Revised edition:
December 2013
Published by:
Project Coordinator
All India Coordinated Research Project on Sesame and Niger,
Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
JNKVV Campus, Jabalpur-482004 (MP)
Compiled by:
Dr. A.R.G. Ranganatha
Dr. Alok Jyotishi
Dr. Mohan Ramuji Deshmukh
Dr. Rajani Bisen
Dr. A.K. Panday
Dr. K. N. Gupta
Smt. Surabhi Jain
Dr. Seema Paroha
Cover Page:
Amit Singh
Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is the oldest indigenous oilseed crop, with longest history of
cultivation in India. Sesame or gingelli is commonly known as til (Hindi, Punjabi, Assamese, Bengali,
Marathi), tal (Gujarati), nuvvulu, manchi nuvvulu (Telugu), ellu (Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada),
tila/pitratarpana (Sanskrit) and rasi (Odia) in different parts of India. Sesame seed (contain 50% oil,
25% protein and 15% carbohydrate) is used in baking, candy making and other food industries. It is an
integral part of rituals, religion and culture. The oil is used in cooking, salad oils and margarine
(contains about 40% oleic and 40% linoleic acid). Sesame oil and foods fried in sesame oil have a long
shelf life because the oil contains an antioxidant called sesamol. The oil can be used in the manufacture
of soaps, paints, perfumes, pharmaceuticals and insecticides. Sesame meal is an excellent high quality
protein (40%) feed for poultry and livestock. Sesame seeds are store house of energy and very rich in
vitamins E, A, B Complex and minerals viz., calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, magnesium, zinc and
potassium. It is a best substitute for mother’s milk especially incase of milk allergies. Sesame seed
contains extraordinary quantities of methionine, tryptophan, amino acids with innumerable benefits.
The oil is used as the base for Ayurvedic preparations and known as the Queen of oils. Sesame seeds are
called as the seed of immortality. Studies showed that lignans found in sesame seed have remarkable
antioxidant effect on human body. Til se dil or Til – dil are the ancient Hindi proverbs in India signifying
the importance of sesame for heart. Sesame oil is considered as anticholesterol and highly beneficial for
heart ailments. Sesame is energy rich crop, ironically however, grown on energy starved condition.
India ranks first in world with 16.73 Lakh ha area and 6.5 Lakh tonnes production. The average
yield of sesame (391 kg/ha) in India is low as compared with other countries in the world. The main
reasons for low productivity of sesame are its rainfed cultivation in marginal and submarginal lands
under poor management and input starved conditions. However, improved varieties and agro
production technologies capable of increasing the productivity levels of sesame are now developed for
different agro ecological situations in the country. A well managed crop of sesame can yield 1200-1500
kg/ha under irrigated and 800-1000 kg/ha under rainfed conditions. The crop is grown in almost all
parts of the country. The area, production and the productivity of the important states growing sesame
during 2012-13 is given in Table 1.
Table 1: Area, Production and Productivity in major states of India (2012-13).
Area Productio Producti State Area Producti Productivi
State (‘00 n (‘000 vity (‘000 on (‘000 ty (kg/ha)
0 tonnes) (kg/ha) ha) tonnes)
Andhra Pradesh Madhya 314.5 157.1 500
67.0 22.0 328
Assam 12.0 7.0 583 Maharashtra 31.0 9.0 290
Bihar 2.5 2.2 873 Odisha 23.1 4.4 191
Chhatisgarh 18.8 5.5 293 Punjab 5.1 1.7 133
Gujarat Rajasthan 415.2 122.1 294
133. 34.0 256
Haryana 2.8 1.0 357 Tamilnadu 47.6 20.9 439
Himachal Uttar 345.0 64.0 186
3.0 1.1 357
Pradesh Pradesh
Jammu Kashmir 4.8 2.1 437 Uttarakhand 2.0 1.0 500
Jharkhand 8.0 2.9 356 West Bengal 187.5 176.5 941
Karnatka Others 9.9 6.1 616
13.0 325
All India 1673.0 653.6 391
ANALYSIS OF SESAME SCENARIO: In India sesame is grown practically in all states. However,
Rajasthan, Gujarat, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh are
the major sesame growing states. The productivity of sesame is low in India, because the crop is mainly
grown in kharif. It is significant to note that since 1965-66, the productivity of sesame increased by 128
% and the production increased by 54 % despite a reduction of 32% in area. In 2012-13 maximum area
was covered by Rajasthan (415 thousand hectare). The maximum production (176 thousand tonnes)
and yield (941 kg/ha) was in West Bengal. Since 1965-66, the production of sesame increased by 192 %
in Madhya Pradesh and 4204 % in West Bengal, area increased by 19 % in Gujarat and 2186 % in West
Bengal respectively and highest yield increase in Rajasthan in 2012-13.
Table 2: Change in Area, Production and Productivity of sesame crop over 1965-66
Area of major sesame growing states ('000 hectares)
1965- 1975- 1985- 1995- 2005- 2011- 2012-
State over
66 76 86 96 06 12 13*
224.20 136.10 152.30 199.40 116.00 72.00 67.0 -70.12
Gujarat 111.30 106.90 126.80 249.70 364.00 247.00 133.0 19.50
346.50 259.50 233.00 182.50 150.10 294.90 314.5 -9.24
Maharashtra 117.80 171.10 227.30 194.80 107.00 46.00 31.0 -73.68
Rajasthan 630.00 366.90 520.00 329.40 422.10 512.80 415.2 -34.10
708.00 674.20 278.00 195.60 107.10 345.00 345.0 -51.27
West Bengal 8.20 33.30 74.80 115.30 146.00 182.10 187.5 2186.59
All India 2480.00 2170.00 2217.00 1825.70 1723.20 1901.50 1673.0 -32.54
Production of major sesame growing states ('000 tonnes)
1965- 1975- 1985- 1995- 2005- 2011- 2012-
State over
66 76 86 96 06 12 13*
Andhra Pradesh 39.00 26.40 30.70 54.10 29.00 20.00 22.0 -43.59
Gujarat 25.70 41.70 19.60 92.40 143.00 117.00 34.0 32.30
Madhya Pradesh 53.70 40.50 46.70 46.40 58.10 154.90 157.1 192.55
Maharashtra 27.20 39.30 49.90 48.60 29.00 15.00 9.0 -66.91
Rajasthan 51.40 64.90 27.00 34.30 62.80 166.30 122.1 137.55
Uttar Pradesh 126.90 86.20 16.80 25.40 27.00 75.00 64 -49.57
West Bengal 4.10 20.70 44.00 90.70 123.10 167.20 176.5 4204.88
All India 425.00 479.50 501.00 531.10 641.10 810.30 653.6 53.79
Productivity of major sesame growing states (Kg/ha)
% Change
1965- 1975 1985- 1995- 2005- 2011- 2012-
State over 1965-
66 -76 86 96 06 12 13*
Andhra 185.00 194.00 202.00 271.00 250.00 278.00 328.00
Pradesh 77.30
Gujarat 231.00 390.00 155.00 370.00 393.00 474.00 256.00 10.82
Madhya 155.00 156.00 200.00 254.00 387.00 525.00 500.00
Pradesh 222.58
Maharashtra 231.00 230.00 220.00 249.00 271.00 326.00 290.00 25.54
Rajasthan 82.00 177.00 52.00 104.00 149.00 324.00 294.00 258.54
Uttar Pradesh 179.00 128.00 60.00 130.00 252.00 217.00 186.00 3.91
West Bengal 500.00 622.00 588.00 787.00 843.00 918.00 941.00 88.20
All India 171.00 221.00 226.00 291.00 372.00 426.00 391.00 128.65
Source: Directorate of Oil Seeds Development, Himayat Nagar,Hyderabad
CLIMATIC REQUIREMENT: Sesame is grown in almost all the states in large or small areas. It can be
cultivated up to the latitude of 1600m (India 1200 m). Sesame plant needs fairly high temperature
during its life cycle. Normally the optimum temperature required during its life cycle is between 25-35
0C. If the temperature is more than 40 0C with hot winds the oil content reduces. If the temperature goes
beyond 45 0C or less than 15 0C there is a severe reduction in yield. The pollen become sterile at
aberrant temperatures. The crop is very sensitive to excessive water in the field. Stagnation of water for
long period in the standing crop will completely affect the crop. The well distributed rain during kharif
season results in the good crop. During the last decade drastic changes in the climate have been
experienced in the country. Aberrations in weather conditions, irregular and unevenly distributed
rainfall have adverse effect on sesame yield. The abiotic stresses consequently will result in the biotic
stresses which are difficult to manage. In order to tackle these problems one should evolve appropriate
varieties to tolerate abrasive weather conditions. Photo and thermo insensitive varieties, responsive to
fertilizer application depending on moisture and resistant varieties to insect pests and diseases are the
need of the hour.
VARIETAL REQUIREMENT: Research on sesame is limited for it being considered as a minor crop.
Efforts should be intensified to enhance germplasm resources with detailed investigations on wild
species. There is a wide range of variability in the germplasm reservoir of sesame. Wild species are rich
sources for resistance to stresses. The wild species possess desirable genes viz., resistance to
Antigastra, powdery mildew, wilt, drought, tolerance to heavy rainfall and more seeds per capsule.
High oil, protein, high sesamin, sesmolin, large seed size, colour, rough and easily removable
seed coat with reduced anti nutritional factors are the important characters for breeding. The leaves
should be medium to broad at base, narrow lanceolate towards apex with short petiole and high
photosynthetic efficiency. Capsules with full seed set, short internodes, determinate growth habit with a
uniform, short ripening period and non shattering type suitable for machine harvest can lead to higher
yield. An improved harvest index should be stressed, thus reducing unproductive biomass. In sesame,
harvest index varies from 15 to 20% and possibilities exist to double with improved plant types. The
genotypes with the potential to respond to added inputs should be developed.
Most of the sesame varieties are sensitive to photo and thermo periods, which limits cultivation
across seasons and regions. Therefore, breeding for wider adaptation is important. Cultivars having
white, bold, high lignans, low free fatty acid, oxalic acid and phytic acid are important for export market.
Breeding efforts having a combination of improved and conventional breeding is required for sesame
IMPROVED VARIETIES: Sesame is highly sensitive to seasonal variation in terms of day length and
temperature. Therefore, varieties recommended for commercial cultivation are location and season
specific. Farmers generally prefer particular varieties in different regions/states for their popularity on
the basis of the desirable traits viz., seed colour, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses and higher
market prices.
Table 3: Statewise farmers preferred varieties
State Varieties
Gujarat Guj-Til-1, Guj-Til-2, Guj-Til-3, Guj-Til-4, Guj-Til-10
Madhya Pradesh TKG-21, TKG-22, TKG-55, JTS-8, TKG-306, TKG-308, PKDS-8,
/Chhattisgarh PKDS-11, PKDS-12
Rajasthan RT-46, RT-54, RT-103, RT-125, RT-127, RT-346, RT-351
Maharashtra AKT-64 , AKT-101, JLT-408, PKVNT-11, Phule Til.1
Uttar Pradesh T-78, Sekhar, Pragati, Tarun
Tamil Nadu Co-1,TSS-6, Paiyur-1, VRI-1, VRI-2, TMV-7
West Bengal Rama, Savitri, Tilottama (B-67)
Orissa Nirmala , Prachi, Amrit, Shubhra, Smarak, Usha, Uma,
Andhra Pradesh Varaha, Gautama, Swetha til, Chandana, Hima, Rajeshwari
Kerala Thilathara, Thilarani, Thilak, Kayamkulam-1
Karnataka DS-1, DS-5, DSS-9
Punjab Punjab Til-1, TC-25, TC-289
Bihar Krishna
Haryana Haryana Til-1, Haryana Til-2
Himachal Pradesh Brijeshwari
Improved varieties recommended for different parts of the country for kharif, late kharif, rabi and
summer seasons and their characteristic features are presented in Table 4.
Table 4: Characteristic features of recommended varieties of sesame.
Releasing Yea Seed Oil Days to Salient characters
State/Variety r of Yield content maturity
Rele (kg/ha) (%)
Gujarat Til-1 197 650-700 48-52 86-92 White seed, branching type with
9 smooth green stem, leaf opposite,
flower pink colour, multi capsular,
capsule opposite on main stem and
opposite as well as alternate on
secondary branches, moderately
resistant to powdery mildew
Gujarat Til-2 199 750-800 48-52 88-92 White seed, branching type, multi
4 capsular, capsule opposite, hairy,
tolerant to macrophomina
Gujarat Til-10 200 750-800 48-52 88-92 Black seed, profusely branched, single
2 alternate capsule, flower colour
pinkish white, resistant to powdery
Gujarat Til-3 200 750-800 48-52 84-88 White bold seed, medium maturing,
6 single, opposite, broad, oblong
Gujarat Til-4 201 750-800 48-52 79-83 White seed, early maturing,
0 multicapsule, capsule alternate,
glabrous, narrow oblong capsules
RT-46 199 700-750 48-50 82-85 White seed, tolerant to alternaria leaf
0 spot
RT-54 199 700-800 43-46 78-80 Light brown seed, tolerant to leaf
2 blight and alternaria leaf spot
RT-125 199 700-800 48-50 83-88 White seed, tolerant to macrophomina,
4 alternaria leaf spot and bacterial leaf
RT-103 199 700-800 46-50 83-88 White seed, tolerant to macrophomina
4 and bacterial leaf blight
RT-127 200 750-850 50-52 82-86 White bold seed, drought hardy,
1 tolerant to macrophomina, bacterial
leaf spot and powdery mildew
RT- 346 200 750-850 49-51 82-86 White seed, capsules non hairy,
9 compact (short internodal distance)
medium long and alternate
RT- 351 201 700-800 48-51 80-85 Tolerant to macrophomina, leaf curl,
0 and cercospora
Phule Til.1 197 600-700 49-51 90-95 White seed, tolerant to macrophomina
N-8 198 600-650 50-51 120-125 Brown tinge seed, resistant to
2 powdery mildew, tolerant to
macrophomina and alternaria leaf spot
Tapi (JLT-7) 198 600-700 48-52 85-90 White bold seed, tolerant to alternaria
7 leaf spot
Padma (JLT- 199 700-750 48-50 82-86 Light brown seed, tolerant to
26) 1 Alternaria and Cercospora.
AKT-64 199 700-750 47-48 85-90 White seed, medium tall, tolerant to
6 macrophomina and phytophthora
AKT-101 200 750-800 48-49 88-90 Oxalic acid below 1 % and FFA below 2
1 %, tolerant to phyllody,
macrophomina and bacterial blight
PKV-NT-11 200 800-850 48-49 88-92 White seed, tolerant to phyllody,
9 macrophomina and bacterial blight,
JLT-408 201 700-800 51-53 80-85 White bold seed, low FFA content,
0 tolerant to powdery mildew
Kanchan (JT- 198 600-700 50-53 84-88 White seed, medium size seed
7) 0
TKG-21 (JT- 199 650-700 52-54 85-90 White seed, tolerant to bacterial leaf
21) 3 spot and alternaria leaf spot
TKG-22 199 650-700 50-54 82-85 White seed, tolerant to phytophthora
5 blight
TKG-55 (JT- 199 650-700 50-53 82-85 White seed, tolerant to phytophthora
55) 9 blight
JTS-8 200 650-700 50-53 82-85 White seed, capsules alternate, non
1 hairy; flowers hairy, tolerant to
macrophomina, alternaria leaf spot
and phytophthora blight
Jawahar Til-11 200 650-700 46-50 82-85 Dark brown seed, tolerant to
(PKDS-11- 6 macrophomina
TKG-306 200 700-800 49-52 86-90 White seed, alternate capsule, leaves
6 alternate, flower blue white hairy,
capsules medium hairy and tolerant to
phytophthora, phyllody,
macrophomina, cercospora, powdery
mildew, and alternaria leaf spot
Jawahar Til – 200 700-750 48-52 82-85 White seed, tolerant to macrophomina
12 (PKDS-12) 8
TKG-308 200 700-750 46-50 85-90 White seed, tolerant to Phytophthora,
8 macrophomina, cercospora, powdery
mildew and alternaria leaf spot
Jawahar Til - 201 700-750 50-53 85-88 Black seed, tolerant to capsule borer
14 (PKDS-8) 0
T-12 196 650-700 46-50 85-88 White seed, tolerant to phyllody and
2 leaf curl
T-13 196 600-700 48-52 82-88 White seed, tolerant to lodging
T-78 199 650-700 46-50 85-90 White seed, tolerant to lodging and leaf
5 curl disease
Sekhar 200 700-800 50-52 85-90 White seed, tolerant to leaf curl,
1 powdery mildew, macrophomina and
phytopthora blight
Pragati (MT- 200 700-750 48-52 85-90 White seed, tolerant to leaf curl,
75) 2 powdery mildew, macrophomina and
phytopthora blight,
Tarun 200 700-800 52-53 90-95 White seed, moderately resistant to
5 diseases
Tilottama (B- 198 900-1000 42-44 80-85 Blackish brown seed, tolerant to
67) 4 (Summer) macrophomina
Rama 198 1000- 46-48 85-90 Reddish brown seed, tolerant to
(Imp.Sel.5) 9 1003 macrophomina
SWB-32-10-1 200 1100- 48-50 84-88 Light brown seed, erect branching
(Savitri) 8 1400 type, tolerant to lodging, leaves deep
(Summer) green, flower light pink colour, tetra
locular capsules, tolerant to
Haryana Til-1 197 700-750 48-50 85-90 White seed, early maturing, dark
8 green, long and thick leaves, tolerant
to leaf curl
Haryana Til-2 201 650-750 48-50 85-90 White seed, tolerant to phyllody and
2 leaf curl
Gauri 19 650-700 46-48 85-90 Dark brown seed, suitable for early
74 Kharif and summer
Madhavi 19 650-700 46-48 78-82 Light brown seed
Rajeshwari 19 700-750 48-50 85-90 White seed, tolerant to stem rot and
88 powdery mildew
Varaha (Yel.1) 19 800-850 50-53 82-85 Dark brown seed, uniform maturity.
Gautama 19 750-800 50-52 76-80 Light brown seed, uniform maturity,
(Yel.2) 93 tolerant to alternaria leaf spot
Swetha Til 19 750-800 50-52 82-86 White seed, determinate, tolerant to
97 powdery mildew, stem rot, leaf curl
and macrophomina
Chandana 20 800-850 45-48 84-88 Brown seed, tolerant to bacterial blight
(JCS-94) 02
Hima 20 800-850 48-50 80-85 Shiny white seed, long capsules, early
06 in duration, field tolerant to alternaria
leaf spot
Kanak 19 600-700 46-48 85-90 Light brown seed, tolerant to lodging
Kalika 19 600-700 45-48 85-90 Light brown seed, tolerant to
85 macrophomina
Vinayak 19 600-650 43-46 85-90 Light brown seed, tolerant to
89 alternaria leaf spot
Uma 19 750-850 42-46 75-80 Pale white seed, tolerant to
(OMT-11-6-3) 92 Macrophomina and phyllody
Usha 19 700-750 43-46 85-90 Light brown seed, tolerant to
(OMT-11-6-5) 92 alternaria alternaria leaf spot
Nirmala 20 800-900 42-44 80-85 White seed, tolerant to bacterial leaf
(OS-Sel-164) 03 spot, powdery mildew and alternaria
leaf spot
Prachi (ORM- 20 800-900 42-45 85-90 Black seed, tolerant to cercospora,
17) 04 powdery mildew
Amrit [OSC- 20 800-900 43-46 82-85 Light brown seed, tolerant to powdery
24(95)2-1-3] 07 mildew and alternaria leaf spot
Shubhra 20 800-900 48-52 78-84 White seed, delayed shattering
12 moderately tolerant to macrophomina
and alternaria leaf spot
Smarak 20 800-900 48-52 80-85 Golden yellow bold seed, delayed
12 shattering, Synchronous maturity,
tolerant to macrophomina and
alternaria leaf spot
TMV- 3 19 650-700 50-52 80-85 Black seed, suitable for all seasons
TMV-4 19 700-850 48-50 85-90 Brown seed, four loculed capsule
TMV-6 19 700-950 52-54 85-90 Brown seed, tolerant to drought
CO -1 19 650-750 50-52 85-90 Black seed, tolerant to macrophomina
Paiyur-1 19 750-850 50-52 85-90 Black seed, four loculed capsule
TSS-6 (SVPR-1) 19 750-800 50-54 75-80 White seed, four loculed capsule,
91 tolerant to alternaria leaf spot
VRI (SV)-1 19 600-700 50-52 72-75 Dark brown seed, short, four loculed
95 capsule, early maturing
VRI (SV)-2 20 700-800 50-53 80-85 Reddish brown seed, glabrous, mixed
05 in phyllotaxy, basal branch habit,
profuse branching, tolerant to
TMV(SV)-7 20 800-900 48-50 80-85 Brown seed, tolerant to root rot, high
09 protein content (24.5 %), suitable for
value addition
Krishna 19 700-750 45-48 88-95 Black seed, tolerant to alternaria leaf
89 spot
Jawahar Til-11 20 650-700 46-50 82-85 Dark brown, tolerant to
(PKDS-11- 06 macrophomina
DS-1 19 400-500 48-50 95-100 White seed, tolerant to bacterial leaf
95 blight
DSS-9 20 550-600 49-50 85-90 White bold seeded, early maturing
DS-5 20 600-700 50-52 90-95 White bold seeded, tall 4-5 branched
12 with long capsules, tolerant to
bacterial leaf blight
Thilothama 19 600-650 48-50 85-90 Brown bold seed, multicapsuled, shy
82 branching
Soma 19 600-650 44-48 85-95 White seed, tolerant to alternaria leaf
84 spot
Surya 19 600-650 44-48 85-95 Black seed, tolerant to phyllody
Kayamkulam-1 20 600-650 48-50 80-85 Brownish black seed, moderately
06 branched, with narrow oblong capsule,
tolerant to drought
Thilak 20 600-650 48-50 85-90 Blackish brown seed, highly branched
06 type, suitable for both rice fallow and
rabi upland, tolerant to moisture
Thilathara 20 600-650 48-52 84-88 Blackish brown seed, tall, shy
06 branching, resistant to powdery
Thilarani 20 650-750 46-50 82-86 Dark brown seed, semi tall, compact
06 capsule packing, resistant to powdery
Punjab Til-1 19 650-700 48-52 80-85 White seed
TC-25 19 700-800 50-52 80-85 White seed
TC-289 19 700-800 48-52 84-88 White seed, tolerant to macrophomina
Brijeshwari 20 800-850 48-52 85-90 White bold seed, medium tall with
(LTK-4) 01 spreading branches
Assam- TKG-21 variety of Madhya Pradesh and Uma variety of Odisha are recommended.
Chhatisgarh- Sekhar variety of Uttar Pradesh and Amrit variety of Odisha are recommended.
Jharkhand- PKDS-11 variety of Madhya Pradesh is recommended.
Jammu and Kashmir- Brijeshwari variety of Himachal Pradesh is recommended.
North Eastern States TKG-21, TKG-22 and TKG-55 varieties of Madhya Pradesh, Tilottama Variety
of West Bengal, GT-10 of Gujarat and Uma variety of Odisha are recommended.
RT-46 and RT-125 are recommended for Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh besides Rajasthan
RT-54 and RT-103 are also recommended for Gujarat, Maharashtra and Telangana region of
Andhra Pradesh.
RT-346 is also recommended for Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat and adjoining
areas of western Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka besides Rajasthan state.
RT-351 is also recommended for Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Haryana, Punjab and
Himachal Pradesh besides Rajasthan state.
TKG-21, TKG-22 and TKG-55 are also recommended for Eastern UP, Bihar, Odisha, West Bengal
and North Eastern states besides Madhya Pradesh state.
Uma is also recommended for Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and North Eastern States,
besides Odisha state.
Amrit is also recommended for West Bengal besides Odisha state.
Sekhar is also recommended for Haryana and Bihar besides Uttar Pradesh state.
PKDS-11 is also recommended for Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and West
Bengal besides Madhya Pradesh state.
JTS-8 is also recommended for Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and adjoining parts of Andhra
Pradesh besides Madhya Pradesh state.
TMV-3 is also recommended for Karnataka besides Tamil Nadu state.
TC-25 is also recommended for Vidarbha region of Maharashtra besides Punjab state.
Note: The details of the varieties like seed yield and other salient features are given in the respective
Seed Scenario: The breeder seed production in sesame exceed the indents by 2-3 times. The seed
production chain at foundation and certified stages is weak. The seed replacement rate is low exhibiting
a range from minimum of 1-2% in Bihar and Madhya Pradesh to a maximum of 10% in Gujarat. The non
availability of quality seed to the farmers at proper time is one of the important reason for low
productivity. However, improved varieties and agro production techniques capable of boosting the
productivity levels have been developed for different agro ecological situations.
Maintenance of genetic purity: Sesame is highly prone to mechanical mixture due to its very light,
small seed and shattering habit. Therefore care has to be taken to avoid mixture at all the stages.
Following precautions are to be taken to maintain the genetic purity. Select the field with no preceding
crop of Sesame. Use seed from authenticated source after ascertaining genetic purity through grow out
test. Restrict selection of only true to the type plants. Renewal of seed should be done at least once in
three years. Follow strict rouging at vegetative, flowering and maturity stages. Apply phorate 10G
10kg/ha in and around the seed plot to control seed removal and/or mechanical mixture by the ants, a
serious problem at sowing time. The maturity of the capsules is not synchronous in most of the
varieties, as a result the earlier capsules start shattering while others are still green. Shattering is the
main problem and source of mechanical mixture. In spite of very low seed rate and very high
multiplication ratio, the conversion from one to the other stage of seed multiplication is very low.
Prolonged exposure to variations in temperature and relative humidity during kharif may lead to
shrinkage and attack of pathogens. It is sensitive to excessive moisture and highly susceptible to
Phytophthora and Macrophomina. Crop failure due to these reasons is quite frequent. Very small, light
seed and shattering of capsules, make the crop prone to mechanical mixture at harvesting, threshing
and processing stages. To protect the seed from seed borne pathogens and storage fungi, a protective
spray of systemic fungicide like Carbendazim is recommended but not actually practiced. Like other
crops, non lifting and delayed lifting of seed is a common problem of breeder seed production process.
Presently two seed production systems are operating. The formal system is being operated
through public sector agencies like NSC, SFCI, SSC’s, SAUs and oil federations etc. The seed
multiplication ratio in this system is extremely poor. The main advantage of this system is that the
identity, genetic purity, quality and source of the seed is known to the farmers. The informal system
includes multiplication of varieties by private growers or individual farmers and sharing the seed by
the farmers. The seed of most of sesame varieties under cultivation is being produced and supplied
through this system. The main disadvantage of this system is that the identity, genetic purity, quality
and source of the seed is not authenticated. However, the seed produced through this system is less
expensive and easily available to the farmers. The existing formal system of seed production had been
hardly sufficient to cope up with the seed requirement. The minor crops like sesame receive least
priority of seed producing agencies and therefore the production of quality seed for the farmers in
these crops is pathetic. The possibility of improving the supply of quality seed through the formal
system in near future appears not to be so bright. Therefore in these crops, alternative systems of seed
supply may prove worthy for fulfillment of the requirement.
Both, the formal and informal systems of seed supply, have their own limitations. To overcome
the limitations of the prevalent informal system and the existing formal seed supply system, the seed
production can be undertaken by the research institutes and distributed through farmer fairs/field
days/sale counters. The direct supply is quite feasible and will be rather more effective in view of the
specific advantages. This system has been quite successful to bring the maximum area under quality
seed of improved varieties in Gujarat where total area has been occupied by Gujarat Til-1 and Gujarat
Til-2 and average productivity of the state has gone to 600 kg/ha. Another option to augment the seed
supply in sesame is seed village concept. The institutes can choose a single variety to grow in one ha
plot which will easily produce 8-10 q seed sufficient to cover the area of about 250 to 300 ha in one
village with the single variety. The seed village should grow one and the only one variety. The local or
other varieties should not be grown in seed village. Clubbing together the programme of
demonstrations and seed village will prove synergistic for the improvement of seed replacement rate.
The improved production technologies recommended for different sesame growing areas in the
country are as follows.
GROWING SEASONS: Sesame is grown in all the crop growing seasons viz, kharif, late kharif, rabi and
summer. It is grown in more than one season in some part and in different seasons in other parts of the
country (Table 5).
Table 5: Sesame growing seasons in India.
Season Planting Harvesting Situati Ar Name of states
time time on ea
Rainy June-July Oct.- Nov. Rainfed 70 Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,
(kharif) Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha,
Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
Late Aug. - Sept. Dec. - Jan. Rainfed 10 Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and
Kharif Maharashtra
Winter Oct. - Nov. Feb. - March Irrigate Rar Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Odisha
(rabi) d e
Summer Jan. - April - June Irrigate 20 West Bengal, Odisha, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh,
March d Tamil Nadu and Kerala
Pre Apr - May July Rainfed 10 Karnataka , Andhra Pradesh
Normally, the crop is grown in plains but it also comes up successfully up to 1200 m above
mean sea level. For maximum yield, sesame requires fairly high temperatures (25-35oC) and evenly
distributed rainfall during its growth period.
SOILS: Sesame can be grown on a wide range of soils, however well drained light to medium textured
soils are preferred. It does best on sandy loams with adequate moisture. The optimum pH range is 5.5
to 8.0. Acidic or alkaline soils are not suitable.
Sequence cropping: Sesame is a short duration crop and fits well into a number of multiple cropping
systems either as a catch crop or a sequence crop. Following are some of the common sequences
followed in different regions (Table 6).
Table 6: Sequence cropping with sesame.
State Crop sequence
Andhra Pradesh Rice-Groundnut-Sesame, Sesame-Horse gram, Finger millet/Sorghum/Horse
gram (Early)-Sesame, Sesame- Upland Rice
Bihar Early Rice -Potato-Summer Sesame/Green gram
Kharif Sesame-Maize/Pigeon pea/Rabi gram
Wheat-Summer Sesame/ Green gram
Gujarat Sesame-Wheat/Mustard
Karnataka Sesame-Horse gram/Chickpea
Madhya Pradesh Sesame-Wheat ,Cotton-Sesame-Wheat, Rice-Summer Sesame
Maharashtra Sesame (Early)-Rabi Sorghum/Safflower/Gram
Cotton-Summer Sesame (For Vidharbha Region)
Odisha Rice/Potato-Sesame, kharif Sesame-Maize/Pigeon pea/ Rabi gram
Rajasthan Sesame-Wheat/Green gram/Barley/Mustard
Sesame-Pearlmillet/Green gram/Clusterbean/Mothbean
Tamil Nadu Rice/Groundnut-Sesame, Sesame- Green gram, Sesame-Rabi Sorghum,
Groundnut-Black gram-Sesame, Sesame-Green gram, Cowpea-Sesame
Uttar Pradesh Sesame (Early)-Gram/Rapeseed-Mustard/Lentil/Pea
West Bengal Potato-Sesame , Rice - Sesame
Inter cropping: Profitable intercropping systems recommended for different states are given in Table
Table 7: Inter cropping systems for different states.
State Intercropping system
Gujarat Sesame+Groundnut / Black gram (3:3)
Sesame+Pearl millet / Cotton (3:1)
Karnataka Sesame+Groundnut (1:4)
Madhya Pradesh Sesame+Green gram / Black gram (2:2 or 3:3)
Sesame+Soybean (2:1 or 2:2)
Maharastra Sesame+Pearl millet / Black gram (3:1), Sesame+Pigeonpea(4:2)
Sesame+Green gram(3:3), Sesame+Soybean (2:1), Sesame+Cotton (3:1) (For
Vidharbha Region)
Odisha Sesame+Green gram /Black gram (2:2)
Pigeonpea+Sesame (2:2) (In kharif)
Rajasthan Sesame+Green gram(4:2) / Moth bean (1:1)
Tamil Nadu Sesame+Green gram / Black gram (3:3)
Sesame+Pigeonpea(3:1), Sesame+Groundnut (2:4)
Uttar Pradesh Sesame+Green gram (1:1), Sesame+ Pigeon pea(3:1)
West Bengal Sesame+Groundnut (1:3 or 2:2)
Land preparation: One or two ploughings followed by harrowing are recommended for pulverization
and fine tilth required for good germination and plant stand. Keep the field weed free and perfectly
levelled to avoid water logging to which sesame is highly sensitive.
Seed rate: A seed rate of 5 kg/ha is needed to achieve the required plant stand. Wherever seed drill is
used, the seed rate may be reduced to 2.5 to 3 kg/ha from 5 kg/ha. For easy interculture and to realize
higher yield adopt line sowing.
Sowing method: In order to facilitate easy seeding and even distribution increase the bulk by mixing
the seed with either sand or dry soil or well sieved farmyard manure in 1:20 ratio. Use seed drill or
deshi plough with suitable attachment for line sowing. The optimum depth for seed placement is 2.5 cm.
Avoid deep seeding as it adversely affects germination and plant stand.
Optimum time of sowing and spacing: Indian agro climate is so variable that sesame is sown and
harvested through out the year in all the months in one or the other part of the country. Spacing
between and within the row depends on the specific variety, plant type and season. The optimum time
of sowing and spacing recommended for different states/ regions are given in Table 8.
Table 8: Optimum time of sowing and spacing in different states/ regions.
State Season Sowing time Spacing
Andhra Pradesh
Coastal Kharif Second fortnight of May 30 x 15
Summer Second fortnight of January 30 x 15
Telangana Kharif Second fortnight of July 30 x 10-15
Gujarat Kharif Last week of June to second fortnight of 60 x 15
Semi-rabi July 60 x 15
Summer Mid September 30 x 10
Second fortnight of February
Madhya Pradesh/ Kharif First week of July 30 x 10-15
Chhattisgarh Semi-rabi Late August-Early September 30 x 15
Summer Second to last week of February 30 x 15
Maharashtra Kharif Second fortnight of June to First week of 30 x 15
Semi-rabi July 30 x 15
Summer Early September 45 x 15
Vidharbha Region Kharif February 30 x 10
Semi-rabi Last week of June to first fortnight of July 30 x 10
Summer First fortnight of September 30 x 10
Last week of January to first week of
Rajasthan Kharif First fortnight of July 30 x 15 or
45 x 10
Odisha Kharif June-July 30 x 10-15
Rabi September-October 30 x 10-15
Summer February 30 x 10-15
Uttar Pradesh/ Kharif Second fortnight of July 30-45 x 15
Bihar/ Jharkhand Kharif July 30 x 15
West Bengal Kharif End of May-first week of June 30 x 15
Rabi 30 x 15
Summer 30 x 15
Tamil Nadu Kharif Second fortnight of May to Second 30 x 30
Rabi fortnight of June 30 x 30
Summer November-December 30 x 30
Second fortnight of January to March
Karnataka North Kharif June-July 30 x 15
South Pre Kharif April-May 30 x 15
Assam Kharif July-August 30 x 10-15
Punjab/Haryana Kharif Second fortnight of July 30 x 10-15
Kerala Kharif August 30 x 10-15
Summer December 30 x 15
Seed Treatment: For the prevention of seed borne diseases, use treated seed with Thiram 2 g/kg +
Carbendazim 1 g/kg or Trichoderma viride 5 g/kg seed. Wherever bacterial leaf spot disease is a
problem, soak the seed for 30 minutes in 0.025% solution of Agrimycin-100 prior to seeding.
Manures and Fertilizers: For improving soil physical conditions and to obtain higher yield, apply
about 5 tonnes/ha of well decomposed farm yard manure before the last ploughing and incorporate it
thoroughly in to the soil. Sesame responds well to inorganic fertilizers. The dose of fertilizers would
however, vary depending on the variety, season, soil fertility status, previous crop, rain fall and soil
moisture. The optimum doses of N, P and K recommended for different regions/situations are given in
Table 9.
Table 9: Recommended doses of fertilizers for different states.
State/ Situation Recommended dose Specific recommendation
of N:P:K (kg/ha)
Andhra Pradesh
Coastal region 40:40:20 -
Telangana region 30:30:20
Kharif 50:25:40 Apply sulphur 15-20 kg/ha
Semi-rabi 25:12.5:0 -
Summer 50:25:0 -
Madhya Pradesh/
Chhattisgarh 40:30:20 Apply zinc sulphate 25 kg/ha once in three
Rainfed 60:40:20 years in zinc deficient soils
Maharashtra 50:0:0 Half N at 3 weeks after sowing and remaining
half 6 weeks there after.
Vidharbha Region 40:50:0 For AKT-64 variety
25:25:0 For other varieties
-Half N at sowing and remaining half dose 30
-20 kg Zn and S/ha each at sowing if soils are
Heavy soils 40:20:0 Apply Gypsum 250 kg /ha
Light soils 40:25:0
Irrigated 40:20:20 -
Rainfed 30:15:15 -
Tamil Nadu
Irrigated 35:23:23 Apply full dose of N, P and K as basal
Rainfed 23:13:13 Seed may be treated with 600 g Azospirillum
Uttar Pradesh/ 20:10:00 -
Haryana 30:00:00 -
Bihar/ Jharkhand 40:40:00 -
West Bengal
Irrigated 50:25:25 No fertilizer if sown after potato.
Rainfed 25:13:13
Assam 30:30:20 Entire as basal
Kerala 30:15:30 N may be applied 75% as basal + 25 % as foliar
2% urea, 30-35 days after sowing
Karnataka 37.5:25:25 Half N + full P and K as basal
Remaining half N at 30-35 DAS
Wherever specific mention has not been made, apply half the recommended dose of nitrogen and full
dose of phosphorus and potash at the time of seeding. The remaining half of nitrogen may be top
dressed at flower initiation i.e. 30-35 days after sowing. At the time of top dressing, there should be
sufficient soil moisture or irrigate the field as in case of rabi-summer sesame.
Weeding and Interculture: The critical crop weed competition period in sesame is up to 40 DAS. The
crop is very sensitive to weed competition during the first 20-25 days. Two weedings, one after 15-20
days of sowing and other at 30-35 days after sowing are required to keep the field weed free and for
moisture and nutrients available to the crop. For interculture, use hand hoes or bullock drawn blade
harrow. Preplant incorporation of 1 kg a.i./ha fluchloralin or pre emergence application of 1 kg a.i./ha
Pendimethalin effectively check weed growth. One hand weeding and hoeing at 30 days after sowing
may be followed.
Irrigation: Except, when raised during rabi-summer seasons, sesame rarely receives any irrigation.
Nevertheless, protective irrigation will greatly benefit the kharif crop also whenever there are
prolonged dry spells. For rabi-summer crop give the irrigation, immediately after sowing to improve
germination and plant establishment, if soil moisture conditions warrant. The subsequent irrigations
may be given at an interval of 12-15 days depending on the soil type, weather conditions and season.
For good seed filling and yield, irrigations at flower initiation and capsule formation are essential.
CROP PROTECTION: A number of insect pests and diseases may damage sesame at different crop
stages. Appropriate control measures should be taken up to reduce yield losses. Major insect pests and
diseases, their characteristic symptoms and measures recommended for their management are
furnished in Table 10 and 11.
Table 10: Important insect pests of sesame and their integrated management.
Insect pest Nature of Stage Period of Integrated management
damage when crop insect
is activity
Leaf roller In early stage The first July to Early sown kharif crop is less infested than
and capsule of crop, attack of September late sown crop
borer caterpillars the pest Use tolerant varieties viz; RT-46, RT-54,
(Antigastra feed on tender starts when RT-103, RT-125, Usha, Swetha Til, Tapi,
catalaunalis leaves and the crop is Pragati, TMV-3, Shekhar, Tarun, Amrit,
Dup.) remain inside 2-3 weeks Gujarat Til-3, TKG-306, Hima, PKV-NT-11,
the leaf web. At old. TKG-55, TKG-21, TKG-22 and JTS-8
flowering, Removal of larvae from the leaf webs
larvae feed during the initial stages of plant growth
inside the and destroy them
flowers and on Intercropping with black gram, green
capsule gram, moth bean, pearl millet, pigeon pea
formation, and cowpea proved to be more effective
larvae bore than sole crop
into capsules Crop rotation is effective in reducing pest
and feed on population.
developing Birds readily eat the caterpillars and help
seeds. to check when they are numerous, 40-50
bird perches are required for one hectare
For effective control of the sesame pest
particularly at early stage, apply phorate
10G 10 kg/ha as basal application
Release of Larval parasite Bracon hebator,
Bracon geichi Ashm
Spray NSKE 5 g/l
Seed treatment with imidachloprid 70 WS
7.5 g/kg seed or thiamethoxam 25 WG 5
g/kg seed and one or two foliar sprays of
NSKE 5 g/l or neem oil 5 ml/l or neem
gold 0.3% or Spinosad 45 SC 0.15 ml/l.
or prophenophos 50 EC 2ml/l is found
effective against major insect pests of
Two sprays of Chloropyriphos 20 EC 1.5
ml/l or Quinalphos 25 EC 1.5 ml/l or
Triazophos 40 EC 1 ml/l at 30 and 45
days after sowing
Economic threshold level of Antigastra
catalaunalis is 10 per cent plant infestation
Gall fly Maggots feed At the time September Clipping of the galls, picking and burning
(Asphondylia inside the floral of bud to the shed buds may help as prophylactic
sesami Folt.) bud leading to initiation November measure
formation of Use tolerant varieties like RT-46, Swetha
gall like Til, RT-103, OMT-26, Swetha Til, RT-127,
structure Hima and RT-125
which do not Spray NSKE 5 g/l
develop into Spray crop at bud initiation stage with any
flower/ one of the following insecticides
capsule. The dimethoate 1.5 ml/l or Quinalphos 25 EC
affected buds 1.5 ml/l or Dichlorvos 76 EC 1 ml/l or
wither and Triazophos 40 EC 1 ml/l or Imidacloprid
drop. 17.8% SL 0.25 ml/l
Bud fly Maggots feed At the time September Use tolerant varieties like MT-75 and
(Dasynura inside the floral of bud to October Shekhar
sesami G&P) bud leading to initiation Management as in the case of gall fly
formation of
gall like
which do not
develop into
The affected
buds wither
and drop.
Sesame leaf Nymph and From July to end Seed treatment with imidachloprid 70 WS
hoppers adults suck the vegetative of 7.5 g/kg seed or thiamethoxam 25 WG 5
(Orosius sap of tender to capsule September g/kg seed protects the crop from all
albicinctus parts of the stage sucking pests for about a month
Dist.) plants. The Intercrop with Redgram
jassid or leaf Remove and destroy infected plants
hopper is a Use Predator : Brumus sutugalis (Early
serious pest of instar nymphs)
sesame and is Spray NSKE 5 g/l
known to Spray Dimethoate 30 EC 1.5 ml/l or
transmit Imidacloprid 17.8% SL 0.25ml/l or
phyllody Acetamaprid 0.3 g/l or Thiamethoxam
disease. 0.25 g/l or Thiochloprid 1 ml/l
Hawk moth Caterpillars Throughout August to Deep ploughing exposes the pupae for
(Acherontia feed on the the crop. October birds
styx W.) leaves and Collection and destruction of caterpillars
defoliates the Use bioagents Trichogramma spp.
plant. (Egg. Parasite) or Apanteles
achorantiae (larval parasite)
Spray NSKE 5 g/l
Two sprayings of Quinalphos 25 EC 1.5
ml/l or Chloropyriphos 20 EC 2 ml/l
Two rounds of dusting with phosalone 4%
or malathion 5% dust 25 kg/ha, first at 30
DAS and second at 45 DAS
Bihar Hairy In the early Starting August to After harvesting of kharif crop, field should
caterpillar stages, larvae from October ploughed to expose larvae and pupae for
(Spilosoma are gregarious vegetative bird predation
obliqua) feeders and are stage till Avoid pre monsoon sowing
concentrated maturity. Use optimum seed rate and adequate plant
on few plants. spacing should be followed
Mature Use tolerant varieties like Tilotama and
caterpillars Rama
migrate to Destroy egg masses and young larvae
other plants during gregarious phase
and feed Install one light trap/ha to catch the adults
voraciously Use bird perches 40-50/ha
leaving only Use Trichogramma evanesuns or T.
the stem. minutam or T. riely or Apanteles oblique
Welkinson as egg parasite
Use Bacillus thuringiensis var. Kurstaki as
larval parasite
Spray NSKE 5 g/l
Two sprayings of any one of the
following insecticides
Chloropyriphos 20 EC 1.5 ml/l or
Triophos 40 EC 1 ml/l or Quinalphos 25
EC 1.5 ml/l or Acephate 75% SP 1.5 g/l
or Indoxacarb 15.8 EC 0.5 ml/l first at 30
DAS (days after sowing) and second at
45 DAS
Bacterial blight Water soaked, small and Spots Seed treatment with hot water at 52 ºC for 10
(Xanthomonas irregular spots are appear minutes
campestris pv. formed on the leaves, from 4- Steep the seed in Agrimycin-100 (250 ppm) or
sesami) which later increase in leaf stage Streptocycline suspension (0.05%) for 30
number and turn brown, of the minutes
under favorable crop and Foliar spray of Streptocycline (500 ppm) +
conditions, severely continue Copper Oxychloride 0.25% as soon as
infected leaves defoliate. till symptoms are noticed. Continue alternately
Later, the spots are maturity. two more sprays at 15 days interval if
formed on the twigs, necessary
which bear poor capsules.
Bacterial leaf Small angular light brown From 4-6 As in bacterial blight
spot to brown spots confined leaf stage
(Pseudomonas to veins with dark of crop
syringae pv. margins. In high humidity and
sesami) and temperature the continue
spots increase and till
coalesce. The disease may maturity.
advance alongwith veins
and petiole and
defoliation may occur.
Cercospora leaf Disease appears as small, 4-6 leaf Early planting i.e. immediately after onset of
spot angular brown leaf spots stage of monsoon
(Cercospora of 3mm diameter with the crop Follow intercropping of sesame + pearl
sesami) gray center and dark and millet (3:1)
margin delimited by continue Treat the seed with Thiram (0.2%) +
veins. In severity of the till Carbendazim (0.1%) 3g/kg seed
disease, defoliation maturity. Use tolerant variety TKG-21
occurs. In favorable Three sprays of Indofil M 45 (0.25%) +
conditions the disease Carbendazim (0.1%) or Topsin M (0.1%)
spreads to leaf petiole, alternately at 15 days interval
stem and capsules
producing linear dark
coloured deep seated
Alternaria leaf Spots on leaves are Spots Use tolerant varieties viz. TC-25, RT-46, RT-
spot brown circular to appears 54, JTS-8, Sekhar, Usha, TSS-6, Nirmala, RT-
(Alternaria irregular in shape and when the 125
sesami) often have concentric crop is Treat the seed with Thiram (0.2%) +
rings. nearly Carbendazim (0.1%) in 1:1 ratio
one Spraying with Indofil M 45 (0.25%) +
month Carbendazim (0.1%) or Topsin M (0.1%) at
old. 15 days interval when disease appears
Powdery Small cottony spot 45 days to Early planting i.e. immediately after onset of
mildew appears on the infected maturity. monsoon
(Oidium sp, leaves, which gradually Follow intercropping system of Sesame +
Sphaerotheca spread on the lamina. Pearlmillet (3:1)
sp., Leveillula Defoliation of severely Use tolerant varieties viz. Swetha, RT-127,
sp.) infected plant occurs MT-75
before maturity. 2 to 3 Foliar spray of Wettable sulphur
(0.2%) or Carbendazim (0.1%) or Tilt
(0.1%) or Karathane (0.1%) alternately at 10
days interval
Phyllody All floral parts are Vegetative Rogue out diseased plants
(Phytoplasma) transformed into green growth Delay in planting of sesame about 3 weeks
leafy structures. Infected and after onset of monsoon
plant is conspicuous by Flowering Follow intercropping, Sesame + Pigeon pea
its stout internodes, stage. (1:1)
abundant abnormal Use tolerant varieties viz. JT-21, Swetha,
branching which cause Rama, Sekhar
top portion to bend down, Soil application of Phorate 10 kg/ha
such plants generally do Three sprays of neem oil (0.5%) at 30, 40
not bear capsules but if and 60 days after sowing or Three sprays of
capsules are formed on Dimethoate (0.3%) alternately at 30, 40 and
lower portion of plant 60 days after sowing
they do not yield quality
IPM PACKAGE: Pest resistant variety + seed treatment with Carbendazim 50 wp (0.2%) or
Carbendazim (0.1%) + Thiram (0.2%) or Trichoderma viride (0.5%) + two sprays of Azadirachtin
(0.5%) or Indofil M 45 (0.25%) + Quinalphos (0.05%) at 30-40 and 45-55 days after sowing.
Intercropping with Green gram/pigeon pea/Black gram minimizes the incidence of leaf roller, gall fly
and major diseases.
HARVESTING AND THRESHING: The best time of harvesting is when the leaves turn yellow and start
drooping while the bottom capsules are lemon yellow. Do not postpone harvesting and allow the crop
to dry completely in the field because such practice leads to losses due to shattering. Usually the crop is
threshed by gentle beating of well dried plants with sticks.
With the adoption of improved technology, on an average, the seed yield of 508 kg/ha, gross returns of
Rs. 35245/ha, additional net return of Rs. 8458 /ha and the benefit cost ratio of 2.11 can be obtained.
The seed yield and economics of sesame cultivation in major sesame growing states are given in Table
Table 12: Economics of improved technology under real farm situations (FLD’s).
S. State Rainfed/ Seed Cost of Gross Additional Benefit
No. Irrigated yield cultivation returns net cost
(kg/ha) (Rs./ha) (Rs./ha) returns ratio
1 Rajasthan R 451 12555 38335 5219 3.04
2 Uttar Pradesh R 360 10764 28080 9007 2.61
3 Maharashtra R 654 15015 44040 9969 2.93
4 Bihar R 393 10035 23568 8235 2.34
5 Kerala I 610 36175 48800 11190 1.34
6 Jharkhand R 684 12000 34200 9400 2.85
7 Haryana R 326 16890 26080 2624 1.54
8 Punjab R 576 15735 43200 15699 2.75
9 Karnatka R 515 20645 30900 4780 1.49
10 India 508 16646 35245 8458 2.11
CROP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME: The country ranks first in area (1700 thousand ha) under
sesame and earned Rs. 2880 crore through sesame export. In the recent past, the international demand
and market for sesame has witnessed substantial growth. It is grown in all seasons of the year and
being a short duration crop, fits well in to various cropping systems.
To promote sesame as summer crop where protective irrigation is available: During summer
season the potential of sesame is about 1 tonne/ha (double of kharif season). It is less infested, during
summer by diseases, insects and weeds. Cultivation should be encouraged in summer in the states viz.,
West Bengal, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.
Timely availability of quality seed of improved varieties: Unfortunately quality seed of high
yielding varieties to the farmers is not available. Improvement in the seed chain is needed so that
foundation and certified seed are produced in larger quantities. Replacement of old local varieties has
to be ensured for improvement in production.
Improvement in crop husbandry: Sesame is generally cultivated during Kharif on marginal lands,
with negligible inputs. It is often attacked by diseases, insects and infested by weeds. The farmers do
not adopt line sowing and plant protection. The improved production technology would increase
productivity considerably. Sustainability in production can be achieved, with adoption of long term
measures. Seed chain, which is very poor at foundation and certified stages need to be improved. Need
based use of major and micro nutrients based on soil test values should be encouraged.
There is a vast realizable yield reservoir available with the existing level of technologies. Hence, quick
and effective transfer of technology through the following is the need of the hour. (a). Frontline
demonstrations (b). On farm research (c). Training to the extension personnel (d). State agricultural
officers and farmers (e). Seed village adoption (total production technology in integrated manner).
The oilseed economy has been transformed during the few decades owing to several
governmental policies and the positive response by the farmers and the line departments. We have a
network of organizations committed to the oilseeds research, development and related aspects. The
research pertaining to the socio economic aspects has by and large been done sporadically and in
isolation. It is therefore, necessary to take up systematic research on these aspects. Assessment of
improved technologies and their sustainability from the socio economic point of view, methodologies
for assessment of sustainability, total factor productivity, performance of regulated markets, trading,
consumer preferences and demand analysis need to be studied.
It is drought tolerant, requiring 1/4 the water for corn, 1/3 the water for sorghum and 1/2 the
water for cotton. Approximately 80-90 percent of sesame grown in the country is dry land and 10-20
percent has supplemental irrigation. It uses common farming practices, including no till practices, and
standard farming and handling equipment. The sesame plant conditions, the soil and reduces cotton
root rot and root knot nematodes, thus lowering the risk and increasing the yield on subsequent cotton
Export and Import: International demand for sesame is increasing continuously every year due to its
increasing applications. India is the largest exporter of Sesame seed in the World accounting for a share
of 23%. The total global exports of Sesame seed were at a level of 1.31 million tonnes during 2012-
13(Source: Oil World 2013). China is the largest importer of sesame seed followed by Japan. Most of the
importers who supply ingredient distributors and oil processors only want to purchase scientifically
treated, properly cleaned, washed, dried, color sorted size graded and impurity free seeds packed
according to international standards. Usually, only seed meeting there criteria may be exported from a
producing country. India earned the foreign exchange of Rs. 2880 crores by export of sesame seed. The
export demand is in increasing trend promising a bright future for export potential. The pesticide
residue free, white seeded sesame is preferred in foreign countries market. Sesame export has
witnessed a constant increase from 218.97 thousand tonnes (2001-02) to 299.52 thousand tonnes
Table 13: Year-wise Export status of Sesame (India)
Year Sesame seed
Value (Rs. in crores)
2001-02 218.97 562.23
2002-03 118.31 372.89
2003-04 189.11 708.90
2004-05 168.28 708.95
2005-06 199.81 746.60
2006-07 233.34 939.58
2007-08 317.01 1642.29
2008-09 196.98 1494.26
2009-10 215.73 1494.10
2010-11 398.44 2307.52
2011-12 389.15 2641.66
2012-13 299.52 2881.54
Source: - Director General of Commercial Intelligence & Statistics, Ministry of Commerce, Kolkata
SWOT Analysis: Sesame with high export potential (40 % of world natural; 60 % of hulled),
Irreversible increase in demand and growth of international trade is the strength; Poor transfer of
recommended technology, energy rich crop grown in energy starved conditions are the weaknesses;
Very low seed rate, very high seed multiplication ratio, short duration crop, fits well into various
cropping systems and best contingent crop to manage drought situations are opportunities; High
pesticide residue, high FFA, low lignans, high anti nutritional factors and shifting of better areas with
irrigation to low risky crops like soybean and upland rice are the threats. Sudan, China, Korea and
Thailand are international competitors.
Diversified Uses: Sesame seeds are the oldest condiment and because of nutty flavour used in cooking
recipes. They are the main ingredient in tahini (Tahini is one of the main ingredients in famous middle
eastern dip, hummus). Natural sesame seeds are largely served in bakery products such as bread, bread
sticks, cookies, candies, pasta, vegetables and curry dishes. Sesame flour, an edible, creamy and light
brown powder obtained from seed has high protein, high levels of methionine and tryptophan and 10%
to 12% oil. Sesame meal is excellent feed for poultry and livestock. Among edible oils, sesame has the
highest antioxidant content. According to Hindu legends and beliefs, til oil represent a symbol of
immortality and is considered the most auspicious oil next to ghee. Tamil medicine holds that gargling
with sesame oil after brushing one’s teeth will reduce gum disease and mouth ulcers while eliminating
plaque. Sesame oil is used as a solvent, oleaginous vehicle for drugs, skin softener and used in the
manufacture of margarine and soap. Sesame seeds are rich in quality vitamins and minerals. They are
very good sources of B-complex vitamins such as niacin, folic acid, thiamin (vitamin B1), pyridoxine
(vitamin B6) and riboflavin and also contain dietary fiber and monounsaturated fats. The mono
unsaturated fatty acid oleic acid, which comprises 40-50% fatty acids, helps to lower LDL or bad
cholesterol and increases HDL or good cholesterol in the blood. Calcium, iron, manganese, zinc,
magnesium, selenium, and copper are specially concentrated in sesame seed. Many of these minerals
have a vital role in bone mineralization, red blood cell production, enzyme synthesis, hormone
production, as well as regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle activities. Sesame seed contain three
times more calcium than a comparable measure of milk. In addition to these, sesame seeds also contain
health benefiting compounds such as sesamol and sesaminol. Sesame is used to prepare perfumes.
Several pharmaceutical uses have been identified from sesame. Myristic acid is used as an ingredient in
cosmetics. Sesame flower extract possesses tumor inhibiting effect. Chlorosesamone obtained from
roots of sesame has antifungal activity. Its oil and seed are sources for some phytonutrients such as
omega-6 fatty acids, flavonoid phenolic antioxidants, vitamins and dietary fiber with anticancer as well
as health promoting properties.
Exploitable Yield Reservoir: The impact of improved sesame production technologies under real farm
situations indicated that there is a huge gap between actual and attainable yield, which be harnessed
through adoption of improved technologies. An attempt has been made to estimate the extent of yield
reservoir through adoption of technologies. For this purpose, the whole package demonstrations of
three years (2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13) conducted in Maharashtra (35), Tamilnadu (44), Uttar
Pradesh (91), Karnataka (25), Rajasthan (53) and India (248) were considered (Table 14). The yield
Gap-I (between IT and FP) was ranging from 23.5% in Rajasthan to 72.1 % in Uttar Pradesh. The
national sesame production could be increased to 1145.4 thousand tonnes from 785.6 thousand tonnes,
if the yield gap was bridged. Similarly, the yield gap-II (between IT and state average productivity) was
ranging from 5.9 % in Karnataka to 775.1 % in Uttar Pradesh. The national sesame production could be
increased to 2097.6 thousand tonnes from 1145.4 thousand tonnes by bridging the yield gap-II. This
situation warrants a need to effectively transfer the improved sesame production technologies among
the sesame growers, so that the huge exploitable yield reservoir be harnessed.
Table 14: Exploitable yield reservoir in sesame
State No. Of FLD’S Average Yie Avera Yiel Average Expected
Demo Yield (kg/ha) ld ge d Product production
ns. ga yield ion (‘000 tonnes)
IT FP p-I (kg/h gap- (‘000 EP-I EP-II
(% a) II tonnes)
) (%)
Maharashtr 1199. 927. 29. 269.
35 324.3 14.7 19.0 54.3
a 7 3 4 9
Tamilnadu 1385. 891. 55. 163.
44 526.0 24.2 37.7 63.8
3 3 4 4
Uttar 1747. 101 72. 775.
91 199.7 68.3 117.6 598.0
Pradesh 3 5.3 1 1
Karnataka 390. 27.
25 498.0 470.3 5.9 31.7 40.4 33.5
7 5
Rajasthan 578. 23. 108.
53 714.3 342.0 170.5 210.6 356.2
3 5 9
All India 1108. 760. 45. 167. 1145. 2097.
248 415.3 785.6
9 6 8 0 4 6
IT=Improved Technology; FP=Farmer’s Practices; yield gap-I=Increase in IT over FP expressed in percentage.