Hydropower: Make Your Project A Success

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More than 100 years
of experience
Since 1895, Pöyry has been providing its Clients with extensive proven
experience and know-how delivered locally through a global organi-
sation. Our successful design and supervision services covering all
types of hydropower schemes, which include an installed capacity of
more than 100’000 MW in the past 20 years alone, has significantly
strengthened our standing as a world leader in consulting engineering.

After more than 100 years in the hydropower Initially these individual companies served single Pöyry brand. Our long standing tradition
business, Pöyry continues to benefit from their domestic markets only, but after the is the catalyst that ensures your investments
the integration and knowledge of former Second World War they grew and extended are safeguarded by services unsurpassed in
companies including Elektrowatt Engineering their businesses internationally, and since the hydropower industry.
(founded in 1895), SwedPower (founded in 2006 have all offered their experience and
ORGANISATION transfer and movement of experts to provide all necessary disciplines for every individual
1909) and Verbundplan (founded in 1959). know-how from all parts of the world under the the most favourable blend of experts for each challenge is put together to provide the strong-
To ensure our Clients are served by our 400
international hydropower experts in the individual project. For project purposes, we est possible team for every project. This blend
optimal way, our organisation adopts a re- also operate temporary branches in various also differs between feasibility study, initial
gional structure with three main competence countries. This overall organisation also allows design, detailed design and construction
centres, linked to strategically positioned local the swift execution of all project services and phases of a project. Our approach to staffing
engineering and branch offices. needs locally, during all project phases. also recognises the importance of starting a
project on the right path, with very sound and
Our global competence centres are located in:
COOPERATION MODEL well thought out concepts, to ensure that the
• Austria (Salzburg and Vienna) Due to the global nature of our hydropower optimal efficiency of subsequent phases is
• Switzerland (Zurich) business, Pöyry also focuses on distributing secured.
• Sweden (Stockholm) knowledge by locating experts in the places
Our three local engineering offices function in: that can serve the needs of our Clients locally, KNOW-HOW DEPLOYMENT
• Czech Republic (Brno and Prague) during both design and execution stages of To ensure the sustainability of our resources,
• Peru (Lima) our projects. A further significant advantage as well as our projects and Clients, know-
• Thailand (Bangkok) of Pöyry is that our experts in structures, how transfer is considered fundamental to
hydraulics, dams, geology, geotechnics, the our future. To achieve this internally, Pöyry
Our five permanent branch offices operate in: environment, tunnelling, electrical and me- uses a skills matrix to assess our hydropower
• India (New Delhi) chanical equipment, and hydro-mechanical capabilities and workforce in all competence
• Iran (Teheran) installationsare all inside each of our hydro- centres and our local engineering and branch
• Turkey (Ankara) power competence centres, without the need offices. Enhancement of skills is made when
• Sri Lanka (Colombo) to interface with external divisions. required by the short or long term reassign-
• Russia (Moscow) ment of relevant experts to whatever location
All permanent branch offices are led and PROJECT STAFFING is required. This is managed in a way that can
controlled by the corresponding competence The needs of each Client are individually strengthen our local presence, without weak-
centre, to guarantee the seamless know-how assessed, and the best blend of experts from ening our core competence centres.

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Your needs define
our role
We recognise that every hydropower project is
unique, and that the requirements and needs
of our Clients can be very different. Pöyry
therefore provides individual and customised
services and solutions, based on our extensive
experience, to ensure that our engineering role
can fulfil our customers’ goals.

Ermenek Hydropower Plant, Turkey


Our value added approach is confirmed by our exceedance of Client expectation with innovative
new ideas which can reduce costs and time, and increase the revenues gained by customers’
investments. Depending on the project phase and on the specific type of Client, Pöyry are able to
successfully provide services for Owners, Developers and Contractors, during all project stages
and for projects of all sizes, whilst continuously applying this value-added approach.

New Naga Hamadi barrage and hydropower plant, Egypt Taschinas Hydropower Plant, Switzerland

As a consulting engineer we provide all possi- It is clearly recognised that developers have The owner’s engineer role is the classical role, Commencing with services in the pre-bid Pöyry provides Lender’s Engineer services to The supply of electromechanical equipment
ble technical expertise required from the very very interesting project ideas and opportuni- where Pöyry thrives as an extension of the phase, Pöyry have been employed by EPC international and local banks to ensure that is normally completely unique and based
first master plan, through all design phases, ties, for both new and existing projects, and owner’s own staff throughout all stages of pro- contractors to enhance their submissions by their investments are sound and sustain- on individual design criteria specific to each
to execution and commissioning. We can also often seek due diligence assistance to ensure ject development. Pöyry provides every level advising on technical risks and their mitiga- able, both prior to loans being disbursed, and project. As well as developing the technical
assist during operation and maintenance, as that all technical and non-technical risks that of study and engineering services, and assist tion, preparing design reviews and alternative throughout the project execution and pay specifications for the equipment required,
well as with project extensions, upgrades and may be associated with their investment are with the management of the project whilst designs, compiling baseline investigation re- back periods. Services provided by Pöyry Pöyry also assist suppliers with the design of
rehabilitations. Our long lasting experience made fully transparent. Pöyry often provide controlling the interfaces with the contractor ports, undertaking tender designs, and assist- include the full range of technical services, as their equipment and provide advice and coor-
with operators and their specific requirements these and other due diligence services, as during all construction activities. Our proven ing during contract negotiations. In this role, well as auditing compliance with all required dination services with regard to all civil work
have made us a sustainable partner for many well as all special studies that may be needed track record in providing such services, for Pöyry have made significant contributions to environmental and other legislative require- interfaces. This ensures that the civil and elec-
Clients. (such as environmental and hydrological some of the world’s largest and most success- the winning bids of a number of contractors, ments, both during and after project execu- tromechanical works interfaces are seamless,
studies, and others) to enable developers to ful projects, is given in our extensive list of and have also enhanced the value of invest- tion. It is vital in this role that Pöyry monitors thereby avoiding significant delays to project
mitigate their risks, and ensure their optimal references. ments for many project owners. Pöyry’s in- all activities that may affect a borrower’s ability start-up, and to the generating of electricity.
project is implemented. novations in this role have gained international to pay back the loan and meet the agreed
recognition, and made us a preferred partner repayment schedules.
for challenging projects.
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Services along the
project lifecycle
Pöyry provide the full range of services for hydropower projects from RUN-OF-RIVER SCHEMES
Run-of-river schemes make an important contribution to base load electricity demands. Often
the initial project conception , through the execution and commission- constructed in the bed of large rivers, these schemes not only generate electricity but also pro-
vide flood protection and contribute to tourist development. The complex run-of-river structures
ing stages, and during the initial operation phase and beyond. In close require careful planning, staged construction procedures (in particular the temporary river diver-
sion) based on a full analysis of hydrological and logistical restrictions. Pöyry’s experts are skilled
cooperation with our Clients, we make their projects a real success. in the challenges of working in such limited spaces, the associated dewatering of deep excava-
tions, dealing with flood risks, and the controlled flooding of construction pits where necessary.
Core competences:
Weir structures and locks, head pond and bed load services, excavation concepts, powerhouses
and equipment, operational concepts, positive environmental measures, and fish passes.
Laufenburg Run-of-River Power Plant, Switzerland
The foundations for a successful hydropower project are laid during the very preliminary design phase. It is at this stage that the first conceptual Reservoir storage schemes not only ensure the supply of energy mostly at peak times, but may
decisions are made, based on fundamental criteria including hydrology, geology, topography, economics, risk and revenue. Conceptual errors are also release water for irrigation, to protect the downstream environmental, and to provide flood
very hard to correct later, or can only be rectified after a significant amount of additional work, time and money has been spent. For this reason, it retention and recreational benefits. The planning and design of such schemes with high dams of
is essential that the preliminary design is carried out by well trained and experienced professionals who can guarantee that the correct investment many different types, large hydraulic structures, long tunnels and shafts, and surface or under-
is chosen from the birth of the project. Pöyry therefore focuses on two fundamentals of know-how deployment from experienced people to young ground powerhouses, call for very diverse and sound expertise. Our specialists have designed
professionals, and the utilisation of appropriate staffing for each project phase. some of the largest hydropower storage schemes ever built. If required, we can also include other
specialists working within the Pöyry Group, to ensure that we provide optimised and sustainable
solutions based on the specific needs of our Clients.
Core competences:
All dam types, large hydraulic structures, power waterways and linings, powerhouses, mechani-
Pöyry prepare operation and maintenance manuals for both civil works Consulting and advisory services are two of our key strengths. On vari- cal and electrical equipment, balance of plant, plant operation concepts, seismic analyses and
and equipment, as well as providing services during the design stages ous occasions we have supported our Clients in asset evaluations such monitoring.
Deriner Dam and Hydropower Plant, Turkey
to reduce to a minimum the need for maintenance and associ- as technical and financial due diligences or electricity price forecast-
ated costs, whilst still maximising the operational life of a ing, but also with specific technical know-how such as dam PUMPED STORAGE SCHEMES
project. We also provide monitoring services during safety, dam monitoring, seismic hazard assessments, Pump storage schemes are designed to pump water to an upper reservoir when there is a surplus
operation of the equipment, and monitoring and emergency preparedness and action plans. of electrical energy (low revenue electricity), and to release water back to a lower reservoir during
and geodetic surveys of civil works (including Such services compliment our more common periods of high energy demand (high revenue electricity). They are able to provide electricity
dams, powerhouses and other structures). roles and enable us to provide the broadest instantly which gives them advantages over other forms of energy production. Pöyry’s experi-
In addition, we offer extensive rehabilita- possible range of services to our Clients. ence in reversible and tandem turbines, as well as with adjustable speed machines, coupled with
tion and upgrading services to increase
our proven track record in this field, makes us one of the leading hydropower consultants in the
the return on plant investments. Our
long-lasting partnership with plant op-
erators makes sure we are constantly Core competences:
on top of the needs of our Clients. Hydraulic and operational concepts, optimisation of power tunnels, caverns and logistics, revers-
ible and tandem units, adjustable speed machines and multistage pumps.
CONSTRUCTION DESIGN & ENGINEERING Limberg II Pumped Storage Plant, Austria
Providing construction support to Whilst taking advantage of innova- MULTIPURPOSE SCHEMES
adapt and enhance the detailed de- tive designs and well developed Hydropower facilities are sometimes added to existing or greenfield schemes which provide water
sign of hydropower projects on site, hydropower concepts, including
for irrigation, drinking water or other purposes. These schemes require additional know-how that
as changing circumstances develop, the most economically advanta-
can easily be found within Pöyry. Combining classical hydropower skills with specific plant know-
is critical to the continued optimisa- geous layouts, Pöyry optimises the
tion of a project and the enhancement benefits for its Clients. Pöyry will de- how creates additional Client value. Since water is precious, it is always worthwhile to investigate a
of the benefits to the owner. Pöyry’s site liver the most cost-effective services combined usage which can also increase economic returns and add value to the environment and
supervision staff are well trained for quick whether they relate to the delivery of a the Client. In fact, 30% of large dams worldwide are used for multiple purposes. Using our broad
decision making, to eliminate problems as they study, a conceptual or feasibility design, a expertise in international projects, Pöyry can advise Clients on an optimal combination of irrigation,
occur, to move the execution forward, to eliminate basic or final design (with tender documents), power generation, water supply, flood control, environmental protection and navigation.
unnecessary cost over-runs and delays, and to re- or a detailed design. This comes from Pöyry’s dedi- Core competences:
duce the potential for claims. Pöyry also supports Contrac- cation, for more than 100 years, to front line engineering. Irrigation concepts, water supply and flood protection, groundwater management, plant opera-
tors and Clients with very experienced commissioning engineers, to tion support, navigation, and recreational and environmental services.
ensure that the generation facilities are on line as soon as possible. Birecik Dam and Hydropower Plant, Turkey
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Customised solutions

Our services are never repetitive due to our wealth of knowledge SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING
Pöyry provide all services from a single source whilst coordinating
enabling us to introduce new innovations to all projects, and to engineering issues across the full spectrum of engineering using top
class project managers with sound technical knowledge, who can
deliver highly customised and well-adjusted concepts that exceed also achieve required milestones and keep control of project costs.
Our internal environmental know-how, merged with our engineering
the expectations of our Clients. experts, ensures that sustainable engineering is very much a reality.
Our services include:
• Basic and tender designs and specifications.
• Contract documents and tender evaluations/ negotiations.
• Detailed designs and construction drawings.
• Review of suppliers designs and shop inspections.
• As-built drawings, manuals and safety guidelines.
Together with our Clients, we find the best designs to balance all techni-
ASSET EVALUATION HYDROPOWER CONCEPTS cal, economic, ecological and social requirements.
Investing in hydropower means buying an existing scheme, or develop- The art of hydropower design always starts with the sound basis of
ing a new hydropower project. When buying an existing asset, specific accurate knowledge of hydrological, geological and topographical Kukule Ganga Run-of-River Power Plant, Sri Lanka
know-how is necessary to assess all technical and economic risks. The conditions. To ensure this is achieved, Pöyry advises on, or carries
technical risks relate to the existing condition of the project, its life ex- out, hydrological data assessments, geological and hydro-geological ADVISORY AND SITE MANAGEMENT
pectancy, maintenance requirements, and upgrading and/ or rehabilita- investigations and mappings, and topographical surveys. Our in depth Provision of technical support and site supervision services during the
tion potential. The economic considerations relate to hydrology, genera- knowledge and extensive experience enables us to develop concepts of execution of a project, and other fundamental services in the field, are
tion potential, electricity price forecasts, market conditions and capital extremely high quality, leading to optimal returns on investments for our further components of the comprehensive package of services we pro-
costs. Pöyry are successful in combining both technical and economic Clients. Our services in these disciplines include: vide. Our knowledge of construction further enhances the quality and
skills to offer a full range of asset evaluation services, including: suitability of our studies and designs. These important competences
• Provision of safe and innovative hydraulic concepts. enable us to offer services at the local level which include:
• Technical due diligence and rehabilitation assessments. • Dam type and powerhouse design studies.
• Upgrading and operational improvement analysis. • Surface and underground excavation design studies. • Site supervision, technical assistance and advice.
• Electricity price forecasting. • Operational concept and economic assessments. • Environmental and safety monitoring.
• Hydrological and reservoir operation studies. • Commissioning support.
Our focus on commencing projects with sound concepts minimises • Contract and risk management.
• Financial and economic analyses of civil works and plant. Client investment in engineering services, and ultimately offers signifi- • Cost, time, project and quality management.
Our in depth knowledge of hydropower, and hydropower projects, as cant savings in the capital cost of the overall projects. Pöyry is highly
well as our wide range of internal resources, enables Pöyry to mobilise recognised for the high quality concepts that are well documented in Our more specialised services comprise earthquake assessment
economists, environmentalists, hydrologists, geologists, modellers, dam our pre-feasibility studies, bankable feasibility studies and tender and services, turbine efficiency measurements, dam monitoring services,
engineers, structural engineers, hydraulic engineers, hydro-mechanical detailed designs. hydraulic model testing, etc. This further confirms that choosing Pöyry
engineers and electro-mechanical engineers, to meet project demands. means buying from one single source.
Deriner Dam and Hydropower Plant, Turkey

After designing and rehabilitating numerous hydropower plants world-
wide, we are specialists in all civil, electrical and mechanical aspects
of hydropower schemes of all sizes. Increasing the reliability of existing
plants is often best achieved with a rehabilitation or simple refurbish-
ment. However, Pöyry are also able to analyse upgrading opportunities,
as well as provide lifetime expectancy assessments for all systems
• Turbines, pumps, generators and protection systems.
• Emergency and cooling systems, fire protection and HVAC.
• Switchyards, substations, I&C and water supply control regulators.
• Hydro mechanical equipment including steel linings and cranes.
This approach creates additional value by mitigating down-time risks,
and increases the return on Client investment. Our services range from
simple feasibilities and upgrading reports, to full rehabilitation service
Lüen Hydropower Station, Switzerland Tsankov Kamak Reservoir Storage Scheme, Bulgaria packages. Kárahnjúkar Hydropower Scheme, Iceland
8 9
Know-how at your
Our organisation is primarily technically ori-
entated, and is separated into seven technical
departments full of high level internationally
recognised experts. This approach guaran-
tees an ideal professional exchange, and pro-
motes optimal knowledge transfer.
Glendoe Hydroelectric Project, Scotland


The engineers in this department provide Our proven experience in dam engineering
specialised services in the fields of hydraulic covers all types of concrete (gravity, arch grav-
design, hydrology, operation management ity and double curvature arch) and embank-
and economic evaluation for all kinds of water ment (concrete and membrane faced rockfill,
resources schemes including hydropower earth core rockfill and zoned earthfill) dams, of
plants, river training and flood retention all heights and volumes. Services include de-
Ermenek Hydropower Plant, Turkey
systems, and irrigation schemes. Specialised sign (static and dynamic analyses, of new and
Nam Ngum 2 Dam and Hydropower Plant, Lao PDR
fields of knowledge include the conceptual existing dams, and their ancillary structures)
designs of hydraulic structures like water and construction supervision, for Owners, includes temporary and permanent support work with and apply all the different interna- ENVIRONMENTAL
intakes, free flow and pressurised waterways, Investors and Contractors. Also included in our measures, grouting, concrete and steel linings, tionally recognised codes relevant to structural For the last 30 years, Pöyry has been success-
water release and outlet structures, sediment expertise are dam safety inspections, design rock traps, penstocks, manifolds, construction design. fully engaged in environmental engineering
and floating debris handling, and air entry of rehabilitation measures, dam heightening, adits, ventilation systems, drainage arrange- and management projects worldwide. After
ments, and intake and outlet structures. Our ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL
and transportation phenomena. Furthermore, dam strengthening, earthquake engineer- working for international financing organisa-
experience is equally balanced for tunnels ENGINEERING
the hydraulics department performs hydrau- ing, preparation of emergency preparedness tions, private enterprises, national and regional
excavated by both drill and blast and TBM Our specialists in the design of electromechan-
lic and hydrodynamic analyses comprising and action plans, failure mode analyses, dam governments, and local municipalities, we are
methods. ical equipment provide the necessary design
steady and unsteady flow, transient phenom- break studies, impounding procedures and now the partner of choice for environmental
work and technical specifications for new build
ena, and vibration and stability problems for risk analyses. We also provide the full range and social impact assessments, environmen-
STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING schemes, and for the rehabilitation and up-
all types of hydraulic structures. The range of geological, hydrogeological and geotechni- tal consulting and auditing during project
The specialists in the structural engineer- grading of existing plants. Our experts create Ashta Two Run-of-River Plants, Albania
of knowledge of this department also covers cal services, including site investigations and implementation, resettlement plans, air
ing department cover all structural design in depth solutions for turbine and pump con- certified engineers provide the full range of
the domains of physical model testing and interpretations, geological mapping, laboratory pollution and noise control, and institutional
aspects of hydropower schemes including cepts, generators, excitation and protections services including supervision, technical as-
numerical modelling, including 3-dimensional testing, small and large scale excavations, development and training. We employ highly
intakes, weirs, spillways, channels, tunnels systems, emergency and cooling systems, fire sistance and advice, environmental monitoring
Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) analysis slope stabilisation measures, foundation experienced scientists, engineers and project
and powerhouses. Our engineers have a wide protection and HVAC systems, switchyards and quality control, contract management and
of hydraulic structures. In addition, the lat- drilling and grouting, and instrumentation and managers from different disciplines, to ensure
range of experience in the structural analysis and substations, instrumentation and control risk monitoring, cost estimate and manage-
est developments in hydrological and water monitoring systems (for excavations, dams and competent, efficient and comprehensive
and design of complex civil engineering works systems, and transmission line planning. Our ment, time management, construction and
resource modelling are in use. Using hydraulic foundations), as well as training. solutions are realised in the whole field of
and possess specific knowledge of static and skills also cover hydro mechanical equipment project management, safety measures and
simulations, the available models can optimise environmental engineering, regardless of its
UNDERGROUND & TUNNELLING dynamic analytical methods including finite el- such as gates, valves, penstocks and steel overall site coordination and interface manage-
operation patterns and prepare data sched- complexity.
Core competences include the design and ement methods, earthquake engineering and liners, as well as expertise on metallurgy and ment. We handle every issue on behalf of our
ules at 15 minute intervals based on boundary
value analyses for cascades of hydropower construction supervision of low and high head fatigue analysis. Furthermore, the engineers dynamic processes. We are also equipped with SITE MANAGEMENT Clients to make every project a success.
schemes, free flow lined and unlined tunnels, provide site supervision services as well as all measurement devices for thermo dynamical For more than 50 years, Pöyry has been
vertical and inclined shafts, surge tanks, cav- inspections and assessments of the structural efficiency measurements of Francis and Pelton engaged in site supervision, and construc-
erns, adits and galleries. Our design work condition of existing hydropower schemes. We turbines as well as pumps and pump turbines. tion and project management services. Our
10 11
Innovation made
by Pöyry
Client orientation means the development of the most appropriate DERINER DAM SPILLWAY CONCEPT
When Pöyry initiated the Deriner Dam and Hydroelectric Power Plant Project on the
design to match all technical requirements, and to provide innovative Çoruh river in Turkey, which includes a 249 m high double curvature arch dam, our
experts were acutely aware of the huge scouring problem that could be potentially
and fresh solutions leading to increased customer satisfaction and caused by a spillway with a capacity of 9,250 m³/s. It was therefore compulsory that
an innovative solution be found to prevent this occurrence. The idea developed by
project value. Pöyry was a spillway separated into 2 independent systems.

Service Spillway System

An overflow spillway system with a capacity of 2,250 m³/s (2 x 1,125 m³) was designed
consisting of:

• 2 overflow weirs located symetrically, one on each bank, controlled by 20m long
flap gates to ensure a completely safe discharge from the reservoir.
• 2 steeply inclined and curved 8.0 m diameter tunnels to ensure that the water
release occurs at sufficient distance from the dam.
• 2 symmetrically converging flip-buckets to achieve jet aeration and collision in
the middle of the valley, to reduce the scouring energy at impact to a tolerable

Emergency Spillway System

A system with a total capacity of 7,000 m³/s set in the dam body as low as possible to convert the pressure into the largest possible kinetic energy,
thereby minimising gate dimensions and maximising the throw distance and jet aeration. This ensures once again that the potential scouring loca-
tion is at a safe distance from the dam, and the scouring energy is reduced to an insignificant value. The emergency spillway system includes:

• 2 orifice spillways (sluices), each being controlled by 2 downstream sliding gates operating at full opening to avoid vibration (service gate and
LA CONFLUENCIA HYDRAULIC CONCEPT guard gate), and orientated to maximise the impact area.
Pöyry supported an EPC Contractor during tendering of La Confluen- • 6 other orifice spillways equipped with one single downstream sliding gate (i.e. without guard gate), which would only be operated during rare
cia Project in Chile. Following Pöyry’s assessment of the initial design, events.
we suggested various changes including new tunnel arrangements
The concept was studied and optimized by means of exhaustive physical model testing in Turkey.
to mitigate geological risks, and an off-river reservoir to cope with
sedimentation issues. The size of the reservoir was also enhanced so WALDECK II+ POWERHOUSE OPTIMIZATION
that daily regulation and peak energy production became possible. Cost savings by optimizing the design of hydropower plants is one of our initia-
tives which we have been developing over the last few years together with our
The EPC Contractor prepared his bid based on the improved design
by Pöyry and won the EPC Contract.
As an example, the Waldeck II+ pumped storage plant project will be provided
The innovative hydraulic concept developed by Pöyry included:
with a new power cavern and waterway. The upper and lower reservoir, substa-
• Y-scheme with two branches (Tinguiririca low pressure tunnel & tion, cavern access tunnel and energy transmission tunnel from PSP Waldeck
Portillo free-flow tunnel). II will be used. The Waldeck II+ project includes a waterway with new inlet/
• Tinguiririca pressure system with a reservoir, surge shaft, pres- outlet structure at the lower reservoir, a new power cavern with access tunnel,
sure shaft, penstock and open powerhouse, fed with additional a new auxiliary tunnel and new energy transmission.
water from the Portillo branch through the surge shaft.
The new power cavern will be equipped with one pump turbine unit with a
• Portillo free-flow tunnel acting as the upper chamber of the surge
capacity of 300 MW. The new waterway will be connected to the existing inlet
tunnel with the inlet/outlet structure at the upper reservoir, and will lead via
• 5 intermediate intakes feeding either the Tinguiririca or the Por-
the power cavern and the tailrace tunnel to the new inlet/outlet structure at the
tillo branch.
lower reservoir.
When the turbines are not operating, water from the Portillo branch and intermediate intakes can flow via the Portillo free-flow tunnel, the surge
The optimization of the power cavern design resulted in savings in the excava-
shaft and the Tinguiririca branch, in the backwards direction into the reservoir, to enhance the contained water volume.
tion volume of 40 %, and the alignment and lining of the waterways were
The hydraulic conditions in the surge shaft are complex, and extensive hydraulic model tests were undertaken. The model tests fully confirmed the revised. As a result, noticeable cost savings were achieved in excavation,
correctness of the hydraulic calculations performed. concreting and finishing works.
12 13
Selected key
Pöyry has designed hydropower plants for more than a century. A LAJA, CHILE
Run-of-river plant
Hydropower scheme
Reservoir storage scheme
huge wealth of knowledge has been built up during this period and nu- Services: Basic design, tender design, de- Services: Financial setup, joint implementa-
Services for the pressure tunnel system:
merous projects have been successfully completed. We have worked tailed design and HEM interface of the power Project planning, geological surveys, hy- tion, review of final design, scheduling, coor-
plant. draulic analysis and model testing, transient dination, guideline design, detailed design,
on projects in almost all parts of the world, and have also provided calculations, TBM expertise, contract and geological survey, site office services.
Technical data: Low-head hydropower
expertise for run-of-river plants, pumped storage plants and multi- scheme with spillway structure, and power-
tender documents, final design, construction
support. Technical data: Double curvature arch dam

purpose schemes. The requirements of our Clients are at the core of house housing two bulb turbines generating
35 MW at 250 m³/s and 16 m head, 166 GWh Technical data: Concrete faced rockfill dam
125 m high, installed capacity of 80 MW and
a small ecological flow turbine with 1.3 MW

everything we do, and the projects described below provide a small annual energy production. 190 m high, two pressure tunnels (40 km and
13 km long), inclined surge tank, 400 m pres-
capacity, 185 GWh annual energy production.

insight into what we are able to achieve. sure shaft, underground powerhouse with a
total installed capacity of 690 MW.

Run-of-river plant Pumped storage plant Dam and hydropower plant Hydropower scheme project Dam and hydropower plant Dam safety

Services: Study of existing scheme, environ- Services: Approval design, tender docu- Services: Feasibility study, environmental Services: EIA and SIA in compliance with Services: Feasibility study, final design, Services: System and risk analysis, restruc-
mental study, assistance during concession ments, guideline design, detailed design, impact assessment, project upgrade stud- Cameroon legislation, international standards supervision during construction, progress and turing of approach to dam safety analysis by
agreement negotiations, feasibility study, coordination of civil construction and HEM ies, outline design and tender documents, and World Bank requirements, including an quality control, factory inspections of elec- focusing on possible failure modes for the
optimisation study, tender and contractual erection, site supervision, project manage- supervision of erection and commissioning analysis of the socio-economic impacts of the tromechanical equipment, assistance during dam as a whole, in contrast to the current
documents, and detailed design of the pow- ment and scheduling. of electromechanical equipment, hydro- dam, the electricity lines and the construction commissioning and technical management of approach in Scandinavia that considers the
erhouse. mechanical equipment design and trans- works, as well as public consultation, health the project. issues relating to embankments, concrete
Technical data: Two reversible Francis tur- mission line works. analysis, infrastructure analysis and study of structures, and mechanical and electrical
Technical data: Four bulb turbines with 100 bines, 480 MW installed capacity, 1300 GWh the potential impact on opportunistic migra- Technical data: Double curvature arch dam installations separately.
MW installed capacity, Kaplan turbine with annual energy production. Technical data: 185 m high concrete faced tion, gender and minority. 249 m high, 700 m crest length, four Francis
2 MW capacity, 600 GWh annual energy rockfill dam (CFRD), three Francis turbines turbines with a total installed capacity of 670 Technical data: Långbjörn Dam is a high risk
production. with a total installed capacity of 615 MW, Technical data: 1450 ha reservoir, 450 m³/s MW, 2118 GWh annual energy production. dam (1A), 32 m high, Qdim= 2100 m³/s.
2218 GWh annual energy production. hydropower plant.

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To contact Pöyry’s hydropower, send an email
to hp.energy@poyry.com

Or visit www.poyry.com/contact to find a

Pöyry office in your region.

Pöyry is an international consulting and engineering company. We serve clients globally across
the energy and industrial sectors and locally in our core markets. We deliver strategic advisory
and engineering services, underpinned by strong project implementation capability and exper-
tise. Our focus sectors are power generation, transmission & distribution, forest industry,
chemicals & biorefining, mining & metals, transportation, water and real estate sectors. Pöyry
has an extensive local office network employing about 6,500 experts.

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pFad v3 Proxy

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