ADB not applicable to ELP)] –Life insurance benefit in
case of death contingency
- Who may avail:
Designated/Surviving heirs of active members with compulsory and/or optional life
insurance policy who died while the policy is in force.

4. Funeral Benefit Claim Payable to legal heirs upon death of an active member, retiree, future
payee, old age and disability pensioner under (RA8291, RA 660, PD 1146, RA 1616 and RA
- Who may avail:
1. Surviving Spouse;
2. Any of the following persons who can present official receipt/s of expenses, provided
that the surviving spouse has acknowledged that this person shouldered the funeral
a. Children of the deceased member or pensioner; or
b. For single deceased member or pensioner, relatives up to second degree of
consanguinity; or
c. Any other person who can show proof that he or she shouldered the funeral expenses
of the deceased.
3. If there is no surviving spouse, any of the persons enumerated under item 2, provided
that claimant presents receipt/s to show proof of payment of the deceased member’s
funeral expenses.
5. Survivorship Benefit Claim Claim benefit payable to surviving spouse /legal heirs under
(RA8291, RA 660, PD 1146, RA 1616 and RA 7699)
- Who may avail: Primary beneficiaries:
- 1. Legal spouse; and
- 2. Dependent legitimate, legally adopted or legitimated children, including illegitimate
children, who have not reached the age of majority, or, have reached the age of majority
but incapacitated and incapable of self-support due to a mental or physical defect
acquired prior to age of majority. Secondary beneficiaries (in the absence of primary
- 3. The dependent parents and, subject to the restrictions on dependent children, the
legitimate descendants.
6. Disability Claim Under RA 8291 (PPD and TTD) (Permanent Partial and Temporary Total
Disability for non- work connected illnesses or injury for members who incurred leave without
- Who may avail:
All active government employee who sustained illness/organ loss or injury considered as
non- work-related (for TTD and PPD if with Leave of Absence Without Pay (LWOP)
incurred after the duration of entitlement to the benefit.
7. Employees’ Compensation Claims under PD 626 For work related illnesses or injury incurred
by active members while on duty.
- Who may avail:
1. Employee in the public sector who sustained illness or injury considered as
2. Beneficiary/ies of an employee in the public sector who died and the cause of death is
work-related; and
3. Employee who is entitled to pension and/or medical reimbursement under PD 626.
8. Preneed Claim Payable to the Preneed plan holder
- Who may avail:
1. For Edu-Child, planholder with fully paid and matured plan;
2. For College Education Assurance Plan (CEAP), Planholder with fully paid and
matured policy; and
3. For Memorial, planholder with fully paid account, and preferred to avail of the
Enhanced Optional Exit Mechanism (EOEM).

Hom​ Board of Trustees 

The  corporate  powers  and  functions  of  GSIS  are  vested  in  and  exercised  by  the  Board  of 
Trusteof  the  President  and  General  Manager  and  eight  other  members  appointed  by  the 
President,  one  (1)  of  whom  shall  be  either  the  President  of  the  Philippine  Public  School 
Teachers  Association  (PPSTA)  or  the  President  of  the  Philippine  Association  of  School 
Superintendents  (PASS),  another  two  (2)  shall  represent  the  leading  organizations  or 
associations  of  government  employees/retirees,  another  four  (4)  from  the  banking, 
finance,  investment  and  insurance  sectors,  and  one(1)  recognized  member  of  the  legal 
profession who at the time of appointment is also a member of GSIS. 


Retired  Chief  Justice  Lucas  P.  Bersamin  joined  the  GSIS  as  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Trustees 
when  he  was  sworn  in  by  President  Duterte  on  February  6, 2020. He was elected as the Chairman 
of the Board of Trustees on February 13, 2020, taking his oath of office as such before Secretary of 
Finance Carlos G. Dominguez. 

President and General Manager 

Age:​ 58 

Date of First Appointment:​ June 28, 2018 

GSIS  PGM  Rolando  Ledesma  Macasaet  took  the  helm  of  the  GSIS  Board  of  Trustees  on  June  28, 
2018.  On  July  4,  2019,  he  was  designated  as  OIC-President  and  General  Manager  (PGM).  He  is  a 
Director of the Philippine Stock Exchange. 


Age:​ 68 

Date of First Appointment:​ December 9, 2016 

Trustee  WILFREDO  C.  MALDIA  graduated  with a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture, major in 

Agricultural  Economics  from  the  University  of  the  Philippines  Los  Baños,  Laguna  in  1969. In 1979, 
he  also  completed  his  Bachelor’s  degree  in  Commerce  major  in  Accounting  from  the  Polytechnic 
University  of the Philippines, and immediately obtained his license as a Certified Public Accountant 
(CPA).  He  earned  his  Master’s  degree  in  Business  Administration  from  the  Philippine  Christian 
University in 1984. 

Currently,  Trustee  Maldia  holds  various  directorship  positions  in  the  private  sector.  He  sits  as  an 
independent  director  in  the  Board  of  the  First  Valley  Development  Bank  and  as  member  of  the 
Board of ROTECO, Yamang Lupa’t Dagat Corporation, and CEAM Corporation. 


Age:​ 42 

Date of First Appointment:​ February 13, 2018 

trustee  CARLO  ANTONIO  B.  ALMIRANTE  represents  the  legal  sector  in  the  GSIS  Board  of  Trustees 
and  serves  as  Chairperson  of  the  Legal  Oversight  Committee.  He  has  a  solid  background  in  the 
academe  as  well  as  in  the  legal  profession.  He  is  the  current  Dean  of  the  Liceo  de  Cagayan 
University’s  College  of  Law.  Prior  to this, he held the position of Associate Dean in March 2013. He 
teaches  Political  Law  Review,  Administrative  Law,  Election  Law  and  Statutory  Construction  in  the 
same institution. 

Age:​ 60 

Date of First Appointment:​ October 25, 2016 

Trustee  JOCELYN  DE  GUZMAN  CABREZA  comes  to  GSIS  with  impeccable  professional credentials. A 
certified  public  accountant  and  a  master’s  degree  holder,  Trustee  Cabreza  was  an  Executive  Vice 
President  of Land Bank of the Philippines before her appointment to the GSIS Board. She was also a 
former  Director  of  the  Land  Bank  Resources  Development  Corp.  and  the  Land  Bank  Countryside 
Development Foundation. 


  Age:​ 58 

Date of First Appointment:​ November 16, 2016 

Trustee  ALAN  R.  LUGA  (LTGEN,  RET.,  AFP)  obtained  his  Bachelor  of  Science  Degree  from  the 
Philippine  Military  Academy in 1981. In 1994, he acquired his MBA units from the Ateneo De Manila 
University  Graduate  School  of  Business.  He  completed  a  Master’s  Degree  in  Military  Arts  and 
Science at the US Army Command and General Staff College in 2002. 


Section 1. Ranking Structure in the Career Executive Service. There are six ranks in the
Career Executive

Service (CES) Ranking Structure, to wit:

Career Executive Service Rank Salary Grade 

  Career Executive Service Officer Rank I  SG 30 

  Career Executive Service Officer Rank II  SG 29 

  Career Executive Service Officer Rank III  SG 28 

  Career Executive Service Officer Rank IV  SG 27 

  Career Executive Service Officer Rank V  SG 26 

  Career Executive Service Officer Rank VI  SG 25 

Career Executive Service Officer Rank VI  Salary grade of 25 

Age:​ 64 

Date of First Appointment:​ October 26, 2017 

Dr.  Kahar  H.  Macasayon,  Al-Hadj,  has  been  the national president of the Philippine Public 

School  Teachers  Association  (PPSTA)  since  2013.  He  is  also  the  schools  division 
superintendent  of  Department  of  Education-City  Schools  Division  of  Koronadal  City, 
Region XII. 

He  was  the  president  of  the  Region  XII  Public  School  Teachers and Employees Association 
from 2012 to 2015. 


  Age:​ 76 
Date of First Appointment:​ December 9, 2016 
Prior  to  his  appointment,  he  served  as  Undersecretary  for  the  Office  of  the  Presidential 
Adviser  for  New  Government  (2007-2008);  as  Presidential Assistant for Regional Concerns 
(Southern Mindanao); and as Barangay Captain of Barangay 3A, Davao City (1971-1972). 

Age:​ 46 

Date of First Appointment:​ December 9, 2016 

After  graduating  from  college,  she  began  her  career  in  the  real  estate  industry.  She
also  has  a  passion  for  food  which  led  her  to  culinary  classes,  locally  and  abroad, 
namely  at  the  Lorenzo  de  Medici  Université  in  Florence,  Italy  in  2001  and  at  the  Le 
Cordon  Bleu in Florence, Italy. She is also an undergraduate at the Philippine School of 
Interior Design. 

Luz Victoria F. Reyes-Morando 
Corporate Secretary 

Date of First Appointment: 16 July 2019 

Atty.  Reyes-Morando  entered  the  GSIS  in  2012  as  the  Secretariat  Head  of  both  the 
Corporate  Governance  and  Legal  Oversight  Committees.  She  has  served  as 
Officer-in-Charge  of  the  Office  of  the  Corporate Secretary several times in the past in the 
exigency  of  service.  With  her  leadership  and  professionalism,  Atty.  Reyes-Morando  is 
described  as  a  “working  Corporate  Secretary”  and  vows  to  ensure  the  integrity  of 
corporate governance. 

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