Triple Sugar Iron Agar
Triple Sugar Iron Agar
Triple Sugar Iron Agar
Triple Sugar Iron Agar, cont.
Formulae Procedure
Difco™ Triple Sugar Iron Agar To inoculate, carefully touch only the center of an isolated
Approximate Formula* Per Liter colony on an enteric plated medium with a cool, sterile needle,
Beef Extract ................................................................ 3.0 g
Yeast Extract .............................................................. 3.0 g
stab into the medium in the butt of the tube, and then streak
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 15.0 g back and forth along the surface of the slant. Several colonies
Proteose Peptone No. 3 ............................................. 5.0 g from each primary plate should be studied separately, since
Dextrose ..................................................................... 1.0 g mixed infections may occur.
Lactose ..................................................................... 10.0 g
Sucrose .................................................................... 10.0 g Incubate with caps loosened at 35°C and examine after 18-24
Ferrous Sulfate ........................................................... 0.2 g
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g hours for carbohydrate fermentation, gas production and
Sodium Thiosulfate .................................................... 0.3 g hydrogen sulfide production. Any combination of these reactions
Agar ......................................................................... 12.0 g may be observed. Do not incubate longer than 24 hours
Phenol Red ............................................................... 24.0 mg
because the acid reaction in the slant of lactose and sucrose
BBL™ TSI Agar fermenters may revert to an alkaline reaction.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter
Pancreatic Digest of Casein ...................................... 10.0 g
Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue ................................. 10.0 g Expected Results
Dextrose ..................................................................... 1.0 g Compare reactions produced by the unknown isolate with those
Lactose ..................................................................... 10.0 g produced by the known control organisms.
Sucrose .................................................................... 10.0 g
Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate ........................................ 0.2 g Carbohydrate fermentation is indicated by a yellow coloration
Sodium Chloride ........................................................ 5.0 g
Sodium Thiosulfate .................................................... 0.2 g of the medium. If the medium in the butt of the tube becomes
Agar ......................................................................... 13.0 g yellow (acidic), but the medium in the slant becomes red
Phenol Red ............................................................... 25.0 mg (alkaline), the organism being tested only ferments dextrose
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
Directions for Preparation from A yellow (acidic) color in the slant and butt indicates that
Dehydrated Product the organism being tested ferments dextrose, lactose and/or
1. Suspend the powder in 1 L of purified water: sucrose.
Difco™ Triple Sugar Iron Agar – 65 g;
A red (alkaline) color in the slant and butt indicates that the
BBL™ TSI Agar – 59.4 g.
Mix thoroughly.
organism being tested is a nonfermenter. T
2. Heat with frequent agitation and boil for 1 minute to Hydrogen sulfide production results in a black precipitate in
completely dissolve the powder. the butt of the tube.
3. Dispense into tubes and autoclave at 118-121°C (per label Gas production is indicated by splitting and cracking of the
directions) for 15 minutes. medium.
4. Cool in a slanted position so that deep butts are formed.
5. Test samples of the finished product for performance using For final identification, perform biochemical tests and other
stable, typical control cultures. identification procedures with a pure culture of the organism.
Consult appropriate references for further information.5-7
Section III
T Triple Sugar Iron Agar, cont.
Cultural Response
Difco™ Tryptic Nitrate Medium
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate and incubate at 35 ±
2°C for 18-24 hours; incubate Clostridium sporogenes anaerobically. Test
for nitrate reduction using Difco™/BBL™ Nitrate A, B and C Reagents.
Clostridium sporogenes 11437 102-103 Good – Uninoculated Escherichia coli Clostridium
Tube ATCC™ 25922 sporogenes
Escherichia coli 25922 102-103 Good + ATCC™ 11437
Staphylococcus aureus 25923 102-103 Good +