Change You Must Believe in

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can be
HEAVENLY better…..


Bible version, is the KJV King James Version of 1611, with only some minor word changes in 
the case of clearly archaic words. 

Copyright 2011 by Joseph King

Revelation CHRIST Ministries Inc.
P.O Box 12142
Kampala, UGANDA

All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. Contents and /or cover may not be
reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the express consent of the Publisher.

This book is written with you in mind. I believe in you, in your being, your
abilities, and your life. I believe you can outlive your fears, seize your
chances, and be all that GOD purposed you to be. In that prospect, I believe
you can change; yes, I believe your later can indeed be heavenly better.


Permit me to express my gratitude to the author and center of change, to the

FATHER and the SON without whom change would be completely elusive.
Thanks be to GOD who causes us to triumph in CHRIST through whom
change is possible. Because HE lives, you can face tomorrow; yes, because
HE lives, you can change.

Table of Contents 
THE POSSIBILITY OF CHANGE ......................................................................... 6 
LATER CAN BE BETTER ..................................................................................... 18 
IT IS FINISHED! ....................................................................................................... 35 
GOD HAS A PLAN .................................................................................................... 65 
BORN FOR A MISSION, CALLED FOR A PURPOSE ............................... 82 
PURPOSE IS GREATER THAN SUCCESS ................................................... 115 
BETTER LATE THAN NEVER.......................................................................... 168 
CHANGE YOU MUST BELIEVE IN ................................................................. 190 
ACTIVATING YOUR BETTER-LATER.......................................................... 218 
BETTER EVER AFTER ....................................................................................... 281 


So it happened just as the man of God had spoken

to the king, saying, “Two seahs of barley for a shekel
and a seah of fine flour for a shekel, shall be sold
tomorrow about this time in the gate of Samaria.”
Then that officer had answered the man of God, and
said, “Now look, if the LORD would make windows
in heaven, could such a thing be?” And he had said, “In
fact, you shall see it with your eyes, but you shall not
eat of it.” And so it happened to him, for the people
trampled him in the gate and he died. 2 King 7:18-20

Never doubt the possibility of change. In the dynamism

of life, all things can alter; everyone can transition,
nothing is inherently fated to stagnate. All beings,
whether seen or unseen, were designed and purposed
to encounter change. This is part of the glory of God: In
HIS omnipotent creativity, HE has occasioned a force
field of dynamism that provides for the guarantee of
change in all that HE has majestically created,
sanctified and programmed.
From the very beginning when HE created the heavens
and the earth, and the latter was formless and void,
God evoked profound and momentous dynamism
(Genesis 1:1-2). Disputing the darkness that sought to
halt HIS divine progress in the scheme of creation, HE
spoke Light into existence (Genesis 1:3). And from
thenceforth, HE triggered a spontaneous and incredible
force of change in a series of creative episodes that have
never ceased. Everything continues in this legacy of

As such, God is indeed the master of change. HE is its

author and finisher, its alpha and omega. There is
nothing that God is not able to change. HIS abilities in
this regard are impeccable, HIS testimony elaborate:
God has changed what seemed to be impossible
disasters into glorious wonders. HE has converted men
deemed to be perpetual failures into incredible victors.
When HE acclaims HIMSELF as the first and the last,
HE implies HIS omnipotent ability to shift and turn
every in-between to suit HIS will. Throughout scripture
we witness HIM change men, families, nations,
empires, and even entire generations to align to HIS

In this divine orchestration of people, time, and things,

we have seen paupers rise to become kings, enslaved
nations that have been bound for generations being set
free, barren wombs of women long past their fertility
giving birth to promised children, and waters that had
for always been colorless turn bloody red; we have seen
desert places turn into gardens, a shepherd boy become
commander of an army, a slave girl become queen of an
empire, and seemingly insignificant prophecies become
momentous occasions of historic proportion.

Throughout the scriptures, God is presented as the

effective changer, the supreme recourse to realizing
privilege: When men hungered for food in desert
places, when they cried for water, or when they
lamented their plight, God always and incredibly
intervened in amazing measures that changed what
were hopeless circumstances into glorious occasions.
It is in this regard that although the warrior Joshua and
the nation of Israel were not prepared for change when
Moses the great prophet died, God nonetheless
demonstrated HIS immortal flexibility by appointing
him to take over from whence Moses had left:

After the death of Moses the servant of the LORD,

it came to pass that the LORD spoke to Joshua the
son of Nun, Moses’ assistant, saying: “Moses My
servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this
Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which
I am giving them- the children of Israel. Even the
place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I
have given you, as I said to Moses. Joshua 1:1-3

While Israel may have panicked at the loss of Moses,

while Joshua may have been bewildered as to what
must be the next step following the absence of great
leadership, the LORD of change, God Almighty, was
ready for change.

A similar lesson is demonstrated in God’s articulate

and immediate response compared to the devastation
suffered by the prophet Samuel following the failures
of King Saul. While Samuel was heartbroken and at loss
of what to do, God had moved on: In HIS legendary
wisdom and foresight HE had already found for Israel
another king to replace Saul:

Now the LORD said to Samuel, “How long will you

mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from
reigning over Israel? Fill your horn with oil, and go;
I am sending you to Jesse the Bethlehemite. For I have
provided Myself a king among his sons.” 1 Samuel 16:1

God knew better than to get wound down by delay and

personal failures of those he’d chosen. Infused with
excellence and resolute in HIS ways, HE turned course
from the compromising Saul to an obedient David. God
was ready for change.

How is God able to do this? Simple: HE is committed to

excellence, to realizing results, to benefiting all of
creation. There is no one more committed to ideals like
HE is, no one more desirous for the best like HE is, no
one more determined to abound like HE is, or more
likely to improve, reform, or progress affairs as much
as God can and does. HIS visionary qualities coupled
with HIS glorious appreciation for brilliance and
immortal sovereignty evoke HIS interventions
whenever HE so requires.

This is the fundamental lesson we can observe in HIS

love for men: When men fell, forsaking their glory for
lying vanity, when they lost their privilege as the
glorious beings HE had created, HE did not just sit
their and hurt. HE immediately began to orchestrate
the remedy. HIS first response to man’s failure was to
change the man’s garment of leaves with the skin of an
animal (Genesis 3:21). Then HE prophesied how the
ultimate solution would occur citing that the seed of the
woman would crash the head of the serpent (Genesis

The rest is history: From Abel to Abraham, from Joseph

to Moses, from the prophets to the kings till the birth of
Christ and for everlasting, God orchestrated change as
across generations and through diverse experiences
and means HE crafted the birth to the ultimate solution
of humankind. That answer is Christ Jesus- the way,
the truth, and the life (John 14:6). And if God (more
precisely, the Father) is the master of change, then Jesus is
the center of change. God ultimately changes everything
to suit HIS love for HIS Son:

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over

all creation. For by Him all things were created that are
in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible,
whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers.
All things were created through Him and for Him. And He
is before all things, and in Him all things consist.
Colossians 1:15-17

My friend, Jesus came to change the world. HE came

to give men the ultimate change that had eluded them
since the fall of Adam. This may explain why HE never
left anything the same way HE found it, nor did HE
leave men the same way HE found them.

I particularly love the account given by Mark regarding

a paraplegic that had been lowered through a roof and
placed right before HIM. The man’s condition seemed
hopeless and certain to be his consistent burden till he
died. But he had a few friends that believed he would
get his relief at the feet of Jesus. They prospected this
most unlikely of changes and did all they could to
realize it; and they got it. Jesus never disappoints
where change is needed:

Then they came to Him, bringing a paralytic who was

carried by four men. And when they could not come
near him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof
where He was. So when they had broken through, they
let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying. When
Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your
sins are forgiven you.” And some of the scribes were
sitting there and reasoning in their hearts, “Why does this
Man speak blasphemies like this? Who can forgive sins
but God alone?” But immediately when Jesus perceived
in His spirit that they reasoned thus, within themselves, He
said to them, “Why do you reason about these things in
your hearts? Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your
sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Arise, take up your bed
and walk?’ But that you may know that the Son of Man
has power on earth to forgive sins”- He said to the paralytic,
“I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.”
Immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went out in the
presence of them all, so that all were amazed and glorified
God, saying, “We never saw anything like this!” Mark 2:3-12

My question is very simple: Can Jesus see your faith right

now? Can you believe HIS infinite ability for change? Or are
you going to succumb to cynical traditionalists, prejudiced
dimwits, and arrogant scorners who tailor-suit what they
think everyone deserves?

As you hold this book, you hold profound

prescriptions for more than the change you need. In its
pages are insights to all the change that you can master.
Backed by the testimony of divinity, assured by my
experience with glory, and inspired by the mighty
Spirit of God, I am convinced that God is more than
ready to lift you from faith to faith, from height to
height, from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18). HE is
ready and willing to change you.

But are you ready? That paralytic was ready: Tired of

being tired of his crippling incapacitation, he’d
anticipated his miracle. He refused to allow distance
and congestion to block him from receiving his long
awaited change. Motivating his friends, risking further
injury if he dropped off the roof, and finally arriving at
the LORD’s feet, the center of change, he was ready for

CHANGE YOU MUST BELIEVE IN seeks to place you

at those precious feet of truth. It seeks to cause you to
anticipate change even in the most damning of
circumstances. In these pages, you will learn how both
the master of change and the center of change value that
you awaken to the infinite possibilities of change
inherent in you. You will realize that you can change,
everybody can change. As you digest its varied and
profound contents, you will be transformed into
another man; a man that changes and effects changes
wherever you go.

So, if God is indeed the master of change, and Christ the

center of change, this book seeks to anoint you to be an
agent of change. And in this assignment, you will
recreate your days and convert your circumstances so
that your later is better than your former. Never again
will change elude you whatever the regard. Never
again will you be the victim of fate or others. Never
again will circumstances dictate your fortune however
their weight.

And please, forget about those scorners and mockers

who have commented on your trouble as though they
are God or HIS counsel. They will not have the last
word. Fortunately for you, neither does the master of
change or the center of it pay them any serious
With their own wicked eyes, they will see you rise, pick
up your bed and go. With the same eyes by which they
have beheld your tragedy, they will witness your
deliverance. Some of them stand warned as they may
be crashed in the progress of your change. Although
they may see it, their doubt and treachery will be
rewarded with their exclusion at the wonderful benefits
of your change.

To be sure, it doesn’t really matter: Either way, whether

you have supporters or scorners, your progress is now
fait accompli; CHANGE YOU MUST BELIEVE IN is a
work that is intended to revolutionize you to occasion
the dawn of a new day.
Open your heart, surrender to God’s word, and allow
your tomorrow to be better. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER
doubt the potential of a glorious tomorrow. As you
hold this book, you stand close to immortality; I can see
you grasping THE FUTURE IN YOUR HANDS and
shaping it to line with your glorious vision of a
heavenly hereafter. Now, LET THE WORDS THEREIN
SINK IN YOUR HEART. In that sacred venue lies a
glory that the eyes of men may never have seen but
nevertheless an amazing possibility all eyes will
wonder at. This book is only a platform for a future that
is knocking at the door of time and space, awaiting
your knowledge and understanding. In this sense, the
book can be seen as a vital key to an excellent
tomorrow. Use it, ITS ALL YOURS!

And the LORD restored Job’s losses when he prayed

for his friends. Indeed the LORD gave Job twice as
much as he had before. Then all his brothers, all his
sisters, and all those who had been his acquaintances
before, came to him and ate food with him in his house;
and they consoled him and comforted him for all the
adversity that the LORD had brought upon him. Each
one gave him a piece of silver and each a ring of gold.
Now the LORD blessed the latter days of Job more than
his beginning. Job 42:10-17

Several people that have prayed to the LORD and have

experienced a delay regarding what they have asked
have suffered impatience, a loss of faith; some have
even been offended with God. Often times, these
responses belie an ignorance of the wisdom of God: Just
because God may not respond as immediately as we
prefer, does not have to evoke negative reactions on
our part.
When the scriptures advise that whoever that comes to
God must know that HE is a good rewarder of them
that diligently seek HIM (Hebrew 11:6), they do imply
more than the fact that God is faithful when we ask.
They also suggest that HE reserves the discretion as to
when HE should respond. Sometimes we may have to
be diligent. In these times we should be persistent in
hope and are well advised never to relent once we have
tabled our requests before HIM (Luke 11:24).

The wisdom in this counsel has to do with trusting

God’s judgment regarding when HE decides to
respond to our plea. While it is indeed the case that in
many requests that we present to God HE does send
urgent or what at least seems to us as immediate
responses, in some cases when HE delays there is
always divine wisdom involved in the timing.

Those who get frustrated at HIS timing are often

ignorant of the benefits of divine programming. In their
self-conceited and impatient requests they err in
questioning the generosity of God or HIS established
faithfulness to all that seek HIM. They overlook the fact
that God does have a program regarding our lives and
often times prefers that we activate HIS divine program
rather than we experience HIS divine intervention.

Consequently, it is vial that we appreciate the wisdom

of HIS ‘silence’ or ‘delay’ in these times. To be sure,
understanding God’s divine program is essential to
having a fulfilling prayer life. It enables us to present
prayers that are suited to God’s will so that we do not
ask amiss as the apostle James suggests some do with
consistent disappointment (James 1:6-8).
The person that has sought to understand divine
programming learns over time that later can indeed be

The exemplary example set by the LORD offers ample

lessons for all of us in this regard: Jesus may have
wanted urgent protection from HIS adversaries when
HE earnestly prayed at the Garden of Gethsemane,
however HIS knowledge of God’s divine programming
caused HIM to switch HIS request to suit God’s will
over and above HIS need (Luke 22:42). Rather than
escape the impending danger HE faced, HIS surrender
to God’s divine programming moved HIM to despise
the shame that HE would suffer and endure the cross
(Hebrew 12:2).

In the end, HE was the better for it: The scriptures

declare that as a result of HIS obedience unto death,
God resurrected HIM, and has now so highly exalted
HIM and given HIM a Name superior to that of the
angels and every other thing in heaven, on earth, and
under the earth (Philippians 2:8-9; Hebrews 1:4).
The results of settling for God’s will far outclass the
possibilities HE could have gained if HE had had HIS
needs addressed.

This is what so many believers do not understand.

Many that pray are not intimate enough with God to
know whether HE has a program regarding what they
seek from HIM. Many are not aware of this dimension
in their prayer life and treat God as if HE is ignorant of
their condition and circumstances. They underestimate
the omniscient ONE in their petition. Often times they
regard their prayers to be an introduction to God
regarding their conditions.
In their fear, they are ignorant and even offensive to
God for presuming that they educate HIM on their

And yet, this is furthest from the truth. God knows all
things and is aware of our every need long before we

And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the

heathen do. For they think that they will be heard of
their many words. Therefore do not be like them. For
your Father knows the things you have need of before
you ask Him. Matthew 6:7- 8

It helps to know that God is informed. There is nothing

going on HE does not know of (1 Corinthians 4:5). And
for the believer, who must be privy to this revelation of
God’s omniscience, it is important to realize that the
steps of a good man are indeed ordered of the Lord
(Psalm 37:23). The life of the believer is a divine
program with nothing left to chance. God orchestrates
his affairs to suit HIS divine intentions.

This is regardless of the prevailing circumstances,

whether they are perceived as good or bad. That is why
the apostle Paul hilariously concluded:

And we know all things work together for good to

those who love God, to those who are the called
according to His purpose. Romans 8:29

He knew from his intimate and tested walk with God

that negative circumstances did not nullify the plans of
God in the life of a believer. Instead, he was aware that
whatever the occasion, regardless the circumstance,
God has programmed that it should conclude with
benefit for the believer. So, rather than embracing
anxiety attacks in the face of difficulty or even life
threatening trials, he knew the believer that
understands the omnipotence of divine programming
will not only survive but thrive.
It is this perception that lays the ground for anyone to
appreciate that later can be better. This is the wisdom
that Joseph realized worked greatly for him in spite of
the fact that at the tender age of fourteen, his own
brothers sold him as a slave to a foreign nation.
Discounting both their betrayal and the trials he
suffered in Egypt, and firmly blessed in his latter years,
he counseled his brothers as much:

I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold into Egypt.

But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with
yourselves because you sold me here for God sent me
before you to preserve your life. For these two years the
famine has been in the land, and there are still five
years in which there will be neither plowing nor
harvesting. And God sent me before you to preserve
a posterity for you in the earth, and to save your lives
in a great deliverance. So now it was not you that sent
me here, but God; and He has made me a father to pharaoh,
and lord to all his house, and a ruler throughout all the
land of Egypt. Genesis 45:4-8

From this passage, we can observe that at the time

Joseph was being beaten and cast into the pit, at the
time he was being sold as a slave, it may not have been
apparent to anyone that something glorious would turn
out in the end. Certainly, the incident must have
seemed tragic to Joseph as it was to his father, Jacob,
who was deceived that the young lad had been eaten
by a wild animal (Genesis 37:31-35). For his brothers,
their intentions were sinister and their prospects for
Joseph were dismal. And yet, God overruled all
impressions and occasioned something glorious that
would bring amazing benefit to Joseph personally, and
public deliverance for his family, Egypt, and indeed all
the nations.

For all categories involved in Joseph’s story- be it

Joseph, or his brothers, or his father, later certainly
turned out to be better. As such, we must appreciate
that there were several episodes in the earlier days of
his story when he could have preferred divine
intervention at the expense of divine programming: For
instance, he might have hoped that his brothers would
love him and not be so offended at him; he might have
prayed that they would not beat him so bad or throw
him into the pit; he might have desired that God would
touch their hearts and prevent them from selling him to
Egyptian raiders; he certainly might have hoped
against hope that his new master would release him
and enable him return to his family; and in prison, we
see him depending on the favor he had rendered the
butler to evoke what he hoped would at least yield his
imminent release. He must have prayed and prayed,
and prayed. And yet matters seemed to get worse every
passing moment.

From his brothers angry beatings and insults he was

thrown into the pit, from the pit he was sold to slave
traders, and from slavery he was falsely accused and
sentenced to prison. In prison, he was forgotten even
after he had rendered a good turn to the butler by
correctly interpreting his dream. In all accounts, divine
intervention seemed far shorter than what he might
have desired.
And yet, unconscious to him, unknown to all his
assailants, the hand of God worked for him in all
circumstances to ensure that he was within the
framework of God’s divine program for his life.

My friend, when divine intervention does not seem

forthcoming, awaken your spiritual antennae to
divine programming. Understanding God’s divine
program for your life may enable you to better
appreciate when divine intervention will occur. And as
I have said, so often in God’s divine programming

Once we switch our mentalities from urging divine

intervention to appreciating divine programming, we
then graduate spiritually from seeking our ways to
living God’s will. The transformation is not cosmetic as
it literally adjusts our very souls from being conformed
to the patterns of this world to being filled with the
Spirit of God. It is only thence that one is able to master
the incredible mind of Christ (Romans 12:2).
Also essential for believers to realize is the fact that
while divine intervention preoccupies us with what
God can do for us, divine programming awakens us to
what God has already done as well as what HE is doing
for, in, and with us.

Believers that are preoccupied with a need for divine

intervention presume that God is idle regarding their
situation. On the other hand, those aware of divine
programming are conscious that God is constantly
watching and working for their benefit. Rather than
panic and anxiously call on God ‘to do something’, they
assume what I may call a do-nothing-God-has-done-it
The latter conscience is a richer one and will occasion a
more meaningful walk of faith and fellowship with

It is in the understanding of the virtues of divine

programming that the apostle James cautioned the
Church to appreciate trials:

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into

various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith
produces patience. But let patience have its perfect
work, that you may be perfect and complete wanting
nothing. James 1:2-4

The elderly apostle knew that many believers in the

face of trial are more inclined to desire divine
intervention rather than be aware of divine
programming. He knew that the former would at best
yield short-run gains and at worst discount the ability
of God to translate what seem to be hostile and
unfavorable circumstances to the amazing benefit of the

The believer that is divinely programmed is a victor

in all circumstances. He is more than a conqueror. He
does not have to wait for victory, he is conscious that
victory is assured. He is aware that he is a divine work-
in-progress that will culminate with an obvious and
popular glory regardless of the trials endured. That
kind of believer will keep their praise up, their joy up,
their courage up. They are aware that whatever the
circumstance, regardless their condition, they are part
and parcel of an omnipotent activity that is certain to
guarantee their favorable outcome in the end. In their
endeavor, in their trial, they acknowledge that the end
of a matter is better than the beginning. Rather than
panic in the urgency of an intervention, they are cool in
the patience of God’s program (Ecclesiastes 7:8).

If only Job had been privy to this wisdom, he would

never have doubted God and complained bitterly about
his plight. Because he limited his perception of the
tragedy he suffered within the narrow parameters of
divine interventionism, he sunk in a depression of
futility and anger against God. Instead of appreciating
the faithfulness of God, instead of counting on the
justice of God, instead of believing on the righteousness
of God and of his own right standing with God, instead
he descended in the mire of carnal frustration that
moved him to question God’s integrity and his own

On the other hand, had Job assumed the perception I

am sharing here, of divine programming, he would
have seen the end from the beginning and therefore
appreciated the favorable outcome that was certain to
occur inspite what he’d suffered. He would have been
moved to believe in God’s faithfulness, justice and
righteousness. Further still, he would not have doubted
his own favorable position before God as a righteous
man. Job would have been equipped with the clear
vision of his better-later and would have been upbeat
and resilient in what he suffered. I am sure that this
most radical of perceptions would certainly have
reduced the number of days he lamented in the tragedy
he suffered.

My friend, I am not quite sure where you are in terms

of your perception of the trials you experience. The
book of Job in so many ways articulates to us what not
to think, say, feel, and do in any tragedy. Of particular
importance is the need for everyone to profoundly
appreciate that your later can indeed be better
regardless the tragedy experienced. Just as Job’s mess
was turned around when he repented his perception so
will your fortune, if you will switch on the light of
divine programming.
The moment you do, you will certainly have several
critical advantages that eluded Job in his trials- You
will undermine your misery, increase your faith in
God, brighten your moment, frustrate the devil, and
even redeem the time. Ultimately, you will command
your days and shift that privilege from the hands of
evil. Together with God, you will program your days
into glorious accounts.

Consequently, it is to those children of God that desire

true victory, to those that seek a more fulfilling walk
with God, that I have been commissioned to deposit
CHANGE YOU MUST BELIEVE IN. Beloved, there are
no desperados in God’s Kingdom. In this Kingdom,
all is well because God is in-charge and you can join
HIS charge if you care to understand HIS

The believer that is conscious of divine programming,

in fact the one that masters it, is a believer that ranks
with omnipotence to command their blessing rather
than cry out for it. A LATER CAN BE BETTER attitude
positions you to command your future as you join
divinity in altering by faith what seeks to dismount you
from God’s privileges. It makes a prophet out of you as
you seek to know and work within God’s unseen and
unknown plans. Understanding divine programming
converts you from a subject of life to a master of

This kind of believer is ahead of his time. He is not

waiting for God to move; he knows God has already
moved on his behalf. He is not perennially asking for
divine intervention; he is constantly activating it.
Nothing in the life of such a person is stagnant and
vulnerable to circumstances. Instead, he is above
circumstances in a realm of divine activity that shapes
and forms the material realm.

And that is what this book is all about. It seeks to

switch you from the narrow and limited confines of
religious duty where men are trained to be infant
victims that are constantly helpless and desirous of an
intervention from God into a marvelous person that is
rich in the knowledge of God and is active in
partnering with HIM. The latter is then converted to
being a revelation of God among men.
As you read through its pages, and as they unplug
wrong attitudes that have misguided you over the
years, join God in occasioning a glorious life for
yourself and several others that will be the better for it
because of who you will become.

CHANGE YOU MUST BELIEVE IN is a divine tool that

has been placed in your arms to ensure that your latter
years are infinitely better than your former. Never
again after this will you be a victim, never again will
you be a failure, never again will you be limited and
afraid. This book is a progressive manual given to you
to glow from glory to glory, from height to height. If
you have never shined, this is your season to light up.
Once you switch into divine programming, there is
nothing that can stop you.
Let your light so shine that men may see your good
works and glorify your Father in heaven (Matthew
5:16). It’s time for your BETTER.

For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well

as to them; but the word which they heard did
not profit them, not being mixed with faith in
those who heard it. For we who have believed it
do enter that rest, as he has said:
“So I swore in My wrath, they
shall not enter my rest.”
Although the works were finished before the
foundation of the world. Hebrews 4:2-3

Before we can venture further into the glory of the

future, it is vital that we undertake to find the
foundation of this teaching. The foundation strengthens
the guarantee of the glorious future I am talking about
here. It does add the necessary credibility so that this
work is not some psycho-babble hype or pompous
carnal impression that I am presenting in the Name of
the LORD.

Notice as well that the sub-title does not read LATER

precedes the BETTER tells a serious point: CHANGE
YOU MUST BELIEVE IN is not a mystical proposal
guaranteeing you of an approaching utopia. It is all
about the plausible possibilities of reshaping tomorrow
so that it is actually superior to the now and the former.
And the reason it is a possibility centers on the fact that
not everybody is willing to decline from their carnal
ways in preference for something divine. To be sure,
not everybody that aspires for change really likes it.
Few can be found that will do whatsoever change

Consequently, it leaves the matter significantly within

our determination. If we abide by the words that I
share here this possibility of a better-later is
guaranteed. However, if we do not, then we can settle
for the usual, the same old, same old; if not, we tempt
the unfortunate possibility that later risks being worse.

Consequently, it is important that we realize that there

is an almighty possibility that guarantees the better in
our later. When I say LATER CAN BE BETTER, I am
venturing way beyond human wisdom into the
knowledge of God. In other words, the CAN before the
BETTER is not merely my assurance as much as it is
God’s omnipotent guarantee. The words I employ in
this revelation are not merely my words as much as
they are of the ONE that has sent me.
This divine authenticity makes LATER CAN BE
BETTER more than a promise. It is the CHANGE YOU
MUST BELIEVE IN; an audacious truth, an
unshakeable reality for the one that will venture deep
into understanding and activating their divine

Being God’s word, its guarantees require the faith of

the reader. For its results to manifest, the reader would
have to activate their faith. In this, I am convinced that
no book of itself ever changed a person. What is indeed
the case is the cooperation of its reader with the words
communicated in the book. And in this regard, I seek to
work together with you in conveying to you divine
possibilities that have the potential to convert your
future beyond the current dictates that may have
defined your life up till now.
Your LATER CAN BE BETTER if you mix your faith
with the words you are reading. It is therefore possible
that not everyone that reads the book will have a better-
later. But I can at least guarantee that everyone that
reads it as God’s word, everyone that reads it in faith,
everyone that reads it into the deepest recesses of their
being, everyone that will read it again and again until
they penetrate beyond the letters therein into the spirit
of the word, will activate a force field of supernatural
dynamics that will alter their lives henceforth and
forever more. They will arrive at the glory God has
always prepared for them.
From thence, they will venture further into greater
glory, into greater heights as they activate a divine
program of infinite wonders.

Consequently, the foundation that I refer to in this

chapter can be derived from the fact that there is a
divine program regarding life and everything. Nothing
just happens. To be sure, long before you were born,
long before you showed up in the womb of your
mother, God set an agenda of activity that includes
you (Psalm 139). The privilege was not peculiar to
Jeremiah when the LORD summoned him:

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;

Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained
you a prophet to the nations. Jeremiah 1:5

Every believer shares this benefit. It is for this reason

that the apostle Paul cautioned against priding in the
carnal and temporal abilities of the flesh citing:

For by grace you have been saved through faith,

and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,
not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are
God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good
works, which God prepared beforehand that we
should walk in them. Ephesians 2:8-10

Few believers are aware of this reality. Few realize that

there is more to them than what is going on. When the
scriptures talk of blessed assurance, many believers do
not realize that they refer to something more than
material benefits or a promised heaven. Appreciating
blessed assurance must take us back to the divine
program God instituted for our benefit in Christ Jesus
in the foundation of the world.

From this we can deduce that God sorted out our lives
long before we were available to mess it. In that
foundation, HE programmed us for good works, for
glory, to accomplish things that would bring praise and
honor to HIS Name. Especially important is the fact
that Paul notes that this was a gift from God, a work of
HIS grace: Meaning that God gifted us long before we
showed on the scene.

My friend, there is nothing like an ungifted believer:

Every believer, infact, every human being, was gifted
by God long before they were born. When people
marvel at how I am able to compose songs, perform in
concerts, heal the sick, write books, plant and pastor
churches around the world, conduct massive
evangelical campaigns, and mobilize relief among other
things, I am often more impressed as to how God
enabled me with these gifts before I was born. Rather
than boast in these abilities, I am acutely aware of the
grace by which I function. I am also significantly aware
that far from being peculiar to me these privileges are
general to all mankind. The difference is I have chosen
to acknowledge my divine program. I am sure that
anyone that awakens to this reality will unleash
incredible gifting that God gave them long before they
were born.

Understanding things this way distinguishes the love

of God from any other love: While most people are
given gifts for what they do, God gave us gifts so that
we would do good works. HE loved us before we did
anything. More seriously, HE loved us so that we
would be able to do well, to perform wonderfully.
This love is indeed an amazing foundation for every
believer. It is the guarantee that the believer is gifted
with divine power to do incredible things. It is an
empowering love that qualifies the believer to
accomplish efforts way beyond their human ability.
Every believer needs to know this love as it connects
him to infinite ability. Understanding its inestimable
measure produces miracle working power.

Writing again to the believers in Ephesus, Paul bears

out the intimate connection between understanding
this love and activating supernatural power to do good

For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our

Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family on
earth is named, that He would grant you, according
to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with
might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ
may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you,
being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to
comprehend with all the saints what is the width
and length and depth and height- to know the love
of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may
be filled with all the fullness of God.
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly
abundantly above all that we ask or think, according
to the power that works in us. Ephesians 3:14-20

What is blessedly revealed here are five interconnected

and incredibly amazing spiritual dynamics that define
and underpin divine programming, namely- being
strengthened in the inner man by the Spirit, Christ
dwelling in the heart by faith, comprehending the love
of God, being filled with the fullness of God, and the
exceeding greatness of God’s power at work in the
believer. Altogether, they constitute a critical basis
upon which any life can build a most amazing better-

Consequently, what must become apparent is the fact

that God has indeed placed in the spirit of everyone the
very good works HE established in the foundation of
the world. All that everyone can most accomplish, the
most incredible feats that the individual can perform,
all was sealed in the spirit of the man before the
foundation of the world. Indwelling the spirit of
everyone is God’s divine program for their life.
Essentially, everything necessary regarding your
heavenly-better tomorrow and infinitely thereafter has
already been done and sealed in your spirit- IT IS
However, most people are not even conscious that they
are first and foremost spirit beings. A lot of people,
even saints of the LORD, are still so sensually driven to
the extent that they are remotely aware of the existence
of their inner man and the divine programming that he
carries. They are not aware that all the glory that they
ought to live, all the wonder that they ought to enjoy, is
not somewhere out there, not even in heaven, but
firmly sealed in their spirit.

It is infact in this regard that the wise philosopher


That which is has already been. And what is to be

has already been; and God requires an account
of what is past. Ecclesiastes 3:15

My friend, King Solomon, the author of this profound

statement, was not talking about a timely past of
historic events here. On the contrary, he was alluding
to a more serious past in the sense that he was aware
that life had been programmed before history begun its
course. He knew that God had set an agenda of past,
present and future events before time begun to tick. He
also appreciated that God expected that men should
live within this experience.

And to be sure, he was aware that this experience is a

glorious one. He compared it to be of greater essence
than the vanity aspired for by most people. That is why
he lamented:

Truly, this only I have found: That God made man

upright, But they have sought out many schemes.
Ecclesiastes 7:29

And still bemoaning the inferiority of this same

deviance from God’s original intentions for man, he

God has made everything beautiful in its time. Also

He has put eternity in the hearts of men, except
that no one can find out the work that God does
from the beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11
It is most important to gravely consider and deeply
appreciate these things because they really are very

Solomon was right that God had made man upright

(some translations actually refer to perfect). Everything
had been gloriously set for him. In the creation of time,
everything in it was intended to be beautiful for every
man. Your yesterday, your today, your tomorrow is
beautiful as far as divine programming is concerned.
There is nothing like a bad day, or sad event, or evil
experience in the finished work of God. Everything
was gloriously and meticulously done, and sealed
into your spirit.

Solomon was wise enough to realize that the failure,

hurting, shame, and vanity that so characterizes the
lives of most people is explained by the sheer fact that
none of them has taken the trouble to find out what
God has already accomplished and sealed in their
spirit. Men have left perfection in preference for their
own ways with utter disappointment.
My friend, life was made to be perfect, glorious, and
incredibly wonderful. Not only was it fait accompli, it is
still possible now and in future for us to live out what
has already been divinely programmed. If we have
lived as most people have lived, a life suited to the
patterns of this world, unconscious of the gift of God,
we can learn better and live a far richer and enhanced
life than we have had hitherto fore.


one needs to be the victim of fate, chance or the
workings of evil when such a guaranteed glory is
possible. This is the critical reason Jesus came. In his
own words:

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill,

and to destroy. I have come that they may have life,
and that more abundantly. John 10:10

Herein, HE reveals to us the workings of Satan by

fitting it in the context of death while qualifying HIS
intervention as a life-giving effort. What Satan has been
so successful in doing is diverting mankind from divine
programming to mortal (worldly) speculation. In the
end, most men have ceased being conscious of their
spirit while being conscious of everything else.
Consequently, one can in a sense say that the mission
of Christ is to restitute the spirituality of the human

My friend, the true life of a man, the excellent works of

a man, the glory of a man, are all vested within the
spirit of a man. Short of being spirit-conscious, man has
no life worth a dime. A life presumed from a material
plane is a great deception that only yields a harvest of
decadence laden with many sorrows.
That is why the wise and wealthy King Solomon who
experimented with such a life in all that it could offer
concluded how it is nothing more than chasing the
wind, all of it is vanity (Ecclesiastes 1:14). It also
explains why God warned Adam that the day he would
eat of the fruit he would die for HE knew that such
disobedience would be occasioned by the tendency to
shift from being a spirit-conscious being to a material-
oriented one (Genesis 3:3).

When God said the man would die, he did not refer to
the death of his body but to the loss of the man in more
serious terms. For when Adam ate the fruit, he ceased
being aware of the glorious life inherent in his spirit.
Although his body did not waste away on that fateful
day, nevertheless the man switched from glory to grass,
from faith to fate, from blessing to curses. This change
from the perspective of God, from an appreciation of
true knowledge, is comparable to switching from life to

Mark you, it is that life that had enabled him to reign

supreme over the earth even as God reigned in heaven.
That spirit-conscious Adam was a revelation of God on
earth with power and authority over the land, sea, and
the air. He was the epitome of royal divinity with a
mandate over all creation.
As long as Adam lived out of his spirit he was
immortal and lived in a blessing beyond finite
measure- everyday was glory, everything was glory,
everywhere was glory. Never conscious of lack, his
prayers were never a list of petitions or a call for divine
intervention. He lived in a realm of divine
programming where God figured out and fulfilled his
needs long before he was aware of them, such as when
he needed an abode, and more explicitly when he
needed a companion (Genesis 2:8, 18, 21-25). As the
man was busy living from his spirit, God was busy
giving to his benefit.

All this magnificent benefit closed with man switching

from being a spirit-conscious being to a material-
oriented one, from being immortal and imperial to
being mortal and inferior. Man ceased being a master of
divine things and became perennially preoccupied with
vain things.
This was never God’s plan. This was not how it was
intended from the beginning.

Unfortunately, with this switch that is so correctly

referred to as the FALL, came all other vices like hatred,
disease, poverty, envy, theft, jealousy, anger, sorcery,
fear, adultery, and such. Every passing generation of
men consolidated this vain program, this materialism,
so that the human experience got worse and worse. To
be sure, the extent of discrepancy between what God
intended men to be or how HE intended them to live
and what they are or how they live, is as far as the
heavens are from the earth (Isaiah 55:9).

This enormous discrepancy includes even the best of

mortal man: the richest man on earth does not even
begin to compare with the poorest in heaven. The same
can be said about the strongest, the wisest, the best of
them all; none compares with the weakest, the most
foolish and the worst in heaven.
Appreciating this remarkable inconsistency is the point
Jesus sought to make when HE compared John the
Baptist to the least in the kingdom of heaven:

Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women

there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist;
But he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater
than he. Matthew 11:11
The same comparison is well captured by the veteran
apostle Paul in his communication to the church in

Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar?

Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not
God made foolish the wisdom of this world...
For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s
wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger
than man’s strength. 1 Corinthians 1:20-25

To reconcile this infinite gap is the basic reason Jesus

came. Where God had intended man to live a life full of
glory, a life such as HIS, man had descended in a
downward spiral of chaos and gross failure. So Jesus
came to lift men out of this abyss.

To be sure, HE came to set the record straight. But it is

interesting that HE compared the fall of man in the
hands of Satan to such loss as being stolen from, being
killed, and destroyed in the hands of a thief (John 10:9).
Meaning that the man that lives without being
conscious of his spirit is indeed living a robbed,
murdered, and fatal life regardless of the apparent
benefits that he may be enjoying.

That is why HE lamented:

For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole

world, and loses his own soul? Mark 8:37

On a most serious note, I raise this up to qualify the

abundant life Jesus talked about. Many have
understood it merely in material terms and yet it is that,
and so much more. After all, King Solomon in all his
riches had failed to find this life (Ecclesiastes 2:1-17).
Similarly, the rich young ruler who sought to know
how one could gain this life testified to the fact that it is
superior to having material endowments (Mark 18:18-

Jesus came to restore to man more than material

benefits. Make no mistakes about it; man did not just
lose the Garden of Eden and the abundance therein. He
lost more than that, and that is regardless of the fact
that subsequent generations of men lived in cities and
planted themselves beautiful gardens and yet none had
anything to compare with the glory of Adam before the
Consequently, it must be understood that Jesus came to
give us back more than cities and gardens. HE came to
restore us to be the spirit-conscious beings we were
always intended by God to be. HIS mission was to
return us from the vague patterns of life Satan and his
devils had crafted us to live by, to the victorious life
of glory that God had purposed us to enjoy from the
very beginning.

Jesus sought to return us to the foundation, to the

beginning when God created us in HIM to be a type of
divinity clothed in humanity. Living among us,
especially during HIS three year ministry, HE
demonstrated to us how a perfect man ought to live.
HE also showed us how much we had lost in
abandoning our spirit-conscience. HIS life was a string
of one wonder after another so much that those who
accompanied HIM were amazed as to the kind of man
HE was (Mark 4:41).
As a spirit-conscious man, HE walked on water, calmed
storms at a single command, healed all that were sick,
multiplied food, changed water to wine, raised the
dead and so much more than HIS apprentice were able
to document (John 20:30). In those three years, HE
demonstrated for those who cared to perceive how
much man had fallen from glory and how much there
was for him to gain if he could only be reconciled to
God’s divine program.

During HIS life on earth, Jesus lived within that

experience. HE never did what HE did out of any whim
or driven by any ulterior motive other than living a life
that had been sealed in HIM. This is what HE meant
when HE said:

I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and

My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek
My own will but the will of the Father who sent
Me. John 5:30
HIS life was the wonder that it was because HE lived
strictly within the dictates of the Spirit and therefore
within the will of God. HE never ventured outside this
parameter. What HE did was the result of what HE
heard from the Holy Spirit.

The consequence of this order was that HIS judgment

was righteous. HE was able to live an inerrant life, one
without mistakes, without failure, without confusion.
HE knew what to do, how to do, and when to do. HE
lived within HIS divine program and therefore
mastered a life of glory and wonder.
Something else that is significant in this regard is that
Jesus demonstrated that living out of the spirit is
living out the mission assigned one by God. In other
words, when God instituted HIS divine program in us
all, HE commissioned us.

In testifying that HE was sent, and that HE lived within

the commission of HIS assignment, Jesus sought to
return us to living God’s will. HE also sought to
awaken our consciousness to the fact that we are all in
this sense missionary beings with a divine assignment.
No one is a mistake or an accident in waiting. All of
us are a spirit sent from God to accomplish works that
HE has already ordained that we should perform.

And yet, this sense of commission, of divine

assignment, had eluded everyone. Before Christ, most
people assumed life on a trial and error basis. Many
still do, even many among believers who have not
received the knowledge that you are reading now.
Many live from one mistake to another, never sure
about what they are here for.
That explains why so many people live for such vain
objects like other people, money, enjoyment, or even
their careers and nations. And that explains the
disillusionment that defines most lives. All those that
seek after these things have found in them no real
satisfaction. Many do not realize that they have robbed
themselves of such great glory and fullness of life.
If only they had known better how to live, they would
have known better what to live for.
My friend, life must be lived the way Jesus lived;
inside-out and not outside-in. People need to learn to
find out from within, the essence of their life. Only till
then will they learn to genuinely aspire for the glory of
God. And it is only then that they will live the fullness
of the abundant life Jesus talked about. This is also
what Jesus meant when HE revealed, “I am the way,
the truth and the life” (John 14:6). HE came to return us
to HIS life from which we were made. And HIS life is
the only truth, the best way; every other experience is a
blunt lie, a mirage that will be exposed for its
Although in appearance these carnal courses may seem
profitable, they are in proper perspective dangerous
routes to ultimate destruction (Proverbs 14:12).

At this point, let us return to Paul’s revelation in which

he seeks that we may be strengthened in the inner man
by the Spirit of God: This was the life that Jesus lived
among us and the one that HE calls us to. As such, we
are to aspire to be strengthened in the inner man or
rather to be made more aware of the inner man. It is
only then that we can have consciousness of the royal
divine attributes we are destined for abiding in us.

My friend, it is down deep in the recesses of our being

that critical truth abides. It is here that we find our true
self, our true life, our destiny. It is in that reverend
place that God has written HIS glorious will for our
lives. And once our souls (our will, intellect and
emotions) can be brought to the subjection of our spirit,
an effort only possible by the working of the word of
God and the glorious Holy Spirit, once this is done,
then we are able to appreciate the love God has for us
in all its facets, in all its measure.

What is so amazing about this experience is that it

enables anyone that shares it to be awakened to their
exact resemblance with God. All of a sudden the
complete comprehension of the love of God catapults
its benefactor to the revelation that it has always been
God’s intention that they be identical to HIM in all
HIS virtue and attributes, in all HIS glory and power.
The believer is then lifted from merely believing in God
to actually believing like God. HE grows from merely
being in the family of God to becoming a bona fide
member of the God-family. That person is not just a
child of God as in being a son of God but he is
transformed into one that functions as a son of God or
rather, one that ‘works the works of his Father’. HE is
in this guise able to do as much as HIS God or rather
HIS Father (John 10:37-38).

It is to this kind of person that Paul attributes such

power within their being, such ability in their spirit,
that is able to accomplish beyond what they may
previously have been praying for, or what they may
previously have been wishing for. That person has been
translated into another being and is no longer living as
a descendant of the first Adam but is effectively a
product of the second Adam, Christ Jesus.

And this Christ-like person is not necessarily a

Christian in the sense of believing in Christ and being a
member of a sect that does. He is actually not religious
and does not subscribe to any of the religions that
believe in Christ. On the contrary, HE is acutely aware
of the perversion these groups bring to the purpose of
God in Christ Jesus. Besides, as I have said, HE does
not merely believe in Christ but believes like HE does.
Rather than be content at being a member of a religion,
such a person is more intent on being a revelation of God.

Consequently, he is a master of life. He is nothing short

of a new creation living out of his spirit the divine
program of a glorious life determined by God. In that
life, mistakes are canceled, failures are eliminated, and
troubles are subdued. The person that lives according
to divine programming is victor, glorious, perfect, and
rich. He is an answer to a world of problems, a light to
a season of darkness. Such a person cannot be hidden
or subjected beneath the patterns of this world. Rather,
they are on their way up being nothing less than a city
set on a hill (Matthew 5:14).

And this, my friend, is the life intended for all men. It is

written in the volume of the books in heaven. It is also
scribbled in the spirit of every man. It is the most
assuring guarantee of a better-later.
It does not matter what deprivation you may have
suffered. It does not matter what failure may have
occupied you in the course of life. It doesn’t even
matter what disease may have plagued your body to-
date. It does not matter whatever the case may be.
Once you cease living according to the pattern of this
world, once you permit the Spirit of God to
strengthen your inner man, once you comprehend the
completeness of the love God has for you, once you
live out of your spirit so much that you evoke the
incredible well of power and glory therein, your

Switch on your spirit, turn on the inner man, and

activate a power beyond words. Never again will you
be a victim or subject of evil, darkness, and defeat. Your
future will be infinitely far greater than your past that it
will certainly be difficult for those that presumed to
know you before to figure you out.
Some people talk about saving for a future or investing
with hopes of reaping in the future. Others that are less
practical but more religious talk about giving to God so
that HE gives to you. They speculate on seasons of
sowing and reaping, on the giving of tithe and the
opening of the windows of heaven whereby God will
pour out a blessing beyond storage.
All the above are indeed beneficial as means to a
prosperous end but what I reveal here is infinitely
greater than all of them. I have revealed a divine
investment of incredible proportions that God banked
in your spirit. There is seed-wealth of incredible
proportions that God has sown in your spirit long
before you were born. In that ground lie infinite
amounts of possibilities way surpassing material

I dare say it: Your spirit handles an account that far

exceeds the amount in all the world’s banks put
together. Do not neglect it. Spend from it. Don’t
speculate when everything you need is at hand. Always
remember and seriously consider these wise words of
both divine caution and counsel:

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for

whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh
reap corruption but he who sows to the Spirit
will of the Spirit reap eternal life.
Galatians 6:7, 8

My dear, the truth be told: IT IS FINISHED. All your

life has been excellently and magnificently done. Your
inner man is the glorious key for you to translate from
mortality into immortality, from limitation to infinite
possibilities, from corruption to eternal life. Assisted by
the mighty Holy Spirit, your inner man wields a future
of immense glory that no other means can ever extend
to you. Out of your spirit are resources that will
enable you live a LATER far BETTER than any life
you have ever known hitherto fore. So get into your
spirit and start spending, it’s all yours.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,

says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil,
to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

Once we realize that we are sorted out, that God has

indeed finished the works of our lives and sealed them
in our spirit, it is imperative that we appreciate the
order of that life. It is vital that we appreciate that when
God works out on anything, HE does a meticulous
work. God is not chaotic. HE is the paramount
standard of peace, order, and intelligent design. HE is
the epitome of excellence. Anything that is contrary to
this is the work of evil, and often the result of
overlooking the finished work that HE has sealed in us.

What is very vital for all of us who detest chaos and

confusion is to identify with God’s plan for our lives.
Our better-later is guaranteed in that plan. It is
beneficial in these matters for us to shift from the
wrong and misguided impressions that heathen,
carnal-minded people have who presume on ill-fate
being some kind of God occasioned disaster.

My dear, God does not plan evil, he just can’t. That is

not HIS methodology of work. The apostle James
clarified on this conviction to the believers in Jerusalem
that were enduring persecution. Many had wrongly
entertained the notion that God had occasioned the
trial. He disputed this perverse impression citing:

Let no one say when he is

tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot
be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt
anyone. James 1:12, 13

On the contrary, God’s methodology of work, HIS plan

for us, ensures that we overcome in any and every trial.

Consequently, any evil, chaos, trouble, disease,

whatever the misfortune experienced by anyone is not
the working of God that HE sealed in their spirit but
the workings of evil prevailing in this world. It is the
devil, who the apostle Peter revealed, that roams
around seeking who he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). Jesus
also traced the cause of chaos in this regard when he
described him as a thief intent to steal, kill, and destroy
(John 10:9). Then in the same breath HE revealed God’s
plan for us, which incidentally HE came to restore, as
giving us abundant life (John 10:10).

Now this is not the persuasion of many people, even

believers. Several times when calamities hit, some
people are quick to attribute them to God. Some are
even euphemistically called ‘acts of God’.
It is sad when one considers the goodness of God,
when one has been revealed to HIS amazing kindness,
to see men, or worse still, HIS children, attribute evil
works to HIM.

God is not evil and will not do evil. HE is not chaotic,

or disastrous. Those who accuse or impute evil to
HIM grossly misunderstand HIM. They remind me of
Job who errantly lamented as if the loss he had suffered
when he lost all his children, animals, and properties in
a single day were the efforts of God:
Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and
naked I shall return there. The LORD gave,
and the LORD has taken away;
Blessed be the name of the LORD. Job 1:21

Many religious people like to use this persuasion when

they lose a loved one or incur a gross disaster. And yet
it is wrong. It was excusable for Job to use it because
HE did not know any better. However, any critical
study of this righteous man reveals that this errant
persuasion set the wrong foundation for him in dealing
with what had gone wrong. This errant persuasion slid
him further into a downward spiral of chaos that
compounded his misery.

Subsequent chapters in Job’s account reveal that he

grew more bitter with God as a result of this wrong
impression. Of course, reading the account from the
beginning gives us the benefit of knowledge that Job
did not have by which we know that it was Satan
behind all his loss. However, this was not obvious to
Job as is often the case with many of God’s children
when disaster hits.
It is amazing that he was offended against God yet he
had been upright and zealous in his devotions to him.
Many zealous believers that suffer disasters conclude
like Job against the LORD. They impute evil to the ONE
that desires only good for them.

Why is this so? Why did Job, a righteous and devoted man
misunderstand God? Why do many believers use his
arguments to explain their loss? The answer can be found
in having zeal without knowledge (Romans 10:2). So
many believers like Job, are so caught up in religious
devotion without caring so much to have divine revelation
regarding the LORD they worship. Many that do are
vulnerable to the workings of evil simply because they
do not know the ways of God. You see, there is a world
of difference between presuming the ways to God and
knowing the ways of God.

Just because someone presumes the ways to God does

not necessarily mean that they may know the ways of
God. By the ways to God, I refer to religious ritual and
tradition while the ways of God pertains to HIS
knowledge, HIS will, HIS wisdom and plans. Job, like
many believers, was caught up in exercising the ways
to God and had not grown to knowing the ways of God.
As a result, his later turned from one bitter state to
another to the point where like many religious
practitioners do, he begun to accuse God and regretted
his life altogether.

As so many do, at one point he wrongly lamented:

May the day perish on which I was born, and the

night in which it was said, ‘A male child is conceived.’
May that day be darkness; May God above not seek
it, nor the light shine upon it. Job 3:3-4

The same wrong lamentation continued, getting worse

and worse, more erroneous the more he spoke:

Know then that God has wronged me, and has

surrounded me with His net. “If I cry out
concerning wrong, I am not heard. If I cry aloud,
there is no justice. He has fenced up my way, so
that I cannot pass; And He has set darkness in my
paths. He has stripped me of my glory, and taken
the crown from my head. Job 19:6-9

Of course nothing can be further than the truth: Job,

like so many believers, like so many practitioners of
religion, misunderstand God, the cause of misfortune,
and how to deal with evil.

To begin with, regretting being born is just the wrong

thing to do. In the next chapter, I will be dealing more
exhaustively on this subject but just for the record, your
birth regardless the circumstances was a glorious
opportunity. Your birth is a critical guarantee that you
can, and should resolve the problems that you, your
loved ones, or any others may face. Without your
birth, it is inconceivable that you would be able to
resolve the difficulties that you face, or those that your
loved ones face, or those that others face.
You are not born for trouble as Job mistakenly suggests
(Job 5:7). On the contrary, you are born as an answer to
the cries of many. You are a solution with answers
sealed deep in the recesses of your spirit. And the only
way those answers have a chance of resolving
calamities begins with your birth. So your birthday is a
critical opportunity for yourself, your loved ones, and
countless others.

Consequently, your birth gives God’s plan a chance.

Job was way out of line in suggesting that God need
not seek the day HE was born. He exposed his
ignorance in these matters.
Brethren, God seeks our births. HE looks forward to
our birth. That is why HE revealed to Jeremiah how HE
knew him before he was in his mother’s womb, and
even called him to be a prophet before he was yet born
(Jeremiah 1:5).

God is that excited about our births and has indeed

been so since the foundations of the world when HE
established HIS glorious plans regarding our lives. To
be sure, God celebrates our birthdays before we are
born. Our births occasion the incredible opportunity
for HIS plans to come forth. When we are born HIS
word has indeed put on flesh and dwelled among
men. Every born child is a divine opportunity that can
convert God’s will from a spiritual vitality into a
timely reality. In the flesh, we have the opportunity to
activate HIS glorious works.

My dear, when you understand things this way, you

shift from merely practicing the ways to God to
acknowledging his ways. Short of this shift, even though
you may be pious, devoted, and convicted in your faith
and religious observations, you remain vulnerable to
the attacks of Satan. You also risk offending God by
grossly misunderstanding HIM and the plans HE has
for you.

This is where Job erred in accusing God for hounding

him. In this he was no different from the children of
Israel before him who accused God for trapping them
in the wilderness because of the giants they feared to
confront in the land of promise (Numbers 13).
Both imputed evil against God because they were
ignorant of HIS methodologies, they were ignorant of
HIS plans for them. To be sure, they underestimated
the love God had for them; they failed to grasp just
how much HE was committed to them.
And so many believers are that way: They are ignorant
of God’s ways even though they may be well versed
with ways to HIM. They may know how to tithe, give
offerings, pray, observe the commandments, they may
even be gifted by the Spirit so that they speak in
tongues, work miracles, and prophecy, but many are
ignorant of God’s ways. They lack knowledge and as a
result, they suffer for it.
From HIS lofty abode in heaven, God observes and

My people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).

Offended at Job’s ignorant complaints, HE asks:

Who is this who darkens counsel by words without

knowledge? Job 38:2

So many of God’s children do not realize that their lack

of knowledge strengthens the devils hold against them.
Inspite of their fears, anxieties, and complaints against
God, they gravitate from worse to worse forsaking their
glory for lying vanities (Jonah 2:8).

Think about it: The children of Israel all died in a

wilderness when they could have thrived in the
Promised Land. Similarly, Job need not have suffered
for as long as he did if only he had known the truth
from the beginning. If only he had considered how
much God was for him, how God could not impute evil
against him, so much would have been saved. If only
Job had known more than religious observation, had
he ventured into the knowledge of God, he would
have overcome the hostility he faced soon as it
showed face. Had he cared enough to discover his
divine program his response would have been
different: Rather than seek divine intervention, he
would have activated it.

In the end, his conditions were changed not because of

his ignorant complaints but inspite of them. To be sure,
positive change came to him because true knowledge
finally dawned on him. His bitter-experience turned into
a better-later because he switched from complaining
against God to comprehending the love of God:

Then Job answered the LORD and said: “I know You

can do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be
withheld from You. You asked, ‘Who is this who hides
counsel without knowledge?’ Therefore I have uttered
what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me,
which I did not know. Listen, please, and let me speak;
You said, ‘I will question you and you will answer Me.’
“I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my
eyes have seen You. Therefore I abhor myself, and repent
in dust and ashes.” Job 42:1-6

As a result of this conversion, Job received double what

he had lost (Job 42).

And like I have always said, he did not receive double

for his trouble. Trouble has never given anyone any
double. I have seen many people in trouble suffer; even
die without ever getting any double. Job got double
from his newfound understanding. When he
understood God, when he acknowledged God’s ways,
he activated glorious plans God had sealed in his spirit.
This is the point: The double was always available in
his trouble. It was within him. God had sealed it in
him long before he was born, long before the trouble.
The problem was that he was not aware of it.

Although it is generally said, and it is indeed true, that

it is better late than never (it even constitutes a chapter
in this divine work), it is sad to realize that so much
time was wasted in religious self-righteousness, in
aggravating agony, and emotional bitterness when the
answer was always so present.
Job need not have suffered as long as he did. If he had
graduated from merely knowing about God to
knowing HIS ways, understanding HIM, he would
have shortened the duration of his trial. His double was
always available and it was only his thinking, and the
wrong counsel of his friends, that clouded him from
activating it.

My friend, your double is not far from you. It is not in

some foreign prosperous land awaiting your migration.
Your double is not in some promised future or in some
glorious past when things were better. You didn’t lose
it and neither do you have to miss it. Neither is it with
someone you ought to beg or manipulate or steal. It is
not with someone that you have to connect with or
marry. Your double, your plenty, your increase was
packed in your spirit by a faithful God. Look inside
and discover a glorious plan of life all worked out long
before you were born.

It is a glorious plan, a great one. It is a noble, excellent,

pure and lovely course of life that God would like you
to meditate on (Philippians 4:8). It features no evil, only
good. It is God’s gift to you and you must know that
HE sponsors no failure, no chaos, no disaster:

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from

above, and comes down from the Father
of lights, with whom there is no variation or
shadow of turning. Of His own will He brought
us forth by the word of truth, that we might be
a kind of first fruits of His creatures. James 1:17

The profit of those who understand things this way is

the incredible opportunity of cruising a journey that
will position you above all things. My friend, God’s
plan for you begins, climaxes, and continues with
your ultimate superiority over every circumstance,
over every foe, over everything. HE has commissioned
you to be HIS best, a special specie among all HIS
creation. As such, HE earnestly desires that you should
be subject
to nothing, bound by no one, and free to experience all
the glory and goodness HE has programmed for you.

Forget what doomsayers and scorners may be saying to

you. Do not pay attention to evil however persuasive
its arguments or seductive it’s luring. Turn aside from
those who reason with perverse impressions that have
no bearing to the glory God has deposited in you.
What is of essence is that you seize, take a firm grasp of
your inner man and the plan that he keeps for you. Use
the word of God to provide light for your spirit so that
you are able to perform and experience the glorious life
HE intended for you from the beginning. And when
evil strikes, when you encounter setbacks, regardless
the circumstances, keep your eye inside. Understand
the plan and walk it. Meditate on it, believe on it,
rehearse it till it manifests.

What took Job 42 chapters may well take you this one
chapter. Your later is planned for. Do not for one
moment consider that there is, in any remote way, a
you without a future or with a damned one for that
matter. Brother, mum, whoever you are reading this
revelation, your future is all set and ready. It is a
glorious one, a marvelous one.
By spiritual discernment and the knowledge of
Christ, I can see your spirit. I know the glorious
details therein and it is all good. As such, I can see
you in the future and you look much better than you
look right now. I can see you in the future and you
live much better than you are living right now. I can
see you in the future and you think much better than
you are thinking right now. I can see you in the future
and you are much better than you are right now.

You are a spirit-conscious man that is gloriously aware

how everything about you is realigning to suit God’s
glorious plan for you: Diseases are quitting out of your
body, enemies are making peace with you, and finances
are connecting with you as you abound from faith to
faith, height to height, health to health, and from glory
to glory. The increase of this divine prospect has no
bounds; its rewards are infinite and its possibilities
beyond enormous. That is the inheritance of the

Think this way, enter into your divine program and

activate God’s reverend plan for your life. Do not stray
to the left or the right. Do not be deceived by the carnal
senses however pressing their lures. Stay on course and
unveil a better-later than anyone had ever
comprehended. It’s all yours!

Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the

palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain
completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will
for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s
house shall perish. Yet who knows whether you have come
to the kingdom for such a time as this? Esther 4:13-14

The epilogue provides a suitable setting for us to

venture further into the paramount subject we are
dealing with: Here was a testing period in the life of a
young woman that had enjoyed the privilege of being
lifted from obscurity where she was a mere Jewish
slave girl in the kingdom of Persia to becoming queen
of the kingdom. At the particular point of the test, evil
threatened to wipe out every benefit she had gained
together with all her people.
From the perspective of a Jewish slave girl turned
queen, her later seemed to be turning from better to

What could she do to avert the bitter and strengthen the

better? Is it possible that better for a former slave cannot be a
long lasting affair? Was the bitter of her Jewish past a
sentence so strong that it nullified any gains of her better-
later? Does Esther offer any lessons on how yesterday’s
bitterness can be thoroughly buried so that life can be forever
The story of Esther is a most educating account of how
fortunes change so that life can switch from bitter to
better, and stay better. The principles that guide its plot
have a lot of lessons that they offer anyone seeking to
ensure that their later is better than their former. They
also educate on how we can indeed ensure that the fate
of the bitter-past need not wipe out the better-later that
you can enjoy.

That said, the overriding principle in the account of

Esther is the essence of destiny in everyday life. It tells
of how once we are conscious of our mission in life,
once we awaken to our divine calling, how nothing
bitter can contend and overwhelm us. This is God’s
plan for us, the benefit we are entitled to from HIS
divine program.

Esther tells you that you are born for a mission, called
for a purpose. You are not some fated entity that can be
tossed by every passing plot of evil. On the contrary,
you are born with a mission and called with a purpose
that is so powerful once you are aware of it. In your
hands, lies the better-later you are entitled to. More
than that, awakening to your calling can guarantee a
better-later for several others connected to you.
Within your spirit is the amazing power to convert
your fortune and that of several others. The Esther
story also invites you to take note of the reason for
fortune beyond personal pleasure. There is a more
significant reason for your later to be better than your
personal enjoyment. In your hands lie the grand
possibilities of loved ones, an entire nation, and even
many nations.
A lot of people in a perverted generation driven by
sensual desires, and preoccupied with personal
advantages, are not aware that they risk losing the very
advantage that they are selfishly pursuing. Their
tendency to be consumed with what they lust for,
driven as it were by their carnal desires, is a most
deceptive means of guaranteeing a better-later. It may
seem to work just as Esther could have presumed that
she was safe in the palace but the end of it is fatal:

There is a way that seems right to a man, but its

end is the way of death. Proverbs 16:25

Esther tells you that there is more to life than meets the
eye. There is more to the business of life than you can
figure out with your Japanese calculator, western
appetite, or whatever human standard you adopt.
Rather than look through the lenses of the carnal
mind, rather than look outside at what is going on or
what we have, Esther invites the wise to look inside.
Look into your spirit and discover your mission and
purpose in life.
Jesus told of a tragic story pertaining to this logic:

The ground of a rich man yielded plentifully. “And

he thought within himself, saying, ‘What shall I do,
since I have no room to store my crops?’ “So he said,
‘I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build
greater, and there I will store all my crops and my
goods. And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have
many goods laid up for many years, take your ease,
eat, drink, and be merry.”
“But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul will be
required of you; then whose will those things be
which you have provided?” Luke 12:16-21

This is what the people of this world do not realize.

And like I have said before, even several believers and
ministers as well, are caught in the same trap of sensual
living. Like the rich fool in the LORD’s story, they are
busy living from the outside, making calculations based
on what they observe with their eyes rather than
seeking to know what their spirit carries. Several have
discovered too late that what they treasured with their
carnal senses were lying vanities and not true riches. In
their constant preoccupation with self, they have
gained the world and lost their soul (Matthew 16:26).
Some have also learnt too late when even the world
they selfishly pursued eludes them or drives them from
trouble to trouble.

Fortunately for Esther, she was blessed to be mentored

by a spiritual man, Mordecai.
And therein is another vital lesson: Her story also
reveals the benefit of spiritual mentoring. Everyone
needs to be surrounded with people that are able to
discern hearts, times, and the will of God. In a
perverted generation where most reasoning is clouded
with carnality and sensuality, it is profitable to avoid
wrong fellowship:

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel

of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of the scornful. Psalm 1:1

The apostle Paul also counseled thus:

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For

what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness?
and what communion has light with darkness?
2 Corinthians 6:14

It is essential that we properly appreciate Mordecai’s

essence in Esther’s story: Hadn’t Esther had the benefit
of Mordecai’s counsel from her childhood; it is possible
she may not have become queen in the first place.
Fortunately for her, she still valued his advice even
after she was queen (Esther 2:20; 4:15-16).

This is also where many believers go wrong: They may

listen to spiritual counsel at some point of gross
disadvantage however, when they gain in life they
begin to identify with the patterns of the world and are
less inclined to attend to spiritual counsel.
Unfortunately for many, they lose the very benefit that
has occasioned their pride.

This seems to have been King Saul’s curse: It is

instructive to note that Saul was privileged to have the
mentoring company of Samuel. Hadn’t such
opportunity crossed his path, it is possible he may
never have become King of Israel.
For Saul’s story in the scriptures begins with him
looking for lost horses belonging to his father unaware
that destiny beckoned him to be king of Israel. He was
greatly privileged that the company he kept as he
sought his father’s horses counseled him to visit the
prophet Samuel who in turn discerned Saul’s divine
program as deserving him a greater role than the
domestic assignment he had settled for.

Carefully observe the choice of words that the prophet

shared with Saul when they met for the first time:

I am the seer. Go up before me to the high place,

for you shall eat with me today; and tomorrow I
will let you go and will tell you all that is in your
heart. 1 Samuel 9:19

What did the prophet mean by telling him what was written
in his heart? Of course he meant all that God had
downloaded into his spirit long before time begun
intending that Saul should walk in, his divine program:
He referred to the essence of his birth, the purpose of
his call.
And this essence, this purpose for Saul turned out to be
king of Israel. The prophet Samuel revealed as much:

Is it not because the LORD has anointed you commander

over HIS inheritance? 1 Samuel 10:1

And yet this destiny was unknown to Saul before this

experience. Not even his father knew about it or all that
were dear to him. And to be sure, Saul was petrified by
the prospect and at some point contemplated against it
because he despised himself (1 Samuel 10:21-23).
Further still, quite a number of Israelites also despised
Saul although they demanded for a king (1 Samuel
10:27). And yet, contrary to all opposition, the Spirit of
the LORD moved on his behalf so that he arose to the
occasion and fulfilled this destiny call.

It is difficult to imagine how Saul might have activated

his divine program to royalty without the mentoring
influence of Samuel. It is possible that hadn’t Saul
sought and honored Samuel’s counsel when they met,
he would never have been anything more than another
son to his father. He might even have failed to find the
horses he was looking for.
So it’s quite unfortunate that he chose not to continue to
benefit from the wise mentoring of the prophet. His
better-later turned into a bitter-end simply because he
substituted Samuel’s counsel with that of the people
under his authority. Once he became king of Israel, he
progressively declined the counsel of Samuel in favor
of his own self-conceited ideals and the exaggerated
flatters of his juniors. In the end, he suffered gravely for
this pride:

So Samuel said: “Has the Lord as great delight in burnt

offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the
Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed
than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,
and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you
have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected
you from being king”.
Then Saul said to Samuel, “I have
sinned, for I have transgressed the commandment of
the Lord and your words, because I feared the people
and obeyed their voice. 1 Samuel 15:22-24
Important to note on this account is that when Samuel
pronounced Saul’s loss of the kingdom, nothing
seemed to have altered materially. Saul remained king
of Israel firmly seated on its throne. However, the effect
of the curse pronounced over him was a very internal
matter: Saul’s loss was more within than outside. He
lost the throne from within his spirit with the eventual
consequence of entirely losing it materially (1 Samuel

As I have said, a critical reason for this loss had to do

with his abandonment of good and genuine mentoring
in preference of the carnal fellowship and deceptive
counsel of his subordinates. He was foolish to
substitute spiritual understanding with natural concerns.
In the end, he lost the benefit of all that God had given
My friend, consider CHANGE YOU MUST BELIEVE
IN as your mentoring guide. In the wise words written
here are ancient truths, divine counsels that are
intended to enable you consolidate your better, or in
the face of a previously bitter life, the wisdom
necessary to enable you activate a better life.

Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world but

be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans
12:2). Do not be seeking your life in what you can see
and hear with your carnal senses. Acknowledge that
your life was already made long before you were born
and has indeed been sealed in your spirit.
Consequently, you have a different pattern of life from
that of the people of the world: Rather than seeking
your life outside, live your life from inside. Recognize
that you were born for a divine mission. Your life is a
divine calling to a glorious purpose assigned to you
by God.

Do not get caught in the trappings of what is going on

outside, be it good or bad. Instead, govern your
mission; respond to your call from the urgings of God’s
On a most serious note, the Holy Spirit is the most
important mentor you could ever have (John 14:26; 1
Corinthians 2:13). HE is indeed nothing less than the
foundation quintessential to divine living. Hearken to
HIS wise and gentle counsel.

Once you assume this correct path of living, you will

occasion the divine program that is sealed in your
spirit. My friend, once you are within this parameter,
there are not enough devils in hades or hell that can
contend with you. Your enemies will come in one
direction and flea in seven different directions
(Deuteronomy 28:7). A thousand shall fall on your side
and ten thousand on your right side but there shall be
no evil that will come near you (Psalm 91:7). The
believer that walks his divine program walks the path
of the righteous- the one that shines brighter every
passing day till the day of perfection (Proverbs 4:18).

Again, let me emphasize something here that is so often

misunderstood by God’s children: It is not that evil will
not contend with you. Most assuredly, it will. But no
weapon fashioned against you shall prosper (Isaiah
54:17). It may fashion but it will not prosper. And
though the devil comes like a flood, the Spirit of God
will raise the standard (Isaiah 59:19).

That is a life of guaranteed victory. The man or woman

or child that awakens to their mission, the one that
discovers his purpose in life and goes for it, does not
wonder for divine intervention. He activates it. To be
sure, such a person does not need divine intervention.
He is a divine intervention.
He cannot be beleaguered and at loss of what to do in
the face of imminent danger. They know what to do.
They will get the right counsel; they will make the right
decision, and will not compromise, be afraid, or shrink
from their divine mandate. They know that greater is
HE that is in them than the devil that is in the world (1
John 4:4). Victory for that category is an assured
conclusion. You can bank on it.

And that is Esther’s story: When faced with the

malicious threat poised against her people, she was not
lost for what to do. Neither did she decline into a shell
of cowardice or shrink from her divine mandate.
Mordecai, her God appointed mentor, was within her
circle to guide her. In her hands, lay the reason for her
birth, the urgency of her divine call and purpose.
And once she awakened to her divine program, she
ventured beyond merely seeking divine intervention to
actually being a divine intervention.
It becomes apparent in the story of this great life that
her birth was Israel’s privilege. She was available to
partner with divinity so as to guarantee victory for her
people. In the end, those who contended with her
discovered at their terminal loss that it is fatal to work
against divine programming. They paid dearly with
their lives (Esther 9).

This is what several children of God need to awaken to.

They need to realize that their lives have not just begun.
Neither are they some frail entity that can be easily
swept by any passing wind. Every child of God is
predated to eternity and their story begins with Christ
at the foundation of the world. Consequently, they
are programmed from the rock of ages that can never
be shaken from whence they are destined for
continuous increase and unrelenting glory.

This is what Paul meant when he elaborates:

For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be

conformed to the image of His Son, that He might
be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover
whom He predestined He also called; who He called;
these He also justified; and whom He justified,
these He also glorified. Romans 8:29-30

And this is the pattern of the mission and purpose of

the believer. You are a predestined being, divinely
programmed to ascend from glory to glory. Meaning
that your later is certain to get better if you can arise to
the purpose of your life. If only you would realize that
you were born only because you were known by God,
and you live only because God has intended that you
should be conformed to the image of Christ; which
incidentally is a royal-priestly image.

Beloved, when I talk of born for a mission and called

for a purpose, I am revealing the essence of your
existence. I am dealing with the reason for your being,
the definition of your true person. In one word- your
destiny. Unfortunately, many people do not function
from this paradigm. They presume that they are just
living. Many mistakenly seek in the world to discover
their essence for living: They look at a job, a business,
their children or spouse, or their family inheritance, or
whatever fortune or misfortune and presume that their
destiny is locked in these things.

How sad, how wrong, how limited. Our destiny

exceeds anything we can find in this world. That is
why everything will perish, even heaven (which for
sure is not our destiny), but we will remain; no doubt,
to continue accomplishing our call and purpose. Our
destiny will outlast heaven and earth; it is enshrined in
God’s word that abides and lives forever, it is an
eternal mandate that begun long before we were born
in this world and continues long after we pass on from
the flesh.
So what is our destiny? Why are we born? What should we
live for? A correct answer to these questions will
certainly convert our later to be better than we ever
Our mission is to accomplish God’s will, to fulfill the
writing that HE has sealed in our spirit and written in
the records of heaven.

You see, Esther did not lay her life on the line only
because her uncle Mordecai said so, or for his sake in
the sense that he was her last surviving relative.
Neither did she do it for the sake of the Jews in the
sense that they were her ethnicity. Her motivation was
not merely driven by her sentiments but more so by her
spirit. The call to this duty was derived from deep
within her, from her spirit where God had sealed this
cause and duty.
As such, she didn’t do it for her uncle or her people;
Esther did what she had to do for her God. Esther lived
for God.
The reason God responded with amazing victory in this
regard is because HE had a plan for Israel. God
attended to Esther’s petition because HE was bound in
covenant to Abraham and nothing, no evil, could wipe
out this plan. Esther was therefore a critical factor in
this plan. She was born for the benefit of Israel. Her call
went so far beyond the luxury of the palace and the
privilege of human royalty to ensuring God’s eternal
plan for Israel.
In this quest, she ventured into her predestined divine
royalty that God had instituted in her. The story of
Esther is therefore more than the story of a queen of
Persia. More seriously, it is the story of a royal priest
awakened to her divine commission and eternal
As a royal priest in the line of Melchizedek, she upheld
God’s eternal purpose and defended HIS people from

Now royalty in this sense was not peculiar to Esther

and neither did salvation come to the Jews because
Esther was a queen in Persia. Hadn’t Esther awakened
to her call, hadn’t she responded to the essence of her
being, God’s hand was not short to save. Mordecai was
right in cautioning her that God was able to provide
salvation for Israel from any other quarter (Esther 4:14).
God would still have occasioned another royal thinking
priest to provide defense for Israel.
And it is important that we realize that this choice need
not have been confined in the palatial quarters of the
kingdom of Persia. God’s royal priests may not be
found in the palaces of men but that need not limit
their divine mission and call. Palace or no palace,
their divine mandate guarantees their royal and
priestly function.

My dear, your royal priestly status is not limited to a

palace experience. This was the eternal lesson God
sought to share with us all in Moses’ account. In HIS
omniscient wisdom, HE let Moses fail to deliver the
children of Israel while he lived in the privileged
quarters of Pharaoh’s palace (Exodus 2:11-15). HE
demonstrated the superiority of Moses’ divine royalty
over human royalty when as an old rugged man unable
to speak and seemingly armed with only a shepherd’s
rod, HE used him to trounce Pharaoh, destroy Egypt,
and deliver the Jews (Exodus 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14).

My friend, do not wait to get in a human palace before

you discover royalty. Discover divine royalty and no
human palace will be too much for you. For your
information, Esther did not assume royalty when she
joined the king and became his wife. Rather, if the truth
is correctly told, she joined the king and became queen
of Persia because she was royal. Her divine royalty
programmed her for human dignity. Royalty and
divinity were inherent in her being, sealed as it was in
her spirit. She was born for divine royalty, to be above
and above only. Her distinguished position as queen of
Persia was in this regard therefore the result of a divine

And by the way, this was not peculiar to her as I have

said before. Everyone of us has been programmed by
God to be royal and divine. As such, that is our
mission, our manifest destiny, our call and purpose for
living. Like Christ, when mockingly asked by Pilate
regarding this matter, we too can declare:

You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I

was born, and for this cause I have come into the
world, that I should bear witness to the truth.
Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice.
John 18:37

This is the vital, everlasting, and incredible truth

written in our spirits. This is what men lost in the
Garden, and subsequently, throughout time. But this is
what Jesus came to restore to us. This is what HE came
to bear witness to. HE came to awaken us to our divine
royalty, our heavenly commission, our manifest

Until we acknowledge this birthright to divine

royalty, we will remain clouded in fear, subject to the
elements of this world, and lost of our cause and
purpose. Wake up to your real self, recognize your true
call, and you will soar beyond imagination. This is
what the apostle Paul writing to his young apprentice,
Timothy, called the mystery of godliness (1 Timothy
3:16). Similarly writing to the church in Colossus he
explained how it had been lost to mankind but had
now been revealed in Christ:

The mystery which has been hidden from ages and

from generations, but has now been revealed to His
saints. To them God willed to make known what are
the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gen-
-tiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Colossians 1:26

This is what Paul ministered wherever he went. This

was the heart-beat of his ministry. He didn’t preach
Christianity, the way most know it today. He never
sought to establish another religion. He didn’t seek to
gain a following, or establish a religion the way many
have done. He sought that all men, where possible,
would awaken to their original self where they were
created in Christ, in divine royalty.

Observe attentively his noble cause, consider his

persistent objective. To the Colossians, he continues to
Him we preach, warning every man and teaching
every man in all wisdom, that we may present
every man perfect in Christ Jesus. Colossians 1:27

To the Galatians, he warned against receiving any other

gospel before revealing:

Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ,

that we might be justified by faith. But after faith
has come, we are no longer under a tutor. For you
are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For
as many of you as were baptized into Christ have
put on Christ. Galatians 3:24-27

And to the Ephesians, he was more elaborate, getting

into details of why different spiritual gifts were given
to the Church:

And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets,

some evangelists, some pastors, and some teachers, for the
equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the
edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity
of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a
perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of
Christ. Ephesians 4:11-13

What a marvelous plan, what a glorious intention. This

is God at HIS ultimate best. It does not get better than
this. This is it. This is the big IT! I mean, what a
ministry God has given us. What a goal lies on our

Writing to the Corinthians, Paul referred to it as a

ministry of reconciliation, revealing:

Now all things are of God,

who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ,
and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.
2 Corinthians 5:18

And therein lays the mission of a book such as this: In

these pages is a ministry of reconciliation. My reverend
objective is to reconcile your impressions of who you
think you are with who you really ought to be.

When I declare that LATER CAN BE BETTER, I am not

simply making rhyming sense, neither am I merely
making timely promises. I am talking about CHANGE
YOU MUST BELIEVE IN. Do not doubt the infinite
measures of glorious possibilities available to you.
To be sure, this book seeks to correct more than time
lost. The convictions that guide my teaching hinge on
eternal matters that define your purpose for living and
your true image and likeness.

In this commission, I seek to fulfill the purpose of

Christ in your life. My friend, Jesus did not come to
establish a collection of religions; neither did HE seek to
build a wide following of religious enthusiasts.
HIS mission and our commission is a lot more serious
than that. HE never sought to make us into some
wimpy freaks that are perennially asking heaven for a
divine intervention.

Far from it, HE sought to establish us on a solid

foundation from which we would function as a divine
intervention in this world. Like Paul, I agree that the
work of Christ is never complete until we have
discovered why we are born and what our manifest
destiny is. Until we do, we will never realize our
ultimate potential, we will miss our royal privilege.

Any person that comes to the full appreciation of this

revelation ceases to be another person among many. He
becomes one of a kind, a unique and peculiar
individual clearly distinguished from the frail lineage
of humanity. That former identity has passed away and
has been supplanted with the divine royalty we call
CHRIST, what Paul also called a new creation and the
apostle James referred to as a type of first fruit of
creation (2 Corinthians 5:7; James 1:18).


converting you into Christianity or even making you a
better Christian. Quite far from that: My intention here
is to reconcile you to the image and likeness of Christ.
Rather than Christianize you, I hope to convert you into
Christ, into the very epitome of royalty and divinity.
And it is from this vantage point that you can
command your later to be better.
In this sense, the book you are reading is relevant to
you whether you are atheist, non-Christian, or even
Christian; as long as you have not yet awakened to
your inner person and are unaware of your divine
program then you are welcome to the truths therein.

If you are in Christ, then you have come to the

essence of your being. You have arrived at the
possibility of the most perfect you there can ever be.
It is here that you come to terms with your natural
birth, recognizing that you were born for royal and
divine reasons. You realize that you couldn’t be a
mistake. You also close the doors to mistakes. The more
conscious you are of your Christ-likeness, the more
perfect your path becomes, the more certain and
glorious your future becomes.

Your hopes and dreams cease to count on the vitality of

anything else other than Christ in you where all the
promises of God are made YES and AMEN! (2
Corinthians 1:20). Oh yes.
The one awakened to this conscience is no longer
hoping that the doctor’s report will be good; or, hoping
that the economy will be favorable; or, hoping that the
young man they love will be attracted to them and
propose their hand in marriage. The one that wakes up
to this privilege ceases to hope in the promise of
anyone or anything. All their hope is in Christ. All their
glory is in Christ. And Christ is in them, their hope of
glory (Colossians 1:26).

If they want a good medical report, they can look

inwards; if they want a good economy, they can look
inwards; if they want a good spouse, they can look
inwards; if they want a good country, they can look
inwards. Whatever they desire, whatever they need, is
not in the hands of someone else or whatever seems
outside their sphere of influence. All they need is in
there, in Christ who dwells richly in them by faith
(Ephesians 3:17).

Neither are they separated from what God has in store

for them in heaven. The very Kingdom of God is within
them (Luke 17:21). In this reality, God has in fact willed
that they establish HIS will on earth as it is in heaven
(Matthew 6:10). They are able to manifest here on earth,
in present reality, the glory of God that reigns in
heaven; which essentially means that their later can
actually be heavenly better. My dear, the difference
between your past and your now, from your later,
may well be as high as the heavens are from the earth.

What do you need to do to enjoy that kind of later? Well like

I have said over and over, wake up to it. Do what
Esther did and recognize that there is more to you than
the palaces of men. There is also more to you than
anyone can be able to destroy. Look inwards and
discover why you were born and what you are here
for. Appreciate that there is more to you than meets
the eye. Find out from God’s word, believe the witness
of Christ, study and acknowledge the ministry of
reconciliation, and you will be on your way from glory
to glory.
It will not matter whether you have heard any glory
before. The glory of the latter shall outclass the former
(Haggai 2:9). That was Esther’s story: When she
awakened to her call, she was able to reign as queen in
a greater fashion than before; with greater regard from
the king. She became one of his leading counsels.
Moreover, not only were her people saved from
impending holocaust, they also gained unprecedented
prominence throughout the kingdom, and her own
uncle became second to the king as prime minister
(Esther 9; 10).

That is your lot even as you read. As you discover the

cause of your life, you will celebrate your birthday. So
will several others. Thanks be to God Almighty you
were born to grace the occasion of life. In you lies the
glorious purpose that eliminates any curse, any evil
that may have sought to destroy you or/and others.

Look, refuse to despair. That is not your heritage and

manifest destiny. You are a child of destiny for whom
all things are working together for good (Romans 8:28).
And neither are you going to die just yet. Not that it
makes much difference for you because for you to be
absent from the body is to be present with the LORD.
And, your presence in the body is, to be sure, beneficial
to us all (Philippians 1:21).
Nonetheless, rather than die, far from it, after awaking
to this revelation of Christ in you, you are mandated to
live. You will live to demonstrate the goodness of the
LORD in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13). And more
than that: You will live to exhibit the glory in you for
the benefit of all men and the praise of almighty God.

The world needs you to bear witness to this truth. Men

are suffering in darkness ignorant for answers. What is
necessary to the human episode is the light in you.
So heaven is counting on you to program it to the
benefit of all men. Reveal your divine royalty in
manifest wonders that will bring many back to God.
In you, is the answer that many sick people need, in
you is the answer that many economies need, in you
is the light that many trapped in all manner of
darkness need. You are the salt of the earth, the field of
God’s power, the anchor for many drowning in life’s

Do not lose out on this revelation; do not neglect its

glorious truth. So much depends on you, so many are
counting on you. In your being, defined in your
purpose, lodged in your spirit, is a whole world of
answers for you and for more men than you can
finitely imagine. May this truth reach your conscience
for the better of us all and the eternal praise of the
Father and our loving LORD Jesus Christ; GREAT

By faith Moses, when he became of age, refused to

be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing
rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than
to enjoy the passing pleasure of sin, esteeming the
reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures
in Egypt; for he looked to the reward. Hebrews 11:24-26

So far so good? No, I think the mighty Holy Spirit has

done so much better than good: So far so great, is more
like it. The more we venture into the latter part of this
book the deeper we swim into the river of HIS Spirit,
and the closer we arrive at the mountain summit of HIS
wisdom. From this vantage view, the divine
possibilities sealed in our spirit become even more and
more obvious to us even as the prevailing
circumstances, regardless their position, are further
eclipsed into oblivion.
At this stage, we can say we are walking in the Spirit,
and are less inclined to fulfill the desires of the flesh
(Galatians 5:16). Consequently,
ones judgment becomes more like the LORD’s so that
their preference is guided by truth where in these
matters of a better-later, purpose is greater than

This is a vital matter for the believer in Christ. It is also

critical for the world. A lot of heartbreak, confusion,
disillusionment, chaos, destruction, anxiety,
disappointment, anger, strife, fear, uncertainty, evil,
and all the attributes of darkness hail from a wrong
perception of this matter. In confusing success for
purpose, many have gone astray.
This error in judgment in the part of the general mass
of the human experience is the cause of all the mess
that we see going on in the lives of individuals, couples,
families, communities, nations, regions, and the world
over from generation to generation. Men have suffered
over and above the measure they can endure simply
because they ignorantly have pursued after success at
the expense of purpose. And they have done this since
Adam fell.
It is important that we go right to Adam if we must
seek to restore all things, which indeed is the business
of reconciliation. We must realize that when God
created man, HE did not commission him to run after
success. On the contrary, HE commissioned HIM to
live HIS purpose.

Now, I am aware that some religious folk with carnal

aspirations may want to quickly refer to the fact that
when God planted the man in the Garden of Pleasure-
Eden, HE intended for the man to have success first,
and in this experience discover his purpose. They may
even point to the fact that after God created the man,
the first thing HE did is bless the man. Furtherstill, they
may argue that the first words HE spoke to the man
were a commission to succeed when HE said:

Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it;

have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds
of the air, and over every living thing that moves on
the earth. See, I have given you every herb that yields
seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree
whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.
Genesis 1:28, 29
And yet, nothing can be further from the truth. Those
that skip into the success God guarantees man, which
indeed the above-referred passage is, err in overlooking
the purpose God gives man. And the reason this
oversight is critical is because the success God gives
man is really based on the purpose HE had given him.
Without that purpose, the guarantee of the success that
God gives man pales away to oblivion and is replaced
with the vanity and disaster that is so prevalent in so
many lives in the world today.

Consequently, if we want to restore all things, which as

I mentioned is the essence of the ministry of
reconciliation, if we want to return man to having
genuine success rather than have him chase after
vanity, we must seek to establish HIS purpose. For it is
from thence that authentic success is guaranteed. And
like I have said, any search for the purpose of man
should precede the success of man.
This implies that we may have to seek the details of
man’s creation preceding his success, before God
blessed him. A good place to begin may be to ascertain
the intention of God when HE created the man: What
was God’s motive for creating man? Why did HE embark in
creating man? What did HE intend man to fulfill?

To be sure, God did not create man merely to have

success, to give him material blessings, plenty to eat
and drink, and a good place to live in. There was more
to the man than these good provisions. Although I will
arrive at this discussion later in this chapter, we will
realize that similarly, Jesus came, died and was
resurrected for a greater reason than giving us success.
When HE talks of coming that we may have life, and
have it more abundantly, HE is referring to something
far more than vain accomplishment (John 10:10).

I say this because it is apparent that the devil has

perverted the gospel just like it was in the days of Jesus
when the Pharisees corrupted the word of God with
their vain philosophies (Matthew 15:1-9). The matter
was also a consistent concern of the apostle Paul in the
early stages of the Church as well as a vice he foresaw
would be prevalent in the last days (Colossians 2:8; 1
Timothy 6:21).
So many preachers and teachers today are corrupted
with the love of money and are caught up with the
aspirations of the world. A seductive and most subtle
spirit has enticed them so much that they care less for
the purpose of man being consumed as it were with
tempting lures of vain success.

This move of darkness akin to Jezebel’s influence in the

days of Elijah and Balaam’s perversion in the days of
Balak has persisted in the body of Christ from the early
Church to this day (Revelation 2:20-23; 2 Peter 2:15). It
has invaded our pulpits and consumed the desires of
many ministers and saints. As a result, so many have
believed the LORD merely for success; so many seek
the LORD merely for success; so many serve the LORD
merely for success. Sadly to say, so many are lost; not in
the world, but in the Church.

And so the matter is so grave today, may be more so

today than ever because sin and perversion have
increased to gross proportions so much that we do have
the profound dual-irony of a lost world, and to a large
degree, a lost Church. When saints are driven with the
same motives with the world, when they aspire for
success, seeking after the same things the heathen are
chasing, then we have a Church as lost as the world.

What is critical to correcting this colossal mess is to find

out the purpose of man. In this regard, it is important
that we realize that the assignment of defining the
purpose of man is beyond the scope of worldly
wisdom. The world cannot ever find this out. It is
beyond them. Neither do they have the mandate to do
When among errant men perverse scientists presume
that man is part of the occasion of an accidental process
bearing no particular purpose or/and rationale, they
unconsciously rob the human experience of its most
critical source of privilege and glory. Their
investigations and persuasions are dubious lies evoked
from hell and carefully crafted into their deluded
minds with the sinuous intention of keeping man lost,
limited, and destined for eternal damnation.

To be sure, the answers to man’s purpose are spiritual

and can only be ascertained by the Church. This is what
the apostle Paul meant when he affirmed the Church as
the pillar and custodian of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15).

Necessity beckons the Church to realize that if it

abdicates its mandate then humanity is doomed. If the
Church follows the world as we often see today, then
men are lost indeed. For the Church must lead the
world. It is the Church that the Spirit has counseled
all truth. While the Spirit of God is upon all flesh, HE
has convicted the world concerning sin but has
revealed the truth to the Church (Joel 2:28; John 16:8).

It is for this reason that Paul cautioned the believers in


This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you

should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk,
in the futility of their mind, having their understanding
darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because
of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness
of their hearts; who being past feeling, have given themselves
over to lewdness, to work all uncleanliness with greediness.
But you have not so learned Christ, if indeed you have heard
Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus.
Ephesians 4:17-21

This truth in Jesus is the one HE came to bear witness

to (John 18:37). It is the truth that HE brought to the
earth and gave to the Church through HIS Spirit. And
Paul is right in calling the Church from imitating the
world who, in their greed and ravenous pursuits, are
trapped in darkness.

It should be clear from Paul’s concern that any pursuit

for success at the cost of purpose is a futile course
cruising to disaster. That carnal pathway ends in
destruction and as such the Church has nothing to learn
from it.
Instead, the world needs to learn from the Church. And
in fact, when the world learns in this manner, they will
not learn from the Church but will learn into the Church.
Once they learn from the Church the revelation of
Christ as the profound essence of man, they will repent,
convert, and become members of the Church.

And that is the mandate of the Church: We are to carry

this great message, this amazing truth, to every man, in
every nation so that God’s omnipotent will is
accomplished. In this regard, the same zeal that
occupied the apostle Paul is most relevant today.

It is vital that the Church, like Paul, understood the

great commission beyond the great concern of winning
souls or worsestill, the dubious concern of acquiring
and boasting of material benefits. Our mandate goes
further than making conversions to actually making
disciples; it exceeds the trivial prospect of making money
to undertake the noble role of making saints. Ultimately,
we must be about establishing the kingdom of God so
that HIS will is done here on earth as it is done in
heaven (Matthew 28:18-20).
This is the great commission and I dare say that outside
this purpose, the Church has no worthy success.
In executing this exemplary cause, Paul sought to bring
humanity to the revelation of Christ. He understood
this as the glorious ideal wherein lies every man’s

Christ we preach, warning every man and teaching

every man in all wisdom, that we may present every
man perfect in Christ Jesus. To this end I also
labor, striving according to His working which
works in me mightily. Colossians 1:28-29

Only then shall men have the most excellent success

that they seek in utter ignorance. For in this truth, in the
revelation of Christ, is the purpose of man that
provides the foundation for the most incredible success
any man can ever have, both in this present age and in
the one to come.

So like I said, it is vital we seek to know the purpose of

man. Why did God create man?
The beginning cited earlier in Genesis is still useful for
this exercise. Consequently, we must appreciate the
divine sequencing of man’s creation: Before the success
that God offered man, before HE created the man, HE
outlined his purpose. God ordained the purpose of the
man before HE commissioned the success of the man.
We trace the purpose of the man in these omnipotent
words when God said:

Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our

likeness (Genesis 1:26)

Now this text reads more like a statement of God’s

intention bearing in a sense no obvious purpose for the
man. It resembles more like what God intended to do
rather than what HE created the man for. However,
when we observe this same matter from Paul’s
understanding as revealed to him by the Spirit, we
appreciate that not only is man as image and likeness of
God an intention of the Most High, but it is also the
purpose for the man:

For whom He foreknew, He also predestined (read,

purposed) to be conformed to the image of His Son,
that He might be the first born among many
brethren. Moreover, those whom he predestined
He also called. Romans 8:29, 30
Further reading into Paul’s revelation of man here
reveals that after this purpose- conformity to the image
of Christ, then we see the prospect of man’s success:

Whom He called, these He also justified; and whom

He justified these He also glorified. Romans 8:30

Consequently, we can see that justification and glory

proceed from calling and purpose in God’s divine
So clearly, we can observe that where success is sought,
it should be understood that preceding it must be the
purpose of the man. And the purpose of the man is to
conform to what I called in the previous chapter, royal
divinity or divine royalty, or what Paul called the
mystery of godliness. Ultimately, the purpose of man
is to reveal Christ or manifest royal divinity.

Someone might ask how this is done on a day-to-day

basis: How do we ensure we are working within God’s
purpose or conforming to the image of Christ on a daily
To arrive at this effort is the noble intention of this
activate you into divine programming so that you are
able to walk in your purpose on a daily basis.
Consequently, it seeks to ensure that your life attains
what God distinguishes to Joshua as good success, in the
sense that there is indeed such a thing as bad success
(Joshua 1:8).
I guarantee you, when life is lived within this
sequence where men place their God-given purpose
above their pursuit of success; life becomes the
abundant glory that God intended it to be in the first

Now, a good place to start in appreciating ones divine

purpose on a continual basis has to do with
appreciating its preeminence, its superiority, above all
else. If we don’t have that settled, temptation will
always find room to divert you from purpose to some
dubious success, or trials will always sift you in the
pressure to save your flesh in preference of some
limited comfort. Many have in the face of difficult
choices or, in the event of seductive lures changed
course and sought success at the cost of purpose.

So, if we must walk daily in our purpose, or in divine

programming for that matter, if we must be committed
to it, we must realize that it should be a constant
preference, a consistent standard; we must be deeply
and passionately convinced of Christ in-dwelling us
and work towards manifesting HIM in everything we
do. If our better-later must so exceed the privileges of
any better-past we have ever enjoyed or, if it must
more than compensate any bitter-past we have ever
suffered, the revelation of Christ in us and through us
must always be the ground on which our success is
Walking in this revelation and manifesting its glorious
results then demands that we consistently submit
ourselves to the Spirit and the word of God.

This is how Adam lived before the fall. He begun by

living in his purpose. Adam lived as a son of God,
conforming into the image and likeness of God on a
constant basis. In order to do so, he lived intimately
with God and in obedience to HIS voice. His actions
were the offspring of God’s command.
He never did anything that God did not ask him to:
When God placed him in the Garden, he stayed there;
when God asked him to tend it, that is what he did;
when God gave him dominion over the creatures and
brought them to him to name them, that is what he did;
when God sought for him a suitable helper, he received
her and lived harmoniously with her; and when God
forbade him from touching or eating from the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil, he obliged. Adam
endeavored to obey God, duly submitted to HIS Spirit
and HIS word, and in doing so, he activated a divine
program that ensured his life was a string of wonders
and good success.

It is amazing to observe the amount of success that he

was able to master within this divine program. There is
nothing to compare to that today: The man never
sweated all that time; never did he fall sick; he was able
to name every creature and fellowship with God on
such an intimate manner that many people have since
never experienced.

And the amazement just increases when you consider

that he lived this way, was this successful, in spite of
the fact that he was not a member of any religious sect,
or Christian denomination. Neither was he part of any
intelligent schooling or commercial activity. Without
any supra-organization, without government, Adam
governed the air, the land, and the sea with incredible
excellence. There was no force, no figure, no feature
that contested and overwhelmed him. He was above
everything that God had mandated him to govern.
And he governed everything on earth in the same
excellence with which God governed the heavens. Prior
to his disobedience there was nothing God found
inadequate with him. He was perfect in all his ways.

Infact, it is in this sense that we must understand the

measure that was employed to rob him of this grand
Consequently, when studying the details of what we
have called the fall, we must realize that Satan never
envied man’s success. It is not the Garden he wanted.
Not even the world in all of its glory. He couldn’t
careless if the world were destroyed. What Satan
envied was this purpose that God had ordained for
the man, he envied that man is destined to be
conformed to the image and likeness of God. Satan
loathed that man is created to be nothing less than a
divine royal being. And he did so because this was
always his wish before God cast him down. As the
arch-angel Lucifer, he had desired royal divinity and
aspired for it with dismal results:

How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son

of the morning! How you are cut down to the
ground, you who weakened the nations! For
you have said in your heart: “I will ascend into
heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of
God: I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend
above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the
Most High”
Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the
lowest depth of the Pit. Isaiah 14:12-15

This proud fallen angel could not stomach that what he

had covetously aspired to be, what he thought he
deserved and was severely denied, God had graciously
ordained for the man to be. Discontent at being a
supreme angel, nonetheless a ministering spirit
programmed to serve the Most High; he couldn’t fathom
why God favored man to be a governing spirit
programmed to reign with the Most High.

Even obedient angels that did not join Lucifer’s

rebellion are amazed at the love God has for man.
David captured their marvel in one of his psalms when
he mused:

What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son
of man that You visit him? For You have made him a
little lower than Elohim, and You have crowned him
with glory and honor. You have made him to have
dominion over the works of Your hands; You have
put all things under his feet. Psalm 8:4-6
The angles are amazed at the purpose God crafted in
the spirit of the man to be a revelation of Christ;
nothing less than a sovereign spirit, a royal priest,
reigning like, and with God.

Now this is the feat that Satan could not swallow. This
is the privilege he coveted and had been thoroughly
denied. That God, who contended against him so
decisively, so that he was cast down as lightning (Luke
10:18), had preferred man to be HIS likeness and kind
automatically made the man his arch-nemesis.
And so, armed with this evil vendetta he lay in the
Garden seeking his malicious opportunity when he
would disgrace God by causing the man to lose his

It is important to note for several reasons that in spite of

his powers as an arch-angelic spirit, which for your
information were not revoked from him since the
calling and gifting of God are without repentance
(Romans 11:29), he did not, nor could he, just coercively
arrive at the Garden of Eden and forcibly expel the
man. His might was not suited to the occasion.
Furthermore, his intelligence must have counseled
against any such measure as the man was infinitely
empowered to such extent that any such contest would
have been as brief and fatal as he had just incurred in
heaven. For man was at that point as glorious as God,
with equal power and glory. Man would have expelled
this nemesis without much ado.

The options to suit his evil intentions were limited and

as such diverted him from coercive measures in
preference of seductive moves. Even in this regard, his
approach preferred to attend to the man’s soft spot- the
woman. That is why we see him deceive the woman
and not directly attending to the man.
Nonetheless, even in this regard a most significant
point is often missed: For even with the soft spot, the
devil was no match in regards to coercive combat. He
couldn’t overwhelm the woman in that way. She was
equal in measure and stature with the man, also
divinely empowered with equal measure with the Most
High. The means he employed against her reveals
something more about the glory of woman than any
radical feminist aspires for.

Now both man and woman fell from this high pedestal
from which no coercive effort of evil was able to prevail
against them because of what we are dealing with here:
Satan used seduction and deception to lure the woman,
and by this proxy, the man, from considering their
divine mandate, their purpose, in preference for some
elusive success.

Disguised as a serpent and carefully constructing his

words, he tricked the woman into considering
disobedience within the context of doubting her
essence, or their (man and woman) purpose. Watch

Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast

of the field which the LORD God has made. And he
said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall
not eat of every tree of the garden?” And the woman
said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees
of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in
the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not
eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.” Then the
serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die.
For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes
will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing
good and evil.” Genesis 3:1-4

Did you see that? The episode does not sound as grave
as its consequence was going to be. It could have
passed for any casual conversation were it not for the
category of persons involved and the stakes that stood
to be lost.

For one, the woman was no ordinary entity. She was

man’s help meet, his closest confidante, nothing less
than the flesh of his flesh and the bones of his bones
(Genesis 2:23). She was also part of the divine program
of man, similar to him in the sense that she too was the
image and likeness of God; she too was mandated to
exhibit the Christ, to reign on earth like God reigned in
heaven (Genesis 1:29).
And the serpent was no ordinary reptile. He was the
devil incarnate, fallen arch-angel that envied man for
his royal-divine purpose.
As such, he wasn’t just making conversation. Neither
was he just getting acquainted. He knew just so well
who the woman and the man were. Make no mistakes
about it, he knew exactly what they would suffer as a
result of the success of his seductive lures. From his
dark and evil mind, he sinuously anticipated the grave
consequence that awaited man were he to lose his
purpose in preference for success. Hidden in his soft
words and twisted reasoning was a carefully worked
attack that was treacherously lethal.

It is important that we carefully analyze his plot

because herein lies significant answers for those who
intend to live the glorious life intended for man. Notice
that he did not question the existence of God: He didn’t
pretend that God was nonexistent. Neither did he shoot
from the hip against the word of God. On the contrary,
he actually begun by alluding to that word in a dubious
questioning format aimed at sustaining a dangerous
discussion that would provide opportunity to his
sinister intentions.
And once the woman didn’t see it coming, feeding him
further with her naïve impressions to the glorious
realities God had mentioned to them, he moved for the
kill: He carefully graduates the discussion beyond
fruits and what God said, to matters that sowed seeds
of doubt regarding her identity and purpose. When he
suggests that her eyes are closed, and that God seeks to
prevent them (both man and woman) from being like
HIM, he had presented opportunity for her to doubt
her essence, man’s purpose, their divine program.

It is at this point, when she did, that she shifted from

divine programming to vain speculation, considering
success without purpose. Unknown to her, once the
devil had caused her to doubt her purpose, the
temptation had succeeded. The devil disappears as she
switches from purpose orientation to a success mode.
The next we see her, she is wantonly desiring
temporary and shallow pleasure at the grave expense
of losing her divine royalty. Cornered to preferring a
lesser life than God had granted man, she eats the fruit
and passes it on:

So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food,
that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable
to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She
also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. Genesis 3:6

Observe the simple calculations she made on such a

weighty matter.

How many today do the same? Why didn’t the man

intervene? How could they have sunk so low?
God had made them in his image and likeness. HE had
given them glory and honor. They had the benefit of
eating whatsoever they desired, including the fruit
from the tree of life wherein lay an even greater
opportunity to venture further into their divine
commission and an even more glorious success
(Genesis 2:16-17). They reigned supreme over the earth
from a garden where every fruit was pleasant. They
had every success anyone could ever have and yet they
faulted on the basis of such simple lures like appetite,
pleasure, and pride.

Well, it is vital we realize that this was possible once

they lost focus, once they shifted from being purpose-
driven to seeking easy-success. The rest is history as they
lost, not to nothing but to the devil, all the privilege
they enjoyed as a result of their purpose.

Watch this: Where Satan had descended from being a

ministering spirit to a rebellious one, man’s rebellion
positioned him to be the governing spirit he had always
coveted. Although unlike God in all his ways and
abilities, man’s rebellion and consequent fall enabled
Satan to reign over him. In succumbing to his
temptation, Adam literally handed Satan the keys of
death and offered the world to him with it. Due to
Adam’s fall, we talk of the devils kingdom instead of
the Kingdom of God and that of HIS sons.

Adam and Eve lost all the success they had inherent in
their being to the arch-enemy of God who continually
seeks that he destroys all men, and where this is not
possible or sufficient, he deceives them to pursue a
dubious success at any expense so that they are utterly
destroyed together with him in the last day.
Vanity fair is the game that he relentlessly plays on all
generations of men seeking that they never gain sight
of their true worth and calling.

And yet, all was not lost: While Satan robbed man’s
success and continues to dangle false impressions of it
to those who will, he never gained man’s divine
purpose. That omnipotent privilege has never fallen in
the hands of evil. Although man lost it, God preserved
it, planning right from the Garden till the appearance of
Christ to restore it:

And I will put enmity between you and the

woman, and between your seed and her Seed;
He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise
His heel. Genesis 3:15

This first prophecy of the coming of Christ was God’s

first revelation of HIS salvation plan. And it is for this
reason that we have the scriptures, the laws of Moses,
and the prophets, till the first coming of the Christ.
Jesus came to restore us to our purpose and therefore
the glorious success God reserved for us. This is what
HE meant by professing to give us life, and life more
abundantly (John10:10).

To be sure, this life, this abundant life HE restores is

several times more than the personal aggrandizement
many preachers make it to be. It is far more valuable
than material possessions. After all, men had for long
walked in material success long before, and even
during the days of Jesus without necessarily depending
on HIM for it. The rich young ruler that sought eternal
life from the LORD was greatly endowed with material
abundance without the LORD’s doing. To be sure, the
LORD sought HIM to give it all away rather than keep
it (Mark 10:17-25).

Similarly, the material riches that Zaccheus had robbed

from the citizenry of Jericho had never been the result
of any assistance of Christ. Infact, his story
demonstrated to all and sundry how shallow that
abundance is comparable to the one that Christ offers
(Luke 19:1-10). When this corrupt man received Jesus in
his house, he gave up and gave back several times what
he’d stolen from the people as a witness of the fact that
he had received a far richer life in Christ than he had
lived hitherto fore.
Moreover, the LORD’S applause for this act of
restitution on the part of the tax collector testifies to HIS
disdain for material abundance relative to spiritual

Beloved, Jesus had in HIS teachings clarified on this:

Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s

life does not consist in the abundance of the
things he possesses. Luke 11:15

HE knew and taught that there was more to life than

the pursuit of success. So HE preached and taught on
the purpose that God had for man. HE revealed that
this is what God intended the man to have. HE knew
that it was in rediscovering HIM, that man would be
To men of all types, be they rich or poor, weak or
strong, male or female, Jew or Gentile, rulers or
subjects, masters or slaves, HE called:

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and
learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and
you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy
and My burden is light. Mathew 11:28-30

Being God and the very measure of the divine program

God has for man, knowing well that this measure was
sealed in the man’s spirit, HE taught against seeking for
success as though it were alien to man. That
methodology HE identified with perversion and the
ways of a world lost for who it is.

Instead, HE implored those who understood HIM, and

why HE came, to seek the eternal purpose God
determined for man which HE variably identified as
the Kingdom of God:
And do not seek what you should eat or what you
should drink, nor have an anxious mind. For all these
things the nations of the world seek after, and your
Father knows that you need these things. But
seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall
be added to you. Luke 12:29-31

This is the kingdom that Moses caught a glimpse of

while still known to be a son to pharaoh’s daughter in
the comfortable confines of the palace in Egypt. Long
before Jesus showed up in human flesh, yet Moses
esteemed this royal divinity over and above that of
the earthly royalty he had grown up in. He perceived
this purpose and acknowledged it to be of greater
value than the success he had in spite of his esteemed
position in the government of Egypt (Hebrews 11:24-

As a result, he shortchanged his apparent success in

pursuit of his glorious purpose. For forty years in the
wilderness, reduced to rearing sheep of his father-in-
law, he pondered on this cause. And God did not
disappoint: In spite of the future visitation of Christ
when these matters would be fully revealed and
clarified, God still visited Moses and appointed this
royal divine purpose to him.
Following which, it did not matter how many years he
had waited for this experience, it did not matter that he
was eighty years old when he finally occasioned his
divine program, it did not matter whatsoever what
weakness he bore at the time. Once he became aware,
once he discovered his purpose so that he could
activate his divine program, his later became the better-
wonder we read of in the book of Exodus.

In that better-later, he subjected the house of pharaoh to

obey his voice; he trounced the magic of seasoned
sorcerers; he delivered an entire nation from centuries
of slavery; he drowned an entire army in a sea while
crossing an entire nation through the same sea on dry
ground; he also provided food, health, water, and
governed this nation of two million people for forty
years in a wilderness.
A Moses with divine purpose lived and communed
with God in such dramatic success that is incomparable
with even the most accomplished religious leaders of
our day. He also governed and ensured the survival of
his people in amazing feats of battle and public service
incomparable with the most seasoned generals and
statesmen of our day.

This is what you need. This is the later you need to

activate. This is the better-later I am talking of here. It is
not merely a successful life. It is more than that. It far
exceeds that measure. Forget motivation-guru’s who
cannot promise more than shallow, dubious, and
material success or second-rate carnal ministers who
sugar-coat human philosophies and promise a short-
lived success.
This kind of later I am sharing about here is more than
the world can grant. They cannot even perceive it. It
has not been revealed to them and they are not aspiring
for it. Divine programming is for God’s children. They
are the custodian of this omnipotent truth. To them
belong the mysteries of the kingdom, the mysteries of
godliness, the revelation of divine purpose in the
human experience.

Throughout the scripture, this preference for purpose

over success is highlighted: God gave Noah a purpose
at the expense of a deceptive success that engulfed his
generation. The purpose was to be upright before him
in spite of the perversion of his generation. Defending
that purpose involved the construction of an ark that
took 120 years during which his contemporaries
swirled in vain glory. In the end, he survived the flood
while they perished.
And when Abraham relished in the success he enjoyed
with his father’s family in the metropolitan city of
Haran, God summoned him to abandon all, follow
HIM, and assume his glorious purpose. Abraham
believed God and it was credited to him as righteous
(Genesis 15:6). Therein, he qualified to be God’s friend
and was the better for it even though initially he risked
losing all, faced a famine, and even faced the threat of
death in Egypt. His obedience paved way for God to
crown him with the enviable glory of being the
patriarch of faith, the father of all believers (Galatians

There is also the account of Joseph, whose purpose saw

him lose the domestic success he relished in his fathers
house, suffer the betrayal of his brothers, endure the
bondage of slavery, and even bear the false accusations
of a wanton woman with the cost of prison to top it all.
But his purpose held for him a glorious end so that he
eventually became the prime minister of Egypt.

There were many more in the Septuagint, whose

purpose preceded their success, whose preference for
divine programming came at a costly expense of what
was apparently success in the understanding of their
contemporaries: David’s purpose cost him the
privileges of being the king’s general and personal
musician, not to mention his deeply intimate fellowship
with the king’s son and marriage to the king’s
daughter. Several times, this divine program saw him
in such odd scenarios like when he was joined with the
destitute in the land, or when he dodged the javelin of
the king and flee his sword. He also found himself in
the awkward position of being in exile. And yet, his
purpose eventually gave him the throne of Israel and
the lineage of the Messiah.

The story must also be told how three Hebrew boys

consistently upheld their purpose refusing to bow
before the king’s brazen statue in spite of the threat of a
tormenting death in the blast furnace. They were
supernaturally rescued by God who enabled them to
defy the fierce heat of the furnace, showcasing them as
they braved its flames in the company of the Son of
God. Their glorious display motivated the king to
promote them to governors in his empire (Daniel 3).

There were several more whose sense of divine

purpose kept them within God’s divine program. Many
of them at the cost of any carnal measure of success and
yet still celebrated by God:

Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that

they might obtain a better resurrection. Still others
had trial mockings and scourgings, yes, and of chains
and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn
in two, were tempted, were slain with the sword. They
wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being
destitute, afflicted, tormented- of whom the world
was not worthy. They wandered in deserts and
mountains, in dens and caves of the earth.
Hebrews 11:35-38

Their pursuit of God’s ordained purpose at the expense

of success validates the preference God has in these

Those who chose otherwise, are clearly criticized

throughout the scriptures: Esau lost his birthright for
this reason. He preferred short-lived success, a plate of
soup at that, at the expense of his purpose. When it
dawned on him that he’d lost his purpose, although he
sought it with many tears he was rejected by God
(Hebrews 12:6).
There is the sorry account of Achan, who allowed his
appetite for cheap success to not only cost Israel the
first battle with the city of Ai, but eventually it cost him
his life and that of his entire family (Joshua 7).
And then there is the account of King Solomon who got
lost in the trappings of success his renowned wisdom
gave him, seeking and drowning his soul in all
manners of pleasure. In the end, his several wives
misled him to false worship with the bitter consequence
of losing the throne of Israel (1 Kings 11:1-13).

Observe some of his comments on the deception of

success, especially at the cost of ones divine purpose, he
had this to reveal:

Treasures of wickedness profit nothing, but

purpose delivers from death. Proverbs 10:2

There is one who makes himself rich yet has

nothing; and one who makes himself poor,
yet has great riches. Proverbs 13:4

How much better to get purpose than gold! And

to get understanding is to be chosen rather than
silver. Proverbs 16:16

It is not good for a soul to be without purpose,

And he sins who hastens with his feet. Proverbs 19:2
Better a poor and wise youth than an old and foolish
king who will be admonished no more. For he comes
out of prison to be king, although he was born poor
in his kingdom. I saw all the living who walk under
the sun; They were with the second youth who stands
in his purpose. There was no end of all the people over
whom he was made king. Ecclesiastes 4:13-16

My friend, walking in your ordained purpose programs

you for royalty. It transforms you regardless of your
previous predisposition. It does not matter where you
were born, in what condition, or what background you
hail from. Pursuing your purpose activates a force
field of glory that will switch your fortunes from
oblivion to dominion, from obscurity to incredibility,
from zero to hero. The one that finds his purpose is a
right and fitting substitute of the one that hastens for

Having made this point with several examples

throughout the scriptures, the lesson of the superiority
of purpose over success, God found it timely to send
Christ to reveal to us the ultimate purpose of man. Like
I have said, Jesus came to restore what Adam lost. HE
came to reprogram us into God’s sovereign purpose for
When the fullness of time had come God sent HIS only
begotten and imperial Son to be born in the flesh as a
token of HIS infinite love for all men. HIS lowly birth in
a manger reveals a lot regarding HIS mission. For
God’s Son, the very richness of HIS glory, became
poor that we may be rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). HE also
put on flesh so that frail humanity can cloth on royal
divinity (Galatians 3:26-27).

In this regard, HE revealed that there was no one

without purpose. HE confirmed that God never
despises any man (Job 36:5). There are no favorites with
HIM (Galatians 3:28). All men are created equal, all of
them have a purpose, all of them can switch to
infinite glory in Christ Jesus. Christ, in this sense, is
our essence for living, the revelation of our ideal and
divine programming.

Like HIM, we too can hilariously declare:

Behold, I have come- in the volume of the books
it is written of Me- To do Your will O God.
Hebrews 10:7

Jesus revealed that understanding life this way was

superior to any other format for life. Distinguishing
HIMSELF from those who follow the patterns of
darkness and carnal calculations, HE announced:

You are from beneath; I am from above. You are

of this world; I am not of this world. John 8:23

This superior qualification HE reserved for those who

understood their divine program, those who would
awaken to HIS mission and arrive at a life committed to
the will of God as the compass of their life, their
purpose and essence of living. Praying to the Father HE
revealed as much:

I have given them Your word; and the world has

hated them because they are not of the world,
just as I am not of the world. I do not pray that
You should take them out of the world, but that
You should keep them from the evil one. They are
not of the world, just as I am not of the world.
Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.
As You sent me in the world, I also have sent them
into the world. John 17:14-18

That is the wonderful love of God revealed right there;

I mean that is just wonderful, super, fantastic. It doesn’t
get better than this. God has absolutely, without
question loved us. HE has believed in us even when we
failed HIM and rebelled against HIS will.
When we looked down on ourselves, God sent Christ to
restore our faith, to cause us to awaken to who we
really are and what we are here for.

We are in the world for a reason. We are not just here,

we were not just born. A thousand times NO! We are
God sent. We have purpose, direction, a cause to be
around. And our purpose is such as the one that Jesus
had when HE came. We share that cause, we share the
same calling; we too are programmed like HE was to
function in omnipotent royal divinity. As HE was
sent, so has HE sent us (John 20:21).
As HE was sent to conquer evil, so are we. As HE was
sent to deliver men, so are we. As HE was sent to
establish God’s kingdom on the earth and reign world
without end, so are we. We share this royal
commission, this divine and imperial cause.

Now this is regardless what the devil thinks or what

the world thinks. We are beyond their sinister
impressions. They may hate us, the devil may huff and
puff, but we must be duty bound, set on the course
assigned to us. Necessity is laid upon us to establish
and extend the kingdom of God on earth as it is in
heaven. We have the divine mandate to restore men,
to convert nations, to disciple a lost world, and to
govern the ends of the earth. What is more? We will
judge the world, even angels (1 Corinthians 6:2-3). And
where the devil or his company contends with us we
know that we know that we are not alone (1 John 4:4).

We are a kingdom, and in any contest, we are more

than conquerors (Romans 8:37). Together with the
apostle John, we are confidently aware that hailing
from above, nothing from beneath can be victorious
over us:
For whatever is born of God overcomes the world.
And this is the victory that overcomes the world-
our faith. Who is HE that overcomes the world,
but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God
1 John 5:4-5

That is you my friend. Victory is not estranged from

you. It is not something you must beg from God,
praying in many forms as though you were far from it.
Victory is the consistent result of the divine program
God designed for you. It is the ultimate expectation
God has when HE considers you.
It lays in your faith; it is embedded in a truth written in
your spirit.

Sanctify yourself with this truth, pray in the spirit and

in this truth, walk in the spirit and in this truth, be
conscious of it and your later will cease to be the benefit
of a divine intervention but the result of a divine

The one that finds this kind of purpose cannot be

eluded of good success. My friend, the one that
programs this purpose cruises a life that is loaded with
infinite amounts of virtue. Jesus guaranteed that such a
one, “is added onto all these things” (Matthew 6:33).
Your needs are not limited to prevailing circumstances,
regardless their condition. But your God shall supply
all your needs according to HIS riches in glory in Christ
Jesus (Philippians 4:19).

The one that has activated divine programming and is

living this royal purpose is plugged to infinite and
incomprehensible dimensions of blessings (Ephesians
1:3). His life becomes a wonder, a spectacular series of
supernatural occasions and marvelous manifestations.
This kind of person does not seek success, success seeks
after him. Purpose pulls success to the one that finds
it and pursues it.

Adam was tricked out of this realm. Jesus has tracked us

back into it. Rather than spend valuable time regretting
Adam’s loss, let us spend the rest of forever celebrating
Christ’s gain. Adam’s dispensation closed with his
disobedience. Our time has fully come with our
obedience to God and sanctification in this truth. Never
again should you be sorry or should men about you
be ill-fated. A glorious mandate has been awakened
in you through this truth to activate an imperial
reality that should close fate and open fortune for
you, those around you, even those estranged to you.
People from near and far can count you a blessing in
this realm. When you consider yourself, you just rejoice
that you live in the hour to redeem time and progress

And there is something to be said about this kind of

better-later in view of the promises made by God in the
dispensation of the law: Many believers do not realize
that in Christ, all the promises of God are yes and
Amen! (2 Corinthians 1:20) In their ignorance, they still
seek God to fulfill promises. Some even seek HIM to
make promises! They waste a lot of time. They do not
realize that all spiritual blessings pertaining to life and
godliness have been given to us in Christ Jesus
(Ephesians 1:3; 2 Peter 1:3).
More still, many Christians, even many teachers and
preachers have not yet caught the extent of superiority
our covenant has over those of the covenants God
made with Israel in the wilderness and with their
forefathers. They still teach that staff not knowing that
we are not just blessed in the city, we are the blessing
in the city; we are not just blessed in the countryside,
we are the blessing in the countryside; we are not just
assured against the diseases of the Egyptians, we lay
our hands on the sick and they recover, drink a deadly
thing without any harm, and cast out devils in HIS
Name. We have power over all the power of the

My friend, our Promised Land is not some territory

across the Jordan occupied by heathen nations. To be
sure, ours is more than a promised land: Together with
Christ, we are seated together in heavenly places where
we are possessors of heaven and earth (Ephesians 2:6).
We are joint heirs with Christ over all things, seen and
unseen (Romans 8:17). HE represents our mandate in
heaven and we represent HIS mandate on earth. As HE
is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17).

What kind of people we are tells the kind of later you

can have. What you need is to equip yourself with this
truth. Detoxicate, sanctify, clean yourself of all the
falsehoods and deceptions that have perverted your
mind over the years. Believe what you are reading right
now regarding your identity and purpose.
When you pray, offer thanks not petitions regarding
these things. Your needs are yes and amen in this
regard; so when you pray, regurgitate these solemn
truths in all thanks with hymns and psalms. Live out
your purpose as a royal priest and command your
blessings. This is God’s will and it is pleasing to HIM:

Do not fear little flock, for it is your Father’s good

pleasure to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32

So, enjoy the glorious pleasure of your later. Do not be

carnal, doubtful, and wicked in these matters. Do not
question God, waiting till you see so that you believe.
This life, this purpose is in your spirit. It all depends on
you to manifest what is inside:

The kingdom of God does not come with observation;

or will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed
the kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:20-21

It is all within you awaiting your faith, wisdom, and

confidence in this truth for it to come out. Believe it,
access it, and manifest it. Your later is not anyone
else’s program. It is not dependant on anyone you
know or do not know.

May be you are selling in a shop and you think that

your better-later is dependent on the customers; or, you
are working in a company and you think that your
better-later is dependent on the stock exchange, or the
board of directors, or even the economy or your
retirement package. May be you are a house wife, and
you think that your better-later is dependent on the
fortunes of your husband; or, you are a child and you
think that your better-later is dependent on your
parents or siblings; or, you are sick of a deadly
infirmity and are anxiously waiting for the scientific
society to invent the cure of that ailment before you
have a better-later.

Nothing can be further than the truth. Your better-later

is in you. It is dependent on God and you, and God
has finished HIS part. You must do yours. God has
written it all out and sealed it in your spirit. You must
draw it out:

Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water,

But a man of understanding will draw it out.
Proverbs 20:5

Fetch that glorious account banked in you. Draw it out.

This book is spirit and life because the words that I

have been graced to communicate to you are of the
LORD and can therefore give you the necessary
understanding to draw out God’s counsel from your
detail of promises, methods, or psychological
presentations. On the contrary, it is a vehicle that seeks
to lift you up into the realm of the supernatural where
your divine purpose is located. The words herein are
blessed assurances that speak of a purpose inherent in
your being that you can live out if you gain spiritual
understanding. That purpose is the grand revelation of
Christ. It also doubles up as God’s counsel written both
in your spirit and in the volume of the books in heaven.
It awaits your wisdom. It has been patiently waiting for
such a moment as the one you are having right now;
when these truths become apparent to you.

So, believe them and meditate on them. Take time out

and ponder over them. Destiny beckons you to a
glorious dispensation that may never have occurred in
the minds of those close to you. Do not just read the
book and close its pages. Let the book read you and
open your pages. Let the words seek you out of the
cocoon of mediocrity and perversion that has been
hiding you. Deep inside you is a royal priest, a grand
purpose that stores a success such as the world can
never give you.

As such, the way up for you is mapped right down in

your inner man. Remember that Moses esteemed the
riches in Christ to be far greater than the treasures in
pharaoh’s palace. However, while he looked forward to
them, they are richly dwelling in you: Do not anticipate
any prospect, be it fortunate or fateful, before you
meditate on the revelation of Christ inherent in your
innermost being.
Beloved, fortune is in your heart, this book is in your
hands, and the words therein are now working in you
to do exceedingly, abundantly, far above more than
you are able to ask, think, or even imagine (Ephesians
And that, my friend, is the picture I envisage of your
better-later: Christ in you, the hope of glory!
(Colossians 1:26)

Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed

Him, saying, “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and
But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, “Do you
not even fear God, seeing you are under the same
condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we receive the
due rewards of our deeds, but this Man has done
nothing wrong.” Then he said to Jesus, “Lord,” remember
Me when You come into Your kingdom.” And Jesus
said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will
be with Me in Paradise.” Luke 23:39-43

What a merciful God we serve: HIS love and

compassion are not past finding out any more, we have
it fully revealed in Christ. HE showed us how God
loves. HE demonstrated it in many intimate ways, and
even taught about it (John 3:16). Ultimately, HE proved
God’s love for us when HE shed HIS life on the cross:

In this the love of God was manifested toward us,

that God has sent His only begotten Son into the
world, that we might live through Him. In this is love,
not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent
His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 1 John 4:9, 10

And in that love, it is never too late. The love of God

extends opportunity to the last breath. As long as you
have life, you are still open to God’s chances regardless
your past.

What many who underestimate the tenacity of God’s

love do not realize is that HE is constantly seeking,
waiting, and hoping for the repentance of sinners. God
believes in you and will patiently await your turn
around. When you live in the flesh rather than in the
spirit, when you are driven by carnal impressions
rather than those of the Spirit of God, God still waits
and seeks for a time when you will know better how
to live.

In these matters, it does not matter where you have

been, how you are, or who you are, it does not even
matter how God may be feeling at the particular
moment that you turn around; what really matters is
that you do. When you do, you shall discover a
paradise that HE intended just for you. You will also
discover that with God, not only can your later be
better but it is better late than never.

It is possible that the truths regarding divine

programming that I have shared in this glorious work
are coming to you at the evening of your life. You
probably wish you had known much earlier these great
truths. It may be that you have committed several
mistakes and are resigned to fate, even concluding that
your best days are over and tomorrow must only await
your death.
You may even be young but your sensual living has
caused you to commit fatal mistakes that have either
caused permanent loss to others or even to yourself.
May be you are in a prison cell right now facing a life
sentence or they threaten to take your life in a death
sentence and so, naturally, you may feel despondent
and the devil may tempt you to disregard the relevance
of such a book in your hands.

My friend, nothing can be further than such cruel

impressions. To begin with, this is not the time to be
thinking naturally. This is not the time for you to be
paying attention to the flesh. If there is anything that
the Holy Spirit is seeking to accomplish in a book
like this one, is the basic need for you to crucify the
flesh and pay attention to the Spirit. The Holy Spirit
knows far much more about your opportunities than
you can carnally observe, more than your
acquaintances, enemies, and peers can observe, and HE
has communicated these realities to your spirit:

But as it is written:

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,

nor has it entered the heart of man the things God has
prepared for those who love Him.”

But God has revealed

them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches
all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man
knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man
which is in him? Even so, no one knows the things of God
except the Spirit of God. Now we have received not the
Spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that
we might know the things that have been freely given to
us by God. 1Corinthians 2:9-12
Do you see that? Stop listening to those who do not
know better about you to find out your chances. Stop
seeking to know about it from rumors, the world,
opinions of men, dictates of your superiors, or from the
news. No one knows better regarding your chances
better than the Holy Spirit. Intimate with HIM,
discover HIM in your life, attend to HIS gentle and
wise counsel and you will be privy to what God
freely gave you long before you were born. You will
know what your spirit has always known, what it has
always kept for you; for God sealed your infinite
possibilities in your spirit.

Now, in that realm, lodged in your spirit, is incredible

opportunity beyond human comprehension. That is
why Paul affirms how eyes have not seen, ears have not
heard, and neither has it entered the heart of any man
what God has prepared for you.
Brother, in your spirit, time is not a barrier. In your
spirit is a divine program that transcends any such
factor because its details were crafted in eternity and its
intentions are omnipotent. Meaning that whenever you
arrive at the deposit of your divine program,
supernatural possibilities will take place to
compensate whatever loss you may have incurred in
your life time.

My friend, there is nothing in the outside that your

inside cannot handle. What you need is a revelation of
your life as is written in your spirit. And that is the
purpose of the Holy Spirit:

I still have many things to say to you, but you

cannot bear them now. However, when He, the
Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into
all truth; for He will not speak of His own authority,
but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will
tell you things to come. John 16:12-13

So, regarding things to come, all there is to know about

the future, about your fortune, about your
opportunities, about what is going to happen or rather
what can happen, is not limited to the evening news.
Neither is the possibility in the hands of your physicist,
or judge, or neighbor, or boss, or even the president, or
any such entity. If you seriously digest the truths I have
labored to bring to you in this book, you can be above
any such dictate. Real truth, real possibilities are
lodged in your spirit and the mighty Spirit of the
Lord searches them out to communicate to your soul
so that you can be sure about what is to come.

Once you understand things this way and work on

living the right way, living out of your spirit as led by
the Spirit, your destiny is covered. Nothing can
overwhelm you. You become a supernatural force of
glory that continually changes for the best and
positively impacts everything around you.
Consequently, there is no such thing as such a person
running out of time. Everlasting mercies have been
granted to the one that lives this way.
On the other hand, time runs out for those who prefer
to live according to the patterns of the world, according
to their senses.

This is the moral lesson from the account Luke shares

with us of the two thieves hanging on the sides of Jesus’
cross: Both had been covetous and criminal, and so had
lived according to their senses. Both were hanging on
account of this. However, one continued in his path of
the flesh to destruction unaware of the incredible
possibility beside him. On the other hand, the other
paid attention to his spirit. For once, even though it
seemed like time had run out, he evoked his spirit
which revealed to him the glorious opportunity at his
As a result, while the carnal, fleshly-minded criminal lost
time, dying to absolute destruction; the spirit-awakened
criminal redeemed the time, dying to everlasting life,
peace, and infinite prosperity. Their fate was sealed by
their response to the opportunity that was right at their
side. That opportunity was Jesus, the sanctified truth
that the Father had sent into the world.

My friend, this truth that you have held in your hands,

reading to this point, is a tool for your spiritual
awakening. Use it well regardless your past. It really
does not matter how far into darkness you sunk, or
how much evil you have done, once you awake to
these truths you can redeem the time. Your later can
be a paradise from henceforth.

Those who have told you that time has run out lied to
you: Whenever you discover the virtues inherent in
your spirit, you disqualify the sentence of men
against you. Your divine program can overrule any
human conclusion. So do not let people sentence you
when God has so gladly pardoned you. Do not let the
world condemn you when God has so powerfully
justified you. Switch your vision from what is going on
around you and pay attention to what is inside you.

And this is not a religious business. It exceeds that

dimension: Consider that both thieves actually
appealed to the LORD regarding their fate. The carnal
one mockingly sought divine intervention; he wanted
to get out of the cross and escape the plight he suffered.
On the other hand, the other thief genuinely awakened
to divine programming and assumed a kingdom
mentality. The LORD attended to the latter and ignored
the former.
My friend, praying is not enough. Religious ritualizing
in itself is empty that is why many believers have
prayed and prayed and descended further into an
abyss of despair. In their ignorance of the ways of God,
they have been taught to cry for divine intervention in
the vain hope that it will resolve their plight. What they
need is divine programming.

You see, the clamor for divine intervention does not

necessarily translate into one being close to the LORD.
Both thieves were close to HIM physically but that was
not enough. Both were suffering together with HIM
(HE felt their infirmity) but that fellowship was not
enough either. Both talked to HIM, both appealed to
HIM, but that was not enough to warrant HIS attention.
The thief that sought divine intervention spoke to God
with his lips but his heart (his spirit) was far from HIM.
On the other hand, when the other thief awakened to
divine programming his heart was right with Jesus. He
spoke things that were right in the heart of Jesus. It
didn’t matter that he was close to the LORD physically.
Even if he had activated this divine program while
dying from another continent he would still have
elicited the same response- that day, he would have
been with the LORD in paradise.

While it is important that he spoke, it was not his lips

that sealed his fate but his heart (his spirit). His spirit
occasioned his lips to speak the will of God. This is why
Jesus spoke about the Father seeking them that worship
in spirit and in truth (John 4:23).

This is how Jesus prayed. HE prayed, “Let your will be

done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). HE
was conscious that this was possible. That is why when
HE wanted to feed the hungry crowd that had followed
HIM for three days into the wilderness to hear the
word of God, HE did not cry, “Father, give us food to
eat” however noble the intention. HE knew better and
instead blessed the meal and multiplied it (Mark 6:34-
I especially love how HE prayed before raising Lazarus
from the dead. Rather than cry to God to restore the life
of HIS friend, HE declared:
Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. And I
know that You always hear Me…John 11:41-42

What this means is that you may have to change the

way you pray. Rather than pray in the flesh, praying as
a result of your carnal observations, begin to pray in
spirit and in truth.

Begin to pray divine programming prayers: Speak to

God the things that are in HIS heart and word
concerning you. Don’t just cry, “God help me!” Wake
up to the fact that HE already has and say to HIM,
“Thanks dear LORD, for you have empowered me so
that I can do all things” (Philippians 4:13). Confess the
word; believe with your heart, your spirit, the things
God has freely given to you. Instead of crying, “Heal
me LORD!” Awaken to the finished work at Calvary
and boldly confess, “By YOUR stripes, I was healed” (1
Peter 2:24)

Beloved, know that you are more than a conqueror in

all these things (Romans 8:37). So, rather than being
bewildered at what seems to be getting worse, awaken
to the truth that you are actually growing from height
to height, glowing from glory to glory, abounding in all
things (Romans 1:17; 2 Corinthians 3:18). Oh yes, the
letter killeth, but the spirit gives life and that life is
working in you, programming you for the
supernatural, enabling you to manifest the works of the
Father (John 14:10; Ephesians 2:10).

So there is nothing in this world that can pull you

down. Nothing! You are born of the Spirit and have
overcome the world (1 John 5:4). Thank God, praise
HIM for HIS everlasting kindness because greater is HE
that is in you than HE that is in the world (1 John 4:4).
And if it seems that by carnal observation things are
getting worse, do not be moved. Ignore the evidence
of the flesh and pay exclusive attention to the things
of the Spirit. Whatever the condition, acknowledge
with all earnestness that they are temporary. Set your
gaze on the things that are eternal, on the things that
are forever established (Colossians 3:1-2).
The more you do, the more you are conscious of your
divine program, the more you will activate it so that it
is evident throughout your life. Soon, you will be like
Peter, your later is going to be so amazing that you will
literally think you are dreaming (Acts 12:11). And yet,
everything will be real.

Beloved, you can actually live your dream if you

release your divine program. It will cause you to sing
like the children of Israel:

When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion,

we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was
filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing.
Then they said among the nations, “The LORD has
done great things for them.” The LORD has done
great things for us, and we are glad. Psalm 126:1-3

That is the rest of your life if you will activate your

divine program- A life like a dream, an enviable life,
one admired by men. A life filled with music, rhythm,
and melody. Your divine program is a paradise of
continuous laughter, of joy unspeakable and full of
glory (1 Peter 1:8).
The one that chooses to live this life has more time than
is possible to fathom with the carnal mind. He has
entered eternal dimensions although presently existing
in a time frame. Consequently, he has redeemed time:
No doctor can confirm with certainty their demise. No
judge can rule out their divine possibilities. No barrier,
be it human or evil, can withhold such a one from
everlasting praise, beauty, and peace.
This kind of guy does not need divine intervention, he
is a divine intervention. Whatever he speaks comes to
pass. And mountains of troubles, demons, confusion,
resistance, know his voice and heed it (Matthew 17:20).
When men pray, they show up with answers (Acts 10).
In divine programming, they have been commissioned
to be the answers to the prayers of men. They are the
light of the world, the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13-

My friend, it is never too late to know these things and

awaken to them. As I prayerfully wrote and prophesied
this revelation- CHANGE YOU MUST BELIEVE IN-
the LORD of heaven and earth told me to make you
aware that as you hold this book, you hold a timeless
solution. Believe its truths, meditate on its details,
and occasion a life that has been sealed in your spirit.
As you activate this program, you will transcend time
where it seems to be a barrier. And where you seemed
to have lost it, you will redeem it. In this quest, you will
overcome every limitation before you, every challenge
that stands against you.
It really does not matter what happened before you.
And yes, you could have lived a far richer and eventful
life had you known sooner the truths herein. However,
it is better late than never. Thanks be to God that you
have it now.

Do not blow this glorious opportunity and read this

book as though it were some casual literature. This is
not something to peruse through. These are words that
should saturate your soul, permeate your senses, and
revise your thinking. CHANGE YOU MUST BELIEVE
IN is a tool more than it is a book. Its words are not
merely the thoughts of one man communicating to
another. Far more serious than that, they are divine
counsels of the Holy Spirit provoking you to take
advantage of the immensity of divine resource that was
invested in you in eternity so that you would do
supernatural works and manifest the glory of God.

The thief on the cross that awakened to his divine

program entered paradise the same day he was
convicted by men. You too can engage this program
and wake up to your paradise:

Therefore He says:

“Awake, you who sleep,

arise from the dead,
and Christ will give you light.”

See then that you do not walk circumspectly, not as fools

but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
Therefore do not be unwise, but understanding what the
will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:14-17

There is no paradise for fools. The later that I speak of is

no prospect for those who do not know better. Neither
can sensual men perceive these matters (1 Corinthians
Important to note in this regard is that the prophesy of
a better-later is certainly not a general one in the sense
that everyone will experience it. Not even every
Christian will enjoy these imperial privileges. To be
sure, many are called but few choose (Matthew 22:11):
While every man born of woman has a spirit, not
everyone of them is awakened to its reality. Many
Christians are completely ignorant about their spirit
and the wise counsel of the Holy Spirit. That is why the
apostle Paul referred to the church in Galatia as foolish
because they had learnt from him these revelations but
had strayed back to carnal teachings under the
influence of false teachers (Galatians 3:1).

Those who are not awakened to their spirit are fools

regardless whether they are schooled or not, whether
they are Christians or not, whether they are preachers
or not, and are comparable to one that is asleep, or
even dead. They have missed the opportunities of their
life time regardless their apparent success. On the other
hand, those awakened to their spirit are able to
understand the will of God and are therefore able to
redeem the time.
When men cry in these evil days, they laugh and are
able to answer their cry.

So, they don’t cry. They don’t panic. They are seasoned
by the word of God that liveth and abideth forever (1
Peter 1:23). In understanding God’s will, they have
tapped into an infinite field of opportunities for
themselves and countless others.
To be sure, their better-later is not a personal affair. It is
a global mission. In their heart is the commitment to
improve every life, feed every soul, cloth every body,
and nourish every man. Their life is a divine mandate
to bless the nations and disciple the world (Matthew

My friend, as Jesus was sent, so have you been sent

divine commission to you to be conscious of the
unlimited power in your hands. It is a call for you to
cease being a frail citizen of humanity constantly
begging God for answers. It seeks for you to engage
your glorious heavenly identity so that you can
implement God’s will on earth as it is in heaven.
In this regard, religion is a non entity. This is not a
religious matter. It is a divine concern requiring divine
urgency. As such, you do not need a church building or
a priest to pray over you as much as you must of
necessity understand these things so that you can be
the kingly priest God intends you to be (1 Peter 2:9).

Just as Jesus was sanctified and sent into the world so

have you been sanctified and sent into the world. As
you have read this book, HIS truths have sanctified
you and they send you into the world. And in this
world, upholding these revelations guarantees you to
be distinguished, peculiar, set apart and above.
Go light your candle, let that light of your spirit so
shine and I can guarantee you that men will see your
excellent performance so much that you will release
such praise in their hearts than any religion ever has or
ever can (Matthew 5:16).
Just remember that when Israel cried under the task
masters in Egypt, God did not send a religion; HE sent
a man called Moses. Again when they cried under the
frustrating band of the Midianites, God did not send a
religion; HE sent a man called Gideon. When the world
suffered from the trappings of sin and the decadence of
evil, God did not send a religion; HE sent a man called
Jesus. Today the world is crying several times over,
billions are in a plethora of needs. Once again, God is
not sending a religion. All the world’s religions are
incapable of handling the crisis of the hour.
However, the eyes of God have located you as the
answer in this generation: What will you do? Will you be
the man/woman that will heed God’s commission to answer
the cry of this your generation?

CHANGE YOU MUST BELIEVE IN tells you that the

world has been waiting for you. Don’t cry with them,
answer their cry!!!! You are the solution in your
generation. This is your season: Not the days of Elijah
or any of the prophets of old but your days. The baton
has passed on, take it and run your course. From now
on and forever more, you can be who God willed you
to be.

This literally means that inspite of the circumstances,

inspite of your past; you nonetheless have the divine
privilege to be God’s best in this hour. It’s not over;
time is in your blessed hands.
Maximize the moment, redeem the time, and loose
glory on earth. It will be loosed in heaven. Heaven is
waiting for your command; don’t sleep on your post:
The Father has done HIS part, Jesus has done HIS, the
Holy Spirit is doing HIS and is available to help you
do yours.
IT’S YOUR TIME! Tomorrow is in your hands. Better
still, and most assuredly, the next split second till the
rest of eternity has been placed in your spirit; LIVE IT!

Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say

to you, unless one is born again he cannot see
the kingdom of God.” Nicodemus said to Him, “How
can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second
time into his mother’s womb and be born?” Jesus
“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water
the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That
which is
born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the
Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you,
‘You must be born again.’ John 3:3-7

As we approach the closure of this immortal

discussion, I seek to emphasize on the peculiarity of the
change that I believe the LORD would have you believe
in. It is not the same kind with that sponsored by the
world (for instance, by politicians, psychologists,
medical doctors, nutritionists, motivators, a romantic
associate, a sales agent, a parent, friend, bank manager,
stock broker, or any such categories of people). The
change I have labored in divine love to share here is far
greater than any such change. Its motive and results far
outclass any change this world can ever promise.
in the least about the desires of the flesh as much as it is
all about the aspirations of the spirit.

Consider this book as a torch shining into the infinitely

gifted possibilities inherent in your inner man. Therein
are to be found treasures untold, wonders beyond
mortal ponder, nothing less than wealth of incredible
glory. Inside you, to be sure, the real you (because that
is what you really are- spirit, and not flesh and blood)
is a story of glory that God Almighty wrought in
eternity intending that you would unveil in time. It is a
most amazing episode of miracles, signs and wonders.

Awaken to it, seize it, draw it out, and reveal to all and
sundry the immense love God has for you and for all
men. Switch from the limited confines of mortality,
adjust from the frail abilities of the flesh, and manifest
in this day and age a light so bright that will shine
blessings, joy, peace and fortitude to a world lost from
God’s love.

You are a wonder: Fearfully and wonderfully made,

God assigned you the grandest of all duties- you are
destined to reveal HIM and therein, reign with HIM in
a dominion of supernatural power and authority. HE
made you sufficiently able to preside over heaven and
earth, over all angels and animals, to be preeminent,
distinguished, a first fruit of all creation (James 1:18).
This most noble of intentions is duly and articulately
defined and sealed in your innerman.

What is more is that it was never considered that you

would ever fail. Omissions and commissions of failure,
mistakes, or disappointments were never designed to
be your portion. You were made and commissioned as
a creature of fortune and never considered to be a subject
of fate. Any negative eventuality is the result of living
unconscious of who you really are, and are capable of.
In your proper essence, there is nothing you cannot do;
there is nothing you cannot achieve. Beloved, you can
do, and be, and have more than the finite impressions
your mortal mind can ever imagine. This ability is
inherent in you; it was determined for you before the
foundation of the world and was packed in you when
you were born. You were born with it; you live with it
everyday of your life. It is your blessed inheritance
from your Father in heaven.
No one has taken it away from you; no one can take it
away from you. Not even God has ever considered
taking it away from you:

For the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable. Romans 11:29

And if God cannot take it away from you, guess what?

Satan, nor his coteries, associates, and all the gates of
hell, CANNOT, CAN NEVER, ever take it from you
either. He will never master that ability.

But this is what he has done: He has deceived the

nations. Men have been deceived from considering
who they really are to presuming false impressions
wrought in evil fancy. Since Adam pondered on the
profit of the forbidden tree, evil has succeeded in
causing God’s most glorious creation to assume failure,
decadence, fear, loss, danger, sickness, oppression, and
every other presentation of darkness.
The means by which this has occurred rests upon the
power of deception. Men have been deceived to
overlook their innerman, their true identity, and
consider themselves in finite measures.

To be sure, this has been Satan’s worst and most

irredeemable act: When he rebelled against God, even
deceiving a third of the angels in heaven, he was not
destroyed. He was just cast out of heaven onto the earth
realm (Isaiah 14:12; Luke 10:18; Revelation 12:9).
However, for deceiving men, for deceiving the nations,
for deceiving God’s most precious creation, he will be
cast into the fire (Revelation 20:10).
Satan will be destroyed for deceiving men from their
rightful heritage; he will be cast into the bottomless pit
for deceiving men from being who God has
predestined that they should be; he will be completely
and irrevocably obliterated for deceiving men from
living the revelation of Christ.

My friend, the most heart wrecking tragedy on earth

and in all eternity has been how immortality has been
hidden in mortality. When men lost the marvelous plot
written and sealed in their spirit, glory was submerged
in carnality.
To be sure, even the finest achievements in this
paradigm stand far less than the least abilities
pertaining in the spirit. Once Satan’s lie was embraced
by Adam (the first man), the entire human episode
from the least to the greatest fell headlong from glory to

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans

Instead of living in kindred fellowship with God in a

realm superior to every other experience, men
succumbed to ways, thoughts, and methods infinitely
below glory that it became incredibly difficult, and
many times impossible, for God to fellowship with him
(Isaiah 55:8-9).

You have to grasp the weight of this tragedy from

God’s perspective: HE made man for fellowship and
partnership that is why HE made HIM synonymous
with divine deity. Man, in his true format, is the
essence of God, a sovereign spirit, nothing less than the
express image and likeness of supreme divinity.
However, with man losing knowledge of this; once he
ceased considering himself as a spirit being but
covetously assumed himself to be merely flesh and
blood, the possibility of partnering with God became an
impossible matter.

God is spirit and cannot partner with flesh. In HIS

immortal words:

Who has directed the Spirit of the LORD, or as

His counselor has taught Him? With whom did He
take counsel, and who instructed Him, and taught Him?
With whom did He take counsel, and who instructed
Him, and taught Him in the path of justice? Who
taught Him knowledge, and showed Him the way
of understanding? Behold, the nations are as a drop
in a bucket, and are counted as the small dust on the
scales………All nations before Him are as nothing,
and they are counted by Him less than nothing
and worthless. Isaiah 40:13-15, 17

Incredibly superior to all flesh, HE further qualifies the

extent to which partnership with fallen man is indeed
an impossible affair:

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are

your ways My ways,” says the LORD. For as
the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My
ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than
your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9

Fallen man, flesh conscious man, is so far removed

from his original position from whence God visited and
interacted with him in the Garden.

As a result of succumbing to the deception of Satan,

man ceased being intimate with God, he ceased being
aware of God’s love as he declined to a cocoon of guilt
and fear. He became progressively estranged from God,
even afraid of HIM as was well demonstrated with
Adam hiding in the Garden after eating fruit from the
forbidden tree (Genesis 3:8).

Subsequent generations since have suffered this

enormous loss. God HIMSELF pondering on it laments
the fate:

The voice said “Cry out!” And he said, “What shall I cry?”
All flesh is like grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower
of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades, because the
breath of the LORD blows upon it; surely the people are grass.
Isaiah 40:6-7

And like I said, this fate included even the best of men.
When King Nebuchadnezzar, the reigning emperor
over the nations of the world at one point, thought
himself to be of great measure within the context of
flesh and blood, God cut him down to size to make this
immortal point: HE unilaterally removed the kingdom
from him and banished the king to be like wild game
for seven years (Daniel 4:28-33).
After the sobering ordeal, the point had been made:
Mortality acknowledged its frailty in the face of
immortality as was well captured in the worship
Nebuchadnezzar rendered God. Following his
restoration after the seven years, humbled and
subdued, the emperor revealed:

And at the end of the time I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted my

eyes to heaven, and my understanding returned to me,
and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored
Him who lives forever:
For His dominion is an everlasting dominion, and His
kingdom is from generation to generation. All the inhabitants
of the earth are reputed as nothing; He does according to
His will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants
of the earth. No one can restrain His hand or say to Him,
“What have You done?” Daniel 4:34-35

Having said that, it is of incredible importance that we

define the change we advocate for in this book. As
such, it is important that we appreciate that this
disparity between the immortal and highly exalted
God and mortal fallen man was never God’s intention
and neither does it have to continue.

This is the reason that Jesus came; this is the truth that
HE was born to shed light on. Living as a spirit being in
a mortal body, HE demonstrated the possibility of
clothing the flesh with divinity. HE came to overturn
the lie that had ridiculed the human experience by
demonstrating the possibility of our immortality inspite
of our mortal fate. Simply said, Jesus of Nazareth lived
among us as a brilliant light shining bright enough
for every man to come to terms with their immortality
(Matthew 4:16).

Let me emphasize something at this point: HE did not

come to set up a religion by which we should worship
God. Neither did HE come to accuse man or ridicule
him for his disobedience (John 12:47). Far from any
such nonsense, Jesus Christ, from whom we were all
made, descended from the glory of heaven to lift us up
to our privileged communion with God. HE came to
make us one with the Father, to reconcile us with God,
to include us in the God-family:

Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us

to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us
the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in
Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing
their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the
word of reconciliation. Now then, we are ambassadors
for Christ, as though God were pleading through us:
we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.
For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us,
that we might become the righteousness of God in
Him. 2 Corinthians 5:18-21

This is what makes believing HIS testimony so

heavenly critical: Believing in HIM is a master key that
opens one to the noble opportunity of experiencing
infinite possibilities. Because Jesus was the most
perfect demonstration of what man ought to be, HIS
testimony is therefore the truest definition of the
human experience. HE is the ultimate example, the
ideal model for all men.
Believing HIS testimony positions you for the most
critical change ever. Those who do so metamorphose
from being mortal to immortality; they cease being the
same human that God compares to the grass in the field
and become nothing less than sons of God- comparable,
synonymous, identical to God in all HIS omnipotent

The apostle Paul, assisted by the Holy Spirit, mastered

the benefits of this experience and asserted:

Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the

flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the
flesh, yet now, we know Him thus no longer.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old
things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
2 Corinthians 5:16-17

Elsewhere, he further elucidates on the extent of change

that occurs for those who believe in the testimony of
Christ, declaring:

For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put
on Christ. There is neither Jew, nor Greek, there is neither
slave nor free, there is neither male nor female, for you are
all one in Christ. Galatians 3:26-29

This privilege is not based on any human effort or

assumption. It is not by the will of man (John 1:12-13).
It is not the result of any effort any man could ever
master. On the contrary, it is entirely based on the
compassion of God Almighty. It is HIS holy desire to
lift us up from the frailty of our humanity to the
enormity of HIS divinity:

But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great

love with which He loved us, even when we were
dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ
(by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together,
and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ
Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding
riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ
Jesus. Ephesians 2:4-7

What love, what kindness, wonderful, splendid,

superb! This is the CHANGE YOU MUST BELIEVE IN.
This is the revelation that you must master. This is the
gospel, the grand gesture of Almighty God to fallen
man. God has not abandoned, and never has HE
forsaken; from the fall of Adam to the coming of Christ,
HE mapped out a way for the greatest restoration.

In Christ, HE has most graciously repositioned us to be

one with HIM, to be highly exalted, greatly considered.
Brethren, in Christ, you are above it all; the best there
is, the finest there ever will be. It is thence that our
mortality is crucified on the cross and our immortality
is revived in us.
No other change ever compared to this; no other man
ever promised or could ever guarantee such change.
This change is lofty, over and far above any change
possible in the material realm; it certainly surpasses the
promise of any religion or of any doctor, teacher,
psychiatrist, motivator, politician or statesman; it is
change beyond any human effort.

Only God could guarantee this omnipotent change and

HE did it in Christ. Infinite progress, awesome glory
and majestic splendor is possible for all who believe in

This book seeks this change in your life; it desires that

you forget everything else, your past, even your
present, insofar as you have been only materially
conscious. Awaken to this new predisposition that
places you in the enviable category of divine deity. In
this conviction I share the boisterous urgency of the
Prophet Isaiah when he declares:

Arise, shine; And the glory of the LORD is risen upon

you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,
and deep darkness the people; But the LORD will arise
over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles
shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your
rising. Isaiah 60:1-3

Oh yes, the one that believes in Christ and matures in

HIM has received light and now shines bright and
wide for all men the revelation of Christ. Such a
person is a manifestation of God’s glory and has ceased
being a mortal entity restricted in time and space and
has converted into a divine being synonymous with
God, unlimited by time. He has become a new being,
eternal and blessedly glorious.

This is the change all men need; this is the change

you need. To be sure, this is the mother of all changes.
Every other change is subject to it: The one that
masters this change seizes every other necessary
change. Once you have switched from mortality to
immortality, you have indeed graduated from the
realm of impossibility to the dispensation of infinite
Anything can happen!

This is why Jesus made the astonishing assurance when

HE said:

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me,

the works that I do he will do also; and greater works
than these will he do, because I go to My Father. And
whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the
Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything
in My name, I will do it. John 14:12-14
What an amazing assurance: Not only are you able to
do the things HE did (as awesome as they were) but
further than that, you are indeed able to do more than
what HE did.

Can that be possible? With you? Absolutely, if it was not

so HE would never have said it. Just because you
haven’t done so does not mean you can’t. If the truth
were told, you will admit that you haven’t because you
didn’t know any better: You confined yourself within
the fallibility of the flesh, and even when you presumed
to believe in Christ, you succumbed to a form of
godliness that denies the power thereof.

Remember, there is no lie in HIM. HE is the truth (John

14:6). Could HE have meant something else? NOP! Those
who suggest otherwise speak a lie from the most subtle
pit of hell: They will never relent to twist and turn the
forthright assurances of our dear LORD so as to hide
HIS glorious privilege vested in us.
Beloved, when the master said we would do greater
works than HE had done HE said what HE meant and
meant exactly what HE said. You can, and I believe,
will do more than HE did if only you come to terms
with the change that I am advocating for here.

To be sure, even before Jesus showed up there were

those who had indeed done greater things than HE did
when HE came, namely among a distinct few was the
prophet Moses.
You see, Moses did indeed greater miracles than Jesus
did in his three year ministry: I mean, take the fact that
Jesus fed a crowd of five thousand men in two different
documented occasions while Moses fed an entire nation
of two million people for forty years; Jesus healed as
many as came to HIM during HIS three year ministry
while Moses kept an entire nation healthy without a
disease for forty years; Jesus is known to have turned
water into wine during a wedding feast but Moses
turned the entire river Nile and all the waters in Egypt
into blood; think about it, Jesus was followed for three
years with large crowds drawn by the miracles that HE
did so much that at some point they followed HIM to
the wilderness for three days and nights but Moses was
followed to the wilderness for forty years by virtue of
the astonishing miracles HE did in Egypt and
continued to do in the wilderness!

Now I know that the usual critics will go running

telling what they don’t understand, suggesting that I
have compared Moses to be greater than Jesus. And
that is a lie: For one, Moses was indeed faithful in God’s
house as a servant while Jesus was faithful as a son
(Hebrews 3:5-6). As glorious as the ministry of Moses
was yet whatever he did pointed to the greater glory of
Christ (John 5:46-47). Secondly, the working of miracles
does not in itself rank anyone to be superior or even
inferior. When Jesus said we would do greater miracles
than HE’d done, HE never implied that we would be
greater than HE is.
It is for this reason that when the disciples celebrated
the miracles they did in HIS name, HE forbade them to
do so cautioning that it were better they delighted on
the assurance that their names are written in the book
of life (Luke 10:20). Similarly, this is also the reason that
HE will reject many in the last days who will seek HIS
consideration on account of the miracles they
performed (Matthew 7:21-23).

The LORD had after all prophesied that false prophets

and false Christ’s will indeed work great miracles and
wonders in the last days so much that even the elect of
God would be tempted to fall out of God’s truth
(Matthew 24:24). The prophet Daniel had prophesied
how in the last days power would be given to the anti-
Christ to work wonders (Daniel 8:24-25). And yet, these
manifestations of the supernatural on the part of
messengers of darkness are not to be confused with any
qualitative change.
There is indeed a lot more to be shared in this regard
but that is besides the object of my discussion. The
point I labor to make here pertains to the fact that by
the LORD’s will and in HIS name, anyone that believes
in HIM is able to function in greater works than HE did
during HIS three year ministry.

If Moses did greater miracles than Jesus did, then it is

indeed possible to do greater works than HE did. God
is not a favorite of persons (Romans). There was
nothing so uniquely peculiar about Moses that should
exclude you from being able to function as he did or
even greater. And if there was anything peculiar about
our LORD that enabled HIM to do the things HE did,
that peculiarity is shared with us when we believe in
HIM and receive HIM in our lives. We literally become
one with HIM, able to do all that HE did, or can do.

To be sure, I believe that it is indeed possible today to

work even greater miracles than Moses did. Oh yes;
you see the miracles Moses did functioned from a glory
pertaining to the covenant God had with Abraham and
with the children of Israel. However, the covenant from
which we are to function is a greater one than that
bearing witness to an even greater glory. Indeed, from
its perspective the other glory is no glory at all (2
Corinthians 3:7-18).
Moses indeed functioned as a human being while
whoever believes in Jesus is able to function as a son of
God. The former is born of woman while the latter is
born of the Spirit; and Jesus, whose judgment is true
ranked the least of the latter as superior to the former
(Matthew 11:11; Luke 7:28).

Thus said, it is essential that we appreciate how even

more significant than doing greater miracles than Jesus
or Moses is the enormous privilege of using the name
of Jesus.
Not everyone is entitled to this honor:

Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists took it upon

themselves to call the name of the Lord Jesus over those
who had evil spirits, saying, “We exorcise you by the Jesus
who Paul preaches.” Also there were seven sons of Sceva,
a Jewish chief priest, who did so. And the evil spirit
answered and said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but
who are you?” Then the man in whom the evil spirit was
on them, overpowered them, and prevailed against them,
so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.
Acts 19:13-16

To be sure, there is an eternal record of distinguished

persons that are permitted to use the name; that record
is euphemistically called the book of life. Using HIS
name is the exclusive privilege of those who are written
in the book, and that benefit far outweighs any wonder
that you can ever do.

This is the point that Jesus sought that HIS disciples

should grasp regardless the ability to work the

Behold I give you the authority to trample on serpents

and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy,
and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless
do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you,
but rather rejoice because your names are written in
heaven. Luke 10:19, 20

This divine privilege pertaining to the elective listing of

God’s beloved exceeds any supernatural activity one
may engage in. And yet, to be sure, it also underpins
the possibility of doing greater works than Jesus or any
of the prophets did: My dear, the one that uses the
name of the LORD is one together with HIM and the
Father. He has been reconciled with God; he has been
included in the God-family and is able to function from
the realm of infinite possibility.
Beloved, this dispensation begins and is concluded in
Christ: HE is the author and finisher, the alpha and the
omega, the beginning and the end of this honor
(Hebrews 12:2; Revelation 1:8). It begins when one
believes in Christ in all HIS being and deeds and
concludes when one matures in Christ so as to be able in
this time and always to function as HE does; able to
manifest HIS glory and power, HIS riches and honor.
Beloved, the one that submits to the lordship of Christ
has activated his divine program and initiated the
possibilities of change at every level and to infinite

This is the eternal paradox: The servant of Christ is

indeed the master of life. The one that is yoked to
Christ has been positioned at the right hand of the
Father, superior to every being or thing in heaven, on
earth, or under the earth. Christ is his LORD and he is
lord over all Christ has. Joint-heirs with Christ, they
possess heaven and earth, and are clothed with all
power and authority (Mathew 28:18; Romans 8:17).
Such a people are a glorious wonder both here on earth
and in heaven above. They wield in their awesome
hands the incredible keys of the kingdom of heaven:
Whatever they hinder on earth, is hindered in heaven;
whatever they permit on earth, is permitted in heaven
(Matthew 16:19). Heaven awaits their command.
Angels beckon at their call; and all creation awaits their
manifestation (Romans 8:22). Their mandate is to do
exceedingly, abundantly, far above that which any man
could ever wish or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
Forsaking the flesh, exceeding its limits, they have been
born into the realm of infinite possibility.

From the perspective of fallible humanity, assuming

this privilege is beyond the wildest of dreams. And yet,
God has made it possible.
This is the only change worth hoping for. It is the only
change worth believing in. It is the CHANGE YOU
Beloved, if you have never believed in Jesus Christ as
LORD of all, if you have never submitted to HIM
entirely so that you die to the flesh and HE lives
through you, kindly pray with me the prayer written

Dear LORD Jesus, LORD of all, King of all,

I humble myself before you and surrender
my frail humanity so as to receive your
awesome divinity. I believe you are the Christ,
Son of the Living God, eternal Light that shines
in the hearts of all men. I believe you died for me
as an act of eternal redemption by which you
purchased me with your blood. I am forever yours.
I am eternally pardoned. I also believe that you were
raised from the dead and are seated at the right hand
of the Father, forever my King and Lord. I
believe that you have crowned me king and lord
over all your possessions. I am no longer merely
human. I am above that. I am born again, born
of your eternal word and glorious Spirit. I am
forever divine, a royal priest, a revelation of,
Christ, a manifestation of glory. What an honor.
I will never be less. I will always be blessed.
Thanks for changing me forever and for glory.
Thanks for including me in Your kingdom and
in the God-family. I remain forever grateful.

This is the change!

From henceforth, you are in the kingdom of God from
whence you can activate your divine program and
boldly walk into a later that is heavenly better:

You are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for

good works, which God prepared beforehand that you
should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed,

which a man took and sowed in his field, which
indeed is the least of all the seeds; but when it is
grown it is greater than the herbs and becomes a,
tree so that the birds of the air come and nest in
its branches. Matthew 13:31-32

This is your season, your time to shine the light of your

spirit. Divine providence has ordered your steps to this
material and occasioned the moment your spirit has
been waiting for. I am certain that your decision to read
it is more than a conscious effort. More than you has
been involved. Heaven and all its virtue have gradually
positioned you to open pages of destiny that will
transform you beyond any imagination. This is your
moment of truth, your pivot to incredibility. Like
David, you too can exclaim:

Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness

and peace have kissed. Truth shall spring out of
the earth. And righteousness shall look down from
heaven. Yes, the LORD will give what is good; and
our land will yield its increase. Righteousness will
go before Him, and shall make His footsteps our
pathway. Psalm 84:10-13

My friend, this is the connection you have been waiting

for. Everything is lined up right and ready. The gun is
loaded and the enemy is in panic. When divine mercy
communicates with eternal truth, divine
programming is activated.

The truths that you are digesting are not empty

guarantees; they are profound revelations loaded with
opportunities beyond imagination. They will yield a
supernatural increase as they release from your spirit
the glorious intentions of God for your marvelous life.
They will also step you in line with God’s glorious
direction so that you will always be the right man, in the
right place, with the right people, at the right time.

Now that you are born again, born into this realm, let
me make something clear before we get into the details
of operating this grand machine I have called divine
programming: The fact that you have submitted to the
lordship of Christ, registers you as a son of God, a
kindred of the divine deity. However, you have just
been born into this privilege or rather have only just
awakened to your inner man.
What this means is that you are not yet a master of this
new dimension. You have only been initiated into the
realm of the spirit and there is urgent need to get you to
mature in its operations.

As such, although you have gained the opportunity to

be conscious of your divine program, you need to learn,
grow in the knowledge of activating it.
Admittedly, the conversion from flesh consciousness to
spirit consciousness may seem like nothing ‘really
happened’ or you may experience some inner peace
and joy that carnally-minded people may nonetheless
despise and ridicule. Just because you have believed in
Christ does not necessarily mean that you are now well
conversant with divine programming so that whatever
you say comes to pass or so that you are able to do the
Matter of fact, you may not be able to do nothing
because that is the way of the kingdom. The kingdom
begins as a seed (Matthew 13:31, 32); its beginning is
often so insignificant in the opinion of the carnal-mind.
In heaven, there is much rejoicing but here on earth, it
may seem like even nothing happened; for some, their
conversion may provoke disdain, even persecution.
Do not be deceived: being born again is an incredible
opportunity. It is the initial step to the realm of infinite

However, like the kingdom of heaven, the prospect of

growth is necessary before the seed becomes a great
tree that all the birds of the air rest on. Your conversion
may seem as insignificant as the ‘least of all seeds’ but
your growth will exhibit its glory so that like the great
tree that hosts all the birds in the air, you will become
the mature son of God to whom all creation is obliged.
Maturing in the realm of the spirit, growing in your
new found faith in Christ will position you to function
as master of all creation (be it in heaven or earth or
under the earth).
It is at the point of maturity of your inner conscience
that your divine program is robustly active so that you
are able in this day and age, and for all time and
beyond, to function like God.
You rise beyond the limitation of fallen man and fallen
creation (which includes all men not submitted to
Christ, every being on earth, as well as Satan and all his
fallen angels). And that is still not high enough: You
rise above every other being in heaven (that is all the
angels, the cherubims, the seraphims, and all the arch-
angels) to be positioned where Christ is, at the right
hand of the Father, God almighty (Ephesians 2:6).
And from this vantage point: you are able to do the will
of God here on earth as it is done in heaven (Matthew
6:10). Your mission and essence of being gravitates to
doing nothing less than establishing the kingdom of
heaven here on earth.

I am conscious that there are those usual cynics that are

always looking out for something wrong and finding it
in all the wrong places. Most of them are often the
religious kind that are dead beat against any teaching
that questions there old and low yielding methods. Like
the Pharisees of old, they question the very message
that has been commissioned to improve their impotent
ways. And in their adamant ignorance, they seek to
perpetuate failure by mobilizing others to reject true
knowledge. So grounded in human traditions and vain
customs, they have made the glorious word of God to
be of no effect at the tragic consequence of misleading
the vast number of men seeking true faith (Matthew

As such, these religious personalities and pseudo

teachers would question my position on preferring
divine programming over and above divine
Beloved, use wisdom and discern the truths herein
against the lies that they purvey however sacred they
may appear. Moreover, consider the vast mount of
scripture available to support this revelation and the
eternal determination of God to ensure the truth is
For what if some did not believe? Will their
unbelief make the faithfulness of God of no
effect? Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true
but every man a liar. Romans 3:3

That quoted, nonetheless these agents of deception huff

and puff. They have throughout time shown relentless
rigor in the persecution of God’s eternal word and HIS
appointed prophets (Matthew 23:29-36).

Nonetheless, not ignorant of their twisted impressions

and always aware of their carnal methods, I am sure
they would say that I am against prayer. They will even
suggest that this teaching is strange doctrine contrary
to the foundation laid by the apostles.
And yet, nothing can be further from the truth. Later on
in this very chapter, I will be dealing with prayer in
more detail. My concern is really not against prayer but
how it should be done.

Moreover, further investigation should also reveal that

this is indeed the teaching of the apostles that religious
imponderances and deceptive witchcraft steered the
Church from. This is the ministry that Paul assured his
son Timothy that was, and still is, and will forever be,
the eternal prerogative of the Church which he so
correctly identified as the pillar and custodian of the truth
(1 Timothy 3:15). This is indeed that truth that Christ
acclaimed we shall know, and by this knowledge, be set
free (John 8:38). And it is indeed by this knowledge that
the apostle Peter guaranteed multiplied grace and
peace (2 Peter 1:2).

What is of serious essence here is realizing the greatest

results out of the lives God has given us. So many do
not realize that when God created us, HE expected us
to live to the brim, to have an abundant life. And it is
this prospect, this grand of all opportunities that Christ
came to restore to mankind. As such, the revelation that
I share here is geared to ensuring that you live this full
life. CHANGE YOU MUST BELIEVE IN is all about
reaching your utmost potential in a world where a few
strive for mortal excellence and many have settled for
average, and many more even for failure; in fact, a
world where many guided by these false prophets and
teachers wallow together with them in a pit of
deception mingled with mediocrity (Matthew 7:15,

Even in the Church, like I have repetitively mentioned,

are many believers who have not realized this full
potential; many who have never known these
marvelous words, this eternal truth. So many are
trapped in a form of godliness that denies the power
thereof (2 Timothy 3:5). So many have sought God for
mediocre reasons sponsored by equally mediocre

Alas, the truth must be told of how many are truly in

Christ but hardly is Christ discernible in them; many
are still filled with long held humanistic traditions
clothed in light. As a result, the majority in the body of
Christ have received modest responses from God even
as they have employed modest methods in their
If only they would learn more, if only they could know
better, which is what this book is about, they would
mount the skies and excel beyond human belief. They
would ascend, not from beneath, but from height to
height. For the one that engages their divine program
engages a force of faith that propels them from a
point of advantage to even further advantage.
Beloved, engaging your divine program will get you
started from the top where you reign together with
Christ Jesus!

My dear brethren, make no mistakes about it, for it is in

this sense also that the apostle Paul earnestly prayed
for all believers to be enlightened in the eyes of their
understanding so that Christ would richly dwell in
them by faith (Ephesians 1:18). It is also in the context
of what the LORD has commissioned me to write that
this foremost apostle went further to exclaim, yet again
to the eternal benefit of all believers, “Christ in you, the
hope of glory!” (Colossians 1:26-27).
That is why I am convinced that after understanding
these truths and operating them, you will not only be
distinguished in the world but also in the Church
among so many relating with God.

In this prospect, I am reminded about different results

the prophet Isaiah observed among the various faithful
that waited upon the LORD:

Why do you say, O Jacob, and speak, O Israel: “My way

is hidden from the LORD, and my just claim is passed
over by my God?” Have you not known? Have you not
heard? The everlasting God, the LORD, the creator of
the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. His
understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the
weak, and to those who have no might He increases
strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and
the young men shall utterly fall. But those who wait on
the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount
up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be
weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:27-31

So many believers are like the children of Israel who in

spite of their religious ritualizing, castigate God for not
attending to them. They wrongly presume that God has
ignored their plight and refused to respond to their
petitions. And yet, God is constantly aware of
everyone’s status quo. HE observes everyone’s
circumstance and is available to attend to whosoever
will wait on HIM.

However, it is quite important that we realize that

among those that wait on the LORD, are three different
categories reflected on the results they are able to
espouse from HIM: Many believers waiting on the
LORD have been taught to desire to walk and not faint.
Some have been taught to desire to run. A few are
taught to desire to fly. Now, it is my experience and
studied observation that believers that are preoccupied
with desiring divine intervention constitute the first
two categories. Divine intervention can indeed get
you walking or running. On the other hand, divine
programming is all about flying.

In your spirit is all the necessary resource to cause you

to mount wings as an eagle and fly your way through
life and glory. The one that activates his spirit mounts
lofty heights from which they excel and abound in
measures that distinguish them both in the world and
in the Church.
That is the believer that doesn’t just believe in God but
believes like God. He is not just seeking God; God is
seeking him (2 Chronicles 16:9; John 4:7-42). Together
with God, they are in a divine partnership, a
supernatural communion that yields wonders and
fantastic glory.

Knowing, therefore, the glorious profit of living within

the dictates of our divine program let us delve into the
grand means of its modus operandi. As such, there are
three means that we can employ to activate the spirit
and therefore release the glory that the Father invested
in us before time begun, namely- fellowship with the
Holy Spirit, studious and vocal dedication to the word
of God, and wise, authentic, and consistent prayer to
the Father.
To be sure, activating the spirit requires more than an
individual effort. It is not something we can do all by
ourselves. It is a collaborative endeavor that will see
you work together with the Holy Trinity in a divine
engagement of intense intimacy.
In other words, God (in HIS divine entirety as Father,
Son, and Spirit) is ready to enable you release the glory
HE placed in you. HE is available to enable you mount
up your wings as an eagle in a super effort that will
secure and manifest (to all and sundry) you at HIS
level, seated in heavenly places, above and above only.

Let me begin with what must be done first before

Without this fellowship, it is impossible for the other
two requirements to be done. The Holy Spirit is
quintessential, the critical foundation, to any proper
administration of God’s word and prayer to the
Father. HE is the master key to your spirit and is
indispensable to the exercise critical to releasing the
glories therein.
I am even sure that your interest in reading and
studying this book has been the direct result of HIS
work in you. So, step one in this regard is further
engaging HIS Person.

No one knows your spirit and God as well as HE does.

HE is the one that searches the deep things of God and
makes them known to us (1 Corinthians 2:10). HIS
wisdom is infinite, HIS counsel beyond question, and
HIS performance mandatory to anyone that seeks to
activate the supernatural.

It must never be taken for granted that HE is the ONE

that sealed the claim of Jesus of Nazareth to be the
Messiah of Israel. HE is also the one that qualified HIS
claim to being and functioning as God’s Son. HE
proved Jesus’ ministry with many wonders that were
beyond question stamps of glory:

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit

and with power, who went about doing good and healing
all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.
Acts 10:38
And that is exactly what HE would like to do with

When the Virgin Mary curiously inquired as to how she

would give birth without the knowledge of a man, the
angel assured her thus:

The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power
of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also,
that Holy One who is to be born will be called the
Son of God. Luke 1:35

And by no means is this experience limited to Mary.

Once the Holy Spirit overshadows a person, that
person will be able to conceive the supernatural.
Fellowship with HIM is a breeding ground for the
miraculous life God has sealed into your spirit. HE is
able to probe deep into the soul of man and access from
ones spirit the account banked therein by the Father.

It does not matter the odds pitted against such a

person. Even though one is a coward with a low self-
esteem and is considered less than everyone else, the
Holy Spirit is able to uncover the wealth of privilege
God has eternally intended for such a person.
This seems to have been the case with Gideon: Here
was a guy so fearful that he hid in winepresses and
caves like most of his subdued people, afraid of the
Midianite raiders. He even featured himself less than
all the members of his father’s house. In his estimation,
he was less than average. However, God who was
privy to his divine program knew better how the young
man was suited to the occasion of providing grand
victory for his people over the Midianites that
conquered and intimidated them. The angel of the
LORD was thus sent to address him as a mighty man of
valor and not the coward that he thought he was (Judges

The scriptures reveal how this conversion from recluse

coward to popular warrior occurred. Again, the ministry
of the Holy Spirit was critical:

Then the Midianites and Amalekites, the people of the

East , gathered together, and they crossed over and
encamped in the Valley of Jezreel. But the Spirit of God
came upon Gideon, then he blew the trumpet, and the
Abiezrites gathered behind him. Judges 6:34-35

It did not matter how cowardly he might have been

prior to this. It did not even matter that he was
despised and considered least in his father’s house.
Once the mighty Holy Spirit prevailed upon him, he
was not a coward any more. Neither could he be
neglected. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit was so vital
in converting Gideon into a leader among his people,
not only in the battle field but also as their governor
and judge.

Fellowship with the Holy Spirit is the master key to the

book of Acts: The apostles that were recluse and shaky
cowards following the death of Jesus Christ soon
became the stern and miraculous men we read about
because of the witness of the Holy Spirit.
Peter who had shamelessly denied Christ was
marvelously converted into a legendary leader able to
heal cripples, raise the dead, and win thousands of
souls, because of the power of the Holy Spirit. At some
point, so mighty was the power activated from his
fellowship with the Holy Spirit that his shadow was
able to heal and cast out devils (Acts 5:15).

The same can be said about the ministry of Paul,

previously Saul of Tarsus the persecutor of the Church.
And yet this former religious zealot tainted with the
shaming record of hounding the saints and killing them
was so amazingly converted into a storehouse of God’s
word and power so much that his aprons and
handkerchiefs transmitted the power of God (Acts
19:12). In fact, Paul was remarkably known for
founding his ministry on the fellowship of the Holy
Spirit and desiring that those he ministered to did the

And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come

with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to
you the testimony of God…..And my speech and my
preaching were not with persuasive words of human
wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of
power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom
of men but in the power of God. 1 Corinthians 2:1, 4-5
This apostle that blessed us with the revelation of God’s
glorious grace knew that the Holy Spirit was the
essential person that confirmed God’s word, convicted
men’s hearts, and consecrated his meetings. He trusted
the ministry of the Spirit more than he relied on his
eloquence or intellect in executing the great

I believe that this probably explains the incredible

results that we witness in the early Church compared to
what is going on today in spite of the various
theological, technological and other social-scientific
benefits that are present today. Those men relied on the
fellowship they heard with the Spirit in order to work
the works of God. Several times through the scriptures,
we read how they sought and obeyed HIS counsel
(Acts 4:31; Acts10:9-22; Acts 13:1-3).

When Peter and John met the crippled man begging for
alms at the gate called Beautiful, they did not bestow to
his benefit the material charity he sought. To be sure,
they didn’t have what he asked for but they did have
something better. Conscious of the power the Spirit had
clothed them with they gave him what money could
never do for him:

Now Peter and John went up together to the temple

at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. And a certain man
lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they
laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called
Beautiful, to ask alms from those who entered the temple;
who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple,
asked for alms. And fixing his eyes on him, with John,
Peter said, “Look at us.” So he gave them his attention,
expecting to receive something from them. Then Peter
said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have
I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up
and walk.” And he took him by the right hand and lifted
him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones
received strength. Acts 3:1-7

Did you see that? I mean, this man had been in that same
state since birth. He was born cripple and was certainly
expected to be that way till he died. Those that lifted
him and left him at the gate to beg for a living had
routinely done so and were probably expecting to pick
him up in the evening after a long hard day of begging.
And yet, everything changed not by might, or by power
but by the Spirit of the Living God (Zechariah 4:6).

The glorious change that ensued in the man’s life was

far more than all his life of begging alms could ever
master. The power that Peter had enforced to realize
this change was not financial power, or any such
material ability. Peter had relied on the divine unction
of the Spirit of God who had deposited in his spirit the
necessary power that could effect the miraculous.

How did Peter know that it would work? How did he

perceive that it was more necessary that the man walk than
beg for all his life? Well, it was not his first time to
observe the superiority of the Holy Spirit over and
above all else: He was present when he saw how Jesus
had relied on the Holy Spirit to feed a crowd of five
thousand (5,000) men without counting children and
women without money (Luke 9:10-17). He was privy to
the occasion when a Roman Centurion sought and
believed the Master to be able to heal his servant
without even visiting his home (Matthew 8:5-13). He
had seen money fail to treat Lazarus and was present to
see Jesus evoke the resurrecting power of the Spirit
(John 11).

And all this had begun when as a fisherman he’d failed

to catch fish all night in spite of a good boat and net.
Yet, he was witness to how at the instruction of the
Master he caught so much fish that his boat almost
sunk (Luke 5:1-10). Peter had seen quite a lot and knew
so well the glorious abilities of the Spirit of God in
enabling mere men do incredible things.

What Peter knew, what Paul knew, what Jesus knew,

what all the prophets knew, regarding the omnipotent
virtues of the Spirit of God is the first thing you need
to know to deal with activating a forever better-later.
No fellowship is more necessary for this cause; no
intimacy more relevant for the supernatural.
It really does not matter your inadequacies; once you
engage with the Spirit of God, once you become
conscious of HIS counsel, you will have arrived at the
necessary engine that can kick-start a better-ever after.
Romance, opulence, influence, intelligence, serenity,
eloquence, impression, wonder, glory and every
fantastic outcome is available at HIS will.

This benefit is what distinguishes the opportunities

available to the New Testament Church compared to
those that were available to the nation of Israel.
Whereas, God did indeed promise them a land flowing
with milk and honey, HE assures the believer a much
better promise. More than a land flowing with milk and
honey, the one that has the Holy Spirit is guaranteed

If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.

He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said,
out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.
John 7:37

My brethren, this is a covenant established upon better

promises (Hebrews 8:6). Fellowship with the Holy
Spirit will awaken you to the glorious deposits of
wonder that God has deposited deep in your heart.
Therein is far more than the glory beyond the Jordan
River. In your heart is more than time and this earth
can avail.
Flowing in the realities God has buried in your spirit
will activate marvels for your benefit and of those dear
to you, even multitudes unknown to you.

The Holy Spirit is necessary for this omnipotent result

because HE is indeed the wise counsel given to us by
the LORD that knows the richness of the deposits
hidden in our spirit. Working in us, HE seeks to do and
to will the Father’s good pleasure which amounts to
enabling us be as powerful and as glorious as Christ
Jesus in HIS current disposition as King of kings and
LORD of lords.
Listening to HIM, obeying HIM, and fellowshipping
with HIM are quintessential to manifesting the glory of
God. Without HIS counsel and ability, we are unable to
tap into this course of infinite possibility. However,
with HIM we are set and able to do all things
(Philippians 4:13).
Key to optimizing this opportunity then is to rely on
HIS wise counsel regarding understanding the word of
This brings us to the second quintessential ingredient to
activating a better-later.


measure should never be underestimated. The word of
God is fundamental to perceiving whatever God has
done, is doing, and is going to do. Understanding it
will go a long way to establish you to take advantage
of whatever HE has done, whatever HE is doing, and
whatever HE is going to do.
So many of God’s blessed children miss out on God’s
benefits, so many are at a loss for how to effect change
for failure to learn and understand God’s word. It is
indeed for this reason that God laments:

My people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6)

Understanding God’s word will certainly prepare you

for change when it shows up. Furthermore, it will
mature you from seeking change to actually effecting
change. Understanding God’s word will promote you
above circumstances so that you command the better-
later others have given up on or vainly hope for.

Remember that God’s works were truly finished from

the beginning (Hebrews 4:3). In other words, whatever
God has done, whatever HE is going to do, and
whatever HE will ever do, HE has already done from
the foundation of the world. Now, it is important that
you realize that critical to HIS works is HIS word. For
God’s word is the vital means through which we can
be privy to HIS works. HIS word will reveal to you
that better-later HE finished from the beginning. So
go for the word.

This explains why Jesus being the Lamb slain from the
foundation of the world, is also known as the eternal
word of God. It also explains why all the works of God
were made by HIM and through HIM (Hebrews 1:2):

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was

with God, and the Word was God. All things were
made through Him, and without Him nothing was
made that was made. John 1:1-3

My dear friend, God’s work, HIS plan, HIS will, all

HE will ever do, and that includes your better-later, is
in HIS word.

This is why HE reveals how HE will never do anything

until HE has shown it to HIS servants the prophets.
Prophets are carriers of HIS word which in turn enables
them to manifest HIS works. Moses was able to do such
great miracles, perform such mighty wonders; he was
able to deliver the children of Israel from Egypt even
though he had failed before because he had finally
understood God’s word.
A closer appreciation of his incredible ministry will
reveal that he often heard from God what he was to do.
Moses depended on God’s word. Infact, his ministry
closed after he rebelled against instruction given to
him. When Moses ceased to submit to God’s word, God
restricted him from entering the Promised Land.
This is what explains why God referred a grief stricken
and anxious Joshua to its profitable virtues following
the demise of Moses:

Only be strong and very courageous, that you may

observe to do according to all the instruction which
Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn
from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may
prosper wherever you go. This book of the Law shall
not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate
in it day and night, that you may observe to do
according to all that is written in it. For then you
will make your way prosperous, and then you will
have good success. Joshua 1:7-8

We can see in this divine counsel that the word is God’s

prescribed remedy to overcoming tragedy: In HIS
infinite wisdom, God knew that however grief-stricken
Joshua was, however discouraged he may have been in
the face of the loss of Moses, if he could get the word in
his system, he could overcome the pain and trauma
occasioned by the tragedy.
More seriously though, is the fact that God prescribed
to Joshua what he’d sustained Moses’ ministry with-
the word. HE reveals to Joshua the extent to which the
word would enable him to- watch this: make his way
prosperous. In other words, God admitted to Joshua that
the word was sufficient to enable him activate his
divine program.
With the word, you can determine your course in life;
you can command your fortune!

Understanding God’s word will position you to

manifest HIS work. It will reveal to you the
incredible possibilities that God has mandated that
you should walk in. It is for this reason that King
David who perceived this incredible opportunity
celebrated the word of God:

The word of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul;

The word of the LORD is sure, making wise the
simple; The word of the LORD is right, rejoicing
the heart; The word of the LORD is pure,
enlightening the eyes; The word of the LORD is clean,
enduring forever; The word of the LORD is true
and righteous altogether. More to be desired is the word
than gold, yea than much fine gold; Sweeter also than
honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by your word, your
servant is warned, And in keeping the word there is great
reward. Psalm 19:7-11

If only God’s children would take advantage of God’s

word; if they could be as serious about it as they ought
to; none of them would ever be confused, depressed,
overwhelmed, subdued, defeated, and at loss of what
to do in the face of the worst that hell can master. The
word would enlighten them of their inherent advantage
in every circumstance in life.

When David celebrates the wisdom and enlightening

function of the word of God, one must realize that he
recognizes its ability to shine light to the spirit so that
one is made conscious of what God wrote and sealed
therein. The one that engages the word therefore
engages his spirit.
This probing ability of the word of God to penetrate
deep into the spirit of man is also well illustrated by the
author of the book of Hebrews when he reveals:
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper
than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division
of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is
discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

Look, God’s word is not merely a moral dictum

sufficient to guide one to assume better character.
Neither is it a pack of notable myths conjectured by
men to ensure moral clarity. It is a lot more than all
that. The word of God is not only true but it is alive and
can be active to the one that learns to submit to it.
To this extent, it is important that we appreciate its
ability to shed light into the infinite possibilities of a

Beloved, no one else, and certainly nothing

whatsoever, with the exception of the Holy Spirit, is
able to reach so deep into the human spirit like the
word; nothing is able to permeate ones inner man and
enlighten the senses of divinity like it can.
This is what gives the word of God its transformative
quality. Because it is able, and in fact, mandated to
shine light on your spirit, it is therefore able to awaken
you to the rich deposits of glory tabernacled within.

This is so vital for many believers to realize because so

many collapse to despair and some even to lunacy
when they lose property, and even more so, when they
lose loved ones. Like I mentioned in the earlier part of
this book, many even get offended by God like Job and
digress to ways that are evil.
And yet, they suffer for nothing: If only they could
digest God’s word, they would find solace, even
pleasure. Joshua was enabled by the word to transition
from a tearful mourner to a bold conqueror and mighty
leader of his people by submitting to the word.

The word is a critical antidote to fear, tragedy, and loss.

It can handle any and every disgrace with sufficient
ability. Nothing compares to its merits in this regard. I
guarantee you; the word of God is better than any other
source of counsel, better than any psychiatrist, friend,
confidant, or whatever recourse people tend to in the
face of loss. Its merits insofar as securing a better-after
are beyond question, its testimony legendary.
David who had tested and proven its vitality esteemed
the word of God to be superior to honey. He knew how
sweet its taste is even in the face of bitter situations.

This disparity in terms of attention to the word may

explain why Job and David spent different durations in
their personal loses: Although both lost everything they
had (David lost his wives, family, and property at
Ziklag), yet their profound tragedies were relative
experiences that lasted for different periods because of
their varied regard for God’s word.
On the one hand, Job questioned God’s word and lasted
a long period trapped in his tragedy; on the other hand,
David honored God’s word and rather than complain
and accuse God, he consulted HIM, encouraged
himself, and subsequently recovered all he’d lost (1
Samuel 30:8).

It is important that we observe that David was able to

be encouraged in the midst of the accusations he faced
from all his fighting men that had similarly lost their
families and properties. In fact, the scriptures detail
how in the absence of corporate encouragement David
nonetheless encouraged himself in the LORD (2 Samuel
30). On the other hand, Job who questioned the word of
the LORD fell into depression. He sunk so low into the
trials of his depravity that he incurred a nasty victim
syndrome from which it was impossible to get anyone
to encourage him. His lamentations converted those
who dared so to actually judge, argue, and accuse him.

In the end, as we observed earlier, like David, Job

recovered all he’d lost, and in fact got double, not
because he prayed, cried, or was assisted by his friends
or otherwise, but essentially as a result of coming to
terms with God’s word. After God spoke to him and
his mind was enlightened to HIS pure and powerful
word, then the stage was set for his prosperity (Job

Both accounts confirm the incredible profit of

understanding the word of God. That the word of God
was indeed central to converting their tragedy into
triumph is a most vital lesson to be seized by all men.
Also vital to appreciate in regards to God’s instruction
to Joshua is the measures necessary to understand the
word of God. The young man is instructed to
unwaveringly stick to it, to constantly adopt its rich
details in study and meditation.

So many that would like to understand God’s word

often decry how they are seemingly unable to
understand it. They lament how they may read and
read the scriptures and still not be able to perceive its
depth or meaning. And when they query how it is
possible to actually get to understand it I often suggest
that they do exactly what Joshua was told to do- value
it, observe it, attend to it, meditate in it, and it (the word),
will combine with the Spirit of God to enable you to
understand and do it.
My friend, any consistent adherence to the word of God
in this regard will evoke the Spirit of God to counsel
and enlighten the eyes of your understanding
regarding the sacred and glorious truths inherent in it.
Unfortunately, many that claim they read the word and
fail to understand it do not value it, or observe it, or
attend to it. Few certainly meditate in it. They do not
because of ignorance to its vitality and therefore the
immeasurable possibilities it is able to avail to those
that will faithfully and consistently be devoted to
understanding it.

My friend, do not make that fatal of mistakes: Don’t

ever take the word of God lightly. In it is every
resource necessary for converting any human
experience into a divine encounter. The word will
transform you to be all that God has intended you to
be. It will lift you from the doldrums of defeat and
despair and quicken you to prominence, glory, and
fantastic wonder.

In fact understanding the word of God will make a

master out of you. Note that God did not tell Joshua
that after he’d worked with the word that HE would
prosper him. God, who knows the vitality of HIS word,
who perceives the riches of its glory, actually assures
Joshua how he (who? Joshua of course) will make his own
way prosperous!
Infinite in wisdom, God knew so well that if Joshua
mastered the word, he would activate his divine
program and would therefore never need divine

Beloved, the one that masters the word, masters

prosperity. The one that masters the word commands
his way. He ceases being the subject of fate, or any
other circumstance in life. He is in-charge of his affairs
and will project his fortunes to suit his divine
predisposition as a child of God.
A good understanding of the word of God is
tantamount to a good appreciation of divine
programming. The one that occasions this privilege is
at home with God. He is not wondering what God will
do next, asking when God when? Neither is he confused
as to why things are the way they are, asking why God
They don’t have questions, they have answers.
Understanding the word of God is what qualifies the
Church to disciple the nations. We are an answer in
this world (Matthew 5:13).

I for one never understand why certain ministers of

God’s word are forever crusading for causes that they
presume can be resolved by arms of government. Those
who do so, do not realize who the Church is and why
she is still here.
Let it be known to all and sundry that the solution to
crime, abortion, lawlessness, economic chaos, world
peace, global warming and any other problem common
to man is not with government, the United Nations, the
G7 or G8 or G21, or any such entity. Every solution to
the problem of humanity, indeed the problem of all
creation, lies in the Church. It is indeed for this reason
that all creation groans for the sons of God to be revealed
(Romans 8:19).

My friend, make no mistakes about it, the Church is the

pillar and custodian of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15): As
such, its ministers ought to be well versed with its
detail and dictates. As ministers of God’s eternal
word, we ought to realize that we bear the answers to
every question across the human experience. Our
mandate is to employ the correct administration of
God’s word so that the Church can then be the salt and
light that she is mandated to be.
When the believer understands the word of God, he
switches his light so bright that men are able to see his
good works and glorify the Father in heaven (Matthew

What this means is that with the word we hold the key
to not only activating our better-later but further still,
we can activate a better-later for those around us.
This so to say is our mandate: We are still here to
ensure that humanity is not the tragedy it has become.
Those who have made a religion of the Christian faith
did, and do not have the faintest idea what the great
commission really is all about. In their self-righteous
and narrow visions, they have limited the Church’s
mandate to building religious institutions, giving out
tracts, and getting men to make confession prayers of

It’s more than that: We are here to establish the

Kingdom of God. We are here to disciple nations, to
disciple men of every tongue and every tribe to the
most excellent course set by God from the foundations
of the world.
No government, no empire, no other kingdom, no
organization has this mandate. They do not know how
to do it because they are not the custodian of the truth.
But we are.
So instead of crusading senators, congressmen,
parliamentarians, presidents and such other authorities
to address such concerns like eliminating abortion,
global warming, ethnic cleansing, reducing taxes,
reforming education, improving health care, ensuring
justice, fighting corruption, defending religious
freedoms, etcetera, etcetera…..the Church ought to
know that it should be the other way round. They are
the ones that need us and we are the ones that hold the
solution to any and every problem in the world today.
Understanding God’s word is key to getting the Church
to reposition herself so that she may be who she is
mandated to be. Part of the reason what has gone on
has prevailed is simply because of a lack of
understanding of God’s word.
Go for the word, discover the infinite measure
inherent in us, and you will be on your way to
activating a better-later that will transcend the
personal benefit most people aspire for to ensure the
public profit the world so really needs.

And in this endeavor, wise, authentic, and consistent

prayer, a divine worship in spirit and in truth, becomes
the third critical factor necessary to activating a better-
later. It is to its rich subject that we now turn.


This is the crowning means of activating a better-later.
It is the essential ingredient necessary in combining
glorious fellowship with the Spirit and understanding
of God’s word. I am not talking about crying to God,
pleading for HIS intervention and waiting for an
answer; a thousand times NO!
That is divine intervention and it is shallow and
offensive to God. What is beneficial and in line with
divine programming is praying prayer with
knowledge, wise intimacy with the Father based on the
counsel of the Spirit of God and correct understanding
of God’s word; and doing so endlessly.

To be sure, those that pray wisely constitute the ones

that Jesus revealed that the Father seeks:

Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will

neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the
Father. You worship what you do not know; we know what
we worship for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour is
coming, and now is, when true worshipers will worship
the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father is seeking
such to worship Him. God is Spirit and those who worship
Him must worship in spirit and in truth. John 4:21-24

Now, before you go thinking that this was a long time

ago when people did not know how to pray or even
long before the Holy Spirit was given to the Church,
consider yet again how many today in spite of the
ministry of the Holy Spirit still do no know how to
pray. In spite of the fact that most believers can actually
comfortably recite the prayer format that the LORD
gave the apostles when they queried on how to pray
(Matthew 6:9-15), many believers that recite it do not
quite understand it. Many pray and pray and do not
get the answers they seek through prayer because they
do not know how to do it. Sadly, many like the
Samaritans worship what they do not know of.

And yet prayer correctly done is a most mighty weapon

for glory in the hands of the believer in Christ. If we
can get saints to pray in spirit and in truth to the
Father, we could reduce a significant amount of
counseling services. Praying the right way, knowing
what we worship, knowing how to pray, and to who
we pray will enormously lift the spiritual life of anyone
beyond circumstantial dictates to glorious realities.
My friend, prayer is a triggering click of the
supernatural; it will do all that God can do if done as
God would have you do it. That is why I am convinced
that prayer is not only important- it is omnipotent. The
one that learns to exercise its abilities with expertise
wields almighty power.

This was the profound lesson that the apostle James

shared with believers when they faced severe
persecution in Jerusalem:

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man

avails much. Elijah was a man with a nature like
ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain;
and it did not rain on the land for three years and six
months. And he prayed again, and the heavens gave
rain, and the earth produced its fruit. James 5:16-18

The omnipotent displays of glory and power were

wielded in the hands of a man of prayer. The believer
that occasions the duty of wise and authentic prayer
shifts from potency level to omnipotent demonstrations,
from human measures to divine abilities, from limited
operations to infinite possibilities.

Praying in spirit and in truth will activate divine

programming and if done consistently, in fact,
habitually (just like Jesus did it), it is essential to living
through ones divine program. It is through intimate
engagement with the Father in a life of prayer that
Jesus stayed HIS course of divine programming.

It is instructive to note that before our LORD ventured

into HIS illustrious ministry, HE spent forty (40) days
in prayer and fasting in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-2).
Matter of fact, temptation came to HIM long after HE’d
been praying.
That explains why HE was able to stand against it. It
explains why HE was able to resist such diversionary
but quite appealing offers like the kingdoms of the
world in all their glory (Matthew 4:8-10). Satan flee
from HIM because he recognized that being prayed-up
as HE was he stood no chance to derail HIM. Prayer
enabled HIM to resist and overcome temptation.

Prayer kept Daniel on course in the face of malice,

conspiracy, and betrayal from politicians who sought to
trap him. A life dedicated to prayer so positioned the
prophet in a place of incredible advantage so that he
was rescued from the lions den. But the rewards of his
prayer were not outdone yet: His enemies, with all their
families, suffered the fate they intended for him (Daniel
6:24). And then to top it all, HIS God was pronounced
the One and only true God in all of Persia (Daniel 6:25-

Similarly, a life dedicated to prayer from his youth set

David on the course to be king of Israel in spite of the
enmity he faced from Saul. It is the result of continuous
worship, of yielded devotion to prayer and praise that
God was able to embolden David and catapult him to

Prayer was a key source of assurance for David. When

he refers to abiding under the shadow of the almighty,
in the secret place, he is talking about prayer (Psalm
91:1). And from this vantage point, he gains tonnes of
assurance so that he can confidently encourage those
who believe in the LORD:

Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler

and from the perilous pestilence . He shall cover you with
his feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge;
His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be
afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by
day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the
destruction that lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall
at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall
not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you see the
desires of the wicked. Because you have made the LORD,
who is my refuge your dwelling place. Psalm 91:3-9

Wow, what a way to bless God’s people. This is David

activating a better-later for God’s people in his day, and
certainly to this day. I know so many believers who
have gained enormous encouragement from this psalm.
Many sermons have been ministered from its glorious
What is important to realize is that David was able to
dig it out of his divine program from a profoundly
deep and rigorously consistent prayer life. And from
that vantage place, he guaranteed his safety in any and
ever circumstance.

Now, I have heard some people recite the same words

without knowing where they came from and how
David arrived at this level of conviction. Many that
have uttered its verses do not have a prayer life or one
that is consistent and profound. Many that recite it do
not do so in spirit and in truth. So when they say the
same words, their utterance is devoid of power; they
speak mere words. And my judgment is often
confirmed when we witness them in troubles far less
threatening than the one David faced. You see them
panic, call for divine intervention, some even quit on
The problem often is what they mentioned was merely
lip service without any heartfelt conviction.

Prayer done as a result of intimating with the Holy

Spirit and understanding God’s word, will occasion the
necessary level of intimacy and divine conviction to
deal with any situation in life. Watch the life of Moses
and observe this benefit: Initially when Moses sought to
deliver the children of Israel from bondage without
ever praying, without ever experiencing God’s
presence, he failed dismally (Exodus 2:11-15). He
couldn’t activate his divine program in spite of being
well connected to the house of Pharaoh.

It took forty (40) years in the wilderness, growing in the

house of a priest called Jethro during which he must
have prayed, and indeed, grown in prayer. And prayer
drew him to the holy mount where he encountered the
Most High.
The rest is incredible history: It did not matter that he
was old and unable to speak eloquently; neither did it
matter that he did not have any connections in Egypt
worth mobilizing against Pharaoh.
Prayer, in God’s presence, attending to HIS instruction
(and here indeed is a worthy definition of what it
means to pray in spirit and in truth) transformed Moses
into a mighty force that almost single handedly
delivered the children of Israel from bondage.

To appreciate the importance of prayer in that regard,

consider that when God threatened to abandon them
and send them to the Promised Land with an angel,
Moses could not have none of that. Israel was
heartbroken. They realized that it was not enough to
gain God’s privileges without having the benefit of HIS
fellowship. Moses on his part knew only so well that
prayer was the key, not angels, not his ability, not even
the weakness of his adversaries, to the deliverance of

Without God’s everlasting presence, without intimate

fellowship with HIM, Moses knew that there were no
guarantees that they would thrive in the privilege they
sought in taking over Canaan:

Then the LORD said to Moses, “Depart and go up from

here, you and the people whom you have brought out
of the land of Egypt, to the land of which I swore to
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying, ‘To your descendants
I will give it.’ And I will send My Angel before you, and
I will drive out the Canaanite and the Amorite and the
Hittite and Perizzite and the Hivite and the Jebushite.
go up to a land flowing with milk and honey; for I will not
go up in your midst, lest I consume you on the way, for
you are a stiff-necked people……..
Then Moses said to Him, “If Your Presence does not go with
do not bring us up from here. For how then will it be
known that Your people and I have found grace in Your
sight, except You go with us? So we shall be separate,
Your people and I, from all the people who are upon the
face of the earth.” Exodus 33:1-3; 15, 16

Did you see that? Prayer correctly done will so activate

your divine program and thereby distinguish you
from others. It will set you apart and promote you to
be above and not beneath. A land flowing with milk
and honey will not distinguish you; neither will angelic
hosts, or victories over your adversaries. But when you
begin and continue to dwell in the presence of God;
when you intimate with God and abide in the shadow
of his wings; when you fellowship with HIM who is
Spirit, in spirit and in truth, you will activate a power
of glory that will surge you to excellence and royal

The scriptures detail how Jesus descended the mount

after night vigils in God’s presence and released power
healing all who were brought to HIM (Luke 6:12-19).
Correctly conducted prayer distinguished Jesus,
distinguished Moses, Elijah, David, Abraham, Daniel,
Solomon, and several others in the scriptures. In fact,
correctly done prayer distinguished Israel and was
often God’s recommended remedy to HIS people:

Seek the LORD while He may be found, call upon Him

while He is near. Let the wicked man forsake his way,
and the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let them return to
the LORD, and He will have mercy on him; And to our
God for He will abundantly pardon. “For My thoughts are
not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says
the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts
than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:6-9

I don’t know whether you have seen what I saw right

there: Prayer done appropriately is a vehicle that can
uplift you from earthly-level to heavenly-level. The
one that intimates with God will transition from
human ways to divine ways, from seeking divine
intervention to activating divine programming.
Now I need to emphasize this ‘in spirit’ and ‘in truth’
thing, if anything, shed more light on it: Unless we
understand it, we may not get the most we can from
prayer. Important therefore is to realize that it has a lot
to do with the glorious details that God has written in
both the books of heaven and in your spirit. If you
understand it this way, you will realize why it is vital
that we fellowship with the Spirit and understand HIS
word. Both are necessary to discover the glorious
revelations tabernacled in your spirit. Those details are
what Jesus refers to as ‘the truth’.
My friend, if you engage these details, if you discover
them in your life, and if you convert your prayer life
into a confession and appreciation of these truths, these
details deposited in you, you will activate your divine

In this endeavor, you will be the benefactor of infinite

possibility. Everything becomes possible and limitation
is thrown out of the window. These kind of people are
the ones that God seeks to manifest HIS glory to.
My friend, part of working out your salvation is this
experience of praying in spirit and in truth. Prayer
becomes a vehicle that delivers, an engine that
orchestrates wonder and privilege. The one that prays
this way prays the thoughts of God and masters HIS
ways in life.
Such a person transcends human bounds and manifests
glory from the highest of heaven. Praying in spirit and
in truth activates a demonstration of wonders that
affirms God’s majesty, power, and love for men.

This is what men need and not some religious dogma

that is impotent in its ability to yield any kind of
change. They do not need puny prayer vigils that
engage in vain repetitions of elaborate ignorance of
God’s grace and generosity to all those who believe in
Real change, significant reform, incredible
transformation is the result of engaging with the Father,
not in our ways but in spirit and in truth, in fellowship
with HIS Spirit and understanding of HIS word.
The one that does this activates a legacy of heaven on
the earth. It is this kind of believer that is able to
cooperate with God to establish HIS will on earth as it
is in heaven.

Once these three vehicles- fellowship with the Holy

Spirit, understanding the word, and wise, authentic,
and a persistent prayer life- synchronize and mature in
the life of the believer, once the believer is seasoned in
their operations, that believer becomes a force field of
glory divine.
Distinguished and crowned in power, such a believer
translates from merely being a follower of Christ to
actually being a revelation of Christ. He is able to
demonstrate the full glory and power of God without
seeking divine intervention. Like I said before, such a
one is a divine intervention in himself.

Wait a minute, one might ponder: How is it some people

have been born again, believers in Christ, infact, baptized
both in water and the Spirit, pray in tongues, preach the
gospel, even cast out devils, and yet their life is just one
string of disaster after another? Isn’t it presuming a lot to
prospect on activating a perfect and prosperous future in the
light of so many accomplished believers whose lives have not
been a better-later but for lack of a better word, turned from
grass to worse?
Beloved, fear not, neither be dismayed or perplexed by
the prospect of a better-later regardless the failures you
may have observed in the lives of others who are
believers and yet the outcome of their lives is not a
better-later but a bitter-after: There is more than meets
the eye.

For one, no other life is as sufficient an example to you

than the life of Christ, or better still the life of God
almighty. When you are born again, this is the life that
has been given to you. It is the life you are awakened
to. Now, as we have observed, you are awakened to
that life by both the word of God and HIS Spirit.
This is what Jesus meant when HE talked of being born
again: HE referred to the privilege birth as a result of
the word (born of water) and the Spirit (born of the
And yet, a closer scrutiny of these things should reveal
that both the word and the Spirit are indeed one. That
is why Jesus affirmed that HIS word is spirit and life
(John 6:63). Although distinguished in their unique
entities, yet they are one in the sense of sharing the
same life. As such, if a perfect reference need be given
regarding the possibilities of activating divine
programming with the guarantee of an everlasting
course of glory, the reference should be both the word
and the Spirit.
Forget brother so and so, or sister so and so, because as
it were, they may indeed be still grappling with
whether it is possible to believe, late alone thrive in
faith. Sometimes, some of the overtly reverend people
that cross our paths have more doubt and unbelief than
may be obvious to you (Mark 16:14). So they should not
be the pattern you seek.

What you need is pay attention to the word and the

Spirit: Seek from them to know the possibilities of
activating your divine program.
To be sure, it is indeed possible to be born again, a
believer, even a minister, and rather than activate your
divine program, you perpetuate a religious program, a
form of godliness that denies the power thereof. And
let me just reiterate what Paul cautions in this regard:

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a

man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his
flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows
to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting.
Galatians 6:7-8

And, just for your information, Paul was

communicating to believers, to born again saints. He
knew that being a believer is not sufficient to guarantee
a better-later. Having believed, it is necessary to walk
the faith short of which ones salvation will be
compromised by the corruption that grips this world.
On the other hand, he assures the believer that
decisively walks in the Spirit of an everlasting better-
The choice is yours- whether you will permit your birth
into the realm of infinite possibilities to count in this
world and always or not. Let your example be the word
and the Spirit from whom you have been born. Let
them define for you your prospects. Let them activate
for you your divine program.
In this regard, you will come to terms with your new
disposition as a son of God and will keep your eye on
the LORD Jesus Christ, your beloved kindred and elder
brother, as your ultimate goal (Hebrews 2:11). And as
you focus on HIM, as HE is, as the eternal reigning
King of glory, you will be lifted beyond the frustration
of human error into the celebration of perpetual

We all with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror

the glory of the LORD, are being transformed
into the same image from glory to glory, just as
by the Spirit of the LORD. 2 Corinthians 3:18

HE is the ultimate reference, the grandest inspiration,

the bright morning star. Watch HIM, dwell in HIS
presence, follow HIS steps, and you have the assuring
pattern of a better-later endorsed at the highest level.

My friend, arise and shine for the glory of God is risen

upon you: This material is yours for a glorious reason;
probably several innumerable reasons. You are
destined for marvel and wonder as you activate your
As you awaken to these realities and opportunities, you
close the door of human frailty and carnal limitation.
The Christ in you is now occasioned room to provoke
the glory that has always been in your innermost. That
is why sickness is in your past, so is defeat, confusion,
failure, and any other tragedy. That door is firmly
closed as you realize that you are not an accident going
to happen but an answer to the cries of millions.

You are a blessing to the nations, a light in this

generation. I see you occasioning change everywhere
you go; changing cities, countrysides, nations, even
entire regions. Whatever you set to do prospers and
your influence is growing even as it is glowing. Reports
will go far and wide regarding your virtues. Many will
seek your counsel; many will gain from your wisdom.
I also see power oozing out of you healing all those in
your presence: The lame can walk, the blind can see,
the deaf can hear, the dead are raised because you are
the force field that stops Satan’s tracks wherever he
shows up. In some instances, entire hospitals are
emptied because of healing virtues that have come
from your body as you visited their wards. And in
others, stadiums are filled with those willing to receive
a healing from you.

Your story has changed henceforth, and it has climaxed

beyond your wildest dreams. This portion is yours and
for all God’s children willing to activate what HE
deposited in them long before the foundations of the
world. Kindly believe it, and more- receive it!

“I am the LORD, your Holy One, the creator of Israel, your

King.” Thus says the LORD, who makes a way in the sea
and a path through the mighty waters, who brings forth
the chariot and horse, the army and the power (They shall
lie down together, they shall not rise; They are extinguished,
they are quenched like a wick):
“Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things
of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the
and rivers in the desert. The beast of the field will honor Me,
jackals and the ostriches, because I give waters in the
and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My
This people I have formed for Myself; they shall declare My
praise. Isaiah 43:15-21

My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices

in God my Savior. For He has regarded the lowly
state of His maidservant; For behold, henceforth all
generations will call me blessed. For He who is mighty
has done great things for me, and holy is His name.
And His mercy is from generation to generation.
Luke 1: 46-50

Can you receive this revelation? Have you perceived the

possibilities available to you if you understand it?
As I conclude on the subject I have presented to you
from the Most High, I sincerely hope and earnestly
desire that you will catch it and use it. There are mighty
things to be done after understanding these things. I am
also aware that so much more remains to be said on the
subject considering that so much has been deposited
and assigned to the royal divine experience intended
for man. There is so much more than I have currently
been permitted to write.
And yet, to be sure, there is no author that can collect
the infinite amount of detail in your spirit and present
it in a single text. In you is so much more than any
single book can contain. Your life is a volume of many
books coded into your spirit. As such, CHANGE YOU
MUST BELIEVE IN is a catalytic undertaking intended
to provoke you into probing deep into your spirit. It is
a starter of sorts driving you to engage your spirit, the
word of God, the Holy Spirit, and ultimately, the
Essentially, if you can appreciate what your spirit
holds, what he knows, what he keeps; if you can
comprehend the function of the Holy Spirit as
Counselor, given to guide you into all the wonderful
truths written in your spirit and in the scriptures; not
only will your LATER BE BETTER, more seriously,
you will have a BETTER EVER AFTER.

This revelation does not offer a temporary, short-lived

privilege that guarantees a seasonal better-later. It’s not
anything like the world gives, where you receive a
remedy that has only temporal measure: You know, the
things that the heathen aspire for- money, houses,
lustful pleasure, job security, properties, political
power, fame and the like- last only for a season. After a
while they expire so that if your better-later is based on
their privilege, then you have a temporal better-later
that can give way to yet another season of a bitter-later.

This is the rock hard lesson musical celebrities like

Michael Jackson learnt in their middle age. After
running after fame and money, after being deceived of
their immortality by excitable funs, personal
inspirational gurus and corporate companies, they
awakened to the reality that their expiry date has long
gone and they are of less interest than yester years. A
new breed of musicians has taken stage and command
better interest. Unfortunately, instead of a better-later,
they may talk of a better-past while suffering a bitter-
now. For pop icon Michael Jackson who passed away
from a heart attack even as I wrote this work, he
certainly can be said to have arrived at his bitter-end.
The same can be said about porn stars, prostitutes, tin-
pot dictators, film stars, business men, and several
ordinary fellas that model after popular culture.
Deceived by Satan, lured by temporal pleasure, they
rigorously pursue vanity only to conclude their life in
shame, loneliness, and misery.
Many that are sincere, especially when they convert to
the LORD, open up and expose the fact that even when
they were presumed to be in their prime, when they
had money, fame, and all the pleasure they could get,
they were nonetheless miserable, empty, and some
even in despair. It explains why many take on to illicit
drugs like cocaine, heroine, and marijuana to sooth
their tattered nerves with a false calm, a dubious
serenity. It also explains the high rates of divorce,
suicides, and bankruptcies found among them. Quite a
number end up schizophrenic and may explain the
high rise of psychiatric medication and counseling in
many urban areas.

This is a far stretch from what I am sharing here. What

is tragic though, is when believers in Christ fall in the
same category I have just mentioned. It is so sad to see
believers aspire for material goods, popular desires, or
when they conform to the patterns of the world. This
explains why there is strife, envy, malice, hatred,
covetousness, anger, gossip, even fornication, adultery,
and divorce in the Church. It also explains why many
believers fear, are guilty, poor, sick, corrupt, empty,
delusional, and miserable.

This is not supposed to be the case. No believer ought

to be this way at all. However, many are ignorant. They
believe in Christ but have not been taught further to
believe like Christ. Many wrongly assume Christianity
is just another faith like many in the world. They have
not come to terms with what Christ really came to
accomplish apart from forgiving them their trespasses.
Where anything more is taught, it generally centers on
healing and material gain. As such, they are unaware of
more critical truths as the one you are reading now.

Ignorant of their spirit and what it holds for them,

ignorant of the functional role of the Holy Spirit as
Counselor, many believers have forsaken their glory for
lying vanities.
Many do not realize that everything they need is
actually in them and not out there. Many have not
awakened to their royal divinity and are content at
being a slave in a world where they have been designed
and assigned to be masters. To be sure, few believers,
even Christian leaders have any serious imperial
sense. They do not realize that we are here to take
over the world and not to be taken over. In fact, rather
than taking charge of the world most of the Church has
been oriented to taking cover in the world.

The consequence of this has been unnecessary suffering

among God’s children:

My people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6)

Many in the Church are as crashed, humiliated,

miserable, and as confused as the world. Many fear for
their future, they are not sure what tomorrow holds
and shake as they pay attention to the evening news. It
explains why you hear of divorces, theft, strife,
adultery, malice, and such things among the saints.

Where there ought to be a vast and marked discrepancy

because of the truth, which we are custodian of; there is
an unsettling and clear similarity between the Church
and the world. Both of them are lost so that we have the
spiritual irony of a lost Church and a lost world.
In this rather disturbing resemblance you have an
incredible confusion that defies spiritual logic: You
have many in the world running to the Church only to
find the same old, same old confusing world there.
Many in the Church are also running to the world and
perpetuating confusion there too.

A similar confusion pertained in the church in Galatia

with different cultural dynamics but the same problem.
The apostle Paul counseled them thus:

Now I say that the heir, as long as he is a child,

does not differ at all from a slave, though he is a
master of all, but is under guardians and stewards
until the time appointed by the father. Even so we,
when we were children, were in bondage under
the elements of the world. But when the fullness
of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born
of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those
who were under the law that we might receive
the adoption as sons……But now
after you have known God, or rather, are known
by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak
and beggarly elements, to which you desire again
to be in bondage? Galatians 4:1-5, 9

Before Paul’s ministry, Jesus had guaranteed:

If you abide by My word, you are My disciples indeed.

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall
make you free. John 8:31-32

The problem we are experiencing therefore relates to

the fact that many believers, even teachers of the word
are converts but not really disciples. Although many
have indeed logged onto the word of God, only a few have
lodged in the word. So many that have received the truth
have not known it and are in bondage by the elements
of the world. Many can say like Job that they have heard
about it, but have not seen it (Job 42:3-5). While their
ears have registered the gospel, their hearts have yet to
accommodate its value. So like Job they suffer under
the elements of this world unaware that if they
perceived what they have heard, they would be
masters and not the subjects that they are.

If only the truth can be heard and perceived, it will be

practiced by the Church. Once the truth sinks in we will
have a completely different experience. The Church
would regain the prominence that was intended for it:

Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice

and keep My truth, then you shall be a special
treasure to Me above all people, for all the earth
is Mine. And you shall be to Me a kingdom of
priests and a holy nation. Exodus 19:5

Conversely, the believer that awakens to the truth, the

saint that activates his divine program ceases being a
child that has no difference with a slave in this world.
He converts into a mature heir of divine royalty that is
distinguished from the rest of the world.
The truth is able to place you above every carnally-
minded person. It is able to convert you from being a
corruption of evil and make you a celebration of God. And
this conversion can indeed be an everlasting
experience. From the time you evoke your divine
program, from the time you attend to the counsel of
the Holy Spirit, you can consistently improve,
abound, and excel in this world and in the one to

A BETTER EVER AFTER can be yours. It is not some

romantic fantasy based on unreal impressions. It is real,
more than real. Matter of fact, it already exists in your
spirit. Your incredible tomorrow is already done and
settled deep inside you. It will take your
understanding, your awakening to it to program it in
the material realm we call today and tomorrow.

This is how God lives, seeing those things that are not
as though they are. Abraham lived that way too
(Romans 4:17-18). Both looked inside to determine their
outside. Both drew from the deep springs of their spirit
and nourished the dry wilderness that faced them. In so
doing, God converted a chaotic creation story of the
earth into a paradise in six glorious days (Genesis 1:2-
26). Abraham beheld a child from his loins even though
he and his wife Sarah were barren and long past the
age of potency (Genesis 21:1-7). No wonder both
believed and perceived that Abraham would have as
many children as the stars in the night sky and it is so
today as everyone that believes Christ is indeed seed of
Abraham. Believers of Christ from every tribe, tongue
and nation, and from all generations are children of
Abraham (Galatians 3:29).

This kind of understanding is the prerogative of the

Church, of the righteous. The world and its wisdom
cannot fathom it (1 Corinthians 1:18-21). It’s not their
prerogative. When they promise better tomorrows,
their guarantees are mere speculations based on fake
notions. Many motivational speakers of this day that
presume to offer principles that can turn life around are
presenting shallow fancies that cannot prevail against
time and hell. Their counsel is dubious and bares the
trappings of creative deception.
My friend, do not be hoodwinked, these dishonest
enterprises can only guarantee a limited positive
outcome however innovative their maneuvers.

Real possibilities, true opportunities are only found in

the truth of God’s word. In that sure foundation,
tomorrow can be built without any recourse to danger.
The word can shield you from any trouble, any evil,
any confusion. The one that seeks it out of the spirit,
the one that gains it from the wise counsel of the Holy
Spirit, rules his future.

It is on this basis that a young lowly girl in the remote

town of Nazareth could have a glorious turn around
from being recluse and poor to confidently asserting
that all generations will call her blessed (Luke 1:48):
Mary awoke to her divine program and perceived these
things that were contrary to her impoverished
circumstances and daily appearance.
The moment she caught on with God’s divine will for
her life, she activated a life changing ability that she
was certain would forever guarantee her fortune
throughout generations. Mary did not just appreciate
the glorious outcome of an immediate future; she did
not just limit her possibilities to the great occurrence of
her virgin birth to God’s Son: She saw way beyond that
and celebrated her future in many generations long
after she passed on to eternity.

The same possibilities of eternal bliss were observed in

the life of Joseph. In spite of the trials he encountered in
his youth, once he activated this program he never
looked back. Once he interpreted the dream of pharaoh,
he reigned over Egypt for pharaoh, saved his family
from famine, and distributed food to the world from
such a vantage position that never eluded him
throughout his life (Genesis 50:22-26). Joseph’s better-
ever-after occurred in spite of his previously troubled
background. No suffering in his past could show up
again in his divinely programmed future.
The same can be seen in the hereafter Job was able to
command following the suffering he incurred at the
hands of Satan. The scriptures declare that following
his perception when he understood God, he received
double what he had lost. What is more, he never lost
that double ever as he lived the rest of his life in a
perpetual bliss that increased in glory every passing
day (Job 42:12-17).

My dear, your divine program can switch you into a

glorious path that will surpass your life span on earth
and shine bright forevermore. This privilege is not
limited to scriptural characters like Abraham and Mary.
It is a possible reality that is available to you. You too
can activate a hereafter that is incredibly glorious and
consistent during and beyond your life span. This
reality is written in your spirit. It is encoded in your
divine DNA and guaranteed by God. God intends to
have your life converted to a series of blessings that
will last throughout your life and beyond your days on
Thank God for HIS program, thank God for the truth.
Truly it must be said:

Blessed is everyone who fears the LORD, who

walks in divine programming. When you eat
the labor of your hands, you shall be happy,
and it shall be well with you. Your wife shall be
a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house
your children like olive plants all around your
table. Behold thus shall the man be blessed who
fears the LORD. The LORD bless you out of your
spirit, and may you see the good of divine programming
all the days of your life. Yes, may you see your children’s
children. Peace be upon such believers. Psalm 128:1-6

If these truths are apparent to you, know it that you are

in-charge of your hereafter and your life must change
for the infinite better.

From the throne of grace and the summit of mount

Zion, both synonymous with the depth of your spirit,
you command heights and glories beyond time. From
henceforth and ever more, you cannot be a victim of
anyone or anything. Whatever contends with you will
bow to you. No occasion will leave you outwitted or at
loss of what to do. In all circumstances, in season and
out of season, you will find your way out of danger and
into privilege.
So when others cry, you will be their comforter. When
others are sick, you will be their healer. When others
are poor, you will be their provider.

CHANGE YOU MUST BELIEVE IN is an opportunity

to a very amazing hereafter. I told you before that I can
see you in the future and you look much better than
you look right now. You are richer, healthier, smarter,
and greater. What is more is that this is BETTER EVER
AFTER. Never again shall you fall to some whim,
scheme, or dream of evil. NEVER!! You are made of
greater staff than evil can comprehend and you know
it. From now on, arrest evil, bind it, and cast it out with
all audacity:

You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young
lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.
Psalm 91:13
This word is a hammer that bashes mountains
(Jeremiah 23:29). If believed and celebrated, it releases
an anointing that exalts your horn like that of a wild ox

Consequently, your authority will arise to fit any and

every occasion. When resistance raises its head against
your prospects, you will determine the outcome. Those
who doubt your abilities will only marvel at your new
dispensation. Before your critics, you will shine. Before
your mockers, you will triumph. Devils will know you
by name; your enemies will know you by deeds.
When they hear your roar, they will scatter in several

That is why your enemies will make peace with you

and those who doubted you will sing your song. Yes,
you will be greatly honored among men as your
apparent limitations pave way to an omnipotent
strength that will see you surmount whatever challenge
that stood before you. From now on, when the annals
of great personalities are written, they will be
incomplete without you.
You will redefine possibility as you stretch achievement
beyond what was previously imagined. Your trade will
prosper. Your talent will shine. Your desires shall be
fulfilled in such dramatic fashion that many will
acknowledge your divinity.
My friend, goodness and mercies shall follow you all
the days of your life (Psalm 23:6).

Sick? Not you. Poor? Not you. Defeated? Not you. You
are passed that category for now and always. That
picture is not receipted in your divine program; it is not
your portion. You are not a frail entity anymore.
Neither are you merely a human being in the sense that
ordinary people are. You are infinitely more than that.
Your divinity has supplanted your humanity. Your
royalty has overruled your mortality and moderate
As such, you are more than sickness can handle. You
are more than poverty can deal with. You are a victor in
any and every dealing. Nothing can pull you down.
Nothing can overwhelm you. You are a subject to
nothing in this world and a master to all there is.

Matter of fact, the world has been groaning for your

appearance. They have agonizingly awaited you to
arrive at who you really are (Romans 8:19). And now
that you have, they are obliged to suit your royal
predisposition. Like the winds and the seas obeyed
Jesus, only speak the word and your authority will be
manifested. So will your distinction. Others around you
will marvel like the disciples and ponder on what kind
of man you are (Mark 4:41).

Ultimately, many will know God because of you.

Forget those arguments with atheists regarding the
existence of God. Forget those mockeries of scorning
doubters who asked, “Where is thy God?” Divine
programming will cause you to be a revelation of God
to a perverted world clothed in deception and
Rather than run to religion for answers, men shall run
to you. And when they come, you shall be the answer
they longed for. They will see you demonstrate the
God religious people can only talk about. You will be to
them the visibility of divinity. Whatever questions they
have nurtured in their perversion, your actions will
resolve. Your testimony will silence critics, mesmerize
cynics, and educate an ignorant mass desperate for
what works. From you they will know what really

Many that watch you will abandon their empty fishing

boats of limited provision to discover your infinite
course of incredibility. You are the lesson they were
waiting for. Doctors will marvel at how simply and
effortlessly you remedy incurable ailments. Some will
be thoroughly humbled when they witness the dead
that you raise. Governors and heads of government will
be awed as you neutralize national dangers and resolve
crises beyond their mandate.
Whether it is citizens or statesmen, whether it is the
high and mighty or the lowly peasantry, you will have
answers to their satisfaction.
You are a light in this world, a salt in the earth- you are
a God-kind of being. To be precise, you are God in the
flesh. And this book has occasioned your light; you
have recovered your salt. I am certain that these words
have provoked you to peep deep inside your spirit.
There, a light has flickered and glowed brighter every
page you probed in this book.
As you turned its pages, probing its truths, you have
awakened to your spirit. Therein are omnipotent
privileges suited for a royal-priesthood. You are among
that number and therefore a distinguished member of
the God-family. Enjoy your privileges. Share them with
those dear to you, and pass them onto your generations

Great deliverance He gives to His king, and shows

mercy to His anointed, to you and your descendants
forevermore. Psalm 18:50

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