ASTM A307: Scope
ASTM A307: Scope
ASTM A307: Scope
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The ASTM A307 specification covers carbon steel bolts and studs ranging from 1/4" Hex Bolts
through 4" diameter. This is your everyday, run of the mill bolt specification often
Bent Anchor Bolts
manufactured using A36 round bar. There are three grades A, B, and C* which
denote tensile strength, configuration, and application. Refer to the Mechanical A307 All Thread Rod
Properties Chart for the subtle strength differences within each grade. ASTM A563 Hex Nuts
A Headed bolts, threaded rods and bent bolts intended for general applications.
B Heavy hex bolts and studs intended for flanged joints in piping systems with cast iron flanges.
C* Nonheaded anchor bolts, either bent or straight, intended for structural anchorage purposes. The end of a grade C
anchor bolt intended to project from the concrete will be painted green for identification purposes. Permanent marking
is a supplemental requirement. *As of August 2007, grade C has been replaced by specification F1554 grade 36. We
will continue to supply grade C, if required by the project.
Mechanical Properties
Grade Tensile, ksi Yield, min, ksi Elong %, min
A 60 min -- 18
B 60 - 100 -- 18
C* 58 - 80 36 23
Chemical Properties
Element Grade A Grade B
Carbon, max 0.29% 0.29%
Manganese, max 1.20% 1.20%
Phosphorus, max 0.04% 0.04%
Sulfur, max 0.15% 0.05% 1/2
9/11/2014 ASTM A307 Specification | Portland Bolt
A307 Grades A & C* A307 Grade B Washers 2/2