2018 Jntu Paper 2
2018 Jntu Paper 2
2018 Jntu Paper 2
1. a) Explain about the java program structure. (4M)
b) What is meant by primitive data type? Discuss. (3M)
c) Explain about the super keyword with examples. (4M)
d) Discuss about join keyword. (3M)
e) Differentiate between paint() and repaint() functions. (4M)
f) Discuss about list box and choice boxes. (4M)
2. a) What is object oriented programming? Explain the need of object oriented (8M)
b) Explain about the history of Java. (8M)
3. a) What is constructor? What are the rules of constructor? Give an example. (8M)
b) What is constructor overloading? Explain with examples. (8M)
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