Efectele Dietelor
Efectele Dietelor
Efectele Dietelor
Jordi Salas-Salvadó,1,2
Effect of a Lifestyle Intervention Andrés Dı́az-López,1,2
Miguel Ruiz-Canela,2,3 Josep Basora,1,2,4
Program With Energy-Restricted Montse Fitó,2,5 Dolores Corella,2,6
Luı́s Serra-Majem,2,7 Julia Wärnberg,2,8
Mediterranean Diet and Exercise Dora Romaguera,2,9 Ramon Estruch,2,10
Josep Vidal,11,12,13
on Weight Loss and J. Alfredo Martı́nez,2,14,15
Fernando Arós,2,16 Clotilde Vázquez,2,17
Cardiovascular Risk Factors: Emilio Ros,2,18 Jesús Vioque,19,20
José López-Miranda,2,21
One-Year Results of the Aurora Bueno-Cavanillas,20,22
Josep A. Tur,2,23 Francisco J. Tinahones,2,24
PREDIMED-Plus Trial Vicente Martı́n,20,25,26 José Lapetra,2,27
Diabetes Care 2019;42:777–788 | https://doi.org/10.2337/dc18-0836 Xavier Pintó,2,28 Lidia Daimiel,29
Miguel Delgado-Rodrı́guez,20,30
Pilar Matı́a,31 Enrique Gómez-Gracia,2,32
Javier Dı́ez-Espino,2,3,33 Nancy Babio,1,2
Olga Casta~ ner,2,5 José V. Sorlı́,2,6
Miquel Fiol,2,9 Marı́a Ángeles Zulet,2,14
Mònica Bulló,1,2 Albert Goday,2,5,34 and
Miguel Á. Martı́nez-González,2,3,35 for the
PREDIMED-Plus investigators*
The long-term impact of intentional weight loss on cardiovascular events remains 1
unknown. We describe 12-month changes in body weight and cardiovascular risk Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology,
Human Nutrition Unit, Pere Virgili Institute for
factors in PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED)-Plus, a trial designed Health Research (IISPV), University Hospital of
to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of an intensive weight loss lifestyle in- Sant Joan de Reus, Rovira i Virgili University, Reus,
tervention on primary cardiovascular prevention. Spain
Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Fisiopatologı́a de la Obesidad y la Nutrici ón
(CIBEROBN), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid,
Overweight/obese adults with metabolic syndrome aged 55–75 years (n = 626) were Spain
randomized to an intensive weight loss lifestyle intervention based on an energy- Department of Preventive Medicine and Public
restricted Mediterranean diet, physical activity promotion, and behavioral support Health, University of Navarra, Navarra Institute
for Health Research (IdiSNA), Pamplona, Spain
(IG) or a control group (CG). The primary and secondary outcomes were changes in 4
Primary Care Division, Catalan Institute of
weight and cardiovascular risk markers, respectively. Health, Institut d’Investigació i Recerca en Atenció
Primària (IDIAP)-Jordi Gol, Barcelona, Spain
Cardiovascular Risk and Nutrition Research
Diet and physical activity changes were in the expected direction, with significant Group, Hospital del Mar Medical Research In-
stitute (IMIM), Barcelona, Spain
improvements in IG versus CG. After 12 months, IG participants lost an average of 6
Department of Preventive Medicine, University
3.2 kg vs. 0.7 kg in the CG (P < 0.001), a mean difference of 22.5 kg (95% CI 23.1 of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
to 21.9). Weight loss ‡5% occurred in 33.7% of IG participants compared with 11.9% 7
Research Institute of Biomedical and Health
in the CG (P < 0.001). Compared with the CG, cardiovascular risk factors, including Sciences, University of Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
waist circumference, fasting glucose, triglycerides, and HDL cholesterol, signifi- 8
Department of Nursing, School of Health Sci-
cantly improved in IG participants (P < 0.002). Reductions in insulin resistance, ences, University of Malaga-Institute of Biomed-
HbA1c, and circulating levels of leptin, interleukin-18, and MCP-1 were greater in IG ical Research in Malaga (IBIMA), Malaga, Spain
than CG participants (P < 0.05). IG participants with prediabetes/diabetes signif- Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Illes Balears
(IdISBa), University Hospital of Son Espases, Palma
icantly improved glycemic control and insulin sensitivity, along with triglycerides de Mallorca, Spain
and HDL cholesterol levels compared with their CG counterparts. 10
Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital
Clı́nic, Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques
CONCLUSIONS August Pi Sunyer (IDIBAPS), University of Barce-
PREDIMED-Plus intensive lifestyle intervention for 12 months was effective in lona, Barcelona, Spain
Endocrinology and Nutrition Department,
decreasing adiposity and improving cardiovascular risk factors in overweight/obese Hospital Clinic Universitari, Barcelona, Spain
older adults with metabolic syndrome, as well as in individuals with or at risk for 12
Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August
diabetes. Pi Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Barcelona, Spain
778 Lifestyle Intervention Program and Weight Loss Diabetes Care Volume 42, May 2019
The current obesity pandemic entails a if they harbor the metabolic syndrome alternative to low-fat or low-carbohy-
major impact on global morbidity and (MetS), is to establish a plan for weight drate diets in terms of weight loss is
premature mortality linked to chronic loss through lifestyle changes. Although the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet), in
diseases while severely impairing the successful weight loss is expected to which the quality of fat and carbohy-
quality of life of affected individuals reduce cardiovascular risk, no large ran- drates is more important than the
and posing a significant burden to the domized controlled trial (RCT) has ever amounts of these macronutrients (13).
health system (1,2). Thus, effective strat- demonstrated that long-term intentional A meta-analysis of RCTs suggests that
egies to reduce the burden of obesity weight loss reduces the incidence of the MedDiet is a useful tool to reduce
and its adverse health consequences cardiovascular disease (CVD) events. In body weight and obesity-related meta-
are urgently needed. the only available trial (Look AHEAD) bolic alterations, particularly when total
Prior research has shown that mod- conducted to assess the long-term ef- energy intake is restricted (14). The Di-
erate weight loss (5–10% of initial body fects on CVD of weight loss and physical etary Intervention Randomized Con-
weight) achieved through lifestyle changes activity (PA), the results were null (9). trolled Trial (DIRECT) trial and a recent
is associated with improvement of car- Look AHEAD was conducted exclusively meta-analysis (15,16) also provided fur-
diometabolic abnormalities character- among individuals with diabetes, and the ther evidence supporting the stronger
istic of overweight/obesity (3,4) and choice of a low-fat diet as active inter- beneficial effects of the MedDiet on
reduction in the risk of type 2 diabetes vention has been argued as one expla- weight loss and long-term maintenance
(5). Expectedly, greater weight losses nation for its lack of cardiovascular of modest weight loss as compared with
lead to greater cardiometabolic benefit benefit (10). Although not focused on a low-fat diet.
(6,7). However, there are inconsistencies weight loss, the Women’s Health Initia- The PREvención con DIeta MEDi-
in the association between overweight/ tive Dietary Modification Trial also used a terránea (PREDIMED) intervention trial
obesity and total or cardiovascular mor- low-fat diet and failed to show any contributed to a large body of available
tality, particularly after a controversial benefit on cardiovascular events (11). evidence supporting the effectiveness
systematic review (8). Additionally, the Another nutritional strategy used to of the MedDiet for cardiovascular pre-
lack of benefit on cardiovascular events lose weight is carbohydrate restriction. vention (17). A cardiovascular benefit of
or mortality of a recent large interven- However, low-carbohydrate diets are the MedDiet is plausible due to its ben-
tion trial focused on weight loss among usually rich in saturated fat and poor eficial impact on classical and emergent
individuals with type 2 diabetes casts in fiber and mineral content, are associ- cardiovascular risk factors, such as hy-
doubts on the long-term cardiovascular ated with increased LDL cholesterol, and pertension, dyslipidemia, increased ad-
impact of weight loss (9). tend to lose their weight-reducing effi- iposity, MetS, type 2 diabetes, insulin
The current recommendation for pa- cacy after 12 months (12). Another di- resistance, and markers of oxidative
tients with overweight or obesity, especially etary paradigm that may be an effective stress, inflammation, and endothelial
13 24 34
Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Department of Endocrinology and Nutrition, Department of Medicine, University of Barce-
Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas Virgen de la Victoria Hospital, University of lona, Barcelona, Spain
(CIBERDEM), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Malaga-Institute of Biomedical Research in Department of Nutrition, Harvard T.H. Chan
Spain Malaga (IBIMA), Malaga, Spain School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts
14 25
Department of Nutrition, Food Sciences, and Research Group on Gene-Environment Interac- Corresponding author: Jordi Salas-Salvad ó,
Physiology, Center for Nutrition Research, Uni- tions and Health, University of León, León, Spain jordi.salas@urv.cat, or Miguel Á. Martı́nez-
versity of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain Biomedicine Institute (IBIOMED), University of González, mamartinez@unav.es
Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies (IMDEA) León, León, Spain
Food Institute, Madrid, Spain 27
Department of Family Medicine, Research Unit, Received 17 April 2018 and accepted 29 Sep-
Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Distrito Sanitario Atención Primaria Sevilla, Sev- tember 2018
Araba, Vitoria, Spain illa, Spain Clinical trial reg. no. ISRCTN89898870, www
17 28
Department of Endocrinology and Nutrition, Univer- Lipid Unit, Department of Internal Medicine, .isrctn.org
sity Hospital Fundación Jiménez Dı́az, Madrid, Spain Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL)-
18 This article contains Supplementary Data online
Lipid Clinic, Endocrinology and Nutrition Ser- Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, L’Hospitalet
at http://care.diabetesjournals.org/lookup/suppl/
vice, Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
29 doi:10.2337/dc18-0836/-/DC1.
August Pi Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Hospital Clı́nic, Uni- Nutritional Genomics and Epigenomics Group,
versity of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies (IMDEA) *A complete list of the PREDIMED-Plus investigators
Nutritional Epidemiology Unit, University of Mi- Food Institute, Campus of International Excel- can be found in the Supplementary Data online.
guel Hernández, Isabial-Fisabio, Alicante, Spain lence UAM+CSIC, Madrid, Spain This article is part of a special article collection
20 30
Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Department of Health Sciences, University of available at http://care.diabetesjournals.org/
Epidemiologı́a y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), In- Jaén, Jaén, Spain evolution-nutritional-therapy.
stituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain Endocrinology and Nutrition Department, Fac-
Lipids and Atherosclerosis Unit, Maimonides ultad de Medicina, Hospital Clı́nico San Carlos- This article is featured in a podcast available at
Biomedical Research Institute of Cordoba Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital http://www.diabetesjournals.org/content/diabetes-
(IMIBIC), Reina Sofia University Hospital, Univer- Clı́nico San Carlos (IdISSC), Universidad Complu- core-update-podcasts.
sity of Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain tense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain © 2018 by the American Diabetes Association.
22 32
Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Department of Preventive Medicine and Readers may use this article as long as the work
Health, University of Granada, Granada, Spain Public Health, University of Malaga, Malaga, is properly cited, the use is educational and not
Research Group on Community Nutrition and Spain for profit, and the work is not altered. More infor-
Oxidative Stress, University of the Balearic Is- Atención Primaria, Servicio Navarro de Salud– mation is available at http://www.diabetesjournals
lands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain Osasunbidea, Pamplona, Spain .org/content/license.
care.diabetesjournals.org Salas-Salvadó and Associates 779
dysfunction, respectively (13). The PRE- These participants were recruited from habits, PA level, and body weight. Such
DIMED-Plus randomized trial, started 13 out of the 23 PREDIMED-Plus re- protocol change only affected the first
in 2013, provides a unique opportunity cruiting centers because these centers 70 participants who were eligible and
to assess the long-term cardiovascular were the first that started the recruit- randomized in two vanguard centers
effects of an intensive weight loss inter- ment of participants. The data were (Supplementary Fig. 1). In the third screen-
vention based on an energy-restricted analyzed using the available complete ing face-to-face visit, candidates meet-
MedDiet (erMedDiet), PA promotion, PREDIMED-Plus database, dated 12 May ing eligibility criteria who had attended
and behavioral support in comparison 2017. all screening visits and correctly filled in
with a control group (CG). In this study, the administered questionnaires and re-
we report on a study within the PREDIMED- Participant Selection and Recruitment cords were randomized to either IG or CG.
Plus trial on the 12-month effects of the From September 2013 until September
intervention on weight loss, adiposity, 2014, medical doctors from primary Randomization and Intervention
and intermediate markers of cardiovas- health care centers associated with Each recruiting center randomly allo-
cular risk in overweight/obese adults hospital or university recruiting centers cated candidates in a 1:1 ratio to either
with MetS at high cardiovascular risk. assessed potential participants for eligi- the IG or the CG, using a centrally con-
bility. Eligible participants were men trolled, computer-generated random-
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS (aged 55–75 years) and women (aged number internet-based system with
Study Design 60–75 years), without documented his- stratification by center, sex, and age
The PREDIMED-Plus trial is a new 6-year tory of CVD (except heart failure New (,65, 65–70, and .70 years). The ran-
parallel-group, multicenter RCT involving York Heart Association class I and II or domization procedure was internet-
6,874 participants recruited in 23 Spanish valvular heart disease) at enrollment, based and blinded to all staff and to
recruiting centers. The trial’s main ob- who were overweight/obese (BMI $27 the principal investigators of each re-
jective is to evaluate the effect of an and ,40 kg/m2) and disclosed at least cruitment center. Couples sharing the
intensive weight loss intervention based three components of the MetS accord- same household were randomized to-
on an erMedDiet, PA promotion, and ing to the harmonized definition of the gether, using the couple as unit of ran-
behavioral support (IG) on hard cardio- joint statement from the International domization. The name, sex, age, center,
vascular events in comparison with a Diabetes Federation/National Heart, and individual/couple randomization
CG receiving usual care, including the Lung, and Blood Institute/American Heart status of participants willing to partici-
recommendation to follow an energy- Association (2009), the most updated pate and fulfilling inclusion criteria were
unrestricted MedDiet without any advice and largely recognized set of MetS submitted by the field team of each site
to increase PA. The primary end point is a criteria (18). Detailed inclusion and ex- to the internet-based system. This sys-
composite of CVD events (cardiovascular clusion criteria are displayed in the tem applied the randomization algo-
death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, Supplementary Data. rithm and then returned to the site the
and nonfatal stroke). The recruitment Potentially eligible candidates were automatically generated group assigned
period lasted from 5 September 2013 to contacted by telephone or interviewed to the participant. With this system, no
30 November 2016. The intervention is in person in a clinical visit. A screening changes were possible regarding group
scheduled to last for an average time of interview with a PREDIMED-Plus inves- assignments after the submission of
6 years, with a further 2 years of ex- tigator was scheduled to inform in detail the demographic data of the participant.
tended follow-up for collection of clinical willing candidates about the study and In the specific cases of couples in which
events. The PREDIMED-Plus protocol is obtain signed informed consent. Prior the first spouse was previously recruited
available at http://predimedplus.com/. to randomization, potential participants at a different time, the last spouse en-
The institutional review boards of the entered a 4-week run-in period compris- tering the study was directly assigned
23 participating centers approved the ing three screening visits aimed at de- (not randomized) to the same study arm
study protocol, and all participants pro- termining adherence to study procedures. as his/her partner (n = 73).
vided written informed consent. Candidates were evaluated according to A 17-item questionnaire aimed at as-
The current report is the first longitu- inclusion and exclusion criteria and re- sessing adherence to the erMedDiet was
dinal assessment of the PREDIMED-Plus ceived questionnaires assessing different delivered at baseline, 6, and 12 months in
RCT aimed to examine the 6- and 12- lifestyle and sociodemographic variables both study groups. The validated 14-item
month effects of the intensive lifestyle to be returned at the last screening visit. PREDIMED questionnaire was also used
intervention on body weight, adiposity In a second telephone-based visit, inves- to assess adherence to the traditional
parameters, and intermediate markers of tigators ensured completion of the ad- MedDiet only in the CG participants (19)
cardiovascular risk (systolic and diastolic ministered questionnaires. Importantly, (Supplementary Data). A validated 143-
blood pressure, glucose metabolism– in January 2014, following advice of the item food frequency questionnaire was
related variables, lipid profile, and pe- Data Safety and Monitoring Board, the also completed, together with the vali-
ripheral levels of leptin, C-peptide, and Steering Committee decided to amend dated Regicor Short Physical Activity
some inflammatory markers) in compar- the protocol and omit the prerandom- Questionnaire (20) and the validated
ison with usual care. This analysis was ization requirement to sustain at least a Spanish version of the Nurses’ Health
performed in 626 participants random- 1.5-kg weight loss. Consequently, from Study questionnaire to assess sedentary
ized into the trial belonging to the first this date onwards, recruits were ad- behaviors (21). Physical fitness was eval-
1,013 candidates assessed for eligibility. vised to maintain their usual eating uated using the validated 30-s chair-stand
780 Lifestyle Intervention Program and Weight Loss Diabetes Care Volume 42, May 2019
test (22). Additional information related are described in the Supplementary Continuous outcomes were assessed for
to sociodemographic and lifestyle as- Data. normality with the Shapiro-Wilk test,
pects, education level, individual and After an overnight fast, blood sam- visual inspection of histograms, and scat-
family medical history, and current med- ples were collected at baseline, 6, and ter plots before each analysis.
ication use was collected. Anthropomet- 12 months. Tubes of serum and plasma Intervention effects on weight loss and
ric and blood pressure measurements were collected, and aliquots were coded BMI changes from baseline were evalu-
were obtained, and samples of fasting and stored at 280°C in a central labo- ated using linear regression models
blood and urine were collected. ratory until analyses. Serum glucose, based on between-group differences
Intervention triglycerides, total cholesterol, and HDL in mean changes. We used robust var-
Participants allocated to the IG followed cholesterol levels were measured using iance estimators to account for intra-
an erMedDiet plus PA promotion and standard enzymatic methods, and LDL cluster correlations in all regression
behavioral support, with the purpose cholesterol concentrations were calcu- models, considering as clusters the
of accomplishing specific weight loss lated with the Friedewald formula. members of the same household. Pre-
objectives. The objectives in terms of Other outcomes included 12-month specified subgroup analyses of the pri-
weight loss and the interventions are changes in circulating levels of fasting mary results were conducted within strata
detailed in the Supplementary Data. serum insulin, leptin, C-peptide, hs-CRP, of sex, age, BMI, diabetes status, insulin
Participants in the CG received edu- interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-8, IL-18, tumor use, statin treatment, and educational
cational sessions on an ad libitum Med- necrosis factor-a, MCP-1, and regulated level. The proportions of participants
Diet with the same content as those used on activation, normal T-cell expressed in each group achieving the different
in the PREDIMED study (17). No specific and secreted cytokines. The methods weight loss categorical outcomes at 6
advice for increasing PA or losing weight used for these determinations are shown and 12 months were compared with the
was provided to them (Supplementary in the Supplementary Data. Laboratory x2 test. The between-group differences
Data). personnel performing all assays were in changes in cardiovascular risk mark-
In addition to the individual sessions blinded to group allocation. ers, dietary variables, PA, sedentary
(Supplementary Data), participants in behaviors, and medication use were
both groups received periodical group Statistical Analyses compared using linear regression, x2
sessions and telephone calls once per All analyses were performed using STATA test, independent-samples t test, or me-
month in the IG and every 6 months software, version 15.0 (StataCorp LP, dian regression analyses if data were
in the CG. Briefly, group sessions for College Station, TX). Based on previous skewed to examine differences in me-
both study groups were conducted by studies (6,15,23), and assuming that our dians (reporting median and interquar-
the dietitians and consisted of informa- intervention has only a small effect on tile range), as appropriate. Values are
tive talks addressing lifestyle-related weight change, achieving a weight loss shown as mean and 95% CI, if not in-
topics, in which free extra virgin olive of 3 kg in the IG and 1 kg in the CG, with a dicated otherwise. Significance for all
oil (1 L/month) and raw nuts (125 g/month) SD of 8 and a correlation of 0.7 between statistical tests was set at P , 0.05
were provided in order to reinforce ad- first and second measurements, 80% for bilateral contrast.
herence to the protocol in both arms of power, and a = 0.05, we would need
the trial. a sample size of 151 in each group. RESULTS
Because the number of participants in- Between September 2013 and Septem-
Outcomes and Assessments cluded in the present analysis is much ber 2014, 1,013 candidates were ass-
The primary end point of the current higher than this figure, the study had essed for eligibility. Of these, 143 refused
study was between-group differences in 100% power to detect at least a 2-kg to participate, and 172 did not meet
weight loss at 6 and 12 months of in- difference between groups. inclusion or randomization criteria. Thus,
tervention, expressed in absolute values We used descriptive statistics with 698 participants were randomly allo-
(kilograms) and percentage as well as mean (6 SD) or percentages (numbers) cated into two intervention groups
changes in BMI from baseline. Weight- for participants’ baseline characteris- of similar size, of whom 626 were in-
related secondary end points at 6 and tics. Data were analyzed by using the cluded in the final analysis (n = 327,
12 months were the between-group intention-to-treat principle and the IG; and n = 299, CG). Approximately
differences in the proportions of partic- completers-only framework. The small 98% of participants in each group
ipants who had either a stable weight or number of missing outcome data (3% completed 12 months of follow-up, with-
weight below baseline values, those who for weight) were handled via multivar- out significant differences in attrition
lost at least 5% or 10% of their initial iate imputation with chained equations between groups (Supplementary Fig. 1).
weight, and those reversing obesity (STATA “mi” command), generating 20
(changing BMI from $30 to ,30 kg/m2). imputations for each missing measure- Participants’ Baseline Characteristics
Other secondary outcomes were 6- and ment from regression equations to pre- Randomized participants were compa-
12-month changes in waist circumference, dict these outcomes. The imputation rable to those not randomized due to
body composition, systolic and diastolic models included as predictors all varia- ineligibility regarding body weight (mean
blood pressure, fasting glucose, HbA1c, bles in Table 1 and group allocation. 85 kg), waist circumference (107 cm),
insulin sensitivity, and lipid levels. Meth- Analyses of completers include only and proportion of men (44%). However,
ods for anthropometry, body composi- participants who had all measurements, compared with nonrandomized partici-
tion, and blood pressure measurements without the inclusion of imputed data. pants, those randomized were slightly
care.diabetesjournals.org Salas-Salvadó and Associates 781
P value
fat. Significant reductions in total lean
mass were observed only in the IG,
Table 2—Mean weight loss at 6 and 12 months of intervention, expressed as absolute body weight loss (kilograms), percent reduction relative to baseline, and absolute
Data are mean (95% CI). P values for between-group differences were calculated using linear regression models with robust SE to account for intracluster correlations. MI, multiple imputation.
whereas no changes occurred in the
showed greater improvement in total
lean mass/total body fat ratio (Supple-
Between-group difference
Intervention vs. control
mentary Table 6).
P value
Control group
Table 9).
Change in BMI (kg/m2)
At month 12
At month 12
At month 6
At month 6
At month 6
and completers-only
Table 3—Proportion of participants (%) who met different weight loss criteria at 6 and 12 months of intervention by treatment group: intention-to-treat (multiple imputation)
versus control. Circulating C-peptide de-
At month 12
At month 6
At month 12
At month 6
At month 12
At month 6
At month 12
At month 6
BMI $30 to BMI ,30 kg/m2
creased significantly only in the IG, but
without significant differences versus
control. Changes in other inflammatory
markers, such as hs-CRP, IL-6, IL-8, tu-
mor necrosis factor-a, and regulated on
activation, normal T-cell expressed and
secreted, were minor and not statisti-
cally different between groups (Sup-
plementary Table 10).
15.7 (11.6–19.7)
33.7 (28.4–39.1)
20.7 (16.2–25.3)
84.1 (80.0–88.2)
81.3 (76.9–85.6) CONCLUSIONS
11.3 (7.8–14.8)
(MI) (n = 327)
6.9 (4.1–9.8)
4.2 (1.8–6.5)
Intervention group
Plus trial who had a 12-month follow-up,
we show that the intensive lifestyle in-
tervention was effective in producing a
clinically meaningful weight loss among
15.6 (11.4–19.7)
34.1 (28.7–39.5)
20.8 (16.3–25.4)
84.4 (80.3–88.5)
81.4 (76.6–85.5)
10.9 (7.3–14.5)
6.6 (3.8–9.4)
3.6 (1.5–5.8)
57.9 (52.2–63.7)
58.4 (52.6–64.2)
(MI) (n = 299)
6.7 (3.7–9.6)
6.3 (3.4–9.1)
2.2 (0.4–3.9)
6.5 (3.6–9.3)
58.2 (52.4–63.9)
58.5 (52.6–64.1)
11.7 (7.9–15.5)
only (n = 282)
2.1 (0.4–3.8)
6.4 (3.5–9.2)
26.3 (19.1–33.5)
22.9 (15.5–30.1)
14.2 (8.6–19.7)
9.0 (3.9–14.1)
5.0 (0.4–9.6)
4.7 (1.3–8.1)
3.3 (0.5–5.9)
26.0 (18.7–33.1)
22.7 (15.3–30.0)
4.5 (1.2–7.8)
2.9 (0.5–5.3)
P value
Table 4—Baseline and 6- and 12-month changes in adiposity, blood pressure, and cardiovascular risk factors by treatment group: intention-to-treat (multiple imputation)
and completers-only
Intervention vs. control
Intervention group Control group Between-group difference
Variable Intention-to-treat (MI) Completers-only Intention-to-treat (MI) Completers-only Intention-to-treat (MI) P value Completers-only P value
Waist circumference
(cm) n = 327 n = 292 n = 299 n = 275
Baseline 106.3 (105.3–107.2) 106.3 (105.2–107.3) 107.3 (106.2–108.4) 107.3 (106.1–108.4)
6-month change 23.0 (23.6 to 22.5) 23.1 (23.7 to 22.5) 20.9 (21.5 to 20.3) 20.9 (21.4 to 20.3) 22.1 (22.9 to 21.3) ,0.001 22.2 (23.1 to 21.4) ,0.001
12-month change 23.1 (23.8 to 22.5) 23.3 (23.8 to 22.8) 20.7 (21.3 to 0.03) 20.7 (21.4 to 20.2) 22.5 (23.4 to 21.5) ,0.001 22.5 (23.5 to 21.6) ,0.001
Systolic BP (mmHg) n = 327 n = 291 n = 299 n = 270
Baseline 139.0 (137.0–140.7) 139.1 (137.2–140) 138.1 (136.2–140.0) 138.1 (136.1–140.1)
Lifestyle Intervention Program and Weight Loss
6-month change 20.8 (22.6 to 1.0) 20.7 (22.5 to 1.1) 0.9 (21.0 to 2.8) 0.8 (21.0 to 2.7) 21.7 (24.3 to 0.9) 0.19 21.6 (24.2 to 0.9) 0.21
12-month change 23.5 (25.4 to 21.6) 23.5 (25.4 to 21.5) 22.0 (24.1 to 0.1) 21.9 (24.0 to 0.2) 21.5 (24.4 to 1.4) 0.24 21.6 (24.4 to 1.3) 0.28
Diastolic BP (mmHg) n = 327 n = 291 n = 299 n = 270
Baseline 79.9 (78.8–81.1) 79.8 (78.6–81) 79.0 (77.7–80.0) 79.0 (77.8–80.2)
6-month change 21.8 (2.8 to 20.8) 21.7 (2.7 to 20.7) 20.4 (21.4 to 0.6) 20.3 (21.3 to 0.7) 21.4 (22.8 to 20.04) 0.05 21.4 (22.8 to 0.05) 0.06
12-month change 22.1 (23.0 to 21.2) 22.2 (23.1 to 21.3) 21.4 (22.4 to 20.3) 21.3 (22.4 to 20.2) 20.7 (22.1 to 0.7) 0.34 20.9 (22.3 to 0.5) 0.22
Glucose (mmol/L) n = 327 n = 294 n = 299 n = 261
Baseline 6.53 (6.34–6.72) 6.52 (6.331–6.72) 6.50 (6.30–6.70) 6.45 (6.25–6.65)
6-month change 20.13 (20.24 to 20.01) 20.13 (20.24 to 20.01) 0.08 (20.05 to 0.20) 0.07 (20.05 to 0.21) 20.21 (20.37 to 20.03) 0.02 20.20 (20.38 to 20.03) 0.02
12-month change 20.23 (20.36 to 20.09) 20.22 (20.35 to 20.08) 0.12 (20.04 to 0.29) 0.16 (20.01 to 0.33) 20.35 (20.56 to 20.13) 0.002 20.39 (20.59 to 20.16) 0.001
HbA1c (%)* n = 327 n = 193 n = 299 n = 174
Baseline 6.0 (5.6–6.5) 6.0 (5.7–6.5) 6.0 (5.6–6.6) 6.0 (5.7–6.6)
6-month change 20.10 (20.33 to 0.10) 20.10 (20.30 to 0.10) 0.0 (20.21 to 0.26) 0.0 (20.20 to 0.10) 20.10 (20.17 to 20.03) 0.006 20.10 (20.18 to 20.02) 0.01
12-month change 20.12 (20.42 to 0.14) 20.10 (20.40 to 0.10) 0.0 (20.23 to 0.22) 0.0 (20.20 to 0.20) 20.12 (20.21 to 20.02) 0.01 20.10 (20.17 to 20.02) 0.01
HbA1c (mmol/mol)* n = 327 n = 193 n = 299 n = 174
Baseline 42.07 (37.7–48.26) 42.07 (38.79–47.54) 42.07 (38.0–48.70) 42.07 (38.79–48.73)
6-month change 21.08 (23.46 to 1.18) 21.09 (23.27 to 1.09) 0.04 (22.19 to 3.12) 0.0 (22.18 to 1.09) 21.11 (21.91 to 20.32) 0.006 21.09 (21.92 to 20.26) 0.01
12-month change 21.25 (24.61 to 1.54) 21.09 (24.37 to 1.09) 0.02 (22.39 to 2.41) 0.0 (22.18 to 2.19) 21.27 (22.29 to 20.25) 0.01 21.09 (21.92 to 20.26) 0.01
Insulin (pmol/L)† n = 292 n = 237 n = 267 n = 212
Baseline 132.8 (124.6–141.1) 132.9 (123.5–142.4) 133.2 (123.1–143.2) 132.4 (122.8–142.1)
6-month change d d d d d d d d
12-month change 226.2 (234.3 to 218.1) 227.0 (234.7 to 219.2) 27.4 (215.8 to 1.1) 26.9 (215.3 to 1.5) 218.8 (230.7 to 26.9) 0.002 220.1 (231.5 to 28.7) 0.001
HOMA-IR index‡ n = 292 n = 237 n = 267 n = 212
Baseline 5.20 (4.8–5.58) 5.19 (4.83–5.57) 5.12 (4.73–5.51) 5.09 (4.72–5.47)
6-month change d d d d d d d d
12-month change 21.16 (21.51 to 20.81) 21.12 (21.45 to 20.79) 20.07 (20.48 to 0.33) 20.11 (20.47 to 0.26) 21.09 (21.60 to 20.58) ,0.001 21.02 (21.52 to 20.52) ,0.001
HOMA-IR index§ n = 183 n = 150 n = 162 n = 126
Baseline 4.57 (4.14–4.99) 4.50 (4.13–4.88) 4.79 (4.33–5.25) 4.85 (4.39–5.31)
6-month change d d d d d d d d
12-month change 21.03 (21.42 to 20.64) 20.93 (21.27 to 20.58) 20.18 (20.65 to 0.29) 20.29 (20.67 to 0.10) 20.85 (21.45 to 20.26) 0.005 20.64 (21.16 to 20.13) 0.01
Continued on p. 785
Diabetes Care Volume 42, May 2019
Table 4—Continued
Intervention vs. control
sustained increase in the consumption of suggesting that lifestyle interventions for Our results also demonstrate benefi-
nuts, whole-grain cereals, and fish along weight loss should include the use of lean cial effects of the intensive intervention
with a higher reduction in the consump- body mass–preserving strategies (e.g., on some circulating proinflammatory
tion of refined cereals, red meat, pastries, PA) in order to prevent or delay sarco- parameters related to obesity, such as
cakes, and sweets in participants assigned penia. leptin and IL-18. Leptin is a proinflam-
to the IG compared with those in the CG. Many RCTs have reported the bene- matory protein produced mainly by adi-
These data demonstrate the effect of the ficial effects of losing 5–10% body weight pocytes, which reflects the degree of
intervention increasing the consumption irrespective of intervention on cardio- adiposity and insulin resistance and is
of foods typical of the MedDiet and de- vascular risk factors associated with implicated in the pathogenesis of several
creasing the consumption of those char- overweight/obesity, including abdominal of its major complications (29). IL-18 is
acteristic of an unhealthy dietary pattern adiposity, blood pressure, triglycerides, another proinflammatory cytokine pro-
(e.g., red and processed meat, soft drinks, HDL cholesterol, and insulin resistance duced by macrophages and other cells
and refined foods). (3,4). Moderate weight loss in our study that has been shown to increase in
Our study also showed a sustained had the same beneficial effects in these obesity (30) and decrease after weight
effect of the PA intervention. Compared parameters except for blood pressure. loss (31). Reduction of leptin and IL-18 in
with control, a significant and higher de- These findings suggest that an intensive the intervention arm can be explained in
crease in time spent in television view- weight loss lifestyle intervention based part by weight loss, but we cannot dis-
ing and a higher increase in leisure-time on an erMedDiet and increased PA is a count effects derived from a higher ad-
PA was observed in the IG, and these safe strategy for treating the MetS and herence to the MedDiet and increased
changes were most apparent at 12 ameliorate some associated cardiovas- PA. The intervention was also associ-
months. In fact, the proportion of par- cular risk factors. Weight-losing low- ated with reduced concentrations of
ticipants meeting the World Health carbohydrate diets are usually rich in MCP-1, one of the key chemokines reg-
Organization’s 2010 recommendations saturated fatty acids and cholesterol and ulating inflammation via migration and
of at least 150 min of moderate-vigorous thereby have the unwanted effect of infiltration of monocytes/macrophages
PA/week was maximal at 12 months and increasing LDL cholesterol (12,27), a po- (32). This protein is increased in obesity
higher in the IG than CG. tent and recognized risk factor for ath- and diabetes and reduced by weight loss
Although we observed a weight loss erosclerotic CVD. However, as in other (31). Given that high levels of MCP-1 and
effect maintained over time, only a me- studies using low-fat (7) or MedDiets IL-18 are also implicated in the develop-
dian 3.7% decrease in body weight was (15,28), in the current study, no delete- ment of atherosclerosis (31,33), their
achieved in the IG compared with the 8% rious effects of losing weight on LDL sustained reduction over time might be
decrease aimed at. In addition, only a 3% cholesterol were observed. A relevant associated with decreased cardiovascu-
between-group difference in weight loss beneficial effect of the intervention in our lar events.
was observed compared with the objec- study occurred on fasting glucose, insulin Our findings are limited to adults with
tive of 5%. The modest effect of the levels, and HbA1c, reinforcing the hypoth- high BMI who also meet the criteria for
PREDIMED-Plus intervention on body esis that an erMedDiet intervention has MetS and were living in a Mediterranean
weight and waist circumference in re- long-term beneficial effects on insulin country. Therefore, they cannot be gen-
lation to our a priori objectives can be resistance and glucose control in over- eralized to other populations or to all
explained in part because our population weight and obese elderly people at high individuals with MetS.
was aged, had a low educational level risk for cardiovascular events. In this In conclusion, we have shown in over-
(;50% only have primary-school level), regard, it is worth noting that for indi- weight/obese adults with MetS that an
and 45% of participants had diabetes at viduals with both prediabetes and di- intensive lifestyle intervention using an
baseline. All of these factors have been abetes, our intervention, although erMedDiet, PA promotion, and behav-
recognized as predictors of suboptimal exerting a modest weight loss, impor- ioral support resulted in clinically mean-
adherence to and efficacy of the interven- tantly resulted in improvements in gly- ingful weight loss, high adherence to
tion in weight loss trials (26). A consider- cemic control and insulin sensitivity, recommendations, and improvements
able strength of our study is that there along with improvements in triglyceride in MetS components and other interme-
were very few dropouts in comparison and HDL cholesterol levels. Our findings diate markers of cardiovascular risk
with previous weight loss trials. In addi- support prior results from RCTs (5–7,9), after a 6-month follow-up, with these
tion, attendance to the scheduled individ- confirming the potential of weight loss– beneficial effects being enhanced after
ual and group sessions during follow-up based intensive lifestyle interventions in intervention for 12 months. Addition-
was also higher than in previous weight the management of diabetes as well as ally, such lifestyle intervention caused
loss trials. High retention into the trial in the delay or prevention of diabetes modest, yet potentially important, im-
provides sound evidence of the long-term in those people at risk. provements in glycemic control, insulin
palatability and sustainability of an erMed- Yet, intervention in our study resulted sensitivity, and dyslipidemia in individu-
Diet. In our study, the IG achieved weight in little changes of medications to control als with or at risk for diabetes. Based on
loss especially at expenses of total body blood glucose, dyslipidemia, or hyper- these results and past research on the
fat. Participants in the IG showed improve- tension. Possibly greater and sustained cardiovascular effects of the MedDiet
ments in the lean body mass/total body fat weight loss over time is necessary to (13,17), we hypothesize that long-term
ratio, which is typically considered as a reduce use of medications against obe- weight loss maintenance in response to
more favorable body composition, hereby sity-associated risk factors. the PREDIMED-Plus lifestyle program
care.diabetesjournals.org Salas-Salvadó and Associates 787
might provide the same or even greater Sharp & Dohme; personal fees, nonfinancial weight loss in improving cardiovascular risk
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ceuticals and Ferrer International; grants and with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2011;34:
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Therapeutics, outside of the submitted work. X.P. weight loss interventions for adults who are
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oratories. L.D. reports grants from Fundación AHEAD Research Group. Cardiovascular effects
personnel of all associated primary care centers
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