Integrated Marketing Ebook
Integrated Marketing Ebook
Integrated Marketing Ebook
Table of
1 Chapter 1: What is integrated marketing?
3 Do thorough research
7 Conduct a workshop
18 02 Social media
20 03 Brand activations
23 04 Inbound marketing
Integrated marketing has changed from being a customer-centric system to a customer-facing process and is
the past, present and future of marketing. It’s the reason why you listen to a radio advertisement and read it
again in print media. This type of marketing helps build brand awareness and equity in order for people to know,
trust and ultimately choose your brand over competitors. It ensures that a message is communicated via different
platforms according to a specific strategy.
However, over the past few years there has been an overwhelming change in technology and the way in which
we do business as the digital age now offers more marketing options when it comes to the buying process than
it has ever before. Although integrated marketing has changed considerably, it has gone far beyond its usual
definition and subject matter since companies have started using these tactics.
important than ever before and focusing on
Today we see how email marketing, the customer and their requirements involve
social media, content and search a more integrated view with a big emphasis
on digital, traditional and the physical world all
engine marketing, to mention a few, working together.
all seamlessly work together as it’s the
Let’s use FNB’s “Un-Steve Yourself” campaign
bigger picture and the smart customer-
in 2014 as an example where South Africans
centric marketing that matters. were urged to “Un-Steve” themselves and
It’s important to remember that all re-evaluate their choice of bank and the value
it offers to them. In 2011, FNB introduced
these sets of tactics can mean so many consumers to ‘Steve’, an endearing and
things and to look at the individual touch well meaning, but sometimes naive, call
centre agent working for ‘Beep Bank’,
& experience rather than at just the tactics, who unsuccessfully attempted to convince
channels and often isolated campaigns.
” FNB customers to switch banks.
The campaign encouraged FNB customers to make sure they are getting the best value from their bank
and of what FNB has to offer their customers. Not only were billboards used to convert customers, but the same
message was communicated on the radio, in print, on television as well as on news websites, like News24. Although a
controversial campaign which sparked debate across South Africa, Steve is still a well-known character amongst
FNB bankers today and is still used in promotional material in “Meet Steve’s Replacements” on their website.
Page 01
As a business, you are constantly presented with new ways of marketing.
Pay-per-click, Twitter advertising, email marketing, television adverts…
the list is seemingly endless, but the question always remains: “how can
I extract measurable ROI from my efforts and get my employees to fully
engage in my sales and marketing efforts?” To get the most out of your
integrated marketing efforts, it’s best to work out what your customers
are looking for, and the best platform to get your message to them.
Page 02
Every piece of integrated marketing must begin with thorough research into your customers,
and a clear understanding of what messaging they will respond to. It is vital to know your target
audience, as well as their needs and wants when planning for any marketing campaign. Make sure you
answer the following before proceeding with a solid plan of action:
Use buyer personas and create a map to identify
your customer’s point of contact on the buyer’s
journey. Buyer personas are semi-fictional
representations of your ideal customers.
They are based on solid research, data and interviews
of your sales staff, marketing team, and customers.
Unaware Problem Aware Solution Aware Product Aware Most Aware
(stories & secrets) (benefits & anxieties) (claims & proofs) (discounts & deals) (product & price)
Focus on Problems Focus on Solutions Value & Need Solutions & Features Evaluation
Page 03
Different media are more effective in different stages of the buyer’s journey. Likewise, different media
platforms are more effective for reaching different audiences.
Once you’ve done your research, and determined who your two to three most important buyer
personas are, you’ll need to develop a solid strategy, which includes SMART (Specific, Measureable,
Achievable, Realistic, Time-based) goals to reach these personas during their various stages of the
buyer’s journey.
You strategy will need to address how you plan to reach your buyer personas, where you will
communicate with them (for example, does my persona use Facebook, or would LinkedIn be a more
impactful platform), and what message you want deliver to your potential or existing customers.
The mere-exposure effect is a psychological phenomenon that was first documented by Gustav Fetchner,
the German philosopher, psychologist and physicist, in 1876. It’s proof of our fondness for things
that we know and understand. The mere-exposure effect suggests that people grow more fond of
something, the longer they are exposed to it. In essence, people fear and distrust change.
Dr Heidi Halvorson (Ph.D. in Psychology), says that “change isn’t simply about embracing something
unknown — it’s about giving up something old (and therefore good) for something new (and therefore
not good)”.
So what then, do we trust and love? Consistency. In the words of Bruce Springsteen (singer-songwriter),
“Sustaining an audience is hard, it demands a consistency of thought, of purpose and of action over a
long period of time”.
Consistent messaging needs to filter through each and every point of customer contact in your business.
Consistent messaging applies not only to your marketing communication, but to each and every
department in your business from sales, to billing and customer service.
The Harvard Business Review, identifies three elements which are present in all companies with
a strong corporate identity. These elements are “the value proposition you offer your customers,
the capabilities system that allows you to create that value, and the set of products and services that
leverages those capabilities and delivers against your value proposition”.
Page 04
In short, the reason why many businesses fail to achieve the growth that they desire, is that they lack
consistency in their brand’s messaging. Paul Leinwand and Cesare Mainardi, authors of The Three
Elements of a Strong Corporate Identity, write:
“In their run for growth, companies often wind up serving so many
different customer segments and so many different needs with
disconnected product groups, capabilities, and strategies that it’s
impossible to define what the company is really about. And although
such companies may be OK at many things or may have been great
at a point in their growth, their lack of focus creates a struggle to be
truly excellent at anything in the long run.
Although you want to reach as many prospects as possible, you do not need to market on all channels,
especially if your customers are only using specific channels. Don’t feel like you need to be on every
marketing channel available - identify the ones most relevant to your customer and develop your strategy
around these.
Act-On, a marketing automation company, notes, “Creative ideas and brilliant executions are all very
well and good, but clients aren’t interested in just feel-good stories – they need the cold, hard facts that
can help them understand the role marketing plays in revenue contribution. Because these days, if it’s
not adding to this year’s bottom line, it’s getting subtracted from next year’s budget. Marketing agency
metrics really matter.”
Page 05
Chapter 2
Implementing your overall integrated
marketing strategy.
Although today’s marketing landscape calls for the consistent flow of a variety of campaigns, it’s always important
to have a solid strategy in place which supports both your business goals and objectives, set well in advance.
An integrated marketing strategy is critical to deliver the right message, at the right time, to the right audience
in the right place.
will have meaningful impact. Every brand decision stems from
the marketing strategy, and is articulated at every touchpoint.
At Penquin, it is just as important to have such a strategy in place to help guide a business and show return on
investment. Veronica Wainstein, MD of Penquin says: “a solid marketing strategy unpacks what a customer does
on a daily basis and, if done correctly, is what separates a business from their competitors.”
Who are your competitors and what do they offer that’s different from your product/service?
What do your sales figures indicate?
Why would a prospective customer rather buy your product/service than a competitor’s?
What sets you apart from the crowd?
Every single business needs to answer these crucial questions in order to make profit. If you’re not able
to provide answers to these, re-evaluate your business goals and structure.
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02 What are your goals?
What business goals do you have in mind for your business? It’s best to examine both your short
and long term goals and determine how much revenue you would like to generate from a specific
marketing campaign.
In order for a marketing strategy to be effective, it has to be functional and implemented over a certain
time period. There aren’t a lot of shortcuts when it comes to creating a solid marketing strategy, you just
have to start at a point and refine the plan as you go along.
Depending on your available resources, there are several ways to create a marketing strategy fit for a
specific business. It’s important to remember that this plan can’t be created in isolation. Let’s look at
some of tactics you can implement when creating your strategic plan.
A six to eight hour workshop in which you discuss
every element of the business is crucial to define
your marketing strategy. In this workshop, you’ll
discuss a variety of topics, such as your competitors,
your vision/mission statement, the products
and ser vices offered, your target market,
your brand’s strengths and weaknesses, etc...
These topics will reveal the areas in which your brand
is able to succeed and thrive.
Lesley Pyle, journalist for The Entrepreneur magazine, explains the basics of conducting market research in the
article How to Do Market Research - The Basics.
In order to conduct thorough market research, you’ll need to make use of both primary and secondary
research methods, using both quantitative and qualitative data.
Quantitative research involves data, statistics and mathematical analysis. In order to conduct accurate
quantitative research, you’ll need a large sample size. Qualitative research involves in depth interviews,
is very time consuming and involves a small sample group, but gives much better in-depth insights into
what customers are looking for and their past experiences.
Page 07
Primary research makes use of data collection methods such as:
Interviews (either by phone or in person)
Surveys (online or by mail)
Questionnaires (online or by mail)
Focus groups (gathering a sampling of potential customers
and generating feedback on your product or service)
Secondary research involves analysing existing data or studies which have been conducted previously.
You should conduct your secondary research before conducting your primary research, to avoid duplicating
a study and wasting time and resources.
Page 08
“ The marketing mix consists of all the
controllable variables the company puts
together to satisfy its target market.
A typical marketing mix includes decisions
regarding the product, the price of the
product, how to promote the product and
how to get the product to the right customer
at the right time and place.
- The Entrepreneurial Business School
You’ll need to ensure that you’re developing a product which meets the needs of your buyer personas.
If there’s no demand for your product or service, or it doesn’t address the needs of your customers,
you will have a tough time making sales.
You’ll need to set the right price for your product, in order to make your offer attractive to buyers.
Your price should directly relate to the value of your product. If your price is higher than your customer’s
perceived value of your product, it will affect your sales and in reverse, if your price is too low,
your customer may be inclined to distrust the quality of your product.
Distribution is a very important part of your marketing mix. You’ll want to distribute your product in
a place which is easily accessible to your buyers. Selling your bicycles in a butchery won’t really make
sense to potential buyers, and this will have a negative impact on your sales.
Finally, once you’ve determined the right product, price and place, you’ll need to determine how you
plan to make buyers aware that you and your product exist. You’ll need to determine what types of
advertising will be effective, and where (through which media) you’ll be able to reach your buyers.
Once you have established your four P’s, reinterpret these to focus on the four C’s. (We’ve used Penquin’s
long-standing client, Suzuki Motor Corporation, as an example to illustrate the theory of the four C’s.)
Page 09
Convenience (not place):
Customers want to conveniently access a brand; and this isn’t necessarily tied to shopping at a
well-placed store. Convenience includes your global footprint, websites, social platforms,
and other easy-to-access touch-points your brand provides the consumer.
Aside from Suzuki’s wide variety of dealerships, they also have Global sites available, a social media
footprint, a local website, blogs and other ways to communicate with them (and view their vehicles).
An engaging idea will involve your target market and make your marketing efforts more effective. The idea further
informs your media/channel selection and must be used across a variety of channels. Choose your channels wisely
and don’t assume that you need to market your brand on every available platform (read more about this in Chapter 4).
After you have chosen your media channels, they need to efficiently work together by playing a specific role in
achieving the overall objective of the strategy.
Page 10
Lastly, measurement is of utmost importance. Measuring the effectiveness of a channel can get complicated,
but doesn’t necessarily need to be. Creating a common measurement across channels is very important whether
it is to get a reasonable ROI, tracking conversion rates or getting people to sign up for an event/subscribe to a blog.
As Veronica explains,
In the next three chapters we examine the different channels that you can use to get the results you need and how most of
them worked in Penquin (and their customers’) favour.
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Chapter 3
The role of creativity in
integrated marketing.
An integrated marketing campaign, no matter how many channels you use, starts not only with a solid marketing
strategy, but also with mind blowing creative ideas. This chapter offers an overview of the role of creativity
in integrated marketing. Firstly, it is important to explain how effective marketing and creativity can play a role
in the advertising world.
According to Terence Shimp in his book, Adver tising, Promotion and Other Aspects
of Integrated Marketing Communications,
The creative strategy further informs the marketing communication message as an integral part of the promotional
process and determines the overall success or failure of any campaign. A creative campaign must be relevant and
important to your target market.
Page 12
Most full-service agencies develop their own unique rules and guidelines to follow when it comes to a
creative strategy, but James Web Young, the former Vice President of J Walter Thompson, a well-known
marketing communications brand, proposes a five-step model when taking on the creative process:
It is important to gather all background information and immerse yourself totally in the problem in order to
come up with a relevant solution.
Take the gathered information and come up with
a suitable plan to work with it.
Remove the problem from the conscious mind and turn the gathered information over to the subconscious
mind to complete the work. This doesn’t mean forget about it! This just means put the concept on the back-
burner - sleep on it and let your creative subconscious tackle it in the background.
This is the ‘aha’ moment where all the work from the previous three steps percolates into something
incredible. Unfortunately, this is not a tap you can turn on and off but it helps to brainstorm and work
through both good and bad ideas until the right ones show themselves at the end of the tunnel.
Study the idea to see if it solves your problem. Finally, shape the idea to practical usefulness.
The creative process is guided by your business’ goals and objectives, as set out in your marketing and
advertising strategy. However, there are many ways to communicate a message by means of the creative
process. The challenge, however, is to find the method that works for your company, find a major selling point
and use it as a way to create a successful creative strategy.
Veronica says,
Page 13
Chapter 4
Integrated marketing in different
areas of the business.
The variety of marketing channels available nowadays means your potential customers can be found anywhere.
It’s up to the marketer to be where they are. Consumers access information from different devices (smartphones,
PCs, tablets), making the buyer’s journey more complicated.
As the number of platforms increases, integrated marketing will be the key to gaining the attention of more potential
customers. Integrated marketing allows customers to connect with you wherever they feel most comfortable. It gives
the customer choice: a choice to listen, engage and buy what they want, when they want and where they want.
Get help
Source: “The Emergence Of Customer Experience Management Solutions,”Forrester Research, Inc., August 10, 2011
Page 14
In this chapter, we take a broad look at the various channels you may want to include in your integrated marketing
plan and how advertising campaigns delivered measurable results for Penquin and its customers. Do keep in mind,
once again, that you do not need to use all of these listed channels - it depends on your customer’s needs and wants.
Creating a media strategy means understanding the client, its target market and challenges and what they
would like consumers to achieve. Creating a media strategy, distributing and monitoring it may become
confusing if not managed and planned correctly.
Although the media strategy is only used later Sandra Palmer, Penquin’s Media Director says,
in the communication process, it still remains
important to simultaneously develop it with Traditionally, it was important to
the creative strategy. A standard media plan understand your target market and publish
typically consists of four stages, namely
content on a variety of platforms. In the
Stating your overall media goals
and objectives, digital age, new tailored messages are more
Evaluating the media landscape, important to deliver communication in a
Selection and implementation and
Determining the media budget to
more effective manner.
successfully meet the required In the end, quality always wins over quantity.
Traditional media (e.g. radio, print and television) are typically more expensive advertising mediums, as there
is a physical production cost involved too. For example, filming a TV advert requires a film crew, actors,
script writers, lighting and camera equipment, etc. Digital campaigns, on the other hand, don’t tend have the
samehigh production costs, depending on the quality of content you want to create .
The quality and quantity of your advertising will also determine your media spend, as an advert on a national radio
station will cost more than an advert on a local channel.
Page 15
You’ll need to decide which mediums offer you the best opportunity to reach your potential buyers, and then work
out a budget that ties into your overall strategy and SMART goals.
Display advertisements, on the other hand, only display in relation to what the person is searching or Googling
for and the payment structure is generally much cheaper because the ‘real estate’ they take up online is diffused
amongst many sites. With a combination of search and display advertisements, people will start recognising your
brand and start thinking about it. Reach Local gives a perfect example of the difference between the two:
“ When Sally searches for the perfect pair of red, white and blue sandals, she might see and
even click on your text ad, but she may not make a decision right away. So you still need a way
to reach her when she isn’t searching — with display advertising. The truth is, both of these
tactics work to help you get more sales.
A pay-per click campaign, if needed, should form part of your overall media strategy. Research that supports your
media strategy will typically form part of the pay-per click campaign. This entails information on the conversion rate
of the industry, a benchmark, examining past campaigns, looking for relevant keywords, etc.
Use a keyword planner, like Google Keyword Planner available within your Google AdWords account, to identify broad
and exact matches of keywords to see what the market is doing and what they are typing to find you. Choose relevant
keywords to start off with and then go from there. If it works, leave it, if it doesn’t - change it. It is quick, easy and cheap
to see results and make changes as you go along. You have nothing to lose, you can only gain from using PPC.
Page 16
Case Study
Suzuki Vitara: Penquin’s success story
The single most powerful feature of marketing in a digital
age is the ability to segment an audience and speak only
to consumers that are relevant to a business. This allows
a business to tailor messaging so that it’s completely
relevant and more compelling to an audience, and to start a healthy relationship with a consumer by nurturing
them through the sales funnel. The internet gives brands creative freedom and it becomes more possible to run a
television campaign, for example, if the creative messaging is compelling enough. The Suzuki Vitara campaign is a
great example of a case study of a growing brand still competing for market share.
Objectives of campaign
The goal of the Suzuki Vitara campaign was to build awareness around the vehicle and create an interest. Suzuki needed
people to become aware of the vehicle and get them to enquire about the vehicle and book test drives.
Challenges of campaign
At the time of the campaign, Suzuki didn’t have a working mobile site. It was thus necessary to focus on
desktop, which isn’t ideal in a world where mobile is taking over.
Platforms used
Google AdWords is a great platform to use to attract potential customers to your website.
YouTube was also used to get people to watch videos and advertisements about the Vitara due to its visual
storytelling nature.
Because the Suzuki Auto mobile site was not working at the time, a “Mobile Microsite” was used as a
replacement. An online application, Rich Media Advertisement, was used to promote the visual nature of
the campaign.
Websites like Autotrader and Leisure Wheels were used in conjunction with these other strategies to attract
visitors already looking to buy a vehicle.
Page 17
When creating content for a client, it is key to understand the communication strategy and establish
the various content pillars associated with it to align a social media strategy for the campaign. From the
communication strategy, you get insights on the target market and their interests. The social media strategy
is an important addition to and component of the marketing strategy. Although additional, it must speak to
the same target market.
Tokiso Molefe, Penquin’s Social Media Manager says, Social media content, like any other part of the
marketing strategy, must have a clear purpose as the
We encounter daily challenges in social only control you have is publishing good content to
establish how your audience reacts to it.
media creation and distribution. A lot
Create clear and compelling key messages
that align with your overall creative
marketing message.
for something to go wrong.
Certain language works better on Twitter
than on Facebook, for example, so you need to adapt your content accordingly.
Maximise how each platform can best represent the brand and create awareness when it’s necessary.
Make it easier to access content and always be one step ahead of your competitors. Tokiso explains, “A smart
brand moves with change and the evolution of communication platforms. It is all about human behaviour,
but you will need to keep up to make a statement.”
Have a solid social media team in place to do social distribution and monitoring, also known as ‘listening’.
Consistency and regular publishing of content is extremely important as consumers expect certain content
at certain times.
Audit your social media presence and audience engagement by both mimicking and constantly evaluating
your company’s personality and goals.
It’s essential to be responsive to what your audience is saying, and adjust your strategy as needed to their
Page 18
Case Study
Penquin and Amex’s social media strategy
A social media strategy was implemented, by Penquin, on Facebook and Twitter for Amex Forex, an American
multinational financial services corporation headquartered in Manhattan’s Three World Financial Centre in New
York City in December 2016. The social media strategy was aimed at educating and linking Forex to lifestyle related
content. The focus was on travel in December and information and content around the exchange rate and how to
spend your money wisely over the December holidays.
Page 19
Many popular advertising brands use activations to build awareness around their product and give the
consumer a physical experience that will create a more personal connection with the brand in question.
When a product is first developed, it is unknown to the public until marketing efforts bring attention
to it. Through the use of consumer engagement, experiential events, consumer participation
strategies and rapid growth, the brand can become more known to the public.
Andries continues:
Page 20
01 The client will communicate the need to “activate” their product (bring the product to life by putting it in front
of customers in a tangible way - sell it as a by-product of the senses that an activation delivers) or Penquin will
suggest this to client as part of the overall marketing and advertising strategy if it makes sense to have a
physical engagement.
02 A basic plan that can be launched before the activation to make sure that we have as many people as possible
when the activation starts is needed.
03 Once the need for an activation has been established, the following will be determined:
a The main objectives of the activation – is it to create general awareness or are we trying to get consumers to
touch, feel and experience the product? Are we collecting consumer data so salespeople can be contacted
after the activation? These objectives will differ for every brand.
b Who is the target market?
04 The gathered information in Step 3 will determine:
a Relevant dates identified for the activation (i.e. if an activation is aimed at holiday goers at beaches, it is best to
do this in the school holiday season in order to reach the right target market).
b The venue for the activation – where will we find a large group of our target market? A list of activities that
need to take place to entice/excite the target market and ensure that we reach most of our objectives are
stipulated. These are all important when it comes to choosing the right venue.
09 The stand can now go into its development phase and all relevant parties are briefed before proceeding with
the activation.
Page 21
Case Study
Windows 10 - A successful brand activation
In September 2015, Penquin launched a roadshow across the country for the launch of the new Microsoft operating
system, Windows 10.
Objectives of campaign
The challenge of this activation was to receive approximately 25000 downloads or upgrades of Windows 10
from September (the start of the activation) to the end of December 2015.
Windows 10 wanted to “upgrade” the lives of consumers who are go-getters and follow the “Do Great
Things” attitude.
Two teams successfully completed this goal by 28 September 2015.
Challenges of campaign
Doing a brand activation across South Africa was logistically demanding, but having the right team in place
made it an easy task. The road show took place at 28 venues nation-wide ranging from a variety of gyms
and varsities.
Andries says:
Page 22
In the current digital environment, the process of advertising and closing sales has become far more
consumer-centric, with personalisation being the norm and consumer brand-evangelism the goal.
Inbound is a marketing methodology that focuses on sharing helpful information with people when they
need it, using a digital delivery and measurement platform. It is about making, sharing and measuring
content with strangers at the right time, to convert these strangers into customers. The inbound methodology
empowers both sales and marketing teams by providing quality, qualified sales leads on a consistent basis.
This is now more necessary than ever in the current economic climate.
Driving the right kind of Convert traffic into Closing leads into Delight current
traffic that is leads with a more customers using a customers into
valuable to your personalised targeted lead nurturing promoters of our
business. experience. strategy. brand.
Page 23
Challenges of this campaign
Inbound marketing is a very complex process and sometimes clients do not really understand how it works. As one
of Penquin’s first clients, SAMTRAC was cautious of a marketing technique that was still new to South Africa.
However, by fully committing to the inbound process and onboarding structure, results began to show. The blog
and website have received approximately 65,000 visits. With a regular posting schedule, a social media strategy
and regular email marketing tactics, figures soon met – and exceeded – target.
The outcome
Using Hubspot tools and working backwards from the number of clients they needed to acquire versus their current
figures, targets were set up based on both this and their challenges, goals and objectives.
The landing page submissions, which have an industry benchmark of the top 10% of achievers reaching 11.23%,
after 7 months were at:
The client’s database exploded from 0 contacts, to over 5000 leads. The visit to lead conversion rate is 3.1%
(above the norm of 1-3%) with the lead to customer conversion rate at 8.5% - again above the expected benchmark.
The blog has over 500 subscribers, who receive articles twice a week.
Aug 2015 Sep 2015 Oct 2015 Nov 2015 Dec 2015 Jan 2015 Feb 2015 Mar 2015
Marketing Qualified Lead Sales Qualified Lead Lead Opportunity Other Customer Evangelist
Darren Leishman, CEO of Spitfire Inbound, Penquin’s sister company, believes that when expectation is exceeded,
loyalty is born. Keep existing customer satisfaction at a high, by ensuring product quality and excellent after-sales
service. Existing customers will promote your brand to sufficiently sway their friends and followers.
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Chapter 5
Integrated marketing delivers
measurable results.
An integrated marketing measurement process is a good way to discover great insights and tactics for future
campaigns (as also seen in our case studies in Chapter 4).
The big question companies have, is how to find the perfect way to measure your efforts. However, the best
approach may be to use a variety of measurement approaches in unison.
Jim Nail, chief marketing and strategy office at TNS Media Intelligence/Cymfony, a global marketing company, explains:
“If you try to define ROI as sales/revenue, the big problem is that no single marketing
communication or medium is really responsible for the sale (which is why integrated
marketing is necessary in the first place) — each contributes a bit to it. But even
dream, but what you really want to understand is how each element nudged a
Veronica says:
“We should always try to accommodate clients by planning well in advance
and understanding why we’re doing something.”
So, hold hands with your client and get the best results from your integrated marketing campaign
by doing and measuring what matters.
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Tel: 011 879 1900