Shooting On The Move
Shooting On The Move
Shooting On The Move
On The Move
Effective Dynamic
Delivering rounds into paper bad guys on the flat range is a relatively simple exercise.
cquiring the threat, getting a sight picture legedly strike fear into the hearts of the dreaded
and then pressing the trigger straight to Hun, and allow the assault to carry through the
the rear are all pretty academic. To be defenses.
sure, there is pressure, even there: performance Maybe not.
anxiety, peer pressure, plus the normal cerebral Only some could actually fire—those at the
flatulence that may occur when loaded guns are front of the assault—and while a rapid turnover
placed in the hands of many. could be expected, the volume of fire might
However, no one is shooting back—a major be less than sufficient. The terrain was seldom
stressor. And the targets are anchored firmly in clear, and physical obstacles, craters and other
place, big side toward you. distractions—like those defending the opposite
Pretty simple, no? trenches—made movement difficult.
But people still have difficulty getting solid The greatly maligned French M1915 Chauchat
hits within specific time constraints. Don’t be- Automatic Rifle was many things, but foremost
lieve me? Take a look at any of the thousands it was the first true squad automatic weapon.
of CCW classes conducted around the coun- “The technique of walking fire was felt to be the best
try—some people have a difficult time perform- manner in which to take advantage of the Chauchat’s
ing even the basic skills necessary to deliver a firepower and portability. Walking fire was basically
projectile into a specific target. firing the weapon while marching toward the enemy
to keep their heads down and suppress return fire.
MARCHING FIRE While this may have sounded like a good idea in
Shooting on the move had its genesis in theory, it didn’t work out so well in practice….The
the horribly misnamed War to End All Wars. tactics eventually shifted from emphasis on march-
With a stalemate that extended across the war ing fire to using the weapon for infantry support by
zone, raids of various sizes—some involving firing from some form of cover….” –U.S. Infantry
Divisions—were frequent. Weapons of the First World War, Canfield
Artillery preparation and counter battery The U.S. adopted a modified French gun, the
fire were common, but a rifleman still had to Caliber .30 Chauchat Automatic Rifle, Model
leave the relative safety of his trench to advance of 1918, which was less reliable than the 8mm
across no man’s land, and against the massed French version. It was a gun that was way
fire of emplaced machine guns and rifles. ahead of its time and suffered the problems of
The assaulting troops had to advance with the being adopted during wartime with insufficient
support of indirect fire and limited direct fire. attention to manufacturing.
They were defenseless as they moved up to the Later the U.S. Browning Automatic Rifle,
enemy’s trenches, where they assaulted with Caliber .30, Model of 1918 made it to the front.
fixed bayonets. Remember that the standard The BAR had a longer sling to allow it to be used
infantry rifles of the day were long and cumber- in Marching Fire, and the gunners’ war belt had
some bolt-action repeaters, with a magazine ca- provisions for six BAR magazines, two .45 pis-
pacity of five to ten rounds, and reloading was tol magazines, a pistol holster and a metal butt
a slow process. They were used for long range, cup to accept the buttstock and keep the BAR
indirect fire as well as for aimed direct fire, and supported during marching fire—schoolhouse
were inefficient for close quarter combat (result- mandated shooting from the hip, and probably
ing in the birth of the sub caliber submachine the forerunner of pray and spray.
gun and eventually, the assault rifle). The bayo- There were not very many Chauchats avail-
net was long, to provide farther reach, and the able, and the BAR only got into combat in
combination of a long rifle and long bayonet re- September 1918—less than two months before
sembled the Pike of days gone by. the Armistice.
The dogma of generals with more pomp than The U.S. had developed a device to replace
common sense prevailed, and in the middle of the bolt in the Model of 1903 Rifle with a semi-
squandering a generation’s blood across fields automatic unit firing a .30-caliber pistol type
of green, the theory of “Marching Fire” came cartridge and fed from a 40-round magazine.
into use. The “Automatic Pistol, Caliber .30, Model of
As originally visualized, as the soldiers moved 1918” was a secret, and it never made it to the
out of the trenches toward the entrenched bat- war. More commonly known as the Pederson
talions of machine guns, they would fire a sin- Device, it was designed specifically with march-
gle round of unaimed fire when their left foot ing fire in mind. It also followed the premise
touched the ground. This technique would al- that large numbers of troops indiscriminately
TRAINING ISSUES (RDS), I’ll tell you what I tell people who You are looking for something that
We have been walking since we were are trying to shoot standing still. Accept may approach a lazy figure 8 for some
wee lads, and have been more or less your wobble area. Don’t try to make (but not others). The big issue here is to
successful at it. Shooting on the move the dot stop moving—it won’t happen. keep the beam within the circle no mat-
should not be that difficult, but it seems Don’t chase the dot, shoot through the ter the distance. You may not be able to
like many make it that way. We walk ev- dot. do this in one or three of five sessions.
ery day. And we can shoot from a sta- In the end you will have to accept the You may do it once, but not immediately
tionary position fairly well. So why can’t Zen of this. Be the bullet. Trust your shot, again.
some shoot on the move? and if your training is good, and you run Don’t give up. It will happen, and the
The answer is fairly simple: We over- this often, it will probably be there. light will eventually shine over your
load ourselves with nonsense. One very good way to train is this. head. Make shooting on the move part
Shooting on the move is nothing more Next time you go into Petsmart or a of your dry practice and live fire train-
than shooting, albeit while moving. That similar store, look for something called ing, to the extent possible.
means those pesky little things like sight a “Cat Toy.” It is a small visible laser that Shooting on the move is a TTP. It may
picture and trigger control are still nec- you can use to drive your dogs and cats or may not be something that you would
essary. crazy (if you don’t have CTC grips on use, but when used effectively, it is one
Iron sights are tough, but by no means your Rings Gun). Remove the bolt from more thing that can keep you alive and
impossible to use—unless you are one your carbine and Rigger tape or zip tie ensure that the guy at the end of your
of those who insist on using the smaller the laser onto your forend. muzzle will be the one hearing the Hal-
aperture on the sight. Using the larger Place an eight-inch paper plate on a lelujah chorus in hell. §
aperture will increase the certainty of a wall—the longer the distance you have,
hit, and there are those who teach/use the easier this will be. Look through the [Pat Rogers is a retired Chief Warrant
looking over the top of the sights and do sight at the laser as it strikes the plate Officer of Marines and a retired NYPD
it quite well. while you are moving. It may well be Sergeant. Pat is the owner of E.A.G. Inc.,
I run an XS Sight Systems Big Dot on erratic. Vary your body position, stride, which provides services to various govern-
my AK, and it is extremely viable (for length of step and so forth, and see if it mental organizations. He can be reached at
me, anyway). will reduce that pattern on the plate to]
If you are running a red dot sight something manageable.