What Is It?: Foundations of Science Teaching and Learning
What Is It?: Foundations of Science Teaching and Learning
What Is It?: Foundations of Science Teaching and Learning
What is It?
In the light of this definition, we can say that science teaching has three
interacting facets, namely: knowledge, process skills and attitudes.
Clearly, as a science teacher, you should not only be concerned with what
science is all about. You should also see to it that your students develop the
different basic process skills and scientific attitudes.
Knowing them will give you ideas on how best they can learn. In your pre-
service education, you will study these characteristics. The succeeding
discussion will focus on the characteristics of learners which are relevant to
science teaching.
4. Learners are curious and eager to learn. When the teacher fits the
learning environment to learners’ interests, needs and their levels of maturity,
they become highly motivated. Their curiosity and desire to learn are enhanced.
learn best what is meaningful to them. They learn best in an environment that is
natural, relaxed and free of competitive elements rather than in settings that are
highly structured and tightly organized.
information. Better performance will result when you match your teaching styles
to the learning styles of your students.
What is My Style?
Use the following codes to answer this activity .
N- Never (1) O-Occasionally (3) A-Always (5)
R-Rarely (2) F-Frequently (4)
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
___ ___ 1. I like to listen to verbal instructions.
___ ___ 2. I learn best by seeing, reading and watching.
___ ___ 3. Using my hands - feeling or touching - is my style.
___ ___ 1. I form the sounds of words to recall them.
___ ___ 2. I need to construct and use strong visual image
to learn.
___ ___ 3. I like to play with objects while learning.
___ ___ 1. I remember information by hearing myself say the words
___ ___ 2. I need to create a picture on paper or in my mind to
Remember It.
___ ___ 3. I learn by taking notes while listening.
___ ___ 1. I read aloud instead of silently talking to myself.
___ ___ 2. I like to create pictures to match with the words.
___ ___ 3. I underline ideas while listening.
___ ___ 1. I memorize information or associate my memories with
___ ___ 2. I need to see the words rather than the images.
___ ___ 3. I need to highlight pertinent information.
___ ___ 1. I take active part in discussions.
___ ___ 2. I daydream to imagine what things look like.
___ ___ 3. I doodle, fold a paper, play with a pencil a ball pen or paper
clip while learning.
B. Once you have completed your preferences in Column A, and have
written the values for each of your responses in Column B, get the
sum of all the values assigned for each answer and write the score on
the summary.
Score Your learning style
Sum of 1’s ___ Auditory = ___
Sum of 2’s ___ Visual = ___
Sum of 3’s ___ Tactile/Kinesthetic = ___
The biggest sum indicates your preferred learning styles
II Essay:
1. Why it is that classroom management is one of the most important aspect
to consider in teaching science?
2. Why do we need to know the learning styles of our students?
5 4 3 2 1
1. Content
"Addresses each question and all its parts thoroughly; incorporates relevant course
content into responses; uses specific
information from case in response"
2. Understanding/Application
"Demonstrates deep understanding of course theories and ideas applied to analysis of
case situations"
3. Original Thinking
"Demonstrates original thinking that adds insight to analysis of case; meaningful
elaboration beyond text, notes, class discussion in strategy development"
4. Structure
"Response to each question is well organized and clearly written; there is evidence of
planning before writing"