RAGAGEP Considerations For Relief and Flare Systems: Georges A. Melhem and Casey Houston
RAGAGEP Considerations For Relief and Flare Systems: Georges A. Melhem and Casey Houston
RAGAGEP Considerations For Relief and Flare Systems: Georges A. Melhem and Casey Houston
Flare Systems
Georges A. Melhem and Casey Houston
ioMosaic Corporation, Salem, NH 03079; melhem@ioMosaic.com (for correspondence)
Published online 11 August 2016 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI 10.1002/prs.11839
Recent emphasis on Recognized and Generally Accepted National Fire Protection Agency, Center for Chemical Process
Good Engineering Practices (RAGAGEP) increased the scope Safety (CCPS), the Chlorine Institute (CI) guidelines, and
of relief systems risk factors that require evaluation to develop applicable manufacturer’s recommendations.
complete and compliant Pressure Relief and Flare Systems OSHA further clarifies “Appropriate Internal Standards”
documentation. Failure to comply with RAGAGEP ((d)(3)(ii)) and the use of “Shall” and “Should” in RAGAGEP. The appli-
is the most cited element of the Process Safety Management cation of internal standards and the employer’s decision to
requirements. follow (or to not follow) RAGAGEP is expected to be made
This paper discusses how RAGAGEP considerations now to meet or exceed the protective requirements of published
require evaluation and proper documentation of risk factors RAGAGEP.
that are often overlooked including but not limited to: disper- Failure to comply with RAGAGEP ((d)(3)(ii)) is the most
sion analysis, thermal radiation, noise, vibration risk, reac- cited element of the PSM requirements [1].
tion forces and structural supports, metal cold temperatures
due to expansion cooling and two phase flow, hot tempera-
tures due to fire exposure and/or runaway reactions, PRV RISK FACTORS
stability, chemical reaction systems, and loss of high pres- When complying with the “relief system design and design
sure/low pressure interface. basis” Process Safety Information (PSI) element of the PSM
Important RAGAGEP considerations for these additional standard (1910.119(d)(3)(i)(D)), the traditional approach
risk factors are highlighted and discussed. Recommendations included application of ASME and American Petroleum Insti-
are provided on how to best address these factors in the eval- tute (API) standards. Relief devices were sized and installed
uation and documentation of design basis. V C 2016 American
per ASME and API 520. Overpressure scenarios were consid-
Institute of Chemical Engineers Process Saf Prog 36: 18–23, ered and relief requirements quantified in accordance with API
2017 521. The primary goals of the analysis and documentation was
Keywords: recognized and generally accepted good engi- to ensure that relief devices provided adequate capacity, that
neering practices; relief systems; flare systems the inlet pressure drop and built-up backpressure were within
recommended limits, and that the physical installation met the
requirements (eliminate restrictions on the inlet line and
Recent updates to Recognized and Generally Accepted
absence of pockets in the discharge line, for example) [2,3].
Good Engineering Practices (RAGAGEP) have expanded the
There are several additional categories that require special
scope of risk factors that require evaluation to develop com-
attentions and are often overlooked when reviewing or
plete Pressure Relief and Flare System (PRFS) documentation.
establishing the design basis for relief and flare systems [1,4].
Additionally, the United States Occupational Safety & Health
These categories are essential for compliance with RAGA-
Administration (OSHA) issued Standard Interpretation
GEP. They include but may not necessarily be limited to:
“RAGAGEP in Process Safety Management Enforcement” on
June 8, 2015 with respect to the Process Safety Management 1. Dispersion analysis and safe discharge location
(PSM) standard 29 CFR 1910.119. a. Thermal radiation
In the Standard Interpretation, OSHA identifies three pri- 2. PRV stability
mary sources of RAGAGEP: 3. Emergency relief systems piping
a. Vibration risk
1. Published and widely adopted codes
2. Published consensus documents 1. Noise
b. Reaction forces and structural support,
3. Published non-consensus documents
c. Temperature excursions
Explicitly included in the three primary sources of RAGA- 1. Cold metal temperatures due to expansion cooling
GEP are industry standards and recommended practices such and two phase flow
as American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2. Hot temperatures due to fire exposure and/or run-
away reactions,
Originally presented at the Global Congress of Process Safety,
4. Other factors
AICHE Spring 2016 Meeting, Houston, Texas, April 11–13, 2016. a. Reaction systems
b. Loss of high pressure/low pressure interface and liquid
C 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers
V displacement.
Process Safety Progress (Vol.36, No.1) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs March 2017 19
Figure 2. Thermal radiation due to ignition of atmospheric discharge. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which
is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
20 March 2017 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.36, No.1)
viscous liquid or two-phase relief [13]. These simplified tech-
niques, including isothermal assumptions, may not capture
choke points and fluid expansion or contraction that result
in excessive reaction forces, acoustic vibration risk, and low
temperature concerns, which are required to be evaluated by
Vibration Risk
The assessment of fatigue failure due to vibration risk is
now required by API-521. Fluid flow in pipes generates tur-
bulent energy (pressure fluctuations). Dominant sources of
turbulence are associated with flow discontinuities in the
piping systems (e.g., partially closed valves, short radius,
mitered bends, tees or expanders). The level of turbulence
intensity is a function of pipe size, fluid density, viscosity,
Figure 4. Vibration risk required per API 521. [Color figure
velocity, and structural support. High noise levels are gener-
can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at
ated by high velocity fluid impingement on the pipe wall,
turbulent mixing, and if the flow is choked, shock waves
downstream of flow restriction, which leads to high frequen-
cy excitation/vibration [15].
system design basis documentation criteria, in accordance Fatigue failure of relief and/or process piping caused by
with RAGAGEP, include: vibration can develop due to the conversion of flow
mechanical energy to noise. Factors that have led to an
1. Vibration Risk, increasing incidence of noise vibration related fatigue failures
2. Reaction Forces, and in piping systems include but are not limited to (a) increas-
3. Temperature Excursions (hot and cold) ing flow rates as a result of debottlenecking which contrib-
utes to higher flow velocities with a correspondingly greater
ASME BPVC-VIII-I Non-Mandatory Appendix M (M-7)
level of turbulent energy, (b) frequent use of thin-walled
requires consideration that discharge line vibration is consid-
ered minimized. Furthermore, API STD 521 §5.5.12 discusses piping which results in higher stress concentrations, particu-
acoustic fatigue and recommends a method to calculate the larly at small bore and branch connections, (c) design of
sound power level (SPL). For SPL greater than 155 dB further process piping systems on the basis of a static analysis with
modeling is recommended to evaluate the risk. Experience little attention paid to vibration induced fatigue, (e) and lack
has shown that the high velocities and pressure drop of emphasis of the issue of vibration in piping design codes.
encountered in many relief system piping designs may fail to Piping vibration is often considered on an ad-hoc or reactive
meet the 155 dB criteria; for these situations, mitigation basis. According to the UK Health and Safety Executive
options are provided in § See Figure 4. (HSE), 21% of all piping failures offshore are caused by
Large high-pressure relief devices may generate the thrust fatigue/vibration. Typical systems at risk include large com-
of a jet engine when they open! RAGAGEP requires that the pressor recycle systems and high capacity pressure relief
relief system piping is adequately designed, braced, and sup- depressuring systems. For relief and flare piping, flow
ported to accommodate the static and dynamic loads. Reac- induced turbulence and high frequency acoustic excitations
tion forces in relief system piping are evaluated in are key concerns [16].
accordance with ASME B31.3 and API STD 520 Part II §5.8.2. Excessive AIV/FIV can cause piping and equipment fail-
ASME BPVC-VIII-I Non-Mandatory Appendix M (M-12) rec- ures. Even when complete failure of the piping does not
ommends evaluating the bending moments and stresses for occur, excessive AIV/FIV can cause cracks allowing air inges-
both steady-state flow and transient dynamic loads upon tion/ingress into flare and vent systems creating an explosion
relief device opening. API STD 521 provides guidance on hazard. Use of equivalent pipe length methods for fitting
reaction forces in §5.5.14 with respect to disposal systems losses can lead to inaccurate estimates of sound power levels
and includes reaction forces in the list of recommended min- that are required to assess vibration risk. High superimposed
imum relief system design documentation in § item e. constant backpressure can reduce the value of sound power
Another risk factor in ERS piping design is low tempera- level from AIV/FIV sources including those that are from
ture. Most often associated with two-phase or condensing pressure relief systems.
flow in relief device discharge lines, but also experienced
due to all-vapor relief, low temperature may result in embrit- Reaction Forces
tlement. Auto-refrigeration, low-temperatures, and selecting Reaction forces are not always properly calculated and
appropriate discharge piping mechanical design limits are documented. Dynamic loads and dynamic load durations vs.
discussed in API STD 521 § with cautions related to structural response time for piping need to be considered.
fluid properties found in §5.2 and § OSHA Directive See Figure 5. How long does it take to fill the discharge pipe
CPL 03-00-010 instructs CSHOs to evaluate piping circuits for a relief system for example? Reaction forces can be differ-
and ensure the PSI includes the materials of construction. ent for different pressure relief device types, rupture disks
Although often associated with the Mechanical Integrity PSM vs. modulating or pop action pressure relief valves. The
element, ERS piping materials of construction are easily eval- design case for reaction forces may be different than the
uated by a prudent PRFS designer [12]. governing case for relief device flow capacity. The use of
When evaluating ERS piping, it is critically important to equivalent pipe length methods for fitting losses can lead to
consider the solution methodology. Traditional approaches inaccurate estimates of reaction forces especially for gas and
such as Crane Technical Paper No. 410 and “L/D” hydraulic multiphase flow. Safe upper limits for reaction forces can be
calculations were developed based on Newtonian liquids established by neglecting the attached relief piping to the
and typical steady-state flow rates, which are not necessarily relief device, especially where rupture disks are the primary
appropriate for high-pressure, high-velocity vapor, highly relief device.
Process Safety Progress (Vol.36, No.1) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs March 2017 21
Figure 7. Temperature excursions can cause metal failures.
Figure 5. Properly calculate and document reaction forces. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is
[Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
Figure 6. Low temperature downstream of an expansion. Figure 8. Proper selection of vessel hydrodynamics and
[Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is relief phase. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,
available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.] which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
Special considerations must be given to dynamic reaction For gas flow the inside pipe wall metal surface tempera-
forces from pressure relief devices in liquid service or high ture can be higher than the fluid temperature especially
pressure systems. These systems can lead to substantial pres- when the flow velocity is high. See Figure 6. Use of equiva-
sure spikes and reaction forces during fluttering and/or chat- lent pipe length methods for fitting losses can lead to inaccu-
tering than loosen bolts and damage piping with potential rate estimates of pipe metal temperatures for gas flow and
loss of containment. multiphase flow because of how single and multiple choke
points can be miscalculated [12].
Temperature Excursions
Excursions in temperatures, hot or cold, can lead to metal
failure. Cold temperatures caused by expansion cooling can Other Factors
lead to embrittlement. Piping and equipment downstream of
the expansion point, typically the flow limiting area, can be Reactive Chemicals
at fluid temperatures if condensation occurs. Piping and Reaction systems require a higher level of care and design
equipment downstream of the expansion point can collect basis documentation. Relief systems design and evaluation
cold liquids from condensation when it occurs [12,14]. where reactive chemicals are involved is more about chemis-
Hot temperatures caused by fire or flame jet impingement try (desired and undesired) than it is about fluid mechanics.
or runaway reactions can lead to weakening of the metal A key element that is often missed is the correct reaction sys-
strength and subsequent metal failure. See Figure 7. Hot tem- tem characterization under runaway conditions. Scenarios
peratures due to flame jet or pool fire impingement or flame leading to runaway reactions need to be considered and the
radiation can cause vessel failure at the reseat point of the potential for two-phase flow from pressure relief devices
PRV if the fire duration is long enough [17–19]. must be considered as well. See Figure 8.
22 March 2017 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.36, No.1)
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