FRP Specifications: Section 06600

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FRP Specifications

Section 06600
Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer Products and Fabrications

REVISED 03.2011

Production Code: ST0311


400 Commonwealth Ave., P. O. Box 580, Bristol, VA 24203-0580 USA 1610 Highway 52 South, Chatfield, MN 55923-9799 USA
(276) 645-8000 FAX (276) 645-8132 (507) 867-3479 FAX (507) 867-4031
Liability Disclaimer

The specifications and material property information contained in these STRONGWELL

SPECIFICATIONS are provided as a service to architects and design engineers who desire to use
this information in the creation of construction specification documents. The use of these
specifications is at your own risk. These specifications may contain errors, omissions, and

Strongwell reserves the right to change its website at any time, including these STRONGWELL
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terms of any such changes. In this regard, we suggest that you refer to Strongwell’s website terms
and conditions periodically so that you are aware of any changes.

March 2011 06600-1

Table of Contents
1.01 Related Documents ............................................................3
1.02 Summary.............................................................................3
1.03 Scope of Work ....................................................................3
1.04 Quality Assurance ...............................................................3
1.05 Design Criteria ....................................................................3
1.06 Submittals ...........................................................................4
1.07 Shipping and Storage Instructions ......................................4

2.01 General ...............................................................................5
2.02 Pultruded Gratings and Treads ...........................................5
2.03 Structural Shapes and Plate ...............................................7
2.04 Standard Railings.............................................................. 10
2.05 FRP Ladders and Cages................................................... 12
2.06 FRP Foam Core Building Panels ...................................... 13
2.07 FRP Hollow Core Building Panels..................................... 14
2.08 FRP Building Panel System .............................................. 16
2.09 Fiberglass Planks.............................................................. 17
2.10 Molded Grating and Treads .............................................. 18

3.01 Preparation ....................................................................... 20
3.02 Inspection and Testing ...................................................... 20
3.03 Installation, General .......................................................... 20
3.04 All FRP Installation............................................................ 20

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A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary

Conditions and Division-1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section.


A. This section includes the following FRP Products & Fabrications:

1. FRP Pultruded Gratings and Treads
2. FRP Structural Shapes and Plate
3. FRP Standard Railing
4. FRP Ladders and Cages
5. FRP Foam Core Building Panels
6. FRP Hollow Core Building Panels
7. FRP Building Panel System
8. FRP Planks
9. Molded Gratings and Treads


A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to install the
fiberglass reinforced polymer (FRP) products as specified herein.


A. The material covered by these specifications shall be furnished by an ISO-9001:2000

certified manufacturer of proven ability who has regularly engaged in the manufacture
and installation of FRP systems.

B. Substitution of any component or modification of system shall be made only when

approved by the Architect or Engineer.

C. Fabricator Qualifications: Firm experienced in successfully producing FRP

fabrications similar to that indicated for this project, with sufficient production capacity
to produce required units without causing delay in the work.

D. In addition to requirements of these specifications, comply with manufacturer’s

instructions and recommendations for work.


A. The design of FRP products including connections shall be in accordance with

governing building codes and standards as applicable.

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B. Design live loads of FRP gratings and floor panels shall not be less than 100 PSF
uniformly distributed unless specifically stated otherwise in drawings and/or
supplementary conditions. Grating and floor panel deflection at the center of a
simple span not to exceed 0.25”.

C. Structural members shall be designed to support all applied loads. Deflection in any
direction shall not be more than L/180 of span for structural members. Connections
shall be designed to transfer the loads.


A. Shop drawings of all fabricated pultruded gratings and treads, structural shapes and
plate, standard railings, ladders and cages, foam core building panels, building panel
systems, planks, molded gratings and treads and appurtenances shall be submitted
to the Engineer for approval in accordance with the requirements of Section ______.
Fabrication shall not start until receipt of Engineer’s approval marked “Approved As
Submitted” or “Approved As Noted”.

B. Manufacturer’s catalog data showing:

1. Dimensions, spacings, and construction of grating
2. Materials of construction

C. Detail shop drawings showing:

1. Dimensions
2. Sectional assembly
3. Location and identification mark
4. Size and type of supporting frames required

D. Samples of each type of product shall be submitted for approval prior to placement of
purchase orders.


A. All systems, sub-systems and structures shall be shop fabricated and assembled into
the largest practical size suitable for transporting.

B. All materials and equipment necessary for the fabrication and installation of pultruded
gratings and treads, structural shapes and plate, standard railings, ladders and
cages, foam core building panels, building panel systems, planks, molded gratings
and treads and appurtenances shall be stored before, during, and after shipment in a
manner to prevent cracking, twisting, bending, breaking, chipping or damage of any
kind to the materials or equipment, including damage due to over exposure to the
sun. Any material which, in the opinion of the Engineer, has become damaged as to
be unfit for use, shall be promptly removed from the site of work, and the Contractor
shall receive no compensation for the damaged material or its removal.

C. Identify and match-mark all materials, items and fabrications for installation and field

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A. Materials used in the manufacture of the FRP products shall be raw materials in
conformance with the specification.

B. All materials shall be of the kind and quality specified.

C. With the exception of molded gratings and treads, all FRP products noted in 1.02
shall be manufactured using a pultruded process utilizing _________ (select
polyester or vinyl ester) resin with flame retardant and ultraviolet (UV) inhibitor
additives. A synthetic surface veil shall be the outermost layer covering the exterior
surface. The flame retardant FRP shapes shall achieve a flame spread rating of 25
or less in accordance with ASTM test method E-84. (Polyester resin is available
without flame retardant and UV inhibitor additives.)

D. If required, after fabrication, all cut ends, holes and abrasions of FRP shapes shall be
sealed with a compatible resin coating.

E. FRP products exposed to weather shall contain an ultraviolet inhibitor. Should

additional ultraviolet protection be required, a one mil minimum UV coating can be

F. All exposed surfaces shall be smooth and true to form.

G. Manufacturers:

1. Strongwell
2. Or alternative manufacturer approved by architect, design engineer or owner.


A. General

1. Grating shall be shipped from the manufacturer, palletized and banded with
exposed edges protected to prevent damage in shipment.

2. Each piece shall be clearly marked showing manufacturer’s applicable

drawing number.

3. Grating shall be DURADEK or DURAGRID as manufactured by Strongwell

– Chatfield Division, Chatfield, MN.

B. Design

1. The panels shall be _____ inches deep and sustain a deflection of no more
than 0.25” under a uniform distributed load of 100 PSF for the span lengths
shown on the plans. See Strongwell’s Fiberglass Grating brochure for a list of
available sizes.
March 2011 06600-5
2. The bearing bars shall be joined into panels by passing continuous length
fiberglass pultruded cross rods through the web of each bearing bar. A
continuous fiberglass pultruded bar shaped section shall be wedged between
the two cross rod spacers mechanically locking the notches in the cross rod
spacers to the web of the bearing bars. Continuous chemical bonding shall be
achieved between the cross rod spacers and the bearing web and between
the bar shaped wedge and the two cross rod spacers locking the entire panel
together to give a panel that resists twist and prevents internal movement of
the bearing bars.

3. Stair treads shall be capable of withstanding a uniform load of 100 PSF or a

concentrated load of 300 lbs. on an area of 4 sq. inches located in the center
of the tread, whichever produces greater stress.

4. The top surface of all panels shall have a non-skid grit affixed to the surface by
an epoxy resin followed by a top coat of epoxy resin.

5. Panels shall be fabricated to the sizes shown on the drawings.

6. Hold down clamps shall be type 316L stainless steel saddle clips. Use 2 at
each support with a minimum of 4 per panel.

Hold down clamps shall be type 316L stainless steel insert hold downs as
provided by Strongwell. Use 2 at each support with a minimum of 4 per panel.

7. Color shall be high visibility yellow.


Color shall be gray.

OPTIONAL 8. All bearing bars that are to be exposed to UV shall be coated with
polyurethane coating of a minimum thickness of 1 mil.

C. Products

1. The FRP grating and stair treads shall be fabricated from bearing bars and
cross rods manufactured by the pultrusion process. The glass fiber
reinforcement for the bearing bars shall be a core of continuous glass strand
rovings wrapped with continuous strand glass mat. A synthetic surface veil
shall be the outermost layer covering the exterior surfaces.

2. Fiberglass Grating and Stair Treads

a) Fiberglass grating and stair treads shall be made from a chemical

resistant, fire retardant _________ (select polyester or vinyl ester) resin
system with antimony trioxide added to meet the flame spread rating of
25 or less in accordance with ASTM E-84 testing and meet the self-
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extinguishing requirements of ASTM D-635. UV inhibitors are added to
the resin.

3. Grating with SAFPLATE®

a) Grating shall be the same as described above in this section.

b) SAFPLATE® shall be made from EXTREN® as manufactured by

Strongwell – Bristol Division, Bristol, VA.

c) SAFPLATE® shall be manufactured using an isophthalic polyester or

vinyl ester resin with fire retardant additive to meet Class 1 flame
spread rating of 25 or less as tested by ASTM E-84 and meet the self-
extinguishing requirements of ASTM D-635. All plate shall contain a
UV inhibitor.

d) SAFPLATE® shall be epoxy bonded to the grating, and a non-skid grit

shall be affixed to the top surface of the assembly.

4. If required, all cut and machined edges, holes and abrasions shall be sealed
with a resin compatible with the resin matrix used in the bearing bars and
cross rods.

5. All panels shall be fabricated to the sizes shown on the approved shop


A. Material

1. Structural shapes and plate shall be made from _________ (select isophthalic
polyester or vinyl ester) resin with fire retardant additives to meet a flame
spread rating of less than 25 per ASTM E-84 and meet the self-extinguishing
requirements of ASTM D-635. All structural shapes shall contain a UV

2. Structural shapes and plate shall be EXTREN as manufactured by Strongwell

– Bristol Division, Bristol, VA.

B. Process

1. Manufactured by the pultrusion process.

2. Structural FRP members’ composition shall consist of a glass fiber reinforced

polyester or vinyl ester resin matrix, approximately 50% glass by weight. A
synthetic surface veil shall be the outermost layer covering the exterior
surfaces. Glass strand rovings shall be used internally for longitudinal
strength. Continuous strand glass mats or stitched reinforcements shall be
used internally for transverse strength.

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3. Mechanical properties shall meet or exceed the values listed in Table 1.
Table 1 – Fiberglass Pultruded Material Properties
Minimum Ultimate Coupon Properties (UN)


TEST UNITS/ 500/525 625 1/8" 3/16” -1/4" 3/8"-1" 1/8" 3/16"-1/4" 3/8"-1"
PROPERTIES METHOD VALUE SHAPES SHAPES 3.175 mm 4.76-6.35 mm 9.5-25.4 mm 3.175 mm 4.76-6.35 mm 9.5-25.4 mm
Tensile Stress, LW D638 psi 30,000 30,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
N/mm2 207 207 138 138 138 138 138 138
Tensile Stress, CW D638 psi 7,000 7,000 7,500 10,000 10,000 7,500 10,000 10,000
N/mm2 48.3 48.3 51.7 68.9 68.9 51.7 68.9 68.9
Tensile Modulus, LW D638 106 psi 2.5 2.6 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
103 N/mm2 17.2 17.9 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4
Tensile Modulus, CW D638 106 psi .8 .8 .7 .9 1 1 1 1
103 N/mm2 5.52 5.52 4.83 6.21 6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89
Compressive Stress, LWɕ D695 psi 30,000 30,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000
N/mm2 207 207 165 165 165 165 165 165
Compressive Stress, CW D695 psi 15,000 16,000 15,500 16,500 20,000 16,500 17,500 17,500
N/mm2 103 110 107 114 138 114 121 121
Compressive Modulus, LW D695 106 psi 2.5 2.6 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
103 N/mm2 17.2 17.9 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4
Compressive Modulus, CW D695 106 psi 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
103 N/mm2 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52
Flexural Stress, LWʑ D790 psi 30,000 30,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000
N/mm2 207 207 165 165 165 165 165 165
Flexural Stress, CW D790 psi 10,000 10,000 10,000 13,000 17,000 10,000 13,000 17,000
N/mm2 68.9 68.9 68.9 89.6 117 68.9 89.6 117
Flexural Modulus, LW  D790 106 psi 1.6 1.6 1.8 2 2 1.8 2 2
103 N/mm2 11.0 11.0 12.4 13.8 13.8 12.4 13.8 13.8
Flexural Modulus, CW D790 106 psi 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.4 1 1.1 1.4
103 N/mm2 5.52 5.52 6.21 7.58 9.65 6.89 7.58 9.65
Modulus of Elasticity̥ full 106 psi 2.6 2.8
section 103 N/mm2 17.9 19.3
Modulus of Elasticity >4” ̥ full 106 psi 2.5 2.5
>102 mm section 103 N/mm2 17.2 17.2
Shear Modulus, LW ̚ — 106 psi .425 .425
103 N/mm2 2.93 2.93
Short Beam Shear, LW  D2344 psi 4,500 4,500
N/mm2 31.0 31.0
Ultimate Bearing Stress, LW D953 psi 30,000 30,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000
N/mm2 207 207 220.6 221 221 221 221 221
Poisson's Ratio, LW  D3039 in/in .33 .33 .31 .31 .31 .32 .32 .32
mm/mm .330 .330 .310 .310 .310 .320 .320 .320
Notched Izod Impact, LW D256 ft-lbs/in 25 25 15 10 10 15 10 10
J/mm 1.33 1.33 .988 1.07 1.07 .988 1.07 1.07
Notched Izod Impact, CW D256 ft-lbs/in 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5
J/mm .214 .214 .267 .267 .267 .267 .267 .267

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Table 1 – Fiberglass Pultruded Material Properties
Minimum Ultimate Coupon Properties (UN) – cont’d


TEST UNITS/ 500/525 625 1/8" 3/16 -1/4" 3/8"-1" 1/8" 3/16"-1/4" 3/8"-1"
PROPERTIES METHOD VALUE SHAPES SHAPES 3.175 mm 4.76–6.35 mm 9.5-25.4 mm 3.175 mm 4.76-6.35 mm 9.5-25.4 mm
Barcol Hardness D2583 — 45̚ 45̚ 40 40 40 40 40 40

24 HR Water Absorption D570 % Max .6 .6 .6 .6 .6 .6 .6 .6

by wt
Density D792 lbs/in .062-.070 .062-.070 .060-.068 .060-.068 .060-.068 .060-.068 .060-.068 .060-.068
-3 3
10 g/mm 1.72-1.94 1.72-1.94 1.66-1.88 1.66-1.88 1.66-1.88 1.66-1.88 1.66-1.88 1.66-1.88
-6 o
Coefficient of Thermal D696 10 in/in/ F 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0
Expansion, LW -5
10 in/in/ C
1.2 1.2 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45
Thermal Conductivity C177 BTU-in/ 4 4
2 o
ft /hr/ F
W (m * ºK) .58 .58
Arc Resistance, LW D495 seconds 120 120

Dielectric Strength, LW D149 KV/in 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35

KV/mm 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38

Dielectric Strength, PF D149 volts/mil 200 200 200 N.T. N.T. 250 N.T. N.T.

Tunnel Test E-84 25 Max
NBS Smoke Chamber E-662
Flammability D635 Extinguishing
UL Thermal Index Generic 130 C

British Fire Test BS 476-7 Class 1

All values are minimum ultimate properties from coupon tests except as noted.
ɕ This value is determined from full section simple beam bending of EXTREN structural shapes.
ʑ The shear stress test results will change radically if the notched orientation is altered. The value in this chart represents
the test configuration where the notches are machined parallel to the reinforcing mat. For notches machined
perpendicular to the reinforcing mat, this value would be two to three times larger.
̥ The Shear Modulus value has been determined from tests with full sections of EXTREN structural shapes.
(See the Strongwell Design Manual for further information.)
̚ Plate compressive stress/modulus measured edgewise and flexural stress/modulus measured flatwise.
 Values apply to Series 525 and 625.
 Measured as a percentage maximum by weight.
 Span to depth ratio of 3:1; EXTREN® angles will have a minimum value of 4,000 psi and the I/W shapes are tested in the web.
 Typical values because these are shape and composite dependent tests.
 This is a typical value which varies with composite thickness.

LW = Lengthwise PF = Perpendicular to laminate face

CW = Crosswise N.T. = Not Tested

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A. Design

1. The FRP standard railing system shall be designed to meet the configuration
and loading requirements of OSHA, IBCO, or any required local codes, with a
minimum factor of safety on loading of 2.0.

B. Material

1. The rails and posts shall be 2” x 2” x .156” square tube manufactured by the
pultrusion process. If pickets are required, they are to be a minimum of 1”
square tube. The pultruded parts shall be made with a fire retardant resin that
meets the ASTM E-84 test for a flame spread rating of 25 or less. The resin
matrix shall be ________ (select polyester or vinyl ester) and shall contain a
UV inhibitor. The parts __________ (shall or shall not be) coated with an
industrial grade polyurethane coating for additional UV protection and wear
resistance. The color shall be chosen from manufacturer’s standard colors.

2. Mechanical properties shall meet or exceed the values listed in Table 2.

Table 2-Standard Railing Fiberglass Pultruded Material Properties

Minimum Ultimate Coupon Properties (UN)


Tensile Stress, LW ASTM D638 psi 30,000 30,000
N/mm2 207 207
Tensile Modulus, LW ASTM D638 106 psi 2.5 2.5
103N/mm2 17.2 17.2
Compressive Stress, LW ASTM D695 psi 30,000 30,000
N/mm2 207 207
Compressive Modulus, LW ASTM D695 106 psi 2.5 2.5
3 2
10 N/mm 17.2 17.2
Flexural Stress, LW ASTM D790 psi 30,000 30,000
N/mm 207 207
Flexural Modulus, LW ASTM D790 10 psi 1.6 1.6
103N/mm2 11.0 11.0
Short Beam Shear, LW ASTM D2344 psi 4,500 4,500
N/mm2 31 31
3 .060 - .070 .060 - .070
Density ASTM D792 lbs/in
10 g/mm3
-3 1.66 - 1.94 1.66 - 1.94

24 hr. Water Absorptionɕ ASTM D570 % max by wt. .6 .6

Coefficient Of Thermal Expansion, ASTM D696 10-6 in/in/oF 7.0 7.0

LWʑ 10-5 mm/mm/oC 1.2 1.2
ɕ Measured as a percentage maximum by weight.
ʑ Typical values because these are shape and composite dependent tests.

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C. Fabrication of Standard Railing System

1. The fiberglass standard railing system shall be fabricated into finished sections
by fabricating and joining together the pultruded square tube using molded or
pultruded components; epoxy bonded and connected as shown in the
fabrication details. Railing sections shall be fabricated to the size shown on
the approved fabrication drawings and shall be piece marked with a water
proof tag.

D. For Side Mount

1. Post shall be constructed with a square pultruded bottom plug. Length shall
be sufficient to extend a minimum of 1” beyond the uppermost bolt hole to
prevent crushing of post tubing. Bolt holes shall provide clearance of 1/16” for
1/2” diameter bolts/studs. On square tubes, holes shall be on longitudinal
center line of post, 1” from bottom of post (minimum) and not less than 3”
apart on center. Posts shall be fastened with stainless steel anchor bolts or
studs, 1/2” diameter extending no less than 2-1/4” into the concrete, or into
minimum thickness of 1/4” structural steel or pultruded fiberglass.

2. Post locations shall be no greater than 18”, nor less than 9” from horizontal or
vertical change in handrail direction. For square tubes, post centers shall be
no greater than 72” apart on any straight run or rail, or 48” apart on any
inclined rail section.

E. Other Attachment Methods

1. Base mount, embedded and removable are also types of mounting procedures
for railing pending design and approval by the Engineer.

F. Installation of Handrail Sections

1. The fabricated railing sections shall be supplied complete with fittings by the
FRP manufacturer. The components used to join fabricated sections together
may be shipped loose, to be epoxied and riveted, if required, together, if
required in the field by the contractor.

2. The fabricated handrail sections shall be installed as shown on the approved

shop drawings. The handrail sections shall be accurately located, erected
plumb and level. The sections shall be fastened to the structure as shown on
the approved shop drawings.

G. Approved Fabricators

1. Strongwell
a) Chatfield Division (Chatfield, MN)
b) Bristol Division (Bristol, VA)
c) Highlands Division (Abingdon, VA)

2. Or approved alternative manufacturer

March 2011 06600-11

A. Performance Requirements

1. Ladder and cage systems shall meet the requirements set forth in OSHA

B. Materials

1. The side rails and cage straps shall be fiberglass reinforced pultruded
polyester with OSHA safety yellow pigment. As an option, an industrial grade
polyurethane yellow coating may be applied to the finished ladder and cage.
Other colors are available as an option.

2. The side rails shall be 2” square tube with a wall thickness of .156” or greater.
The rungs shall be pultruded 1.25” diameter FRP fluted tube.

3. Cage hoops shall be manufactured by the open mold hand lay-up process with
a width of 3” and thickness of 1/4” minimum at the top and bottom and 2” x
1/4” at the intermediate hoops. The cage shall be interconnected with 2” x
3/16” pultruded straps spaced 9” on center around the hoop.

4. Fiberglass pultruded rails, cage straps, fluted tube and cage hoops to be
manufactured by Strongwell.

C. Fabrication Requirements

1. If required, all joints and rungs shall be epoxied and riveted. The hoops shall
be attached to the rails in a manner which provides hand clearance throughout
the length of the ladder.

2. Ladders shall be shop assembled, and as an option may be pre-drilled and

prepared for field attachments of standoff clips.

3. The ladder cages shall be shipped assembled or as an option may be shipped

unassembled for field assembly using rivets or bolts.

D. Workmanship

1. If required, all cut or machined edges, holes and abrasions shall be sealed
with a resin compatible with the resin matrix used in the structural shape.

E. Approved Fabricators

1. Strongwell
a) Chatfield Division (Chatfield, MN)
b) Bristol Division (Bristol, VA)
c) Highlands Division (Abingdon, VA)

06600-12 March 2011

2. Or approved alternative manufacturer

F. Installation

1. All FRP ladder sections shall be installed as shown on the approved shop


A. Materials

1. Each panel shall be manufactured using a pultruded process utilizing

________ (select isophthalic polyester or vinyl ester) resin with flame retardant
and UV inhibitor additives. A synthetic surface veil shall be the outermost
layer covering the exterior surface. The FRP panel shall achieve a flame
spread rating of 25 or less in accordance with ASTM test method E-84. Each
panel will consist of an outer pultruded FRP skin with a rigid foam core having
an approximate “R” factor of 7 per inch of panel thickness.

2. Exposed foam core panel ends as an option may be encapsulated with FRP
pultruded materials. If required, the ends of the panels must be encapsulated
or coated with a resin similar to the skin resin to maintain the corrosion and
weather resistant qualities of the total panel.

3. Mechanical and physical properties shall meet or exceed the values listed in
Table 3.

Table 3-Foam Core Building Panel Minimum Properties

1" Panel 3" Panel

Mechanical Property (Nominal) Units 25.4 mm 76.2 mm
Flexural Strength psi 1,750 869
N/mm2 12 6
Flexural Modulus 106 psi .2 .17
103N/mm2 1.4 1.2
Short Beam Shear psi 113 90
N/mm 0.77 0.62
Pullout Test (Pull Through)
* Std. Washer (1" dia. w/3/8" hole) lbs 650 730
kgs 294 331
* Fender Washer (2" dia. w/1/2" hole) lbs 1,300 1,620
kgs 589 734
Crush Test (6" x 6" Load Plate) lbs 5,600 6,750
kgs 2,540 3,061

Crush Test (Full Width)

* 1" dia. Bar lbs 5,200
kgs 2,358
* 2-1/2" dia. Bar lbs 18,800
kgs 8,527

March 2011 06600-13

Table 3-Foam Core Building Panel Minimum Properties – cont’d
1” Panel 3” Panel
Physical Property (Nominal) Units 25.4 mm 76.2 mm
Weight lbs/linear ft 1.99 7.85
Panel Width in 12 24
mm 304.8 609.6
"R" Factor 7 21
-6 o
Coefficient of Thermal Expansionɕ 10 in/in/ F 5.2 5.2
10-6 in/in/oC 9.4 9.4
Foam Density #/cu. Ft 3 3
kg/m3 48 48
Flame Spread Rating
* Fiberglass Composite Skin Max. 25 Max. 25
* Foam Max. 25 Max. 25
ɕ Typical Values because these are shape and composite dependent tests.

4. Fiberglass pultruded foam core DURASHIELD panels to be manufactured by

Strongwell – Bristol Division, Bristol, VA.

B. Connections

1. Panels will be designed for tongue-in-groove joint connections on two parallel

sides per panel.

2. The panels are to be fastened to the super structure with epoxy adhesive
and/or stainless steel or fiberglass fasteners as shown on the approved shop

C. Approved Fabricators

1. Strongwell
a) Chatfield Division (Chatfield, MN)
b) Bristol Division (Bristol, VA)
c) Highlands Division (Abingdon, VA)

2. Or approved alternative manufacturer


A. Materials

1. Each panel shall be manufactured by the pultrusion process utilizing

_____________ (select isophthalic polyester or vinyl ester) resin with flame
retardant and UV inhibitor additives. A synthetic surfacing veil shall be an
outermost layer covering the exterior surface. The FRP panel shall achieve a
flame spread rating of 25 or less with ASTM E-84 test method.

2. Mechanical and physical properties shall meet or exceed the values listed in
Table 4.

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Table 4 – Hollow Core Building Panel Minimum Properties

Mechanical Property (Nominal) Method Units Value
Compressive Strength, LW D695 psi 50,000
N/mm 344.8
Compressive Modulus, LW D695 10 psi 3.5
103 N/mm2 24.138
Tensile Strength, LW D638 psi 58,000
N/mm 400
Tensile Modulus, LW D638 10 psi 3.5
103 N/mm2 24.138
Short Beam Shear D2344 psi 4,500
N/mm2 31.03

Physical Property (nominal) Units Value

Depth in 1
mm 25.4
Panel Width in 12
mm 304.8
Weight lbs/linear ft 3.27
N/linear m 47.7
Area in2 3.914
mm2 2525.16
Section Modulus (Sx) in /ft of width 1.312
mm3/m of width 70.6
Moment of Inertia (Ix) in4/ft of width 0.656
mm4/m of width 7.88
Coefficient of Thermal Expansionɕ in/in/oF 1.2x10-5
mm/mm/oC 7.0x10-6
Flame Spread Rating (ASTM E-84) Max 25
Water Absorption (ATM D-570) <.6%
ɕ Typical Values because these are shape and composite dependent tests.

3. Fiberglass hollow core panels shall be DURASHIELD HC® as manufactured

by Strongwell-Bristol Division, Bristol, VA.

B. Connections

1. Panels will be designed for tongue-in-groove joint connections on two parallel

sides per panel.

2. The panels are to be fastened to the super structure with epoxy adhesive
and/or stainless steel or fiberglass fasteners as shown on the approved shop

C. Approved Fabricators

1. Strongwell
a) Bristol Division (Bristol, VA)
b) Chatfield Division (Chatfield, VA)
c) Highlands Division (Abingdon, VA)

2. Or approved alternative manufacturer

March 2011 06600-15

A. Materials

1. Each panel shall be manufactured by the pultrusion process utilizing

_________ (select isophthalic polyester or vinyl ester) resin with flame
retardant and UV inhibitor additives. A synthetic surface veil shall be the
outermost layer covering the exterior surface. The FRP panel shall achieve a
flame spread rating of 25 or less in accordance with ASTM test method E-84.

2. The 3-way connector, hanger, 45º connector, toggle connector and end cap
required to install the building panel system shall be manufactured by the
pultrusion process, and achieve a flame spread rating of 25 or less in
accordance with ASTM test method E-84.

3. The following minimum mechanical properties shall apply:

Properties ASTM Test Method Units Value

Flexural Strength, LW D790 psi 24,500
N/mm2 169
Flexural Strength, CW D790 psi 8,200
N/mm2 56.55
Flexural Modulus, LW D790 106 psi .885
3 2
10 N/mm .0061
Flexural Modulus, CW D790 10 psi .646
103 N/mm2 .00446
Tensile Strength D638 psi 31,100
N/mm2 214.5
Tensile Modulus D638 106 psi 2.486
103 N/mm2 0.017
Short Beam Shear D2344 psi 3,190
N/mm 22

4. Fiberglass panels shall be COMPOSOLITE® (See Note 1) as manufactured by

Strongwell – Bristol Division, Bristol, VA.

B. Connections

1. Panels utilize integrally molded longitudinal grooves into which a connector or

toggle is inserted during assembly.

2. 3-way and 45º connectors are utilized in the system to turn corners and
facilitate joining walls and sides.

3. Toggles are utilized to lock panels and connectors.

4. For permanent structures, adhesives are applied in the small grooves along
the length of the panel. Toggles secure components (panels and connectors)
and create even pressure until adhesive is cured.

Note 1: COMPSOLITE® is a registered trademark of Maunsell Structural Plastics Ltd. and used by Strongwell Corporation pursuant to license.

06600-16 March 2011

C. Approved Fabricators

1. Strongwell
a) Bristol Division (Bristol, VA)
b) Highlands Division (Abingdon, VA)
c) Chatfield Division (Chatfield, MN)

2. Or approved alternative manufacturer


A. General

1. FRP planks shall be shipped from the manufacturer, palletized and banded
with exposed edges protected to prevent damage in shipment.

2. Each piece shall be clearly marked showing manufacturer’s applicable

drawing number.

3. FRP planks shall be SAFPLANK® as manufactured by Strongwell.

B. Design

1. The panels shall be 2” deep and sustain a deflection of no more than 0.25”
under a uniform distributed load of ___ PSF for the span lengths shown on the

2. FRP planks shall be capable of withstanding a uniform load of 100 PSF or a

concentrated load of 300 lbs. on an area of 4 sq. inches located in the center
of the plank.

3. The top surface of all panels shall have a non-skid grit.

4. Panels shall be fabricated to the sizes shown on the drawings.

5. Hold down clamps shall be surface mounted type 316L stainless steel. A
SELECT ONE minimum of 2 each per panel.

Hold down clamps shall be type 316L stainless steel insert hold downs as
provided by Strongwell. A minimum of 2 each per panel.

6. Color shall be gray.

March 2011 06600-17

C. Products

1. The FRP planks shall be manufactured by the pultrusion process. The planks
shall be 2” deep and ______ (select 12” or 24”) wide with interlocking joints on
outside legs of plank. The glass fiber reinforcement for the planks shall be a
core of continuous glass strand rovings wrapped with continuous strand glass
mat. A synthetic surface veil shall be the outermost layer covering the exterior

2. Fiberglass planks shall be made from a fire retardant isophthalic polyester

resin system that meets the flame spread rating of 25 or less in accordance
with ASTM E-84 testing and meets the self-extinguishing requirements of
ASTM D-635. UV inhibitors are added to the resin.


A. Materials

1. Each baffle panel shall be manufactured by the pultrusion process utilizing

polyester resin to ANSI/NSF standard 61 certified for potable water
applications (as required). A synthetic surface veil shall be the outermost
layer covering the exterior surface.

2. FRP Baffle Panels shall possess the following typical coupon properties:

Properties ASTM Test Method Units Value

Tensile Strength D638 PSI2 42,000

kPa 2.89 x 104

Flexural Strength D790 PSI 32,000

kPa 2.2 x 104

Flexural Modulus D790 PSI 1.5 x 106

kPa 1.03 x 107

Compressive Strength D695 PSI 50,000

kPa 3.44 x 108

IZOD Impact Strength D756 ft.lbs./in. 25

J/M 1334

3. Fiberglass Baffle Wall Panels shall be manufactured by Strongwell-Bristol

Division, Bristol, VA.

06600-18 March 2011

B. Design

1. 24" Baffle Wall Panel Design Properties

Ixx = 11.388 in4 or 474 cm4

Modulus of Elasticity = 2.5 x 106 psi or 17.2 x 106 kPa
Moment Capacity = 32,620 in-lb or 3,682 n-m
Stiffness EI = 28.47 x 106 lb-in2

2. 24" Baffle Wall Panel Deflection (Static Differential Head of Water)


(Static Differential Head of Water)


Ft (M) 12" (300mm) 6" (150mm) 3" (975 mm) L/100 L/150

3.28 0.011" 0.006" 0.003" 0.39" 0.26"

(1) (.280 mm) (.152 mm) (.076 mm) (10 mm) (6.67 mm)
6.65 0.200" 0.096" 0.048" 0.79" 0.52"
(2) (5.08 mm) (2.44 mm) (1.21 mm) (20 mm) (13.3 mm)
9.84 0.92" 0.46" 0.23" 1.18" 0.79"
(3) (23.3 mm) (11.7 mm) (5.84 mm) (30 mm) (20 mm)
13.13 2.93" 1.46" 0.74" 1.57" 1.05"
(4) (74.4 mm) (37.1 mm) (18.8 mm) (40 mm) (26.7 mm)
16.41 7.15" 3.58" 1.79" 1.97" 1.31"
(5) (182 mm) (90.9 mm) (45.5 mm) (50 mm) (33.3 mm)

C. Hardware

1. All fasteners, anchors, and structural hardware shall be 316 stainless steel.

2. All connections of Baffle Wall Panels to fiberglass columns or super structure

shall be as shown on the approved shop drawings.

D. Approval Fabricators

a) Bristol Division (Bristol, VA)
b) Highlands Division (Abingdon, VA)
c) Chatfield Division (Chatfield, MN)

March 2011 06600-19


E. General

4. Grating shall be DURAGRATE® as supplied by Strongwell – Bristol Division,

Bristol, VA.

F. Design

3. The grating shall be one piece construction with the tops of the bearing bars
and cross bars in the same plane.

4. The mesh pattern and thickness shall be:

a. 3/4” square mesh, 1-1/2” thick

b. 1-1/2” square mesh, 1” thick
SELECT ONE c. 1-1/2” square mesh, 1-1/2” thick
d. 2” square mesh, 2” thick
e. 1” x 4” rectangular mesh, 1” thick
f. 1-1/2” x 6” rectangular mesh, 1-1/2” thick

5. The standard resin systems and colors are:

Description Resin Base

Chemical Proof - Fire Retardant Vinyl Ester
Chemical Proof - Extra Fire Retardant Vinyl Ester
Industrial Grade - Fire Retardant Isophthalic
Architectural Grade - Fire Retardant Orthophthalic
Food Grade - Fire Retardant Isophthalic

a. The resin used in the manufacture of the grating shall be _____ (select
from the table above).

b. The color shall be _____ (chosen from manufacturer’s standard colors).

6. Grating (exclusive of food grade) shall be fire retardant with a flame spread
rating of 25 or less when tested in accordance with ASTM E-84. Food grade
grating shall be fire retardant with a flame spread rating of 30 or less when
tested in accordance with ASTM E-84.

7. For slip resistance, the top of each bar shall:

a. be manufactured with a meniscus or concave profile


b. have quartz grit applied

06600-20 March 2011

G. Products

2. The FRP molded grating and treads shall be manufactured by the open mold

3. Molded stairtreads shall be 1-1/2” thick in a 1-1/2” x 6” rectangular mesh

pattern. The resin system will be the same as the molded grating or ________
(select vinyl ester, polyester, isophthalic or orthophthalic). The stairtread shall
come complete with anti-slip nosing.

4. Hold down clamps shall be:

a. Type M clips for attaching grating to supports


b. Type J clips for attaching grating to supports for moderate loads

5. Grating with cover plate

a. Grating shall be the same as described above in this section.

b. The cover plate for molded grating shall be an integrally molded plate
as manufactured by Strongwell-Bristol Division, Bristol, VA.

c. The integrally molded plate may use the same resin as the grating.

d. The integrally molded plate shall be bonded to the grating, and a non-
skid grit shall be affixed to the top surface of the assembly.

6. If required, all cut and machined edges, holes and abrasions shall be sealed
with a compatible resin.

6. All panels shall be fabricated to the sizes shown on the approved shop



A. Coordinate and furnish anchorages, setting drawings, diagrams, templates,

instructions and directions for installation of anchorages, including concrete inserts,
sleeves, anchor bolts and miscellaneous items having integral anchors that are to be
embedded in concrete or masonry construction. Coordinate delivery of such items to
project site.

B. Set sleeves in concrete with tops flush with finish surface elevations; protect sleeves
from infiltration of water and debris.

March 2011 06600-21


A. The Engineer shall have the right to inspect and test all materials to be furnished
under these specifications prior to their shipment from the point of manufacture.

B. All labor, power, materials, equipment and appurtenances required for testing shall
be furnished by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner.


A. Fastening to in-place construction: Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where

necessary for securing miscellaneous FRP fabrications to in-place construction;
include threaded fasteners for concrete and masonry inserts, toggle bolts, through-
bolts, lag bolts and other connectors as determined by the Engineer.

B. Cutting, fitting and placement: Perform cutting, drilling and fitting required for
installation of miscellaneous FRP fabrications. Set FRP fabrication accurately in
location, alignment and elevation; with edges and surfaces level, plumb, true and free
of rack; measured from established lines and levels.

C. Provide temporary bracing or anchors in form work for items that are to be built into
concrete masonry or similar construction.


A. If required, all field cut and drilled edges, holes and abrasions shall be sealed with a
catalyzed resin compatible with the original resin as recommended by the

B. Install items specified as indicated and in accordance with manufacturer’s


End of Section 06600

06600-22 March 2011

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