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Landsat ETM+ Data Format Control Book

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Version 18.0

Department of the Interior

U.S. Geological Survey

LEVEL 1 (L1)

Version 18.0

March 2015
LEVEL 1 (L1)

March 2015

Approved By:

J. Lacasse Date
Landsat O&M CCB Chair
U.S. Geological Survey

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

- ii - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Executive Summary
This Data Format Control Book (DFCB) presents detailed data formats of the output
files that the Image Assessment System (IAS) and Level 1 (L1) Product Generation
System (LPGS) generate. These L1 processing systems produce L1 output files from
Level 0 Reformatted (L0R) images based on user requests. Images are produced in the
Geographic Tagged Image File Format (GeoTIFF) format.

The Landsat Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Configuration Control Board (CCB)
maintains and controls this DFCB. Staff may update or revise this document only upon
Landsat O&M CCB approval. Please direct comments and questions regarding this
DFCB to the following:

Landsat Mission Management Officer

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center
47914 252nd Street
Sioux Falls, SD 57198

- iii - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Document History
Document Document Publication
Change Number
Number Version Date
L1-409 Version 4.0 January
L7-DFCB-04 Version 5.0 April 2001 CCR1156, CCR1297, CCR1348,
CCR1400, CCR1401, CCR1402,
CCR1460, CCR1461
L7-DFCB-04 Version 6.0 April 2004 LCCR0064, LCC00R78,
LCCR0096, LCCR0099,
LCCR0110, LCCR0111,
LCCR0112, LCCR0119,
LCCR0136, LCCR0139,
LCCR0189, LCCR0190,
LCCR0191, LCCR0200,
LCCR0204, LCCR0219
L7-DFCB-04 Version 7.0 July 2004 CCR3016, CCR3029
L7-DFCB-04 Version 8.0 November CCR 3625
L7-DFCB-04 Version 9.0 September LCCR 0264, LCCR 0285, LCCR
2005 0286
L7-DFCB-04 Version May 2006 CCR 2946, CCR 3654, CCR
10.0 3727, CCR 3748, CCR 3833,
CCR 3901, CCR 3928, CCR
4152, CCR 4172, CCR 4173,
CCR 4174, CCR 4175, CCR
4176, CCR 4275
LS-DFCB-04 Version April 2007 LCCR 358
LS-DFCB-04 Version January CCR 4622, CCR 4708, CCR
12.0 2008 4819, CCR 4821
LS-DFCB-04 Version September CCR 4622, CCR 4708, CCR
13.0 2008 4819, CCR 4821
LS-DFCB-04 Version January CCR 5598, CCR 5623
14.0 2009
LS-DFCB-04 Version September DCR 402, LCCR 438
15.0 2012
LS-DFCB-04 Version February DCR1157, CCR 6470
16.0 2013
LSDS-272 Version May 2014 CR 11668
LSDS-272 March 2015 CR 12099

- iv - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Executive Summary ..................................................................................................... iii
Document History ........................................................................................................ iv
Contents ......................................................................................................................... v
List of Tables ................................................................................................................ vi
Section 1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 1
1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Intended Users.................................................................................................. 1
1.4 Definitions ......................................................................................................... 1
1.5 Level 0 (L0) Pre-Archive Processing................................................................. 3
Section 2 Overview of Level 1 Output Files ........................................................... 4
2.1 L1G / L1Gt / L1T Output Files Overview ........................................................... 4
2.2 Gap Mask (SLC-off Products Only) Overview ................................................... 5
2.3 Naming Convention .......................................................................................... 5
Section 3 L1 Output File Formats............................................................................ 8
3.1 GeoTIFF File Formats ....................................................................................... 8
3.1.1 L1 Image File and Gap Mask File .............................................................. 8 GeoTIFF Tags ........................................................................................ 8 GeoTIFF Keys ........................................................................................ 9
3.1.2 L1 Metadata File ...................................................................................... 10
3.1.3 GCP File .................................................................................................. 30
Section 4 Product Packaging ................................................................................ 32
4.1 Electronic Transfer .......................................................................................... 32
Section 5 Software Tools ....................................................................................... 33
5.1 ODL Parser ..................................................................................................... 33
Appendix A Projection Parameters ....................................................................... 34
References ................................................................................................................... 36

-v- LSDS-272
Version 18.0
List of Tables
Table 2-1. GeoTIFF Product Components ...................................................................... 5
Table 3-1. GeoTIFF Keys .............................................................................................. 10
Table 3-2. L1 Metadata File .......................................................................................... 30
Table 3-3. Example GCP Output File ............................................................................ 31

Table A-1. USGS Projection Parameters – Projection Transformation Package

Projection Parameters (Elements 1–8) .................................................................. 34
Table A-2. USGS Projection Parameters – Projection Transformation Package
Projection Parameters (Elements 9–15) ................................................................ 34
Table A-3. USGS Projection Parameters Key ............................................................... 35

- vi - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Section 1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This Data Format Control Book (DFCB) provides a high-level description of the Landsat
7 Level 1 (L1) distribution product, product packaging, and viewing tools.

1.2 Scope
This DFCB describes the formats and data contents of the L1 output files. The output
format generated by the Level 1 Product Generation System (LPGS) for distribution is
Geographic Tagged Image File Format (GeoTIFF).

The file formats contained in this DFCB are applicable to the products generated by L1
producing systems operated at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources
Observation and Science (EROS) Center.

1.3 Intended Users

This document is a guide for L1 product recipients. It provides detailed information on
L1 product packaging.

1.4 Definitions
Level 0 Reformatted Product (L0Rp) digital image — Spatially reformatted,
demultiplexed, and unrectified subinterval data

L0Rp product — L0Rp digital image plus radiometric, calibration, spacecraft attitude,
and ephemeris data, consisting of the following files in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF):

 L0Rp digital image (one file per band)

 Internal Calibrator (IC) data — Calibration data file containing all of the calibration
data received on a major frame basis subset to the product size ordered
 Mirror Scan Correction Data (MSCD) — Scan direction and error information
subset to the product size ordered
 Payload Correction Data (PCD) — Information on spacecraft attitude and
ephemeris, including quality indicators for the entire subinterval from which the
product is derived
 Metadata — Descriptive information about the L0Rp image and names of
appended files associated with the image
 Calibration Parameter File (CPF) — Formatted file containing radiometric and
geometric correction parameters
 Scan Line Offsets (SLO) — Information on actual starting and ending pixel
positions for valid image data on a line-by-line basis
 Geolocation table — File containing scene corner coordinates and product-
specific scene line numbers for bands
 HDF directory — File containing all of the pointers, file size information, and data
objects required to process the L0Rp product

-1- LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Level 1 Radiometric (Corrected) (L1R) digital image — Radiometrically corrected but
not geometrically resampled

Consensus File — A single file created from the two original files included with the
L0Rp product, with errors corrected

Level 1 Geometrically Corrected (L1G) digital image — Radiometrically corrected

and resampled for geometric correction and registration to a geographic map projection

L1G product — L1 product distributed by the LPGS that includes, for all requested
bands, GeoTIFF format L1G images and associated data accommodated by the format

L1G gap-filled product — L1G gap-filled product that includes radiometric and
geometric corrections and Scan Line Corrector-off (SLC-off) induced missing pixels
filled with mathematically calculated values based on co-registered data. (The product
includes a gap mask for each band that identifies the source of the fill data on a pixel-
by-pixel basis.)

Level 1 Systematic Terrain (Corrected) (L1Gt) product — L1Gt Terrain Correction

product that includes radiometric and geometric corrections, and uses a Digital
Elevation Model (DEM) to correct parallax error due to local topographic relief; the
accuracy of the terrain-corrected product depends on the resolution of the best available

Level 1 Terrain (Corrected) (L1T) product — Includes radiometric, geometric, and

precision correction, and uses a DEM to correct parallax errors due to local topographic
relief; the accuracy of the terrain-corrected product depends on the availability of
Ground Control Points (GCPs), as well as the resolution of the best available DEM

Gap Mask — The Gap Mask Files that accompany a Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic
Mapper Plus (ETM+) SLC-off or gap-filled product are bit mask files that show the
locations of the image gaps (areas that fall between ETM+ scans) for SLC-off imagery
and provide the fill source data for gap-filled imagery. SLC-off and gap-filled products
have one Gap Mask File per band, while segment-based gap-filled products have only
three Gap Mask Files for the pan, reflective, and thermal bands, respectively.

Interval — Time duration between the start and stop of an imaging operation
(observation) of the Landsat 7 ETM+ instrument

Subinterval — Segment of time corresponding to a portion of an observation within a

single Landsat 7 contact period

Worldwide Reference System (WRS) scene — Digital image that covers an area
equivalent to one of the 57,784 scene centers (233 paths by 248 rows areas) defined by
the WRS structure

-2- LSDS-272
Version 18.0
1.5 Level 0 (L0) Pre-Archive Processing
A basic knowledge of pre-archive ground processing enables the user to better
understand the L1 product.

The Landsat Ground System (LGS) acquires ETM+ wideband data directly from the
Landsat 7 spacecraft by way of two 150 megabits-per-second (Mbps) X-Band return
links. Each X-Band data link is separated into two 75 Mbps channels (In-Phase Channel
[I] and Quadrature Channel [Q]) and transmits the acquired wideband data over four 75
Mbps LGS output channels to the Landsat Processing System (LPS). The LPS records
all wideband data, at real-time rates, into its wideband data stores. An I-Q channel pair
represents a complete data set. One channel holds Bands 1 through 6 low-gain, and the
second channel holds Bands 7 and 8 and a high-gain form of Band 6.

The LPS retrieves and processes each channel of raw wideband data, at lower than
real-time rates, into separate accumulations of Earth image data, calibration data,
MSCD, and PCD. Channel accumulations represented by Band 1 through Band 6-low
and Band 6-high through Band 8 become Formats 1 and 2, respectively. PCD and
MSCD are generated twice, once for each format. Their contents should be identical,
but they are not guaranteed to be identical.

The LPS spatially reformats Earth imagery and calibration data into Level Zero
Reformatted Archive (L0Ra) data. This involves shifting pixels by integer amounts to
account for the alternating forward-reverse scanning pattern of the ETM+ sensor, the
odd-even detector arrangement within each band, and the detector offsets inherent in
the focal plane array engineering design. All LPS Zero Reformatted (0R) corrections are
reversible; the Image Assessment System (IAS) CPF documents the pixel shift
parameters used.

During LPS processing, Format 1 bands are duplicated, aligned, and used to assess
cloud cover content and generate scene-based browse data. Cloud cover scores are
generated on a scene-by-scene and quadrant-by-quadrant basis. Metadata are
generated for the entire subinterval and on a scene-by-scene basis. The image data,
PCD, MSCD, calibration data, and metadata are structured into HDF for each format
and sent to EROS for archiving in subinterval form. The two formats of data are united
when a Landsat 7 Level 0 Reformatted (L0R) product is ordered. The browse files are
sent to EROS search and order systems separately for use as an online aid to ordering.

-3- LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Section 2 Overview of Level 1 Output Files
This section provides an overview of the L1 output files.

2.1 L1G / L1Gt / L1T Output Files Overview

The L1R digital image is very similar to the L0Rp digital image, except that the L1R
image data are radiometrically corrected. In addition, the Format 1 and Format 2 PCD
files are combined into one consensus file, as are the Format 1 and Format 2 MSCD

The consensus file is a single file created from the two original files included with the
L0Rp product, with errors corrected. The L1G digital image is radiometrically and
geometrically corrected and is available in GeoTIFF format. The L1T includes
radiometric, geometric, and precision correction, and uses a DEM to correct parallax
error due to local topographic relief. The L1Gt product is radiometrically and
geometrically corrected and uses DEM to correct parallel error due to local topographic

The on-demand L1 products available for download at no charge are generated using a
standard set of parameters. These are the only processing parameters available for the
L1 output products through the external ordering interface(s). These products are
output using the best available processing level for that particular scene (L1T, L1Gt, or
L1G). The processing parameters and output product details used for all standard
products are as follows:

 Pixel Size 15 meter (m) (Panchromatic band) /

30 m (Thermal and Reflective bands)
 Output Format GeoTIFF
 Resampling Method Cubic Convolution (CC)
 Map Projection Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
Polar Stereographic (PS) for Antarctica scenes
 Datum World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84)
 Image Orientation Map (North Up (NUP))
 Distribution Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Download

Note: The Landsat 7 ETM+ SLC-off segment-based gap-filled product options are more
limited than other Landsat 7 products primarily due to the need to match the GLS2000
data set for generating GCPs and segment maps. Specific requirements include the

 Pixel Size 15 m (Panchromatic band) /

30 m (Thermal and Reflective bands)
 Product type: L1T only (need to match GLS)
 Map projection: UTM only (need to match GLS) No +/– 1 zone option
 Orientation: North Up (NUP) only (need to match GLS)

-4- LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Table 2-1 details the L1 product components included with each format.

Component L1G L1Gt L1T

L1 image file (for each requested band) X X X
L1 Metadata file (text [.txt] file) X X X
GCP file (text [.txt] file) X
SLC-off & SLC-off & SLC-off &
Gap Mask (.tif.gz file)
gap-filled gap-filled gap-filled

Table 2-1. GeoTIFF Product Components

2.2 Gap Mask (SLC-off Products Only) Overview

The Gap Mask File is created during product generation and contains the location of all
pixels affected by the original SLC-off scene gaps, prior to any interpolation gap-filling.
The gap masks are 8-bit images that have dimensions identical to the corresponding
image band files to simplify data access and viewing. The gap mask uses code 0 to
represent no data, and codes 1 through 6 to identify the source image for each filled
pixel. Code 1 refers to the primary scene and codes 2 through 6 refer to fill scenes
used in the gap-fill product, as indicated in the MTL file.

2.3 Naming Convention

The file-naming convention for the GeoTIFF product is as follows:



-5- LSDS-272
Version 18.0
L = Landsat
M =
E = ETM+
S =
7 = Landsat 7
PPP = Three-digit starting WRS path
RRR = Three-digit starting WRS row
YYYY = Four-digit acquisition year
DOY = Three-digit acquisition day of year
GSI = Ground Station Identifier
VV = Two-digit version
Product Component:
B1 = Band 1
B2 = Band 2
B3 = Band 3
B4 = Band 4
B5 = Band 5
BN =
B6_VCID_1 = Band 6 Visual Channel Identifier (VCID) 1
B6_VCID_2 = Band 6 VCID 2
B7 = Band 7
B8 = Band 8
GCP = GCP File
MTL = Metadata File
XXX = File type:
= TIF file extension for all image data
= .txt file extension for GCP and MTL Files

Table 2-2. GeoTIFF Product Naming Convention

The file-naming convention for the Gap Mask Files is as follows:



-6- LSDS-272
Version 18.0
L = Landsat
M =
E = ETM+
S =
7 = Landsat 7
PPP = Three-digit starting WRS path
RRR = Three-digit starting WRS row
YYYY = Four-digit acquisition year
DOY = Three-digit acquisition day of year
GSI = Ground Station Identifier
VV = Two-digit version
GM = Gap Mask
Product Component:
B1 = Band 1
B2 = Band 2
B3 = Band 3
B4 = Band 4
BN =
B5 = Band 5
B6_VCID_1 = Band 6 VCID 1
B6_VCID_2 = Band 6 VCID 2
B7 = Band 7
B8 = Band 8
XXX = File type:
= TIF file extension for all image data
= .txt file extension for GCP and MTL Files

Table 2-3. Gap Mask File-Naming Convention

-7- LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Section 3 L1 Output File Formats
This section describes the storage format for the data.

3.1 GeoTIFF File Formats

GeoTIFF defines a set of public domain Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) tags that
describe all cartographic and geodetic information associated with GeoTIFF imagery.
GeoTIFF is a means for tying a raster image to a known model space or map projection
and for describing those projections. A metadata format provides geographic
information to associate with the image data, but the TIFF file structure allows both the
metadata and the image data to be encoded into the same file.

3.1.1 L1 Image File and Gap Mask File

The description of an image in GeoTIFF requires tags and keys, as described in the
GeoTIFF Specification document (see References). These tags and keys are included
in the L1 image files and are automatically detected and read by TIFF readers. The
following subsections describe the tags and keys.

Each Earth image band in the requested product is contained in a separate file. The
data are laid out in a scan-line sequential format in descending detector order (i.e.,
detector 16 followed by detector 15 and so forth for the 30 m bands). The L1R image is
radiometrically corrected, but is not geometrically resampled. The L1G image is
radiometrically corrected and resampled for geometric correction and registration to
geographic map projections. The L1T image is radiometrically, geometrically, and
precision corrected, and uses a DEM to correct parallax error due to local topographic

Each image band in the L1G / L1T product is in a separate file. Each band comprises a
grayscale, scan line, GeoTIFF file; this file is in uncompressed 8-bit unsigned integers. GeoTIFF Tags

TIFF tags convey metadata information about the image. The tags describe the image
using information the TIFF reader needs to control the appearance of the image on the
user’s screen. The TIFF tags are in the same file as the TIFF image.

A complete description of the raster data requires georeferencing of the data, which
uses tags. Landsat 7 L1 production systems use the transformation raster and model
space tie points and scaling parameters. ModelTiepointTag and ModelPixelScaleTag
are used for this purpose.

Tag = 33922
N = 6*K, K = number of tiepoints
Alias: GeoreferenceTag
Owner: Intergraph

-8- LSDS-272
Version 18.0
The ModelTiepointTag stores the raster-to-model tiepoint pairs in the following order:

ModelTiepointTag = (..., I, J, K, X, Y, Z...)

where (I, J, K) is the point at location (I, J) in raster space with pixel-value K, and (X, Y,
Z) is a vector in model space.

The raster image is georeferenced by specifying its location, size, and orientation in the
model coordinate space. Because the relationship between the raster space and the
model space is often an exact, affine transformation, the relationship can be defined
using one set of tiepoints and the ModelPixelScaleTag, which gives the vertical and
horizontal raster grid cell size.

Tag = 33550
Owner: SoftDesk

The ModelPixelScaleTag specifies the size of raster pixel spacing in the model space
units when the raster space can be embedded in the model space coordinate system
without rotation, and consists of the following three values:

ModelPixelScaleTag = (ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ)

where ScaleX and ScaleY give the horizontal and vertical spacing of raster pixels, and
ScaleZ maps the pixel value of a DEM into the correct Z-scale. ScaleZ is not used for
L1G data because it is only systematically corrected and not corrected for elevation.

A single tiepoint in the ModelTiepointTag, together with the ModelPixelScaleTag,

completely determines the relationship between raster and model space. GeoTIFF Keys

In addition to tags, the description of a projection in GeoTIFF requires using keys. Table
3-1 lists the keys necessary to define the projections supported by the L1 production
systems and the possible values of the keys.

-9- LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Valid Keys Possible Values Meaning
Universal TM (UTM)
ModelTypeProjected (Projection Coordinate
GTModelTypeGeoKey 1
1 RasterPixelIsArea
2 RasterPixelIsPoint
American Standard Code for Information
GTCitationGeoKey (ASCII, 17) Interchange (ASCII) reference to public
9001 Linear_Meter
9002 Linear_Foot
GeogAngularUnitsGeoKey 9102 Angular_Degree
European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG)
ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey Projection System Codes
32767 User-defined
Polar Stereographic (PS)
ProjCoordTransGeoKey 15 CT_PolarStereographic
ModelTypeProjected (Projection Coordinate
GTModelTypeGeoKey 1
1 RasterPixelIsArea
2 RasterPixelIsPoint
GTCitationGeoKey (ASCII, 17) ASCII reference to public documentation
GeographicTypeGeoKey 4326 GCS_WGS_84
9001 Linear_Meter
9002 Linear_Foot
GeogAngularUnitsGeoKey 9102 Angular_Degree
20000–32760 EPSG Projection System Codes
32767 User-defined
10000–19999 Petrotechnical Open Software Corporation
(POSC) Projection Codes
32767 User-defined
9001 Linear_Meter
9002 Linear_Foot
ProjStraightVertPoleLongGeoKey Value in units of GeogAngularUnits
ProjNatOriginLatGeoKey Value in units of GeogAngularUnits
ProjFalseNorthingGeoKey Value entered in units of ProjLinearUnits
ProjFalseEastingGeoKey Value entered in units of ProjLinearUnits

Table 3-1. GeoTIFF Keys

3.1.2 L1 Metadata File

The L1 Metadata File is created during product generation and contains information
specific to the product ordered. Table 3-2 lists the full contents of the L1 Metadata File.
The L1 Metadata File complies with LSDS-524 Landsat Metadata Description
Document (LMDD) (see References).

- 10 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
Beginning of the first-level
Object Description
GROUP 18 = L1_METADATA_FILE Language (ODL) group; it
indicates the start of the L1
Metadata File level group.
Beginning of the Metadata
File information group.
= “Image courtesy of the U.S. Establishes the origin of the
Geological Survey” image from the USGS.
USGS products use the
format, where:
Data producer-defined
digit TRAM order number
request number that
NNN = Node indicator
uniquely identifies each
YY = Year
REQUEST_ID 20 product. USGS products use
MM = Month
a unique product generation
DD = Day
TRAM-generated request
SSSS = Sequence number for
the day
UUUUU = Five-digit Tracking,
Recording, and Metrics
(TRAM) unit number
LANDSAT_SCENE_ID 21 = Unique Landsat scene
“LMSFPPPRRRYYYYDDDGSIVV” identifier. (Earth-imaging),
orbital Path / Row.
L = Landsat
M = Mission (E = ETM+))
S = Satellite (7)
F = Format (1 or 2)
PPP = WRS path
RRR = WRS row
YYYY = Year of acquisition
DDD = Day of acquisition year
GSI = Ground Station Identifier
VV = Version
FILE_DATE 20 MTL ODL ASCII Time Format: L1 system date and time
= YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SSZ when the Metadata File for
Where: the L1 product set was
YYYY = Four-digit year created.
MM = Month
DD = Day
T = Constant (indicates the start of
time information in the ODL ASCII
time code format)
HH = Hour (00-23)
MI = Minute
SS = Seconds
Z = Constant (indicates "Zulu" time
(same as Greenwich Mean Time

- 11 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
Unique three-letter code
STATION_ID 3 = “NNN” identifying the originating
Ground Station.
PROCESSING_SOFTWARE_VE 20 = “SYSTEM_VERSION” Software name followed by
RSION Where: version number(s) and
SYSTEM separated by underscores.
=LPGS Example: LPGS_8.2.3
DATA_CATEGORY 11 = “NOMINAL” Current data category
= “VALIDATION” assigned to the data.
= “TEST” Nominal data that exist
= “ENGINEERING” within expected, acceptable
limits. VALIDATION =
Validation data obtained
from an IGS in order to
validate that the IGS data
are of equivalent quality to
those that the USGS
maintains. EXCHANGE =
Exchange data (between an
IGS and the USGS) that
require a quarantine period
and have been successfully
validated to be of equivalent
quality to the corresponding
USGS data. TEST = Test
Engineering data that
typically results from an
inclination change to the
spacecraft or Delta I
Refer to LSDS-293 Landsat
Data Management Policy.
End of the metadata
information group.
Beginning of the product
metadata group.
DATA_TYPE 20 = “L1G“ Identifier to inform the user
= “L1GT“ of the data type.
= “L1T“
= “NED”
Identifies the digital
= “RAMP”
elevation data set used to
= “SRTM1”
ELEVATION_SOURCE 7 terrain correct the product.
= “SRTM3”
**Included for L1Gt and L1T
= “GTOPO30”
= “GLS2000”
OUTPUT_FORMAT 10 = “GEOTIFF” The output format.

- 12 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
EPHEMERIS_TYPE 10 = “DEFINITIVE” Identifier to inform the user
= “PREDICTIVE” of the orbital ephemeris type
used. If the field is not
present, the user should
assume PREDICTIVE in all
Name of the satellite
Name of the imaging
Scan Angle Monitor (SAM)
= “SAM”
SENSOR_MODE 6 Mode and Bumper
(BUMPER) Mode.
WRS_PATH 3 = NNN, where NNN = the path WRS-defined nominal
number (001-251) Landsat satellite track
(path). (orbital)
WRS_ROW 3 = NNN, where NNN = the row of WRS-defined nominal
the first full or partial scene in the Landsat satellite row, based
product (001-248) on the latitudinal center
frame of a Landsat image.
DATE_ACQUIRED 10 MTL ODL ASCII Time Format: Year, month, day of month.
YYYY = Four-digit year
MM = Month
DD = Day
SCENE_CENTER_TIME 14 = “HH:MI:SS.SSSSSSSZ” Scene center time of the
Where: date the image was
HH = Hour (00-23) acquired.
MI = Minutes
SS.SSSSSSS = Fractional
Z = Constant (indicates "Zulu"
time (same as GMT))
CORNER_UL_LAT_PRODUCT 7 = -90.00000 through +90.00000 Latitude value for the upper-
degrees. left corner of the product
Positive (+) value indicates north (the L1 systems recalculate
latitude; negative (-) value for the 1G product).
indicates south latitude.
CORNER_UL_LON_PRODUCT 8 = -180.00000 through +180.00000 Longitude value for the
degrees. upper-left corner of the
Positive (+) value indicates east product (the L1 systems
longitude; negative (-) value recalculate for the 1G
indicates west longitude product).
CORNER_UR_LAT_PRODUCT 7 = -90.00000 through +90.00000 Latitude value for the upper-
degrees. right corner of the product
(the L1 systems recalculate
for the 1G product).

- 13 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
CORNER_UR_LON_PRODUCT 8 = -180.00000 through +180.00000 Longitude value for the
degrees. upper-right corner of the
product (the L1 systems
recalculate for the 1G
CORNER_LL_LAT_PRODUCT 7 = -90.00000 through +90.00000 Latitude value for the lower-
degrees. left corner of the product
(the L1 systems recalculate
for the 1G product).
CORNER_LL_LON_PRODUCT 8 = -180.00000 through +180.00000 Longitude value for the
degrees. lower-left corner of the
product (the L1 systems
recalculate for the 1G
CORNER_LR_LAT_PRODUCT 7 = -90.00000 through +90.00000 Latitude value for the lower-
degrees. right corner of the product
(the L1 systems recalculate
for the 1G product).
CORNER_LR_LON_PRODUCT 8 = -180.00000 through +180.00000 Longitude value for the
degrees. lower-right corner of the
product (the L1 systems
recalculate for the 1G
CORNER_UL_PROJECTION_X_ 14 = -132000000.000 through Projection X coordinate for
PRODUCT +132000000.000 the upper-left corner of the
Units are feet or meters product (the L1 systems
calculated, 1G only).
CORNER_UL_PROJECTION_Y_ 14 = -132000000.000 through Projection Y coordinate for
PRODUCT +132000000.000 the upper-left corner of the
Units are feet or meters product (L1 systems
calculated, 1G only).
CORNER_UR_PROJECTION_X_ 14 = -132000000.000 through Projection X coordinate for
PRODUCT +132000000.000 the upper-right corner of the
Units are feet or meters product (L1 systems
calculated, 1G only).
CORNER_UR_PROJECTION_Y_ 14 = -132000000.000 through Projection Y coordinate for
PRODUCT +132000000.000 the upper-right corner of the
Units are feet or meters product (L1 systems
calculated, 1G only).
CORNER_LL_PROJECTION_X_ 14 = -132000000.000 through Projection X coordinate for
PRODUCT +132000000.000 the lower-left corner of the
Units are feet or meters product (L1 systems
calculated, 1G only).
CORNER_LL_PROJECTION_Y_ 14 = -132000000.000 through Projection Y coordinate for
PRODUCT +132000000.000 the lower-left corner of the
Units are feet or meters product (L1 systems
calculated, 1G only).
CORNER_LR_PROJECTION_X_ 14 = -132000000.000 through Projection X coordinate for
PRODUCT +132000000.000 the lower-right corner of the
Units are feet or meters product (L1 systems
calculated, 1G only).

- 14 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
CORNER_LR_PROJECTION_Y_ 14 = -132000000.000 through Projection Y coordinate for
PRODUCT +132000000.000 the lower-right corner of the
Units are feet or meters product (L1 systems
calculated, 1G only).
Product lines for the
panchromatic band.
Product samples for the
panchromatic band.
Product lines for the
reflective bands.
Product samples for the
reflective bands.
Product lines for the thermal
Product samples for the
thermal bands.
FILE_NAME_BAND_1 256 “<LANDSAT_SCENE_ID>_B1.TIF” L1-generated external
element file name for Band
FILE_NAME_BAND_2 256 “<LANDSAT_SCENE_ID>_B2.TIF” L1-generated external
element file name for Band
FILE_NAME_BAND_3 256 “<LANDSAT_SCENE_ID>_B3.TIF” L1-generated external
element file name for Band
FILE_NAME_BAND_4 256 “<LANDSAT_SCENE_ID>_B4.TIF” L1-generated external
element file name for Band
FILE_NAME_BAND_5 256 “<LANDSAT_SCENE_ID>_B5.TIF” L1-generated external
element file name for Band
FILE_NAME_BAND_6_VCID_1 256 “<LANDSAT_SCENE_ID>_B6_VCI L1-generated external
D_1.TIF” element file name for Band
6 VCID 1.
FILE_NAME_BAND_6_VCID_2 256 “<LANDSAT_SCENE_ID>_B6_VCI L1-generated external
D_2.TIF” element file name for Band
6 VCID 2.
FILE_NAME_BAND_7 256 “<LANDSAT_SCENE_ID>_B7.TIF” L1-generated external
element file name for Band
FILE_NAME_BAND_8 256 “<LANDSAT_SCENE_ID>_B8.TIF” L1-generated external
element file name for Band
GROUND_CONTROL_POINT_FI 256 “<LANDSAT_SCENE_ID>_GCP.tx L1-generated external
LE_NAME t” element file name for the
GCP, if part of the product.
METADATA_ FILE_NAME 256 "<LANDSAT_SCENE_ID>_MTL.X Name of the Metadata File.
XXX = an extension indicating an
implementation specific format"

- 15 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
CPF_ NAME 256 LMCPFYYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD Archive-generated external
.nn where: element file name for the
L = Landsat IAS CPF.
M = Mission
7 = Landsat 7
effective_date_begin and
nn = version (00-99)
Acquisition date of the input
= (YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM- scenes used for the scan
DATE_ACQUIRED_GAP_FILL 256 DD,YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM- gap fill (up to five input
DD,YYYY-MM-DD) scenes); included only for
gap-filled products.
Percentage of image pixels
present after gap-filling.
**Included only for gap-filled
End of the product metadata
GROUP 17 = IMAGE_ATTRIBUTES Beginning of the image
attributes group.
CLOUD_COVER 5 0.00-100.00, -1 Cloud coverage (percent)
assigned to a WRS scene.
Values: -1 = Cloud cover not
calculated or assessed.
IMAGE_QUALITY 1 0-9, -1 Composite image quality for
the bands.
Values: 9 = Best. 0 = Worst.
-1 = Image quality not
calculated or assessed.
SUN_AZIMUTH 11 = -180.00000000 through Sun azimuth angle in
+180.00000000 degrees. degrees for the image
A positive value indicates angles to center location at the image
the east or clockwise from the center acquisition time.
A negative value (-) indicates
angles to the west or
counterclockwise from the north.
Leading zeros are not required.
SUN_ELEVATION 10 = -90.00000000 through Sun elevation angle in
+90.00000000 degrees. degrees for the image
A positive value indicates a center location at the image
daytime scene. center acquisition time.
A negative value (-) indicates a
nighttime scene.
Leading zeros are not required.
EARTH_SUN_DISTANCE 9 = N.NNNNNNN Measurement (astronomical
unit) of the earth to sun
distance at the particular
day and time of imagery

- 16 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
GROUND_CONTROL_POINTS_ 3 = 0 - 999 GCP version used for
VERSION processing.
GROUND_CONTROL_POINTS_ 3 = 1 - 999 Number of GCPs used in
MODEL the precision correction
GEOMETRIC_RMSE_MODEL 7 = 0.000 – 9999.999 Combined Root Mean
Square Error (RMSE) of the
geometric residuals (meters)
in both across-track and
along-track directions
measured on the GCPs
used in geometric precision
GEOMETRIC_RMSE_MODEL_Y 7 = 0.000 – 9999.999 RMSE of the geometric
residuals (meters) measured
on the GCPs used in
geometric precision
GEOMETRIC_RMSE_MODEL_X 7 = 0.000 – 9999.999 RMSE of the geometric
residuals (meters) measured
on the GCPs used in
geometric precision
END_GROUP 17 = IMAGE_ATTRIBUTES End of the image attributes
Beginning of the minimum /
GROUP 16 = MIN_MAX_RADIANCE maximum radiance group
(1G product only).
RADIANCE_MAXIMUM_BAND_1 6 = 0.000 – 999.999 Maximum achievable
spectral radiance value for
Band 1, if part of the product
(w/(m^2 sr micron)). In
addition, the spectral
radiance corresponding to
RADIANCE_MINIMUM_BAND_1 6 = -999.999 through +999.999 Minimum achievable
spectral radiance value for
Band 1, if part of the product
(w/(m^2 sr micron)). In
addition, the spectral
radiance corresponding to
RADIANCE_MAXIMUM_BAND_2 6 = 0.000 – 999.999 Maximum achievable
spectral radiance value for
Band 2, if part of the product
(w/(m^2 sr micron)). In
addition, the spectral
radiance corresponding to

- 17 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
RADIANCE_MINIMUM_BAND_2 6 = -999.999 through +999.999 Minimum achievable
spectral radiance value for
Band 2, if part of the product
(w/(m^2 sr micron)). In
addition, the spectral
radiance corresponding to
RADIANCE_MAXIMUM_BAND_3 6 = 0.000 – 999.999 Maximum achievable
spectral radiance value for
Band 3, if part of the product
(w/(m^2 sr micron)). In
addition, the spectral
radiance corresponding to
RADIANCE_MINIMUM_BAND_3 6 = -999.999 through +999.999 Minimum achievable
spectral radiance value for
Band 3, if part of the product
(w/(m^2 sr micron)). In
addition, the spectral
radiance corresponding to
RADIANCE_MAXIMUM_BAND_4 6 = 0.000 – 999.999 Maximum achievable
spectral radiance value for
Band 4, if part of the product
(w/(m^2 sr micron)). In
addition, the spectral
radiance corresponding to
RADIANCE_MINIMUM_BAND_4 6 = -999.999 through +999.999 Minimum achievable
spectral radiance value for
Band 4, if part of the product
(w/(m^2 sr micron)). In
addition, the spectral
radiance corresponding to
RADIANCE_MAXIMUM_BAND_5 6 = 0.000 – 999.999 Maximum achievable
spectral radiance value for
Band 5, if part of the product
(w/(m^2 sr micron)). In
addition, the spectral
radiance corresponding to

- 18 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
RADIANCE_MINIMUM_BAND_5 6 = -999.999 through +999.999 Minimum achievable
spectral radiance value for
Band 5, if part of the product
(w/(m^2 sr micron)). In
addition, the spectral
radiance corresponding to
RADIANCE_MAXIMUM_BAND_6 6 = 0.000 – 999.999 Maximum achievable
_VCID_1 spectral radiance value for
Band 6 VCID 1, if part of the
product (w/(m^2 sr micron)).
In addition, the spectral
radiance corresponding to
RADIANCE_MINIMUM_BAND_6 6 = -999.999 through +999.999 Minimum achievable
_VCID_1 spectral radiance value for
Band 6 VCID 1, if part of the
product (w/(m^2 sr micron)).
In addition, the spectral
radiance corresponding to
RADIANCE_MAXIMUM_BAND_6 6 = 0.000 – 999.999 Maximum achievable
_VCID_2 spectral radiance value for
Band 6 VCID 2, if part of the
product (w/(m^2 sr micron)).
In addition, the spectral
radiance corresponding to
RADIANCE_MINIMUM_BAND_6 6 = -999.999 through +999.999 Minimum achievable
_VCID_2 spectral radiance value for
Band 6 VCID 2, if part of the
product (w/(m^2 sr micron)).
In addition, the spectral
radiance corresponding to
RADIANCE_MAXIMUM_BAND_7 6 = 0.000 – 999.999 Maximum achievable
spectral radiance value for
Band 7, if part of the product
(w/[m^2 sr micron]); the
spectral radiance
corresponding to

- 19 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
RADIANCE_MINIMUM_BAND_7 6 = -999.999 through +999.999 Minimum achievable
spectral radiance value for
Band 7, if part of the product
(w/[m^2 sr micron]); the
spectral radiance
corresponding to
RADIANCE_MAXIMUM_BAND_8 6 = 0.000 – 999.999 Maximum achievable
spectral radiance value for
Band 8, if part of the product
(w/[m^2 sr micron]); the
spectral radiance
corresponding to
RADIANCE_MINIMUM_BAND_8 6 = -999.999 through +999.999 Minimum achievable
spectral radiance value for
Band 8, if part of the product
(w/[m^2 sr micron]); the
spectral radiance
corresponding to
End of the minimum /
maximum radiance group.
GROUP 16 = MIN_MAX_REFLECTANCE Beginning of the minimum /
maximum reflectance group.
REFLECTANCE_MAXIMUM_BA 8 = 0.000000-1.000000 Maximum achievable
ND_1 reflectance value for Band 1.
REFLECTANCE_MINIMUM_BAN 8 = 0.000000-1.000000 Minimum achievable
D_1 reflectance value for Band 1.
REFLECTANCE_MAXIMUM_BA 8 = 0.000000-1.000000 Maximum achievable
ND_2 reflectance value for Band 2.
REFLECTANCE_MINIMUM_BAN 8 = 0.000000-1.000000 Minimum achievable
D_2 reflectance value for Band 2.
REFLECTANCE_MAXIMUM_BA 8 = 0.000000-1.000000 Maximum achievable
ND_3 reflectance value for Band 3.
REFLECTANCE_MINIMUM_BAN 8 = 0.000000-1.000000 Minimum achievable
D_3 reflectance value for Band 3.
REFLECTANCE_MAXIMUM_BA 8 = 0.000000-1.000000 Maximum achievable
ND_4 reflectance value for Band 4.
REFLECTANCE_MINIMUM_BAN 8 = 0.000000-1.000000 Minimum achievable
D_4 reflectance value for Band 4.
REFLECTANCE_MAXIMUM_BA 8 = 0.000000-1.000000 Maximum achievable
ND_5 reflectance value for Band 5.
REFLECTANCE_MINIMUM_BAN 8 = 0.000000-1.000000 Minimum achievable
D_5 reflectance value for Band 5.
REFLECTANCE_MAXIMUM_BA 8 = 0.000000-1.000000 Maximum achievable
ND_7 reflectance value for Band 7.
REFLECTANCE_MINIMUM_BAN 8 = 0.000000-1.000000 Minimum achievable
D_7 reflectance value for Band 7.

- 20 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
REFLECTANCE_MAXIMUM_BA 8 = 0.000000-1.000000 Maximum achievable
ND_8 reflectance value for Band 8.
REFLECTANCE_MINIMUM_BAN 8 = 0.000000-1.000000 Minimum achievable
D_8 reflectance value for Band 8.
END_GROUP 16 = MIN_MAX_REFLECTANCE End of the minimum /
maximum reflectance group.
Beginning of the minimum /
maximum pixel value group.
QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_1 3 = 0 - 255 Maximum possible pixel
value for Band 1, if part of
the product (Digital Number
QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_1 1 =0-1 Minimum possible pixel
value for Band 1, if part of
the product (DN).
QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_2 3 = 0 - 255 Maximum possible pixel
value for Band 2, if part of
the product (DN).
QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_2 1 =0-1 Minimum possible pixel
value for Band 2, if part of
the product (DN).
QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_3 3 = 0 - 255 Maximum possible pixel
value for Band 3, if part of
the product (DN).
QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_3 1 =0-1 Minimum possible pixel
value for Band 3, if part of
the product (DN).
QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_4 3 = 0 - 255 Maximum possible pixel
value for Band 4, if part of
the product (DN).
QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_4 1 =0-1 Minimum possible pixel
value for Band 4, if part of
the product (DN)
QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_5 3 = 0 - 255 Maximum possible pixel
value for Band 5, if part of
the product (DN).
QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_5 1 =0-1 Minimum possible pixel
value for Band 5, if part of
the product (DN).
QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_6 3 = 0 - 255 Maximum possible pixel
_VCID_1 value for Band 6 VCID 1, if
part of the product (DN).
QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_6_ 1 =0-1 Minimum possible pixel
VCID_1 value for Band 6 VCID 1, if
part of the product (DN).
QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_6 3 = 0 - 255 Maximum possible pixel
_VCID_2 value for Band 6 VCID 2, if
part of the product (DN).
QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_6_ 1 =0-1 Minimum possible pixel
VCID_2 value for Band 6 VCID 2, if
part of the product (DN).

- 21 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_7 3 = 0 - 255 Maximum possible pixel
value for Band 7, if part of
the product (DN).
QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_7 1 =0-1 Minimum possible pixel
value for Band 7, if part of
the product (DN).
QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_8 3 = 0 - 255 Maximum possible pixel
value for Band 8, if part of
the product (DN).
QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_8 1 =0-1 Minimum possible pixel
value for Band 8, if part of
the product (DN).
End of the minimum /
maximum pixel value group.
Beginning of the product
GROUP 18 = PRODUCT_PARAMETERS parameters group (both 1R
and 1G products).
CORRECTION_GAIN_BAND_1 20 = “CPF” (for CPF gains) Correction method used by
= “INTERNAL_CALIBRATION” L1 in creating the image for
(for IC gains) Band 1, if part of the
CORRECTION_GAIN_BAND_2 20 = “CPF” (for CPF gains) Correction method used by
= “INTERNAL_CALIBRATION” L1 in creating the image for
(for IC gains) Band 2, if part of the
CORRECTION_GAIN_BAND_3 20 = “CPF” (for CPF gains) Correction method used by
= “INTERNAL_CALIBRATION” L1 in creating the image for
(for IC gains) Band 3, if part of the
CORRECTION_GAIN_BAND_4 20 = “CPF” (for CPF gains) Correction method used by
= “INTERNAL_CALIBRATION” L1 in creating the image for
(for IC gains) Band 4, if part of the
CORRECTION_GAIN_BAND_5 20 = “CPF” (for CPF gains) Correction method used by
= “INTERNAL_CALIBRATION” L1 in creating the image for
(for IC gains) Band 5, if part of the
CORRECTION_GAIN_BAND_6_ 20 = “CPF” (for CPF gains) Correction method used by
VCID_1 = “INTERNAL_CALIBRATION” L1 in creating the image for
(for IC gains) Band 6 VCID 1, if part of the
CORRECTION_GAIN_BAND_6_ 20 = “CPF” (for CPF gains) Correction method used by
VCID_2 = “INTERNAL_CALIBRATION” L1 in creating the image for
(for IC gains) Band 6 VCID 2, if part of the
CORRECTION_GAIN_BAND_7 20 = “CPF” (for CPF gains) Correction method used by
= “INTERNAL_CALIBRATION” L1 in creating the image for
(for IC gains) Band 7, if part of the
CORRECTION_GAIN_BAND_8 20 = “CPF” (for CPF gains) Correction method used by
= “INTERNAL_CALIBRATION” L1 in creating the image for
(for IC gains) Band 8, if part of the

- 22 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
CORRECTION_BIAS_BAND_1 20 = “CPF” (for CPF gains) Bias correction method used
= “INTERNAL_CALIBRATION” by L1 in creating the image
(for IC gains) for Band 1, if part of the
CORRECTION_BIAS_BAND_2 20 = “CPF” (for CPF gains) Bias correction method used
= “INTERNAL_CALIBRATION” by L1 in creating the image
(for IC gains) for Band 2, if part of the
CORRECTION_BIAS_BAND_3 20 = “CPF” (for CPF gains) Bias correction method used
= “INTERNAL_CALIBRATION” by L1 in creating the image
(for IC gains) for Band 3, if part of the
CORRECTION_BIAS_BAND_4 20 = “CPF” (for CPF gains) Bias correction method used
= “INTERNAL_CALIBRATION” by L1 in creating the image
(for IC gains) for Band 4, if part of the
CORRECTION_BIAS_BAND_5 20 = “CPF” (for CPF gains) Bias correction method used
= “INTERNAL_CALIBRATION” by L1 in creating the image
(for IC gains) for Band 5, if part of the
CORRECTION_BIAS_BAND_6_ 20 = “CPF” (for CPF gains) Bias correction method used
VCID_1 = “INTERNAL_CALIBRATION” by L1 in creating the image
(for IC gains) for Band 6 VCID 1, if part of
the product.
CORRECTION_BIAS_BAND_6_ 20 = “CPF” (for CPF gains) Bias correction method used
VCID_2 = “INTERNAL_CALIBRATION” by L1 in creating the image
(for IC gains) for Band 6 VCID 2, if part of
the product.
CORRECTION_BIAS_BAND_7 20 = “CPF” (for CPF gains) Bias correction method used
= “INTERNAL_CALIBRATION” by L1 in creating the image
(for IC gains) for Band 7, if part of the
CORRECTION_BIAS_BAND_8 20 = “CPF” (for CPF gains) Bias correction method used
= “INTERNAL_CALIBRATION” by L1 in creating the image
(for IC gains) for Band 8, if part of the
Gain state for Band 1’s first
= “L” (for low gain)
GAIN_BAND_1 1 data line, if part of the
= “H” (for high gain)
GAIN_BAND_2 Gain state for Band 2’s first
= “L” (for low gain)
1 data line, if part of the
= “H” (for high gain)
GAIN_BAND_3 Gain state for Band 3’s first
= “L” (for low gain)
1 data line, if part of the
= “H” (for high gain)
GAIN_BAND_4 Gain state for Band 4’s first
= “L” (for low gain)
1 data line, if part of the
= “H” (for high gain)
GAIN_BAND_5 Gain state for Band 5’s first
= “L” (for low gain)
1 data line, if part of the
= “H” (for high gain)

- 23 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
GAIN_BAND_6_VCID_1 Gain state for Band 6’s first
= “L” (for low gain)
1 data line, if part of the
= “H” (for high gain)
product-Format 1.
GAIN_BAND_6_VCID_2 Gain state for Band 6’s first
= “L” (for low gain)
1 data line, if part of the
= “H” (for high gain)
product-Format 2.
GAIN_BAND_7 Gain state for Band 7’s first
= “L” (for low gain)
1 data line, if part of the
= “H” (for high gain)
GAIN_BAND_8 Gain state for Band 8’s first
= “L” (for low gain)
1 data line, if part of the
= “H” (for high gain)
= “HH” (for no gain change)
= “LL” (for no gain change) Presence and direction of
GAIN_CHANGE_BAND_1 2 = “LH” (for low to high) gain change for Band 1, if
= “HL“ (for high to low) part of the product.
= “U” (for unknown)
= “HH” (for no gain change)
= “LL” (for no gain change) Presence and direction of
GAIN_CHANGE_BAND_2 2 = “LH” (for low to high) gain change for Band 2, if
= “HL“ (for high to low) part of the product.
= “U” (for unknown)
= “HH” (for no gain change)
= “LL” (for no gain change) Presence and direction of
GAIN_CHANGE_BAND_3 2 = “LH” (for low to high) gain change for Band 3, if
= “HL“ (for high to low) part of the product.
= “U” (for unknown)
= “HH” (for no gain change)
= “LL” (for no gain change) Presence and direction of
GAIN_CHANGE_BAND_4 2 = “LH” (for low to high) gain change for Band 4, if
= “HL“ (for high to low) part of the product.
= “U” (for unknown)
= “HH” (for no gain change)
= “LL” (for no gain change) Presence and direction of
GAIN_CHANGE_BAND_5 2 = “LH” (for low to high) gain change for Band 5, if
= “HL“ (for high to low) part of the product.
= “U” (for unknown)
= “HH” (for no gain change)
Presence and direction of
= “LL” (for no gain change)
GAIN_CHANGE_BAND_6_VCID gain change for Band 6
2 = “LH” (for low to high)
_1 Format 1, if part of the
= “HL“ (for high to low)
= “U” (for unknown)
= “HH” (for no gain change)
Presence and direction of
= “LL” (for no gain change)
GAIN_CHANGE_BAND_6_VCID gain change for Band 6
2 = “LH” (for low to high)
_2 Format 2, if part of the
= “HL“ (for high to low)
= “U” (for unknown)
= “HH” (for no gain change)
= “LL” (for no gain change) Presence and direction of
GAIN_CHANGE_BAND_7 2 = “LH” (for low to high) gain change for Band 7, if
= “HL“ (for high to low) part of the product.
= “U” (for unknown)

- 24 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
= “HH” (for no gain change)
= “LL” (for no gain change) Presence and direction of
GAIN_CHANGE_BAND_8 2 = “LH” (for low to high) gain change for Band 8, if
= “HL“ (for high to low) part of the product
= “U” (for unknown)
Scan line number where the
= 0 (for no gain change) first change in band gain
GAIN_CHANGE_SCAN_BAND_1 1–5 = 1-13,875 (for the scan line was detected; the physical
number) change actually occurred in
the previous scan.
Scan line number where the
= 0 (for no gain change) first change in band gain
1–5 = 1-13,875 (for the scan line was detected; the physical
number) change actually occurred in
the previous scan.
Scan line number where the
= 0 (for no gain change) first change in band gain
1–5 = 1-13,875 (for the scan line was detected; the physical
number) change actually occurred in
the previous scan.
Scan line number where the
= 0 (for no gain change) first change in band gain
1–5 = 1-13,875 (for the scan line was detected; the physical
number) change actually occurred in
the previous scan.
Scan line number where the
= 0 (for no gain change) first change in band gain
1–5 = 1-13,875 (for the scan line was detected; the physical
number) change actually occurred in
the previous scan.
Scan line number where the
= 0 (for no gain change) first change in band gain
1–5 = 1-13,875 (for the scan line was detected; the physical
number) change actually occurred in
the previous scan.
Scan line number where the
= 0 (for no gain change) first change in band gain
1–5 = 1-13,875 (for the scan line was detected; the physical
number) change actually occurred in
the previous scan.
Scan line number where the
= 0 (for no gain change) first change in band gain
1–5 = 1-13,875 (for the scan line was detected; the physical
number) change actually occurred in
the previous scan.
Scan line number where the
= 0 (for no gain change) first change in band gain
1–5 = 1-13,875 (for the scan line was detected; the physical
number) change actually occurred in
the previous scan.
End of the product
parameters group.

- 25 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
GROUP 21 = RADIOMETRIC_RESCALING Beginning of the radiometric
rescaling parameters group.
RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_1 9 = N.NNNNENN Multiplicative rescaling
factor used to convert
calibrated digital numbers to
radiance units for Band 1
(w/(m^2 sr um / DN).
RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_2 9 = N.NNNNENN Multiplicative rescaling
factor used to convert
calibrated digital numbers to
radiance units for Band 2
w/(m^2 sr um / DN).
RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_3 9 = N.NNNNENN Multiplicative rescaling
factor used to convert
calibrated digital numbers to
radiance units for Band 3
(w/(m^2 sr um / DN).
RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_4 9 = N.NNNNENN Multiplicative rescaling
factor used to convert
calibrated digital numbers to
radiance units for Band 4
(w/(m^2 sr um / DN).
RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_5 9 = N.NNNNENN Multiplicative rescaling
factor used to convert
calibrated digital numbers to
radiance units for Band 5
(w/(m^2 sr um / DN).
RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_6_VCI 9 = N.NNNNENN Multiplicative rescaling
D_1 factor used to convert
calibrated digital numbers to
radiance units for Band 6
VCID 1 (w/(m^2 sr um / DN).
RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_6_VCI 9 = N.NNNNENN Multiplicative rescaling
D_2 factor used to convert
calibrated digital numbers to
radiance units for Band 6
VCID 2 (w/(m^2 sr um / DN).
RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_7 9 = N.NNNNENN Multiplicative rescaling
factor used to convert
calibrated digital numbers to
radiance units for Band 7
(w/(m^2 sr um / DN).
RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_8 9 = N.NNNNENN Multiplicative rescaling
factor used to convert
calibrated digital numbers to
radiance units for Band 8
(w/(m^2 sr um / DN).
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_1 9 -9999.99999 through +9999.99999 Additive rescaling factor
used to convert calibrated
digital numbers to radiance
units (W/(m^2 sr um)) for
Band 1.

- 26 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_2 9 -9999.99999 through +9999.99999 Additive rescaling factor
used to convert calibrated
digital numbers to radiance
units (W/(m^2 sr um)) for
Band 2.
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_3 9 -9999.99999 through +9999.99999 Additive rescaling factor
used to convert calibrated
digital numbers to radiance
units (W/(m^2 sr um)) for
Band 3.
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_4 9 -9999.99999 through +9999.99999 Additive rescaling factor
used to convert calibrated
digital numbers to radiance
units (W/(m^2 sr um)) for
Band 4.
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_5 9 -9999.99999 through +9999.99999 Additive rescaling factor
used to convert calibrated
digital numbers to radiance
units (W/(m^2 sr um)) for
Band 5.
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_6_VCI 9 -9999.99999 through +9999.99999 Additive rescaling factor
D_1 used to convert calibrated
digital numbers to radiance
units (W/(m^2 sr um)) for
Band 6 VCID 1.
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_6_VCI 9 -9999.99999 through +9999.99999 Additive rescaling factor
D_2 used to convert calibrated
digital numbers to radiance
units (W/(m^2 sr um)) for
Band 6 VCID 2.
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_7 9 -9999.99999 through +9999.99999 Additive rescaling factor
used to convert calibrated
digital numbers to radiance
units (W/(m^2 sr um)) for
Band 7.
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_8 9 -9999.99999 through +9999.99999 Additive rescaling factor
used to convert calibrated
digital numbers to radiance
units (W/(m^2 sr um)) for
Band 8.
REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_1 9 = N.NNNNENN Multiplicative rescaling
factor used to convert
calibrated digital numbers to
reflectance for Band 1
(DN ).
REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_2 9 = N.NNNNENN Multiplicative rescaling
factor used to convert
calibrated digital numbers to
reflectance for Band 2
(DN ).

- 27 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_3 9 = N.NNNNENN Multiplicative rescaling
factor used to convert
calibrated digital numbers to
reflectance for Band 3
(DN ).
REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_4 9 = N.NNNNENN Multiplicative rescaling
factor used to convert
calibrated digital numbers to
reflectance for Band 4
(DN ).
REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_5 9 = N.NNNNENN Multiplicative rescaling
factor used to convert
calibrated digital numbers to
reflectance for Band 5
(DN ).
REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_7 9 = N.NNNNENN Multiplicative rescaling
factor used to convert
calibrated digital numbers to
reflectance for Band 7
(DN ).
REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_8 9 = N.NNNNENN Multiplicative rescaling
factor used to convert
calibrated digital numbers to
reflectance for Band 8
(DN ).
REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_1 9 -9.999999 through +9.999999 Additive rescaling factor
used to convert calibrated
digital numbers to
reflectance for Band 1.
REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_2 9 -9.999999 through +9.999999 Additive rescaling factor
used to convert calibrated
digital numbers to
reflectance for Band 2.
REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_3 9 -9.999999 through +9.999999 Additive rescaling factor
used to convert calibrated
digital numbers to
reflectance for Band 3.
REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_4 9 -9.999999 through +9.999999 Additive rescaling factor
used to convert calibrated
digital numbers to
reflectance for Band 4.
REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_5 9 -9.999999 through +9.999999 Additive rescaling factor
used to convert calibrated
digital numbers to
reflectance for Band 5.
REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_7 9 -9.999999 through +9.999999 Additive rescaling factor
used to convert calibrated
digital numbers to
reflectance for Band 7.
REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_8 9 -9.999999 through +9.999999 Additive rescaling factor
used to convert calibrated
digital numbers to
reflectance for Band 8.

- 28 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
END_GROUP 21 = RADIOMETRIC_RESCALING End of the radiometric
rescaling parameters group.
GROUP 17 = THERMAL_CONSTANTS Beginning of thermal
constants group.
K1_CONSTANT_BAND_6_VCID 7 = NNNN.NN Calibration constant for
_1 Band 6 radiance to
temperature conversion.
K2_CONSTANT_BAND_6_VCID 7 = NNNN.NN Calibration constant for
_1 Band 6 radiance to
temperature conversion.
K1_CONSTANT_BAND_6_VCID 7 = NNNN.NN Calibration constant for
_2 Band 6 radiance to
temperature conversion.
K2_CONSTANT_BAND_6_VCID 7 = NNNN.NN Calibration constant for
_2 Band 6 radiance to
temperature conversion.
END_GROUP 17 = THERMAL_CONSTANTS End of thermal constants
Beginning of the projection
parameters group.
= “PS” (Polar Stereographic)
Map projection used in
MAP_PROJECTION 4 creating the image.
= ”UTM” (Universal Transverse
Datum used in creating the
DATUM 5 = “WGS84”
Ellipsoid used in creating the
Value used to indicate the
zone number (used only
UTM_ZONE 2 = 1 to 60 when
Vertical longitude from the
VERTICAL_LON_FROM_POLE 12 = –180.0 to +180.0
pole (PS projection only).
Latitude of true scale (PS
TRUE_SCALE_LAT 11 = –90.0 through +90.0
projection only).
8 8 False easting (PS projection
FALSE_EASTING 18 = –1.0 x 10 to +1.0 x 10
8 8 False northing (PS
FALSE_NORTHING 18 = –1.0 x 10 to +1.0 x 10
projection only).
= 5.00–60.00 meters, in increments Grid cell size used in
GRID_CELL_SIZE_PANCHROM of 0.001 meters creating the image for the
ATIC Pan band, if part of the
14.25–60.00 (IAS / LPGS) product.
GRID_CELL_SIZE_REFLECTIVE 5 = 0.00 - 120.00 meters, in Grid cell size used in
increments of 0.01 meters creating the image for
25.00 – 60.00 (IAS / LPGS) Visible and Near Infrared
(VNIR) / Short Wavelength
Infrared (SWIR) bands, if
part of the product.

- 29 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Parameter Description /
Parameter Name Size* Value, Format, Range, and Units
GRID_CELL_SIZE_THERMAL 5 = 0.00 - 120.00 meters, in Grid cell size used in
increments of 0.01 meters creating the image for the
25.00 – 60.00 (IAS / LPGS) thermal bands, if part of the
ORIENTATION 10 = “NOMINAL”, Orientation used in creating
“NORTH_UP”, the image.
RESAMPLING_OPTION 28 = “NEAREST_NEIGHBOR”, Resampling option used in
“CUBIC_CONVOLUTION”, creating the image.
Maximum scan gap width to
fill by interpolation, in units
of ETM+ 30 m detectors /
Note: Included only with
single SLC-off and gap-filled
End of the projection
parameters group.
End of the L1 Metadata File
level group.
Required standalone
END parameter signifying the file
*ASCII bytes

Table 3-2. L1 Metadata File

3.1.3 GCP File

The GCP file included with an L1T product is written in ASCII format and contains a
header followed by records, one on each line. Each record corresponds to a single
GCP. Each record has eight column headings and looks similar to Error! Reference
source not found..

- 30 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Table 3-3. Example GCP Output File

- 31 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Section 4 Product Packaging
L1 products are available for distribution via HTTP download. The following provides
information on the distribution method for the available L1 product formats.

4.1 Electronic Transfer

Products available via electronic transfer also include the L1 volume descriptor (readme
file) with the same file names as listed. When data are packaged and ready for
distribution, they are stored in directories on the production online cache for retrieval.

The LPGS GZips (compression) all standard products for distribution. Each individual
file within the scene is GZipped.

- 32 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Section 5 Software Tools
A variety of public domain software tools is available for processing the L1 distribution
product in either an HDF or an independent computing environment.

5.1 ODL Parser

The University of Colorado’s Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)
originally implemented the ODL parser (Version 1.0) incorporated into the Science Data
Processing (SDP) Toolkit. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) enhanced the ODL
parser in building their Planetary Data System. IAS modified this enhanced version,
available at http://pds.nasa.gov/tools/. LPGS uses this IAS-modified version.

The IAS-modified version should be particularly useful to those operating in a non-HDF-

Earth Observing System (EOS) environment. The software stands alone and reads the
L0Rp or L1 MTL external elements and the CPF.

- 33 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Appendix A Projection Parameters
This appendix contains the map projection parameters used in the USGS projection
parameters (Table A-1 and Table A-2).

Projection Array Element

Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PS SMajor SMinor LongPol TrueScale FE FN
UTM Lon/Z Lat/Z

Table A-1. USGS Projection Parameters – Projection Transformation Package

Projection Parameters (Elements 1–8)

Projection Array Element

Name 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Table A-2. USGS Projection Parameters – Projection Transformation Package

Projection Parameters (Elements 9–15)

- 34 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Where Lon/Z = Longitude of any point in the UTM zone or zero
Lat/Z = Latitude of any point in the UTM zone or zero
SMajor = Semi-major axis of ellipsoid
If zero, Clarke 1866 in m is assumed
SMinor = If less than zero, eccentricity squared of the ellipsoid
If zero, a spherical form is assumed
If greater than zero, the semi-major axis of ellipsoid
Sphere = Radius of the reference sphere
If zero, 6370997 m is used
Stdpar = Latitude of the standard parallel
Stdpr1 = Latitude of the first standard parallel
Stdpr2 = Latitude of the second standard parallel
CentMer = Longitude of the central meridian
OriginLat = Latitude of the projection origin
FE = False easting in the same units as the semi-major axis
FN = False northing in the same units as the semi-major axis
LongPol = Longitude down below pole of map
TrueScale = Latitude of true scale
Factor = Scale factor at the central meridian (TM) or center of projection (Oblique Mercator
Type A (OMA) / Oblique Mercator Type B (OMB))
CentLon = Longitude of the center of projection
CenterLat = Latitude of the center of projection
Height = Height of the perspective point
Long1 = Longitude of the first point on the center line
Long2 = Longitude of the second point on the center line
Lat1 = Latitude of the first point on the center line
Lat2 = Latitude of the second point on the center line
AziAng = Azimuth angle east of north of the center line
AzmthPt = Longitude of the point on the central meridian where azimuth occurs
Satnum = Landsat satellite number
Path = Landsat path number (use WRS-1 for Landsat 1, 2, and 3, and WRS-2 for Landsat
4, 5, 6, or 7)
Shapem = Oval shape parameter m
Shapen = Oval shape parameter n
Angle = Oval rotation angle

Table A-3. USGS Projection Parameters Key

Note: All array elements with blank fields are set to zero. All angles (latitudes,
longitudes, azimuths, etc.) are entered in packed degrees / minutes / seconds
(DDDMMMSSS.SS) format.

- 35 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0
Please see http://landsat.usgs.gov/tools_acronyms_ALL.php for a list of acronyms.

USGS/EROS. LSDS-31. Landsat 7 System Calibration Parameter File (CPF) Definition.

USGS/EROS. LSDS-270. Landsat 7 (L7) Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+)

Level 0 Reformatted Archive (L0Ra) Data Format Control Book (DFCB).

USGS/EROS. LSDS-271. Landsat 7 (L7) Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+)

Level 0 Reformatted (L0R) Distribution Product Data Format Control Book (DFCB).

USGS/EROS. LSDS-293. Landsat Data Management Policy.

USGS/EROS. LSDS-524. Landsat Metadata Definition Document (LMDD).

505-10-36. Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project Mission
Specific Requirements for the Landsat 7 Mission L1 Processing. November 1998.

GeoTIFF Specification. Revision 1.0.


JPL D-7669, Part 2, Planetary Data System Standards Reference, Object Description
Language Specification and Usage. Version 3.7. March 2006.

- 36 - LSDS-272
Version 18.0

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