FInance Case Study
FInance Case Study
FInance Case Study
c. Outline one advantage and one disadvantage for Ted if he has used
crowdfunding to start his own business.
d. Outline the Pros vs. Cons for bank loan vs. overdraft.
f. Define “leasing”
Leasing the hiring out by one firm (the lessor) of an ASSET such as
a factory building, piece of machinery or vehicle to another firm
(the lessee) in return for the payment of an agreed rental.
h. Do you think a private limited company should take out a loan or sell
more shares when expanding the business? Justify your answer.
l. Explain two reasons why stakeholders of TTL would want to look at its
income statement.
o. Outline two reasons why retained profit might have increased over the
two years shown in TTL’s income statements.
s. Outline one benefit and one problem in drawing up a cash flow forecast
for TTL.
u. Outline how an increase in the number of trucks being used will affect
TTL’s cash flow.
v. Explain two reasons why TTL’s cash forecast might not be accurate.
w. What would be the best way for the owner of a business to avoid cash
flow problems as it expands? Justify your answer.
cc. Explain two ways Ted could improve the profit margin.
dd. Do you think Ted should be happy with the profitability of TTL
compared with the other business shown in Table 26.1? Justify your
ff. Identify two reasons why TTL’s current ratio might be lower next year.
gg. Outline one advantage and one disadvantage of having a high acid test
hh. Do you think Ted should be happy with the liquidity of TTL compared
with the other business shown in Table 26.1? Justify your answer.
Twelve months has passed since the year shown in Table 26.1. At the end of this
year TTL’s accounts recorded:
Revenue of $600 000
Cost of sales of $30 000
Expense of $520 000
Its current assets are $6250, of which inventory is $1250 and current liability
are $5000.
a. Explain two situations in which Ted will find a cash flow forecast useful.