Financial Problems Faced by Handloom Weavers in Chendamangalam Cooperative Society

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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-5, January 2020

Financial Problems Faced by Handloom Weavers in

Chendamangalam Cooperative Society
Divya C V, Gopika C V, Krishna M B

Abstract: Handloom sector, the second largest employment Weavers co-operatives gave the different ways for
provider in the country after agriculture sector, is depending over dormant in rural and regional level population. Thus co-
16 million weavers and they were chosen this century old operative provides a ready tool for addressing member’s
traditional hand woven textile industry as their livelihood.
Because of the unique traditional designs and quality of the hand
difficulties. Generally speaking, a co-operative society is a
crafted artifacts, the popularity and its demand is very high both business organization in which group of persons is
nationally and internationally. This study is mainly concentrated associated together for common interests. They join hands
on Chendamangalam handloom cooperative society in together with the common goal of promoting their financial
Ernakulam district. This study focuses on the various financial activities such as production, distribution or marketing of
problems faced by the handloom weavers in Chendamangalam goods and services and provision of satisfying welfare
handloom cooperative society as well as the schemes available
from the government. From the study it was found that the
measures to their members. As an autonomous association
weavers are not satisfied with their financial rewards from this of person, Co-operatives voluntarily meet together for
special skilled job, as they received only meagre income. They common interest. The main objective of co-operative society
also received lack of support from the government in this regard. is serving people without making profit. So as those co-
Because of meagre income and lack of government support, no operative societies are very much need in our society.
one is ready to enter in this field of weaving, the study found. Kerala’s handloom products are well acclaimed for
Since the handloom sector is one among the contributors of the
Indian economy, their existence is inevitable and the government
their intricate designs, exquisite craftsmanship, vibrant
should take necessary measures to improve their current colors and delicate texture. For centuries, majority of the
financial situation for the survival of the industry. product had been made by family weavers and each with a
Index Terms: Financial Problems, Government Support, unique story on how they were introduced to this special
Handloom Cooperative Society, Weavers. trade. Each such weaving center had its own signature and
the state has three major weaving centers. Kuthampullyin
I. INTRODUCTION Thrissur, famous for its Kasavu double dhoti, veshti and set
India has long tradition in weaving, particularly in hand mundu, while Balaramapuram traces its past to about 300
weaving. We are moving through different diversity and years ago. Weavers from Tamilnadu settled here to produce
Handloom is one of the cultural heritages of our country. fabrics for the members of the royal family of Travancore.
The dexterity and artistic ability of weavers could be seen in The dexterity of the weavers of Chendamangalam in
their products. Handloom always promotes innovations in Ernakulam district is very famous across the world. Each of
its products through experimentation and exhibitions. With these places, along with Kasaragod and Kannur saris, from
its uniqueness and peculiar design, handloom products are the vanguard of the handloom revolution in Kerala
well known across the world. Since Handloom sector kept There are five handloom weavers’ co-operative
its rich cultural heritage, it had always found a dominant societies functioning in Paravoor. Each society has its own
role in the Indian textile industry. Considering its handloom units. Of the five Chendamangalam co-operative
contribution, handloom sector has good space along with the society founded in 1957, is one of the oldest in the locality.
agricultural sector in the country. As most of the weaver’s The society has 115 members. There are 35 weavers
societies were situating in rural area, it has major role in working on looms in the manufacturing unit and the rest
improving the livelihood of rural people as well as work from home. The yarn, thread and dye solutions are
eradicating poverty in the area. Besides creating provided by various handloom weavers co-operative
employment opportunities to lakhs of weavers and allied societies. Weavers work at home and provide finished
workers, it also helped to reduce discrimination between product to these societies.
men and women. Since large number of women workers are
engaged in handloom industry, it could be able to bridge the II. LITERATURE REVIEW
gap between rural and urban people. Handloom industries ParalaVenkataSreeVyshnavi, Suja S Nair (2017)
are producing ecofriendly and energy saving products, conducted study on HANDLOOM SECTOR IN INDIA: A
resulting to the enhancement of sustainable development. LITERATURE REVIEW OF GOVERNMENT REPORTS.
They suggest that here is a need to increase the exports of
handkerchiefs, dhoti, lungis, woven fabrics and terry fabrics.
The government schemes and initiatives should be properly
implemented and audited. India handloom brand
Revised Manuscript Received on January 25, 2020
Divya C V, Mcom Finance And System, Amrita School Of Arts And promotions, technological up gradation and E-commerce
Scienes, Kochi should be used as marketing strategies
Gopika C V, Mcom Finance And System, Amrita School Of Arts
And Sciences, Kochi
Krishna M B, Assistant Professor, Amrita School Of Arts And
Sciences, Kochi

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Retrieval Number: E6721018520 /2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E6721.018520 226 & Sciences Publication
Financial Problems Faced by Handloom Weavers in Chendamangalam Cooperative Society

Dr.Dharam Chand Jain, Miss Ritu (2017) Gera conducted handloom weavers
AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF HANDLOOM  To provide proper suggestions and improvements to
INDUSTRY OF INDIA. Their study make an overview of reduce the financial problem faced by the handloom
handloom industry and about problems related to production weavers.
and manufacturing units. They are of the opinion that
weavers should be aware about the schemes so that they can IV. HYPOTHESIS
avail the benefits from the government and various agencies.
 H0: Income earned by employees are sufficient to
They also suggest that proper training and education
meet their needs
regarding the new technologies of production should be
provided to the employees.  H1: Income earned by employees are not sufficient to
Dr.Selvaraj A and Tamilrasi N (2016) studied about meet their needs.
ENTER INTO THE FIELD. Their main objectives were (1) V. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
to measure the factors influencing the handloom weavers to  The study is primarily based on primary data – the data’s
enter into the field, (2) to offer suitable suggestions for collected directly from the handloom weavers in
further development. In this study a lot of factor is found to Chendamagalam Cooperative Society. The data’s was
enter into this field that is heredity, easy to start, less collected through questionnaire.
working capital, practical knowledge, availability of raw  The statistical tool used for data analysis is SPSS.
materials etc. Out of this earning of regular income is the  Frequency tables are used for data interpretation.
most important factor to enter into the handloom field  All the methods used in the study is to find out the
Anu Varghese * Dr. M H Salim (2015) focused on financial problems faced by the handloom weavers.
“Handloom industry in Kerala: A case study of the problems
and challenges”. In this study they found out this industry is VI. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION
facing a large number of problems. Today in spite of a very
glorious part and huge potential for employment generation Gender
as well as contributing to GDP of the state. Mainly this Frequency Percent
industry is facing the competition from the power loom male 3 6.0
sector. This paper makes a critical study of the problems and Valid female 47 94.0
challenges of this industry and offers some remedial Total 50 100.0
strategies and policy option.
Anu Varghese * Dr. M H Salim (2015) have studied Among the respondents, 94 per cent are female and the
about the marketing issues faced by the handloom industry remaining 6 per cent percent are males. Majority of the
in Kerala. Their study seeks to (i) study the significance of respondents are female and the minority is male.
handloom industry in Kerala; (ii) study the marketing
problems associated with handloom industry in Kerala; and Frequency Percent
(ii) suggest suitable remedial strategies for the healthy
30-40 5 10.0
growth of this sector through effective management of 40-50 27 54.0
marketing and allied problems. In this study it was found Valid 50-60 13 26.0
that, given the vast potential of handloom products and the 60 and above 5 10.0
trend of constantly growing demand, especially in markets Total 50 100.0
abroad, the future of Kerala’s handloom sector lies in how
effectively it takes advantage of the market scenario. On the study about age group, 54 per cent belonged to the
Dr. A Kumudha and Mrs. Riswana (2012) conducted a age group between 40-50, while 26 per cent represents the
study on PROMOTION OF HANDLOOM PRODUCTS age group between 50 and 60. Only 10 per cent consisting
WITH SPECIAL REFERNCE TO HANDLOOM the age group between 30 and 40 and above 60 years.
WEAVERS COOPERATIVE SOCIETY IN ERODE Majority of the respondents lie between the age group of 40
DISTRICT. They pointed out that even though handloom is and 50. Minority lies within the age group of 30 and 40 and
a traditional industry offering employment opportunity to above 60 years.
millions of weavers in India, but they recently face a lot of
problems and they are going towards the declining stage. Work experience
Frequency Percent
They identifies that there are various factors which lead to
1-4 4 8.0
the extinction of handloom industry. Promotion is
4-8 16 32.0
considered as the key factor which needs to be improved
8-12 16 32.0
more for the betterment of handloom industry. Valid
12-16 3 6.0
16 and above 11 22.0
III. OBJECTIVES Total 50 100.0
 To study and examine the financial problems faced by
handloom weavers in Chendamangalam Handloom
cooperative society.
 To analyze the various government schemes available to

Published By:
Retrieval Number: E6721018520 /2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E6721.018520 227 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-5, January 2020

Regarding experience, 32 per cent of the respondents Majority of the respondents, that is 88 percent are
working in this sector between 4 and 12 years, while 22 currently paying loan and only 12percent that is minority are
percent of weavers having experience for more than 16 not paying any loan.
years. 8 percent of them have an experience between 1-4
years. However, only 6 percent having experience between Working days
12-16 years. Majority of the respondents have experience Frequency Percent
between 4 and 12 years. And minority lies between 12 and 16-20 2 4.0
16 years. 21-25 47 94.0
26-30 1 2.0
Wages Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
less than 5000 43 86.0 Majority that is 94 percent of the respondents are working
Valid 5000-10000 7 14.0 on an average of 21-25 days in a month. 4 percent of them
Total 50 100.0 are working between 16-20 days, while minority of two
percent of the respondents are working between 26-30 days
Majority of the weavers earning is less than Rs5000, in a month.
registering 86 per cent, while the remaining 14 per cent are
earning wages between Rs 5000 and Rs 10000 in a week. Job satisfaction
Frequency Percent
Income sufficiency Satisfied 3 6.0
Frequency Percent Dissatisfied 36 72.0
Valid No 50 100.0 extremely dissatisfied 11 22.0
Total 50 100.0
Everyone in the society unanimously stated that their
income is insufficient to maintain their family and meet their Majority of the respondents responded that they are
requirements. financially dissatisfied with this job, representing 72
percent. While 22 percent of them are extremely
Mode of income received dissatisfied. However, only 6 percent of them are financially
Frequency Percent satisfied towards their job.
Valid Cash 50 100.0
Delay in income
All the weavers responded that the wages that they were Frequency Percent
receiving in cash. Yes 10 20.0
Valid No 40 80.0
Monthly expenditure Total 50 100.0
Frequency Percent
1000-3000 7 14.0 Majority of the respondents responded that they do not
3000-4000 23 46.0 face any delay in receiving their income, registering 80 per
5000-8000 17 34.0 cent, while the minority of 20 per cent disclosed of facing
Valid delay in receiving wages.
8000-10000 2 4.0
10000 and above 1 2.0
Total 50 100.0 Supporting associations
Frequency Percent
Regarding monthly expenditure, majority of the weavers, Valid No 50 100.0
representing 46 per cent, responded that they managed to
meet their monthly expenditure between 3000 and 4000, All the respondents unanimously responded that there is
while 34 percent responded that their monthly expenditure no association or societies available for solving their
stood between 5000-8000 and 14 percent required between financial problems.
Rs 1000 and Rs 3000 as monthly expenditure. However, a Training
small 4 percent of them spending Rs between Rs 8000 and Frequency Percent
10000 in a month and the two per cent is spending over
Valid No 50 100.0
10000 and above in a month.

Loan All of the respondents responded that they do not have

any problem with training as they all have years of
Frequency Percent
Yes 44 88.0
Valid No 6 12.0
Total 50 100.0

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Retrieval Number: E6721018520 /2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E6721.018520 228 & Sciences Publication
Financial Problems Faced by Handloom Weavers in Chendamangalam Cooperative Society

Wage satisfaction
A. Testing of Hypothesis
Frequency Percent
Valid no 50 100.0 Chi-Square Test
Value Df Asymp. Sig.
All of the respondents responded that they are not
satisfied with the wage they are getting.
Pearson Chi-Square 3.745a 4 .442
Likelihood Ratio 4.155 4 .385
Government schemes Linear-by-Linear .607 1 .436
Frequency Percent Association
Valid no 50 100.0

All the respondents are of the opinion that they are not
satisfied with the available government schemes. Calculated value = 3.745 for 4 degree of freedom at .442
level of significance. The level of significance of tabled
Welfare schemes value is 0.05. From this it is clear that calculated value is
Frequency Percent less than the tabled value, so we reject the null hypothesis
and accept the alternate hypothesis. This shows that the
Valid yes 50 100.0
income earned by employees is not sufficient to meet their
All the respondents responded that they all get the benefit
of welfare schemes.
Old age pensions  From the study we found that majority of the weavers
Frequency Percent who involve in the weaving were women between the
Valid yes 50 100.0 age group of 40-50 years and having experience of
more than 4 years.
All the respondents responded that they all get the benefit  Weavers are getting their income weekly and majority
of old age pension after attaining the age of 60. of them are earning an income less than 5000
 From the study it is clear that the income earned by the
Family pension weavers is not sufficient to maintain their family and to
Frequency Percent meet their requirements.
Valid no 50 100.0
 From the study we found out that the mode of payment
of wage to the weavers is by cash.
 Majority of the weavers have a monthly expenditure
All the respondents responded that they do not get any
between RS. 3000-Rs. 4000
benefit from family pension schemes
 Majority of the weavers are currently paying loan which
Health insurance are taken for their family requirements
Frequency Percent  From the study we found that majority of the
respondent approach bank for raising fund.
Valid yes 50 100.0
 All the weavers work for more than 21 days in a month.
 Majority of the weavers are financially dissatisfied
All the respondents are of the opinion that they all get the
towards their job.
benefit of health insurance schemes.
 Weavers are of the opinion that they do not face delay
in receiving income from their society but they face
Source for raising funds
delay in receiving income from the government.
Frequency Percent
 There is no society or association available for
money lenders 20 40.0
providing help and support to weavers; hence they don’t
Valid Bank 30 60.0
get any benefit from them.
Total 50 100.0
 Weavers do not have any problem with training as they
all have years of experience.
Majority of the respondents told that they depend on bank
 Since all the weavers use traditional method for
for raising fund, that is 60 percent and 40 percent of them
weaving they do not face any problem relating to
depend on money lenders for the same purpose.
modernized technology
 The weavers are not satisfied with the available
government schemes.
 The weavers do not face any problem with the existing
working time.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: E6721018520 /2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E6721.018520 229 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-5, January 2020

 Weavers do not have any problem with their insufficient to meet their day to day activities. The study
employees. also finds that the financial support from the side of
 Weavers are of the opinion that they all get the benefit Government is very limited. The study recommends that
from welfare schemes provided by the government wage hike is the need of the hour and the wages should be
 Weavers get the benefit of old age pension after provided to them without any delay. The immediate
intervention of the Government is inevitable for the survival
attaining the age of 60 only if they work 4 year prior to
of these handloom weavers.
the age of 60.
 Weavers do not get any benefit from the family pension
1. ParalaVenkatasreeVyshnavi and Suja S Nair (2017), “ Handloom
 Weavers have taken their health insurance. Sector In India: A Literature Review of Government Reports”,
International Research Journal of Management and Commerce,
IX. SUGGESTION Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2017
2. Dr. Dharam Chand Jain and Miss Ritu Gera (2017), “ An Analytical
 In the current situation, expenses of a family are Study of Handloom Industry in India”, International Conference on
Innovative Research in Science, Technology and management, Modi
increasing day by day. But with the present wage they Institute of Management and Technology, Dadabari, Kota, Rajasthan,
are receiving cannot meet all their expenses. So the 22nd -23rd January 2017
wage of the weavers should be increased. 3. Dr. Selvaraj A and Tamilrasi N (2016), “ Factors influencing the
handloom weavers to enter into the field”, International Journal of
 As they need to meet their expenses and pay off their Commerce and Management Research, Volume 2, Issue 5 (2016)
loans, they need to get their wages without any delay 4. Dr. A Kumudha and Mrs. Rizwana (2012), “ Promotion of Handloom
from government. Products with Special Reference To Handloom Weavers Co-operative
Societies In Erode District – An Empirical Study”, Namex
 Government should properly implement existing International Journal of Management Research, Volume 2, Issue 1,
schemes and should ensure that the weavers get all the January – June 2012
benefits. 5. Anu Varghese and Dr. M H Salim (2015), “ Handloom Industry in
Kerala : A Study of the Problems and Challenges”, International
 Government should introduce more schemes favoring Journal of Management and Social Science research Review, Volume
weavers financially. 1, Issue 14, August 2015
 Government should provide scholarships to the children 6. Anu Varghese and Dr. M H Salim (2015),” Handloom Industries in
Kerala: A Study of the Marketing Issues”, International Journal of
of weavers for imparting them good education. Management and Social Science research Review, Volume 1, Issue
 Since most of the weavers depend on banks for raising 11, July – September 2015
funds, bank should provide subsidies for the loan taken 7.
by weavers. livelihood-chendamangalam-s-female-handloom-weavers-87949
 As the credit requirement of the weavers are high,
handloom cooperative society should enhance the credit AUTHORS PROFILE
 (Currently, if any weaves need to be included in the Divya C V, Mcom Finance And System
pension scheme, they should be in the work till four Amrita School Of Arts And Scienes, Kochi
year before their retirement age of 60) In current
situation the weavers get pension only if they continue
in work 4 years prior to pension age of 60 years. This
scenario should be removed and the pension to the
Gopika C V, Mcom Finance And System
weavers should be allowed according to their year of Amrita School Of Arts And Sciences, Kochi
 Pension amount the weavers receive is low, so the
pension amount should be increased.
 Since most of the weavers depend loan from bank for Krishna M B, Assistant Professor
raising funds, the interest rate for the weavers should be Amrita School Of Arts And Sciences,
reduced as part of enhancing their credit facility.
 There are no associations for supporting, helping and to
bring out the problems they face to public. So an
association is required for providing support and
helping them in all situations.

This study was conducted in Chendamangalam
handloom cooperative society, Paravoor in Ernakulam
district of Kerala. The study was conducted to find about the
various problems faced by the traditional handloom
weavers, including financial problems. And also the study
concentrates on the availability of various Government
schemes available to support the handloom weavers. The
study finds that the present survey was very meager which is

Published By:
Retrieval Number: E6721018520 /2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E6721.018520 230 & Sciences Publication

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