Package ClusterR

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Package ‘ClusterR’

May 12, 2020

Type Package
Title Gaussian Mixture Models, K-Means, Mini-Batch-Kmeans, K-Medoids
and Affinity Propagation Clustering
Version 1.2.2
Date 2020-05-12
Maintainer Lampros Mouselimis <>


Description Gaussian mixture models, k-means, mini-batch-kmeans, k-medoids and affinity propaga-
tion clustering with the option to plot, validate, predict (new data) and estimate the optimal num-
ber of clusters. The package takes advantage of 'RcppArmadillo' to speed up the computation-
ally intensive parts of the functions. For more information, see (i) ``Clustering in an Object-
Oriented Environment'' by Anja Struyf, Mia Hubert, Peter Rousseeuw (1997), Journal of Statisti-
cal Software, <doi:10.18637/jss.v001.i04>; (ii) ``Web-scale k-means clustering'' by D. Scul-
ley (2010), ACM Digital Library, <doi:10.1145/1772690.1772862>; (iii) ``Armadillo: a tem-
plate-based C++ library for linear algebra'' by Sanderson et al (2016), The Jour-
nal of Open Source Software, <doi:10.21105/joss.00026>; (iv) ``Clustering by Passing Mes-
sages Between Data Points'' by Brendan J. Frey and Delbert Dueck, Sci-
ence 16 Feb 2007: Vol. 315, Issue 5814, pp. 972-976, <doi:10.1126/science.1136800>.
License GPL-3
Encoding UTF-8
SystemRequirements libarmadillo: apt-get install -y libarmadillo-dev
(deb), libblas: apt-get install -y libblas-dev (deb),
liblapack: apt-get install -y liblapack-dev (deb),
libarpack++2: apt-get install -y libarpack++2-dev (deb),
gfortran: apt-get install -y gfortran (deb), libgmp3: apt-get
install -y libgmp3-dev (deb), libfftw3: apt-get install -y
libfftw3-dev (deb), libtiff5: apt-get install -y libtiff5-dev
LazyData TRUE
Depends R(>= 3.2), gtools

2 R topics documented:

Imports Rcpp (>= 0.12.5), graphics, grDevices, utils, stats, gmp,

LinkingTo Rcpp, RcppArmadillo (>= 0.9.1)
Suggests OpenImageR, FD, testthat, covr, knitr, rmarkdown
VignetteBuilder knitr
RoxygenNote 7.1.0
NeedsCompilation yes
Author Lampros Mouselimis [aut, cre],
Conrad Sanderson [cph] (Author of the C++ Armadillo library),
Ryan Curtin [cph] (Author of the C++ Armadillo library),
Siddharth Agrawal [cph] (Author of the C code of the Mini-Batch-Kmeans
Brendan Frey [cph] (Author of the matlab code of the Affinity
propagation algorithm (for commercial use please contact the author
of the matlab code)),
Delbert Dueck [cph] (Author of the matlab code of the Affinity
propagation algorithm)
Repository CRAN
Date/Publication 2020-05-12 09:10:03 UTC

R topics documented:
AP_affinity_propagation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
AP_preferenceRange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
center_scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Clara_Medoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Cluster_Medoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
dietary_survey_IBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
distance_matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
external_validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
GMM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
KMeans_arma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
KMeans_rcpp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
MiniBatchKmeans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
mushroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Optimal_Clusters_GMM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Optimal_Clusters_KMeans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Optimal_Clusters_Medoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
plot_2d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
predict_GMM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
predict_KMeans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
predict_MBatchKMeans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
predict_Medoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Silhouette_Dissimilarity_Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
soybean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
AP_affinity_propagation 3

Index 37

Affinity propagation clustering


Affinity propagation clustering


maxits = 1000,
convits = 100,
dampfact = 0.9,
details = FALSE,
nonoise = 0,
time = FALSE


data a matrix. Either a similarity matrix (where number of rows equal to number of
columns) or a 3-dimensional matrix where the 1st, 2nd and 3rd column corre-
spond to (i-index, j-index, value) triplet of a similarity matrix.
p a numeric vector of size 1 or size equal to the number of rows of the input matrix.
See the details section for more information.
maxits a numeric value specifying the maximum number of iterations (defaults to 1000)
convits a numeric value. If the estimated exemplars stay fixed for convits iterations, the
affinity propagation algorithm terminates early (defaults to 100)
dampfact a float number specifying the update equation damping level in [0.5, 1). Higher
values correspond to heavy damping, which may be needed if oscillations occur
(defaults to 0.9)
details a boolean specifying if details should be printed in the console
nonoise a float number. The affinity propagation algorithm adds a small amount of noise
to data to prevent degenerate cases; this disables that.
time a boolean. If TRUE then the elapsed time will be printed in the console.
4 AP_affinity_propagation

The affinity propagation algorithm automatically determines the number of clusters based on the
input preference p, a real-valued N-vector. p(i) indicates the preference that data point i be chosen
as an exemplar. Often a good choice is to set all preferences to median(data). The number of
clusters identified can be adjusted by changing this value accordingly. If p is a scalar, assumes all
preferences are that shared value.
The number of clusters eventually emerges by iteratively passing messages between data points to
update two matrices, A and R (Frey and Dueck 2007). The "responsibility" matrix R has values
r(i, k) that quantify how well suited point k is to serve as the exemplar for point i relative to other
candidate exemplars for point i. The "availability" matrix A contains values a(i, k) representing
how "appropriate" point k would be as an exemplar for point i, taking into account other points’
preferences for point k as an exemplar. Both matrices R and A are initialized with all zeros. The AP
algorithm then performs updates iteratively over the two matrices. First, "Responsibilities" r(i, k)
are sent from data points to candidate exemplars to indicate how strongly each data point favors the
candidate exemplar over other candidate exemplars. "Availabilities" a(i, k) then are sent from candi-
date exemplars to data points to indicate the degree to which each candidate exemplar is available to
be a cluster center for the data point. In this case, the responsibilities and availabilities are messages
that provide evidence about whether each data point should be an exemplar and, if not, to what
exemplar that data point should be assigned. For each iteration in the message-passing procedure,
the sum of r(k; k) + a(k; k) can be used to identify exemplars. After the messages have converged,
two ways exist to identify exemplars. In the first approach, for data point i, if r(i, i) + a(i, i) > 0,
then data point i is an exemplar. In the second approach, for data point i, if r(i, i) + a(i, i) > r(i, j) +
a(i, j) for all i not equal to j, then data point i is an exemplar. The entire procedure terminates after
it reaches a predefined number of iterations or if the determined clusters have remained constant for
a certain number of iterations... ( – See
chapter 2 )
Excluding the main diagonal of the similarity matrix when calculating the median as preference
(’p’) value can be considered as another option too.

References ( SEE chapter 2 )


dat = matrix(sample(1:255, 2500, replace = TRUE), 100, 25)

smt = 1.0 - distance_matrix(dat, method = 'euclidean', upper = TRUE, diagonal = TRUE)

diag(smt) = 0.0

ap = AP_affinity_propagation(smt, p = median(as.vector(smt)))

AP_preferenceRange 5

AP_preferenceRange Affinity propagation preference range


Affinity propagation preference range


AP_preferenceRange(data, method = "bound", threads = 1)


data a matrix. Either a similarity matrix (where number of rows equal to number of
columns) or a 3-dimensional matrix where the 1st, 2nd and 3rd column corre-
spond to (i-index, j-index, value) triplet of a similarity matrix.
method a character string specifying the preference range method to use. One of ’exact’,
’bound’. See the details section for more information.
threads an integer specifying the number of cores to run in parallel ( applies only if
method is set to ’exact’ which is more computationally intensive )


Given a set of similarities, data, this function computes a lower bound, pmin, on the value for the
preference where the optimal number of clusters (exemplars) changes from 1 to 2, and the exact
value of the preference, pmax, where the optimal number of clusters changes from n-1 to n. For N
data points, there may be as many as N^2-N pair-wise similarities (note that the similarity of data
point i to k need not be equal to the similarity of data point k to i). These may be passed in an NxN
matrix of similarities, data, where data(i,k) is the similarity of point i to point k. In fact, only a
smaller number of relevant similarities need to be provided, in which case the others are assumed
to be -Inf. M similarity values are known, can be passed in an Mx3 matrix data, where each row
of data contains a pair of data point indices and a corresponding similarity value: data(j,3) is the
similarity of data point data(j,1) to data point data(j,2).
A single-cluster solution may not exist, in which case pmin is set to NaN. The AP_preferenceRange
uses one of the methods below to compute pmin and pmax:
exact : Computes the exact values for pmin and pmax (Warning: This can be quite slow) bound :
Computes the exact value for pmax, but estimates pmin using a bound (default)

6 center_scale


dat = matrix(sample(1:255, 2500, replace = TRUE), 100, 25)

smt = 1.0 - distance_matrix(dat, method = 'euclidean', upper = TRUE, diagonal = TRUE)

diag(smt) = 0.0

ap_range = AP_preferenceRange(smt, method = "bound")

center_scale Function to scale and/or center the data


Function to scale and/or center the data


center_scale(data, mean_center = TRUE, sd_scale = TRUE)


data matrix or data frame

mean_center either TRUE or FALSE. If mean_center is TRUE then the mean of each column
will be subtracted
sd_scale either TRUE or FALSE. See the details section for more information


If sd_scale is TRUE and mean_center is TRUE then each column will be divided by the standard
deviation. If sd_scale is TRUE and mean_center is FALSE then each column will be divided by
sqrt( sum(x^2) / (n-1) ). In case of missing values the function raises an error. In case that the
standard deviation equals zero then the standard deviation will be replaced with 1.0, so that NaN’s
can be avoided by division


a matrix
Clara_Medoids 7



dat = dietary_survey_IBS[, -ncol(dietary_survey_IBS)]

dat = center_scale(dat, mean_center = TRUE, sd_scale = TRUE)

Clara_Medoids Clustering large applications

Clustering large applications

distance_metric = "euclidean",
minkowski_p = 1,
threads = 1,
swap_phase = TRUE,
fuzzy = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
seed = 1

data matrix or data frame
clusters the number of clusters
samples number of samples to draw from the data set
sample_size fraction of data to draw in each sample iteration. It should be a float number
greater than 0.0 and less or equal to 1.0
a string specifying the distance method. One of, euclidean, manhattan, cheby-
shev, canberra, braycurtis, pearson_correlation, simple_matching_coefficient,
minkowski, hamming, jaccard_coefficient, Rao_coefficient, mahalanobis, cosine
minkowski_p a numeric value specifying the minkowski parameter in case that distance_metric
= "minkowski"
8 Clara_Medoids

threads an integer specifying the number of cores to run in parallel. Openmp will be
utilized to parallelize the number of the different sample draws
swap_phase either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE then both phases (’build’ and ’swap’) will take
place. The ’swap_phase’ is considered more computationally intensive.
fuzzy either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, then probabilities for each cluster will be
returned based on the distance between observations and medoids
verbose either TRUE or FALSE, indicating whether progress is printed during clustering
seed integer value for random number generator (RNG)


The Clara_Medoids function is implemented in the same way as the ’clara’ (clustering large applica-
tions) algorithm (Kaufman and Rousseeuw(1990)). In the ’Clara_Medoids’ the ’Cluster_Medoids’
function will be applied to each sample draw.


a list with the following attributes : medoids, medoid_indices, sample_indices, best_dissimilarity,

clusters, fuzzy_probs (if fuzzy = TRUE), clustering_stats, dissimilarity_matrix, silhouette_matrix


Lampros Mouselimis


Anja Struyf, Mia Hubert, Peter J. Rousseeuw, (Feb. 1997), Clustering in an Object-Oriented Envi-
ronment, Journal of Statistical Software, Vol 1, Issue 4



dat = dietary_survey_IBS[, -ncol(dietary_survey_IBS)]

dat = center_scale(dat)

clm = Clara_Medoids(dat, clusters = 3, samples = 5, sample_size = 0.2, swap_phase = TRUE)

Cluster_Medoids 9

Cluster_Medoids Partitioning around medoids

Partitioning around medoids

distance_metric = "euclidean",
minkowski_p = 1,
threads = 1,
swap_phase = TRUE,
fuzzy = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
seed = 1

data matrix or data frame. The data parameter can be also a dissimilarity matrix,
where the main diagonal equals 0.0 and the number of rows equals the number
of columns
clusters the number of clusters
a string specifying the distance method. One of, euclidean, manhattan, cheby-
shev, canberra, braycurtis, pearson_correlation, simple_matching_coefficient,
minkowski, hamming, jaccard_coefficient, Rao_coefficient, mahalanobis, cosine
minkowski_p a numeric value specifying the minkowski parameter in case that distance_metric
= "minkowski"
threads an integer specifying the number of cores to run in parallel
swap_phase either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE then both phases (’build’ and ’swap’) will take
place. The ’swap_phase’ is considered more computationally intensive.
fuzzy either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, then probabilities for each cluster will be
returned based on the distance between observations and medoids
verbose either TRUE or FALSE, indicating whether progress is printed during clustering
seed integer value for random number generator (RNG)

The Cluster_Medoids function is implemented in the same way as the ’pam’ (partitioning around
medoids) algorithm (Kaufman and Rousseeuw(1990)). In comparison to k-means clustering, the
function Cluster_Medoids is more robust, because it minimizes the sum of unsquared dissimilari-
ties. Moreover, it doesn’t need initial guesses for the cluster centers.
10 dietary_survey_IBS


a list with the following attributes: medoids, medoid_indices, best_dissimilarity, dissimilarity_matrix,

clusters, fuzzy_probs (if fuzzy = TRUE), silhouette_matrix, clustering_stats


Lampros Mouselimis


Anja Struyf, Mia Hubert, Peter J. Rousseeuw, (Feb. 1997), Clustering in an Object-Oriented Envi-
ronment, Journal of Statistical Software, Vol 1, Issue 4



dat = dietary_survey_IBS[, -ncol(dietary_survey_IBS)]

dat = center_scale(dat)

cm = Cluster_Medoids(dat, clusters = 3, distance_metric = 'euclidean', swap_phase = TRUE)

dietary_survey_IBS Synthetic data using a dietary survey of patients with irritable bowel
syndrome (IBS)


The data are based on the article "A dietary survey of patients with irritable bowel syndrome". The
mean and standard deviation of the table 1 (Foods perceived as causing or worsening irritable bowel
syndrome symptoms in the IBS group and digestive symptoms in the healthy comparative group)
were used to generate the synthetic data.




A data frame with 400 Instances and 43 attributes (including the class attribute, "class")
distance_matrix 11

The predictors are: bread, wheat, pasta, breakfast_cereal, yeast, spicy_food, curry, chinese_takeaway,
chilli, cabbage, onion, garlic, potatoes, pepper, vegetables_unspecified, tomato, beans_and_pulses,
mushroom, fatty_foods_unspecified, sauces, chocolate, fries, crisps, desserts, eggs, red_meat, pro-
cessed_meat, pork, chicken, fish_shellfish, dairy_products_unspecified, cheese, cream, milk, fruit_unspecified,
nuts_and_seeds, orange, apple, banana, grapes, alcohol, caffeine
The response variable ("class") consists of two groups: healthy-group (class == 0) vs. the IBS-
patients (class == 1)

P. Hayes, C. Corish, E. O’Mahony, E. M. M. Quigley (May 2013). A dietary survey of patients with
irritable bowel syndrome. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.



X = dietary_survey_IBS[, -ncol(dietary_survey_IBS)]

y = dietary_survey_IBS[, ncol(dietary_survey_IBS)]

distance_matrix Distance matrix calculation

Distance matrix calculation

method = "euclidean",
upper = FALSE,
diagonal = FALSE,
minkowski_p = 1,
threads = 1

data matrix or data frame
method a string specifying the distance method. One of, euclidean, manhattan, cheby-
shev, canberra, braycurtis, pearson_correlation, simple_matching_coefficient,
minkowski, hamming, jaccard_coefficient, Rao_coefficient, mahalanobis, cosine
12 external_validation

upper either TRUE or FALSE specifying if the upper triangle of the distance matrix
should be returned. If FALSE then the upper triangle will be filled with NA’s
diagonal either TRUE or FALSE specifying if the diagonal of the distance matrix should
be returned. If FALSE then the diagonal will be filled with NA’s
minkowski_p a numeric value specifying the minkowski parameter in case that method =
threads the number of cores to run in parallel (if OpenMP is available)

a matrix



dat = dietary_survey_IBS[, -ncol(dietary_survey_IBS)]

dat = distance_matrix(dat, method = 'euclidean', upper = TRUE, diagonal = TRUE)

external_validation external clustering validation

external clustering validation

method = "adjusted_rand_index",
summary_stats = FALSE

true_labels a numeric vector of length equal to the length of the clusters vector
clusters a numeric vector ( the result of a clustering method ) of length equal to the length
of the true_labels
method one of rand_index, adjusted_rand_index, jaccard_index, fowlkes_Mallows_index,
mirkin_metric, purity, entropy, nmi (normalized mutual information), var_info
(variation of information), and nvi (normalized variation of information)
summary_stats besides the available methods the summary_stats parameter prints also the speci-
ficity, sensitivity, precision, recall and F-measure of the clusters
GMM 13

This function uses external validation methods to evaluate the clustering results

if summary_stats is FALSE the function returns a float number, otherwise it returns also a summary
statistics table

Lampros Mouselimis



dat = dietary_survey_IBS[, -ncol(dietary_survey_IBS)]

X = center_scale(dat)

km = KMeans_rcpp(X, clusters = 2, num_init = 5, max_iters = 100, initializer = 'kmeans++')

res = external_validation(dietary_survey_IBS$class, km$clusters, method = "adjusted_rand_index")

GMM Gaussian Mixture Model clustering

Gaussian Mixture Model clustering

gaussian_comps = 1,
dist_mode = "eucl_dist",
seed_mode = "random_subset",
km_iter = 10,
em_iter = 5,
verbose = FALSE,
var_floor = 1e-10,
seed = 1
14 GMM

data matrix or data frame
gaussian_comps the number of gaussian mixture components
dist_mode the distance used during the seeding of initial means and k-means clustering.
One of, eucl_dist, maha_dist.
seed_mode how the initial means are seeded prior to running k-means and/or EM algo-
rithms. One of, static_subset, random_subset, static_spread, random_spread.
km_iter the number of iterations of the k-means algorithm
em_iter the number of iterations of the EM algorithm
verbose either TRUE or FALSE; enable or disable printing of progress during the k-
means and EM algorithms
var_floor the variance floor (smallest allowed value) for the diagonal covariances
seed integer value for random number generator (RNG)

This function is an R implementation of the ’gmm_diag’ class of the Armadillo library. The
only exception is that user defined parameter settings are not supported, such as seed_mode =
’keep_existing’. For probabilistic applications, better model parameters are typically learned with
dist_mode set to maha_dist. For vector quantisation applications, model parameters should be
learned with dist_mode set to eucl_dist, and the number of EM iterations set to zero. In general,
a sufficient number of k-means and EM iterations is typically about 10. The number of train-
ing samples should be much larger than the number of Gaussians. Seeding the initial means with
static_spread and random_spread can be much more time consuming than with static_subset and
random_subset. The k-means and EM algorithms will run faster on multi-core machines when
OpenMP is enabled in your compiler (eg. -fopenmp in GCC)

a list consisting of the centroids, covariance matrix ( where each row of the matrix represents a
diagonal covariance matrix), weights and the log-likelihoods for each gaussian component. In case
of Error it returns the error message and the possible causes.




dat = as.matrix(dietary_survey_IBS[, -ncol(dietary_survey_IBS)])

dat = center_scale(dat)

gmm = GMM(dat, 2, "maha_dist", "random_subset", 10, 10)

KMeans_arma 15

KMeans_arma k-means using the Armadillo library

k-means using the Armadillo library

n_iter = 10,
seed_mode = "random_subset",
verbose = FALSE,
seed = 1

data matrix or data frame
clusters the number of clusters
n_iter the number of clustering iterations (about 10 is typically sufficient)
seed_mode how the initial centroids are seeded. One of, keep_existing, static_subset, ran-
dom_subset, static_spread, random_spread.
verbose either TRUE or FALSE, indicating whether progress is printed during clustering
CENTROIDS a matrix of initial cluster centroids. The rows of the CENTROIDS matrix should
be equal to the number of clusters and the columns should be equal to the
columns of the data. CENTROIDS should be used in combination with seed_mode
seed integer value for random number generator (RNG)

This function is an R implementation of the ’kmeans’ class of the Armadillo library. It is faster
than the KMeans_rcpp function but it lacks some features. For more info see the details section of
the KMeans_rcpp function. The number of columns should be larger than the number of clusters
or CENTROIDS. If the clustering fails, the means matrix is reset and a bool set to false is returned.
The clustering will run faster on multi-core machines when OpenMP is enabled in your compiler
(eg. -fopenmp in GCC)

the centroids as a matrix. In case of Error it returns the error message, whereas in case of an empty
centroids-matrix it returns a warning-message.
16 KMeans_rcpp




dat = dietary_survey_IBS[, -ncol(dietary_survey_IBS)]

dat = center_scale(dat)

km = KMeans_arma(dat, clusters = 2, n_iter = 10, "random_subset")

KMeans_rcpp k-means using RcppArmadillo

k-means using RcppArmadillo

num_init = 1,
max_iters = 100,
initializer = "kmeans++",
fuzzy = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
tol = 1e-04,
tol_optimal_init = 0.3,
seed = 1

data matrix or data frame
clusters the number of clusters
num_init number of times the algorithm will be run with different centroid seeds
max_iters the maximum number of clustering iterations
initializer the method of initialization. One of, optimal_init, quantile_init, kmeans++ and
random. See details for more information
KMeans_rcpp 17

fuzzy either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, then prediction probabilities will be calcu-
lated using the distance between observations and centroids
verbose either TRUE or FALSE, indicating whether progress is printed during clustering.
CENTROIDS a matrix of initial cluster centroids. The rows of the CENTROIDS matrix should
be equal to the number of clusters and the columns should be equal to the
columns of the data.
tol a float number. If, in case of an iteration (iteration > 1 and iteration < max_iters)
’tol’ is greater than the squared norm of the centroids, then kmeans has con-
tolerance value for the ’optimal_init’ initializer. The higher this value is, the far
appart from each other the centroids are.
seed integer value for random number generator (RNG)


This function has the following features in comparison to the KMeans_arma function:
Besides optimal_init, quantile_init, random and kmeans++ initilizations one can specify the cen-
troids using the CENTROIDS parameter.
The running time and convergence of the algorithm can be adjusted using the num_init, max_iters
and tol parameters.
If num_init > 1 then KMeans_rcpp returns the attributes of the best initialization using as criterion
the within-cluster-sum-of-squared-error.
optimal_init : this initializer adds rows of the data incrementally, while checking that they do not
already exist in the centroid-matrix [ experimental ]
quantile_init : initialization of centroids by using the cummulative distance between observations
and by removing potential duplicates [ experimental ]
kmeans++ : kmeans++ initialization. Reference :
soda.pdf AND
random : random selection of data rows as initial centroids


a list with the following attributes: clusters, fuzzy_clusters (if fuzzy = TRUE), centroids, total_SSE,
best_initialization, WCSS_per_cluster, obs_per_cluster, between.SS_DIV_total.SS


Lampros Mouselimis
18 MiniBatchKmeans



dat = dietary_survey_IBS[, -ncol(dietary_survey_IBS)]

dat = center_scale(dat)

km = KMeans_rcpp(dat, clusters = 2, num_init = 5, max_iters = 100, initializer = 'kmeans++')

MiniBatchKmeans Mini-batch-k-means using RcppArmadillo

Mini-batch-k-means using RcppArmadillo

batch_size = 10,
num_init = 1,
max_iters = 100,
init_fraction = 1,
initializer = "kmeans++",
early_stop_iter = 10,
verbose = FALSE,
tol = 1e-04,
tol_optimal_init = 0.3,
seed = 1

data matrix or data frame
clusters the number of clusters
batch_size the size of the mini batches
num_init number of times the algorithm will be run with different centroid seeds
max_iters the maximum number of clustering iterations
init_fraction percentage of data to use for the initialization centroids (applies if initializer is
kmeans++ or optimal_init). Should be a float number between 0.0 and 1.0.
MiniBatchKmeans 19

initializer the method of initialization. One of, optimal_init, quantile_init, kmeans++ and
random. See details for more information
continue that many iterations after calculation of the best within-cluster-sum-of-
verbose either TRUE or FALSE, indicating whether progress is printed during clustering
CENTROIDS a matrix of initial cluster centroids. The rows of the CENTROIDS matrix should
be equal to the number of clusters and the columns should be equal to the
columns of the data
tol a float number. If, in case of an iteration (iteration > 1 and iteration < max_iters)
’tol’ is greater than the squared norm of the centroids, then kmeans has con-
tolerance value for the ’optimal_init’ initializer. The higher this value is, the far
appart from each other the centroids are.
seed integer value for random number generator (RNG)


This function performs k-means clustering using mini batches.

optimal_init : this initializer adds rows of the data incrementally, while checking that they do not
already exist in the centroid-matrix [ experimental ]
quantile_init : initialization of centroids by using the cummulative distance between observations
and by removing potential duplicates [ experimental ]
kmeans++ : kmeans++ initialization. Reference :
soda.pdf AND
random : random selection of data rows as initial centroids


a list with the following attributes: centroids, WCSS_per_cluster, best_initialization, iters_per_initialization


Lampros Mouselimis

20 mushroom



dat = dietary_survey_IBS[, -ncol(dietary_survey_IBS)]

dat = center_scale(dat)

MbatchKm = MiniBatchKmeans(dat, clusters = 2, batch_size = 20, num_init = 5, early_stop_iter = 10)

mushroom The mushroom data

This data set includes descriptions of hypothetical samples corresponding to 23 species of gilled
mushrooms in the Agaricus and Lepiota Family (pp. 500-525). Each species is identified as defi-
nitely edible, definitely poisonous, or of unknown edibility and not recommended. This latter class
was combined with the poisonous one. The Guide clearly states that there is no simple rule for
determining the edibility of a mushroom; no rule like ’leaflets three, let it be’ for Poisonous Oak
and Ivy.


A data frame with 8124 Instances and 23 attributes (including the class attribute, "class")

The column names of the data (including the class) appear in the following order:
1. class: edible=e, poisonous=p
2. cap-shape: bell=b, conical=c, convex=x, flat=f, knobbed=k, sunken=s
3. cap-surface: fibrous=f, grooves=g, scaly=y, smooth=s
4. cap-color: brown=n, buff=b, cinnamon=c, gray=g, green=r, pink=p, purple=u, red=e, white=w,
5. bruises: bruises=t, no=f
6. odor: almond=a, anise=l, creosote=c, fishy=y, foul=f, musty=m, none=n, pungent=p, spicy=s
7. gill-attachment: attached=a, descending=d, free=f, notched=n
8. gill-spacing: close=c, crowded=w, distant=d
9. gill-size: broad=b, narrow=n
mushroom 21

10. gill-color: black=k, brown=n, buff=b, chocolate=h, gray=g, green=r, orange=o, pink=p, pur-
ple=u, red=e, white=w, yellow=y
11. stalk-shape: enlarging=e, tapering=t
12. stalk-root: bulbous=b, club=c, cup=u, equal=e, rhizomorphs=z, rooted=r, missing=?
13. stalk-surface-above-ring: fibrous=f, scaly=y, silky=k, smooth=s
14. stalk-surface-below-ring: fibrous=f, scaly=y, silky=k, smooth=s
15. stalk-color-above-ring: brown=n, buff=b, cinnamon=c, gray=g, orange=o, pink=p, red=e,
white=w, yellow=y
16. stalk-color-below-ring: brown=n, buff=b, cinnamon=c, gray=g, orange=o, pink=p, red=e,
white=w, yellow=y
17. veil-type: partial=p, universal=u
18. veil-color: brown=n, orange=o, white=w, yellow=y
19. ring-number: none=n, one=o, two=t
20. ring-type: cobwebby=c, evanescent=e, flaring=f, large=l, none=n, pendant=p, sheathing=s,
21. spore-print-color: black=k, brown=n, buff=b, chocolate=h, green=r, orange=o, purple=u, white=w,
22. population: abundant=a, clustered=c, numerous=n, scattered=s, several=v, solitary=y
23. habitat: grasses=g, leaves=l, meadows=m, paths=p, urban=u, waste=w, woods=d


Mushroom records drawn from The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms
(1981). G. H. Lincoff (Pres.), New York: Alfred A. Knopf
Donor: Jeff Schlimmer (
download source:



X = mushroom[, -1]

y = mushroom[, 1]
22 Optimal_Clusters_GMM

Optimal_Clusters_GMM Optimal number of Clusters for the gaussian mixture models


Optimal number of Clusters for the gaussian mixture models


criterion = "AIC",
dist_mode = "eucl_dist",
seed_mode = "random_subset",
km_iter = 10,
em_iter = 5,
verbose = FALSE,
var_floor = 1e-10,
plot_data = TRUE,
seed = 1


data matrix or data frame

max_clusters either a numeric value, a contiguous or non-continguous numeric vector speci-
fying the cluster search space
criterion one of ’AIC’ or ’BIC’
dist_mode the distance used during the seeding of initial means and k-means clustering.
One of, eucl_dist, maha_dist.
seed_mode how the initial means are seeded prior to running k-means and/or EM algo-
rithms. One of, static_subset, random_subset, static_spread, random_spread.
km_iter the number of iterations of the k-means algorithm
em_iter the number of iterations of the EM algorithm
verbose either TRUE or FALSE; enable or disable printing of progress during the k-
means and EM algorithms
var_floor the variance floor (smallest allowed value) for the diagonal covariances
plot_data either TRUE or FALSE indicating whether the results of the function should be
seed integer value for random number generator (RNG)
Optimal_Clusters_KMeans 23


AIC : the Akaike information criterion

BIC : the Bayesian information criterion
In case that the max_clusters parameter is a contiguous or non-contiguous vector then plotting is
disabled. Therefore, plotting is enabled only if the max_clusters parameter is of length 1.


a vector with either the AIC or BIC for each iteration. In case of Error it returns the error message
and the possible causes.


Lampros Mouselimis



dat = dietary_survey_IBS[, -ncol(dietary_survey_IBS)]

dat = center_scale(dat)

opt_gmm = Optimal_Clusters_GMM(dat, 10, criterion = "AIC", plot_data = FALSE)

# non-contiguous search space

search_space = c(2,5)

opt_gmm = Optimal_Clusters_GMM(dat, search_space, criterion = "AIC", plot_data = FALSE)

Optimal number of Clusters for Kmeans or Mini-Batch-Kmeans


Optimal number of Clusters for Kmeans or Mini-Batch-Kmeans

24 Optimal_Clusters_KMeans

criterion = "variance_explained",
fK_threshold = 0.85,
num_init = 1,
max_iters = 200,
initializer = "kmeans++",
tol = 1e-04,
plot_clusters = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
tol_optimal_init = 0.3,
seed = 1,
mini_batch_params = NULL

data matrix or data frame
max_clusters either a numeric value, a contiguous or non-continguous numeric vector speci-
fying the cluster search space
criterion one of variance_explained, WCSSE, dissimilarity, silhouette, distortion_fK, AIC,
BIC and Adjusted_Rsquared. See details for more information.
fK_threshold a float number used in the ’distortion_fK’ criterion
num_init number of times the algorithm will be run with different centroid seeds
max_iters the maximum number of clustering iterations
initializer the method of initialization. One of, optimal_init, quantile_init, kmeans++ and
random. See details for more information
tol a float number. If, in case of an iteration (iteration > 1 and iteration < max_iters)
’tol’ is greater than the squared norm of the centroids, then kmeans has con-
plot_clusters either TRUE or FALSE, indicating whether the results of the Optimal_Clusters_KMeans
function should be plotted
verbose either TRUE or FALSE, indicating whether progress is printed during clustering
tolerance value for the ’optimal_init’ initializer. The higher this value is, the far
appart from each other the centroids are.
seed integer value for random number generator (RNG)
either NULL or a list of the following parameters : batch_size, init_fraction,
early_stop_iter. If not NULL then the optimal number of clusters will be found
based on the Mini-Batch-Kmeans. See the details and examples sections for
more information.
Optimal_Clusters_KMeans 25


variance_explained : the sum of the within-cluster-sum-of-squares-of-all-clusters divided by the
total sum of squares
WCSSE : the sum of the within-cluster-sum-of-squares-of-all-clusters
dissimilarity : the average intra-cluster-dissimilarity of all clusters (the distance metric defaults to
silhouette : the average silhouette width of all clusters (the distance metric defaults to euclidean)
distortion_fK : this criterion is based on the following paper, ’Selection of K in K-means clustering’
AIC : the Akaike information criterion
BIC : the Bayesian information criterion
Adjusted_Rsquared : the adjusted R^2 statistic
optimal_init : this initializer adds rows of the data incrementally, while checking that they do not
already exist in the centroid-matrix [ experimental ]
quantile_init : initialization of centroids by using the cummulative distance between observations
and by removing potential duplicates [ experimental ]
kmeans++ : kmeans++ initialization. Reference :
soda.pdf AND
random : random selection of data rows as initial centroids
If the mini_batch_params parameter is not NULL then the optimal number of clusters will be
found based on the Mini-batch-Kmeans algorithm, otherwise based on the Kmeans. The higher
the init_fraction parameter is the more close the results between Mini-Batch-Kmeans and Kmeans
will be.
In case that the max_clusters parameter is a contiguous or non-contiguous vector then plotting is
disabled. Therefore, plotting is enabled only if the max_clusters parameter is of length 1. Moreover,
the distortion_fK criterion can’t be computed if the max_clusters parameter is a contiguous or non-
continguous vector ( the distortion_fK criterion requires consecutive clusters ). The same applies
also to the Adjusted_Rsquared criterion which returns incorrect output.


a vector with the results for the specified criterion. If plot_clusters is TRUE then it plots also the


Lampros Mouselimis
26 Optimal_Clusters_Medoids



dat = dietary_survey_IBS[, -ncol(dietary_survey_IBS)]

dat = center_scale(dat)

# kmeans

opt_km = Optimal_Clusters_KMeans(dat, max_clusters = 10, criterion = "distortion_fK",

plot_clusters = FALSE)

# mini-batch-kmeans

params_mbkm = list(batch_size = 10, init_fraction = 0.3, early_stop_iter = 10)

opt_mbkm = Optimal_Clusters_KMeans(dat, max_clusters = 10, criterion = "distortion_fK",

plot_clusters = FALSE, mini_batch_params = params_mbkm)

# non-contiguous search space

search_space = c(2,5)

opt_km = Optimal_Clusters_KMeans(dat, max_clusters = search_space,

criterion = "variance_explained",

plot_clusters = FALSE)

Optimal number of Clusters for the partitioning around Medoids func-

Optimal number of Clusters for the partitioning around Medoids functions
Optimal_Clusters_Medoids 27

criterion = "dissimilarity",
clara_samples = 0,
clara_sample_size = 0,
minkowski_p = 1,
swap_phase = TRUE,
threads = 1,
verbose = FALSE,
plot_clusters = TRUE,
seed = 1

data matrix or data.frame. If both clara_samples and clara_sample_size equal 0, then
the data parameter can be also a dissimilarity matrix, where the main diagonal
equals 0.0 and the number of rows equals the number of columns
max_clusters either a numeric value, a contiguous or non-continguous numeric vector speci-
fying the cluster search space
a string specifying the distance method. One of, euclidean, manhattan, cheby-
shev, canberra, braycurtis, pearson_correlation, simple_matching_coefficient,
minkowski, hamming, jaccard_coefficient, Rao_coefficient, mahalanobis, cosine
criterion one of ’dissimilarity’ or ’silhouette’
clara_samples number of samples to draw from the data set in case of clustering large applica-
tions (clara)
fraction of data to draw in each sample iteration in case of clustering large ap-
plications (clara). It should be a float number greater than 0.0 and less or equal
to 1.0
minkowski_p a numeric value specifying the minkowski parameter in case that distance_metric
= "minkowski"
swap_phase either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE then both phases (’build’ and ’swap’) will take
place. The ’swap_phase’ is considered more computationally intensive.
threads an integer specifying the number of cores to run in parallel. Openmp will be
utilized to parallelize the number of sample draws
verbose either TRUE or FALSE, indicating whether progress is printed during clustering
plot_clusters TRUE or FALSE, indicating whether the iterative results should be plotted. See
the details section for more information
seed integer value for random number generator (RNG)
28 plot_2d

In case of plot_clusters = TRUE, the first plot will be either a plot of dissimilarities or both dissim-
ilarities and silhouette widths giving an indication of the optimal number of the clusters. Then, the
user will be asked to give an optimal value for the number of the clusters and after that the second
plot will appear with either the dissimilarities or the silhouette widths belonging to each cluster.
In case that the max_clusters parameter is a contiguous or non-contiguous vector then plotting is
disabled. Therefore, plotting is enabled only if the max_clusters parameter is of length 1.

a list of length equal to the max_clusters parameter (the first sublist equals NULL, as dissimilarities
and silhouette widths can be calculated if the number of clusters > 1). If plot_clusters is TRUE then
the function plots also the results.

Lampros Mouselimis


## Not run:

dat = soybean[, -ncol(soybean)]

opt_md = Optimal_Clusters_Medoids(dat, 10, 'jaccard_coefficient', plot_clusters = FALSE)

# non-contiguous search space

search_space = c(2,5)

opt_md = Optimal_Clusters_Medoids(dat, search_space, 'jaccard_coefficient', plot_clusters = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

plot_2d 2-dimensional plots

2-dimensional plots
plot_2d 29


plot_2d(data, clusters, centroids_medoids)


data a 2-dimensional matrix or data frame

clusters numeric vector of length equal to the number of rows of the data, which is the
result of a clustering method
a matrix of centroids or medoids. The rows of the centroids_medoids should be
equal to the length of the unique values of the clusters and the columns should
be equal to the columns of the data.


This function plots the clusters using 2-dimensional data and medoids or centroids.


a plot


Lampros Mouselimis


# data(dietary_survey_IBS)

# dat = dietary_survey_IBS[, -ncol(dietary_survey_IBS)]

# dat = center_scale(dat)

# pca_dat = stats::princomp(dat)$scores[, 1:2]

# km = KMeans_rcpp(pca_dat, clusters = 2, num_init = 5, max_iters = 100)

# plot_2d(pca_dat, km$clusters, km$centroids)

30 predict_GMM

predict_GMM Prediction function for a Gaussian Mixture Model object

Prediction function for a Gaussian Mixture Model object


data matrix or data frame
CENTROIDS matrix or data frame containing the centroids (means), stored as row vectors
COVARIANCE matrix or data frame containing the diagonal covariance matrices, stored as row
WEIGHTS vector containing the weights

This function takes the centroids, covariance matrix and weights from a trained model and returns
the log-likelihoods, cluster probabilities and cluster labels for new data.

a list consisting of the log-likelihoods, cluster probabilities and cluster labels.

Lampros Mouselimis



dat = as.matrix(dietary_survey_IBS[, -ncol(dietary_survey_IBS)])

dat = center_scale(dat)

gmm = GMM(dat, 2, "maha_dist", "random_subset", 10, 10)

# pr = predict_GMM(dat, gmm$centroids, gmm$covariance_matrices, gmm$weights)

predict_KMeans 31

predict_KMeans Prediction function for the k-means

Prediction function for the k-means

predict_KMeans(data, CENTROIDS, threads = 1)

data matrix or data frame
CENTROIDS a matrix of initial cluster centroids. The rows of the CENTROIDS matrix should
be equal to the number of clusters and the columns should be equal to the
columns of the data.
threads an integer specifying the number of cores to run in parallel

This function takes the data and the output centroids and returns the clusters.

a vector (clusters)

Lampros Mouselimis



dat = dietary_survey_IBS[, -ncol(dietary_survey_IBS)]

dat = center_scale(dat)

km = KMeans_rcpp(dat, clusters = 2, num_init = 5, max_iters = 100, initializer = 'kmeans++')

pr = predict_KMeans(dat, km$centroids, threads = 1)

32 predict_MBatchKMeans

predict_MBatchKMeans Prediction function for Mini-Batch-k-means

Prediction function for Mini-Batch-k-means

predict_MBatchKMeans(data, CENTROIDS, fuzzy = FALSE)

data matrix or data frame
CENTROIDS a matrix of initial cluster centroids. The rows of the CENTROIDS matrix should
be equal to the number of clusters and the columns should equal the columns of
the data.
fuzzy either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE then prediction probabilities will be calculated
using the distance between observations and centroids.

This function takes the data and the output centroids and returns the clusters.

if fuzzy = TRUE the function returns a list with two attributes: a vector with the clusters and a
matrix with cluster probabilities. Otherwise, it returns a vector with the clusters.

Lampros Mouselimis



dat = dietary_survey_IBS[, -ncol(dietary_survey_IBS)]

dat = center_scale(dat)

MbatchKm = MiniBatchKmeans(dat, clusters = 2, batch_size = 20, num_init = 5, early_stop_iter = 10)

pr = predict_MBatchKMeans(dat, MbatchKm$centroids, fuzzy = FALSE)

predict_Medoids 33

predict_Medoids Predictions for the Medoid functions


Predictions for the Medoid functions


distance_metric = "euclidean",
fuzzy = FALSE,
minkowski_p = 1,
threads = 1


data matrix or data frame

MEDOIDS a matrix of initial cluster medoids (data observations). The rows of the MEDOIDS
matrix should be equal to the number of clusters and the columns of the MEDOIDS
matrix should be equal to the columns of the data.
a string specifying the distance method. One of, euclidean, manhattan, cheby-
shev, canberra, braycurtis, pearson_correlation, simple_matching_coefficient,
minkowski, hamming, jaccard_coefficient, Rao_coefficient, mahalanobis, cosine
fuzzy either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, then probabilities for each cluster will be
returned based on the distance between observations and medoids.
minkowski_p a numeric value specifying the minkowski parameter in case that distance_metric
= "minkowski"
threads an integer specifying the number of cores to run in parallel. Openmp will be
utilized to parallelize the number of initializations (num_init)


a list with the following attributes will be returned : clusters, fuzzy_clusters (if fuzzy = TRUE),


Lampros Mouselimis
34 Silhouette_Dissimilarity_Plot



dat = dietary_survey_IBS[, -ncol(dietary_survey_IBS)]

dat = center_scale(dat)

cm = Cluster_Medoids(dat, clusters = 3, distance_metric = 'euclidean', swap_phase = TRUE)

pm = predict_Medoids(dat, MEDOIDS = cm$medoids, 'euclidean', fuzzy = TRUE)

Plot of silhouette widths or dissimilarities


Plot of silhouette widths or dissimilarities


Silhouette_Dissimilarity_Plot(evaluation_object, silhouette = TRUE)

the output of either a Cluster_Medoids or Clara_Medoids function
silhouette either TRUE or FALSE, indicating whether the silhouette widths or the dissim-
ilarities should be plotted


This function takes the result-object of the Cluster_Medoids or Clara_Medoids function and de-
pending on the argument silhouette it plots either the dissimilarities or the silhouette widths of the
observations belonging to each cluster.


TRUE if either the silhouette widths or the dissimilarities are plotted successfully, otherwise FALSE


Lampros Mouselimis
soybean 35


# data(soybean)

# dat = soybean[, -ncol(soybean)]

# cm = Cluster_Medoids(dat, clusters = 5, distance_metric = 'jaccard_coefficient')

# plt_sd = Silhouette_Dissimilarity_Plot(cm, silhouette = TRUE)

soybean The soybean (large) data set from the UCI repository

There are 19 classes, only the first 15 of which have been used in prior work. The folklore seems to
be that the last four classes are unjustified by the data since they have so few examples. There are
35 categorical attributes, some nominal and some ordered. The value ’dna’ means does not apply.
The values for attributes are encoded numerically, with the first value encoded as ’0’, the second as
’1’, and so forth. Unknown values were imputated using the mice package.


A data frame with 307 Instances and 36 attributes (including the class attribute, "class")

The column names of the data (including the class) appear in the following order:
date, plant-stand, precip, temp, hail, crop-hist, area-damaged, severity, seed-tmt, germination, plant-
growth, leaves, leafspots-halo, leafspots-marg, leafspot-size, leaf-shread, leaf-malf, leaf-mild, stem,
lodging, stem-cankers, canker-lesion, fruiting-bodies, external decay, mycelium, int-discolor, scle-
rotia, fruit-pods, fruit spots, seed, mold-growth, seed-discolor, seed-size, shriveling, roots, class

R.S. Michalski and R.L. Chilausky, Learning by Being Told and Learning from Examples: An
Experimental Comparison of the Two Methods of Knowledge Acquisition in the Context of Devel-
oping an Expert System for Soybean Disease Diagnosis, International Journal of Policy Analysis
and Information Systems, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1980.
Donor: Ming Tan & Jeff Schlimmer (Jeff.Schlimmer
download source:
36 soybean



X = soybean[, -ncol(soybean)]

y = soybean[, ncol(soybean)]

∗Topic datasets
dietary_survey_IBS, 10
mushroom, 20
soybean, 35

AP_affinity_propagation, 3
AP_preferenceRange, 5

center_scale, 6
Clara_Medoids, 7
Cluster_Medoids, 9

dietary_survey_IBS, 10
distance_matrix, 11

external_validation, 12

GMM, 13

KMeans_arma, 15
KMeans_rcpp, 16

MiniBatchKmeans, 18
mushroom, 20

Optimal_Clusters_GMM, 22
Optimal_Clusters_KMeans, 23
Optimal_Clusters_Medoids, 26

plot_2d, 28
predict_GMM, 30
predict_KMeans, 31
predict_MBatchKMeans, 32
predict_Medoids, 33

Silhouette_Dissimilarity_Plot, 34
soybean, 35


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