Subject: SCIENCE Level: 10 Quarter: 2 Week: 5 Melc: Competency Code
Subject: SCIENCE Level: 10 Quarter: 2 Week: 5 Melc: Competency Code
Subject: SCIENCE Level: 10 Quarter: 2 Week: 5 Melc: Competency Code
A. Readings/Discussions
Radiation exists all around us, from both natural and manmade sources, and is in two
forms: ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.
Ionizing radiation is a form of energy that acts by removing electrons from atoms and
molecules of materials that include air, water, and living tissue. Non-ionizing radiation on the
other hand exists all around us from many sources. It is to the left of ionizing radiation on the
electromagnetic spectrum.
The different types of electromagnetic waves are defined by the amount of energy carried
by the photons. Photons are bundles of wave energy. From among the EM waves, the
gamma rays have photons of high energies while radio waves have photons with the lowest
Electromagnetic radiations are radiation emitted from cellular phones, cell phone towers,
Wi-Fi, TV and FM towers, microwave ovens, etc. It causes significant health hazards on
humans, animals and the environment.
The human body, like any object radiates infrared radiation and the amount emitted
depends on the temperature of the body. Although infrared radiation cannot be seen by the
human eye, it can be detected by sensors.
Certain factors affect the degree of injury caused by radiation. These are the type of
radiation, the absorbed dose, the rate at which the dose was absorbed and the sensitivity of
the tissue involved. Here, the cellular function may be temporarily or permanently impaired
from the radiation or the cell may be destroyed. The higher the radiation dose, the higher the
probability of death. This is because high radiation doses tend to kill cells. Too much radiation
also causes the reddening of the skin or loss of hair.
Radiation has been a part of our environment already. It has been responsible for
heating the Earth’s interior. A greater amount of radiation that we received comes from
cosmic radiation. Natural environmental radiation is the one that constantly hits us, that is why
whenever possible, additional exposure to it should be avoided. Too much radiation
absorption is damaging to living molecules and cells. The bonds holding the molecules
together may break and cells may die. It can cause mutations and offsprings that are
different from the parents. In water, the radioactive particles tend to accumulate at the bottom.
The result is contamination of aquatic plants and fishes living in that environment.
Radio frequency radiation and microwave radiation produce heat when exposed to high
level. This can lead to burns and body tissue damage. Two areas of the body, the eyes and
the testes are particularly vulnerable to this because there is relatively little blood flow in them
to carry away the excess heat.
But radiation does not only involve risks but benefits as well. The regions in the
electromagnetic spectrum have various uses and applications as follows:
EM Wave Applications/Uses
1. Examine the first column in Table 5.6. Use the entries as guide for calculating the dose
2. Thick about the activities you did last year (travel, medical check-up, etc) when filling out
a. The average annual radiation dose is around 2.3 mSV (millisievert), how does your
b. How does the dose you receive from the natural sources compare with what you
c. Which among the sources listed in the table gives you highest radiation dose?
d. How will you lessen your radiation dose? List all possible activities/practices that will
Natural Sources
A. Cosmic Radiation
B. Terrestrial (inhaled)
C. Terrestrial (ingested)
Man-made Sources
A. Medical Exposure
B. Power stations
power plant
C. Other sources
1 Gamma rays
2 X –rays
3 Ultraviolet rays
4 Microwaves
5 Infrared waves
6 Visible light
7 Radio waves
C. Assessment/Application/Outputs (Please refer to DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2020)
1. What type of electromagnetic is used in radar?
A. Infrared rays B. Microwaves C. Radio waves D. Ultra-violet rays
For numbers 6 to 15, state the type of electromagnetic wave used in each application.