Avbq588518-150121 2551
Avbq588518-150121 2551
Avbq588518-150121 2551
Test Result :
Test Result: COVID 19 viral RNA NOT DETECTED
The assay is based on Taqman fluorescent probe based qualitative Real Time PCR
specific for COVID19 virus.The result indicates the detection of the COVID 19
How RT-PCR testing will help the diagnosis and management of COVID 19 viral
Early accurate diagnosis of COVID 19 viral infection contributes towards the
appropriate clinical management and prevention of spreading disease which is
potentially severe and occasionally fatal complications.
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Dr.(Mrs) Mala Mngalika Jayathilaka, Prof.Y.I.N.S.Gunawardene, Ph.D Dr.Channa Senanayake
MBBSD)(parh)MD(HEAM) Consultant Molecular Biologist MBBS (Col) MD Microbiology (Col)
Consultant Heamatologist Consultant Microbiologist
Lady Ridgeway Hospital Colombo 08
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