Unit 5 Plate Girder&GantryGirder Notes

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The key takeaways from the document are the design process and considerations for plate girders and roof trusses under bending and shear loads.

The design steps include determining the geometry of the truss, calculating dead and wind loads, drawing the truss configuration, analyzing forces and moments, selecting sections, and detailing joints.

The loads acting on each panel of the roof truss include the dead load from roofing, purlins, bracing and self-weight, as well as the wind load. These loads are used to calculate the load on intermediate and end panels.


Syllabus: Design of Plate Girders, elements, economical depth, design of main section,
connections between web and flange, design of stiffness bearing, intermediate stiffeners, design
of web splice and flange splice.

1. Design a welded plate girder 24 m in span and laterally restrained throughout. It has to
support a uniform load of 100 kN/m throughout the span exclusive of self-weight. Design the
girder without intermediate transverse stiffners. The steel for the flange and web plates is of
grade Fe 410. Yield stress of steel may be assumed to be 250 MPa irrespective of the
thickness of plates used. Design the cross section, the end load bearing stiffener and
connections. [ 5 Marks]


For Fe 410 grade of steel: fu = 410 MPa, fy = fyp = fyw = 250 Mpa
μ= 0.3

E = 2 x 105 MPa

Partial safety factors, γmw = 1.50 ( for site welding)

= 1.25 (For shop welding)

250 250
ε = εw = ε f = = = 1.0
�� 250

Design Forces
Total superimposed load = 100 kN/m
Factored superimposed load = 1.5 x 100 = 150 kN/m
Let, self-weight of plate girder = �� = (100 ×24)×24
400 400
=144 kN
Self-weight of plate-girder per meter length = = 6 kN/m
Factored self weight = 1.5 x 6 = 9 kN/m
Total uniform factored load = 150 + 9 = 159 kN/m
Maximum bending moment =159 ×24 = 11,448 kNm

Maximum shear force = 159 ×24 = 1908 kN

Design of web
��� 0.33
Optimum depth of plate girder, d =

When intermediate transverse stiffeners are not to be provided;

d/tw ≤ 200ε i.e., 200 (from serviceability criteria)

≤ 345 εf 2 i.e., 345 (from flange buckling criteria)


Let us assume k = d/t w = 180

��� 0.33
Optimum depth of plate girder, d =

11448 ×106 ×180

= 1871.9 mm ≈ 1800 mm

�� 0.33 11448 ×106

Optimum web thickness, tw = = = 10.95 mm ≈ 12 mm
���2 250 ×180 2

(Thickness provided is more since intermediate transverse stiffeners are not to be provided)

Let us try web plate 1800 x 12 mm in size.

Design of Flanges

Let us assume that bending moment will be resisted by the flanges and shear by the web.

Required area of Flange, A = �� �� 0 = 11448 ×10 6 ×1.10 =27984 mm2

f 250 ×1800

Assuming width of flange equal to 0.3 times depth of girder,

bf = 0.3 x 1800 = 540 mm ≈ 560 mm

Thickness of flange, t f = 27984 = 49.97 ≈ 50 mm


Classification of flanges

For the flanges to be classifiable as plastic b/t f ≤ 8.4ε (ε is yield stress ratio)
� �−�� 560 −12
The outstand of flange, b = = =274 mm
2 2

� 274
= = 5.48
�� 50

< 8.4 (8.4ε = 8.4 x 1 = 8.4)

Hence, the flanges are plastic. (βb = 1.0)

Check for bending strength

The trial section of the plate girder is shown in Figure 1. The plastic section modulus of the section,
Z =2b t =2 x 560 x 50 x 1900 −50 =51.80 x 106 mm3
pz f f
2 2

Moment Capacity,
M=βZ = 1.0 x 51.80 x 106 x 250 × 10−6= 11772.7 kNm
d b pz
��0 1.10


which is safe.

Shear capacity of web

Let us use simple post-critical method.


� 1800
= = 150
�� 12 7 mm fillet

< 200 (200ε = 200 x 1 =200) weld


and also <345


(345ε = 345 x 1 = 345) 2

which is all right.

Elastic critical shear stress, 50

Figure 1.
���2 �
���,� = 12(1−� 2 )


Transverse Stiffeners will be provided at supports only. Hence, Kv =5.35

5.35×�2 ×2×105
���, = = 42.98 N/mm2
12(1−0.3 2 ) 150 2

The non-dimensional web slenderness ratio for shear buckling stress,

λ =
250 = 1.83 ≈ 1.80
3 ×��� ,� 3 ×42.98


Shear stress corresponding to buckling (For λw >1.20),

250 = 44.55 N/mm2
3×��2 3×1.80 2

Shear force corresponding to web buckling,

Vcr = dtwτb = 1800 x 12 x 44.55 x 10-3 = 962.28 kN < 1908kN

Which is unsafe.

Let us revise the web thickness from 12 mm to 16 mm.

New values of ���,�, λw , εb, and Vcr will be as follows.

� 1800
= = 112.5
�� 16
5.35×� 2 ×2×10 5
���, = = 76.41 N/mm2
12(1−0.3 2 ) 1 2

λw = =
= 1.374 = 1.37 > 1.2
3 ×��� ,� 3 ×76.41

��� 250
εb = 2 = = 76.90 N/mm2
3×�� 3×1.37 2

Vcr = dtwτb = 1800 x 12 x 44.55 x 10-3 = 2214.7 kN > 1908kN

Which is safe.

Check for lateral-torsional buckling

Since the compression flange of the girder is laterally restrained throughout, the
possibility of lateral-torsional buckling is not there and this check is not required.

Flange to web connection

There will be two weld lengths along the span for each flange to web connection [Figure 1]

��� �
�� =
2 × ��

�� �3 �� − �� �3
��= −
12 12

560 ×1900 3 560−16 1800 3

= −
12 12

= 55702.6 x 106 mm4

1900 ×560×50×(900+ 2 )
qw= 2×55702 .6 �106

Let us provide weld of size, S = 6 mm

KS = 0.7 x 6 = 4.2 mm

Strength of shop weld per unit length,

Fwd = = 0.485 kN/mm > 0.4436 kN/mm

Which is all right.

End bearing stiffener

Local capacity of the web,

F = (b + n ) t ���
w 1 2 w

B1 = 125 mm

N2 = 50 x 2.5 = 125 mm

Fw = (125 + 125) x 16 x 250 × 10−3


= 909.09 kN
< 1908 kN

Hence, stiffener will be required.

Maximum reaction = 1908 kN

Let us try two flat sections, as stiffener, one on each side of web. Maximum width of flat that can be
accommodated = = 272 mm

Let us provide 16 mm thick flat section.

Maximum permissible outstand = 2 x t q ε = 20 x 16 x1 = 224mm

Let us try flat section 224 x 16 mm in size [Figure 2]


20tw 20tw

Check for buckling of the stiffener

Effective area of stiffener = 2 x 224 x 16 + (2 x 20 x 16) x 16 = 17408 mm2.

Moment of Inertia of the stiffener,

16 ×224 3 224 16 2
Ix= 2 x + 16 × 224 × + = 13319.1 × 104 ��4
12 2 2

�� 13319.1 ×104
Radius of Gyration, r = = = 87.47 mm
� 17408

Slenderness ratio, λ = 0.7×1800 = 14.41


For λ = 14.41, fy = 250 N/mm2, and buckling curve c, the design compressive stress
from Table 8.7,

fcd = 225.67 N/mm2

Buckling resistance, Pd = Ae fcd = 17408 x 225.67 x 10-3 = 3928.46 kN

 1908 kN

Which is safe. Hence, stiffener is safe in compression

Check for bearing capacity of the stiffener

Since the stiffener will be coped to accommodate the fillet weld of flange plate to the web, the
available effective width of stiffener flat for bearing will be lesser than the actual width. Let the
stiffener plate be coped by 15 mm [Figure 3]

Width available for bearing = 224 – 15 = 209 mm

Bearing strength of the stiffener,

�� ���
Fpsd = ≥ Fc - Fw
0.8 ��0

Area of stiffener in contact with flange,

Aq = 2× 209 × 16 = 6688 ��2

Fc – Fw = 1908 – 909.09 = 998.91 kN

Fpsd = 6688×250×10 = 1900 kN > 998.91 kN

Which is safe.

Check for torsional resistance provided by end bearing stiffener

The ends of the plate girder must have sufficient torsional resistance from transportation
and erection view point.

The moment of inertia of the end bearing stiffener at support,

Is ≥ 0.34 αs D3Tcf
2����3 ���3 2×50×560 3 1800 ×163 6 4
I = + = 1464.08 x 10 mm
+ 12
= 12

A = 2 x 560 x 50 + 1800x16 = 84,800 mm2

�� 1464.08 ×106
r= = = 131.40 mm
� 84,800

Slenderness ratio, λ = ��� = 24×10 = 182.65 > 100( See section 12.17in S.K. Duggal, 2nd
�� 131.40
For L > 100, α = 30= 30 = 8.99 × 10−4
LT s 2 � 182.65 2

Is, provided ≥ 0.34× 8.99 × 10−4 × (1800 + 2 × 50) 3 × 50 = 104.82 × 106 ��4
Is,provided = 16×(2×224) = 119.89 × 106 ��4 > 104.82 x 106mm4

Which is safe.

End-stiffener connection

There will two weld lengths along the depth of web on each side of stiffener plates.

bs = 224 – 15 = 209 mm

Tension capacity of one flat,

0.9 �� �� 0.9×(209×16)×410
Tdn = ��1
= 1.25
× 10−3 = 987.15 ��

Shear per unit length q = 987.15 = 0.278 ��/��
2×( 1800−2×15)

Let us provide weld of size, S = 5 mm

KS = 0.7 x 5 = 3.5 mm
Strength of shop weld per unit length, f wd1 =
× 10−3 = 0.404 > 0.278 kN/mm.
1.732×1.25 ��

Hence provide 5 mm fillet weld to connect the end bearing stiffener with the web plate (Figure 4).

Design of Gantry Girder

Crane Crab
wheel wheels

Gantry Crane girder



Figure: Typical arrangement of gantry girder on a stepped column

1. What is Gantry Girder and what are the forces that are acting on it?
Answer: A Gantry girder having no lateral support in its length, has to withstand vertical loads
from the weight of crane, hook load and impact and horizontal loads from crane surge. [Meaning
of Surge: To move quickly and forcefully in particular direction].

2Q. Where the gantry girders are used?

Answer: Gantry girders or crane girders carry hand operated or electric over head cranes in
industrial buildings such as factories, workshops, steel works, etc., to lift heavy materials,
equipment etc., to carry them from one location to the other, within the building.

3Q. What is drag force?
Answer: This is caused due to the starting and stopping of the crane bridge moving over the
crane rails as the crane moves longitudinally, i.e., in the direction of gantry girders.

4Q. What is the permissible deflection where the electrically overhead cranes operated over 5000
Answer: The maximum vertical deflection for crane girder, under dead and imposed loads shall
not exceed L/1000, where L is the span of the crane runway girder.

5Q. Mention some of the requirements of a good joint.

Answer: 1. The line of thrust should pass through the C.G. of the rivet group and the rivets
should be symmetrically arranged about this line.

2. For a member, the rivets should be so arranged that the area of the member joined is not
reduced more than necessary.
3. The number and diameter of rivets should be sufficient to develop the maximum stresses
induced in all the members at the connection.
4. Members should be straight and bolts used to draw them together before the rivets are

2. In what sense the design of plate girders by elastic method and limit state method is
different ? [2 marks]
3. What is tension field action in plate girders? [ 2 Marks]
4. How does a plate girder derive post- buckling strength? [ 2 marks]
5. Give the expression for the optimum depth of plate girder. [1 Mark]

6. Design a gantry girder to be used in an industrial building carrying a manually operated

overhead travelling crane, for the following data:
Crane capacity=200 kN
Self weight of the crane girder excluding trolley = 200 kN
Self weight of the trolley, electric motor, hook, etc. = 40 kN
Approximate minimum approach of the crane hook to the gantry girder = 1.20 m

Wheel base = 3.5 m
c/c distance between gantry rails =16 m
c/c distance between columns (span of gantry girder)= 8 m
Self weight of rail section = 300 N/m
Diameter of crane wheels = 150 mm

Steel is of grade Fe 410. Design also the field welded connection if required. The support
bracket connection need not be designed. [5 marks]

Design of roof Trusses, types of roof trusses, loads on trusses, purlin design, truss design, design
of joints and end bearings

1. June 2014: Design a channel section purlin for a trussed roof from the following data.
Span of roof = 12 m
Spacing of purlin along slope = 2 m
Spacing of truss = 4 m
Slope of roof truss = 1 vertical, 2 horizontal
Wind load on roof = 800 N/m2
Vertical loads from roof sheets = 150 N/m2

June 2013: Design I-section purlin with and without sag bars for a trussed roof from the
following data, (expected in June 2015)-1
Span of roof = 10 m
Spacing of purlin along slope or truss = 25m
Spacing of truss = 4 m
Slope of roof truss = 1 vertical, 2 horizontal
Wind load on roof = 1100 N/m2
Vertical loads from roof sheets = 150 N/m2.

May 2012: Compute the loads on a steel roof truss to suit the following data, (expected in June
Span of the truss = 12 meters
Type of truss = Fan type
Roof cover = Galvanised corrugated G.C. sheeting
Spacing of roof truss = 4.5 meters
Wind pressure = 1.2 kN/m2

May 2011(SET-1)- Design I-section purlin with and without sag bars for a trussed roof from the
following data, (question repeated from June 2013)
Span of roof = 10 m
Spacing of purlin along slope or truss = 2.5m

Spacing of truss = 4 m
Slope of roof truss = 1 vertical, 2 horizontal
Wind load on roof = 1100 N/m2
Vertical loads from roof sheets = 150 N/m2.

May 2011(SET-2) Design a channel section purlin with and without sag bars for a trussed roof
from the following data, (question repeated from june 2014) (expected in June 2015)
Span of roof = 12 m
Spacing of purlin along slope or truss = 2 m
Spacing of truss = 4 m
Slope of roof truss = 1 vertical, 2 horizontal
Wind load on roof = 1100 N/m2
Vertical loads from roof sheets = 150 N/m2.

May 2011 (SET-3) )- Design I-section purlin with and without sag bars for a trussed roof from
the following data, (question repeated from june 2013, May 2011 SET-1)
Span of roof = 15 m
Spacing of purlin along slope or truss = 3 m
Spacing of truss = 4 m
Slope of roof truss = 1 vertical, 2 horizontal
Wind load on roof = 1200 N/m2
Vertical loads from roof sheets = 160 N/m2.

May 2011(SET-4) Design a channel section purlin with and without sag bars for a trussed roof
from the following data, (question repeated from June 2014)
Span of roof = 12 m
Spacing of purlin along slope or truss = 2 m
Spacing of truss = 4 m
Slope of roof truss = 1 vertical, 2 horizontal
Wind load on roof = 1200 N/m2
Vertical loads from roof sheets = 160 N/m2.

Expected question

June 2013: Design I-section purlin with and without sag bars for a trussed roof from the
following data, (expected in June 2015)-1

Span of roof = 10 m
Spacing of purlin along slope or truss = 2.5m
Spacing of truss = 4 m
Slope of roof truss = 1 vertical, 2 horizontal
Wind load on roof surface normal to roof = 1100 N/m2
Vertical loads from roof sheets = 150 N/m2.


Given data,

Span of roof = 10 m
Spacing of purlin along slope or truss = 2.5m
Spacing of truss = 4 m
Slope of roof truss = 1 vertical, 2 horizontal

Slope ζ = ½
Tan ζ = ½
ζ = tan-1

ζ = 26.565 degrees

Sinζ = 0.447

Cosζ = 0.894

Tan ζ =0.5

Wind load on roof surface normal to roof = 1100 N/m2

Vertical load from roof sheets = 150 N/m2

Calculating the Dead Load (D.L.)

Load from roof sheeting = 150 x Spacing of purlin
= 150 x 2.5 = 375 N/m2
Assume self weight = 120 N/m2
Total dead weight (WDL) = 495 N/m2

Calculation of Wind Load

Given, Wind Load on roof surface = 1100 N/m2
Total wind load = (Ww.L.) = 1100 x spacing of purlin = 1100 x 2.5 2750 N/m2

(i) Design of I-Section Purlin Without Sag Bars

It is assumed that the load combination of (Dead Load + Wind Load) creates greater effect on
purlin than that of load combination of (Dead Load + Live Load)

Consider the load combination (Dead load + Wind load) for I-section purlin.

Dead load + Wind load

WD.Wx = Load normal to the slope

Ww.L. + WD.L. Cosζ = 2750 + 495 cos(26.565)

= 3192.742N

WD.Wy = Load parallel to the slope

= WD.L. Sin(26.565) = 495 sin(26.565)

=221.37 N

��.��2 �2 (3192.742)×42
M = = = 5108.387 x 103 Nmm
10 10

� �
22 (221.37)×42
Myy = = = 354.192 x 103 Nmm
10 10

Assume ��� = 6 and δbt = 0.66 fy = 0.66 x 250 = 165 N/mm2


E = 2 x 105 N/mm2

Finding the Required Sectional Modulus

� + �
�� ��� �� 5108 .387 ×10 3 +[6×354.192 ×103 ]
������= = = 43.84 x 103 mm3
��� 165

Select ISMB 100 @ 11.5 kg/m

Zxx = 51.5 x 103 mm3

Zyy = 10.9 x 103 mm3

Check for Permissible Stress

��� ���
���= +
��� ���
3 354.192×10 3
= 5108.387 ×10 + = 131.687 N/mm2 < 165 N/mm2
51.5×103 10.9×103

Hence safe.

(ii) Design of I-Section with Sag Bar

Dead load + Wind load

WD.Wx = Load normal to the slope

= Ww.L. + WD.L. Cosζ = 2750 + 495 cos(26.565)

= 3192.742N

WD.Wy = Load parallel to slope

= WD.L. Sin(26.565) = 495 sin(26.565)

=221.37 N

Bending Moment
��.��2�2 (3192.742)×42
M = = = 5108.387 x 103 Nmm
10 10

� 2 �2 42
� .�� 2 (221.37)× 2
Myy = 10
= 10
= 88.548 x 103 N-mm

Finding the Required Sectional Modulus

���+ ����� 3
��� 5108 .387 ×10 +[6×88.548 ×103 ] = 34.180 x 103 mm3
�� = =
��� 165

Select ISJB 150 @ 7.1 kg/m from steel Tables

Zxx = 42.9 x 103 mm3

Zyy = 3.7 x 103 mm3

Check for Permissible Stress

��� ���
���= +
��� ���
3 88.548×103
= 5108.387 ×10 + = 143.009 N/mm2 < 165 N/mm2
42.9×103 3.7×103

Hence safe.

Expected Question-2

Compute the loads on a steel roof truss to suit the following data, (expected in June
Span of the truss = 12 meters
Type of truss = Fan type
Roof cover = Galvanised corrugated G.C. sheeting
Spacing of roof truss = 4.5 meters
Wind pressure = 1.2 kN/m2


Given that,

Span of the truss, l = 12 m,

Spacing of roof truss, S = 4.5 m

Wind pressure = 1.2 kN/m2

Pitch of roof truss, P = ¼ (assumed)

Let, Slope of roof truss be „ζ‟

Therefore tanζ = 2p

Tanζ = 2 x (¼)

Tanζ = ½

ζ = tan-1(1/2)

ζ = 26.565

Rise of roof truss, R = ¼ x l = ¼ x 12 = 3 m.

2 1/2
12 2
Length along the sloping roof, L = +3

L = 6.708 m

Length/panel = 6.708/4 = 1.677m

(i) Load at Each Panel

(a) Dead Load
Assuming, weight of galvanized corrugated iron sheets,
WGI = 0.133 kN/m2
Weight of Purlins, Wp = 0.150 kN/m2
Weight of bracing, Wb = 0.015 kN/m2

Self weight of roof truss,

� ��
Ws = � + � = � + � = 0.09kN/m2
��� � ��� �

Total dead load, WD.L. = WGI +Wp + Wb + Ws

= 0.133 + 0.150 + 0.015 + 0.09 = 0.388 kN/m2

Length of panel in plan,

Lp = 1.677 cosθ

Lp = 1.677 cos(26.565)

= 1.499 ≈ 1.5m

Load acting on each intermediate panel,

W1 = 0.388 x 4.5 x 1.5 = 2619 kN

Load acting at end panel,

W2 = W1/2 = 2.619/2 = 1.310 KN

(b) Live Load

1. Give briefly the design steps to be followed in the design of a roof truss [ 5 Marks] [ Page
Number. 770, S.K. Duggal, 2nd edition]
2. Design a steel roof truss to suit the following data:
Span of the truss = 10 m
Type of truss = Fan-type
Roof cover = Galvanised corrugated (GC) sheeting
Materials : Rolled steel angles
Spacing of roof trusses = 4.5 m
Wind pressure Pd = 1.0 kN/m2
Draw the elevation of the roof truss and the details of joints [ 5 Marks] [ Page Number
320; N Krishna Raju, Structural Design and drawing, 3 rd edition]


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