New Student Organization Proposal
New Student Organization Proposal
New Student Organization Proposal
Students who want to start a new club on campus are asked to review the current club list
first to make sure there is not already a club in existence that may have the same missions.
Tabletop club
Name of Proposed Student Organization:
The following are 4 General Education goals that have been set forth for the students here at
MCC. Please indicate and explain which of the 4 goals your organization aligns with and what
goals your organization has for the academic year.
Critical Thinking. Effective Communication. Information Literacy. Professionalism.
This club meets all the critira in here, mainly because it builds character, critical thinking when it
comes to other games, communitcation when talking amongst other club members inside and outside
the club, it also fits literacy because others will read insturctions and learn how things opperate in a
caring enviornment. Not to mention professionalism as well since it teaches people to be professional
and understanding.
Proposed meeting information. Upon approval of the new student organization, the Student
Life Office will assist in room reservations and meeting logistics.
Meeting Day: ✔ M T ✔ W TH F
Each new club must have at least 5 MCC students who are currently enrolled in at
least 3 credit hours and are in good academic standing (a minimum of a 2.0 GPA).
Executive members of each organization must maintain a 2.5 GPA throughout their
term and have no current/outstanding code of conduct violations. Executive
members consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Club
Council Representative. If approval is granted for the proposed student
organization, a list of executive members will be filed with the Student Life Office.
Please list all students interested in the organization. Should you have more students
than spaces provided, please attached an additional list.
A great deal of the success enjoyed by the Student Organizations at MCC is due to
the interest and dedication of our organization advisors! MCC requires that all
recognized student organizations have a faculty or MCC employee staff advisor.
Advisors help guide the group in accordance with the purposes and ideals of the
Expectations for advisors at McHenry County College:
Guide the group in accordance with the purpose and educational objectives of the College
Advise the officers and members on developing and implementing a program which
allows the organization to fulfill its purpose and objectives
Supervise the financial procedures followed by the organization in handling its funds
Help increase awareness of both students and staff of the College facilities, events, and
Be familiar with the policies and procedures listed in the MCC student handbook
Play an active role in creating a meaningful, rewarding experience for organization
members by serving as a positive resource and guide
Attend organization meetings, trainings, and events as often as possible
If an idea is inappropriate, the advisor should challenge the students to consider other
Advisors and organization members should discuss clearly and fully their own
expectations of the advisor(s) roles and negotiate who will be responsible for
various aspects of the club.
By signing your name and completing this form, you are agreeing to the terms listed above. The
Student Life Office will keep this form on file. If your position changes with the organization
let the Student Life Office as soon as possible.
Faculty/Staff Advisor:
Email Address:
Signature: Date:
All constitutions must contain the information indicated in these sample constitution provisions, and in the same
sequence. Material in bold must be included. Additional information may be added where appropriate, but
simplicity is recommended.
McHenry County College
Date: ___________________________
This student organization does not discriminate based on sex, race, religion, age, disability,
national origin, sexual orientation, gender-related identity, color, marital status, military
status or unfavorable military discharge.
This organization and/or its members, when taking stands on issues, recognizes and will fulfill the
obligation to make clear that it/they in no way represent(s) the official position of McHenry County College.
The official name of the organization shall be the add name of YOUR organization),
McHenry County College. (The name of the club must be one which will not be confused with
another club already existing on campus; it should be appropriate to the purposes of the club and
clearly indicate the club’s objectives.)
Active members must be of student status, with the minimum required 2.0 grade point
average (GPA) and in good standing with the college. (Add any other eligibility requirements
your organization may have for active members. Be sure to include what an eligible person must
DO in order to belong and remain in that category of membership [pay dues, attend a specified
percentage of meetings, etc...)
State the provisions for suspension of members. These may include: disorderly conduct, gross
misdemeanor, GPA below 2.0, or other behaviors unacceptable to your organization.
The duties of each officer must be described in detail, listing according to the order of Section 1
above. Be sure to specify who has the authority to expend organizational funds, call special
meetings, etc.
At the time of assuming office and during tenure in office, an elected officer must meet all of
the eligibility requirements as stated by the college. Eligibility requirements include, but are
not limited to: Good Academic Standing of at least a 2.5 GPA and no Student Code of
Conduct violations.
(Specify HOW officers are elected: Whether by a secret ballot, a show of hands, or some other
means; the percentage of votes needed, generally a plurality [whoever receives the most votes] or
a majority [whoever receives fifty percent plus one of the votes cast]; and, who will be
responsible for counting the votes [preferably the advisor or another impartial person]. In cases
where a majority vote is required, specify procedures for a runoff election should no candidate
receive a majority.
(Specify the procedures used to fill a vacant office in case an officer resigns or is unable or
unwilling to complete his/her term. If the procedure varies according to the office, use a separate
sub-section for each procedure. In the event an election is part of that
procedure, including the appropriate election provisions in a manner similar to Section 3 above.)
should be based on the number you feel must be present at a meeting to transact business. It is best to write this in
percentages, rather than numbers because club membership numbers fluctuate from year to year.)
At the time of assuming responsibility for a committee and during tenure in office, a
committee chairman must meet all the eligibility requirements as stated by the college.
SECTION 2 (Specify standing committees, if any; how they are chosen; and their duties – using a separate
section of this article for each such committee. If the organization has an Executive Council or an Executive
(Specify the manner through which dues against members are authorized [vote of general
membership, action of board of officer, etc.]; the frequency of such dues [annually, by semester,
etc.]; and the time and manner of their collection. Be careful not to include an actual dollar level
which would require a charter amendment to change.)
The advisor you choose for your club/organization must be a McHenry County College faculty or
administrative staff member, 21 years of age or older. This person may not be on leave of
absence at any time during the year. Also, his/her appointment must be approved by the
Coordinator of Student Activities. A non-employee may not fulfill the duties of a McHenry
County College advisor. Student employees are not eligible to be advisors.
The advisor’s responsibilities include attendance at organizational meetings, participation
in as many organizational activities as is practical, signing all forms related to the
disbursement of funds, and other duties as outlined by the office of Student Life and
Campus Activities. (Add separate sections for any duties unique to your organization.)
(State what procedures must be taken to amend these constitution provisions for your
organization. Usually this requires a presentation of proposed amendments at one meeting,
followed by a vote of the membership at the next meeting. Generally a higher percentage of
affirmative votes is required to approve such amendments than is needed to approve most other
All amendment(s) to this constitution shall be filed with the office of Student Activities,
indicating the date and method of adoption. Any amendment(s) which change(s) the
purpose or constitution’s provisions shall be approved by the Coordinator of Student
Activities before taking effect.
This constitution shall not conflict with the policies and regulations of McHenry County
College, the Trustees of McHenry County College, or the State of Illinois. Any stipulations
applying to all chartered organizations made by the Coordinator of Student Activities or
the college shall be considered to be immediately enforceable, whether contained in these
constitution provisions or not.