AZ 104 Ultimate Prep Guide
AZ 104 Ultimate Prep Guide
AZ 104 Ultimate Prep Guide
Version: 1.0
Date: January 7, 2021
Author: Pete Zerger, CISSP, MVP
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................3
FREEE AZ-104 Exam Training Resources ..............................................................................................3
Quick Exam Strategy Guidance ...........................................................................................................3
Lab setup ...........................................................................................................................................3
What to expect on the exam ..............................................................................................................3
Should I just use a practice exam? ......................................................................................................3
Domain 1: Manage Azure identities and governance (15-20%) ............................................................5
1. Manage Azure AD objects ................................................................................................................. 5
2. Manage role-based access control (RBAC) ....................................................................................... 6
3. Manage subscriptions and governance ............................................................................................ 6
Domain 2: Implement and manage storage (10-15%) ..........................................................................8
1. Manage storage accounts ................................................................................................................. 8
2. Manage data in Azure Storage .......................................................................................................... 9
3. Configure Azure files and Azure blob storage................................................................................... 9
Domain 3: Deploy and manage Azure compute resources (25-30%) ................................................... 11
1. Configure VMs for high availability and scalability ............................................................................. 11
2. Automate deployment and configuration of VMs .......................................................................... 11
3. Create and configure VMs .............................................................................................................. 12
4. Create and configure containers..................................................................................................... 12
5. Create and configure Web Apps ..................................................................................................... 13
Domain 4: Configure and manage virtual networking (30-35%) ......................................................... 14
1. Implement and manage virtual networking ................................................................................... 14
2. Configure name resolution ............................................................................................................. 14
3. Secure access to virtual networks................................................................................................... 15
4. Configure load balancing ................................................................................................................ 15
5. Monitor and troubleshoot virtual networking................................................................................ 16
6. Integrate an on-premises network with an Azure virtual network ................................................ 17
Domain 5: Monitor and back up Azure resources (10-15%) ................................................................ 18
1. Monitor resources by using Azure Monitor .................................................................................... 18
2. Implement backup and recovery .................................................................................................... 18
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 19
This guide includes Microsoft documentation and study resources for skills tested in all four domains of
the AZ-104 exam, including exam updates effective January 27, 2021, which are highlighted in red. If
you follow the recommendations in this guide, including reading, video, and some hands-on practice, I
am confident you will be ready to crush it on exam day! While I can share with you the material that will
enable you to ensure you are well-prepared, I am forbidden from sharing details of the exam itself.
Therefore, my focus is to help you prepare quickly and effectively for anything you might encounter.
Lab setup
To get the most from this guide you need the following trial subscriptions or equivalent access:
• An Azure subscription
• Azure AD Premium
If you are missing any of the above, do not worry. There is ample reading and learning material, as well
as several free video links throughout this guide.
I hate to state the obvious, but it bears repeating. Remember to get plenty of rest the night before the
exam. For a potentially long exam experience, you want to have a clear head.
This domain is all about managing identity and access in Azure. You will want EMS E5, which includes
Azure AD Plan 2 and all the advanced features covered in this domain. Links to relevant reading,
tutorials, and training for each skill tested are listed below.
• Create a basic group and add members using Azure Active Directory
• Manage Microsoft Azure AD users
• LAB EXERCISE - Add and delete users in Azure Active Directory
• LAB EXERCISE - Assign users to Azure Active Directory groups
• Tutorial: Enable users to unlock their account or reset passwords using Azure Active
Directory self-service password reset
• How does self-service password reset writeback work in Azure Active Directory?
• VIDEO: How to configure self-service password reset for users in Windows Azure AD
• LAB EXERCISE - Set up self-service password reset
3. Apply tags
• Use tags to organize your Azure resources and management hierarchy
• Tutorial: Manage tag governance with Azure Policy
5. Manage subscriptions
• Use multiple Azure subscriptions
• Organize and manage multiple Azure subscriptions
This domain is focuses on configuration and management of Azure storage. To get the hands-on
experience you need for the exam will require an Azure subscription.
This domain focuses on Azure VM, container, and web (App Service) workloads.
• Azure Disk Encryption for virtual machines and virtual machine scale sets
• Azure Disk Encryption for Windows VMs
• LAB EXERCISE - Encrypt existing VM disks
• LAB EXERCISE - Use a Resource Manager template to decrypt the VM
3. Manage VM sizes
5. Configure networking
6. Redeploy VMs
This domain is focuses on Azure virtual network configuration and troubleshooting, including Azure DNS
for name resolution.
2. Configure private and public IP addresses, network routes, network interface, subnets,
and virtual network
• Quickstart: Create an Azure DNS zone and record using the Azure portal
• Quickstart: Create an Azure DNS zone and record using Azure PowerShell
• Quickstart: Create an Azure DNS zone and record using Azure CLI
• Quickstart: Create an Azure DNS zone and record using an ARM template
• LAB EXERCISE - Create a DNS zone and an A record by using Azure DNS
• Use Azure DNS to provide custom domain settings for an Azure service
• Tutorial: Deploy and configure Azure Firewall using the Azure portal
• Deploy and configure Azure Firewall using Azure PowerShell
• Deploy and configure Azure Firewall using Azure CLI
• Quickstart: Create a public load balancer to load balance VMs using the Azure portal
3. Configure ExpressRoute
This domain is focuses on Azure virtual network configuration and troubleshooting, including Azure DNS
for name resolution.
I hope you have found this guide valuable. Have an exam tip you’d like to see included in this
document? Provide feedback on LinkedIn or connect with me on Twitter at @pzerger.