Statistics: Department of Higher Education U.P. Government, Lucknow

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Department of Higher Education

U.P. Government, Lucknow

National Education Policy-2020

Common Minimum Syllabus for all U.P. State Universities and Colleges
for First Three Years of Higher Education (UG)


National Education Policy-2020
Common Minimum Syllabus for all U.P. State Universities/ Colleges

Name Designation Affiliation

Steering Committee
Mrs. Monika S. Garg, Additional Chief Secretary Dept. of Higher Education U.P., Lucknow
Chairperson Steering
Prof. Poonam Tandan Professor, Lucknow University, U.P.
Dept. of Physics
Prof. Hare Krishna Professor, CCS University Meerut, U.P.
Dept. of Statistics
Dr. Dinesh C. Sharma Associate Professor, K.M. Govt. Girls P.G. College Badalpur,
Dept. of Zoology G.B. Nagar, U.P.
Supervisory Committee-Science Faculty
Dr. Vijay Kumar Singh Associate Professor, Agra College, Agra
Dept. of Zoology
Dr. Santosh Singh Dean, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidhyapeeth,
Dept. of Agriculture Varanasi
Dr. Baby Tabussam Associate Professor, Govt. Raza P.G. College Rampur, U.P.
Dept. of Zoology
Dr. Sanjay Jain Associate Professor, St. John’s College, Agra
Dept. of Statistics

Syllabus Developed by:

S.No. Name Designation Department College/University

1. Prof. Sunil Kumar Lucknow University,
Retd. Professor Statistics
Pandey Lucknow
2. Analyst cum Lucknow University,
Dr. Rajiv Saksena Statistics
Programmer Lucknow
3. Mr. Digvijay Pal Singh Associate Professor Statistics Agra College, Agra
Department of Higher Education
U.P. Government, Lucknow

National Education Policy-2020

Common Minimum Syllabus for all U.P. State Universities

Semester-wise Titles of the Papers in B.Sc. (Statistics)

Year Sem. Course Code Paper Title Theory/Practical Credits

Descriptive Statistics (Univariate)
B060101T Theory 04
and Theory of Probability
Descriptive Data Analysis Lab
B060102P Practical 02
Descriptive Statistics (Bivariate)
B060201T Theory 04
and Probability Distributions
Descriptive Data Analysis Lab
B060202P Practical 02
Theory of Estimation and Sampling
B060301T Theory 04
B060302P Sampling Survey Lab Practical 02
Testing of Hypothesis and Applied
B060401T Theory 04
Test of Significance and Applied
B060402P Practical 02
Statistics Lab
Multivariate Analysis and Non-
B060501T Theory 04
parametric Methods
Analysis of Variance and Design of
V B060502T Theory 04
Non-paramertic Methods and DOE
B060503P Practical 02
III Statistical Computing and
B060601T Introduction to Statistical Theory 04
VI B060602T Operations Research Theory 04

Operations Research and Statisical

B060603P Practical 02
Computing Lab
:: Subject Prerequisties::

To study this subject a student must had the subject(s) Mathematics in class 12th

:: Programme Outcomes (POs) ::

Students having Degree in B.Sc. (with Statistics) should have knowledge of different concepts and fundamentals of
Statistics and ability to apply this knowledge in various fields of industry. They may pursue their future career in the
field of Statistics and Research.

:: Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs) ::

After completing B.Sc. (with Statistics) the student should have

 Knowledge of different concepts, principles, methodologies and tools (skills) of Statistics.
 Ability to collect, tabulate, represent graphically, analyze and interpret data/information by using appropriate
statistical tools.
 Ability to identify and solve a wide range of problems in real life/industry related to Statistics.
 Familiarity with computational techniques and statistical software including programming language (e.g. R) for
mathematical and statistical computation.
 Capability to use appropriate statistical skills in interdisciplinary areas such as finance, health, agriculture,
government, business, industry, telecommunication and bio-statistics.
 Ability to compete with industrial/private sector demand in the field of data analysis, marketing survey, etc. in
professional manner and pursue their future career in the field of Statistics.
 Ability to develop original thinking for formulating new problems and providing their solutions. As a result, they will
be able to pursue higher studies or research in the field of Statistics.
:: List of All Papers in All Six Semesters ::

Programme Year Semester Course Title Credits
Descriptive Statistics (Univariate)
Descriptive Statistics and

Descriptive Statistics (Univaritate)

04 60

Theory of Probability Part-B:

Theory of Probability
Certificate in

Practical(B060102P): Descriptive Data Analysis Lab (Univariate) 02 60

Descriptive Statistics (Bivariate)
Descriptive Statistics (Bivariate)

04 60
Probability Distributions
Probability Distributions

Practical(B060202P): Descriptive Data Analysis Lab (Bivariate) 02 60

Programme Year Semester Course Title Credits
Sampling Distributions and Theory of Estimation
Theory of Estimation
Statistics with Statistical
Mathematical & Applied

04 60

Sampling Survey Part-B:
Sampling Survey
Diploma in

Practical(B060302P): Sampling Survey Lab 02 60

Testing of Hypothesis and Tests of Significance
Testing of Hypothesis

04 60
Applied Statistics
Applied Statistics

Practical(B060402P): Test of Significance and Applied Statistics Lab 02 60

Programme Year Semester Course Title Credits
04 60
Multivariate Analysis and Non-parametric Methods

04 60
Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiment

Practical(B060503P): Non-paramertic Methods and DOE Lab 02 60


04 60
Statistical Computing and Introduction to Statistical Software

04 60
Operations Research

02 60
Operations Research and Statisical Computing Lab
Programme/Class: Certificate Year: First Semester: First


Course Code: - B060101T Course Title: Descriptive Statistics (Univariate) and Theory of Probability
Course outcomes:
After completing this course a student will have:
 Knowledge of Statistics, its scope and importance in various fields.
 Ability to understand concepts of sample vs. population and difference between
different types of data.
 Knowledge of methods for summarising data sets, including common graphical tools
(such as boxplots, histograms and stemplots). Interpret histograms and boxplots.
 Ability to describe data with measures of central tendency and measures of
 Ability to understand measures of skewness and kurtosis and their utility and
 Ability to understand the concept of probability along with basic laws and axioms of
 Ability to understand the terms mutually exclusive and independence and their
 Ability to identify the appropriate method (i.e. union, intersection, conditional, etc.)
for solving a problem.
 Ability to apply basic probability principles to solve real life problems.
 Ability to understand the concept of random variable (discrete and continuous),
concept of probability distribution.
Credits: 04 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: ………

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 4-0-0.

No. of
Unit Topic
Part-A: Descriptive Statistics (Univariate)
Introduction to Statistics, Meaning of Statistics,
I Importance of Statistics, Scope of Statistics in Industry,
Introduction and contribution of Indian Scholars in 06
Concept of Statistical population, Attributes and Variables
(Discrete and Continuous), Different types of scales –
Nominal, Ordinal, Ratio and Interval, Primary data –
designing a questionnaire and schedule, collection of
primary data, checking their consistency, Secondary
Presentation of data : Classification, Tabulation,
II Diagrammatic & Graphical Representation of Grouped 08
data, Frequency distributions, Cumulative frequency
distributions and their graphical representations,
Histogram, Frequency polygon and Ogives. Stem and
Leaf plot, Box Plot.
Measures of Central tendency and Dispersion and their
properties, Merits and Demerits of these Measures. 10
Moments and Factorial moments, Shephard’s correction
IV for moments, Measures of Skewness and Kurtosis and
their significance, Measures based on quartiles.
Part-B: Theory of Proability
Random experiment, Trial, Sample point and Sample
space, Events, Operations of events, Concept of equally
likely, Mutually exclusive and Exhaustive events.
V Definition of Probability: Classical, Relative frequency 04
and Axiomatic approaches.

Discrete Probability Space, Properties of Probability

under Set Theory Approach, Independence of Events,
VI Conditional Probability, Total and Compound Probability 09
theorems, Bayes theorem and its Applications.
Random Variables – Discrete and Continuous,
Probability Mass Function (pmf) and Probability density
function (pdf), Cumulative distribution function (cdf).
VII Joint distribution of two random variables, Marginal and 08
Conditional distributions, Independence of random

Expectation of a random variable and its properties,

. of sum of random variables and product of
independent random variables, Conditional expectation
and related problems.
Moments, Moment generating function (m.g.f.) & their
VII properties, Continuity theorem for m.g.f. (without proof). 09
Chebyshev’s inequality, Weak law of large numbers for a
sequence of independently and identically distributed
random variables and their applications. (Statement
Suggested Readings:
Part A:
Goon, A.M., Gupta, M.K. and Dasgupta, B. (2013). Fundamental of Statistics, Vol I, World
Press, Kolkata.
Goon, A.M., Gupta, M.K. and Dasgupta, B. (2011). Fundamental of Statistics, Vol II, World
Press, Kolkata.
Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V.K. (2000). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics (10 th ed.),
Sultan Chand and Sons.

Hanagal, D. D. (2009). Introduction to Applied Statistics: A Non-Calculus Based Approach.

Narosa Publishing Comp. New Delhi.
Miller, I. and Miller, M. (2006). John E. Freund’s Mathematical Statistics with Applications,
(7th Edn.), Pearson Education, Asia.
Mood, A.M. Graybill, F.A. and Boes, D.C. (2011). Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, 3rd
Edn., Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. Ltd.
Weatherburn, C.E. (1961). A First Course in Mathematical Statistics, The English Lang.
Book Society and Cambridge Univ. Press.
Part B:
David, S. (1994) : Elementary Probability, Cambridge University Press.
Dudewicz, E.J. and Mishra, S.N. (2008). Modern Mathematics Statistics, Wiley.
Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V.K. (2000). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics (10 th ed.),
Sultan Chand and Sons.

Hanagal, D. D. (2009). Introduction to Applied Statistics: A Non-Calculus Based Approach.

Narosa Publishing Comp. New Delhi.
Johnson, S. and Kotz, S. (1972). Distribution in Statistics Vol. I-II & III, Houghton and
Lipschutz, S., Lipson, M. L. and Jain, K. (2010). Schaum’s Outline of Probability. 2 nd Edition.
McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
Meyer, P. (2017). Introductory Probability and Statistical Applications (2nd ed.), New
Delhi, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Mood A.M., Graybill F.A. and Boes D.C. (2007). Introduction to the Theory of Statistics (3 rd
ed.), New Delhi , Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. ltd.
Mukhopadhyay, P. (1996). Mathematical Statistics, New Delhi, New Central Book Agency
Pvt. Ltd.
Parzen, E.S. (1992). Modern Probability Theory and its Applications. Wiley Interscience.
Pitman, J. (1993). Probability. Narosa Publishing House.
Rao, C.R. (2009). Linear Statistical Inference and its Applications, 2nd Edition, Wiley
Rohatgi, V.K. and Saleh, A.E. (2008). An introduction to Probability Theory and
Mathematical Statistics, Wiley Eastern.
Books in Hindi Language may be included by the Universities.
Suggested Online Links/Readings:
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects:
Open to ALL
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be based on allotted Assignment and Class Tests.
The marks shall be as follows:
Assessment and Presentation of Assignment (05 marks)
Class Test-I (Objective Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-II (Descriptive Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-III (Objective Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-IV (Descriptive Questions) (04 marks)
Class Interaction (04 marks)

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have the subject
Mathematics/Elementary Mathematics in class 12 th.
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Further Suggestions:
Programme/Class: Certificate Year: First Semester: First


Course Code: - B060102P Course Title: Descriptive Data Analysis Lab (Univariate)
Course outcomes:
After completing this course a student will have:
 Ability to represent/summarise the data/information using appropriate Graphical
methods including common graphical tools (such as boxplots, histograms and
stemplots) and also to draw inferences from these graphs
 Acquire the knowledge to identify the situation to apply appropriate measure of
central tendency as per the nature and need of the data and draw meaningful
conclusions regarding behavior of the data.
 Acquire the knowledge to identify the situation to apply appropriate measure of
dispersion as per the nature and need of the data and draw meaningful conclusions
regarding heterogeneity of the data.
 Ability to measure skewness and kurtosis of data and define their significance.
 Acquire the knowledge to compute conditional probabilities based on Bayes
Theorem .
Credits: 02 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: ………

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 0-0-4.

No. of
List of Practicals
1. Problems based on graphical representation of data
by Histogram, Frequency polygons, frequency
curves and Ogives, Stem and Leaf Plot, Box Plot.
2. Problems based on calculation of Measures of
Central Tendency.
3. Problems based on calculation of Measures of 60
4. Problems based on calculation of Moments,
Measures of Skewness and Kurtosis.
5. Computation of conditional probabilities based on
Bayes theorem
Suggested Readings:
As suggested for paper code B060101 T.
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects:
Open to ALL
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods: (25 Marks)
Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be based on Practical File/Record, Class
Activities and Overall performance. The marks shall be as follows:
Practical File/Record (05 marks)
Field Activity*
(a) Theme/Objective of the Activity (02 marks)
(b) Report Preparation# (08 marks)
(c) Presentation& (05 marks)
Class Interaction (05 marks)
Suggested Practical Examination Evaluation Methods: (75 Marks)
Practical Examination Evaluation shall be based on Viva-voce and Practical Exercises.
The marks shall be as follows:
Practical Exercise (Major%) 01 x 25 Marks 25 Marks
Practical Exercise (Minor ) 02 x 15 Marks
% 30 Marks
Viva-voce 20 Marks
% There shall be 04-05 Practical Exercises in Examination comprising 01 as Major
(Compulsory) and 03-04 as Minor (Students have to attend any 02).

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have opted/passed the paper code
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Further Suggestions:
In practical classes a series of lectures for MS-Excel may be organized for Students and they
may be asked to use it to perform practical problems assigned to them.
A minor project/survey with application of techniques studied in B060101T.
It may be a survey based study (with sample size not more than 50 and 10 questions)
addressing the local area on social, economical, educational, occupational, marital,
behavioural issues; knowledge, attitude, practices towards various aspects; industrial,
pollution, traffic, etc. status.
A student have to develop a questionnaire then collect, classify and tabulate the data.
Thereafter, represent the data graphically and/or calculate some descriptive statistics
(univariate) and make some inferences (if possible).

#Report may be hand-written or in typed format. Headings of the report may be decided
by the supervisor.

& Presentation may be verbal or by using ppt etc.

Programme/Class: Certificate Year: First Semester: Second


Course Code: - B060201T Course Title: Descriptive Statistics (Bivariate) and Probabiity Distributions
Course outcomes:
After completing this course a student will have:
 Knowledge of the method of least squares for curve fitting to theoretically
describe experimental data with a function or equation and to find the parameters
associated with the model.
 Knowledge of the concepts of correlation and simple linear regression and
Perform correlation and regression analysis.
 Ability to interpret results from correlation and regression.
 Ability to compute and interpret rank correlation. .
 Ability to understand concept of qualitative data and its analysis.
 Knowledge of discrete distributions. Discuss appropriate distribution negative
binomial, Poisson, etc. with their properties and application of discrete distribution
models to solve problems.
 Knowledge of continuous distributions. Discuss the appropriate distribution (i.e.
uniform, exponential, normal, etc.) with their properties and application of
continuous distribution models to solve problems.
 Knowledge of the formal definition of order statistics, derive the distribution
function and probability density function of the rth order statistic and joint
distribution of rth and sth order statistics.
 Ability to identify the application of theory of order statistics in real life problems.

Credits: 04 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: ………

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 4-0-0.

No. of
Unit Topic
Part-A: Descriptive Statistics (Bivariate)
Bivariate data, Principles of least squares, Most
I plausible values, Meaning of curve fitting, Fitting of
straight line, parabola, logarithmic, power curves and
other simple forms by method of least squares.
Bi-Variate frequency table, Correlation, Types of
II relationships, Scatter diagram, Karl-Pearson’s 08
Correlation Coefficient and its properties.
Rank correlation and its coefficient (Spearman and
Kendall Measures)
Regression analysis through both types of regression 08
equations for X and Y variables.
Attributes: Notion and Terminology, Contingency table,
IV Class frequencies and Ultimate class frequencies,
Consistency, Association of Attributes, Independence,
Measures of association for 2X2 table, Chi-square, Karl
Pearson’s and Tschuprow’s Coefficient of Association.
Part-B: Probability Distributions
Discrete Probability Distributions: Binomial
V distribution, Poisson distribution (as limiting case of
Binomial distribution), Hypergeometric, Geometric and
Negative Binomial, Uniform and Multinomial
distributions, fitting of Binomial, Poisson and Uniform
Continuous Probability Distributions: Exponential,
VI Gamma, Beta distributions. Cauchy, Laplace, Pareto, 10
Weibull, Log normal distributions.
Normal distribution and its properties, Standard
VII Normal variate, Normal distribution as limiting case of 06
Binomial distribution, fitting of Normal distribution.
Order Statistics, Distributions of minimum, rth and
maximum order statistic, Joint distribution of rth and sth 04
order statistics (in continuous case), Distribution of
sample range & sample median for uniform and
exponential distributions.
Suggested Readings:
Part A:
Goon, A.M., Gupta, M.K. and Dasgupta, B. (2013). Fundamental of Statistics, Vol I, World
Press, Kolkata.
Goon, A.M., Gupta, M.K. and Dasgupta, B. (2011). Fundamental of Statistics, Vol II, World
Press, Kolkata.
Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V.K. (2000). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics (10th ed.),
Sultan Chand and Sons.

Hanagal, D. D. (2009). Introduction to Applied Statistics: A Non-Calculus Based Approach.

Narosa Publishing Comp. New Delhi.
Miller, I. and Miller, M. (2006). John E. Freund’s Mathematical Statistics with Applications,
(7th Edn.), Pearson Education, Asia.
Mood, A.M. Graybill, F.A. and Boes, D.C. (2011). Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, 3rd
Edn., Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. Ltd.
Weatherburn, C.E. (1961). A First Course in Mathematical Statistics, The English Lang.
Book Society and Cambridge Univ. Press.
Part B:
David, S. (1994) : Elementary Probability, Cambridge University Press.
David, H.A. (1981). Order Statistics (2nd ed.), New York, John Wiley.
Dudewicz, E.J. and Mishra, S.N. (2008). Modern Mathematics Statistics, Wiley.
Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V.K. (2000). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics (10 th ed.),
Sultan Chand and Sons.
Hanagal, D. D. (2009). Introduction to Applied Statistics: A Non-Calculus Based Approach.
Narosa Publishing Comp. New Delhi.
Johnson, S. and Kotz, S. (1972). Distribution in Statistics Vol. I-II & III, Houghton and
Lipschutz, S., Lipson, M. L. and Jain, K. (2010). Schaum’s Outline of Probability. 2 nd Edition.
McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
Meyer, P. (2017). Introductory Probability and Statistical Applications (2nd ed.), New
Delhi, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Mood A.M., Graybill F.A. and Boes D.C. (2007). Introduction to the Theory of Statistics (3 rd
ed.), New Delhi , Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. ltd.
Mukhopadhyay, P. (1996). Mathematical Statistics, New Delhi, New Central Book Agency
Pvt. Ltd.
Parzen, E.S. (1992). Modern Probability Theory and its Applications. Wiley Interscience.
Pitman, J. (1993). Probability. Narosa Publishing House.
Rao, C.R. (2009). Linear Statistical Inference and its Applications, 2nd Edition, Wiley
Rohatgi, V.K. and Saleh, A.E. (2008). An Introduction to Probability Theory and
Mathematical Statistics, Wiley Eastern.
Books in Hindi Language may be included by the Universities.
Suggested Online Links/Readings:
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects:
Open to ALL
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be based on allotted Assignment and Class Tests.
The marks shall be as follows:
Assessment and Presentation of Assignment (05 marks)
Class Test-I (Objective Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-II (Descriptive Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-III (Objective Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-IV (Descriptive Questions) (04 marks)
Class Interaction (04 marks)

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have opted/passed the paper code
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Further Suggestions:
Programme/Class: Certificate Year: First Semester: Second


Course Code: - B060202P Course Title: Descriptive Data Analysis Lab (Bivariate)
Course outcomes:
After completing this course a student will have:
1. Ability to deal with the problems based on fitting of curves by Method of least squares
e.g. fitting of straight line, second degree polynomial, power curve, exponential curve etc.
2. Ability to deal with problems based on determination of Regression lines and calculation
of Correlation coefficient – grouped and ungrouped data.
3. Ability to deal with the problems based on determination of Rank correlation.
4. Ability to fit binomial and poisson distribution for given data..

Credits: 02 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: ………

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 0-0-4.

No. of
1. Problems based on fitting of curves by Method of least
squares e.g. fitting of straight line, second degree
polynomial, power curve, exponential curve etc.
2. Problems based on determination of Regression lines
and calculation of Correlation coefficient – grouped
and ungrouped data. 60
3. Problems based on determination of Rank correlation.
4. Fitting of binomial and poisson distribution.
Suggested Readings:
As suggested for paper code B06020 1T.

This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects:

Open to ALL
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be based on Practical File/Record, Class
Activities and Overall performance. The marks shall be as follows:
Practical File/Record (05 marks)
Field Activity*
(a) Theme/Objective of the Activity (02 marks)
(b) Report Preparation# (08 marks)
(c) Presentation& (05 marks)
Class Interaction (05 marks)
Suggested Practical Examination Evaluation Methods: (75 Marks)
Practical Examination Evaluation shall be based on Viva-voce and Practical Exercises.
The marks shall be as follows:
Practical Exercise (Major%) 01 x 25 Marks 25 Marks
Practical Exercise (Minor%) 02 x 15 Marks 30 Marks
Viva-voce 20 Marks
% There shall be 04-05 Practical Exercises in Examination comprising 01 as Major
(Compulsory) and 03-04 as Minor (Students have to attend any 02).
Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have opted/passed the paper code
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Further Suggestions:
In practical classes a series of lectures for any statistical software (e.g. SPSS) may be organized
for students and they may be asked to use it to perform practical problems assigned to them.

A minor project/survey with application of techniques studied in B060201T.
It may be a survey based study (with sample size not more than 50 and 10 questions)
addressing the local area on social, economical, educational, occupational, marital,
behavioural issues; knowledge, attitude, practices towards various aspects; industrial,
pollution, traffic, etc. status.
A student have to develop a questionnaire then collect, classify and tabulate the data.
Thereafter, represent the data graphically and/or calculate some descriptive statistics
(bivariate) and make some inferences (if possible).

#Report may be hand-written or in typed format. Headings of the report may be decided
by the supervisor.

& Presentation may be verbal or by using ppt etc.

Programme/Class: Diploma Year: Second Semester: Third


Course Code: - B060301T Course Title: Theory of Estimation and Sampling Survey
Course outcomes:
After completing this course a student will have:
 Knowledge of the concept of Sampling distributions.
 Ability to understand the difference between parameter & statistic and standard
error & standard deviation.
 Knowledge of the sampling distribution of the sum and mean.
 Ability to understand the t, f and chi-square distribution and to identify the main
characteristics of these distributions.
 Knowledge of the concept of Point and Interval Estimation and discuss
characteristics of a good estimator.
 Ability to understand and practice various methods of estimations of parameters.
 Ability to understand the concept of sampling and how it is different from complete
 Knowledge of various probability and non-probability sampling methods along with
estimates of population parameters
 Ability to identify the situations where the various sampling techniques shall be used.
 Knowledge of sampling and non-sampling errors.
 Knowledge of regression and ratio methods of estimation in simple random sampling
Credits: 04 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: ………

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 4-0-0.

No. of
Unit Topic

Part-A: Sampling Distributions and Theory of Estimation

Sampling Distributions: The concept of sampling
I distribution, Parameter, Statistic and Standard error.
The sampling distribution for the sum of independent
random variables of Binomial, Poisson and Normal
Central limit theorem, sampling distribution of Z.
II Sampling distribution
Central limit of t,sampling
theorem, f, and chi-square without
distribution of 09
derivations, Simple properties of these distributions
Z = [X – E(X)] / standard deviation of X
and their interrelationship.
Point estimation: Characteristics of a good estimator:
Sampling distribution of t, f, and chi-square
Unbiasedness, consistency, sufficiency and efficiency.
III 08
Problems derivations,
and examples, Simple properties of these
Interval estimation.
distributions and their
Method of Maximum interrelationship.
Likelihood and properties of
IV maximum likelihood estimators (without proof),
Method estimation:
of minimum Characteristics of aof good
Chi-square. Method least
estimator: Unbiasedness, consistency,
squares and methods of moments for estimation of
parameters and efficiency. Method of Maximum
Likelihood and properties of maximum
likelihood estimators (without proof), Method
of minimum Chi-square. Method of least
squares and methods of moments for
estimation of parameters, Problems and
Part-B: Sampling Survey
Sampling vs. Complete enumeration: Sampling units
and Sampling frame, Precision and efficiency of
estimators, Simple Random sampling with and without
replacement, Use of random number tables in selection
V of simple random sample, Estimation of population
mean and proportion, Derivation of expression for
variance of these estimators, Estimation of variances,
Sample size determination.
Stratified random sampling, Problem of allocation,
proportional allocation, optimum allocation. Derivation 08
of the expressions for the standard error of the usual
estimators when these allocations are used, Gain in
precision due to Stratification, Role of sampling cost in
the sample allocation, Minimization of variance for fixed
Systematic Sampling: Estimation of Population mean
and Population total, standard errors of these
VII estimators 08
Two stage sampling with equal first stage units:
Estimation of Population mean and its variance
Regression and ratio methods of estimation in simple
random sampling, Cluster sampling with equal clusters, 06
VIII Estimators of population mean and their mean square
Suggested Readings:
Ferund J.E (2001) : Mathematical Statistics, Prentice Hall of India.
Freedman, D., Pisani, R. and Purves, R. (2014). Statistics. 4th Edition. Norton & Comp.
Goon, A.M., Gupta, M.K. & Dasgupta, B. (2002). Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol. I. ,
Kolkata, The World Press.
Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V.K. (2000). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics (10 th ed.),
Sultan Chand and Sons.
Hanagal, D. D. (2009). Introduction to Applied Statistics: A Non-Calculus Based
Approach. Narosa Publishing Comp. New Delhi.
Hogg, R.V., McKean, J.W. & Craig, A.T. (2009). Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (6 th
ed.), Pearson.
Kendall, M.G. and Stuart, A. (1979). The Advanced Theory of Statistics, Vol.2. Inference
and Relationship. 4th Edition. Charles Griffin & Comp.
Kendall, M.G., Stuart, A. and Ord, J.K. (1994). The Advanced Theory of Statistics, Vol. 1.
Distribution Theory. 6th Edition. Halsted Press (Wiley Inc.).
Kenney, J.F. and Keeping, E.S. (1947). Mathematics of Statistics. Part I. 2nd Edition.
Chapman & Hall.
Kenney, J.F. and Keeping, E.S. (1951). Mathematics of Statistics. Part II. 2nd Edition.
Chapman & Hall.
Mood A.M., Graybill F.A. and Boes D.C. (2007). Introduction to the Theory of Statistics
(3rd ed.), New Delhi , Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. ltd.
Tanner, M. (1990). An Investigation for a Course in Statistics. McMillan, New York.
Tanur, J.M. (1989) Statistics. A Guide to the Unknown. 3rd Edition, Duxbury Press.
Yule, G.U. and Kendall, M.G. (1973). An Introduction to the Theory of Statistics.14th
Edition. Charles Griffin & Comp.
Ardilly, P. and Yves T. (2006). Sampling Methods: Exercise and Solutions. Springer.
Cochran, W.G. (2007). Sampling Techniques. (Third Edition). John Wiley & Sons, New
Cochran, W.G. (2008). Sampling Techniques (3rd ed.), Wiley India.
Des Raj. (1976). Sampling Theory. Tata McGraw Hill, New York. (Reprint 1979).
DesRaj and Chandhok, P. (1998). Sample Survey Theory, Narosa Publishing House.
Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V.K. (2000). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics (10th ed.),
Sultan Chand and Sons.
Mukhopadyay, P. (2007). Survey Sampling. Narosa Publisher, New Delhi.
Murthy, M. N. (1977). Sampling Theory and Statistical Methods. Statistical Pub. Society,
Singh, D. and Choudhary, F.S. (1977). Theory and Analysis of Sample Survey Designs.
Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi. (Reprint 1986)
Sukhatme, P.V. and Sukhatme, B.V. (1970). Sampling Theory Surveys with Applications
(Second Edition). Iowa State University Press.
Sukhatme, P.V., Sukhatme, B.V., Sukhatme, S. & Asok, C. (1984): Sampling Theories of
Survey with Applications, IOWA State University Press and ISAS.
Thompson, S.K. (2012). Sampling. John Wiley & Sons.
Books in Hindi Language may be included by the Universities.
Suggested Online Links/Readings:
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects:
Open to ALL
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be based on allotted Assignment and Class Tests.
The marks shall be as follows:
Assessment and Presentation of Assignment (05 marks)
Class Test-I (Objective Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-II (Descriptive Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-III (Objective Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-IV (Descriptive Questions) (04 marks)
Class Interaction (04 marks)

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have opted/passed the paper code
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Further Suggestions:
Programme/Class: Diploma Year: Second Semester: Third


Course Code: - B060302P Course Title: Sampling Techniques Lab

Course outcomes:
After completing this course a student will have:
1. Ability to draw a simple random sample with the help of table of random numbers.
2. Ability to estimate population means and variance in simple random sampling.
3. Ability to deal with problems based on Stratified random sampling for population
means (proportional and optimum allocation).
4. Ability to deal with problems based on Systematic random sampling
5. Ability to deal with problems based on two stage sampling
6. Ability to deal with problems based on Ratio and regression estimation of
population mean and total.
Credits: 02 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: ………

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 0-0-4.

No. of
1. Problems based on drawing a simple random sample
with the help of table of random numbers.
2. Problems based on estimation of population means
and variance in simple random sampling.
3. Problems based on Stratified random sampling
for population means (proportional and optimum 60
4. Problems based on Systematic random sampling
5. Problems based on two stage sampling
6. Problems based on Ratio and regression estimation of
population mean and total.
Suggested Readings:
As suggested for paper code B06030 1T.

This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects:

Open to ALL
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be based on Practical File/Record, Class
Activities and Overall performance. The marks shall be as follows:
Practical File/Record (05 marks)
Assignment based on B060301T (05 marks)
Case Study* based on B060301T (10 marks)
Class Interaction (05 marks)
Suggested Practical Examination Evaluation Methods: (75 Marks)
Practical Examination Evaluation shall be based on Viva-voce and Practical Exercises.
The marks shall be as follows:
Practical Exercise (Major%) 01 x 25 Marks 25 Marks
Practical Exercise (Minor%) 02 x 15 Marks 30 Marks
Viva-voce 20 Marks
% There shall be 04-05 Practical Exercises in Examination comprising 01 as Major
(Compulsory) and 03-04 as Minor (Students have to attend any 02).

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have opted/passed the paper code
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Further Suggestions:
In practical classes a series of lectures for any statistical software may be organized for
students and they may be asked to use it to perform practical problems assigned to them.

*Student may be asked to prepare a case study on Application of a Sampling Technique in a

particular situation along with its merits-demerits and comparative study with other options.
Programme/Class: Diploma Year: Second Semester: Fourth


Course Code: - B060401T Course Title: Testing of Hypothesis and Applied Statistics
Course outcomes:
After completing this course a student will have:
 Knowledge of the terms like null and alternative hypotheses, two-tailed and one-
tailed alternative hypotheses, significant and insignificant, level of significance and
confidence, p value etc.
 Ability to understand the concept of MP, UMP and UMPU tests
 Ability to understand under what situations one would conduct the small sample
and large sample tests (in case of one sample and two sample tests).
 Familiarity with different aspects of Applied Statistics and their use in real life
 Ability to understand the concept of Time series along with its different components.
 Knowledge of Index numbers and their applications along with different types of
Index numbers.
 Familiarity with various demographic methods and different measures of mortality
and fertility.
 Ability to understand the concept of life table and its construction.
 Knowledge to understand the concept of statistical quality control and different
control charts for variables and attributes.
Credits: 04 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: ………

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 4-0-0.

No. of
Unit Topic

Part-A: Testing of Hypothesis and Tests of Significance

Statistical Hypothesis (Simple and Composite),
I Testing of hypothesis. Type –I and Type – II errors, 08
Significance level, p-values
Power of a test, Definitions of Most Powerful (MP),
II Uniformly Most Powerful (UMP) and Uniformly Most 08
Powerful Unbiased (UMPU) tests.
Test of significance: Large sample tests for
(Attributes and Variables) proportions and means (i)
III for one sample (ii) for two samples 10
Correlation coefficient in case of (a) p=p0 (b) p1=p2,
Small sample test based on t, f and chi-square
IV 04
Part-B: Applied Statistics
Introduction & Definition of Time Series, its different
components, illustrations, additive and multiplicative
models. Determination of trend by free hand curve,
V semi average method, moving average method, method
of least squares, Analysis of Seasonal Component by
Simple average method, Ratio to moving Average Ratio
to Trend, Link relative method.
Index number – its definition, application of index
number, price relative and quantity or volume relatives, 09
link and chain relative, problem involved in
computation of index number, use of averages, simple
aggregative and weighted average method. Laspeyre’s,
Paasche’s and Fisher’s index number, time and factor
reversal tests of index numbers, consumer price index.
Vital Statistics: Measurement of Fertility– Crude birth
rate, general fertility rate, age-specific birth rate, total
VII fertility rate, gross reproduction rate, net reproduction 06
rate, standardized death rates Complete life table, its
main features and construction.
Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Process
control, tools of statistical quality control, +3 control
limits, Principle underlying the construction of control
charts. Control charts for variables, ‘X’ and ‘R’ charts,
VII construction and interpretation, Control charts for
attributes ‘p’ and ‘c’ charts, construction and
Suggested Readings:
Part A
Ferund J.E (2001) : Mathematical Statistics, Prentice Hall of India.
Freedman, D., Pisani, R. and Purves, R. (2014). Statistics. 4th Edition. Norton & Comp.
Goon, A.M., Gupta, M.K. & Dasgupta, B. (2002). Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol. I. ,
Kolkata, The World Press.
Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V.K. (2000). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics (10 th ed.),
Sultan Chand and Sons.
Hangal, D. D. (2009). Introduction to Applied Statistics: A Non-Calculus Based Approach.
Narosa Publishing Comp. New Delhi.
Hogg, R.V., McKean, J.W. & Craig, A.T. (2009). Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (6 th
ed.), Pearson.
Kendall, M.G. and Stuart, A. (1979). The Advanced Theory of Statistics, Vol.2. Inference
and Relationship. 4th Edition. Charles Griffin & Comp.
Kendall, M.G., Stuart, A. and Ord, J.K. (1994). The Advanced Theory of Statistics, Vol. 1.
Distribution Theory. 6th Edition. Halsted Press (Wiley Inc.).
Kenney, J.F. and Keeping, E.S. (1947). Mathematics of Statistics. Part I. 2nd Edition.
Chapman & Hall.
Kenney, J.F. and Keeping, E.S. (1951). Mathematics of Statistics. Part II. 2nd Edition.
Chapman & Hall.
Mood A.M., Graybill F.A. and Boes D.C. (2007). Introduction to the Theory of Statistics
(3rd ed.), New Delhi , Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. ltd.
Tanner, M. (1990). An Investigation for a Course in Statistics. McMillan, New York.
Tanur, J.M. (1989) Statistics. A Guide to the Unknown. 3rd Edition, Duxbury Press.
Yule, G.U. and Kendall, M.G. (1973). An Introduction to the Theory of Statistics.14th
Edition. Charles Griffin & Comp.
Part B
Croxton F.E., Cowden D.J. and Klein, S. (1973). Applied General Statistics(3 rd ed.),
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.

Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V.K. (2008). Fundamentals of Applied Statistics (4th ed.), Sultan
Chand and Sons.

Montgomery D.C. (2009) : Introduction to Statistical Quality Control (6th ed.), Wiley India
Pvt. Ltd.

Mukhopadhyay, P (2011): Applied Statistics, 2nd edition revised reprint, Books and
Allied (P) Ltd.

Books in Hindi Language may be included by the Universities.

Suggested Online Links/Readings:
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects:
Open to ALL
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be based on allotted Assignment and Class Tests.
The marks shall be as follows:
Assessment and Presentation of Assignment (05 marks)
Class Test-I (Objective Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-II (Descriptive Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-III (Objective Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-IV (Descriptive Questions) (04 marks)
Class Interaction (04 marks)

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have opted/passed the paper code
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Further Suggestions:
Programme/Class: Diploma Year: Second Semester: Fourth


Course Code: - B060402P Course Title: Tests of Significance and Applied Statistics Lab
Course outcomes:
After completing this course a student will have:
1. Ability to conduct test of significance based on t – test and Chi-square test.
2. Knowledge about Fisher’s Z-transformation and its use in testing
3. Ability to deal with problems based on large sample tests.
4. Ability to deal with problems based on time series and calculation of its different
components for forecasting.
5. Ability to deal with problems based on Index number.
6. Acquire knowledge about measurement of mortality and fertility.
7. Ability to deal with problems based on life table.
8. Ability to work with control charts for variables and attributes and draw inferences.
Credits: 02 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: ………

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 0-0-4.

No. of
1. Problems based on t – test.
2. Problems based on F-test.
3. Problems based on Chi-square test.
4. Problems based on Fisher’s Z-transformation and
its use in testing
5. Problems based on calculation of power curve.
6. Problems based on large sample tests.
7. Problems based on time series and its different
components 60
8. Problems based on Index number.
9. Problems based on measurement of mortality and
10. Problems based on logistic curve fitting.
11. Problems based on life table.
12. Problems based on control charts for variables and
Suggested Readings:
As suggested for paper code B06040 1T.
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects:
Open to ALL
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be based on Practical File/Record, Class
Activities and Overall performance. The marks shall be as follows:
Practical File/Record (05 marks)
Assignment based on B060401T (05 marks)
Case Study based on B060401T (10 marks)
Class Interaction (05 marks)
Suggested Practical Examination Evaluation Methods: (75 Marks)
Practical Examination Evaluation shall be based on Viva-voce and Practical Exercises.
The marks shall be as follows:
Practical Exercise (Major%) 01 x 25 Marks 25 Marks
Practical Exercise (Minor ) 02 x 15 Marks
% 30 Marks
Viva-voce 20 Marks
% There shall be 04-05 Practical Exercises in Examination comprising 01 as Major
(Compulsory) and 03-04 as Minor (Students have to attend any 02).

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have opted/passed the paper code

Suggested equivalent online courses:


Further Suggestions:
Students may be asked to perform practical problems assigned to them by using MS -Excel/any
Statistical software.
Programme/Class: B.Sc. Year: Third Semester: Fifth


Course Code:- B060501T Course Title: Multivariate Analysis and Non-parametric Methods
Course outcomes:
After completing this course a student will have:
 Ability to understand the basic concepts of vector space and matrices in order to
study multivariate distribution.
 Knowledge of the applications of multivariate normal distribution and Maximum
Likelihood estimates of mean vector and dispersion matrix.
 Knowledge of Principal Component Analysis and Factor Analysis.
 Ability to apply distribution free tests (Non-parametric methods) for one and two
sample cases.
Credits: 04 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: ………

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 4-0-0.

No. of
Unit Topic
Vector Space, Subspace, Linear Combination, Span,
I Linear Independence, Inner Product, Norm, 08
Orthogonality, Dimension of Vector Space
Row and Column Rank, Rank of Matrix, Elementary
II operations on Matrices, Inverse of a matrix. 07
Multivariate Normal Distribution, Marginal and
III Conditional Distributions, Moment Generating and 08
Characteristics functions
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Mean vector and
IV Dispersion matrix, Independence and point sufficiency 07
of these estimates.
Applications of Multivariate Analysis: Principal
V Components Analysis and Factor Analysis (Application 08
Oriented discussion, derivations not required)
Multiple and Partial correlations and Multiple
Regresions. 07
Non-parametric tests, Tests for randomness and test
VII for goodness of fit. One sample tests : Sign test,
Wilcoxon Signed rank tests.
Two sample tests : Run test, Kolmogorov – Smirnov’s
test, Median test and Mann-Whitney U test. 07
Suggested Readings:
Anderson, T.W. (2003): An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 3rdEdn., John
Muirhead, R.J. (1982): Aspects of Multivariate Statistical Theory, John Wiley.
Kshirsagar, A.M. (1972): Multivariate Analysis, 1stEdn. Marcel Dekker.
Johnson, R.A. And Wichern, D.W. (2007): Applied Multivariate Analysis, 6thEdn., Pearson &
Prentice Hall
Mukhopadhyay, P.: Mathematical Statistics.
Goon, A.M., Gupta, M.K. and Dasgupta, B. (2002): Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol. I, 8th Edn.
The World Press, Kolkata.
Gibbons, J. D. and Chakraborty, S (2003): Nonparametric Statistical Inference. 4th Edition.
Marcel Dekker, CRC.
Rohatgi, V. K. and Saleh, A.K. Md. E. (2009): An Introduction to Probability and Statistics. 2nd
Edn. (Reprint) John Wiley and Sons.
Books in Hindi Language may be included by the Universities.
Suggested Online Links/Readings:
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects:
Open to ALL
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be based on allotted Assignment and Class Tests.
The marks shall be as follows:
Assessment and Presentation of Assignment (05 marks)
Class Test-I (Objective Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-II (Descriptive Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-III (Objective Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-IV (Descriptive Questions) (04 marks)
Class Interaction (04 marks)

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have opted/passed the paper code
B060301T and B060401T.
Suggested equivalent online courses:

Further Suggestions:
Programme/Class: B.Sc. Year: Third Semester: Fifth


Course Code: - B060502T Course Title: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiment
Course outcomes:
After completing this course a student will have:
 Knowledge of the concept of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).
 Ability to carry out the ANOVA for One way and Two way Classification.
 Ability to carry out the post-hoc analysis.
 Knowledge of the concept of Design of experiment and its basic principles.
 Ability to perform the basic symmetric designs CRD, RBD and LSD with and without
missing observations.
 Knowledge of the concept of factorial experiments and their practical applications.

Credits: 04 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: ………

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 4-0-0.

No. of
Unit Topic
Defintion of Analysis of Variance, Assumptions and
Limitations of ANOVA, One way classification. 08
Two way classification with equal number of
II observations per cell. Duncan’s multiple comparison 07
Principles of Design of Experiment: Randomization,
III Replication and Local Control, Choice of size and type of 08
a plot using uniformity trials.
Completely Randomised Design (CRD)
Randomized Block Design (RBD), Concept and
IV definition of efficiency of design, Comparison of 07
efficiency between CRD and RBD.
Latin Square Design (LSD), Lay-out, ANOVA table,
V Comparison of efficiencies between LSD and RBD; LSD 08
and CRD
Missing plot technique: Estimation of missing plots by
VI minimizing error sum of squares in RBD and LSD with 07
one or two missing observations.
Factorial Experiments: General description of factorial
VII experiments, 22, 23 and 2n factorial experiments
arranged in RBD and LSD, Definition of Main effects and 08
Interactions in 22 and 23 factorial experiments,
Preparation of ANOVA by Yates procedure, Estimates
VIII and tests for main and interaction effects (Analysis 07
without confounding).
Suggested Readings:
Cochran, W. G. and Cox, G. M. (1957). Experimental Design. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Cochran, W.G. and Cox, G.M. (1959). Experimental Design, Asia Publishing House
Das, M. N. and Giri, N. S. (1986). Design and Analysis of Experiments (2nd Edition). Wiley.
Dean, A. and Voss, D. (1999). Design and Analysis of Experiments. Springer-Verlag, New
Federer, W.T. (1955). Experimental Design: Theory and Applications. Oxford & IBH
Publishing Company, Calcutta, Bombay and New Delhi.
Joshi, D.D. (1987). Linear Estimation and Design of Experiments. New Age International
(P) Ltd. New Delhi.
Kempthorne, O. (1965). The Design and Analysis of Experiments, John Wiley
Montgomery, D.C. (2008). Design and Analysis of Experiments, John Wiley
Montgomery, D.C. (2017). Design and analysis of Experiments, 9Th Edition. John Wiley &
Books in Hindi Language may be included by the Universities.
Suggested Online Links/Readings:
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects:
Open to ALL
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be based on allotted Assignment and Class Tests.
The marks shall be as follows:
Assessment and Presentation of Assignment (05 marks)
Class Test-I (Objective Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-II (Descriptive Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-III (Objective Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-IV (Descriptive Questions) (04 marks)
Class Interaction (04 marks)

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have opted/passed the
Mathematics/Elementary Mathematics in Class 12 t h .
Suggested equivalent online courses:

Further Suggestions:
Programme/Class: B.Sc. Year: Third Semester: Fifth


Course Code: - B060503P Course Title: Non-parametric Methods and DOE Lab
Course outcomes:
After completing this course a student will have:
1. Ability to conduct test of significance based non-parametric tests.
2. Ability to deal with multivariate data.
3. Knowledge of Principal Component Analysis and Factor Analysis. Ability to perform
ANOVA for one way and two classification.
4. Ability to perform post-hoc analysis.
5. Ability to conduct analysis of CRD, RBD and LSD with and without missing
6. Ability to conduct analysis for Factorial experiments (without confounding).
Credits: 02 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: ………

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 0-0-4.

No. of
1. Problems based on Non-parametric tests for one
2. Problems based on Non-parametric tests for two
3. Problems based on Rank and Inverse of a matrix.
4. Problems based on Mean vector and Dispersion
matrix of a multivariate normal distribution.
5. Problems based on Principal Component Analysis
6. Problems based on Factor Analysis. 60
7. Problems based on Analysis of variance in one-way
and two-way classification (with and without
interaction terms).
8. Problems based on Analysis of a Latin square design.
9. Problems based on Analysis of variance in RBD and
LSD with one or two missing observations.
10. Problems based on Factorial Experiment Practical.
Suggested Readings:
As suggested for paper code B0605 01T and B060502T.
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects:
Open to ALL.
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be based on Practical File/Record, Class
Activities and Overall performance. The marks shall be as follows:
Practical File/Record (05 marks)
Assignment based on B060501T/ B060502T (05 marks)
Case Study based on B060501T/ B060502T (10 marks)
Class Interaction (05 marks)
Suggested Practical Examination Evaluation Methods: (75 Marks)
Practical Examination Evaluation shall be based on Viva-voce and Practical Exercises.
The marks shall be as follows:
Practical Exercise (Major%) 01 x 25 Marks 25 Marks
Practical Exercise (Minor ) 02 x 15 Marks
% 30 Marks
Viva-voce 20 Marks
% There shall be 04-05 Practical Exercises in Examination comprising 01 as Major
(Compulsory) and 03-04 as Minor (Students have to attend any 02).

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have opted/passed the paper code
B060501T and B060502T.
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Further Suggestions:
Students may be asked to perform practical problems assigned to them by using MS -Excel/any
Statistical software.
Programme/Class: B.Sc. Year: Third Semester: Sixth


Course Code: - B060601T Course Title: Statistical Computing and Introduction to Statistical Software
Course outcomes:
After completing this course a student will have:
 Basic Knowledge of SPSS and R programming with some basic notions for developing their
own simple programs and visualizing graphics in R.
 Ability to perform data analysis for both univariate and multivariate data sets using R as well as
Credits: 04 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: ………

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 4-0-0.

No. of
Unit Topic
Introduction to Computer: Generation of Computer,
I Basic Structure of Computer, Digital computer and its
peripherals, number systems (Binary, Octal, 08
Hexadecimal Systems). Flow chart for sImple statistical
Introduction to R Programming and R Studio, Installing
II R, R as a calculator. Creating a data set, Understanding a
data set, Data structure: Vectors, Matrices, Arrays, Data
Frames, Factors and Lists
Data inputs: Entering data from the keyboard,
III Importing Data from Excel, SPSS. SAS, STATA, creating 07
new variables, recoding variable, renaming variables,
sorting data,
Graphs using merging and sub
R, Inferential setting dataset,
Statistics- Missing
Parametric test:
IV values, Descriptive Statistics
Test for Normality, t-test for single mean, t-test for 08
difference between means, paired t-test.
Using R: Wilcoxon signed rank sum test, Mann Whitney
V U test, Kruskal Wallis test, Analysis of Variance (One- 07
way & Two way Anova), Karl Pearson correlation
coefficient, Linear Regression : Simple and Multiple
SPSS Environment, entering data, Importing and
VI Exporting data, Data Preparation, Data Transformation. 08
Descriptive Statistics, Explore, Graphs using SPSS
Graphs using SPSS, Inferential Statistics- Parametric
VII test: Test for Normality, t-test for single mean, t-test for 07
difference between means, paired t-test.
Using SPSS: Non-parametric tests, Analysis of Variance
VIII (One-way & Two way Anova), Karl Pearson correlation 07
coefficient, Linear Regression : Simple and Multiple
Suggested Readings:
Chambers, J. (2008). Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R, Springer.
Crawley, M.J. (2017). The R Book, John Wiley & Sons.
Eckhouse, R.H. and Morris, L.R. (1975). Minicomputer Systems Organization, Programming
and Applications, Prentice-Hall.
Matloff, N. (2011). The Art of R Programming, No Starch Press, Inc.
Eckhouse, R.H. and Morris, L.R. (1975). Minicomputer Systems Organization, Programming
and Applications, Prentice-Hall.
Margan G A: SPSS for Introductory Statistics; Uses and Interpretation.
Books in Hindi Language may be included by the Universities.
Suggested Online Links/Readings:
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects:
Open to ALL
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be based on allotted Assignment and Class Tests.
The marks shall be as follows:
Assessment and Presentation of Assignment (05 marks)
Class Test-I (Objective Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-II (Descriptive Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-III (Objective Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-IV (Descriptive Questions) (04 marks)
Class Interaction (04 marks)

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject
Mathematics/Elementary Mathematics in class 12 th.
Suggested equivalent online courses:

Further Suggestions:
Programme/Class: B.Sc. Year: Third Semester: Sixth


Course Code: - B060602T Course Title: Operations Research

Course outcomes:
After completing this course a student will have:
 An idea about the historical background and need of Operations research.
 Ability to identify and develop operational research models from the verbal
description of the real life problems.
 Knowledge of the mathematical tools that are needed to solve optimization problems.
 Ability of solving Linear programming problem, Transportation and Assignment
problems, Replacement problems, Job sequencing, etc.
 Ability to solve the problems based on Game Theory.

Credits: 04 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: ………

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 4-0-0.

No. of
Unit Topic
History & background of OR, General linear
programming problems and their formulations. Solving 04
LPP by Graphical Method.
Solving LPP by, Simplex method, Big–M method, Two
phase Method, Degeneracy and Duality in LPP. 10
Transportation problem: North-west corner rule, Least
III cost method, Vogel’s approximation method. Optimum 05
solution: Stepping stone method.
Assignment Problem: Hungarian Method, Travelling
IV Salesman Problem, 05
Replacement problem: Individual and Group
V replacement. 05
Job sequencing : n jobs – 2 machines, n jobs – k
machines, 2 jobs – n machines. 05
Game theory: Introduction, Competitive Situations,
VII Characteristics of Competitive Games. Rectangular
game, Two-Person Zero-Sum game, minimax-maximin 05
principle, Solution to rectangular game using graphical
Ddominance and modified dominance property to
VIII reduce the game matrix and solution to rectangular 06
game with mixed strategy, LPP method.
Suggested Readings:
Swarup, K., Gupta P.K. and ManMohan (2007). Operations Research (13th ed.) , Sultan
Chand & Sons.
Taha, H.A. (2007). Operations Research: An Introduction (8th ed.), Prentice Hall of India.
Hadley, G: (2002) : Linear Programming, Narosa Publications
Hillier, F.A and Lieberman, G.J. (2010): Introduction to Operations Research- Concepts
and cases, 9th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Books in Hindi Language may be included by the Universities.
Suggested Online Links/Readings:
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects:
Open to ALL
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be based on allotted Assignment and Class Tests.
The marks shall be as follows:
Assessment and Presentation of Assignment (05 marks)
Class Test-I (Objective Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-II (Descriptive Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-III (Objective Questions) (04 marks)
Class Test-IV (Descriptive Questions) (04 marks)
Class Interaction (04 marks)

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have had the subject
Mathematics/Elementary Mathematics in class 12th.
Suggested equivalent online courses:
Further Suggestions:
Programme/Class: B.Sc. Year: Third Semester: Sixth


Course Code: - B060603P Course Title: Operations Research and Statistical Computing Lab
Course outcomes:
After completing this course a student will have:
1. Knowledge of mathematical formulation of L.P.P
2. Ability of solving LPP using different methods.
3. Ability to solve Allocation Problem based on Transportation and .Assignment model.
4. Ability to solve problems based on Game Theory.
5. Ability to use programming language R as Calculator.
6. Knowledge of using R in simple data analysis.
7. Able to perform statistical analysis by using SPSS.
Credits: 02 Core: Compulsory

Max. Marks: 25+75 Min. Passing Marks: ………

Total No. of Lectures-Tutorials-Practical (in hours per week): 0-0-4.

No. of
1. Problem based on Mathematical formulation of L.P.P
2. Problem based on solving LPP using Graphical
3. Problem based on solving LPP using Simplex Method
4. Problem based on solving LPP using Charne’s Big M
method involving artificial variables.
5. Allocation Problem based on Transportation model.
6. Allocation Problem based on Assignment model.
7. Problems based on Game payoff matrix.
8. Problem based on solving Graphical solution to mx2/
2xn rectangular game.
9. Problem based on solving Mixed strategy game.
10. Problem based on solving game using LPP method.
11. Problem based on application of R as Calculator.
12. Problem based on application of R in simple data
13. Problem based on application of SPSS in data analysis
Suggested Readings:
As suggested for paper code B0606 01T and B060602T.
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects:
Open to ALL
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be based on Practical File/Record, Class
Activities and Overall performance. The marks shall be as follows:
Practical File/Record (05 marks)
Assignment based on B060601T/ B060602T (05 marks)
Case Study based on B060601T/ B060602T (10 marks)
Class Interaction (05 marks)
Suggested Practical Examination Evaluation Methods: (75 Marks)
Practical Examination Evaluation shall be based on Viva-voce and Practical Exercises.
The marks shall be as follows:
Practical Exercise (Major%) 01 x 25 Marks 25 Marks
Practical Exercise (Minor ) 02 x 15 Marks
% 30 Marks
Viva-voce 20 Marks
% There shall be 04-05 Practical Exercises in Examination comprising 01 as Major
(Compulsory) and 03-04 as Minor (Students have to attend any 02).

Course prerequisites: To study this course, a student must have opted/passed the paper code
B060601T and B060602T.

Suggested equivalent online courses:


Further Suggestions:

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