1. Trenching in all types of soil incl. rock / boulders at a depth of 1.7m and/or 1.5m scope also
includes backfilling, dewatering, shoring, shuttering, barricading and removal of debris etc.
2. Obtaining managed ROW permissions from respective Govt / authorized bodies & liasoning with
local authorities / bodies for work completion for end to end activities up to closure of Lit up
3. HDD to be executed wherever required like railway / road / bridge crossings appear / CC & BT
4. Laying of 40/32 mm HDPE ducts.
5. Conducting duct integration test for both ducts (yes, we can share the specifications/method of
test to be conducted by the vendor)
6. OFC Cable drum testing: Fiber cable drum testing is a test carried out on the cable which has
been received from the manufacturer to ensure that the cable has not been damaged during
transit or delivery. This is inclusive of visual inspection & optical test of each fiber used in the
cable construction
7. Supply / laying of warning tape # LDPE flat type 200 microns thickness with 150 mm width black
& blue color printed on orange color background
8. While crossing culverts you shall use DWC ducts encased with 100 mm CC (1:2:4) all around the
9. While crossing bridges you shall use DWC ducts (120 / 103 mm) with required size of GI clamps
which shall withstand weight of DWC Duct being clamped with HDPE Duct and Fiber Cable
10. In case of low depth, Proper protection to be provided by PCC/DWC as per standard TCTS Scope
and as per customer requirement.
11. Proper depth need to be maintained and if due to ground condition if variation in depth, then
need proper justification and proper protection to be used as per VIL standard, exception to be
obtained by prior approval
12. Cable blowing / pulling in new / existing ducts.
13. Fiber cable splicing & termination, including In building works
14. Supply / installation of splicing chambers as per Tata Communications and Transformation
Services specifications (Diagram & Spec shared in the proposal).
16. Route markers to be supplied and installed as per TCTSL instructions (diagram shared in the
17. Placing Of CC 1:2:4 Mixing including of all transportation, labor etc as per site conditions
wherever required depth is not achieved as per TCTSL standard & protection is required.
18. Supply / installation of route markers, specs are as per Tata Communications
19. Supply / installation of materials non-supplied by TCTS for OSP & In Building works
20. Supply of as built drawings in both hard & soft copy in 3 copies, (Documents like SLD with
Lat/longs, with GIS pics Pre / Post snaps, GIS pics of Chamber Installation with sand filling are to
be submitted & also graphs if its HDD is to be submitted, MRC with Pre / Post snaps are to be
submitted, Work Completion Certificate is required to submit. Keep dedicated Site supervisor
for end to end closure including clearing the punch points during PE & AT. Site retrieved
materials are to be handover to operations team with written documents. If not able to manage
ROW, then DN is to be submitted to arrange DD and then have to start the work)
21. Entire route integration, end to end testing & commissioning and handing over to TCTSL
22. Work has to be completed in all respect on or before the delivery date mentioned in the service
order otherwise LD is applicable.
23. Safety measures should be done as per TCTSL and VIL policies
24. Wastage is a) ducts <2.5 % of route length, b) fiber cable of <1% of route length & c) Duct
Accessories <1% used during route length. Deduction will be applicable for wastage beyond
specified limits.
26. Horizontal Directional Drilling - Drilling with mechanized means of Bore Dia (depending upon number of
ducts), in all types of strata.
27. Laying of Half / Full Round RCC pipe in pre excavated trench (size to vary as per number of ducts)
28. Laying of GI Pipe & DWC (outdoor), Flexible pipe & conduit
29. Placing Cement Concrete of 1:2:4 mix (M-15 grade) of 0.1 m thick and 0.3 m width
30. De-installation of aerial cable and storing it for appropriate future use
31. For low depth cases (less than 1.2 m ) necessary protection of half round/RCC or any other suitable
protection mechanism to be provided,G.I,DWC
32. Complete end-to-end Permanent restoration underground project work including Trenching / HDD,
Ducting, Blowing / Pulling, Splicing and associated materials like, Chamber, PCC etc (other than fiber,
duct, joint closure & FMS)
36. Splice / Loop chamber Marker-At every Joint pit location Presence at every joint pit / loop pit locations
and should be painted as per specification Measurement Sheet to be provided.
37. Duct crossing HT/LT Power cable Fiber cable should away from HT/LT cable as per plan ,Measurement
Sheet to be provided
38. Armour Continuity Test Continuity of Armour to be checked at joint pit Continuity of Armour should be
maintained, Millimeter, continuity tester to be available
39. Earth Resistance Test Using Earth Tester should not exceed 2 ohms on all soil strata Earth Tester to be
made available
40. Splice Loss By using OTDR Avg. splice loss should not exceed 0.00 dB, OTDR,
41. Link Loss By using OTDR & LSPM Laser Source, Power Meter, Patch cords, Should be less than link
budget calculation
42. Depth Check – HDD Should be capture video clip of all entry and exit point, Photographs and Soft copy
mandatory to be provided, Pilot should not come up at entry and exit points and to be maintained depth
at 2 Mtrs.
43. Cable entry should not be from top of Chamber, sand filing is mandate for protection of cable. Depth
should be maintained at coupler joints also.
44. Chambers are to be placed at road crossings at both sides, For every 250 Mtrs. Pull throw Chamber is
to be installed.
45. Daily progress is to be updated to the Project Manager / Project In-charge by end of the day.
46. GIS Entire route should be upload in Lepton as per As Built Drawing, Should be upload all details like,
Route Owner name, Route Name, Length, etc.
47. Fiber utilization details Link wise fiber utilization details should be uploaded in Lepton, Cable splicing
details (Chamber/FMS) All chambers should be proper aligned and splice along the fiber with details
The Service Provider/ Vendor shall take full responsibility for the safety of all its operations and methods
necessary for the performance of the works and the Service provider/ Vendor and its employees,
agents, contractors, sub-contractors, and any person engaged by the Service Provider/Vendor shall
ensure that the works are carried out in accordance with the requirements of stipulated laws,
Governmental requirements, guidelines of statutory bodies and safe working practices as required by
Tata Communications. The Service Provider/ Vendor shall strictly comply with Tata Communications#
Fire and Safety Regulations and Health, Safety & Environmental Management Systems and other
guidelines applicable for the Service Providers/Vendors from time to time. Service Provider/ Vendor
shall be responsible for any loss of, or damages to, such property caused by Service Provider / Vendor,
or its personnel, negligence or misconduct, while in the custody, care or control of Service Provider/
Vendor. The Service Provider/Vendor acknowledges and agrees that the abovementioned is an integral
part of this Purchase Order and Service Provider/Vendor herein agrees to abide by this.
The list of documents required for the contractors engaging the non-dedicated manpower: