CP Syllabus 14
CP Syllabus 14
CP Syllabus 14
I B.Tech (CSE)
I Semester
Prerequisite: Knowledge of Mathematics required
1. To review basic computer system concepts
2. To express algorithms and draw flowcharts in a language independent manner.
3. To introduce the basic concepts of C-programming language such as variables, operators,
branching, looping, functions, arrays, pointers, structures and files
4. To examine the key aspects of c-library
At the of this course students will be
1) able to analyze and resolve a given problem
2) ability to use the programming concepts, c-library and generate code for a given problem
3) ability to understand computer programming environment.
Introduction to Computers: Computer hardware and software, System Software,
Generation of programming languages, Program Development Steps, Algorithms, Flowcharts.
Introduction to C: History of C, Structure of C-Program, keywords, Identifiers, Data Types,
Constants, variables, Operators, Expressions, Precedence and Order of Evaluation, Type
Conversion and Type Casting .
Managing I/O: Input-Output statements, formatted I/O.
Decision making statements : if, if-else, if-else-if, nested if, switch
Iterative statements: while, do- while, for
Unconditional statements: break, continue, go to.
Arrays: Introduction, One-dimensional arrays, Declaring and Initializing arrays,
Multidimensional arrays
Strings: Introduction to Strings, String operations with and without using String Handling
Functions, Array of Strings.
Functions: Introduction, Function Definition, Function Declaration, Function Calls, Return
values and their types, Categories of Functions, nested functions, Recursion, Storage Classes,
Passing arrays to Functions.
Pointers: Pointers and Addresses, Pointer expressions and Pointer arithmetic, Pointers and
Functions, void
pointer, Pointers and Arrays, Pointers and Strings, Array of pointers, Pointers to Pointers.
Dynamic memory allocation: malloc, calloc, realloc, free.
Reference Books
1. Programming in C, Ashok N Kamthane, 2nd edition, Pearson Pubslication.
2. Let Us C, Yashwanth Kanetkar, 10 Edition, BPB Publications.
3. C& Data structures, P.Padmanabham, B.S. Publications.
4. Computer science, A structured programming approach using C, B.A. Forouzan and R.F.
Gilberg, Third edition, Thomson.