Agb 211
Agb 211
Agb 211
History of Animal Breeding; Classification of breeds; Economic characters of livestock
and poultry and their importance; Breeding/Selection techniques for optimal
production. Selection: Response to selection and factors affecting it; Bases of selection
individual, pedigree, family, sib, progeny and combined; Indirect selection; Multitrait
selection. Classification of mating systems; Inbreeding and outbreeding-genetic and
phenotypic consequences viz., inbreeding depression and heterosis: Systems of
utilization of heterosis; Selection for combining ability; Breeding methods for the
improvement of dairy cattle and buffaloes (crossbreeding, sire evaluation, field progeny
testing, open nucleus breeding system (ONBS), sheep, goat, swine and poultry; Breed
development; Conservation of germplasm, Current livestock and poultry breeding
programmes in the sate and country.
Description and measurement of economic traits of Livestock & poultry.
Standardization of performance records, Computation of selection differential,
generation interval and expected genetic gain; Construction of selection index; Sire
indices, Measurement of inbreeding and relationship coefficients; Estimation of
Other animals
Dog was the first animal tamed by man for the sake of companionship and
followed by cattle, sheep and goats. Horse was probably the last to be
1 Chicken and Elephants First domesticated in India
2 Swine China
3 Horses Eastern Europe and West Asia
4 Guinea pigs and Turkey America
o They are represented in Egyptian monuments as early as 3400 B.C.
o Domesticated as early as early as 2100 B.C. Evidences from tombs and
caves of Egypt also confirmed that cattle were slaughtered for meat. The
Mohenjo-Daro seal with a bull known around 2500 B.C makes it almost
certain that Indian Cattle (Zebu) originated in India.
o Cow was a very important animal in Greek mythology and was a sacred
animal in many older civilisations. They were mainly used for food,
draft and tillage. All the present day breeds of cattle derived from Bos
taurus (European Cattle), Bos indicus (Indian Cattle) and Bos
longifrons (African Cattle).
Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
o Buffalo was originally confined to India and Sri Lanka; reared for food
and skin.
Sheep (Ovis aries)
o Domestic sheep was originated in Europe and cooler regions of Asia.
Sheep was originally a hairy animal with an under fur of wool.
o People living in cooler places made selection on them which resulted in
the development of the present day woolly breeds.
Goat (Capra hircus and Capra ibex)
o Goat was the earliest animal domesticated and the origin of
domestication is doubtful because goat and sheep are similar in bone
structure. From the available paintings and sculptures of that area, it is
confirmed that goats were reared around 7000 – 6000 B.C in Jordan
and between 4000 – 3000 B.C in West Asia.
Swine (Sus domesticus)
o Sus scrofa (European), Sus vittatus (wild boar) and Malayan pig were
domesticated around 2500 – 2400 B.C. They were domesticated latter
than cattle and sheep but earlier than horse.
Horses The present day horses are all traced to one of the three types of horses
o Przhevalski’s Horse (Steppe Horse) (Central Asia)
o Desert Horse (Mangolian Horse)
o Forest Horse
o According to Ridgeway (1905), the origin of horses were from
Przhevalski’s Horse (Steppe Horse) (Central Asia), Celtic Pony
(Northern Europe) and Libyan Horse (North Africa). Gay (1913) and
Matthew (1926) also endorsed Ridgeway’s statement.
o Red Jungle fowl (Gallus gallus) was the chief ancestor of the domestic
fowl. Evidences from Mohenjo-Daro seals and Egyptian era from 1500 –
1400 B.C confirmed the domestication of poultry.
Learning objectives
This module deals with,
history of animal breeding,
landmark of animal breeding.
Phylum Cordata
Sub- Craniata (Vertebrata)
Class Mammalia
Sub-class Theria (Viviparous)
Infra-class Eutheria (Placenta)
Order Ungulata (hoofed mammals)
Sub-order Artiodactyles (even-toed)
Sub- Pecora (true ruminants)
Family Bovidae (hollow -horned)
Genus Bos
Species taurine group
taurus (European cattle – without hump)
indicus (Indian cattle- humped)
bibovine group
gaurns (gaur), frontalis (gayal), sondaians (banteng)
bisotine group
grunniens (yak), bonasians (European bison),
bison (American bison)
bubaline group
caffer (African buffalo), bubalis (Indian reverine buffalo), mindorensis
(Mindora buffalo),
depressicornis (Celebes buffalo)
The Bos taurus is again divided into three subgroups:
Bos primigenins – Strong horns, narrow fore head. Example-Angus, Ayrshire,
Short-horn, Holstein Friesian, Red Poll.
Bos longifrons – Broad and dished fore head. Example - Jersey, Guernsey,
Brown Swiss.
Bos brachycephalus – Short and broad head. Example - Canadian, Hereford,
The genus Bos, is classified into Bos indicus (Tropical, humped cattle) and Bos
taurus (temperate, hump-less cattle)
Exotic cattle breeds
Milch breeds Beef breeds Dual purpose breeds
Ayrshire Hereford Red Polled
Holstein Short horn Devon
Friesian Polled Milking short horn
Jersey short horn
Guernsey Galloway
Red Dane Aberdeen Angus
Brown Swiss Brahman
Dexter Beef master
Dutch Belted
Indian cattle breeds
Milch breeds Dual purpose (or) General utility breeds
Red Nimari
Sindhi Tharparkar Kankrej Nellore
Sahiwal Dangi
Gir Rath
Draught Breeds – Four Types
Short horned : White (or) Grey with long coffin shaped skull - Nagori, Bachur
Lyre horned : Grey with wide fore Head - Malvi, Kherigarh
Small black, red or dum cattle with large patches of white marking found in
Himalayan Region - Ponwar, Siri
Mysore type : Prominent fore head with long and pointed horns which rise
close together - Hallikar, Umbalachery, Alambadi, Pulikulam, Amritmahal,
Burgur, Khillari, Kangayam
Buffalo breeds are classified as Riverine type (or) Water buffaloes and Swamp type
Murrah Group - Murrah, Nili-Ravi and Kundi
Gujarat Breeds - Surti, Mehsana and Jafarabadi
U.P. breeds - Bhadawari and Tarai
Central Indian varieties - Nagpuri, Pandharpuri, Manda, Jerangi, Kalahandi
and Sambalpur
South Indian breeds - Toda and South Kanara
The swamp buffaloes are also found in India, mostly in the Brahmaputra area
that is Assam and West Bengal with average mature live weight of 340 kg.
There are 18 known Swamp buffaloe breeds/strains in China (Yang & Zhang,
2006) while Indonesia has identified seven breeds/strains (Triwulanninghsi el
al., 2006). Among the breeds of Indonesia, the spotted swamp buffalo is more
unique and is largely raised for socio-religious purposes. Animals used for
special rites command very high prices. The swamp buffalo found in the
Philippines are believed to have originated from China, although some
deliberate efforts were made to import Chinese Shanghai buffaloes in the early
part of the century (del Barrio, 2009). Thai swamp buffalo are found mostly in
the Northeast of Thailand and have received special program of selection and
improvement for growth and size. Selected breeders have 900 to 1000 kg live
weight (Pak- Uthai, 2009).
The genetic improvement of dairy animals depends on animal breeding
technologies. In most of the developing countries including India the animal
breeding technologies are neither advanced nor widely adopted because of
considerable geographical variation in environment, fragmented farming
mostly at a subsistence level, poor maintenance of records, substantial
livestock genetic diversity, lack of awareness of rural households and many
other problems directly and indirectly associated with the genetic
improvement of animals. As a result, in spite of some important genetic
resources available in the country, the productivity of dairy animal in general is
very low in India in comparison to the dairy animals of developed countries.
Thus, the reasoning for genetic improvement of dairy cattle and buffaloes
would be critically differentiated in institutional / organised herds and field
condition in our situation.
Growth rate
The delayed maturity affects the age at first calving and ultimately the total
productive life of the animal. The growth rate of the domestic water buffalo is
lower than that of cattle. It is a slow maturing animal and its growth continues
till 10th year, although rate of growth is slower after the fifth year.
Age at first calving
The economics of a dairy animal is directly depend on age at first calving. A reduction in
the age at first calving has following advantages.
productive period during the life time of an animal is increased.
act as guideline for easier culling.
Specie Age at first calving (Days)
Peak yield
Peak yield in lactating animal is the initial maximum production of milk in a
day. Peak yield generally taken to be criterion for evaluating dairy animals
because of absence of pedigree and performance records and market prices are
fixed on the quantity milk given by buffalo as peak yield.
Specie Average Peak yield (kg)
Lactation yield
It is the total milk production in complete lactation. For any breeding or
genetic improvement program whether it is through selective breeding or
through cross breeding the performance of dairy buffalo in terms of production
of milk has to be of top consideration.
Specie Lactaion yield (kg)
Life time milk yield
The importance of life time milk production has got economic bearing on the
up keeping of dairy animals. An animal which produce more milk during its
productive life is bound to be the most profitable unit in a dairy enterprises.
Specie Lactaion yield (kg)
Lactation length
It is the no. of days animal gives milk. The amount of milk produce by an
animal in a lactation depends on the initial maximum milk secretion,
persistency of production and lactation period.
Specie Lactaion length (Days)
Dry period
It is the period during which an animal remain out of production. An optimum
dry period or the period of rest is essential to recoup its depleting potentialities
owing to production of milk for prolong period.
Specie Dry period (Days)
Service period
The period between date of calving and date of conception. There is positive
phenotypic correlation between service and lactation period.
Specie Service period (Days)
Breeding efficiency
Frequency of reproduction or birth of many offspring at one time and / or
during the life time reveal the genetic variability in an individual and thus
allows more efficient chance for selection.
Specie Breeding efficiency
Average calving interval
It is the average period in days or months between two successive calvings.
Specie Calving Inteval
Various aids available for selection are: (a) Individual selection or mass
selection, (b) Pedigree selection, (c) Progeny testing and (d) Family selection
and sib selection.
Breeders always tend to go for selection of several traits at a particular time.
Because, the net value of an animal would depends on several traits that may
not be equally economically important. The desirable trait will depend on the
economic value but only of real importance may be considered. If too many
traits selected for one time there will be less progress in improvement of any
particular trait. There are three methods of selection viz., tandem method,
simultaneous but independent culling level method and selection index
Selection does not create new genes. It is practiced to increase the frequency of
desirable genes in a population and decrease the frequency of undesirable
genes. Since the selected individuals can transmit only sample halves of genes
they have to their offspring, so if animals with better quality genes possessed
are selected then the offspring will also posses the same. If the frequency of
desirable gene is increased, the proportion of individuals homozygous for that
desirable gene is also increased. The changes thus obtained in gene frequency
due to selection are permanent even if selection ceases thereafter. The higher
frequency obtained by initial selection can be maintained by random mating.
Hence, selection has been aptly called the keystone of the arch in animal
improvement. Man’s selection even in the absence of genetic knowledge has
been highly effective.
Selection is carried out for a variety of traits in different species. For e.g., speed
in racehorses, milk yield in dairy cattle, litter size in swine, wool yield in sheep,
market weight in goats and egg production in poultry. In farm animals, selection
should always be directed to greater utility. However, selection is not so simple a
task to produce immediate results. Selection is also not always successful. If
selection were always being effective, the animal breeders’ problems would be
largely resolved. But the failures of selection dampen the enthusiasm of many
people engaged in animal breeding. The complications can be classified genetic
and operational complications. The genetic complications are: heredity and
environment, genotype and phenotype, heritability, regression to the mean, types
of gene action, correlation of traits and effects of inbreeding. The operational
complications are: objectives in selection, number of traits, foundation stock,
level of performance, systems of selection, length of time and number of animals.
Heredity and environment
Most traits of economic importance are controlled by many genes and are
greatly influenced by environment also. The environment may alter the traits
and mask the real genetic worth of the individuals. For example, an animal
with a faster growth rate rose in a faulty environment (deficient diet) and an
animal with poor genetic constitution for growth rate but raised in a good
environment can be responsible for mistakes in selection. This effect of
environment can be responsible for mistakes in selection. However, this effect
could be overcome by keeping the stock under selection in a standard and
suitable environment wherein the better genotype will be able to express itself
fully. Under such conditions, the breeder will have a chance to recognise the
differences that are hereditary and thus increase the accuracy of selection.
Genotype and phenotype
Genotype is animal’s genetic constitution. The genotype remains constant for
an animal throughout its life. But phenotype is the result of interaction
between the genotype and environment in which the animal is developing. The
phenotype, unlike the genotype, changes with time. Hence it affects selection.
Selection is done for the genotype, but seldom, it could be assessed correctly.
So the genotype is assessed based on phenotype of the individual though it is
not accurate. So, for selection to be effective, phenotypic selection should be
done at the age when the economic traits are expressed, for e.g., meat animals
like sheep, swine and poultry, phenotypic selection should be done at market
age. Cows should be selected at the end of first lactation.
Most selection processes are based on phenotypic differences. Though we are
selecting on phenotypic basis, our aim is to effect selection on genotypic basis.
If the phenotype accurately reflects the genotype, the selection will be quite
accurate. But phenotype is not a true indicator of genotype. Heritability of a
trait may be defined as that portion of the phenotypic variation that is due to
additive gene action. If most of the phenotypic variation is due to environment,
progress from selection will be slow. On the other hand, if the additive genetic
variation is larger, then the heritability estimate will more accurately predict
the genotype. The heritability values are not constant and vary from herd to
herd and in the same herd from time to time. Inbreeding for instance increases
homozygosity of genes and reduces the hereditary variation. Therefore,
heritability will decrease with inbreeding and increase without crossing. In
other words, phenotype or individual selection will be more effective in herds
and for traits where the heritability is high. Hence, knowledge of heritability of
economic traits in livestock is therefore essential for a breeder.
Regression to mean
The offspring of outstanding parents often have a tendency to regress towards
the average of the breed from which they were selected. This is referred to as
Galton’s law of filial regression. This is because (i) due to combination of
genes; when they reproduce due to segregation and independent assortment of
genes, the suitable combination is broken up and the average results and (ii)
due to environment; the offspring are brought up in an environment which is
much different from that of the parent. If the superiority of the parents is due
to lucky combination of genes, little could be done to interfere with the laws of
segregation and independent assortment. If the superiority of the parents is
due to high percentage of homozygosity of favourable genes, by adopting
inbreeding the gene pool could be maintained in the offspring. If the
superiority of the parents is due to heterosis i.e., Aa (heterozygous) better than
AA or aa (homozygous), it is not possible to control the segregation of genes.
So, heterozygous individuals that are superior could be used for market but not
for breeding. The environmental part of regression can be levelled out a great
deal by keeping the same environment as far as possible from year to year. This
is another reason why animals should be tested and selection should be made
under conditions similar to one in which their offspring are to perform.
Type of gene action
Genes act differently in different combinations. This makes accurate selection
more difficult. For instance, when “A” is dominant to “a”, AA and Aa
individuals who have the same phenotype will be selected with equal
preference. But AA will breed true whereas Aa will segregate. But in case of
over dominance, Aa will produce larger effect than AA / aa. So in heterozygous
condition, selection will not produce desired results. Only crossing of
appropriate inbred lines will produce the desired effect. Hence the job of the
breeder is to increase the frequency of favourable alleles and to discard the less
favourable ones.
Correlation of traits
Some characteristics are positively correlated, for example, rate of gain in
weight and efficiency of gain in swine. Whereas some others are negatively
correlated, for example, milk yield and butter fat percentage in dairy cattle. If
the desirable traits are positively correlated selection becomes somewhat
easier. If you select for one trait it automatically improves the other trait also.
When the traits are negatively correlated, selection for one trait will affect the
other trait. Hence, knowledge of correlation of different traits will be of great
help in avoiding mistakes in selection.
Effect of inbreeding
It is generally known that a decline in all attributes of vigour usually
accompanies inbreeding. Breeders therefore hesitate to practice inbreeding.
However, it is necessary to practice inbreeding in order to induce gene
segregation and to fix desirable gene combinations. Inbreeding increases
prepotency. Regularity of transmission is increased with increased
homozygosity, which is obtained only through inbreeding and selection. To
avoid depressing effects of inbreeding: choose foundation stock that is superior
in production, rigid selection from beginning to offset the possible bad effects
of inbreeding on performance and flexible system of mating that permits
besides close breeding, mating of best individuals that is controlled breeding.
Objectives in selection
Many failures in selection of livestock may be attributed to lack of definite
objectives as a result of which selection has changed its direction frequently.
Selection will be more effective when the breeder has definite objectives for
which to strive. The objectives should be defined by measurements. Judgement
should be used along with measurements, but should never replace
Number of traits
When a single trait is subjected to selection, it is very simple to rank the
individuals in order of their merit for the trait. This becomes increasingly
difficult as the number of traits is increased. An animal may be good in one
trait and deficient in another. Only a few individuals will be good in all the
characters that are under selection. To simplify this problem, the number of
traits must be kept as small as possible and must be those with greatest value
from the stand point of utility.
Foundation stock
Selection will be ineffective if the foundation animals are genetically poor and
also where there is no genetic variability. Selection merely sorts genes and
permits the better ones to be saved and poorer ones to be discarded. Therefore,
it is important to start with good foundation stock.
Level of performance
In available stock, selection will be effective for the first few generations and
then it becomes ineffective for further progress. When the level of performance
rises after a few years, due to increased homozygosity and frequency of
desirable genes, further progress is slow, unless it is accompanied by a system
of mating that will bring about new gene combinations. For example, by
artificial insemination is used as a tool, for increase in milk production. The
improvement will be achieved in few generations and afterwards the progress
is slow. Then it does not mean that the sire used is inferior, but the level of
performance of the herd has become higher.
System of selection
Too much rigidity in the systems of selection may be a handicap to progress in
animal breeding programme. For example, a breeder may specify that no cows
should be selected with the lactation yield less than 2000 kg. But only few cows
will be available and after few years very few animals will reach the standard. A
selection index giving relative importance to each trait is good. But the
importance of the trait at that particular time should be taken into
consideration for selecting the trait.
Number of animals
Where there are few animals in the herd, selection is very much restricted.
Selection pressure will be applied effectively since it will cull most of the
animals leaving few that will not be able to replace the stock. Also there will be
little opportunity for genetic segregation.
Length of time
The turnover in livestock is slow in number of animals and in number of
generations because small herds or flocks offer so little opportunity for genetic
segregation. So the breeder must be prepared to continue his project for a
relatively longer period of time. Progress in a single generation is apt to be
masked by environmental effect and it takes many years to turn over several
generations in large animals. Although progress per year is small, real
improvement can be effected over a long period of time.
Learning objectives
This module deals with,
selection and
its classification.
Selection is of two kinds namely, natural and artificial selection. Again the
artificial selection is divided into different methods, they are Tandem method,
independent culling level and selection index or index selections.
The main force of natural selection is the survival of fittest in a particular
environment. The survival is for the particular environment in which the
population lives e.g., wild animals. In nature, the animals best adapted to their
environment survived and produced the largest number of offspring. This
natural selection acts through the variations produced by mutations and
recombination of genetic factors and eliminates unsuccessful genetic
combination and allows nature’s successful experiments to multiply.
Natural selection is a very complicated process and many factors determine the
proportion of individuals that will reproduce. Those factors are:
o differences in mortality in the population especially early in life,
o differences in the duration of sexual activity,
o degree of sexual activity and
o differences in the degree of fertility of individuals in that population.
Natural selection operates through differences of fertility among the
parents or of viability among the progeny. Therefore, in natural
selection by means of survival of the fittest, there is a tendency towards
elimination of the defective or detrimental genes that have arisen
through mutation.
It is the selection practised by man. This can also be defined as the efforts of man to
increase the frequency of desirable genes or combination of genes in his herd or flock by
locating or saving those individuals with superior performance or that have the ability to
produce superior performing offspring when mated with individuals from other lines or
breeds. This can be classified as:
automatic selection,
deliberate selection and
replacement selection and culling. Replacement selection decides which
animals will become parents for the first time i.e., new animals to replace
parents that have been culled. These new animals are called replacements.
Culling decides which parents will no longer remain parents. It is the removal
of inferior animals rather than the more positive selection of good ones. While
doing culling, decision should be firm that culling has been made for genetic or
environmental reasons. It is easy to cull poor looking stock but genetically this
achieves little if they are poor because of environmental reasons. Thus,
selection and culling go together. The risks of this type of error are higher
when animals examined after a period of high production such as lactation.
E.g. In ewes, twin born will be thin and poor looking and barren ewes will be
fatty. Similar observations can be seen in sows. Therefore, replacement
selection and culling are really just different sides of the same coin. They
involve different sets of animals, but their purposes are the same i.e., to
determine which animals reproduce. Hence, both are integral parts of selection
as a whole.
Learning objectives
This module deals with,
individual selection and
probable breeding value.
An animal may be selected for breeding based on the basis of its own
performance one or more traits. This selection based on its own performance is
called mass selection or individual selection. Here the selection is based on
type (appearance) of the animal and its performance (production). This
comparison of performance based on its own individual performance is called
performance test. Selection based on individuality is strictly phenotypic and
phenotype is taken as the sole estimate of the genotype.
It is the outward confirmation of individuals i.e. the relative proportion, length, breadth
and size of different parts of the body that include colour, size and shape of horns, ears
Selection depend on type is inevitable when
Reliable records of production are not available.
Selection is to be made early in life before the availability of production records
in order to reduce the cost of culling.
When records are available in only one sex as milk yield, males have to be
selected only as type.
When production records come after the death of the individual e.g. Meat
Where productivity is not easily and completely measured as in works and
When market demands a particular type that is more profitable.
Where beauty is the main consideration as in pet and fancy stock.
This needs accurate production records for all animals under selection. But the
actual records available are varying when comparable with one another. E.g. In
dairy cattle milk production in lactation is significantly correlated with
lactation period and age of the cow. Dairy cows gradually increase their yield
till 6th or 7th lactation and then decline.
Similarly in sows, they produce more piglets than gilts, do owing to an age
effect on fertility. Hence, it is necessary to standardize all the records to a
uniform comparable basis. E.g. In cows – milk production should be adjusted
to 305 days, 6 years and 4% fat.
Similarly in sows all furrowing records should be adjusted to an equal gilt basis
by correction factors. Then only the figures will be comparable. Average of
many records will reduce the environmental variations in production. While
using record all the available record should be used and not the selected ones.
No records should be omitted except when circumstances are so definite that
no doubt exists e.g. Foot and mouth disease, abortion etc. A poor setback in
health should not be omitted as in itself is an indicator of poor genetic
constitution and conducive for high production. Incomplete record should not
be considered. Constitution, longevity, disease resistance, adaptation to
climate is the other factors that should be considered in production and
Selection for qualitative traits
Here the animals are kept or rejected for breeding purpose on the basis of its
own phenotyp0e for that particular trait. The progress made in selection
depends on how closely genotype is correlated with phenotype. Phenotype of
the individuals is often used to estimate the breeding value for qualitative traits
such as colour and horned or polled conditions. Selection for such traits based
on mass or phenotype is more effective than others.
For e.g. In Angus cattle the coat colour Red (rr) is recessive to dominant black
(BB) colour. But it is practically difficult to distinguish and differentiate the
genotype BB and Bb phenotypically. Thus selection on the basis of
individuality will be useful but not always completely accurate.
Selection for quantitative traits
Quantitative traits are controlled by many genes and various environmental
factors. There is no sharp distinction among the phenotypes and affected by
both additive and non-additive gene action. No trait is 100% heritable, because
the environment always affects the phenotype to a certain extent. Therefore
phenotype of an individual for quantitative traits is not the true indicator of
genotype. The phenotypic merit of the individuals for quantitative traits is
determined by comparing the individual’s own phenotype with that of the
average of all the individuals within a group from which it is selected and is
called trait ratio.
Trait ratio = Individual’s record for a trait / group average for the same trait
x 100
Accurate records are also required. The individual’s record is of little value
unless it shows where the individual ranked relative to others under similar
conditions. The environmental part of phenotypic superiority or inferiority will
not be transmitted to the offspring. Therefore in general there is tendency for
the average phenotype of the offspring of a phenotypically superior individual
will tend to regress toward the average of the population, whereas the average
phenotype of the offspring of a phenotypically inferior individuals will tend to
rise toward the average of the population.
PBV of an individual for a particular trait may be determined by
PBV = P1 + b (Pi – P1)
P1 – phenotypic average of individual contemporaries
Pi - phenotypic value of individuals selected
B – regression coefficient
The PBV of an individual is the estimated genetic superiority of the individual over the
average of the group from which it is selected. PBV is always near the group average
than its phenotypic value because environmental effects which are not transmitted to
the individual’s offspring.
In individual selection, best animals are selected from within a group of animals of
similar age group that have been reared and treated similarly at the same time i.e.
contemporaries. In individual selection the breeder will be having a single record of each
animal’s performance (performance test) and hence an estimate of breeding value (BV)
for a given trait is calculated as:
BV = h2 x (Individual average – Average of contemporaries)
= h2 x Individual deviation
Hence selection based on individual selection is strictly phenotypic and the phenotype is
taken as the sole estimate of individual’s genotype and thus the PBV.
Used for traits of high heritability.
Traits such as body type, growth rate, fleece production, horn pattern, colour
and others of a similar nature can be evaluated if suitable records are available.
Useful for traits expressed in both sexes and performance of the individual is
above average for breeding, regardless of the merit of near relatives.
In the absence of pedigree and progeny records, this is the only available guide
for selecting the breeding stock.
Not useful for sex limited traits such as milk production, egg production,
maternal abilities, semen production and litter size etc.
If heritability is low, then individual selection is the poor indicator of breeding
value such as reproductive characters.
Not possible for traits expressed only after sexual maturity, because selection
has to be delayed till maturity resulting in waste of time and money.
The easy appraisal of appearance often tempts the breeder to overemphasis
this evaluation in selection.
It is concluded that the Individual selection on the basis of individual’s phenotype
(appearance) and performance. Individuals are selected solely in accordance with their
own phenotypic values. This is the simplest and yields more rapid response. It is the
most commonly used method for selective improvement of livestock. Undoubtedly, most
of the progress in livestock improvement can be credited to individual selection. Traits
such as body type, growth rate, fleece production and other of similar nature can be
evaluated directly from the performance of the individual animal, if suitable
performance records are being kept; such evaluations are usually available by the time
initial selection of breeding stock has to be made. In contrast, only a few can be progeny
Learning objectives
This module deals with,
family selection and
probable breeding value.
Family names are used in at least two senses in animal breeding. The family
name has been traced through the dam and sires. Family, in animal breeding,
includes full-sib and half-sib families. In a random mating population, half-
sibs have a relationship coefficient of 0.25 and full-sibs have a relationship
coefficient of 0.5. Such family members are collaterally related not directly
related. They are neither ancestors nor descendants. Because of their common
ancestry, they would have some genes in common and thereby some
performance in common.
If the records of the individual are included in the family average and used as a
criterion for selection, it is known as family selection. If the individuals’
records are not included in arriving at the average, then it is known as sib
selection. When selection is carried out for market weight in swine, the market
weights of all males and females in the family are considered in the calculation
of family average (family selection). But when selection is carried out for
fertility traits and milk yield, the performance of males cannot be included but
they are selected on the basis of sibs’ average (sib selection).
The family selection can be represented as a part of pedigree selection. The
families are ranked and based on this, the entire family is selected or rejected.
Family/sib selection is used more frequently in swine and poultry where the
number of progenies produced by females is high. The family selection does
not increase generation interval. The information from family/sib is combined
with individual information in the form of index and selection is based on the
Collateral relatives are those not directly related to an individual as ancestors
or progeny. The relatives are neither direct ancestors nor direct descendants of
an individual. They may individual’s brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts,
nieces, nephews, etc. The more closely they are related to the individual in
question, the more valuable information they can supply for selection
If information on collateral relatives is complete, then it will give an idea of the
kinds of genes and combination of genes the individual is likely to possess. It
will be of much useful in selecting traits that can be measured only after the
sacrifice of the individual e.g. carcass traits. Similarly it is also useful in
selecting dairy bulls, since milk production can be measured only in cows
though bull possesses and transmits genes for milk production to his progeny.
It is also used in selection of poultry for egg and meat production and also for
all or none traits such as mortality, disease resistance and fertility. Selection on
the basis of sib tests (Half sibs or Full sibs) means that an individual id kept for
breeding or is rejected on the basis of the phenotype of its brothers and sisters.
They may be maternal half sibs or paternal half sibs or full sibs.
The accuracy of selection on the basis of collateral relatives depends upon the
degree of heritability, closeness of the relationship ® of the sibs and individual
being selected, number of sibs used to determine the sib average, degree of
correlation (t) between the phenotypes of sibs.
Accuracy of selection = Rh Ö n / 1 + (n-1) t
If environmental correlation among the phenotypes of the sibs are zero, then t
= Rh2
The accuracy of selection increases as the records on a large number of half
sibs are considered and as the heritability increases. The accuracy of selection
never exceeds 0.5, regardless of the number of half-sibs tested and the degree
of heritability of that trait.
Nearly 30 half sibs are required to give the same accuracy as information on
the individual’s own record when heritability is as low as 0.10 and 100 or more
when heritability is higher than 0.10. The addition of the record of another half
sib is affected by the law of diminishing returns. However in instances where
information cannot be obtained from the individual, such as sex limited traits
can be used effectively in selection.
Full sibs may be used in selection, but they have a similar maternal
environment from conception to weaning lowers the accuracy of their use for
such a trait. The selection on the basis of individuality is relatively more
accurate than selection on the basis of full sib records when the trait is highly
heritable. However, when heritability is low, and records on six or more full
sibs are available then selection on the basis of full sibs is more accurate.
The combination of records on the individual and its sibs for selection is more
advantageous than records on the individual’s own performance when R and t
are greatly different. It is more useful when difference between families are
mainly due to environment possibly because different families have been
treated differently.
Families can be broadly classified into three types:
Sire families: These are progeny of one sire.
o Out of different dams – born in the same year (contemporaries)
o Out of different dams – born over a number of years
Dam families
o By different sire – born in the same year i.e. by super ovulation before
artificial insemination with mixed semen from number of sires and
identification of sires by blood typing
o By different sires – born over a number of years
Sire and dam families: These are progeny by one sire out of one dam.
o Family selection is more effective when the genetic relationship between
members of the same family is large, and the phenotypic relationship
between members is small. When heritability is low, the use of family
data is most valuable as it reduces the chances of making wring
For sex-limited traits,
For carcass traits and
For traits of low heritability.
If selection intensity is more, then there may be an increase in inbreeding and
Increase in cost and space in raising larger population.
Number of progeny in each family should be large and
There should not be common environment between sibs.
Learning objectives
This module deals with,
pedigree selection,
advantage and disadvantages of pedigree selection and
its limitations.
Pedigree is a record of an individual’s ancestors related to it through its
parents or selection based on the information of the ancestors of individuals
that are related to it. Performance records from ancestors can provide useful
information about the potential genetic worth or the breeding value of the
individuals in question. This will give useful information before the animal is
An estimate of calf’s potential milk yield could be assessed based on milk yield
of its mother until such time as the calf is grown up and can be milked. Much
attention is to be paid to pedigree when no adequate information on the merit
of the individual is available.
It is usual to expect offspring of outstanding parents to be of higher genetic
value than the average of the individuals of the herd. Each parent transmits
only sample halves of its genes to each offspring and only one quarter of genes
from each grand parent. So parents never provide as much information about
the breeding value of an individual than individual’s performance itself would
provide. Unless the performance of ancestor is known, selection based on
pedigree is meaningless. Even when the performance is known the relationship
between the individual and ancestor is very important. Distant ancestors of an
individual provide even less genetic information about the individual’s
breeding value especially for production traits. This pedigree can be classified
into two as direct and collateral. Collateral means those descended from same
Selecting a cow based on the performance of its great grand parent is as good
as random selection because the relationship is (1/2)3 = 1/8 i.e. only 1/8th of the
superiority can be expected in the progenies. It will not do much good to go
beyond three generations into pedigree due to halving process of the
chromosomes in each generation.
Pedigree selection can be made more useful by giving all information good and
bad about ancestors, including the collateral relatives. Pedigree selection is
particularly useful for initial selection for traits that are expressed in only one
sex. Such selections can be made early and inexpensively. However the
accuracy of ancestor’s performance may not be highly reliable because they
have been recorded under different environmental conditions. Rarely the
pedigree records possess the presence of recessive genes or defective animals.
So when the ancestors are relatives for traits that are linked with lethal genes
then chances of getting offspring with such lethal defects is more and use of
such animals should be avoided.
For traits of high heritability little is gained from considering ancestors and the
most progress could be made by evaluating the individual itself e.g. horned
condition. The main danger in pedigree selection is that the harm done by
lowering the intensity of individual selection is greater than the good made by
making the selection more accurate. Hence pedigree should be used only as a
minor ancestry to individual selection. It may be used to tip the balance
between two individuals who are very close on individual merits.
The selection based on pedigree is only useful than of individual selection only
when heritability is moderate or low. The average relationship between one
parent and offspring is 0.5. Therefore when pedigree information on both the
parents are available, that gives more reliable estimate of the genotype of the
offspring. When the pedigree data provides information on the phenotypic and
genotypic merit of the ancestors then it is called performance pedigrees. If
the selection differential for the ancestor could be presented in the pedigree or
if the performance record of ancestor could be expressed as a percentage of the
average contemporaries (Trait ratio), the ancestor’s records would be of greater
predictive value.
o Degree of relationship
If ancestors are more closely related to the individual (Parent –
0.5, grand parent – 0.25 and great grand parent – 0.125) should
receive most emphasis in pedigree appraisal.
o Degree of heritability
When heritability of the trait is low, the more remote ancestors
should receive relatively more emphasis, but when it is high they
provide almost no new information.
o Environment correlation
Pedigree selection is accurate when heritability is high. The
correlation between pedigree information and individual’s
breeding value approaches the theoretical 0.71 as heritability
approaches 1.0.
o How completely the merit of ancestors used in the prediction is known.
Dangers of pedigree selection
Undue emphasis on remote relatives.
Unwarranted favouritism toward the progeny of favoured individual.
Pedigrees do have the advantage that they are cheap to use.
Used to select traits not expressed early in life or still immature and have not
had their production records e.g. cancer, tumour, longevity etc.
Used to select traits expressed in only one sex (sex limited) such as milk
production, egg production, semen production, etc.,
Useful when selection based on individuality is not accurate i.e. to supplement
selection based on individuality.
When production performances of the individuals are not available,
For making preliminary selection of sires in progeny testing
When the characters are expressed late in life
For traits with low heritability pedigree information can be combined with
individual’s record.
A disadvantage of the use of the pedigree in selection against a recessive gene
is that there are often unintentional and unknown mistakes in pedigrees that
may result in condemnation of the entire family from breeding even when
actually it may be free of such a defect.
Since phenotype is not surely the true indicator of genotype due to
complications by dominance, epistasis and environment prediction of
genotype is difficult. When the phenotypic value of an individual is known not
much is gained by the use of pedigree,
The sampling nature of inheritance, the genetic makeup of the parents cannot
be known definitely of genes that are heterozygous makes it impossible what
the individual offspring has got from its parents (Better half or poor half).
Usually pedigree contains ancestors that are selected and hence contains only
selected information to show them in a favourable light and tells very little
about the collateral relatives.
The pedigree records are made in different environment and hence the
accuracy of the ancestry may not be reliable and
Unwanted favouritism towards the progeny of the favoured individual.
An unusually good animal in poor parentage always suggest that it is the result of lucky
combinations of genes each manifesting the desirable effects. Mostly the animals will be
heterozygous for many genes and its regularity of inheritance is questionable due to
sampling nature of inheritance. On the other hand a poor animal from good parentage
does not have the good stock of genes. The offspring may not able to express itself fully
probably due to lack of few genes necessary for a successful combination. Therefore, it
will be able to inherit the good genes and most probably its mate will supplement the
few genes it lacks. So it may be preferred to a good individual of poor parentage.
In nutshell, pedigree is a record of an individual’s ancestors related to it through its
parents. Knowledge of the productivity of the ancestors is necessary if pedigree is said to
be useful. Such pedigrees are known as performance pedigrees. Ancestors more
closely related to the individual should receive most emphasis in pedigree appraisal. The
basis of pedigree selection is the fact that an individual gets half of its inheritance from
each of the parents and it is usual to expect offspring of outstanding parents to be of
higher genetic value than the average of the individual in the herd. Pedigree should be
used only as additional information to individual selection.
Learning objectives
This module deals with,
progeny selection,
use of progeny selection
precautions of progeny selection and
advantage and limitations of progeny selection.
Here, the trait A was improved quickly in one generation, whereas B took more
time (two generations) and C took very much longer (few generations). A
remains stable when worked on B, and both A and B remained stable when
worked on C. Therefore the traits are assumed to be independent. On the other
hand if they are not independent, then the situation could be seen by the
dotted lines A’ whereas B went up, A came down i.e. See-saw effect caused by a
genetic antagonism between them. The efficiency depends on genetic
correlation between traits.
It is easy method. This is a highly inefficient method as unless the traits
selected are genetically positively related. If they are not genetically related,
whatever achievement is made in the first trait is lost when attention is
directed to another trait. Therefore, the rate of net improvement becomes very
small. Since a very long period is involved in the selection practiced, the
breeder might change his goals too often or become discouraged and not
practice selection effectively.
In general, the efficiency of this method is very low. If there is a positive
correlation, then the results may be desirable in the other trait also. If there is a
negative correlation, the efforts will be undesirable. Since very long time would
be involved in selection practice, the breeder may change one goal to another
and discourage one trait.
In this method, selection may be practiced for two or more traits at a time. But
for each trait, a minimum standard (culling level) is set, so that every animal
must meet the minimum standards to be selected for the breeding purposes.
The failure to meet the minimum standard for any one trait makes the animal
to be rejected. Therefore, in actual practice, it is possible to cull some
genetically very superior animal when this method is used. The properties
selected for each trait will depend up on the total number of animals screened
for the breeding.
This method reduces selection intensity of the traits to be selected. The
negative correlation among the traits will make the further reduction in
selection intensity. Selection based on independent culling method is easy to
perform but becomes complicated when more traits are considered and if there
is negative correlation between traits. Therefore, only few important traits
should be considered in this method.
It is the most effective method of selection. Selection index is a single
numerical value within the total scores given for each trait considered in the
selection. Each trait is weighted, by giving score and an individual trait score is
summed up to the total score for the each animal within the selection criteria.
The individual specification for a number of traits can vary greatly and is
combined into one value for the animal called a Total score or an Index.
The high merit in one trait can certainly be used to compensate the deficiencies
in other traits. An index is simply a means of putting a whole lot of different
information into one value. The information and the score should be fixed
based on
o Variation seen in each trait – the phenotypic standard deviation
o Heritability of the traits
o Phenotypic and genetic relationships (correlation) between the traits
o Relative economic value of the traits
The aim in computing an index is to derive an estimate in which the various
traits are approximately weighted to give the best prediction of the animal’s
breeding value i.e. what it will produce when the animal breeds. An advantage
of this index is suppose if one component is missing then benefit can be
obtained by predicting the missing one from the others that are present.
Index selection is predicted to be Ön times as efficient as independent culling
levels where n is the number of traits involved. The greater the number of
traits involved, the index becomes more reliable than the independent culling
In dairy cattle, milk production is the most important economic trait, whereas
the reproductive efficiency that is also important may not be as important in
magnitude as milk production. Hence, higher economic value should be given
to milk production and correspondingly lower economic value to the
reproductive efficiency.
I = b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + …….. + bnXn
I – Index value or genetic prediction
n – Number of traits of information
b1 to bn – coefficients obtained based on the relative importance of heritability of each
trait and genetic relationships of the traits concerned.
X1 to Xn – Measurement of each of the traits incorporated (phenotypic values)
The animals are arranged based on index values and those with the highest
scores are kept for breeding purposes and the animals with lower index values
are eliminated from the breeding population. The net value of an animal is
dependent upon several traits that may not be of equal economic value or that
may be independent of each other. Hence, it is necessary to select more than
one trait at a time. The desired traits will depend upon their economic value.
This method of selection leads to most efficient improvement in livestock
breeding. Selection indices are constructed with a view to making maximum
improvement in the total performance. All the characters selected are
combined into one figure.
Index selection has been more widely used with sheep and swine than in beef
and dairy cattle. Large volume of accurate data of population is necessary to
provide information to compute the selection index. Indices computed from
inadequate or erroneous information can be ineffective in selection. A trait that
is highly heritable can be given adequate weightage than one with low
In conclusion, the selection index is a total score that includes all the
advantages and disadvantages of an animal for those traits considered for
selection. The amount of weightage given to each trait depends on their
relative economic value, heritability of the character and genetic correlation
between characters. A trait, which is highly heritable, can be given greater
score than a trait, which has a low heritability. The selection index method is
the most efficient (best method) among the three (Tandem, Independent
culling and Selection Index) methods because it results in better genetic
improvement. The index is the best estimate of an animal’s breeding value. The
only disadvantage is that the traits vary in importance from time to time and
the index built at one time will not be applicable for all times. Hence, it has to
be constructed and modified from time to time.
Learning objectives
This module deals with,
response to selection,
factors affecting genetic gain and selection differential
The change produced by selection is the change of the population mean in the
offspring. This is called as the response to selection, symbolized by “R”. The
response to selection is the difference of mean phenotypic value between the
offspring of the selected parents and the whole of the parental generation
before selection. The response to selection is also called as the expected genetic
gain, symbolized by êG.
R or êG = h2 S where,
h2 = heritability
S = selection differential
R or êG/ year = h2 S / GI where,
h2 = heritability
S = selection differential
GI = generation interval
The factors affecting the response to selection are heritability, selection differential and
generation interval. Maximum gain will result when the selection differential (S) and the
heritability (h2) are high and the Generation Interval is low.
Heritability: The genetic gain depends on the h2 of the character in the
generation from which the parents are selected and if the h2 is high, the genetic
gain will also be more, because the environmental variation will be less.
Selection differential: The average superiority of the selected parents is
called as selection differential, symbolized by “S”. It is defined as the difference
between the mean phenotypic value of the individuals selected as parents and
the mean phenotypic value of all the individuals in the parental generation
before selection.
S = (Ps - P) where,
Ps = mean of the
selected parents
P = mean of the
The selection differential may also be expressed in terms of phenotypic standard
deviation (standard deviation is the measure of variability) as,
S = i sp where
i = intensity of the
sp = phenotypic
standard deviation
The intensity of the selection is also called as selection pressure and it is the mean
deviation of the selected individuals in units of standard deviation. The intensity of
selection is symbolized by “i”. It depends on the proportion of the individuals selected
and it can be determined from the tables of properties of normal distribution.
i = Selection differential / Phenotypic standard deviation
proportions of the animal selected for breeding; smaller the number larger the
selection differential,
herd size; larger the herd size, smaller the proportions of animals selected,
reproductive rate; in cattle selection differential will be less whereas in pigs, it
will be more because of more litter size and
use of artificial insemination and frozen semen increases selection differential
or selection intensity in case of males and in females, super ovulation and
embryo transfer increases the selection differential or selection intensity.
The following table gives the percentage of males and females to be selected for
breeding to maintain a constant herd size for different species:
Species Percentage of animals to be selected
Females Males
Dairy 4-5 50 - 60
Beef cattle 4-5 40 - 50
Sheep 2-4 45 - 55
Swine 1-2 10 - 15
Chicken 1-2 10 - 15
Horse 2-4 40 - 50
o Generation interval: It is the time interval between generations and is
defined as the average age of the parents when the offspring is born.
This varies between species and selection procedure. Management
practices for early breeding in females reduces GI and breeding
practices like progeny testing increases the GI. The average generation
intervals for different species are:
Species Generation Interval (in years)
Males Females Average
Dairy 3-4 4.5 - 6.0 4-5
Beef cattle 3-4 4.5 - 6.0 4-5
Sheep 2-3 4.0 - 4.5 3-4
Swine 1.5 - 2 1.5 - 2.0 1.5 - 2.0
Chicken 1 - 1.5 1 - 1.5 1.0 - 1.5
Horse 8 - 12 8 - 12 8 - 12
o Accuracy of selection: The accuracy for selection is directly related to
the heritability of the trait. The heritability is high, the selection on
phenotype will permit an average estimation of breeding value. If
heritability is low, many errors will be made. Increased accuracy in
selection can be obtained by comparing the animals in controlled
environmental conditions. Correlation may be made for the age of the
individual, age of the dam and sex to remove non-genetic variations.
The techniques may increase the heritability of the trait by reducing the
environmental variation. When the accuracy of selection on individual is
low, accuracy can be increased by
using additional measurements for the trait from the same
using measurements of correlated traits and
using measurements of relatives.
o Selection limit: When the selection is carried out continuously, the
response to selection will be more for a few generations, and then it
slows down and finally stops. When the response to selection has
stopped, the population is said to be at “plateau” or “selection limit”.
The main cause for this is fixation of favourable genes. This causes
reduction or absence of genetic variation. Therefore further
improvement depends on introduction of new genetic variation. The
new genetic variation can be introduced by cross breeding, mutation
and genetic engineering.
Learning objectives
This module deals with,
systems of breeding and
mating based on genetic relationship.
There are only two ways in which the breeder can change the genetic properties of the
By selection: Choice of individuals to be used as parents.
By controlled mating: Controlled mating of selected parents.
Although selection is the most important method for increasing the frequency of desired
genes, same genetic control over the population is provided by the mating system.
Mating animals which are alike in pedigree or visible characters tend to increase the
homozygosity. Mating unlike individuals will increase heterozygosity.
Inbreeding is a system of mating where by the mates are more closely related
than the average members of the population.
Grading: is the practice of using registered sires of a given breed on scrub or
native females generation after generation.
Crossbreeding is the mating of pure bred animals from two different breeds.
Out crossing is the mating of animals of the same breed but with no traceable
relationship for several generations back in the pedigree.
Mating system based on phenotypic resemblance or dissimilarity
Mating system based on phenotypic resemblance. This is also known as
assortative mating. In this system mates are chosen on the basis of external
appearance in a particular character.
Assortative mating: Mating based on phenotypic resemblance or
Positive assortative: Mating of phenotypically similar individuals (i.e like
with like mating).
o Eg. Mating biggest with biggest ; Mating smallest with smallest.
Negative assortative mating
o Mating between dissimilar individuals.
o Breeding best to worst.
Positive assortative mating tends to create more genetic, phenotypic variation than
would be found in comparable with random mating population,in the population
undergoing the assortative mating (Mating high X high, low X low) tends to spread the
distribution away from the centre towards the extreme. So, the phenotypic variation
caused by the assortative mating normally considered as draw back.
However increase in genetic variation can be beneficial from the selection point of view.
Greater the genetic variation faster the genetic change. Eg. To increase dairy milk yield,
mating the high producing cows to bulls with highest predicted performance.
Negative assortative mating or disassortative mating is mating like with unlike.
Best X Worst Tall X Dwarf.
Negative assortative mating tends to decrease the variation. That is intermediate types
are produced due to mating of such individuals. It is not good strategy if we want to
speed up directional genetic change. It reduces genetic variation, decrease response to
selection. Eg. In layers Rooster having high breeding value for egg size mated with hen
with small size eggs.
Properties of assortative mating
Sewall Wright (1921) studied and formulated same properties
With complete + ve assortative mating complete homozygosity of population is
obtained but slowly
Assortative mating based on external resemblance may had a population of
genetic composition may different from that reached by inbreeding based on
genetic relationship.
Eg. Metric character depend on 2 pair of genes with additive and equal effects,
assortative mating lead to 2 extreme types AABB, aabb But close inbreeding leads to
AABB, aaBB, Aabb, aabb (4) phenotypes.
Mating based on genetic relationship
Eg. Mating
Brother x Sister
Parent x Offspring
It takes into account of the relationship of mates. This mating exerts its influence on all
the characters simultaneously. The coefficient of relationship between parent and
offspring is half. So when mated, the relationship exerts its influence on milk
production, age at first calving and other characters.
Mating system can be classified into two major groups.
So far, we have studied how the breeder selects the parents for the next
generation. The next step is to decide how to breed them. Systems of breeding
do not create new genes. They sort out available genes into new patterns.
Success in animal breeding depends on the proportion of favourable genes
present in the foundation stock. Genes that are not present in the foundation
stock can be found in other populations or strains or breeds and can be
introduced through crosses.
Systems of breeding are classified as follows.
There is one generation between son and father and genetic material is halved once.
There is no generation beyond father and hence n’ is zero.
2. Relationship between son and grand father
Rxy = [(1/2)2+0 ]
= ½2 =1/4 or 25%
There are two generations between son or (X) and grand father © and n=2. There is no
generation beyond C and n’ = 0.
3. Relationship between brother / sister / brother and sister
First find the no. of common ancestors. In this example there are two common
ancestors, A and B.
Relationship through A
Rxy = [(1/2)1+1 ]
= ½2 =1/4 or 25%
Relationship through B
Rxy = [(1/2)1+1 ]
= ½2 =1/4 or 25%
sum of relationship = ½ or 50%
4. Relationship between first cousin
Relationship through C
Rxy = [(1/2)2+2 ]=1/16 or 6.25
Relationship through D
Rxy = [(1/2)2+2 ]=1/16 or 6.25
sum of relationship = 1/8 or 12.50%
5. Relationship between half first cousin
Relationship through C only
Rxy = [(1/2)2+2 ]=1/16 or 6.25
6. Relationship between double first cousins
Relationship through C = [(1/2)2+2 ]=1/16 = 6.25%
Relationship through D = [(1/2)2+2 ]=1/16 = 6.25%
Relationship through I = [(1/2)2+2 ]=1/16 = 6.25%
Relationship through J = [(1/2)2+2 ]=1/16 = 6.25%
Sum of relationship = 25.00%
Direct and collateral relationship simultaneously
A degree in the performance of inbred mostly in traits like fertility,
survivability and reduction in overall performance noticed in inbred is called
inbreeding depression. It is a manifestation of poor gene combination value,
which is direct result of increase homozygosity. Decline in performance of
inbred over the mean of their parents is also called inbreeding depression.
Decline is more pronounced in traits which are close to reproduction or fitness.
Eg. Reduction in growth rate, reduced No. of ova, increase in early embryonic
mortality, increase in mortality.
Inbreeding increases homozygosity and decreases heterozygosity. The average
percentage increase in homozygosity or decrease in heterozygosity in an inbred animal
in relation to an average animal of the same breed or population is known as coefficient
of inbreeding symbolised by ‘F’. It ranges from 0 to 100.
The degree of inbreeding inb any individual may be calculated by using the formula
Wright 1921.
Fx = [(1/2)n1+n2+1 (1+FA)]
Fx = Coefficient of inbreeding of X.
= Summation
n1 = No. of generation from the sire of X back to the same common ancestor
n2 = No. of generation from the dam of X back to the same common ancestor
FA = Coefficient of inbreeding of the common ancestor
When common ancestor is not inbred then
Fx = [(1/2)n1+n2+1]
To calculate the inbreeding coefficient the pedigree should be known. The pedigree can
be represented in two ways.
Bracket form
Path diagram (Arrow diagram)
In the arrow style, each common ancestor is included only once, with lines drawn to
each of his or her offspring in the pedigree. These lines represent the paths of
inheritance by which genes are transmitted.
To calculate the Fx
Convert the bracket form of pedigree to path diagram
Draw arrows from parents to offspring
Besure that each individual appears only once in the path diagram
Full sib mating (Brother X Sister)
Common ancestor n1 n2 contribution
C 1 1 (1/2 )1+1+1 =( ½)3 = 12.5 %
D 1 1 (1/2 )1+1+1 =( ½)3 = 12.5 %
Sum = 25.0 %
Half – sib mating
Out breeding is the mating of animals which are less closely related to each other than
the average of the population. Its general effects are the opposite of those of inbreeding.
Out breeding increases the heterozygosity of the individual. The maximum practical
usefulness of out breeding systems is the production of animals for market. Out
breeding systems are broadly classified as follows:
1. Out crossing
2. Top crossing
3. Line crossing
4. Grading
5. Crossbreeding
6. Species hybridization
Out crossing usually applies only to mating within a pure breed. If two lines or flocks
within the same breed are separated for four or five generations and the sire from one
herd is used in another herd that amounts to out crossing. The use of out crossing in
purebreds are
When there is lack of selection response due to reduced genetic variability.
To reduce inbreeding in a closed population.
To introduce new genes with reference - colour, horn type, etc.
This is a system of crossing which is normally used within pure breeds. Top
crossing refers to the use of highly inbred males to the females of the base
population or non-inbred population. Top cross usually refers to the best sire
in a pedigree. Top crossing also refers to the continued use of sires to different
families within a pure bred, same breed or different breed.
Line crossing usually refers to crossing of inbred lines within a specific breed.
Line crossing takes advantage of both increased homozygosity within a line
and the difference between lines.
Line crossing is mainly done to exploit heterosis or hybrid vigour.
It is the mating of a cross bred animal back to one of the pure parent races,
which were used to produce it. It is commonly used in genetic studies, but not
widely used by breeders. When one of the parents possess all or most of the
recessive traits, the back cross permits a surer analysis of the genetic situation
than the F2 does.
A heterozygous individual of F1 when crossed with a homozygous recessive
parent the offspring group themselves into a phenotypic ratio of 1:1. On the
other hand if the F1 individual is crossed with the homozygous dominant
parent then all the offspring will be phenotypically alike.
Grading up is the continual use of sires of one pure breed starting with
foundation females which were of another breed or no particular breed at all
(Non-descript or Mongrel). Marked improvement in crosses if sires from a
particular breed (A) are repeatedly back crossed to another breed / non-
descript animals (B). Five generations are sufficient to raise the level of
inheritance of breed A to 96.9% (0.969) in the fifth generation. After five
generations of repeated back crossing to a particular breed, the animals after
the end of fifth generation become eligible to be registered as purebred.
Generation Level of pure bred blood of sire used %
Foundation stock 0
First generation 50
Second generation 75
Third generation 87.5
Fourth generation 93.75
Fifh generation 96.875
Sixth generation 98.4375
Seventh 99.23875
Cross breeding is mating of two individuals from different breeds. Breed
represents tremendous resources of varying genetic material. Cross breeding is
done. Cross breeding is done to exploit hybrid vigor or heterosis and to sell the
crossbred to market. Every time, the parental breeds have to be crossed for
producing market animal.
Crossbreeding has been used in recent years to establish a broad genetic base
in the development of new breeds or synthetics: one or two crosses between
the two or more populations are made in order to produce a single population
of animals containing genes from each of the population involved. Once a
synthetic has been formed then the main aim is to improve it as rapidly as
possible by selection within it. For example: Santa Gertrudis, The Jamaica
Hope, the Norwegian Red and White, the Australian Milking Zebu, Hissardale,
Karan Swiss, Sunandhini, Taylor breed. The main guidelines to be followed in
crossing to produce a synthetic are:
o Ensure that the animals used in the original crossings have been
intensely selected in terms of relevant characters; it is of no use starting
a synthetic with inferior animals.
o Maximise variance in breeding values amongst the foundation animals
in the synthetics using as many unrelated animals as possible from each
of the contributing populations.
Hybrids can occur where the species are closely related for the egg and sperm to result
in a viable embryo. Where the two species are very closely related, the hybrids may even
been partially or fully fertile. Some hybrids are bred for curiosity or public display,
others are bred by researchers involved in genetic researcher and a few occur naturally.
Chimeras are not the same as hybrids. Hybrids have intermediate features and each cell
is a mix of chromosomes from the parental species. Chimeras are a mix of genetically
different cells to form a mosaic animal.
Crossing the species boundary
Speciation (one species evolving into two) is usually a slow process. It is
generally accepted that different species usually cannot mate and reproduce -
this is called "reproductive isolation". The exception was closely related
species which can produce hybrids, although those hybrids have reduced
Sometimes, one species can split into two through behavioural isolation.
Some individuals develop behaviour patterns which limit their choice of mates
e.g. they might be attracted to certain colours or might be active at different
times of day. Though they are fully capable of interbreeding with the other
group, their different behaviours keep them apart. If their habitat became
permanently overcast, those behaviour barriers would break down and they
would interbreed freely; their hybrids might become new species.
Another way reproductive isolation occurs is when fragments of DNA
accidentally jump from one chromosome to another in an individual i.e.,
chromosomal translocation. The mutant individuals cannot reproduce
except with other mutant individuals - not much good unless the individual has
mutant siblings to mate with! There are also "master genes" which govern
general body plan (Hox genes) and those which switch other genes on and
off. A small mutation to a master gene can mean a sudden big change to the
individuals that inherit that mutation. Sometimes, those radical mutations can
"undo" generations of evolution so that two unrelated species can mate with
each other and produce fertile young (only seen in micro-organisms).
In mammals, hybrid White-Tail/Mule Deer don't inherit either parent's
escape strategy (White Deer dash. Mule Deer bound) and are easier prey than
the pure-bred parents. Another example is seen in Galapagos Finches.
Healthy Galapagos Finch hybrids are relatively common, but their beaks are
intermediate in shape and less efficient feeding tools than the specialised beaks
of the parental species so they lose out in the competition for food.
Mechanisms for keeping species separate
Physical separation: the species live in different geographic locations or
occupy different ecological niches in the same location and so never have the
chance to meet each other.
Temporal isolation: the species that mate during different seasons or
different time of day and cannot breed together.
Behavioral isolation: members of different species may meet each other,
but do not mate because neither performs the correct mating ritual. Imprinting
by fostering the young of one species on a female of the other species can
overcome this in some cases.
Mechanical isolation: copulation may be impossible because of
incompatible size and shape of the reproductive organs.
Morphological isolation: copulation may be impossible because of the
difference in body size or shape.
Gametic isolation: the sperm and egg may not fuse and hence fertilization
cannot occur; if it does occur then the embryo fails to get past the first few cell
Haldan's rule
Haldane's Rule states that in animal species whose gender is determined by
sex chromosomes, when in the first cross offspring of two different animal
species, one of the sexes is absent, rare or sterile, that sex is the heterogametic
sex. The "heterogametic sex" is the one with two different sex chromosomes
(e.g. X and Y); usually the male. The "homogametic sex" has two copies of one
type of sex chromosome (e.g. X and X) and is usually the female.
Haldane's Rule for Hybrid Sterility states that a race of animals could
diverge enough to be considered separate species, but could still mate to
produce healthy hybrid offspring in a normal ratio of males and females. If any
of the hybrid offspring were sterile, the sterile offspring would be the
heterogametic offspring (males). If the heterogametic offspring was fertile, it
produced the normal 50:50 ratio of X and Y sperm.
Haldane's Rule for Hybrid Inviability states that if the divergence
between the species became large enough to generate genic differences, but not
to prevent mating, then parental gene products may fail to co-operate during
development of the embryo, resulting in hybrid inviability (the hybrids are
aborted, stillborn or don't survive to maturity). In this case, the male to female
ratio of hybrid offspring is skewed with more homogametic offspring while the
heterogametic offspring (males) are absent or rare.
By crossing two different species, sometimes we get good individuals. The mule is a
good example of a commercially important species hybrid. Mare x Jackal ass = Mule,
She ass x stallion – Hinny. Male Mules are always sterile as for as it yet known. A few
cases of fertile mare mule have however reported, but they are very rare. Hinny is
generally inferior to Mule as a worth animals. Hinny is also sterile. Horse having 32
pairs and Ass 31 pairs. Mules comes to possess 63 chromosomes in all. The mare mules
have given birth to mule foal and horse foal when bred to Jack and stallion respectively.
The inference is that the mare follicles occassionally produce an egg containing nothing
but horse chromosomes, and all of the Ass chromosomes have been extruded in the
polar body. The fertile mare mules essentially function as mare as far as the genetics of
the egg is concerned. If all the horse chromosome where extruded in the polar body the
Mules will function genetically as assess. But no case of this sort has been reported. Pure
breeding of Mules as such also theoretically impossible.
European cattle and American Bison when crossed produce sterile Males
and Fertile females. By Back crossing the females to Bison and Cattle attempts
are being made to form a new breed of cattle called cattallo.
Male Jackals only mate with domestic bitches if the Jackal pups are raised by
a domestic bitch (to become imprinted on dogs). There is a psychological
barrier, but the offspring are fertile (pre-zygotic barrier, but no post-zygotic
Lions and Tigers must overcome behavioural (courtship) barriers, but
produce fertile female offspring and sterile male offspring (pre-zygotic and
post-zygotic barriers). Lions and leopards have some physical barriers
(size), but these are overcome if the lioness lies on her side to let the leopard
mount her; the male Leopons are sterile, though female offspring are fertile
(pre-zygotic and post-zygotic barriers). In these cases, pre-zygotic barriers are
overcome by rearing the two species together (in whales and dolphins this
occurs naturally).
Some cases seem to need additional rules! In Beefalo, Domestic cows may have an
immune response against Bison/Cow hybrid calves - this is a physiological barrier, but
does not prevent conception. Bison cows don't have this immune response against
hybrid calves and hybrid Beefalo males can be fertile. In some hybrids of domestic cats
with small wildcats, a proportion of hybrid males are claimed to be partially fertile
(incomplete post-zygotic barrier?) and though the hybrid females are fertile they may
not successfully raise their young - a psychological barrier, but one which does not
prevent mating/conception.
By crossing the two different species, sometimes good, visible individuals are produced.
The mule is a good example of species hybridisation.
Several other species hybrids have been produced. Some of them are
S.No. Hybrids Sire Dam Remarks
1 Hinny Stallion Jennet It is inferior to mule as a work
animal and is also sterile
2 Zebroid Zebra Horse Popular in tropics – docile –
better disease and heat
3 Cattalo Cattle Bison Bison is known as American
buffalo. Males are sterile and
females are fertile. domestic
bull/Bison cow crossings have
a lower infant mortality rate
(cow immune systems can
reject hybrid calves)
4 Beefalo American Domestic Beefalo have been back-
Bison Cattle crossed to Bison and to
domestic cattle; some of these
resemble pied Bison with
smooth coats and a maned
hump. The aim is to produce
high protein, low fat and low
cholesterol beef on animals
which have "less hump and
more rump". Although Bison
bull/domestic cow crossings
are more usual,
5 Pien niu Cattle Yak Found in Tibet.
6 Goep Goat Sheep Sheep and goat are not so
closely related. When crosses
are made between them
fertilization sometimes takes
place. However the embroys
die before parturition and are
resorbed or aborted.
7 Zubron Domestic Wisent Zubron was considered as a
cattle (European possible replacement for
Bison, domestic cattle as they were
Bison durable and resistant to many
bonasus). cattle diseases. They also
thrived on poor pasture, in
harsh weather and with
minimal husbandry. First
generation Zubron males are
infertile and cannot be used
for breeding, but the females
are fertile and may be bred
back (back-crossed) to either
Wisent or to domestic bulls.
Males from these back-crosses
are fertile.
8 Yakalo Bison Domestic In Nepal, Yak/Cow hybrids are
(American Tibetan Yak bred using Yak bulls on
"Buffalo") domestic cows or, less often,
domestic bulls on Yak cows.
The Yak-Cow females are
fertile, the males are sterile
and the meat is considered
superior to beef. In Nepalese,
the hybrid is called a Khainag
or Dzo (male)/Dzomo
(female). A Dzomo crossed
with either a domestic bull or
yak bull results in an Ortoom
(three-quarter-bred) and an
Ortoom crossed with a
domestic bull or yak bull
results in a Usanguzee (one
eighth bred).
9 Geep Goat Sheep Although often cited as a
embryo embryo hybrid, the famous "Geep" is
not a true goat/sheep hybrid,
but was a laboratory
experiment which fused a
sheep embryo with a goat
embryo (a type of animal
called a chimera). The geep is
a mosaic of mismatched goat
and sheep parts; the parts
which grew from the sheep
embryo are woolly while those
which grew from the goat
embryo are hairy. Each set of
cells kept their own species
identity instead of being
intermediate in type. It could
be fertile, but will produce
either goats or sheep
depending on whether its
reproductive organs grew from
the goat embryo or from the
sheep embryo.
10 Cama Camel Llama Llama is a hybrid
11 Iron Age American Tamworth Resemble early domestic pigs
Pigs wild hogs pigs
Breed A and Breed B : Straight bred
F1 progeny AB : Crossbred
Three way crosses (A,B, C) (Click here to view the animation...)
The first generation crossbred females are crossed with females of the third
breed, then using the hybrid vigor of dam.
Double cross or Four way cross (Click here to view the animation...)
There are four breeds are involved in this type of crossbreeding programme.
First two breeds are crossed to get F1 and second two breeds are crossed for
getting another F1 the both F1s are crossed to produce F2 which having 25% of
genes each from four different breeds, so all the different characters are
combines well. By inter-se mating the selected characters are fixed in the four
way cross
Since the offspring carries more dominant genes than the parents, it will be more
vigourous or productive. All the recessives (aa bb dd ee) except ‘cc’ are masked by the
dominant alleles. The degree of heterosis depends on the no. of dominant genes present
in the crossbred individual. Maximum heterosis could be obtained if animals carrying
all desirable homozygous dominant genes are used for crossing. It would never be
possible to have such animals. Eg. Two animals heterozygous for ‘n’ pairs of genes can
produce 3ⁿ types of offspring. If only seven pairs of genes are heterozygous, 3 7 or 2187
types of offspring. If 10 pairs of genes are heterozygous, 310 or 59049 types of offspring
are possible.
As the quantitative traits are polygenic in nature and the animals produce only a few
offspring, it is not possible to produce animals with perfect combination even after
many generations of selection. The chance is further reduced by other genetic factors
like undesirable recessives, linkage between desirable and undesirable genes and by
non-genetic factors like environment.
Formulae HF1 = dy2 and HF2 = 1/2 dy2
To exploit heterosis, lines or breeds with good nicking ability or combining ability are
crossed. The combining ability can be determined only by test crosses. A breeder
attempting to produce lines which will combine well with each other has to produce
large no. of lines. Then he can test them in crosses and find those which give best
results. This idea is expensive, time consuming and uncertain. As a general rule the lines
or breeds totally unrelated give better heterosis in crosses.
There are two types of combining ability
General combining ability (GCA) is the mean performance of F1 expressed as a
deviation from the mean of all crosses and it is due to additive genetic variance.
Specific combining ability (SCA) is the superiority of a particular cross over the
average GCA of the two lines and it is due to non-additive genetic variance.
Difference in gene frequency between two population for several generations.
Dominance, overdominance and epistasis.
Complementarity is the second reason for cross breeding. This refers to the additional
profitability obtained from crossing two populations resulting not from heterosis but
from the manner in which two or more characters complement each other. E.g. Crossing
Angus carcass quality with Zebu Brahman (adaptability).
Complementarity is not heterosis. Complementarity is due to additive gene action. If
there is complementarity, the crossbred progeny are in midway between these two
breeds. Traits which show heterosis would rank above the average of parental breeds in
the crossbred progeny and often would be superior to either.
Learning objectives
This module deals with,
systems of utilization of heterosis and
genetic basis of heterosis.
Heterosis is a phenomenon in which the crosses of unrelated individuals often result in
progeny with increased vigour, much above their parents.
The progeny may be from the crossing of strains, varieties or species.
Hybrid vigour includes hardiness, greater viability, faster growth rate, greater
milk producing ability, fertility etc.
One of the best-known examples for hybrid vigour is MULE, which is proven
for hard work in extreme climatic conditions.
Heterosis is caused by heterozygosity of genes involving non-additive effects,
which mainly includes dominanace, over dominance and epistasis.
When several pairs of genes control one trait, one breed could be homozygous
dominant for several pairs and homozygous recessive for another pair (AA BB
CC dd) and another breed could be homozygous recessive for respective several
pairs and homozygous dominant for respective another pair(aa BB CC DD).
Assume that the recessive genotype contributes 1 unit and dominant genotype
contributes 2 units of phenotypic values. If these two breeds are crossed:
This hybrid will be superior to either parent because of presence of at least one
dominant gene in all pairs of genes which affect the particular trait.
Over dominance
For some pairs of genes, the heterozygotes may be more vigorous than either of
homozygotes. Here heterozygosity produces hybrid vigour. Consider the same
illustration given for dominance producing heterosis. Assume that recessive,
heterozygous and homozgous genotypes contribute 1, 2 and 1.5 units of
phenotypic values.
Since long Murrah has been recommended as the breed of choice for
upgrading local buffaloes for increasing the milk production. In this process,
no base-line data have been collected regarding the reproduction and milk
production of local buffaloes. Progeny testing of Murrah bulls carried out by
the Milk federations under Dairy Herd Improvement Plan Actions may be
strengthened and expanded. Future bulls of Murrah for AI have to be
generated from the field by inseminating the semen of Murrah bulls of high
breeding value to elite local buffalo cows. This will facilitate incorporation of
some favorable genes from the local population. Licensing of buffalo bulls for
natural service has to be taken up on large scale since about 6 per cent of
breedable females alone are covered through AI. Simultaneously, AI coverage
of buffalo cows has to be increased by ensuring higher conception rate.
Breeding record is the registering of information available on reproduction of
the animals. The record should be simple, accurate, complete, upto date,
understandable and easy to maintain.
Detailed information regarding the performance and reproduction of individual animals
and herd can be collected.
Useful in evaluation of post management practices adapted in the farm.
Useful in long term planning.
Very important for day to day decision making.
Records that are maintained in a farm
Pedigree and herd records
Breeding record
Production record
Record for feed
Health record
Labour record
Business record.
Stock record
Cow card
National Project for Cattle and Buffalo breeding (NPCBB)
The government of India initiated action in the beginning of IX Plan towards
formulation of a comprehensive scheme for cattle and buffalo breeding in
consultation with State governments and other concerned agencies with an
aim to consolidate the gains achieved till VIII Plan period, to maximize returns
on investments, and to ensure sustainability of operations as well as quality in
breeding inputs and services. These efforts culminated in merger of the
ongoing centrally sponsored schemes on cattle and buffalo breeding, namely
Extension of Frozen Semen Technology & Progeny Testing Programmes (EFST
& PTP) and National Bull Production Programmes (NBPP) into a new centrally
sponsored National Project for Cattle and Buffalo Breeding (NPCBB) which
aims at thorough re-organization and reorientation of the cattle and buffalo
breeding operations in the country. The objectives of the project include
establishment of appropriate institutional structures to channel and supply
high quality breeding inputs and services; setting up national standards for
bulls, semen, semen laboratories and AI services to guarantee quality
assurance; training of inseminators and professionals based on nationally
accepted curriculum and hands- on practices and regulating and strengthening
breeding system in area covered by natural service as well as fostering breeders
organizations. Most of the states have participated in implementation of the
Learning objectives
This module deals with,
structure of ONBS,
closed nucleus breeding system and
cooperative group breeding system (CGBS).
Screening of population to identify superior individuals can be very helpful in
establishing a central nucleus, where genetic improvement can be further
generated by selection based on measured production. The nature of a group
breeding scheme is such that it is the interest of all its members to secure the
highest possible genetic level and the highest rate of genetic progress for the
nucleus. This is a strong motive for the individual farmers to contribute
superior females to the nucleus both at the initial screening and at later stages
(Open nucleus system). The rate of genetic progress may thus be increased by a
further 10 – 15%.
Open Nucleus Breeding Schemes (ONBS) should be effected in different
regions to monitor and augment the production performances of different
breeds of cattle and buffaloes in India. The ONBS concept comprises a nucleus
herd established under controlled conditions to facilitate selection. The
nucleus is established from the best animals selected from the base population.
These are then recorded individually and the best animals are selected to from
the elite herd of the nucleus. The elite females and superior sires are then
mated and the resulting offspring are reared, recorded and the males among
them are evaluated and such elite group of males with high breeding values can
be used in the farmers herd for genetic improvement. By this, greater genetic
improvement can be made in large population of cattle and buffaloes in their
home tract.
The structure is in the form of a pyramid. It consists of three-tier
multiplication systems, namely the nucleus tier, multiplier tier and the
commercial tier.
Nucleus tier
It is composed of top parental breeding stock. It consists of 10 – 15% of total
breed population and these are selected exclusively on their breeding value.
This tier acts as selector and supplier of replacement male and female breeding
stock for itself and for multiplier tier at farm level and commercial tier at field
level. It is stationed at a particular place with all necessary inputs of land, feed,
labour and favourable environment.
Multiplier tier
This is constituted by about 30-40 percent of breed population. It acts as
multiplier and tester population. It exclusively receives stud males and
sometimes breeding females from the nucleus herd with the sole purpose of
producing sufficient number of breeding animals therby satisfy the demands of
herds in the commercial tier.
Commercial tier
This is constituted by about 40 – 60 percent of breed population and
generated using males and females that are produced under multiplier herds
with the intention of increasing the production and the genetic improvement.
It acts as terminal tier of hierarchical breeding structure.
ONBS concept involves introduction of superior quality females to the sire
breeding nucleus, like semen stations from other tiers of breeding. Although
bulls are considered as the chief architect genetic improvement in cattle and
buffaloes due to high selection intensity and advent of AI and frozen semen
technology the expected genetic gain is limited. This is overcome by ONBS to
some extent where both males and females contribute to the total annual
genetic gain in this system. The expected genetic gain may be increased by 10 –
15 per cent.
The direction of the gene flow in traditional system is always one sided i.e from
nucleus tier to multiplier and then to the commercial tier. And never back to
nucleus tier from commercial tier. This system is known as Closed Nucleus
Breeding System (CNBS ).
Generally superior breeding females – daughters born to sires of nucleus tier
in the multiplier or commercial tier are selected based on their genetic merit
and breeding values and in turn transferred to the nucleus tier for breeding as
replacer such that the nucleus tier is opened for the external source of superior
genes and the system is called Open Nucleus Breeding System(ONBS). The
gene flow occurs in both directions – from the nucleus tier to commercial tier
via multiplier tier and back to the nucleus tier.
The nucleus tier consists of bulls selected based on their pedigree. Best bulls
are selected based on their genetic superiority and used for producing best
animals. The females from the commercial tier are selected based on their
genetic merit and transferred to multiplier herd and nucleus tier for breeding.
The nucleus tier is opened for the receipt of elite females from the downward
tiers as replacer. Thus the ONBS raises the possibility of introducing
commercially bred, non pedigreed animals into pedigree herds of nucleus.
The major disadvantage of this system is the disease control that have a major
influence. So the breeders maitain their units under closed breeding system by
adopting strict quarantine and biosecurity measures.
Majority of our farmers usually maintain only one or two cows or buffaloes and
so keen interest is evinced in cooperative breeding systems especially in dairy
sector. So that maximum selection intensity can be achieved. In this direction
NDDB and state level Milk federations have already established bull mother
farms and they are in the process of procuring young bull calves born to elite
cows under field conditions and raising them as future breeding bulls.
In principle the CGBS adopted a sire breeding nucleus to breed replacement
sires for itself and the associated field level herds. Cows or buffaloes
replacements are reared in both the nucleus and associated herds at field level.
Genetic gain
Realization of actual genetic gain depends upon the high selection pressure,
which is applied on initial screening of both cows and bulls besides, population
size and continuation of selection of cows and bulls within the nucleus as well
as exchange rate of females and males from the contributor herds and nucleus
Learning objectives
This module deals with,
breeding methods for improvement of sheep,
selelction and breeding,
Open Nucleus Breeding Scheme (ONBS) and
economic traits in sheep to be considered for improvement.
Sheep rearing is a traditional occupation of rural people in desert, hilly and
mountain regions of the country, where agriculture farming is limited due to
harsh climatic conditions. The ability of sheep to thrive on sparse vegetation of
community grazing lands and convert into meat and wool on least input make
favourable venture for livelihood security and source of income among socio-
economic weaker sections of society in the country. In situation of drought and
famine sheep act as liquid assets, which can be cashed easily to meet financial
requirement. India possesses 59.0million sheep, they contribute 229 million kg
mutton, 51 million kg wool and 56.3million kg of skin beside 29 million kg of
manure. Sheep husbandry is contributing an income of Rs 1200crore in form of
meat, wool, skin, milk and manure to the nation. At present 100million kg wool
is required for manufacturing of carpet and woollen garments in the organized
The country is importing 50 million kg wool from Australia and New Zealand to
meet the demand of industry. Mutton is an important produce from sheep has
great demand in the country especially in the Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal
Pradesh states. About 70% of earning in sheep rearing comes from meat. To meet
the growing demand of meat and wool in the country, there is an urgent need to
increase the productivity per sheep by better feeding, breeding and health
management. There is ample scope of increasing meat and wool production from
sheep owning to availability of vast genetic diversity and population distributed
in different regions of the country.
In near future sheep husbandry will continues to play an important role in
ensuring nutritional security and economic sustenance of people either as main
or subsidiary occupation. The need of an hour is to maintain sustainability in
production with eco-system conservation. The major challenges before sheep
husbandry are shrinkage of grazing land, declining genetic resources, increasing
disease risk, pollution and human health issues, emerging infectious and non-
infectious diseases due to changing agro-climatic and social perspective, lack of
infrastructure for production and processing of animal produce and inadequate
market and transport facilities for animals and animal produce in the rural areas.
Biotechnological approaches for conservation of genetic resources, improvement
of feed and fodder resources and its utilization, disease diagnosis and control
organised marketing structure and organic farming for achieving eco-friendly
sustainable production and ensuring safer meat and wool for human
consumption are some of the issues need focus in research programmes. The
institute has developed low input technologies suitable for enhancing flock
productivity in the rural areas for sheep farmers. These technologies should be
made available to end users through effective extension network involving
government, NGO’s and development agencies.
Individuals of this breed are sometimes distinguished by color as Black, Brown, Gray
and White Bengal. Personal surveys suggest that the breed could be separated into two
types, one found in the hot humid plains of West Bengal, Bihar and Orissa, and the
other in the sub-temperate and humid uplands and plains of Assam and other
northeastern States. The latter were earlier known as Assam Plain and Assam Hill goats,
depending on their location but are not substantially different from the former.
Distributed throughout all eastern and northeastern India, from Bihar through
northern Orissa to all West Bengal, Assam, Manipur, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh and
Meghalaya. T he total Bengal-type goat population in the States of West Bengal, Bihar
and Orissa, according to the 1972 census, was 14.164 m, of which 2.198 m adult males
and 6.257 m adult females. In Assam and other northeastern States, the goat population
was 1.501 m, of which 0.304 m adult males and 0.543 m adult females.
Breed characteristics
West Bengal, Bihar and Orissa
Adult males Adult females
Body weight 32.7 20.38
Body length 63.2 51.2
Height at withers 58.3 55.4
Chest girth 72.0 63.2
Lahaul and Spiti valleys of Himachal Pradesh, arid Uttar Kashi, Chamoli, Pithoragarh
districts of Uttar Pradesh, bordering Tibet. Mountainous ranges with the altitude
varying from 3500 to 5000 m. The area is mostly cold and arid.
Breed characteristics
Adult males Adult females
Body weight 39.42 25.71
Body length 75.8 69.3
Height at withers 68.6 60.0
Chest girth 80.70 73.3
Medium-sized animals. The coat is usually white, mixed with grayish red. Both sexes
have horns, directed upward, backward and outward, with one or more twists. These
goats are not very different in conformation from Changthangi.
Age at first kidding 615.8
Kidding interval 272.8
Service period
Kidding percentage (%) 65.4
Litter size: (%)
Singles 99.2
Twins 0.8
Meat (kg.)
At birth 2.10
At weaning 8.41
6 months 12.17
9 months 14.75
12 months 18.46
Average fiber length (cm) 5.9
Average production (g) 120.31
Average fiber diameter (µ) 11.77
Chamba, Kangra, Kulu, Bilaspur, Simla, Kinnaur and lahaul and Spiti in Himachal
Pradesh and Dehradun, Nainital, Tehrigarhwal and Chamoli hill districts in Uttar
Pradesh. The total goat population in the Gaddi distribution area, according to the 1972
census, was 0.770 m, of which 0.125 m adult males and 0.468 m adult females.
Breed characteristics
Adult males Adult females
Body weight 27.45 24.72
Body length 69.5 65.2
Height at withers 61.3 58.1
Chest girth 72.2 69.3
Medium-sized animals. Coat color is mostly white, but black and brown and
combinations of these are also seen. Both sexes have large horns, directed upward and
backward and occasionally twisted. Ears are medium long and drooping. The nose line
is convex. The udder is small and rounded, with small teats placed laterally. The hair is
white, lustrous and long. Flock size ranges from 20 to 500.
Essentially single, twinning occurs in only 15 to 20% of births.
Milk (g.) 380
Average fleece yield per clip 300
Medullation (%) 74.48
Average fiber diameter (µ) 73.4
Southern districts of Orissa: Ganjam and Koraput. The total goat population in the
Ganjam distribution area, according to the 1972 census, was 0.448 m, of which 0.056 m
adult males and 0.103 m adult females.
Breed characteristics
Adult males Adult females
Body weight 44.05 31.87
Body length 76.2 67.6
Height at withers 84.5 77.1
Chest girth 83.1 74.6
Tall, leggy animals. The coat may be black, white, brown or spotted, but black
predominates. Hairs are short and lustrous. Ears are medium sized; ear length: 14.50 +-
0.15 cm. Both sexes have long, straight horns, directed upward; horn length: 20.9+-
0.33 cm. Tail is medium-long. The average flock contains 84.5 +- 37.5 individuals range:
20 to 500, of which 2.9 adult males, 59.8 adult females and 21.8 young.
Kidding interval 376
Service period 218.6
Kidding percentage (%) 82
Litter size: (%)
Singles 98.4
Twins 1.6
Lactation yield (Kg) 319.44
Lactation length (days) 141.6
Meat (kg.)
At birth 2.31
At weaning
6 months 9.52
9 months
12 months 11.69
The name is derived from the location of the breed beyond the river Jamna (Jamna Par)
in Uttar Pradesh. [A distinct strain.cal1ed Ramdhan (also known locally as Kandari Ka
Khana) originated from a cross between a doe from the Alwar region in Rajasthan and a
Jamnapari buck; it has a typical nose shape, even more like a parrot mouth than is
usual1y observed in the true breed. The strain is known to have better milk production
and growth, but its flocks are very limited in number.
Agra, Mathura and Etawa districts in Uttar Pradesh and Bhind and Morena districts in
Madhya Pradesh. However the pure stocks are found only in about 80 villages in the
vicinity of Batpura and Chakar Nagar in Etawa district. The total goat population in the
Jamnapari distribution area, according to the 1972 census, was 0.58 m. However,
officials of the Animal Husbandry Department of Uttar Pradesh state that the total
number of pure-bred Jamnapari does not exceed 5000; these are located mostly in the
Chakar Nagar area, between the Jamna and Chambal ravines. There is a serious need for
conservation, multiplication and further improvement of the breed, considering the
extremely small numbers of pure-bred animals remaining. Jamnapari is one of the
largest goats in India; it has been extensively utilized to upgrade indigenous breeds for
meat and milk, and has been taken to neighboring countries for the same purpose.
Breed characteristics
Adult males Adult females
Body weight 44.66 38.03
Body length 77.37 75.15
Height at withers 78.17 75.20
Chest girth 79.52 796.11
Large animals. There is a great variation in coat color, but the typical coat is white with
small tan patches on head and neck. The typical character of the breed is a highly convex
nose line with a tuft of hair, yielding a parrot mouth appearance. The ears are very long,
flat and drooping; ear length: 26.79 cm. Both sexes are horned; horn length: 8.69 cm.
Tail is thin and short. A thick growth of hair on the buttocks, known as feathers,
obscures the udder when observed from behind. The udder is well developed, round,
with large conical teats. The average flock contains 16.0 (range 8 to 41) of which 0.25
adult males 8.65 adult females and 7.1 young.
Age at first kidding 737
Kidding interval 229
Service period 101
Kidding percentage (%) 79.6
Litter size: (%)
Singles 56.2
Twins 43.1
Triplets 0.7
Breeding: Flocks are pure-bred. Selection in bucks is based on dam's milk.
Lactation yield (Kg) 201.96
Lactation length 191
Meat (kg.)
At birth 4.27
At weaning 12.11
6 months 15.56
9 months 24.00
12 months 29.65
Hair (g per year)
Marwari region of Rajasthan, comprising Jodhpur, Pal, Nagaur, Bikaner, Jalore,
Jaisalmer and Barmer districts. The breed also extends into certain areas of Gujarat,
especially Mehsana district. The total goat population in the Marwari distribution area,
according to the 1972 census, was 3.914 m, of which 0.072 m adult males and 2.484 m
adult females.
Breed characteristics
Adult males Adult females
Body weight 33.18 25.85
Body length 70.97 63.51
Height at withers 74.74 69.29
Chest girth 71.68 68.60
Medium-sized animals. Predominantly black with long shaggy hair coat. In about 5% of
individuals, white or brown patches are also observed. Beard is present in both sexes.
Ears are flat, medium in length and drooping; ear length: 16.38 + 0.20 cm. Both sexes
have short, pointed horns, directed upward and backward; horn length: 10.10 + 0.18 cm.
Tail is small and thin. Udder is small and round, with small teats placed laterally.
Average flock size: 46.0 to 48.0 (range: from l0 to 100) containing 0.6 adult males, 36.4
adult females and 11.0 young.
Kidding 52.5
Singles Generally
Pure breeding. Breeding males are selected on size and hair production; on, mostly from
within the flock. The Animal Husbandry Department of the Government of Rajasthan
has introduced cross-breeding with Jamnapari; to increase milk production.
Lactation yield (kg) 91.39
Lactation length 105.80
Meat (Kg)
At birth 2.29
At weaning 6.00
6 months 8.70
9 months 13.70
12 months 16.25
Hair (g. per year) 302.9
Banaskantha, Mehsana, Gandhi Nagar and Ahmedabad districts of Gujarat. The total
goat population in the Mehsana distribution area, according to the 1972 census, was
0.736 m, of which 0.030 m adult males and 0.530 m adult females.
Breed characteristics
Adult males Adult females
Body weight 37.14 32.39
Body length 71.2 68
Height at withers 80.4 74.3
Chest girth 76.9 73
Large animals. The coat is black, with white spots at the base of the ear. Nose line is
straight. The hair coat is long and shaggy. Ears are white, leaf-like and drooping; ear
length: 15.8 cm. Both sexes have slightly twisted horns, curved upward and backward
horn length: 11 cm .The udder is well developed; the teats are large and conical. The
average flock contains 54.7 individuals (range: 20 to 300), of which 0.7 adult males,
39.4 adult females and 14.6 young.
Kidding percentage 69.5
Litter size: (%)
Singles 89.7
Twins 10.3
Pure breeding. Males are selected primarily on body size.
Lactation yield 1.32
Lactation length (days) 197
Hair (g per year) 210
Calicut, Cannannore and Malapuram districts of Kerala. The total goat population in the
Malabari distribution area, according to the 1972 census, was 0.389 m, of which 0.028
m adult males and 0.193 m adult females.
Breed characteristics
Adult males Adult females
Body weight 38.96 31.12
Body length 70.2 63.5
Height at withers 71.9 63.2
Chest girth 73.8 67.4
Medium-sized animals. Coat color varies widely from completely white to completely
black. 31% of the goats have long hair. Males and a small percentage of females (13%)
are bearded. Both sexes have small, slightly twisted, horns, directed outward and
upward. Ears are medium-sized, directed outward and downward; ear length: 16.20 +-
0.17 cm. Tail is small and thin; tail length: 13.16 +- 0.06 cm. Udder is small and round,
with medium-sized teats. The average flock contains 5.44 individuals (range: 1 to 15), of
which 0.40 bucks, 2.02 does and 3.02 kids. Two thirds of flocks do not maintain a
breeding male.
Age at first 609.9
Kidding interval 286.6
Litter size: (%)
Singles 50.5
Twins 42.4
Triplets 6.6
Quadruplets 0.5
Pure breeding except in very limited areas near Mannuthy, where cross-breeding with
Alpine and Saanen has been undertaken by the Kerala Agricultural University. The
cross-breeds showed improvement both in reproduction and milk production.
Lactation yield (Kg) 43.78
Lactation length 143.5
Meat (kg.)
At birth 1.63
At weaning 5.76
6 months 8.73
9 months 11.41
12 months 14.12
Kutch district in Gujarat. The total goat population in the Kutch district. According to
the 1972 census was 0.402 m. of which 0.018 m adult males and 0.298 m adult females.
Breed characteristics
Adult males Adult females
Body weight 43.5 39.29
Body length 77.1 75.0
Height at withers 86.4 82.4
Chest girth 78.4 76.1
Large animals. The coat is predominantly black but a few white, brown and spotted
animals are also found. The hair is coarse and long. The nose is slightly Roman. The ears
are long, broad and drooping; ear length: 22.0 +- 0.26 cm. Both sexes have short, thick
horns, pointed upward; horn length: 10+- 0.19 cm. The udder is reasonably well
developed; teats are conical.
Flock structure: The average flock contains 83.3+- 14.5 individuals (range: 30 to 300),
of which 2.4 adult males, 70.3 adult females and 10.6 young.
Kidding percentage 75.5
Litter size: (%)
Singles 84.1
Twins 15.2
Triplets 0.7
Lactation yield (Kg)/day 1.84
Lactation length (days) 117.7
Hair (g per shorn) 229.3 twice a year
Ramnathapuram and Tirunelveli districts in Tamil Nadu. Numbers: The total goat
population in the Kannaiadu distribution area, according to the 1972 census, was 0.604
m, of which 0.093 m adult males and 0.295 m adult females.
Breed characteristics
Adult males Adult females
Body weight 35.76 28.62
Body length 71.06 67.30
Height at withers 84.12 76.15
Chest girth 77.53 70.83
All animals, predominantly black or black with white spots. Ears are medium-long; ear
length: 15.67+- 0.13 cm. Males are horned; females are polled. Tail is medium-sized and
thin; tail length: 15.77 +- 0.47 cm. Udder is small and round, with small teats placed
laterally. The average flock contains 17 individuals (range: 2 to 40 (61), of which 1 buck,
11 does and 6 young.
Kidding percentage 80-85
Litter size: (%)
Singles 90
Twins 10
Animals are maintained for meat purposes and are not milked.
Jhakrana and a few surrounding villages near Behror, in the Alwar district of Rajasthan.
The number of anima1s of this breed is rather small. As it is restricted to a very limited
area. Considering that it is a good indigenous dairy breed, there is need for its
Breed characteristics
Adult males Adult females
Body weight 57.8 44.48
Body length 84.10 77.74
Height at withers 90.40 79.12
Chest girth 86.00 79.13
Large animals. The coat, predominantly black with white spots on ears and muzz1e, is
short and lustrous. Face line is straight. Forehead is narrow and slightly bulging. The
breed is quite similar to Beetal, the major difference being that Jhakrana is longer. Ear
length is medium: 13.8 + 0.19. Udder is Plarge, with large conical teats. The average
f1ock consists of 14.2+- 2.1 individuals; (range: 5 to 34), including 0.05 adult males,
9.08 adult females and 5.07 young.
Litter size:
Singles 57
Twins 41
Triplets 2
Pure breeding. Males are se1ected on the basis of their dam's mi1k yield. Breeding bucks
are generally produced from within the f1ock. Owners of small f1ocks who do not
maintain a buck utilize services of the buck from a neighbor's f1ock.
Lactation yield (Kg) 121.80
Lactation length (days) 114.7
Sirohi district of Rajasthan.The breed also extends to Palanpur in Gujarat. The total goat
population in the Sirohi; distribution area, according to the 1972 census, was 0.295 m,
of which 0.007 m adult males and 0.204 m adult females.
Breed characteristics
Adult males Adult females
Body weight 50.37 22.54
Body length 80.0 61.3
Height at withers 85.6 68.4
Chest girth 80.3 62.4
Compact, medium-sized animals. Coat color predominant1y brown, with 1ignt or dark
brown patches; a very few individuals are completely white. Most animals are wattled.
Ears are f1at and 1eaf-like. medium-sized and drooping; ear length: 18.8 + _0.6 cm (15).
Both sexes have smal1 horns curved upward and backward; horn 1ength: 7.7 ~ 0.15 cm
(144). Tail is medium in length and curved upward; tai1 1ength: 16.7 ~ 0.14 cm (153).
Udder is smal1 and round with small teats placed laterally. Average f1ock size is 60
(range: 10 to 200) containing 1 adult male, 42 adult females and 17 young.
Kidding 89.3%
Litter size
Singles 91.5%
Twins 8.5%
Generally pure breeding. Males are selected on size from within flocks. There is some
introduction of Marwari for increasing hair production.
Lactation yield (Kg) 71.18
Lactation length 174.8
At birth 2.82
At weaning 9.92
6 months 13.48
9 months 16.95
12 months 21.27
Poona and Ahmednagar districts of Maharashtra. The total goat population in the
Sangamneri distribution area, according to the 1972 census, was 5.692 m, of which
0.396 m adult males and 3.439 m adult females.
Breed characteristics
Adult males Adult females
Body weight 38.37 28.97
Body length 69.8 62.5
Height at withers 77.3 68.0
Chest girth 76.0 71.0
Medium-sized animals. Body color may be white, black or brown, with spots of the other
colors. Ears are medium-sized and drooping; ear length: 15.89+- 0.62 cm. Both sexes
have horns, directed backward and upward length: 12.36 +- 0.58 cm. Tail is thin and
short; tail length: 15.72 + -0.32 cm (33). The hair coat is extremely coarse and short. The
average flock contains 30.5+- 12.63 individuals (range: 6 to 91), of which 1.0 adult male,
14.5 adult females and 15.0 young.
Age at first kidding 422.2
Kidding interval 333.7
Service period 155.6
Litter size: (%)
Singles 69.9
Twins 30.0
Triplets 0.5
Breeding: Pure breeding. Males are selected on dam's milk yield.
Lactation yield (Kg) 83.4
Lactation length 165
Meat (kg.)
At birth 1.86
At weaning 7.09
6 months 10.06
9 months 13.44
12 months 17.33
Hair (g per clip) 250-300
Latur Tuljapur and Udgir taluks of Osmanabadi district of Maharashtra. The total goat
population in the Osmanabadi distribution area. accoriding to the 1972 census, was
0.219 m. of which 0.020 m adult males and 0.119 m adult females.
Breed characteristics
Adult males Adult females
Body weight 33.6 32.36
Body length 69.12 67.51
Height at withers 77.87 74.79
Chest girth 72.06 72.04
Of animals surveyed 73% were black and the rest were white, brown or spotted. Ears are
medium long; ear length: 18.0 +- 0.10 cm. Most males (89.5%) are horned; females may
be horned or polled, in almost equal proportions. Tail is medium long and thin; tail
length: 16.6 +- 0.10 cm (210). The udder is small and round with small teats placed
laterally. The average flock contains 10.73 individuals (range:1 to 65) of which 0.28
adult males; 6.56 adult females and 3.89 young.
Kidding percentage 129.9
Litter size: (%)
Singles 70.5
Twins 29.0
Triplets 0.5
Breeding: Pure breeding. There is little selection.
Lactation yield (Kg)/day 0.5-1.5
Lactation length 3-5
Meat (kg.)
At birth 2.39
At weaning 7.34
6 months 11.07
9 months 15.12
Surendranagar and Rajkot districts in Gujarat. The total goat population in the Zalawadi
distribution area according to the 1972 census was 0.341 m. of which 0.013 m adult
males and 0.256 m adult females.
Breed characteristics
Adult males Adult females
Body weight 38.84 32.99
Body length 75.6 71.8
Height at withers 83.3 78.5
Chest girth 76.8 74.2
Large animals. Coat is black and contains long coarse hair. Ears are long, wide, leaf-like
and drooping; ear length: 19.0 +- 0.20 cm. Both sexes have long twisted horns, pointed
upward; horn length: 1673 +- 0.2 cm. The udder is well developed, with large conical
teats. The average flock contains 41.5 individuals (range: 10 to 60), of which 0.9 adult
males, 28.7 adult females and 11.9 young.
Kidding percentage (%) 71.2
Litter size: (%)
Singles 82.1
Twins 17.9
Lactation yield (Kg)/day 2.02
Lactation length (days) 197.2
Hair (g per year) 245.3
Throughout the States of Punjab and Haryana. True-bred animals are however found
in the districts of Gurdaspur, Amritsar and Ferozepur in Punjab. The total goat
population in the Beetal distribution area, according to the 1972 livestock census, was
0.159 m, of which 0.014 m adult males and 0.084 m adult females. The goat
population of Punjab has shown a marked decline. Surveys carried out by the Division
of Dairy Cattle Genetics of the National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) showed that
both the number of flocks and the number of goats per flock have decreased, primarily
owing to an increase in irrigated cultivated areas and the shortage of natural
vegetation available for browsing. Beetal is a good dairy breed, second to Jamnapari in
size but is superior to it in that it is more prolific and more easily adaptable to different
agro-ecological conditions and to stall-feeding. Jamnapari is more sensitive
Breed characteristics
Adult males Adult females
Body weight 59.07 34.97
Body length 85. 70.42
Height at withers 91.60 77.13
Chest girth 86.0 73.7
Large animals. Variab1e coat color, predominantly black or brown with white spots of
differing sizes. In a survey conducted by NDRI in the home tract of the breed, 92.6%
animals were b1ack and 7.4% brown. The coat is short and 1ustrous. The face 1ine is
convex, with typical Roman nose but not as prominent as in Jamnapari. Ears are long
and f1at, curled and drooping ear length: 24.8 t 0.65 cm (18) Both sexes have thick,
medium-sized horns, carried horizontally with a slight twist directed backward and
upward; horn length: 11.95 t 0.76 cm. Tail is small and thin. The udder is 1arge and
well developed, with large conical teats. The average flock contains 21.06 + 1.92
individuals, of which 1.5 adult males, 11.7 adult females and 7.8 young.
Age at first kidding 761
Kidding interval 368
Service period 160
Kidding 176
Litter size: (%)
Singles 40.66
Twins 52.6
Triplets 6.52
Quadruplets 0.22
Pure breeding. Breeding males are generally selected on the basis of their dam's milk
yield. The services of a buck of a neighboring owner are commonly utilized when a
flock does not possess a buck.
Lactation yield 177.38
Lactation length 187.0
At birth 2.80
At weaning 9.26
6 months 12.18
9 months 15.42
12 months 21.83
Changthang region of Ladakh, at altitudes above 4000 m. The goat population in this
region, according to the 1972 census, was approximately 0.04 m.
Climate: A cold arid region. Average annual precipitation: 9.26 cm, distributed
throughout the year, with maximal during January/April. Summer and winter
temperatures are extreme (+40 ° C to -40 ° C). Most cultivation takes place along the
Breed characteristics
Adult males Adult females
Body weight 20.37 19.75
Body length 49.8 52.4
Height at withers 49.0 51.6
Chest girth 63.0 65.2
Medium-sized animals. Half of the animals are white, the remainder black, gray or
brown. Both sexes have horns, generally large (range: 15 to 55 cm), turning outward,
upward and inward to form a semi-circle, but a wide variation exists in both shape and
size. The flock size ranges from 200 to 300 in flocks belonging to migratory shepherds.
In the stationary flocks, it is between 10 and 15.
Reproduction: In farmers' flocks: kidding percentage: 65%. Under farm conditions:
kidding percentage: from 80 to 90%.
Meat (kg.)
At birth 2.18
3months 7.76
9 months 9.18
12 months 11.80
Average fiber length (cm) 4.94
Scouring yield (%) 65.28
Average fiber diameter (µ) 13.86
A measure of the strength of the relationship between true values and estimates of them, varying
from 0 to 1. Breeding values of animals, for example, are estimated from phenotypic records, and
there is sometimes very little information (for example a parent's performance record) available
and thus the accuracy is low, e.g. 10 Breeding values of some dairy sires are estimated with high
accuracy, e.g. 99 because there is substantial information (thousands of daughters with
performance records) on the "performance" of that sire's genes.
The measure of association between the breeding value for one trait (BVx) and the breeding value
for another trait (BVy), ranging from -1 to +1. The genetic basis for an additive genetic correlation
between two traits is pleiotropy and linkage. The additive genetic correlation between birth weight
and weaning weight of beef cattle is about +.6. See Pleiotropy and Linkage.
The effect of an allele on animal performance, independent of the effect of the other allele at a
locus. These effects of the two alleles at a locus add up (thus "additive"). Alleles at a locus may
have other effects (dominance, epistasis), so that there are not genes that have just "additive"
effects and other genes with only "dominance" effects. Additive genetic effects can be inherited,
other genetic effects such as dominance and epistasis are the result of allele combinations that are
lost between generations. The additive genetic effect that an animal has for a trait is equal to its
breeding value.
A measure of the variability among animals in their breeding values, e.g the additive genetic
variance for weaning weight of beef cattle is 190 kg2
Alternative form of a gene occupying the same locus on a chromosome. A member of a pair, or
series of hereditary factors which may occupy a given locus on a specific chromosome, e.g. the
allele for white face coat pattern in Herefords, and the allele for solid colour, are two alleles for
coat pattern in cattle.
Enzymes differing in electrophoretic mobility as a result of allelic differences in a single gene. As
with other markers (e.g. microsatellites) allozyme variation in a population is an indication of
genetic variation.
The use of semen collected from males, either in fresh or frozen form, to breed females (frozen
semen is thawed before use!). A.I. is commonly used in dairy cattle and is less commonly used with
beef cattle. It is also used increasingly in swine.
Artificial selection
Is the selection by man and not by nature. Selection of animals to become parents of the next
generation using criteria that are defined by humans. See also Natural selection.
Assortative mating
The reappearance of a character after it has not appeared for one or more generations. (A
Chromosomes other than sex chromosomes, Chromosome pairs which are alike in both sexes.
Cross between an F1 and either of its parents, Mating a hybrid to a breed that the hybrid is already
composed of, e.g. breeding a Jersey crossbred cow with Pure Jersey bull.
A group of animals within a species having a common origin and identifying characters that
distinguish them as belonging to a breeding group.
Breed complementarity
Breeds complement one another when they excel in different traits, and their cross results in
desired performance in a variety of traits, sometimes expressed in different generations. In
livestock used for meat production, for example, breeds that excel in growth and carcass traits are
often used as the male parent breed in a crossbreeding program with a female parent breed that
excels in maternal traits and reproduction.
Breeding objective
A general goal for a breeding program, a notion of what constitutes the best animal. See also
Selection criterion.
Breeding value
The value of an individual as a parent. The effects of an animal's genes that can be passed on to
offspring. Because one-half of an animal's genes are passed to offspring, one-half of an animal's
breeding value is also passed on (see Transmitting ability). Breeding value can be determined for a
genotype at a single locus, but it is also calculated for polygenic, quantitative traits (i.e. most
economically important traits). Breeding values are available for breeding stock of many of our
agricultural species of animals, and are used to make selection decisions. Breeding values are
reported in units of trait measurement and are often expressed as deviations from the current
population average. A dairy bull may have an Estimated Breeding Value (EBV) for milk production
of +1000 kg and is expected to have daughters which have the genetic capability to produce 500 kg
more milk in a lactation than the current population average.
Categorical variables
Variables which take on discrete values only. An example is calving ease in cattle where the ease of
calving is recorded as Unassisted, Easy pull, Hard pull and Surgical. Though occurring in discrete
categories the underlying genetic control may be polygenic, as is the case for calving ease; or
controlled by a single locus, as is the case for a trait such as horns and polledness.
One of a number of long strands of DNA and associated proteins present in the nucleus of every
cell. The nomenclature used for most species is numeric, with chromosome number 1 being
visually the largest chromosome, e.g. swine have 19 pairs of chromosomes with 18 pairs of
autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes. The gene for Porcine stress syndrome has been
mapped to chromosome #6 (Grimm et al. 1994). See autosomes and sex chromosomes.
Coefficient of variation
The phenotypic standard deviation of a trait expressed as a percent of the mean, used to assess
the relative variability of a trait, e.g. the coefficient of variation for growth rate from 200 to 365
days of age in cattle is about 10%; the coefficient of variation of litter size in swine is about 20%.
Common ancestor
An ancestor that appears on both sire and dam’s side of the pedigree
Common environment
A breed made up of two or more component breeds and designed to benefit from hybrid vigour
without crossing with other breeds.
Visual or measurable variation in shape or body proportions of animals. Sometimes assessed with
a subjective scoring system as in type scores for dairy cattle.
Maintenance of livestock to retain adequate numbers for further breeding and to prevent decline
in numbers or extinction.
Contemporary group
A group of animals that experience a similar environment with respect to the expression of a trait.
Contemporaries express their performance in the same location and time, are of the same sex and
similar age, and are managed alike. An example of a contemporary group is the group of bulls of
the same breed at a bull test station in the province, tested in the 1997-98 test year.
Continuous variables
Variables which vary continuously, e.g. animal weight, or milk production. See Normal distribution.
Correlation (rxy )
A measure of the degree of association between two variables (x and y), varying between -1 and
+1. A correlation of 0 means there is no association. In animal genetics one correlation of interest
is the correlation between phenotypes for two traits expressed by animals, i.e. the phenotypic
correlation. The phenotypic correlation between protein production and fat production in milk of
dairy cows is about +.8. See also additive genetic correlation, environmental correlation and
phenotypic correlation.
The covariance between x and y, sometimes written as Cov(x,y). It is a measure of how two
variables vary together. The covariance is used to calculate correlation and regression coefficients.
Mating systems in which two or more breeds are combined, usually in a systematic fashion to
make use of heterosis and breed complementarity, e.g. three-breed terminal crossbreeding
systems are common in beef cattle and in swine production.
Crossing over
Deleterious alleles
Genes which in their homozygous state (and sometimes in their heterozygous state as well) have
undesirable effects on the individual's viability or usefulness.
Organisms or cells which have two members of each type of chromosome. All higher animals are
diploid (the 2n condition). There is a variety of "ploidy" conditions in plants and in lower animals --
some are haploid (one copy of each chromosome) while others may have more than two members
of each chromosome type, e.g. tetraploids have four chromosomes of each type (4n).
The effect of an individual's genes on its performance. This term is used when referring to traits
that have both direct genetic effects and maternal effects on the expression of the trait, e.g. birth
weight of mammals has a direct component (due to growth capacity of the youngster) and a
maternal component (due to the uterine environment provided by the mother).
Dominance is the gene that masks the expression of the other. An interaction between alleles at a
single locus so that in heterozygous animals the effect of one allele is greater than the other. The
allele with the greater effect is considered to be dominant over the other allele. See Partial
dominance and Overdominance.
The effect that an allele has on animal performance which depends upon the genotype at the
locus. For example the "a" allele may have a different effect on animal performance in "aa"
animals than in "Aa" animals. See Additive genetic effects.
Variability among animals due to the dominance genetic effects of their genes.
The size of a population as reflected in its rate of inbreeding. This can be quite different from the
actual population size, particularly when the number of male parents or female parents is low in
each generation (as in the case of some agricultural animals where artificial insemination is
common and the number of male parents is very small).
A measure of the strength of the relationship between environmental effects on one trait (Ex) and
environmental effects on another trait (Ey), e.g. the environmental correlation between fat
production and protein production by dairy cows is .9, indicating that many of the same
environmental factors (nutrition, etc.) influence both traits.
The effect of external, non-genetic factors on an animal's performance. There are a number of
types of environmental effects, for example, permanent, temporary, systematic and contemporary
Environmental variance
Variance among animals due to differences in animals in their environmental effects. Depending
on the trait there may be environmental variances due to a various causes -- permanent,
temporary, etc.
An estimate of an animal's breeding value, using information on the animal's own performance,
and often the performance of relatives, primarily progeny. EBV's are usually less than perfect in
accuracy (see Accuracy), except for a number of dairy sires whose EBV's have an accuracy of .99
(nearly perfect), because they have thousands of daughters whose performance records are used
to calculate the sire's EBV.
A term used primarily by the beef cattle industry to describe transmitting ability or one-half of an
animal's breeding value for a trait. A beef sire may have an EPD of -2 pounds (most beef data is
reported using the imperial system) for birth weight indicating that its calves are expected to be 2
pounds lighter than the genetic average at birth. See this Canadian Web site for a listing of EPD's
for beef sires. (Choose "Beef Sires") EPD's for American beef cattle use a "zero" based on historical
base populations so require care in interpretation
The first generation (First filial generation) of crosses between two unrelated populations.
The ability of an individual (and its corresponding genotype and phenotype) to contribute offspring
to the next generation. Refers to the ability to survive (or to be selected as a parent) as well as the
number of offspring.
Group of birds or sheep
The basic physical unit of heredity consisting of a DNA sequence at a specific location on a
chromosome. The product of the gene is usually a polypeptide of some form involved with
structural or regulatory activities in cells.
A diagram showing the chromosomal location of specific genetic markers and genes of interest.
The amount of time required to replace one generation with the next. In some populations
generations occur at discrete intervals of time, e.g. the annual weeds in my garden go through one
generation each year. In most farm animal populations the generations overlap so that parents
may coexist in the same herd with their offspring who are also parents. Another definition is "the
average age of parents when the offspring which will replace them are born". Generation lengths
are typically 4-6 years in beef cattle as an example. Generation lengths are often different for
males and females.
Genetic correlation
Genetic marker
A gene or DNA fragment used to identify alleles at linked loci. See also Allozymes, Haplotypes and
The total genetic composition of an individual inherited with chromosomes. A haploid set of
chromosomes with the genes they carry.
This can be used in two different ways: First, it may be used to indicate the total genetic make-up
of an individual. OR Second, it may refer to the combinations of alleles present at one, or a few loci
in an individual.
The situation where the performance of genotypes changes from environment to environment.
The most serious G x E interaction to concern animal breeders is where the change in the
performance of a set of genotypes is such that they change in rank from one environment to
another, e.g. the best performing genotype in environment 1 is the poorest performing genotype
in environment 2.
The total effect of an animal's genes (additive, dominance and epistasis) on its performance for a
Germ plasm
An animal that is not a purebred but commonly showing characteristics of a particular breed.
Grading up
Half sib
A set of alleles at a closely linked group of loci, so closely linked that the allelic set behave almost
as one allele in terms of inheritance. The Rh blood group system in humans, for example has three
tightly-linked loci, C, D, and E, with two or more alleles (C, c, etc.) at each locus; common
haplotypes are CDe, cde and cDE. The CDE and cdE haplotypes are rare. Individuals with a
genotype, CDE/cdE, are thus very uncommon. Individuals who are cde/cde are the commonest Rh
negative genotype.
Herd Book
Official record book to record the various breeds of cattle and hogs.
Individuals within the same herd that do not have the same sire, but their records are made under
similar environmental conditions and at approximately at the same time.
Heritability (h2)
The narrow sense definition of h2 is the most commonly used with agricultural animals: A measure
of the strength of the relationship between performance (phenotype), and breeding values for a
trait in a population, ranging from 0 to 1. This is often measured as the ratio of additive genetic
variance to phenotypic variance, or as twice the regression coefficient relating offspring
performance to parent performance. The heritability of milk production in dairy cattle is about .25
or so.
The broad sense definition of h2 is as follows: the proportion of phenotypic variation that is of
genotypic origin (i.e. due to all genetic effects, i.e. additive, dominance and epistatic effects).
The difference in performance of crossbred animals relative to the average performance of the
parental breeds. The genetic basis for hybrid vigour is heterozygosity, and the dominance effects
associated with heterozygous loci; hybrid animals have more heterozygous loci than their
purebred parents. Heterosis is often reported as a percentage, e.g. heterosis for growth traits
seldom exceeds 5%, indicating that the crossbred group will exceed the average performance of
the parental breeds by 5%.
Heterozygote or heterozygous genotype
Considering one locus, an animal that has functionally different alleles at the locus. Hybrid animals
tend to have a higher proportion of their loci in a heterozygous condition than their purebred
Considering one locus, an animal that has functionally identical alleles at the locus. Inbred animals
tend to have a higher proportion of their loci in a homozygous condition than non-inbred animals.
A mating system or process in which related parents are mated to produce offspring.
Inbreeding depression
The reverse of hybrid vigour -- a decrease in the performance of inbreds, most noticeably in traits
like fertility. The genetic basis for this is the increased homozygosity of such individuals, and the
resultant loss in dominance effects, and possibly the expression of deleterious recessive alleles in
their homozygous state.
In selecting animals for a number of traits, minimum standards are set for each trait. Selected
animals must have trait levels above all minimums. This is not as effective as using a selection
index of multiple traits for selecton.
Indicator trait
A trait that may not be of importance in itself, but is used in selection to improve some genetically
correlated trait which may be much more difficult, or expensive to measure, e.g. type or
conformation traits in dairy cattle are used as indicators of longevity.
The chromosomal constitution of an individual, arranged based on centromere position and length
of the chromosomes.
Key equation
The equation relating the rate of genetic change resulting from selection to four factors: Accuracy
of selection, selection intensity, genetic variation and generation length.
Lethal gene
Line breeding
The mating of individuals within a particular line; a mating system designed to maintain a high
degree of relationship to a highly regarded ancestor without causing high levels of inbreeding.
The occurance of two or more loci of interest on the same chromosome. Linkage is a very
important consideration in the use of genetic markers in selection programs. A genetic marker
must be fairly tightly linked to a locus that affects a trait, or the pairing of the marker allele at the
linked locus and the desired allele at the locus of interest will be lost quickly (in a few generations).
Linkage can be a reason for a spurious genetic correlation between traits, which disappears when
linkage groups break up through recombination.
Organisation that has been formed for the purpose of keeping a record of ancestry of individuals
within a breed and to promote the breed.
Major gene
A gene that has a major influence upon a trait. There are several instances of this discovered so far
for economically important traits in farm animals. See, for example, the paper by Rothschild et al.
(1994) where a major gene affecting litter size in pigs (the Estrogen Receptor gene (ESR)).
Selection for specific alleles (which affect a trait of interest) using genetic markers.
Maternal effects
The effect of a dam of an individual on its performance through the dam's provision of an
environment in which the offspring performs. This is a very important component in the early
growth of mammalian species because of the early dependence of the offspring on its mother for
nutrition, among other things. There are also genetic and environmental determinants of maternal
ability, e.g. milk production by beef cows is a component of the maternal enviroment provided to
the calf; milk production is affected by the cow's genes as well as the environment in which she
lives. Even non-mammalian species may have important maternal effects. In poultry, the size of
the egg (which is determined by the hen) plays a role in the early growth and survival of the chick.
An arithmetic average which can be calculated from continuous variables by dividing the sum for a
set of data by the number of observations. For categorical data where the categories have numeric
values, the mean can be easily calculated by taking a weighted average of the categories
(weighting each category's value by the number of observations in the category).
One of the steps in sex cell formation in which the nucleus divides, leaving one copy of each
chromosome in each sex cell.
Mendelian sampling
The random sampling of parental genes caused by segregation and independent assortment of
alleles during germ cell formation.
DNA or genetic markers of a specialized nature where the DNA sequence is highly repetitive. A
sequence repeats of a very simple sequence such as AG may exist as AGAGAGAGAGAG, etc.; or a
three-nucleotide series such as AAG as AAGAAGAAGAAGAAGAAG, and so on. These are called
satellite DNA because of how the DNA appears in a density gradient while being analyzed.
Microsatellites are widely used as markers in agricultural animals. One of the advantages of
microsatellites is that at a given locus they will be highly polymorphic, with many alleles (more
than 10 in some cases); they are thus useful in assessing genetic diversity of livestock.
The movement of individuals into or out of a population. One of the forces responsible for change
in gene frequency.
The ultimate source of genetic variation. In a general sense it could include all genetic changes,
including visible chromosomal abnormalities (inversions, translocations), polyploidy (multiple sets
of chromosomes), and changes in DNA at the molecular level. In a restricted sense mutation refers
to changes in DNA at the molecular level. This is a force which is responsible for change in gene
frequency, though the mutation rate is very low. The mutation rate in polypeptides in humans has
been estimated to be of the order of 10-6, i.e. one in 1,000,000. At the DNA level the mutation rate
would be about 10-8 changes per nucleotide per generation. If the haploid genome in man
contains 3 x 109 nucleotides, this implies that there are about 30 new nucleotide mutations per
human gamete (Hartl and Clarke 1989).
Natural selection
Natural service
Natural mating
The production of progenies that are superior to the parents who produce them.
Normal distribution
The distribution of observations that appears graphically as a bell-shaped curve. The horizontal axis
represents the level of performance of animals, or their breeding values, etc., and the height of the
curve represents the relative frequency of observations. What this means is that for a normal
distribution, we expect most observations to cluster near the mean and extreme values far away
from the mean are rare (compare this to the case of a uniform distribution, where the
observations are equally likely over the relevant range, e.g. in a wheel of fortune, all positions are
equally likely). Most continuous variables that we measure on animals are normally-distributed.
Mating of individuals within a particular breed that are not closely related.
A form of dominance where the performance of the heterozygote exceeds that of the best
Partial dominance
A form of dominance where the performance of the heterozygote is intermediate between the
two homozygotes, but more closely resembles the performance of the homozygous dominant
Performance test
An environmental effect unique to each animal which permanently affects the expression of a
repeated trait.
A measure of the association between performance in one trait (Px) and performance in another
trait (Py). See also Correlation, Additive genetic correlation and Environmental correlation.
Phenotypic selection
The difference between the average performance of individuals selected to be parents and the
average performance of all potential parents, expressed in units of the trait.
Phenotypic variance
The variance of individual performance for a trait in a population, e.g. the phenotypic variance of
weaning weight in beef cattle is about 625 kg2 .
Where a gene or genes affect more than one trait. This is the basis for the genetic correlation
between traits.
Without horns.
Polygenic trait
A trait affected by many genes, with no one gene having a large influence.
Where DNA or genes have at least two forms or alleles in the population.
A group of intermating individuals. This term can be used to refer to all animals in a breed, an
entire species or even a single herd or flock.
Population genetics
The ability of the parent to stamp its characteristics on their offspring so that they resemble that
The performance potential of an individual for a repeated trait. PA includes the effects of the
animal's genotype, as well as the animal's permanent environmental effect. See Most Probable
Producing Ability.
Progeny test
Records on a number of progeny of an individual are used to estimate the breeding value of an
Punnett square
Qualitative trait
A trait in which the phenotypes show discontinuous expression, e.g. presence or absence of horns;
red or black coat colour.
Quantitative trait
A trait in which the phenotypes show continuous (numerical) expression. See Continuous
Random mating
The formation of a new combination of alleles at linked loci as a result of crossing over.
Recombination loss
A loss in epistatic effects as a result of breaking up of the linked loci in advanced generations in
interbreeding hybrids (i.e. F2, F3, etc.).
The average change in one variable, y, per unit change in another variable, x.
Relationship coefficient
The probable proportion of one individual's genes that are identical by descent to genes of a
second individual.
Repeatability (r)
There are at least two usages for this term that are quite different so be careful that you know how
it is being used. 1. A measure of the strength of association between repeated records
(phenotypes)of an animal, ranging from 0 to 1. The basis for this association is that each record
that is expressed by an animal will have the same genotypic effects and permanent environmental
effects; this makes them similar. Repeated records will not be identical, however, because of
temporary environmental effects and herd environmental effects which will be different for each
expression of the trait by an animal. Repeatability is used in various formulae, including formulae
to estimate Producing Ability and formulae to estimate Breeding Values. The repeatability of milk
production is about .50 or so. 2. It is used to refer to the accuracy of EBV's or EPD's in publications
of dairy sire genetic merit.
Repeated trait
A trait which can be expressed repeatedly by an animal throughout its life, e.g. milk production in a
lactation expressed by dairy cattle.
Replacement rate
The rate at which newly selected individuals replace existing parents in a population. This can be
between .1 and .2 for females in beef cattle herds
Response to selection
The rate of change in the mean breeding value of the population caused by selection.
Retained heterosis
Hybrid vigour remaining in later generations of hybrids (F2, F3, etc.). Retained hybrid vigour is
commonly expressed as a proportion of the F1 (maximum) hybrid vigour. This is important in the
development of composite breeds.
Breeding stock.
The process which determines which individuals become parents, how many offspring they
produce, and how long they remain in the breeding population.
Selection criterion
An EBV, EPD, phenotypic value, selection index, or other piece of information forming the basis for
selection decisions.
Selection differential
The difference between the average selection criterion of those individuals selected to be parents
and the average selection criterion of all potential parents, expressed in units of the selection
Selection index
A linear combination of phenotypic information and weighting factors used for genetic prediction.
Selection intensity ( i )
Show ring
Male parent
Standard deviation
The square root of variance, and just like variance, gives a measure of population diversity. It is
expressed in the same units as the trait is measured in.
An environmental effect that influences a single performance record of an animal but does not
permanently influence the animal's performance potential for the repeated trait.
Test cross
A mating designed to reveal the genotype of an individual for a locus or a small number of loci.
Transmitting ability
True value
An unknown underlying attribute which affects animal performance, e.g. breeding value,
dominance genetic effect, epistatic genetic effect, permanent environmental effect, temporary
environmental effect, etc. We are interested in estimating some of these for the animals that are
candidates for selection (such as breeding value and producing ability).
Truncation selection
Selection of animals, where animals above a given level in the selection criterion are selected and
those below it are rejected.
Any quantity that can take on different numerical values. See Continuous variables and Categorical
It is the statistical terminology that indicates the amount of variation within population A measure
of variation in a population. See phenotypic variance and Additive genetic variance.
A cell formed from the union of male and female gametes, thus having the full complement of
genes, half from the female parent, half from the male parent
Define/ Explain the following
1. Animal Breeding
2. Positive assortative mating
3. Negative assortative mating
4. Tupping percentage
5. Inbreeding coefficient
6. Relationship coefficient
7. Back crossing
8. Inbreeding depression
9. Pedigree
10. Prepotency
11. Genetic gain
12. Heterosis
13. Selection differential
14. Realised heritability
15. ONBS
16. CNBS
17. Sire Index
18. Selection Index
19. Selection
20. Mating
21. Breeding
22. Sire
23. Dam
24. Progeny
25. F1 Generation
26. Arrow diagram
27. Trait
28. Hybrid vigour
29. Common ancestor
30. Offspring
31. Average Daily weight Gain
32. Breeding value
33. Full sib
34. Truncation
35. Selection
36. Generation interval
37. Animal Breeding
38. Contemporaries
39. Line breeding
Write Short Notes
1. History of Animal Breeding
2. Domestication of livestock
3. Disadvantages in cross breeding program
4. Line breeding
5. Effects and uses of cross breeding
6. Prepotency
7. Performance records
8. Genetic gain
9. Inbreeding
10. Classification of cattle breeds of India
11. Exotic cattle breeds used for cross breeding program in India
12. Buffalo breeds of India
13. Short notes on Yak
14. Short notes on Mithun
15. Classification of poultry breeds
16. Short notes on Tandem method of selection
17. Short notes on Natural selection
18. Pedigree selection
19. Progeny testing
20. Family selection
21. Selection Index
22. Inbreeding depression
23. Heterosis
24. Open Nucleus Breeding System (ONBS)
25. Classification of breeding system
26. Method of conservation of germplasm
27. Strain breeding
28. Genotypic and Phenotypic effect of Inbreeding
29. Three way rotational cross
30. Grading up
31. Species Hybridization
32. Robert Bakewel
33. Selection limit
34. Tandem method of selection
35. Survival of fittest
36. Selection index.
37. Individual Selection
38. BLUP
39. Dairy Search Index
40. Accuracy of selection
41. Independent culling method
42. Krishnan’s index
Write Essay
1. Define heterosis. List out theories connected with heterosis. Discuss the advantage of
heterosis and breeding plans to exploit heterosis.
2. What do you understand by Nucleus Breeding Scheme? Discuss different types of
breeding schemes and its application in animal improvement.
3. What is inbreeding? List out the effects of inbreeding. Discuss about the usefulness of
4. inbreeding in animal breeding.
5. Classify mating system and explain different types of Assortative mating.
6. Explain the different types of cross breeding and its application in animal breeding.
7. Classification of cattle breeds in India, explain about the milch breeds in India
8. Buffalo breeds in India and its importance in milk production
9. Economic traits of cattle and buffalo
10. Economic traits in sheep and goat
11. Economic traits in pig
12. Economic traits in poultry
13. Explain selection and Methods of selection
14. Selection for combining abilities
15. Explain about Sire evaluation and its importance
16. Progeny testing scheme and its advantages and disadvantages
17. Explain about Outbreeding, different methods and its uses.
18. Measurement of inbreeding coefficient and relationship coefficient
19. Breeding methods for improvement of cattle
20. Breeding methods for improvement of buffalo
21. Breeding methods for improvement of sheep
22. Breeding methods for improvement of goat
23. Breeding methods for improvement of swine
24. Breeding methods for improvement of poultry
25. Conservation of germplasm
26. Current livestock breeding policy of India and different states.
27. Write in detail about various methods to estimate the sire index.