Black College Sports Page: Vol 17, No 40

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FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 3 - 9, 2011

Four HBCU products go in NFL Draft

Ellis goes early despite off-field issues 201! NFL DRAFTEES

3rd ROUND - 30th pick
LUT WILLIAMS the year. Published reports indicate that Hamp- KENRICK ELLIS
BCSP Editor ton head coach Donovan Rose among others as- 6-5, 333, DL
Following a trend that began after 2000 and sured the Jets Ellis was likely to be cleared of the Hampton
has now continued for 11 years, the number of charge. 94th overall to
black college players taken in the NFL Draft Without his troubled past, most draft analysts New York Jets
stayed in the single digits after last week's three felt Ellis would likely have been a first round pick.
SMALL Hampton Sports Photo days of selections in New York. On the field, the formally highly-recruited native
Only four black college players went off of Jamaica who grew up in Florida and was once 7th ROUND - 6th pick
(BIG) HAUL ELLIS: Massive and
powerful Hampton tackle the boards, three of them in the seventh and fi- dubbed the best defensive lineman in the state JOHNNY CULBREATH
IN NFL first black college player nal round, in the league's 76th annual selection of
since Vince Wolfork, is a talent. 6-5, 322, OL
South Carolina State
to go off the NFL Draft "Anybody we take, we're comfortable with
DRAFT boards. Hampton standout defensive tackle Kenrick that pick," Jets' general manager Mike Tannen-
209th overall to
Ellis, the top black college prospect in this year's baum said. "We did rigorous background on him,
THREE 300+ POUNDERS OF FOUR IN NFL draft, was the only black college player selected met with him. Based on all the information we
DRAFT; SHAW ADVANCES IN D2 TENNIS in the first two days (Thursday and Friday) go- have, we feel good about the player and we felt it
7th ROUND - 28th pick
ing to the New York Jets with the 30th selection was appropriate to take him where we took him FRANK KEARSE
in Friday's third round. Ellis was the 94th overall and we'll go from there." 6-4, 311, DL
selection. "I think he'll join the line rotation," added Alabama A&M
Black college players were shut out of Joey Clinkscales, the Jets' vice president of col-
THE STAT CORNER Thursday's first round, which saw Auburn quar- lege scouting. "I think in time he'll have a chance
231st overall to
terback Cam Newton taken with the first pick by to start. He's coming from Hampton, so he'll have
the Carolina Panthers, and Friday's second round. some growing pains. But the ability is there for
It wasn't until Saturday's final round that more him to be a really good player. If you watched him 7th ROUND - 47th pick
NUMBER '11 4
black college players were added to the draft ros- play, he can command a double- and triple-team Curtis Holcolmb
OF BLACK '10 2 ter. at his school." 5-10, 190, DB
COLLEGE '09 4 Decorated South Carolina State offensive In the Jets' defensive line rotation, Ellis is Florida A&M
lineman Johnny Culbreath was taken by Detroit 250th overall to
PLAYERS '08 5 projected to join former Hampton product Mar-
'07 5 San Francisco
with the sixth pick of the final round, 209th over- cus Dixon, who had his own share of off-the-field
SINCE '05 6 all. Alabama A&M defensive lineman Frank problems before having a successful career for the
1994 '04 2 Kearse was plucked by Miami with the 28th pick Pirates. The Jets signed Dixon to a free agent con-
'03 8 of the round, 231st overall. Florida A&M defen- tract in 2009 and he has worked his way into the both seasons. He had 54 tackles, 10.5 for losses
sive back Curtis Holcolmb was the last to be se- Jets' rotation. "I speak to Marcus probably once this season.
2000 13 lected going to San Francisco with the 47th pick or twice a month just for inspiration," Ellis told "He's a mountain of a man," Dolphins Gen-
'99 7 of the round, 250th overall. Randy Lange, a Jets' blogger. "He’s kind of a big eral Manager Jeff Ireland said of Kearse. "We got
'98 8 Ellis, Culbreath and Holcolmb played in the brother to me. I look up to him and he's a really a little versatility and most likely he will be in the
'97 13
'96 17
MEAC and earned all-conference honors this sea- good person. He's been through a lot and he gives middle as a nose tackle. He's a big, strong guy and
'95 13 son. Ellis and Culbreath were named to the first me advice on little things I need to do and helps overall he's going to be a developmental kid but
1994 13 team while Holcolmb was on the second team. me mature." he's got big upside. He's a great kid. I think he was
CULBREATH KEARSE HOLCOLMB Kearse was a second team all-SWAC selection Culbreath was a four-year starter at South a two-year captain and he's a big man. He's strong
this season. Carolina State, a three-time all-MEAC selection and that's what you need in the middle."
Ellis, a 6-5, 340-pound run stuffer who trans- and won the MEAC 2009 Offensive Lineman of "In college I played the five technique but I
ferred to Hampton and played for the Pirates the the Year award. With the 6-5, 320-pound Cul- think my ability to stop the run, take up double
UNDER THE BANNER last two seasons after repeated failures of drug breath as an anchor on the line, the Bulldogs have teams, clog up space and put pressure on the quar-
tests got him dismissed from the team at South made three straight FCS playoff appearances terback and collapse the pocket are my strengths,"
Carolina, was taken by the Jets despite a pending and won back-to-back MEAC titles in 2008 and said Kearse. "I hope to improve on everything and
legal issue. 2009. they (the Dolphins) told me they want me to im-
JACKSON MOVES TO FORT VALLEY: Ellis was charged with a felony count of ma- "We like his size, we like his athletic abil- prove and work hard and become the best player I
Director of Athletics Percy Caldwell has announced licious wounding after a fight on the Hampton ity," said Lions' head coach Jim Schwartz of Cul- can become to be a Miami Dolphin."
that Fort Valley State will hold a campus last April and faces a July 12 trial. He breath, who was not invited to the Combine but Holcolmb, who finished his senior season at
press conference Thursday (May 5) missed Hampton's first game last season but was impressed Lions' brass in his workout. "He's a FAMU with 41 tackles (33 solo), three intercep-
to formally announce the hiring of eventually cleared by the university and allowed little bit of a developmental project, but he has tions and three sacks, was a compensatory pick
Sammy D. Jackson as the new head to suit up for the other ten games. the tools. He's a guy that our coaches are very by the 49ers in the final round. He hopes to make
Ellis was outstanding, earning a first team anxious to work with." the 49ers squad as did former South Carolina
men's basketball coach.
all-MEAC designation this season after racking Kearse (6-4, 313) was a three-year starter at State defensive back Phillip Adams who made
Jackson has over 17 years of
up 94 tackles, 15 for losses. Many thought he Alabama A&M and defensive captain the past the team last year after being taken in the final
collegiate coaching experience includ- should have been the MEAC defensive player of two years earning second-team all-SWAC honors round.
JACKSON ing the last eight years as an assistant
at Alabama A&M under Vann Pett-
away. Prior to this most recent assignment, Jackson served
as assistant coach at Alabama (2002-03). In the 1999-2000
Spring Championship Results
year, he was head coach at Savannah State. He also served CIAA the city.
as assistant coach at Georgia Southern (1995-99) and Ten- TENNIS - Shaw wins Atlantic Regional "We talked on Wednesday night before the tournament about what hap-
nessee State (1994-95). The Shaw University men's tennis team advanced in the NCAA Cham- pened back home," said Stillman head coach Danny Crawford. "The only
Jackson received his degree in mass communications pionships Sweet 16 for the first time with a hard-fought 5-3 win over Bluefield thing we could do was to pray for our neighbors and friends and that we were
from the University of Montevallo and was captain of the State Monday in the Atlantic Region No. 1 finals at Biltmore Hills Tennis here to win a conference championship."
Courts in Raleigh.
men's basketball team and an all-conference selection. He SWAC
The Bears (25-1), seeded first in the Region, advance to the champion-
played professionally in the Continental Basketball As- TRACK & FIELD (MEN) - Grambling State
ship round to be held May 11-14 in Altamonte Springs, Fla. "I am so happy
sociation (CBA) for the Rockford Lightning (1986-87). The Grambling State men rallied from 13 points back heading into the
we made history," said Shaw head coach Sunday Enitan. "We are going to
final day to claim the team title at the SWAC Outdoor Track and Field Cham-
Jackson will replace John Douglass who served as give it our best."
pionships at Tad Gormley Stadium in New Orleans. It was the sixth champion-
head coach for the past two seasons. Shaw, who won a regular season matchup with Bluefield State 5-0, need-
ship in the past seven years for the G-Men.
ed a No. 5 singles win from freshman Daniel Vasquez to clinch the win.
Grambling finished with 181 points while Texas Southern took second
Vasquez is one of three freshmen on the team. Bluefield State had defeated
RFAs MAY BE IN TROUBLE: Winston-Salem State 5-0 in a first round match.
with 101 points. Alabama State was third (94) followed by Arkansas-Pine
Though the NFL Draft went forward last week, because Bluff (91).
SIAC Darwin Price Jr. (Grambling State) garnered men's Most Outstanding
of the current lockout, NFL teams can not sign their draft
BASEBALL - Stillman Track Performer honors after winning the 1500 meters, 3000 meter steeple-
choices nor rookie free agents. That could put into serious Junior lefthander Josh Cagle fired his second complete game in less than chase and earning points in the 5000 meters and 800 meters. Arthur Thomas
jeopardy the future of potential black college rookie free 48 hours pitching Stillman to a 3-2 win over Albany State in the champion- (Arkansas-Pine Bluff) was named men's Most Outstanding Field Performer
agents who usually are signed following the draft. ship game of the 2011 Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference tour- after winning the shot put and earning points in the javelin, hammer throw and
Last season, some 20 black college products were signed nament in Albany, Ga. Sunday. discus.
to free agent contracts immediately after the Draft. At least Cagle was named the tournament's MVP after throwing his second com- TRACK & FIELD (WOMEN) - Alabama State
plete game in the four-day event. He worked 18 innings in the two starts al- Alabama State totalled 223 points to take the women's title in the three-
two, Junior Gallette out of Stillman (New Orleans) and
lowing five runs on nine hits with 21 strike outs and two walks. day event. Grambling finished second with 106 points followed by Texas
Terrell Whitehead out of Norfolk State (Jacksonville) Shortstop Josh Beal and first baseman Jarius Brown were also named Southern (105) and Prairie View A&M (104).
made opening day NFL rosters. to the all-tournament team. Stillman (25-17) won all four games at the tourna- Kesia Derilus (Alabama State) won the 5000 meters and 3000 meter
Other black college rookie free agents that have gone ment in taking its fourth championship in the last five years. The Tigers, who steeplechase and earned runner-up honors in the 1500 meters to collect wom-
on to become established NFL players including Pittsburgh have won league titles in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2011, also secured the league's en's Most Outstanding Track Performer accolades. Shanice Mells (Alabama
Steelers running back Isaac Redman (Bowie State), Atlanta automatic bid to the 2011 NCAA Div. II Tournament which will begin on May State) earned the women's Most Outstanding Field Performer award with a
19. The pairings and location will be announced at a later date. title in the shot put and third place finishes in the hammer throw and javelin.
Falcons all-Pro kick returner Eric Weems (Bethune-Cook-
The baseball team competed in Albany while its home city of Tusca- Grambling State coach Bertram Lovell earned the men's coaching award
man) and New York Jets defensive tackle Marcus Dixon loosa, Alabama was enduring a devastating storm of tornadoes that ravaged while Richie Beene garnered the same honor on the women's side.
With the uncertainty of when the NFL's lingering labor
disputes will be resolved, it's not clear whether this year's 2010-11 BLACK COLLEGE BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL (Standings and Weekly Honors)
rookie free agents will get a chance to do the same.


Dr. Henry White has resigned as head baseball coach Bethune-Cookman
0 29 19
Delaware State
9 3 27 16 Southern 15 6 25 16
Miss. Valley St.
15 2
23 23
at North Carolina Central. The announcement was made Delaware State 11 4 23 21 Morgan State 8 4 15 23 Prairie View A&M 13 11 23 18 Jackson State 14 3 21 19
Norfolk State 7 7 17 24 Coppin State 6 6 13 14 Grambling State 11 10 18 23 Alcorn State 6 11 15 31
on May 2. NC A&T State 6 8 15 29 Howard 6 6 15 22 Texas Southern 8 13 20 22 Alabama State 6 11 10 31
Md. Eastern Shore 7 11 8 35
The Eagles wrapped up the 2011 season with an overall Florida A&M 5 10 16 32
Hampton 6 6 13 32 Ark. Pine Bluff
7 14 11 31 Alabama A&M 4 13 4 26
Md. Eastern Shore 1 11 6 38 WEST
record of 7-39. In White's five years, the Eagles have posted Coppin State 2 13 5 35
SOUTH Alcorn State 19 4 22 20 Texas Southern 14 3 26 27
Miss. Valley St. 13 7 17 29
a 43-172 mark. NCCU captured the 2007 regular season MEAC PLAYERS OF THE WEEK
Bethune-Cookman 9 0 25 23
Jackson State 10 8 20 21
Southern 12 5 18 22
Florida A&M 5 4 22 24 Ark. Pine Bluff 6 11 6 25
CIAA title in the program's first year on the diamond since PLAYER
Scott Davis, Jr., 2B, DSU - Hit .444 with 4 RBI Norfolk State 6 6 19 23 Alabama A&M 4 14 8 30 Grambling State 4 13 11 24
SC State 3 6 10 39 Alabama State 4 17 12 25 Prairie View A&M 4 13 11 34
1975, then managed to win just 22 of 170 games during and 2 doubles in 3-2 week. Had 7 hits in 13 at-
NC A&T State 1 8 7 32
bats and had 19 putouts and 10 assists.
the university's reclassification to NCAA Div. I over the PITCHER
last four seasons. Patrick Goelz, So., P, B-CU - Helped extend
B-CU's win streak to seven games in 7-3 win
Danielle Wright, Jr., CF, NSU - Hit .500 (12 of 24) with PITCHER
The search for White's replacement will begin imme- over UMES. Pitched complete game, striking
8 RBI, 2 home runs and 1 double to guide Spartans
out 11 and not allowing an earned run and only
diately with a plan to announce a new head coach by June one walk. Earned his sixth victory.
to seven victories last week. Scored 12 runs and stole
seven bases.
1, said NCCU Director of Athletics, Dr. Ingid Wicker- ROOKIE
Ryan VanAssche, Fr., P, NSU - Pitched a
Paige Arnold, Jr., P, CSU - Had a 0.88 ERA and finished
McCree. Associate Athletics Director George Smith, the complete game victory vs. Savannah State, with 3-0 vs. UMES. Had back-to-back shutouts while striking
out 21 in 18 innings.
3 strike outs, giving up one earned run.
sports administrator for baseball, will assume responsibility ROOKIE
Jamie Schulle, Fr., P, NSU - Pitched 18 innings and posted a
of day-to-day operations until a new head coach is hired.

© AZEEZ Communications, Inc. Vol. XVII, No. 40

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