Procon LDS Maintenance Manual-R5

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Procon Engineering

(A Division of National Oilwell Varco UK Limited)

Trading Address: Vestry Estate, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN14 5EL



Procon LDS

Revision 5

Procon Engineering A division of National Oilwell Varco UK Ltd

Registered Office Registered in England
National Oilwell Varco UK Ltd Tel: 01732 781300 No. 873028
Stonedale Road Fax: 01732 781311
Oldends Lane Industrial Estate
Stonehouse web site:
GL10 3RQ
Procon Engineering

Contents ................................................................................................. 2
SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ....................................................................... 3
General Description.......................................................................... 3
Summary of Sensor Types ............................................................... 3
General information .......................................................................... 4
System Components ........................................................................ 4
Installation ........................................................................................ 5
Commissioning................................................................................. 5
Operation ......................................................................................... 6
MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS.......................................................... 7
PART 1 ROUTING CHECKS .............................................................. 7
General ............................................................................................ 7
Daily or Shift Checks ........................................................................ 7
As Required ..................................................................................... 7
Every 3 to 6 Months ......................................................................... 7
Every Year ....................................................................................... 7
PART 2 CALIBRATION ....................................................................... 8
Airborne Acoustic Calibration ........................................................... 8
Structure Borne Head Amplifier Setup.............................................. 9
1. Normal Gain Setup Procedure ...................................................... 10
Low Frequency Output Setup ......................................................... 10
High Frequency Output Setup ........................................................ 11
2. Reduced Gain Setup Procedure .................................................... 11
Low Frequency Output Setup ......................................................... 11
High Frequency Output Setup ........................................................ 12
Inspection....................................................................................... 12
Transducer Care ............................................................................ 13
PART 3 FAULT FINDING .................................................................. 14
Fault Finding .................................................................................. 14
Initial Checks .................................................................................. 14
Power Failure ................................................................................. 14
Signal Failure ................................................................................. 15
General Points ............................................................................... 15
Speaker/Test Signal Failure ........................................................... 16
Repairs........................................................................................... 16
APPENDIX A..................................................................................... 17
Hardware Changes ........................................................................ 17
High Frequency Setup.................................................................... 17
Low Frequency Setup .................................................................... 18

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Procon Engineering
General Description
This manual covers the Procon T96 Boiler Tube Leak Detection System using a mixture of
three sensing methods - Air-borne Acoustic, Structure-borne Acoustic (Low Frequency) and
Structure-borne Ultrasonic (High Frequency).

Each has its advantages for certain positions, and these points are taken in to account
when selecting a particular type of sensor for a particular position.

The differences in the types of sensing methods are described below and it is important to
understand the different ways that the signals are acquired.

1 Air-borne Acoustic channels use air to carry the sound from the boiler interior via
the wave-guide to the transducer. As air has a known and repeatable response, all
channels are similar, and therefore, this type of channel can be calibrated to a
known level – in this case a level of 94dB of wide-band noise. If all these channels
are set to the same level (using the same calibrator) then both leak detection and
leak location are possible over a wide range.

2 Structure-borne Low Frequency channels use the air to carry audible sound from
the interior of the boiler to the boiler wall, which then acts as a 'diaphragm'. This in
turn sets up vibrations in the boiler wall, and hence the probe attached to it, and
finally to the transducer. As the sound pressure waves within the boiler are
converted to mechanical vibrations in the boiler wall, these signals are much smaller
that the air-borne signals above.

3 Structure-borne High Frequency channels rely upon the very high frequencies
created by a small leak in the tubes being transmitted around the boiler by the
structure of the boiler itself. These signals are not only very high frequency but are
also very small in amplitude.

As can be appreciated, the air-borne signals are repeatable in any position, but the
structure-borne signals are very much dependent upon the boiler itself. The size, the shape
and the thickness of the boiler's construction plays an important part in the signal
amplitudes. For this reason structure-borne signals cannot be referenced to a known
calibrated level, but are referenced to the background noise at the point of the sensor.

Summary of Sensor Types

Acoustic Airborne channels:

The current range of the system is 16mA.dc (4mA.dc to 20mA.dc).

The acoustic range of the system is 60dB (54dB to 114dB).
The channel is calibrated at 94dB.
A 1mA change in signal represents 3.75dB.
A 1dB change in signal represents 0.27mA.

Low Frequency Structure-borne channels:

The current range of the system is 16mA.dc (4mA.dc to 20mA.dc).

The acoustic range of the system is nominally 40dB.
The channel is set-up against the background noise.
A 1mA change in signal represents 2.5dB.
A 1dB change in signal represents 0.4mA.

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High frequency Structure-borne channels:

The current range of the system is 16mA.dc (4mA.dc to 20mA.dc).

The acoustic range of the system is nominally 20dB.
The channel is set-up against the background noise.
A 1mA change in signal represents 1.25dB.
A 1dB change in signal represents 0.8mA.

General information
In general the noise inside a boiler is much quieter than the noise outside. Operators and
engineers that are used to wearing ear protection when walking around the boiler do not
appreciate how quiet some parts of the boiler are.

The normal background noise in an operating boiler depends very much upon the area
being monitored. The noise in the lower part of a boiler tends to be high due to combustion
and the entry of fuel (coal dust, oil and gas being forced into the system). The noise in the
upper part of the boiler (upper dead space) tends to be very low. Whilst the noise between
these points varies according to the flow of the exhaust gases through the boiler.

It is worth mentioning at this point that there is no 'standard' noise level for any part of a
boiler. Boilers vary in size, construction and operation. Even in boilers of the same make,
same type and same size, the noises will be different in sensors that are in similar

Therefore, any data gathered in one boiler must be compared with the previous data
gathered in that boiler, and not with another boiler even of similar type. All boilers are
different, and operators will gradually learn more about the operation of their boiler using
the amplitude and frequency variations detected by the leak system.

System Components
Air-borne Acoustic channels consist of:

1 a stub pipe
2 a wave-guide assembly
3 a heat insulator
4 a transducer
5 a head amplifier & housing
6 air purge equipment

Structure-borne channels consist of:

1 a probe
2 a transducer
3 a head amplifier & housing

The signals from the head amplifiers are passed to the main equipment consisting of:

1 a computer, keyboard and monitor

2 a psu/speaker unit
3 an air-purge controller (optional)

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The main equipment cabinet is also supplied with mains incoming isolator switches, a set of
circuit protection mcbs, an internal cabinet lamp and a surge protector.

The head amplifier dc current signals are converted to voltage in the Loudspeaker Unit and
used by the computer to provide a bar-graph display. Facilities within the program allow
various parameters to be set for each channel, plus the ability to store the data and display
it as a trend over various periods of time, in a suitable manner.

The head amplifier ac current signals are converted to voltage and used by the
Loudspeaker Unit to allow the real noise inside the boiler to be heard, and assessed. The
selected signal from the psu/speaker unit is also passed back to the computer to allow a
spectrum to be generated as an additional facility.

Power supply units are fitted in the cabinet, two for the +/-24V.dc for the head amplifiers
and one for the Isolation amplifiers.

The computer provides a number of alarm signals for external use. The computer also
provides an automatic dynamic test facility that will periodically check the system to ensure
that all channels are operational. This test facility can also be operated manually.

It is essential that the system be installed according to the instructions provided. Deviation
from these instructions could reduce the effectiveness of the system. If there is any doubt
about what is required, or if there are any reasons that make a part of the installation
impossible, then contact an engineer at Procon Engineering, before proceeding.

The Procon Leak Detection Systems are based upon many years of experience, on many
different types of boiler throughout the world. Do not try to invent your variation by
changing, modifying or adding to the components provided.

Once the system is installed, commissioned, and periodically maintained, the system
should work well for many years with little trouble.

It is understood by Procon Engineering that any Leak Detection System is a peripheral

device in the operation of the plant, and will only become an essential tool when problems
arise or are suspected.

Consequently the program has been devised in such a manner that it needs only a periodic
glance at the screen or check of the alarms by the operator to ensure that all is well. If
problems arise in the boiler then the program allows further in-depth analysis of the
situation by the operator or an engineer.

It is essential that the engineers know how to set-up the levels to ensure that the system is
at its most sensitive without causing false alarms. When the system is commissioned the
Procon engineer will only be on site for a few days, and he will not see the boiler operating
over a wide band of conditions, consequently the levels will be set for the conditions

The system settings will require further work by the site engineers.

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Training can be provided during commissioning, so that the alarm levels can be re-adjusted
over a longer period. One month and three months’ worth of data usually provide an
adequate pool of data about the operation of the plant under various operating conditions
so that the levels can be set for the most effective leak detection.

Any leak detection system is a tool, and will only be a good as the interpretation of the
results obtained, therefore, it is essential to know what the 'normal' condition of a channel is
under the various operating conditions. Any variations from 'normal' must have a reason.
The computer program provides:

Alarm levels
Loudspeaker outputs
Data trends
Mimic pictures

Using these facilities should enable an engineer to assess any 'abnormal' situation and
judge whether a small leak exists, follow the progress of that leak and remedy the problem,
before it does any further damage to the plant.

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It is essential that the user maintains the equipment on a regular bases. This will keep the
user familiar with the equipment and give confidence in the information it will present to the

If there are any doubts about the operation or maintenance of any part of the equipment
then consult an engineer at Procon Engineering before starting work.

Daily or Shift Checks

1. Read the Maintenance Log.
2. Check that the display BARGRAPH is correct
3. Take note of any display MESSAGES
4. Check the display TREND for last 24 hour for any suspect channels
5. Use TEST facility to check that all channels are operational
6. Listen to the LOUDSPEAKER for any suspect noises
7. Leave display on BARGRAPH showing all channels for all boilers
8. Report any suspect leaks or system faults

As Required
1. Transfer any LOG files to USB disc
2. If a transducer or a head amplifier is replaced re-calibrate that channel when the
equipment is at normal operating temperature
3. If a steam leak is suspect re-calibrate any channels involved if they have not been
calibrated recently and re-check for the suspect leak

Every 3 to 6 Months
1. Re-calibrate all acoustic channels when all the equipment is at normal operating

Every Year
1. Check for security of attachment and free from vibration all -
Head Amplifier housings
Junction boxes

2. Check electrical safety of all


3. Replace the battery in the calibrator

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Airborne Acoustic Calibration
The acoustic transducer and associated head amplifier must be periodically calibrated
together as a pair using the Procon wide band acoustic calibrator. This provides a 94dB
wide-band 'white noise' signal that allows all channels to be calibrated to the same absolute
level to facilitate both leak detection and location.

Calibration should be effected only when the boiler and its associated equipment are at the
normal working temperature. If either the transducer or the head amplifier is changed then
that channel must be re-calibrated. Periodic calibration is normally required every 6 months
but if a leak is suspected then it is wise to re-calibrate the channels involved to ensure that
the readings are true.

To calibrate a channel:-

1. Close any valves fitted in the acoustic waveguide path

2. Unscrew the transducer lead from the transducer
3. Unscrew the transducer from the insulator
4. Reconnect the lead to the transducer
5. Open the head amplifier housing
6. Locate the ‘coarse’ and ‘fine’ controls on the amplifier board
7. Place the transducer in the calibrator, excluding all external sounds and vibration
8. Press the calibrator button
9. Adjust the head amplifier controls for the correct output current
[60dB range = 14.6mA.dc 40dB range = 12mA.dc on 4-20mA systems]
(if amplifier is the type that has the 3 calibration lights then adjust it so that only the
green light is illuminated - red is too high, yellow too low)
10. Repeat above until you are sure that it is correct
(note: The noise from the calibrator is of a random nature and can make the lights or
a meter flicker. Adjust the head amplifier so that the ‘average’ value is correct.)
11. Close the head amplifier
12. Refitting the transducer and lead is the reverse of above procedure
13. Open any valves in the acoustic path

Refer to the calibrator section for further information.


The system measures a 60dB range for a 16mA input. This means that 1dB = 0.27mA and
1mA = 3.75dB. These figures are very small in comparison to the variations in the
background noise of the boiler, and extremely small in comparison to a steam leak. The
range of 60dB represents a 1000:1 ratio and 3dB a ratio of 1.4:1, so when calibrating the
channels do not expect perfect results. The transducers can easily be calibrated to within
1dB of each other and this is more than adequate for both leak detection and location.

The object of the equipment is to listen to the noises generated within the boiler and
determine whether a leak exists in the water wall or tubing. This is achieved by attaching a
probe to the outside of the boiler and sensing the vibrations in the water wall through the
probe with a transducer.

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Structure Borne Head Amplifier Setup
Setting up should be effected only when the boiler and its associated equipment are at the
normal working temperature. If either the transducer or the head amplifier is changed then
that channel must be re-set. Periodic setting-up is normally required every 6 months but if a
leak is suspected, then it is wise to re-calibrate the channels involved to ensure that the
readings are true.

There are two different methodologies for the set up and calibration of the structure borne
head amplifier. Historically, head amplifiers were always factory set for maximum gain, and
unwanted noise ‘backed off’ by adjustment. A more recent approach however, (particularly
in applications with higher signals levels), has been to reduce the system gain in the factory
settings, which produces a superior level of stability, (but of course at the expense of signal
level and sensitivity). This latter approach has found favour in recent applications, and is
now the standard build for Procon structure borne head amplifiers. The two factory set-ups
are therefore as follows:-

1. Normal Gain Setup Procedure (Older head amplifiers)

2. Reduced Gain Setup Procedure (Recent head amplifiers)

Head Amplifiers incorporating the Reduced Gain Setup, may be identified by PCB’s of Build
Revision 6 (BR6) and above. These may be identified by a PCB build revision sticker as
indicated in Fig1 below. If there is no sticker present then the PCB can be assumed to be of
the Normal Gain Setup (an older build revision).

In exceptional circumstances, it may be possible to convert in the field an existing head

amplifier with Normal Gain Setup into a version with Reduced Gain Setup by following the
instructions in Appendix A (this will require head amplifier component level modifications
and circuit level testing).

There are two available outputs from the head amplifier :–

1 A low frequency range (4 to 20kHz) giving 4 to 20mA.dc output at pin 10

2 A high frequency range (40 to 100kHz) giving 4 to 20mA.dc output at pin 12

The output will be selected on commissioning.

As there is no way of assessing what the effects of the boiler are, this type of sensor can
not be calibrated. Therefore, the head amplifiers are factory set to a known sensitivity, and
any background noise within the boiler is backed off to give a low output. The range is then
expanded to give the greatest sensitivity.

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Fig. 1 – Structure Borne Head Amplifier PCB with a Build Revision 6 (BR6) sticker visible

1. Normal Gain Setup Procedure

This should only be done on cards predating build revision BR6 where R10 = (100k).

A decision should re-made as to the suitability of the Low Frequency Output or the High
Frequency Output. This is dependent on the plant background noise level.

If the head amplifier is prewired then there will be a wire connected to either terminal 10 or
terminal 12 of the connector connecting the card to the system. If the low frequency output
is in use this wire will be on terminal 10. In this case go to Low Frequency Output Setup. If
the wire is on pin 12, then the high frequency output is in use. In this case go to High
Frequency Output Setup.

Low Frequency Output Setup

1. Locate RV8 (Plant Offset A) and RV9 (Plant Gain A) at the top right hand side of the
2. Note the position of the knob of RV9, and check the voltage between the top of R65
and common (terminal 8). This will enable the original setting to be put back if
3. Remove the wire from terminal 10 and connect a dc ammeter between the terminal
and the free wire (terminal is positive).
4. Adjust RV8 (Plant Offset A) to give a reading of approximately 5mA.dc on the meter.

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5. Press and hold the Test Switch (lower left side of board) and adjust RV9 (Plant Gain
A) for 20mA.dc output on the meter.
6. Repeat 4 and 5 a few times to ensure that the full range is covered as these
adjustments are interactive.
Note: Due to the ‘white noise’ type of signal these settings will most certainly ‘jump
7. Note the new position of the knob of RV9 and the new voltage at the top of R65.
8. Remove the meter and reconnect the wire to terminal 10.

High Frequency Output Setup

1. Locate RV3 (Plant Offset U) and RV1 (Trans Gain U) at the top left hand side of the
2. Note the position of the knob of RV1, and check the voltage between the top of R42
and common (terminal 8). This will enable the original setting to be put back if
3. Remove the wire from terminal 12 and connect a dc ammeter between the terminal
and the free wire (terminal is positive).
4. Adjust RV3 (Plant Offset U) to give a reading of approximately 5mA.dc on the meter.
5. Press and hold the Test Switch (lower left side of board) and adjust RV1 (Trans Gain
A) for 20mA.dc output on the meter.
6. Repeat 4 and 5 a few times to ensure that the full range is covered, as these
adjustments are interactive.
Note: Due to the ‘white noise’ type of signal, these settings will most certainly ‘jump
7. Note the new position of the knob of RV1 and the new voltage at the top of R42.
8. Remove the meter and reconnect the wire to terminal 12.

2. Reduced Gain Setup Procedure

This should only be done with a normally running boiler at typical load and amplifier
cards with build revision BR6 and above.

A decision should re-made as to the suitability of the Low Frequency Output or the High
Frequency Output. This is dependent on the plant background noise level.

If the head amplifier is prewired then there will be a wire connected to either terminal 10 or
terminal 12 of the connector connecting the card to the system. If the low frequency output
is in use this wire will be on terminal 10. In this case go to Low Frequency Output Setup. If
the wire is on pin 12, then the high frequency output is in use. In this case go to High
Frequency Output Setup.

Low Frequency Output Setup

This procedure should be carried out with the transducer mounted in the operational
position and the boiler running under normal load conditions.

1. Locate RV5 (TRANS GAIN A) and RV9 (PLANT GAIN A) on top RHS of board.
2. Note the positions of the knobs of RV5 and RV9 and the voltage at the top of R64 wrt

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the common, terminal 8. (this will enable the original setting to be put back if
3. Disconnect the output wire from terminal 10 thus leaving a free end. Connect a dc
milli-ammeter between terminal 10 of the connector and the free end (the terminal is
4. Adjust TRANS GAIN A RV5 (or PLANT GAIN A RV9) to give a reading on the milli-
ammeter of just below half scale, in range 9 to 12mA
5. Press and hold the Test Switch (lower left side of board) to check that a satisfactory
alarm level is achieved. If not adjust RV5 or RV9 for increased gain.
Note: Due to the ‘white noise’ type of signal these settings will most certainly ‘jump
6. Note the new position of the knob of RV5 and/or RV9 and the voltage at the top of
7. Remove the meter and reconnect the wire to terminal 10.

High Frequency Output Setup

This procedure should be carried out with the transducer mounted in the operational
position and the boiler running under normal load conditions.

1. Locate RV1 (TRANS GAIN U) on top LHS of board.

2. Note the positions of the knob of RV1 and the voltage at the top of R38 wrt the
common, terminal 8. (this will enable the original setting to be put back if
3. Disconnect the ouput wire from terminal 12 thus leaving thus leaving a free end
Connect a dc milli-ammeter between terminal 12 of the connector and the free end
(the terminal is positive)..
4. Adjust TRANS GAIN U RV1 to give a reading on the milli-ammeter of just below half
scale, in range 9 to 12mA
5. Press and hold the Test Switch (lower left side of board) to check that a satisfactory
alarm level is achieved. If not adjust RV1 for increased gain.
Note: Due to the ‘white noise’ type of signal these settings will most certainly ‘jump
6. Note the new position of the knob of RV1 and the voltage at the top of R38
7. Remove the meter and reconnect the wire to terminal 12.

Apart from the periodic calibration and setting up no servicing should be required. All the
electronics must be kept dry and dust free at all times and care must be taken to blow away
any fly ash that may accumulate on any housing before they are opened.

Do not alter any of the preset potentiometers as these are adjusted in the factory using
specialised equipment. The settings are interdependent and cannot be reset on site.

The following items are typical of those required in the boiler house for each structure
borne channel : -

• A probe welded to the tube wall

• A transducer fitted to the probe
• A head amplifier

The assembly up to the transducer is known as the wave-guide. This wave-guide must be
isolated from all other sources of vibration.

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The insulation material must not be allowed to touch the wave-guide probe or any supports,
as any movement that can cause rubbing on the probe will generate a false signal in the

The water wall and the welding must be strong enough to support the weight of the probe
with the transducer on the end without causing too much mechanical vibration.
As the wave-guide may be difficult to see in some locations, some form of safety warning
must be available.
Transducer Care
The fact that both types of transducers are made with steel cases does not mean that they
are immune from damage - they are sensitive measuring devices and must be treated as
such. Do not drop them or let them swing about on the ends of the cables. If it is necessary
to check them quickly in-situ then gently scrape or tap the wave-guides - never tap the

All items operate better when they are clean and correctly fitted.

Airborne acoustic transducers can be removed and any build-up of contamination gently
removed by blowing or with a soft brush. Do not use high-pressure blowers into the
transducers as this may damage the internal membrane. Once that is broken then the
transducer will have a very limited life. These transducers must be firmly hand tightened
into the insulator - do not use tools.

Structure borne probes must be as tight as possible. If the probe is removed and then
replaced, the channel must be set-up again from scratch.

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Fault Finding
If the system suffers a failure then it is necessary to identify whether: -
1. It is a single channel fault
(normally a transducer, head amplifier or wiring problem)
2. Multiple channel faults
(normally a wiring or psu problem)
3. or total failure
(normally a power or computer problem)

Initial Checks
The first checks should be at the display/speaker positions:-
1. Listen to each channel in turn on the loud speaker noting which channels do not have
the normal background noise for the prevailing conditions.
2. Operate the Test facility and at the same time listen for a whistling noise on each
channel, noting which ones do not operate.
3. Watch any display fitted and check any trends available to see which channels have
not responded to the test.
Gather as much information as possible before attempting a repair as the full picture may
guide you to the root of the problem quickly.

Power Failure
Check that the power lights in the head amplifiers are on: -
a. If the head amplifier power lights are off check the incoming power voltage
b. If there is no voltage then remove the card
c. If the voltage is now available then the head amplifier if faulty. Replace the head
amplifier with a known serviceable item, reconnect the power and recheck the
d. If the voltage is not available when the card is removed then the plant wiring or the
power supply is faulty.
e. If the voltage is available at the power supply then the plant wiring is open circuit.
f. If the voltage is not available at the power supply then disconnect the plant wiring and
recheck the power supply output.
g. If the voltage is now available then check the plant wiring for a short circuit.
h. If the voltage is not available at the power supply then the power supply is faulty.
Replace the power supply with a known serviceable item, reconnect the power and
recheck the system.

For a multiple channel failure check the plant wiring for any common items: -
a. connections
b. power lines
c. power supplies

For a total failure check: -

a. the internal lights on the power supplies
b. the power supply fuse
c. the plant wiring

If any fuses have failed then look for a reason before replacing them, and always use a
fuse of the same type and rating as the one removed.

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Signal Failure
Using the Airborne Acoustic type channel as an example: -
Checking the signal paths requires a known signal to be available at the output of the head
amplifier. The following points should be noted: -

a the minimum currents should be 4mA.dc and approximately

b the currents during calibration should be 14.7mA.dc and approximately
(12mA.dc and on a 40dB range channel).
c the currents during test should be 20mA.dc and approximately
d these currents are only available if the circuit is complete
e the output loads must be approximately 100 Ohms but the circuits will not be
damaged if they drive into a short circuit

Using one or more of the above conditions, if there is no output current at the head
amplifier then: -

a check the power supply input voltages.

b if they are available try to recalibrate the head amplifier.
c if there is no output current then disconnect the output wire and connect an ammeter
directly between the output and zero volts.
d if there is still no output current then try replacing, first the transducer, then the head
amplifier and finally the transducer lead.
e if the current is only available with the output cable disconnected then check the plant
wiring for an open circuit.
f if the current is available with the output cable connected but does not reach the
computer input terminals then check the plant wiring for a short circuit.

The speaker drive can only be measured as an ac current and the measurement will
depend on the meter used. Most ac meters do not give a true result at frequencies above
1kHz; therefore, the readings will be indications rather than measurements.

General Points
The Airborne system has an acoustic response and is calibrated at a nominal 94dBA. The
overall response is not a true dBA one as it has been modified with filters for steam leak
detection. For this reason calibration must be done with the special Procon Wide Band
provided, and not the normal bench 1KHz single tone calibrator. For similar reasons a
standard dBA sound meter will give a different reading to the leak detection values. The
dBA curve refers to the response of the human ear; the leak detection acoustic curve is not
the same.

Signal currents in 60dB airborne systems

The current range of the system is 16mA (20mA - 4mA).
The acoustic range of the system is 60dB (approx 54dBA to 114dBA)
A 1mA change in signal represents 3.75dB.
A 1dB change in signal represents 0.27mA.

Signal currents in 40dB airborne systems

The current range of the system is 16mA (20mA - 4mA).
The acoustic range of the system is 40dB (approx 74dBA to 114dBA)
A 1mA change in signal represents 2.5dB.
A 1dB change in signal represents 0.4mA.

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Speaker/Test Signal Failure
The head amplifier speaker output wire is used to carry the ac signal to the speaker unit
and a dc signal back when the test button is used at the speaker unit or computer.

a If the signal can be head at the speaker but there is no voltage on test (approximately
12V.dc) then the dc circuitry in the speaker unit is faulty
b If the test voltage is available but the speaker cannot be heard then the ac circuitry in
the speaker unit is faulty.

c If there is neither speaker signal or test voltage then either the power to the speaker
unit is missing or the speaker unit is faulty.


Checking the system by interchanging similar items is a valid method of faultfinding

provided that care is taken in the process.

a Before replacing a suspect item with a known good item from another channel it is
essential that a check is made to ensure that the replacement item will not be
damaged. Terminals and wires must be checked for the correct voltages, and signal
cables must be checked to ensure that no further damage will ensue.

b During fault finding always take note of where the replacement item came from and
where it is being temporarily used.

c After the fault is found always return the working interchanged items to their original
positions. This will enable a log to be kept on a channel-by-channel basis, and help
identify any problem areas (hot spots or high vibration areas causing component

If an assembly fails within the guarantee period then the repairs will be in accordance with
the contract, outside of this period a nominal fee will be charged.
Faulty or suspect items should be returned to PROCON ENGINEERING for repair,
replacement or re-calibration.

Items must have an attached label indicating: -

the station name

the unit number
a contact name and telephone/fax/E-mail number
the suspect fault condition

This information will help speed any repairs required.

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Procon Engineering
In exceptional circumstances, it may be possible to convert in the field an existing head
amplifier with Normal Gain Setup into a version with Reduced Gain Setup. This will require
a resistor, a soldering iron and test equipment to modify the head amplifier to the Reduced
Gain Setup.

This can be done by following the instructions described below.

Hardware Changes

It will be necessary to remove the board from the enclosure in order to make the hardware
changes. Follow the steps below.

• Isolate the power supply to the head amplifier from the source i.e the LDS cabinet.
• Undo the terminal screws of the 12 way black connector of the head amplifier card.
• Remove the head amplifier board from the enclosure beige terminal block.
• Conduct the following hardware changes in a clean and safe environment.

Replace R10 (100k) with a 10k, 1% metal film resistor (this reduces gain of ac amplifier
stage by a factor of 10) and mark the board “BR6” (build revision six) or higher.

It will now be necessary to replace the board back in the enclosure in order to power it up.

• Re-fit the head amplifier board back in its enclosure and the beige terminal block.
• Re tighten all the terminal screws of the 12 way black connector of the head amplifier
• Re-apply the power supply to the head amplifier from the source i.e the LDS cabinet.

Now the hardware changes have been made, the board will need to be set up as detailed

Since the head amplifier is being driven by the installed transducer it is now necessary to
remove the transducer from the structure borne probe and wrap it in a piece of bubble wrap
or similar to get a reliable zero input from the transducer.

High Frequency Setup

Locate RV1, RV2 and RV3 (if present), in top LH corner of board using the photograph
below. Locate RV13 and RV14 near bottom RH corner.

A) Adjust TRANS U Gain (RV1) halfway clockwise, ( centre). Connect a DMM (set
to measure volts) across pin 7 of A8 and 0V (pin8 of connector)

B) Adjust RV2 and RV3 (if present) fully clockwise

C) Adjust RV2 to give 0.00V at pin 7 of A8

D) Connect a DMM (set to measure milliamps) in series with a 250R resistor across
terminals 12 and 8 (terminal 8 is 0V) Adjust UmA Lo output to 4.00mA using RV14

E) Adjust UmA Hi output to 20.00mA using RV13 with squeaker switch pressed.
If Steps D & E cannot be achieved together increase the setting of the gain pot RV1

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Procon Engineering

Low Frequency Setup

Locate RV5, RV7,RV9 and RV8 (if present), in top RH corner of board using the
photograph below. Locate RV11 and RV12 near bottom RH corner.

A) Adjust TRANS GAIN A (RV5) and PLANT GAIN A (RV9) to halfway (centre 90 deg)

B) If RV8 and R65 present adjust RV8 to give 0.00V at top of R65 (this is fully

C) Adjust RV7 to 0.00V at top of R64 (near centre since RV7 connected across +/- 15V)

D) Adjust RV7 to give between 0.05V and 0.1V at A11 pin 7.

Press squeaker switch and check that this voltage rises to at least 100 times the voltage
without the switch pressed (i.e. >= 10.0V). If it does not, increase the Trans gain using RV5
or RV9).

E) Adjust RV15 to give 0.00V at A14 pin 10.

F) Connect a DMM (set to measure milliamps) in series with a 250R resistor across
terminals 10 and 8 (terminal 8 is 0V) Adjust Acoustic mA Lo o/p to 4.00mA using RV12

G) Adjust Acoustic mA Hi output to 20.00mA using RV11, with squeaker switch pressed.

If Steps F and G cannot be achieved together, check the conditions in D above to ensure
that the voltage with squeaker switch pressed is at least 100 times that without the
squeaker switch pressed. If this is not the case (probably due to drift of the low end), carry
out step D again.
If voltage with the squeaker switch pressed is not > 100 times the voltage without the
squeaker switch pressed, and the voltage without the switch pressed is <= 0.1V increase
the TRANS A gain by adjusting RV5 and repeat the procedure from Step D.

Attach Build Revision label to board to show that the modification has been carried out.

Remove the bubble wrap or similar from around the transducer and re-fit it to the structure
borne probe.

Locking Pots
Re-Seal pots RV11,RV12,RV13,RV14,Rv15 with locking paint.

The Head Amplifier should now be commissioned as described under section “2. Reduced
Gain Setup Procedure” This is done using either the “High Frequency Output Setup” or the
“Low Frequency Output Setup” depending on the suitability of the plant background noise

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