SCBC Base Line Assessment Tool
SCBC Base Line Assessment Tool
SCBC Base Line Assessment Tool
1. Are there separate labor (with beds), delivery (with delivery coach) and postnatal (with
2. Are there health professionals (midwives) in the delivery room 24/7? ⃝ Yes ⃝ No
3. How many BEmONC trained health professionals (HPs) are available in the facility? ______
4. Are quick checks for danger signs performed before referral/admission of mothers? ⃝Yes
⃝ No
5. Are there functional referral linkages and feedback mechanisms for both mother and
6. Is partograph being used for all laboring mothers at the facility? ⃝ Yes (Check utilization
7. Are all required labor and delivery equipments available? ⃝ Yes (Check) ⃝ No
8. Are there HIV testing and treatment services for the mother and baby both during ANC and
9. Are all the necessary supplies in labor, delivery and postnatal rooms available? ⃝ Yes
(Check and put √ on the available ones: Oxytocin, IV fluids, antibiotics, magnesium sulfate,
antiretroviral drugs, vitamin K, TTC eye ointment, BCG, OPV, gloves, syringes, soap, water,
JSI/ Transform Primary health care project
10. Are essential supplies for mother kept at bed side before delivery? ⃝ Yes (Observe/ask and
put √ on the present: Gloves, soap/savlon and clean water, oxytocin 10 IU in syringe) ⃝ No
11. Are essential supplies for baby kept at bed side just before delivery? ⃝ Yes (Observe/ask
and out √ on the present: 2 clean dry warm towels, sterile scissors to cut cord, suction
12. Are relatives encouraged to accompany laboring mothers during labor and delivery? ⃝ Yes
13. Are newborns provided with basic immediate new born care? ⃝ Yes (Check and put √ on
the cares being provided: Placing baby in skin to skin contact, breast feeding initiated within
1 hour of birth if mother and child are well, vitamin K given 1 mg IM on anterior mid-thigh,
TTC eye ointment given in both eyes, baby weighted and recorded, BCG and OPV given
before discharge) ⃝ No
14. Are mothers properly counselled before discharge? ⃝ Yes (Ask mothers/HPs and put √ on
the covered topics: Counselled on family planning and offered, exclusive breast feeding for
6 months, immunization, hygiene, danger signs in both mother and newborn, need for PNC