2 - B SC - Physics

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(With effect from 2020 - 2021)

The Course of Study and the Scheme of Examinations

Study Components Ins.

S. No. Part Hrs / Credit Title of the Paper Maximum Marks
Course Title
1 I Language Paper-1 6 4 Tamil/Other Languages 25 75 100
2 II English (CE) Paper-1 6 4 Communicative English I 25 75 100
3 III Core Theory Paper-1 6 4 Mechanics 25 75 100
4 III Core Practical Practical-1 4 0 0 0 0
Chemistry I or
5 III Allied -1 Paper-1 4 3 25 75 100
Biochemistry I
6 III Allied Practical Practical-1 2 0 0 0 0
7 III PE Paper 1 6 3 Professional English I 25 75 100
8 IV 2 2 Environmental studies 25 75 100
Sem. Total 36 20 150 450 600

CIA Total
8 I Language Paper-2 6 4 Tamil/Other Languages 25 75 100
9 II English (CE) Paper-2 6 4 Communicative English II 25 75 100
Heat and
10 III Core Theory Paper-2 5 4 25 75 100
11 III Core Practical Practical-1 3 2 Practical - I 25 75 100
Chemistry II or
12 III Allied-1 Paper-2 4 3 25 75 100
Biochemistry II
13 III Allied Practical Practical-1 2 2 Practical-Allied 25 75 100

14 III PE Paper 1 6 3 Professional English II 25 75 100

15 IV Value Education 2 2 Value Education 25 75 100
16 IV Soft Skill 2 1 Soft Skill 25 75 100
Sem. Total 36 25 225 675 900


(With effect from 2020 - 2021)


Course Objectives

1. To know the basics of vectors algebra and the dynamic of a system

2. To understand the dynamics of rigid bodies
3. To learn the concept of work, energy and collisions
4. To study the basics of elasticity
5. To expose the knowledge on gravitation and satellites

UNIT-1: Vectors and Dynamics

Introduction to Vectors - Vector algebra-Scalar and vector products-Gradient of a scalar field

- Divergence of a vector field - Line integral - Curl of a vector field - Surface and volume
integrals -Stoke’s theorem - Gauss theorem of divergence - Green’s theorem -Newton’s laws
of motion-Principle of conservation of momentum-Impulse-Projectile-Range on an inclined
plane- Range and Time of fight down an inclined plane-Two body problem and the reduced
mass-Centre of mass-Centre of gravity-Centre of gravity of a solid tetrahedron-Analytical
problems solving.

UNIT-2: Dynamics of rigid bodies

Rotational kinetic energy and moment of inertia-Angular acceleration and angular

momentum-Law of conservation of angular momentum-Torque-Work done by a torque-
Theorem of perpendicular and parallel axes-Moment of inertia of a thin uniform rod-
rectangular lamina-uniform circular disc (through the centre of gravity for all)-Determination
of acceleration due to gravity-Compound pendulum-Centre of suspension and centre of
oscillation are interchangeable- Bifilar pendulum (parallel threads)- Analytical problems
UNIT-3: Work, Energy & Collisions

Work-Energy Theorem – Conservative forces - Potential Energy-Force as gradient of

potential energy-Principle of conservation of energy of a freely falling body.

Elastic and inelastic collisions-Coefficient of restitution-Oblique impact of a smooth sphere

on a fixed smooth plane-Oblique impact of two smooth spheres-Loss of kinetic energy due to
oblique impact- Analytical problems solving.

UNIT-IV: Elasticity

Elastic moduli-Hooke’s law- Relation between elastic constants – Poisson’s Ratio - Work
done in stretching twisting a wire-Twisting couple on a cylinder-Rigidity modulus of a wire
by Torsional pendulum-Rigidity modulus of a rod by Static torsion method-Bending of
beams -Expression for bending moment – Cantilever -Expression for depression at the loaded
end- Non-uniform bending-Determination of young’s modulus pin & microscope and
Koenig’s method- Uniform bending-Expression for elevation – Experiment to determine
young’s modulus using optic lever method- Analytical problems solving,
UNIT-V: Gravitation

Law of gravitation-Acceleration due to gravity- Inertial mass and gravitational mass-

Gravitational field-Gravitational potential-Gravitational potential energy- Potential and field
due to spherical shell and solid sphere.
Kepler’s Laws-Basic principles of rocket motion-Rocket Equation, thrust and acceleration-
Escape velocity-Orbital velocity-Satellite in circular orbit-Geosynchronous orbits-
Weightlessness- Basic idea of global positioning system (GPS)-Physiological effects on
astronauts- Analytical problems solving.

Course outcomes

1. After studied unit-1, the student will be able to know fundamentals of vectors and
able to formulate the expression for projectiles.
2. After studied unit-2, the student will be able to study the dynamics of rigid bodies in
terms of moment inertia and also able to find the moment of inertia of different
3. After studied unit-3, the student will be able to define work, energy and also able to
understand the oblique impact between smooth spheres.
4. After studied unit-4, the student will be able to learn the elastic property of the solid
materials and also derive the relation between elastic moduli.
5. After studied unit-5, the student will be able to explain the concept of gravitation and
able to know the principles of rocket and satellite.

Text Books
Unit 1
1. R. Murugeshan, Mechanics and Mathematical methods, S.Chand&Co.Ltd, New
Delhi, 2016

Unit 2
1. BrijLal and N. Subrahmanyam, Properties of Matter, S.Chand&Co.Ltd, New Delhi,

Unit 3
1. M. Narayanamurti and N.Nagartnam, Dynamics, The National Publishing Company,
Chennai, 2005.
2. Prof. D.S. Mathur revised byDr.P.S. Hemne, Mechanics, S. Chand and Company
Limited, 2014
3. R. Murugeshan, Mechanics and Mathematical methods, S.Chand&Co.Ltd, New
Delhi, 2016

Unit 4
1. R. Murugeshan, Properties of Matter and Acoustics, S.Chand&Co.Ltd, New Delhi,
2. BrijLal and N. Subrahmanyam, Properties of Matter, S.Chand&Co.Ltd, New Delhi,
3. K. Ilangovan, Properties of Matter and Sound, Ananda Book Depot, Chennai, 2018.
4. J.Jayachitra and M. Gunasekaran, Properties of Matter and Acoustics, KRU
Publications, Kumbakonam, 2007.

Unit 5
1. BrijLal and N. Subrahmanyam, Properties of Matter, S.Chand&Co.Ltd, New Delhi,
2. Prof. D.S. Mathur revised byDr.P.S. Hemne, Mechanics, S. Chand and Company
Limited, 2014
Reference Books
1. Sathyaprakash, Mathematical Physics, Sultanchand& Sons, New Delhi, Revised Ed.
2. Resnick, Halliday and Walker, Physics, 8/e. 2008, Wiley
3. J.W. Jewett, R.A. Serway ,Physics for scientists and Engineers with Modern Phys., ,
2010, Cengage Learning
4. R.P.Feynman, R.B.Leighton, M.Sands ,Feynman Lectures, Vol. I, , 2008, Pearson
5. M.R. Spiegel, Theoretical Mechanics, , 2006, Tata McGraw Hill.
6. C.Kittel, W.Knight, et.al, Mechanics, Berkeley Physics, vol.1. 2007, Tata McGraw-Hill.
7. G.R. Fowles and G.L. Cassiday, Analytical Mechanics,. 2005, Cengage Learning.
8. Higher Secondary Plus 1 and Plus 2 Physics Books- TN State Board and NCERT Books.
1. https://sites.google.com/a/euhsd.org/physics/
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_vector
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXKiAKn0WCM
4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_of_mass
5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moment_of_inertia
6. https://www.toppr.com/guides/physics/system-of-particles-and-rotational-
7. https://byjus.com/physics/work-energy-power/
8. https://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/energy
9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bending_moment
10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQGlgu-8dmA (Tamil video)
11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton%27s_law_of_universal_gravitation
12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxkFaBG6a-A
13. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/rocket2.html
14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Positioning_System
15. https://study.com/academy/lesson/the-global-positioning-system-and-its-uses.html
16. https://www.nasa.gov/centers/johnson/pdf/584739main_Wings-ch5d-pgs370-407.pdf


Course Objectives

1. Get clear idea about the specific heat capacity and kinetic theory of gases
2. Knowledge about the conduction, radiation and low temperature physicswill be gained
3. To know the thermodynamic system and its laws
4. To learn the concept of entropy and Mawell’sthermodynamical relations
5. To study the basic ideas of statistical mechanics

Unit-1: Specific Heat & Kinetic theory of gases

Specific heat capacity-Principle of method of mixtures-Specific heat capacity of liquid by

method of mixtures-Newton’s law of cooling-Specific heat capacity of a liquid by the method
of cooling- Specific heat capacity of a liquid by Callender and Barne’s method-Specific heat
capacity of gases- Meyer’s relation between CP and Cv.

Kinetic theory of gases-Expression of pressure of gas-Boyle’s law-Charle’s law-Perfect gas

equation- Mean free path-Expression for mean free path-Maxwell’s velocity distribution law-
Transport phenomena-Diffusion-Law of equipartition energy- Application to specific heat of

Unit-2: Transmission of Heat & Low Temperature Physics

Conduction-Coefficient of thermal conductivity-thermal conductivity of a good conductor--

Forbe’s method – thermal conductivity of a poor conductor -Lee’s disc method-Black body
radiation-Stefan -Boltzmann law-determination of Stefan’s constant -laboratory method-Solar
energy-Solar cooker-solar constant- temperature of the Sun.

Joule-Kelvin effect-Porous plug experiment- liquefaction of hydrogen- liquefaction of

helium-Kammerling-Onne’s method-Helium I and II -Lambda point-Superconductivity-Type
I and II superconductors -Meissner effect-applications of superconductors.

UNIT-3: Thermodynamics

Thermodynamic system- Zeroth law, First and Second law of thermodynamics -Carnot’s
theorem-Statement and proof-Otto (petrol) engine and Diesel engine –Construction, working
and efficiency- Thermodynamic scale of temperature- Thermodynamic and perfect gas scale.

UNIT-4: Entropy & Enthalpy

Entropy- Change in entropy in a reversible/irreversible process-Temperature entropy diagram

-Entropy of perfect gas- Third law of thermodynamics-Maxwell’s thermo dynamical
relations--Clapeyron latent heat equation-Clausius latent heat equation-Helmholtz and Gibb’s
free energy-Enthalpy.

UNIT-5:Statistical Mechanics

Phase space- Macrostate and Microstate- Entropy and Thermodynamic probability, Maxwell-
Boltzmann law - distribution of velocity -Quantum statistics - Fermi-Dirac distribution law -
electron gas - Bose-Einstein distribution law - photon gas - comparison of three statistics-
Ensembles-Micro,canonical and grand canonical ensembles.

Text Books

Unit 1 to Unit 5
1. D. Jayaraman, K. Ilangovan, Thermal Physics &Stastical Mechanics, S. Viswanathan,
Printers & Publishers Private Ltd, Chennai, 2016.
2. BrijLal and N Subrahmanyam,Heat Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics,S Chand
& Company Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2016.

Reference Books

1. D.S. Mathur, Heat and Thermodynamics, S Chand & Company Pvt Ltd, 2008.
2. J.B. Rajam, Heat and thermodynamics,S Chand & Co., New Delhi, 1990.
3. R Murugeshan and KiruthigaSivaprasad, Thermal Physics, S Chand & Co., New
Delhi, 2002.
4. Gupta and Kumar, Elements of Statistical Mechanics, PragatiPrakashan, Meerut,
5. SathyaPrakash and J P Agarwal , Statistical Mechanics , KedarNath& Ram Nath&
Co., Meerut, 2002.

E- Materials
1. https://www.e-booksdirectory.com/details.php?ebook=1778
2. https://www.ugrad.math.ubc.ca/coursedoc/math100/notes/diffeqs/cool.html
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLU0phEP7h4
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7qzc7-flMY (Tamil Video)
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Atnjo7dD_bA
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iENG9VnBeP0
7. http://www.iiserpune.ac.in/~bhasbapat/phy221_files/Lee's%20Method.pdf
8. https://vikaspedia.in/energy/energy-production/solar-energy/solar-cookers
9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWDl1-oZLJQ (Tamil Video)
10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IRXVZKH6WQ
11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPjMPeU5OeM
12. https://statisticalphysics.openmetric.org/equilibrium/ensembles.html

Course Out Comes

1. After studied unit-1, the student will be able to know fundamentals specific heat
capacity and able to explain the kinetic theory of gases.

2. After studied unit-2, the student will be able to describe the conduction and radiation
of heat and also able to study the Joule-Kelvin effect based on the low temperature
phenomena and its applications.
3. After studied unit-3, the student will be able to cite the laws of thermodynamics and
their applications.
4. After studied unit-4, the student will be able to explore the equations governing
second law of thermodynamics and entropy.
5. After studied unit-5, the student will be able to explain Phase-space, micro and
macrostates and able to distinguish MB,FD and BE statistics.


List of Experiments (Any 15 Experiments only)

1. Compound Pendulum -Determination of ‘g’ and ‘k’.

2. Young’s modulus -non uniform bending -Pin and microscope.
3. Young’s modulus -uniform bending -Optic lever.
4. Young’s modulus cantilever- depression- dynamic method-Mirror, Scale and
5. Rigidity modulus -Torsional Pendulum -without masses.
6. Rigidity modulus and moment of inertia -Torsional Pendulum -with identical masses.
7. Rigidity modulus -Static torsion -Mirror, scale and telescope.
8. Surface tension and Interfacial surface tension - drop weight method.
9. Coefficient of viscosity of liquid-Graduated burette -Radius of capillary tube by using
10. Thermal conductivity of a poor conductor -Lee’s disc method.
11. Specific heat capacity of liquid -Newton’s law of cooling.
12. Sonometer -Frequency of Tuning fork.
13. Sonometer -Relative density of a solid and liquid.
14. Focal length -R and µ of a convex lens [focal length i) u-v and ii) conjugate foci
method; Radius of curvature by telescope method].
15. Focal length -R and µ of a concave lens [focal length i) in contact and ii) auxiliary
lens method; Radius of curvature by Boy’s method].
16. Spectrometer -Solid prism- Refractive indexof material of a prism.
17. Spectrometer- Hollow prism – Refractive index of a liquid.
18. Potentiometer -Calibration of low range voltmeter.
19. Potentiometer - Internal resistance of a Cell.
20. Post office box -Temperature coefficient of resistance of a coil.
Text Books

1. C.C. Ouseph, U.J. Rao, V. Vijayendran, Practical Physics and Electronics, S.

Viswanathan, Printers & Publishers Private Ltd, Chennai,2018.
2. M.N.Srinivasan, S. Balasubramanian, R.Ranganathan, A Text Book of Practical
Physics, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2015.

Reference Books

1. Samir Kumar Ghosh, A Textbook of Advanced Practical Physics, NCBA, Kolkatta,

2. D. Chattopadyay, P.C.Rakshit, An Advanced Course in Practical Physics,NCBA,
Kolkatta, 2011
3. C.L.Arora, B.Sc., Practical Physics,S. Chand and Company., New Delhi.
4. D.P.Khandelwal , A Laboratory Manual of Physics for Undergraduate
5. B.Saraf et al, Physics through Experiments,Vikas Publications.
6. Harnaam Singh., B.Sc., Practical Physics,S. Chand and Company., New Delhi.
7. D C Tayal, University Practical Physics, Himalaya Publishing House.
8. Gupta & Kumar, Practical Physics, Pragatiprakashan, Meerut

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