Integrated Science Notes Ch8 Electric
Integrated Science Notes Ch8 Electric
Integrated Science Notes Ch8 Electric
Dangerous circuit:
· never connect a circuit that does not include any devices using electrical energy
· the circuit would overheat
→ would cause danger
Test if the object allows electricity to flow:
· if the object allows electricity to go through
· the light bulb will light up
→ all the object made up of metal can
conduct electricity
different materials:
· electrical conductors
→ materials that allow electricity to flow through them
→ metals such as copper, aluminium and iron = good electrical conductors
→ electric wire usually made of copper
→ overhead power lines made of aluminium
→ non-metal such as graphite can also conduct electricity but only weakly
· electrical insulators
→ materials that do not allow electricity to flow through them
→ plastic, glass, wood, rubber
→ to prevent us getting an electric shock
· used to open or close a circuit
· here shown the path of electricity flow through the switch
· each atom has a nucleus surrounded by tiny electron
· in metals, some of the electron can escape from the
atoms and move freely
→ delocalized electrons / mobile electrons
electric current:
· means the number of mobile electrons that flow through a point every second
· use ammeter (1A/5A) to measure the size of an electric current
· unit of an electric current is ampere (A)
· An ammeter has a positive terminal (red) and a negative terminal (black)
· should flow into the ammeter at its positive terminal and leaves from its negative terminal
→ in a second, the more mobile electrons flowing through it, the larger the electric current
→ the more the dry cells, the larger the electric current
· measure of the amount of energy supplied to the mobile electrons by a source of electricity
· use voltmeter (5V/15V) to measure the voltage
· unit of voltage is volt (V)
→ an electric cell with a higher voltage supplies more energy to the mobile electron in the circuit
→ the total voltage across the connected cells is the sum of the voltages of all the electric cells
→ the higher the voltage, the larger the electric current
· measures the opposition of the material to the flow of the electric current
· unit of resistance is ohm (Ω)
→ conductor have low resistance while insulators have very high resistance
→ when the resistance of a circuit is higher, the current will be smaller
→ the thinner the wire, the higher the resistance
→ the loner the wire, the higher the resistance