Cold-Mixed, Cold-Laid Asphalt Paving Mixtures: Standard Specification For
Cold-Mixed, Cold-Laid Asphalt Paving Mixtures: Standard Specification For
Cold-Mixed, Cold-Laid Asphalt Paving Mixtures: Standard Specification For
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D4215 − 21
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Aug 27 14:51:36 EDT 2021
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Jacob Haas (2020 Inspections) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D4215 − 21
4. Ordering Information 7.3 When cold-mixed, cold-laid recycled mixtures are
4.1 Orders for cold asphalt paving mixtures under this produced, asphalt conforming to 7.1 or 7.2 shall be added to
specification shall include the following information: the asphalt aggregate for recycling as necessary.
4.1.1 Type of asphalt (emulsified asphalt, cutback asphalt), NOTE 3—Various asphalt modifiers or recycling agents have been used
4.1.2 Grade of asphalt, on a number of cold-mixed, cold-laid recycled asphalt paving projects.
4.1.3 The composition of the asphalt paving mixture (dense Specifications for these materials are being developed.
mixture and mix designation; open mixture and mix designa-
tion; open-graded friction course mixture and mix 8. Composition of Asphalt Paving Mixtures
designation), 8.1 The mixture shall conform to one of the compositions
4.1.4 The maximum percentage of asphalt aggregate for by weight given in Table 1 of Specification D3515.
recycling permitted in the mixture, and
NOTE 4—The mix designation selected should be determined by the
4.1.5 The percentage of crushed particles required in the intended use, thickness of paving courses, and desired texture. The
aggregate if different from that specified in 5.2. required mix sbould be specified.
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Aug 27 14:51:36 EDT 2021
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Jacob Haas (2020 Inspections) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D4215 − 21
9. Mixing Equipment specified. In the case of road mixing, a known volume or
weight shall be windrowed or otherwise placed on the road or
9.1 The equipment for mixing shall be one of the following:
mixing area.
9.1.1 Central Plant—Batch, continuous, or drum mixer.
9.1.2 Travel Plant, with own asphalt spray system or with 10.6 Preparation of Mixture—The proportions of the com-
separate distributor. ponents of the mixture, within the limits specified, shall be
regulated so as to produce a satisfactory mixture. The sequence
9.1.3 Grader or Drag, with separate distributor.
in which the asphalt material is proportioned with the
aggregate, aggregate and asphalt aggregate for recycling, or
10. Mixing Operation
asphalt aggregate for recycling may vary under different
10.1 Aggregate Storage—Aggregates furnished in different mixing procedures.
sizes or from different sources shall be kept separate, and 10.6.1 The mixing shall be accomplished in the shortest
adequate provisions shall be made to keep them from becom- time that will produce a satisfactory mixture.
ing mixed or otherwise contaminated. Preblending of aggre- 10.6.2 Minimum mixing time may be established on the
gates for travel plants and road mixing is permissible so long best coating obtainable or percentage of coated particles as
as grading requirements are maintained. Stockpiles shall be determined by Test Method D2489/D2489M. These values will
built and the materials removed therefrom in such a manner as vary with aggregate gradation, particle shape, and surface
to minimize size segregation. texture, and with the type of asphalt, asphalt content, and use
for which the mix is intended.
10.2 Old Asphalt Pavement—Asphalt aggregate for recy-
cling shall be reduced in size as may be required. Adequate NOTE 9—All the coarse particles may not be coated, particularly in
provisions shall be made to keep asphalt aggregate for recy- dense-graded mixtures.
cling from being mixed with aggregates or otherwise contami- 10.7 Mixing Plant Inspection—The engineer or his autho-
nated. rized representatives shall have access at any time to all parts
of the mixing plant in order to ensure the manufacture of the
10.3 Preparation of Asphalt—The asphalt shall be main- mixture in strict accordance with this specification.
tained at a temperature at which it can be properly handled
through the pumping system and uniformly distributed 11. Methods of Sampling and Testing
throughout the mixture. At no time will the temperature of the 11.1 Sample all material and determine the properties enu-
asphalt be allowed to exceed the following: merated in this specification in accordance with the following
Temperature ASTM standards:
Asphalt °F °C 11.1.1 Sampling Aggregates—Practice D75/D75M.
Cutback asphalt 250 121
Emulsified asphalt 180 82 11.1.2 Sampling Asphalt Paving Mixtures—Practice D979/
NOTE 8—The flash point of some grades of cutback asphalt is below 11.1.3 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates—Test
250 °F; therefore, caution must be used when applying heat to cutbacks. Method C136/C136M.
11.1.4 Sieve Analysis of Mineral Filler for Asphalt
10.4 Preparation and Handling of Mineral Aggregates—
Mixtures—Test Method D546.
Each aggregate shall be separately fed by feeders, except in the
11.1.5 Quantitative Extraction of Asphalt Binder from As-
case of preblended aggregates where only one feeder is
phalt Mixtures—Test Methods D2172/D2172M.
required, in proper uniform proportion to produce a satisfac-
11.1.6 Sampling Asphalt Materials—Practice D140/
tory mixture within the limits specified. In the case of road
mixing a known uniform volume or weight of a single
11.1.7 Relative Density (Specific Gravity) and Absorption of
aggregate, several aggregates or preblended aggregate shall be
Coarse Aggregate—Test Method C127.
windrowed or otherwise placed on the road or mixing area.
11.1.8 Relative Density (Specific Gravity) of Fine
10.5 Preparation and Handling of Asphalt Aggregate for Aggregate—Test Method C128.
Recycling—Asphalt aggregate for recycling shall be separately 11.1.9 Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of
fed by a feeder, except in the case of preblended aggregates Soils—Test Method D4318.
where only one feeder is required, in proper uniform propor- 11.1.10 Degree of Particle Coating of Asphalt Mixtures—
tions to produce a satisfactory mixture within the limits Test Method D2489/D2489M.
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Aug 27 14:51:36 EDT 2021
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Jacob Haas (2020 Inspections) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D4215 − 21
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Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Aug 27 14:51:36 EDT 2021
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